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Vucic on KFOR’s statement: Not accurate (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said the situation of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija is more difficult today than yesterday, adding KFOR military mission is not neutral at all, Tanjug news agency reports.

Asked to comment on KFOR’s spokesperson Vincenzo Grasso statement that the biggest threat to the peace in Kosovo are the rhetoric of politicians and misuse of the media, as well as “that everybody was informed in advance” about yesterday’s police action, President Vucic urged KFOR to publicly state that fact – whom they have informed.

“KFOR does not say the truth, Vucic said, and explained – We have received intelligence information about it around May 15, and I went public with that information and a plea not to do that on May 17."

Commenting on the rhetoric KFOR mentioned, Vucic emphasized they are not status-neutral at all. “I urge the KFOR spokesperson to tell whom they have informed. Yesterday, at a certain moment, KFOR Commander did not answer a phone call of the Serbian Army Chief-of-Staff, and then we also did not want to answer the phone. We spoke only around 11.30 when we warned them about events. When it was the most difficult, there was no contact,” Vucic said, repeating KFOR does not tell the truth and it can be easily proven.

Vucic went on saying they think everything ended, but the situation today, according to him, is much worse and more difficult than yesterday at this hour. “Not only that we have intelligence information, but we also talk to our people in Kosovo and Metohija, and when it comes to them, the situation today is much more difficult than yesterday,” Vucic said.

He noted KFOR claimed it was an ordinary police action and asked does an ordinary police action include five trucks and 20 vehicles demolished, as well as to break all the windows in the houses police stormed and to beat up everybody they found.”

“Tomorrow, when we conduct police action in some parts under our control, then Quint member states and others would express grave concern and I do not know what else,” Vucic said.

“Let NATO do its job and when they are not doing it, it would be done by those who should do it. Concerning us, KFOR does not have to explain anything, let them just reduce their lies,” Vucic concluded.