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Belgrade Media Report 20 April 2015



Serbian government officially tells Thaqi: You will be arrested (Beta)

The Serbian government responded officially to the Kosovo institutions that Kosovo Foreign Minister Hashim Thaqi will be arrested if he comes to Belgrade on 24 April, Beta has learned.

As stated, Thaqi will be arrested because there is a court verdict against him, and a warrant based on it. The same source told Beta that Belgrade’s liaison officer received an official request from the Kosovo institutions to approve Thaqi’s arrival for the meeting of an NGO in Belgrade. In accordance with the agreement on visits of officials, Pristina was officially told that Thaqi will be arrested if he comes to Belgrade.


Vucic: We will act according to the law in case of Thaqi’s arrival (RTS/Tanjug)

In case of the arrival of Kosovo Foreign Minister Hashim Thaqi in Belgrade, the state will act according to the law, Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said in Novi Pazar. He reminded the present reporters that there is a verdict against Thaqi and pointed out that the state will act according to the law. Vucic added that nobody was exerting pressure on Serbia in regard to this issue, adding nothing would be achieved with pressure.


Djuric: Another Albanian provocation (RTS)

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has told RTS that the information of Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaqi’s possible arrival to Belgrade next week represents another Albanian provocation. While no official information or demand has been received with regards to Thaqi’s visit, he added that the Serbian government was not organizing any kind of gathering that the former leader of the terrorist KLA might attend. Djuric has specified that at issue is the invitation by a non-governmental organization, which in no way binds the state of Serbia or represents the position of the official Belgrade in the dialogue process.

On the eve of the next round of the dialogue in Brussels, Djuric says that the first six points of the Brussels agreement that refer to the rights of residents in Kosovo and Metohija are completely non-implemented. “We want to talk in order to realize these points. Our people want certainty that is provided with agreements, but it is necessary to implement what has been agreed,” says Djuric. He says that other topics to be discussed will be the issue of property, energy, and telecommunications. “Details of the topics to be discussed depend on the time that we will have at our disposal,” says Djuric. He says that Belgrade fulfilled everything that this agreement stipulates and that he now expects the international community, as the guarantor of the agreement, to fulfill their part of the job. “The establishment of the Union of Serb Municipalities is something we will certainly manage to do since the government will persevere on this,” said Djuric.


Topic of “Berlin conditions” opened on the eve of Belgrade-Pristina negotiations (Danas)

Why have the 11 German conditions for opening Chapter 35 become the main topic for Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic in the statements to the media? The Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun opines that Dacic only timely points to the problem with the German Bundestag, which can be solved, in his opinion. “Germany has its conditions for opening Chapter 35, according to which we need to position ourselves. I don’t believe that Berlin will strictly adhere to this if we present a good analysis of what is possible, what and when was realized, and what has already been implemented. Dacic speaks about this, since he sees the biggest problem in this. Germany is the most important EU member state and it is in our interest to resolve simultaneously all issues that are set to us,” says Drecun. Even though he expects the Bundestag to discuss the Serbian fulfillment of the German conditions, Drecun says there is no reason for this to be discussed in the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija and at a session in the Serbian parliament. He thinks that the negotiators are fine with the parliamentary resolution, based on which the Brussels agreement was signed two years ago.


Francken: Chapter 24 to be opened as soon as possible (Radio Belgrade)

Belgian State Secretary for Asylum and Migrations Theo Francken said that in regard to Serbia’s European course it is very important to open negotiations on Chapter 24 (justice, freedom, and security) as soon as possible. At a joint press conference with Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic, Francken said that this is important because of even more successful fight against all forms of organized crime and extremism, as well as internal security. Francken commended the Serbian government for its commitment to the continuation of the European path. Stefanovic said that the Ministry of Interior is about to complete the third version of the Action Plan encompassing all the objections submitted so far by the European Commission. He explained that after the European Commission approves the Action Plan, all the technical conditions will be met to open Chapter 24.




