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Belgrade Media Report 24 April 2015



Serb List returns to Kosovo institutions (Novosti)

The representatives of the Serb (Srpska) List have decided to return to the Kosovo institutions after two months of boycott, as they received the guarantees from the leaders of their coalition partners that the central tenets of the coalition agreements would be obeyed. One of the main reasons for the Serb representatives’ return to the provincial assembly and government is the agreement that in the future there will be no unilateral moves by any of the coalition partners, especially with regards to the privatization in the majority Serb communities. In the upcoming period special attention will be paid to the improvement of the economic situation in those areas, protection of the Serbs’ rights and their property, process of the return of refugees to Kosovo and Metohija, as well as the stronger presence of Serb representatives in the provincial institutions, reads the statement. With the aim of more efficient treatment of those subjects, the inter-ministries groups will be formed, the Serb List announced.


Drecun: Serbia has nothing against Kosovo receiving SAA (B92)

The EU Special Envoy in Kosovo Samuel Zbogar said that the EU would adopt on 30 April the Stabilization and Association Agreement with Kosovo. The Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said he had nothing against that. “The Brussels agreement prescribed that Serbia and Kosovo will not obstruct each other on the EU path. The EU is trying to stabilize the situation in Kosovo, let us recall the recent large migrations from Kosovo to EU countries,” Drecun told B92. He stressed that the decision of the Serb (Srpska) List to return to the Kosovo institutions was a result of a process and that it didn’t come suddenly. “That is a result of the realization of the Albanian leaders that the capacity of the existing Assembly in Pristina has been much weakened without the Serb List and that it doesn’t have full legitimacy. The change is that Serbia contributed with strong activity for the Albanian leaders to pass such a decision, and the international community made it clear that the functioning of the system is impossible without the Serbs. This time the Kosovo Prime Minister had given stronger guarantees that the coalition agreement will be respected and that they must commence the realization of the Union of Serb Municipalities. If this doesn’t occur, the problem will re-appear,” said Drecun.

EU and U.S. criticize Thaqi (Blic)

The representatives of the EU and U.S Embassy in Pristina criticized the Kosovo authorities over the decision of Foreign Minister Hashim Thaqi to ban the visit of the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric, Blic learns in diplomatic sources. Djuric was supposed to visit Gracancia today and to attend in Pristina a meeting on the second anniversary of the Brussels agreement. One of the envisaged speakers Samuel Zbogar subsequently learned that Thaqi banned Djuric to visit, and even the Minister in charge of the Brussels dialogue Edita Tahiri wasn’t informed about this.


Orlovic: Key deficiency is small number of trials; Vekaric: Prosecution’s capacity extremely small (Danas)

The Humanitarian Law Center (FHP) presented the Model Strategy for the Prosecution of War Crimes Committed during and in relation to the Armed Conflicts in the Former Yugoslavia (Model Strategy). The objective of the Model Strategy is to stimulate the relevant institutions to adopt an official state strategy for the prosecution of war crimes committed in the armed conflicts during the 1990’s on the territory of the former Yugoslavia, and provide a comprehensive, informative and objective contribution to the production of this Strategy. Sandra Orlovic, FHP Executive Director, pointed out that in Serbia 175 persons are brought to justice and are indicted for war crimes, 68 of whom are legally convicted. According to her, the key deficiency of prosecution for war crimes is a small number of trials. “If the present dynamics continues, in the next 10 years 300 suspects would be brought to justice and indicted for war crimes, and in the best case scenario, 150 people would be sentenced. We believe that this data is unacceptable and is insufficient. There is a need for drastic institutional changes in regard to the prosecution of these crimes in Serbia,” explained Orlovic, adding that in the records of the War Crimes Prosecution show 800 unsolved cases. She noted that the FHP is talking about the need of the state strategy for prosecution of war crimes for several years, and that in this area there are serious problems for which solution it is necessary to have a systematic and strategic approach. According to her, the basic aim of the strategy would be to significantly reduce the war crimes impunity through correction of the existing deficiencies in the normative and institutional framework and providing the necessary conditions for strong intensification of war crimes prosecutions. Deputy War Crimes Prosecutor Bruno Vekaric said that the capacities of the War Crimes Prosecution are extremely small and that only 24 people are working on the cases related to thousands of victims. “To hire someone, we need the money from the budget. How to prosecute the war crimes if you do not have the money for the investigation,” said Vekaric. He also stressed that it is difficult to find witnesses of war crimes and that it is not easy to break the vow of silence.


