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Vucic: Paris meeting, if it happens, more important than UN session (RTS, FoNet, N1)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic told the Serbian state broadcaster on Monday that the next week’s UN Security Council session on Kosovo would be less important than a meeting in Paris with the same issue on the agenda in July “if it happens,” the FoNet news agency reported.

Vucic added he had information Washington was involved in consultations about the meeting and that it could not allow another gathering to end in catastrophe and said if it became obvious the things would go in that direction, the meeting might not happen at all.

He said Belgrade’s readiness for the resumption of the dialogue with Pristina on the normalisation of relations was recognised in the world and that Pristina’s refusal to implement the Brussels agreement showed the difficult situation it was in and proved Kosovo Albanian leaders' weakness.

Vucic said that when the talks were about a compromise, something should be offered, but that Pristina decided it was easier for them to say Serbia should recognise Kosovo and that would be a done deal.

The north of Kosovo can not be under the sovereignty of Pristina

Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told O2 TV on Monday it was impossible to find any other solution to Kosovo except “to respect the situation on the ground.”

“Who controls it, it’s theirs,” Dacic said, adding that in that case, it was impossible for northern Kosovo to go under Pristina’s jurisdiction.