Kosarac: OHR is in the service of Bosniak politics (Srna)

Chairman of the SNSD Caucus in the House of Representatives of the B&H Parliament Stasa Kosarac strongly criticized the response of OHR and other international organizations on the adoption of the Declaration of the National Assembly of the Republika Srpska (RS), warning that once again they have put themselves in the service of the Bosniak politics and fulfillment of the SDA and other Sarajevo Bosniak party’s war objectives. “The views of the OHR are fully in accordance with the views of Bakir Izetbegovic and do nothing to promote lasting peace and stabilizing of the political situation in B&H. Furthermore the attitude of OHR dangerous prejudice the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding the status of January 9th, National Day of the RS, whose dispute would bring the heaviest blow to the Peace Agreement since the time of the Dayton agreement until today,” said Kosarac. He said that the OHR, whose officials with their decisions violated on the most drastic way the human and civil rights of the removed officials, is the last organization that can speak about “the rule of law in B&H”. “It is appallingly hypocritical that OHR speaks about the final and binding decisions of the B&H Constitutional Court, when in March 2007 OHR has issued the institutions that explicitly prohibited enforcement of the decisions made by the B&H Constitutional Court in which the Court found that the removal of two RS and B&H officials is in violation with the Geneva Conventions and their human rights,” said Kosarac. He stressed that the OHR officials have lost their credibility in the eyes of the citizens and that their days in B&H are numbered. “Both the Council of Europe and the Venice Commission recommended ten years ago that the OHR should leave B&H. Since then, the High Representative and his office here breathe through a straw and are held artificially, they do not serve any purpose except representing Bosniak politics and policies of a number of international power brokers and sponsors,” warned Kosarac. He welcomed the adoption of the Declaration at the RS National Assembly regarding the possible challenging of the RS Law on Holidays by the B&H Constitutional Court, and expressed his satisfaction with the strong and unified position of the Serb MPs in this regard. Kosarac also supported the part of the declaration of the RS National Assembly, which calls for a law on the Constitutional Court of B&H, which would stipulate the composition, selection, organization, jurisdiction, procedure and other issues relevant to the work of that institution. “All Serb delegates in the B&H Parliament also need to show unity and jointly propose and support this bill, so that the idea of using the Constitutional Court for decomposition of the B&H Constitution and of the Dayton Peace Agreement never crosses a mind of anyone from Sarajevo ever again. We will consider the ways how to implement this request made by the RS National Assembly, but I personally think that this issue should be one of the key conditions for presence and operating of the Serb representatives in the B&H institutions,” concluded Kosarac.


The decision on the activation of SAA on Tuesday? (Srna/Dnevni avaz)

The EU should issue a formal decision on the activation of the complete Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with B&H on Tuesday, April 21, writes Dnevni avaz, citing sources from Brussels. It is expected that the ministers of European integration that make up the General Affairs Council, are going to confirm without a debate the decision on the conclusion of the agreement, at their meeting in Luxembourg, after almost eight years since the signing of the SAA. B&H initialed the SAA in 2008, which activated only the trade part of the agreement, but not the political which treats the association and membership. By adopting the Declaration on European commitment and reforms, B&H has fulfilled requirements which Brussels has demanded from her, writes Dnevni avaz. The Sarajevo daily quotes a statement by the diplomat from Brussels who believes that the establishment of a coordination mechanism with the EU is going to be the first and most important task for B&H. At the same time, he warns that “the EU will not give in to B&H, or look through her fingers”. According to him, the authorities need to stabilize the situation in B&H and stop the departure of its citizens due to poverty and unemployment. “Our money will wait for the reforms in B&H and will not come sooner,” said an unnamed EU official.


Dzaferovic: After SAA enters into force, numerous obligations await B&H (Oslobodjenje)

Governments at all levels in B&H in the near future should be focused on the stabilization of the political situation, said Sefik Dzaferovic, Chair of the House of Representatives of B&H. He recalled that the European Union in the coming days will make a final decision on the entry into force of the Stabilization and Association Agreement with B&H. “It is certain that after the statement by the B&H Presidency was signed and affirmed by both houses of parliament, the SAA will enter into force, because there are political decisions. On what day that will be can't be specified. But after that, numerous obligations that B&H has will enter into force,” said Dzaferovic. The B&H Presidency accepted a statement on B&H's European commitment, which was then approved in the B&H parliament after the leaders of major political parties signed off on it in November of last year. Appearing as the keynote speaker at Sunday’s regular session of the Association of Independent Intellectuals – Circle 99 on the topic “B&H after implementing the election results – how and what next?”, Dzaferovic said that practically speaking the implementation of the electoral results after last year's general elections in B&H has concluded.