Kukan: We are requesting annulment of verdict against Thaqi (Novosti)

“There is no official recommendation of the European Parliament (EP) for Serbia to re-examine or annul the verdict against Kosovo Foreign Minister Hashim Thaqi,” the Head of the EP Delegation for Serbia Eduard Kukan told Novosti. “My opinion is that Serbia is a sovereign country and as such it decides on this matter without any recommendations, regardless of where they are coming from.




Hahn: Immediately approach the preparation of the reform plan (Dnevni avaz)

European Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn, after the EU finally gave the green light for the entry of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) for B&H into force, said in an interview for Dnevni avaz that from the B&H authorities he expects to immediately begin work on the commitments that entails a new contractual relationship between the EU and B&H.

“The EU is indeed strongly dedicated to the perspective of the B&H membership in the EU! I intend to revisit B&H, already in the coming months,”' said Hahn. Speaking of the entry into force of the SAA, which should take place on 1 June, Hahn points out that this agreement can serve as a “springboard for deep reforms in the country concerning the EU accession”. “These reforms should be aimed at improving the lives of people, as well as the convergence of state for the EU membership. The SAA also establishes the legal and institutional framework, which includes the country’s relations with the EU through the accession. This means that the B&H would be considered a reliable international partner of the EU and its member states,”' said Hahn. He stressed that the SAA will require the implementation of EU laws and standards. “It will help the citizens of B&H to have access to better and safer goods and live and work under the same rules as the EU citizens,”' said Hahn. When asked about his expectations at the moment, taking into account that the government is finally formed, after six months, Hahn said that the government should immediately start to work on the draft of the reform plan. The Foreign Affairs Council of the EU, led by the High Representative Federica Mogherini, said Hahn, was very clear at its meeting in March. “B&H should follow the steps outlined in the written statement, which was adopted in February, to develop an initial plan for the reform in agreement with the EU,” the European Commissioner told Dnevni avaz.


OHR: B&H is not on the right side when it comes to the fight against terrorism and its financing (Dnevni avaz)

Principal Deputy High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) David Robinson warned that B&H is not on the right side when it comes to the fight against terrorism and its financing. Robinson points out that there is no “gray area” when it comes to the fight against terrorism and its financing, and warns that B&H must decide whether to be a part of the fight against terrorism or to be the weakest link. “There, you must be on the right side, and now you’re not,” Robinson told Dnevni avaz. He noted that the issue of Moneyval is disturbing and that B&H might be the only or one of the few countries that is generally reported by the Moneyval Financial Action Group. “Do you really want to be like that? There’s no room for jokes. That is not a position that you need. You are either aligned with recognized, effective and respected international principles of fighting terrorism and terrorist financing or not,” said Robinson.


Radical Islam in the region (Srna)

