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UNESCO Director - General: "We are closely monitoring the situation in Kosovo" (KIM radio, Politika, Kontakt plus radio)

UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay said the United Nations institution is closely monitoring the situation regarding the UN mission in Kosovo.

"Our experts are helping to manage the World Heritage Sites that are listed on the Hazard List," Azoulay told Belgrade based daily Politika.

Responding to Politika questions on protected monuments in Kosovo, just after the end of her first official visit to Serbia, the former French minister of culture said that these objects are special, primarily because of their beauty.

At the same time, she said that UNESCO operates in a much broader concept than heritage.

"UNESCO, it is also a constant struggle for quality, inclusive education; it is a work in the field of science and oceans, it is a world-class laboratory of ideas, above all in the humanities and social sciences," says the UNESCO Director.

She noted that one difficult, but also crucial, aspect is the protection and restoration of heritage in conflict or post-conflict zones.

"I would say that the importance of acting in these places is even greater. That is why we have launched a major international cooperation initiative called the ''Revival of the Mosul Spirit'', with the aim of rebuilding this old Iraqi city, tormented by Islamic State occupation and violence," said Azoulay.