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Vucic's Kosovo plan at the special Assembly session (Politika, N1)

Today's edition of Belgrade's daily Politika writes about the upcoming Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's meeting with representatives of the Serbian List as well as the leaders of all Serbian institutions in Kosovo. The meeting was announced for Friday and will discuss further steps.

As stated by the Director of the KiM Office, Marko Djuric "all subsequent steps will be withdrawn in agreement with the elected representatives of the Serbian people, the representatives of the institutions of Serbia".

These days, the Serbian media reported about possible Belgrade counter-measures, which some ministers stand for, as Politika reports, but President Vucic is currently restrained arguing that for the first time now the Kosovo's institutions were mentioned as the main problem in the continuation of the dialogue, and not Belgrade.

After a meeting with Kosovo Serbs on Friday, as early as Monday, a special session of the Serbian Assembly will be held dedicated to Kosovo.

As Politika unofficially finds out, President Vucic will explain in his speech where is Belgrade after six years of dialogue with Pristina, what has been done so far in the negotiation process and what are the plans. It is possible that the session will talk about the counter-measures, which depends primarily on the meeting of Vucic with the political representatives of the Serbs from the province, according to Politika daily.

Interlocutor of Politika from Serbian government states that it is very important that ''the Assembly works, and that MPs learn from President Vucic how the negotiations were ongoing based on the 2013 parliamentary resolution, based on which Brussels talks were conducted. The interlocutor also states that "President of Serbia has clearly stated that Serbia will never recognize the independence of Kosovo, but that it is ready to discuss a comprehensive solution."

According to Politika, the special session of the Assembly possibly will reject the Pristina resolution on the alleged genocide of Serbia in Kosovo. President of the assembly committee for KiM, Milovan Drecun is for the adoption of the document on this topic. In his opinion, Politika writes, condemning the brutal crime of "ethnic cleansing carried out by the terrorist KLA", would amortize a campaign based on the brutal lies led by Pristina.

As the Serbian media reports, there is little chance that the opposition will attend a parliamentary session scheduled for Monday.

N1 reports today that the journalist Slobodan Stupar said that "the Parliament in Serbia no longer has any function, that Vucic destroyed all institutions, and that there is no need for the opposition to attend any events in the Assembly, such was the session on ''Tijana's Law'' or Kosovo.''

He adds that the opposition "is deep underground" and that it should survive until the day when Vucic 'fulfils his promise'.

Stupar lists the external factor as one of the decisive factors for the survival of Vucic in power.

"There is this factor, a balance, someone with its pushes and brakes, who determine a lot of things, and it is the foreign factor. People are brought to finish things on Kosovo, to bring Serbia into NATO ... They will do it, or they will be replaced, and I think they will finish it,'' said Stupar to N1.

He adds that now there are negotiating about "what after". "The last two, three years is being discussed exclusively about 'what when we're done, what will be with us' ... And that's important to them, because anyone who comes to power in Serbia has the need to be eternal ruler. Man, it can't go like that," emphasizes Stupar.

Speaking of where the opposition is, Stupar says:

"They are under water and breathe on a straw, it is in a deep trouble, their task is to survive by that and that date, and they are told - you will not receive support until Vucic completes the story on Kosovo, and we will let you know about the date."