The attack at the Macedonian border, performed by the Islamists linked to the Wahhabi movement in B&H, created and developed by the “El Mujahedin’, shows that Macedonia is the weakest point of the Western Balkans stability, although it is under control of the US and British forces, including NATO, assessed the expert on counter-terrorism Dzevad Galijasevic. “Dozens of people known to us from the “El Mujahedin” movement, who are from Sandzak, Kosovo and Macedonia, are present and participate in organizing of conflicts and the creation of an Islamic society in Macedonia. The so-called Liberation Army of Macedonia or Kosovo or the Presevo Valley - represent one form under which Islamic and terrorist structures and individuals associated with B&H operate,” said Galijasevic. He specifies that these individuals: Kemal Muric (Sandzak - Rozaje), Belmir Tumbul (Sandzak – Prijepolje), Husein Ademi (Macedonia - Skopje) frequently visits and stays in B&H, Sabahudin Izairi (Macedonia - Tetovo ) frequently visits Sarajevo and stays in B&H, Dzevad Rizvanovic (Skopje – Macedonia) frequently visits and stays in B&H and Kosovo, Seljadin Dzeza aka Hodza (Skopje – Macedonia), a former Commander of Macedonian Mujahedeen Muhamed Hadafan Gamili, religious leader of Macedonia’s Mujahedeen Sheikh Ahmed Ali Sedan, Idriz Biljbani, who operates in Pristina, and resides in B&H and Kosovo, Adin Hajradinovic from Pec, Rizvan Cazimi aka Captain Leshi from the Presevo Valley, who live in Kosovo. “For recruitment and operational activities of Islamic extremist and terrorist networks in Kosovo of special importance are numerous registered and unregistered Islamic NGOs that are active in Kosovo, especially those under which umbrellas Islamic extremists operate,” said Galijasevic. He states that most important of them are: Saudi Joint Committee for the Relief of Kosovo, Islamic Humanitarian Foundation “El Haramein”, Al Waqf Al Islami, the World Association of Muslim Youth, Islamic international aid organization, The Global Fund for help, The Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage and Kaliro yl Mileris aka “Supreme Goodness”. “To mention that in March 2013 in Kosovo, the first political party of Islamic fundamentalists was officially registered “The Islamic Unification Movement” acronym in Albanian LISBA, which propagates the Pan-Islamic ideas formed by the radical Sunni leaders,” notes Galijasevic. He said that the unofficial party leader is Fuad Ramici, who fought during the 1990s in B&H and who believes that “the state cannot be democratic if it imposes secularism”. “Ramici is associated with the Muslim Forum of Kosovo, which is the fundamentalist branch of the European Muslim Network, led by Tarik Ramadan. The LISBA is also closely associated with religious organizations in B&H and coordinate its operations with similar groups in Albania and Macedonia. The LISBA presents a formal proof of the Muslim Brotherhood activity in the Balkans supported primarily by Qatar,” says Galijasevic. He warns that the Islamic society in Macedonia and the Balkans is being built in B&H, and that the Islamic society in B&H is the plan and legacy of Alija Izetbegovic. “From 1991 to 2001 - a whole decade, such B&H has represented the most important center of world’s terrorism. In February of 1996, the most important Al Qaeda’s military formations on the planet the El Mujahedin numbered 1.774 soldiers, and not only soldiers but the preachers too. After the war in B&H, by planning and with a mild support from Western intelligence services, unpunished after the crimes, they spilled through the Balkans and Europe, but also around the world,” he said. Galijasevic emphasizes that their contribution to the development of extreme Islamist formations in Kosovo and Macedonia is undoubted. ‘What Afghanistan gave to B&H, the Islamist networks from B&H gave to whole Europe. And the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army and other military formations were under the influence of Mujahedeen’s from B&H,” notes Galijasevic in an interview with Srna. He believes that the attack in Macedonia is clear evidence that the cooperation of militant Islamist factor in the Balkan region is at its highest level, both the personal and organizational. “Wahhabis from Bosnia, Kosovo, Sandzak and Macedonia are connected, they carry out joint lectures, meetings, funding of joint projects and are having B&H as a base, management and action center,” warns Galijasevic. He points out that, although the Wahhabi leaders from B&H are formally not managing the structures in Kosovo, Sandzak and Macedonia, however, logistic support, financing of terrorism and sources of religious and political support are coming from B&H, which makes the influence of the B&H Islamists huge and undeniable. Galijasevic in this regard considers that the Court of B&H, headed by Meddzid Kreso and Goran Salihovic is an “umbrella” and the protection of any potential and active terrorist in B&H, as well as the main culprit for such criminalized attitude of judicial institutions towards the radical Islamists and terrorists. “Particularly the prosecution, which is aimed at smoldering the investigations against the holders of a political support for extremists, and which has the right and the obligation to conduct investigations, indictments, fight before the judicial institutions that the holders of these ideologies and activities are punished, are being turned into intelligence and propaganda center to address politically motivated protections of Mujahedeen and the high-ranking members of the SDA, like the Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of B&H Sefik Dzaferovic - at the cost of conducting the fictitious investigation of General Sakib Mahmuljin,” says Galijasevic. He points out that the real fight against terrorism begins in the society, continues in the security agencies, but ends in judicial. “However, the society, the security agencies and the judiciary are weak, corrupt and incompetent for this fight,” warns Galijasevic. When it comes to security agencies in the region, Galijasevic notes that their cooperation is always related only to a certain time and a certain concrete action, and is not permanent and intensive. “There is still no willingness to fully monitor and control all the identified groups of radical Islamists in the region, and the security agencies from B&H, Serbia, Kosovo and Macedonia take adequate measures which are synchronized and continuously,” says Galijasevic. He notes that cooperation among security agencies is insufficient and reduced to an exchange of information on already established offenders for whom the international arrest warrants are issued, which contributes to the uninterrupted sending of soldiers to the Syrian battlefields. “The European strategy is primarily based on the prevention of terrorist attacks by an increased action of intelligence services and active international exchange of intelligence information, prevention of money laundering and cutting the channels through which the individuals, organizations or states fund terrorists,” says Galijasevic. He added that the EU also builds a vision of further escalation of terrorism prevention by means of resolving regional conflicts, primarily in the Middle East, and the Mediterranean. Unfortunately, notes Galijasevic, the fight against terrorism must be adapted to the minimum common interests of the great powers that follow the logic of their own economic and other interests, often causing instability in entire regions and continents. “I hope that our region is not going to be again a training ground for this kind of conflicts in which the terrorist infrastructure could cause irreparable consequences and hope that the attack on Macedonia is not going to be the beginning of the opening of a new Islamist front and the battlefield,” said Galijasevic.