“Now is the moment that we remind all political actors in B&H what they did during the campaign, during the post-election period when alliances were made, to go to work as soon as possible,” said Dzaferovic. Speaking on the current political situation in B&H, he said that the stabilization of the country is essential, which assumes a blockade of the European and Euro-Atlantic security path. In addition, economic and social measures are an imperative for improving the lives of citizens. “This should be the topic, how to do this. We need a serious and responsible government, and this is an opportunity to tell governments that they must seriously approach the realization of these questions. The international community needs a more decisive role in B&H as well,” said Dzaferovic, noting that it cannot be free of responsibility and its role in B&H, which must be emphasized. He noted that there must be a constructive opposition in B&H, a constructive non-governmental sector, and a free media that represents a correction on the authorities.


Washington visit successful - talks to continue in B&H (Srna)

The RS Finance Minister Zoran Tegeltija told Srna that the RS delegation had held successful talks in Washington with all representatives of international financial institutions, and announced that the talks would continue in B&H.  Tegeltija said that the delegation of the RS government, headed by Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic, had concluded their visit in Washington, where they had taken part at the spring session of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). “All these meetings that we had in Washington we used as opportunity to present our program of economic reforms, foreseen by the Work Program of the RS Government and the 2015 Economic Policy,” emphasized Tegeltija in his telephone statement from Washington for Srna. He said that the RS’ delegation, together with representatives of the World Bank and IMF, had reviewed the key policies that should be implemented in RS, but also in B&H as a whole. “As regards the policies, there is agreement between governments of the RS and the Federation of B&H, and representatives of the World Bank and the IMF on many issues relating to what needs to be done in B&H,” emphasized the Finance Minister. Tegeltija said that the agreement had been reached that the World Bank, IMF, and the European Commission together would monitor the reforms in B&H. “We expect to hold a joint meeting at the beginning of May, when we will review all defined policies in both entities. We hope that we will then be able to harmonize all the details, as, prior to this meeting, the IMF mission will be in B&H already, starting from April 28,” emphasized Tegeltija.


Announcements from B&H concern Croatian generals (Fena)

Retired Croatian General Pavao Miljavac, President of the Croatian generals Association (HGZ), the association that brings together about 70 retired Croatian generals and admirals, expressed on Saturday the concerns of generals and senior officials of the Croatian Army in regard to alleged announcements of indictments by the courts of B&H for alleged war crimes from the 90s, calling these announcement – “mini Hague”. “The problems have accrued and we will seriously engage ourselves, because we consider it unacceptable, after the acquittal by the International Court in The Hague, some senior officers of the Croatian Army are being called by Sarajevo to testify as witnesses in front of their courts,” said General Miljavac at the press conference after the HGZ’s session in the House of Croatian Army in Zagreb. “'Nobody knows what is happening and everyone is silent,” added Miljavac, refusing to give the names of the mentioned officers. He stressed that it is not just a matter of being a witness, but that they have the information that some of them have been indicted for war crimes, adding that “it is a lot of them”, but that he has no right to talk about their names. General Miljavac has urged the media to “investigate the matter”. President of the Croatian generals Assembly also reminded that the Croatian army in its liberation actions during the war in Croatia and B&H has fought on the basis of international agreements and conventions between the Croatia and B&H. He said that according to international conventions it is permissible to enter the territory of a neighboring state up to 60 kilometers if you have been attacked from that territory or you estimate a war threat from that territory. “According to these conventions on that territory, you must not establish the authority or remain permanently,” explained general Miljavac. He declined to elaborate more on the alleged war crimes indictments, reiterating a call to media to actively engage in the investigation of judicial practice in B&H.




