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NATO: KSF obligations agreed in letters that are not public (RTS)

Kosovo authorities and NATO in letters exchanged in 2013 agreed on the obligation that Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) can not move northern of the Ibar River without KFOR approval. However, these letters are not available to the public, NATO officials said, RTS reported.

The obligation is clear, Kosovo Security Forces cannot move north of the Ibar River without approval of KFOR. Asked if it is possible to see the letters, the NATO official responded, “that this correspondence is not available to the public.”

He also recalled many NATO member states clearly told Pristina their move to transform Kosovo Security Forces into an army is ill-timed. He also warned it is important that everybody refrains from statements and steps that might have “unprecedented consequences.”

Speaking about KFOR, NATO official said “KFOR is in Kosovo to contribute to maintaining safety, security and freedom of movement. KFOR does it in an impartial manner, equally for all communities, based on the mandate as stipulated in UN SC Resolution 1244."