Serbian Official Defiant Over Kosovo Visit (BIRN, by Una Hajdari, 23 April 2015)

A senior Serbian official has said he will proceed with his visit to Kosovo, even though it has not been approved by the Kosovo authorities. Marko Djuric, head of the Office for Kosovo in the government of Serbia, has said that he is planning on going to Kosovo on Friday even though the visit has not received a green light from the Foreign Ministry of Kosovo. “I have received information from the government of the province that it is unable to allow a visit to Gracanica, which was supposed to be organized today and tomorrow. All I can say is: See you in Kosovo and Metohija,” Djuric said, using the Serbian name for Kosovo, a former province of Serbia that declared independence in 2008. Djuric was due to visit Pristina as well on Friday, and appear at a conference, as well as visiting Gracanica, the Serbian enclave close to Pristina. Visits of Kosovo and Serbian officials to the respective countries are organized by the liaison offices and require approval from the relevant government institutions. Kosovo Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci was recently denied a visit to Belgrade to participate in a conference, with the Serbian side citing an outstanding warrant for his arrest. Thaci said recently in an interview that the decision to deny him entry to Serbia and the threat to arrest him “would have consequences”. However, he downplayed talk of retaliation towards Serbian politicians. “The behaviour of Serbia will serve as an example of how we shouldn’t act towards our neighbours,” he said. Visits of Serbian officials have been organized in cooperation with Pristina, with the Kosovo side ensuring the safety of the officials and assisting them with transport. Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and President Tomislav Nikolic have visited Kosovo within the last year, both times with the coordination of Pristina.


Serbian people couldn't but show solidarity with Armenia: President (PanARMENIAN, 24 April 2015)

Serbia never presumed to avoid participation in the Armenian Genocide centennial events in Yerevan, President Tomislav Nikolić said. As the Serbian leader noted in his speech at the Genocide centennial commemoration event in Tsitsernakaberd, "today, when the very term "genocide" became a subject of political manipulations, when victims of the tragedy are demonized, Serbian people, who also fell victim to tragic events, couldn't but show solidarity with Armenia. We couldn't but recognize the truth and learn lessons from the past. We have to be citizens of the world and respond to tragedies that can affect our common future."

"Serbian people realize what happened to Armenians in the Ottoman Empire 100 years ago. We won't allow political correctness to harm people worldwide. Regardless of faith, language and race, we have to unite our efforts in the face of global challenges," Nikolić stressed, according to Armenian media.


Karadzic Seeks Meeting on His Worsening Health (BIRN, by Denis Dzidic, 24 April 2015)

The former Bosnian Serb president has asked the tribunal to hold a status conference in June to discuss his health, prison detention conditions and other objections. Radovan Karadzic has written to the judges of the International Criminal tribunal of the former Yugoslavia, ITCY, asking for a status conference between June 1 and 9 to discuss his health, as he has high blood sugar levels. Karadzic wrote on Thursday that he also felt “alarmed by the deteriorating health conditions of other detainees in The Hague” and wanted to discuss overall conditions in the Scheveningen prison. The former Bosnian Serb political chief stated further that he has yet to receive all exculpatory evidence from the Hague prosecutors – and would soon file his 98th motion objecting to disclosure violations by Hague prosecutors. “Karadzic believes the trial chamber should take a proactive role in ensuring that all exculpatory material is disclosed to him prior to the judgement,” Karadzic said in his motion. Finally, Karadzic said holding a status conference would be a “convenient forum to update the parties on the anticipated date of the judgment before the parties and the public”. The former president of Republika Sprska and supreme commander of its armed forces is on trial for genocide in the eastern Bosnian town of Srebrenica and several other municipalities, for persecution of Bosniaks and Croats, for terrorizing the city of Sarajevo and taking UN peacekeepers hostage. The verdict is expected in October.


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