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Analysts: Fear of the inhabitants is justified (RTK2)

Commenting the statement of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic that representatives of the Pristina authorities were waiting for a favourable moment for the attack on northern Kosovo, analyst Nexhmedin Spahiu opined that this announcement serves “for the realization of what was already agreed”, while Aleksandar Stojanovic reminds that even in the past, there were flammable statements.

Analysis Nexhmedin Spahiu warns that the very statement “awaiting a favourable moment for the attack on the north” is “ear-splitting” and causing fear, adding that “it’s an announcement for something already agreed”.

“What is this all about, I cannot say, but the very fact that he talks about such things that are undesirable has two meanings, either to scare the people to accept any solution that he will sign or there would really be some incidents in order to implement what was already agreed with the Russians and Americans” Spahiu pointed out.

Spahiu believes that the President of Kosovo does not know the details of the plan.

“I am convinced that Hashim Thaci does not know the agreed plan, because he will certainly sign everything that is put on the table, so there was no need to inform him about the details, but only  about the things he can declare to the public, which is why he has changed thus far several statements and we cannot trust him that he knows what this is all about” Spahiu says.

Aleksandar Stojanovic, who is well informed about the political situation stated that in the past there were flammable statements and that the security situation in northern Kosovo should be re-examined by higher instances.

“I cannot speculate what Mr. Vučić wanted to say, except that there is evidence that the security is threatened. But this is already a question for the international community, Brussels, the Quint, the US Department of State, and all of them should be able to answer what they really think about it and whether the entire process of negotiations should in fact take place at the table” Stojanovic said.

Spahiu and Stojanovic agree in one thing, pointing out that the fear of the inhabitants is justified.

“When a president of one state, and the most powerful in the region, says something like that, then people have reason to fear, because that means that something is “cooking”,” Spahiu opined.

“We all want the peace and stability. Citizens are tired of every kind of tensions, as well as of the resolution of the conflict in the streets, because people expect things to be resolved at the negotiating table after five, six years of negotiations” Stojanovic said.