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South Kosovo Mayors of Serb majority municipalities congratulate the victory to the Serbian List (TV Most)

Mayors of the Serb-majority areas in the south of Kosovo congratulated their colleagues from four northern Kosovo municipalities on a convincing election victory, it was said in the statement.

“On behalf of the municipalities Gracanica, Strpce, Ranilug, Klokot, Novo Brdo and Partes, as well as on behalf of all citizens of our municipalities, we congratulate the President of Serbian List Goran Rakic, but also the mayors Zoran Todic, Vucina Jankovic and Srdjan Vulovic on the impressive result of the local elections in the north Kosovo and Metohija”.

“Your and our victory reflects unity of Serbian people, but also an example for all Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, which is the key to survival in this region. Likewise, this is the defeat of all those forces gathered around the opposition, who called for a boycott with the intention of weakening the Serbian people and to bring the Albanians at the helm of Serbian municipalities”.

“It turned out that all of attacks on Serbian people and Serbian List, such as attempts to seize Trepca, the annexation of northern Kosovska Mitrovica, the introduction of anti-civilization tariffs, even the show/rigged proceedings against the Vice-President Milan Radoicic could not jeopardize the Serbian unity and shake the confidence which the Serbian people gives to the Serbian List,” the statement said.