IOC President Thomas Bach visits NOCs of Serbia and Kosovo (, 18 April 2015)

International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach visited the National Olympic Committees (NOCs) of Serbia and Kosovo on Friday for talks on Olympic Agenda 2020, the role of sport in society, and the recent recognition by the IOC of the Kosovo NOC.  Kosovo was granted full IOC recognition at the 127th IOC Session in Monaco in December 2014. In the Serbian capital Belgrade, President Bach praised the President of the Serbian NOC Vlade Divac for the progress made in Olympic sports. “We really appreciate the great progress that Olympic sport has made in Serbia,” he said.  “If you see the progress from the Olympic Games in Beijing where you were in 61st place to London where you finished 42nd, this is a remarkable success. This is particularly impressive given the not always easy conditions in Serbia,” he added. The IOC President met with representatives of the 38 National Sports Federations of Serbia. He finished his trip at an elementary school to see “EcOlympics Serbia,” a project funded by Olympic Solidarity through the “Promotion of the Olympic values” programme. EcOlympics Serbia is a national programme to educate school children about the importance of environmental preservation, healthy and active lifestyles, social responsibility and volunteerism.


Montenegro to Chair OSCE Security Cooperation Forum (BIRN, by Dusica Tomovic, 20 April 2015)

Montenegro will take over the four-month chairmanship of the OSCE's Forum for Security Cooperation, which works on arms control and conflict prevention work in member countries.

Montenegro on Monday is taking the chair the Forum for Security Cooperation, the main independent body of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), which works to increase military security and stability in Europe. It will chair the Forum, which deals with some of the most fundamental political and military agreements between OSCE states, until the end of July. It also provides practical assistance to address the proliferation of illicit small arms and light weapons and works to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

In recent months, the forum has played an active role in seeking a settlement for the Ukrainian crisis and combating international terrorism. Montenegro's chairmanship will focus on security sector reform in OSCE states, control of conventional weapons, small arms and ammunition depots, according to a government report which BIRN has seen. The regional dynamics of the arms trade in the context of border security in the Mediterranean region is also one of the issues which the Montenegrin chairmanship will deal with.  "The chairmanship will be an opportunity for the further affirmation of Montenegro as a responsible member of the OSCE and a constructive partner in the region of south-east Europe," the government report said. The Forum consists of permanent representatives of all 57 OSCE countries, and meets weekly in Vienna to negotiate concrete measures aimed at strengthening security and stability throughout Europe. The chairmanship to the Forum shifts from one country to another in accordance with the French alphabet. From January to April it was led by Mongolia, and Monaco will assume the chairmanship in August.


Montenegro Police Urged to Solve Ex-MP's Murder (BIRN, by Dusica Tomovic, 20 April 2015)

Montenegro's ruling party and opposition urged the police to thoroughly investigate the murder of former lawmaker Sasa Markovic, who was shot dead on Friday. The chairman of the parliamentary defence and security committee, Mevludin Nuhodzic, said on Sunday that he wants senior police and prosecution officials to appear in parliament for questioning after the assassination on Friday of former lawmaker Sasa Markovic. Nuhodzic said he wants to summon the interior minister, the director of the police, the head of the National Security Agency and the Supreme State Prosecutor after several opposition parties urged the assembly not to allow a cover-up. Markovic, 48, who was an MP for the Liberal Alliance of Montenegro before leaving politics in 2005, was murdered in Becici near the coastal town of Budva on Friday evening. He was assassinated in what media reports called a "typical ambush" while approaching his home. He was in a car when an unknown attacker appeared out of the nearby forest and fired several bullets. Markovic was hit in the head and died immediately. "That was a cowardly and brutal murder this has to be the most serious warning to the responsible authorities to act more efficiently to prevent killings and also to deal more seriously with unsolved murders," Nuhodzic said. Montenegrin Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic said on Saturday that Markovic's killing showed that there needed to be improvements in law enforcement. "This murder, as well as some earlier cases, point to the need for raising the level of responsibility within the relevant state services," Djukanovic said. Markovic served as a deputy in both the Montenegro and the Serbia and Montenegro parliaments in the early 2000s and was known as a fierce critic of the Djukanovic's government. For the past few years, he has been in the real estate business.