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Belgrade Media Report 4 August



Dacic: It was West that drew our borders, not Moscow (Novosti)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated that Serbia attended the Adriatic Charter Summit in Podgorica, Montenegro as an observer but that does not mean that it agrees with everything that was said during the Summit, including the claims that Russia is using force to draw borders in the region. Dacic commented on statement of US Vice President Mike Pence who urged countries of the Western Balkans to decide on their own destiny and who also presented accusations against Russia which might especially affect Serbia. “When it comes to drawing of borders, this was done by the West in Serbia. We expect from USA exactly what Pence said – to support us but also to leave every country to decide on its own future. Serbia knows what is best for it,” Dacic said.


Drecun: Pristina a base for Albanian mafia (RTS)


Since the arrival of the international community, the territory of Kosovo and Metohija has been turned into a black hole of Europe and the largest hot bed of organized crime, which poses a problem both for the region and Europe, the Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun told the morning broadcast of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS). Kosovo’s attempt to join Interpol is compensation for the stalemate on the path of acquiring full international subjectivity of the self-declared state, says Drecun. “It is unacceptable for Serbia for a self-declared state to become a member of Interpol. With possible membership in Interpol they would receive a shortcut to issue warrants and to put them into effect directly, and not through UNMIK,” says Drecun. “It seems they have given up the attempt to try again to join UNESCO this year, which shows that they can’t break the UN system so easily with all the support and pressure of the US and other Western countries on UNESCO member states, so there is complete stalemate on this path of acquiring full international capacity through possible membership in Interpol,” says Drecun. He stresses that Kosovo is in a pat position considering that they cannot progress towards that goal and it is clear that at issue is a base for the Albanian mafia. Drecun points out that the globalized Albanian mafia is spreading so it is necessary to reinforce the fight against crime and that the leaders of organized criminal groups such as Fatmir Ljimaj, Sulejman Selimi and Ramush Haradinaj wish to have leading political posts.


Admitting Kosovo in Interpol a dangerous precedent (Tanjug)


Possible admission of Kosovo in Interpol would represent a dangerous precedent and threat to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the member state of Interpol – Serbia, the Head of the

Directorate for International Operational Policy and Cooperation with the Serbian Interior Ministry Milan Dimitrijevic.  “With possible admission of self-declared Kosovo in Interpol possibilities of abuse would open, possible issuing of red warrants against standards and procedures, clearly defined by the rules of international police cooperation, as well as fear that with possible membership there would be abuse of data base of Interpol,” Dimitrijevic told Tanjug.


SRS: Vucic needs to state what is the new path for Serbia (Beta)


The Serbian Radical Party (SRS) has called Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to explain what is this new path in the upcoming dialogue on Kosovo, and for which, as he put it, the Serbs are not prepared. The SRS says in a statement that Vucic as the Serbian President doesn’t have the right or authority to do anything for which the nation is not prepared. “His mandate is limited with the Constitution and only in this framework is he allowed to act,” reads the statement.

Recalling that it will not take part in the upcoming internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija, the SRS notes that the issue of Kosovo and Metohija needs to be frozen, returned to the United Nations, along with insisting on the respect of UNSCR 1244 and seeking assistance from Russia “as the power protector”. “The media should not spin that postponing the resolution of this problem is an invitation for war. The SRS doesn’t not want war and it is precisely because of this that the problem needs to be frozen and to wait for better times for Serbia,” reads the statement, recalling that Kosovo and Metohija makes up 13 percent of Serbia’s territory, and that 58 percent of real estate in the province belongs to Serbia in the cadaster.


Sheholi: Dialogue leads to progress (Blic)


Despite certain skepticism, Aleksandar Vucic’s initiative for a dialogue on Kosovo is viewed as a move of a realistic politician that leads to progress, Kosovo political analyst Fatmir Sheholi tells Blic. “As regards the initiative of the Serbian President on an internal Kosovo dialogue in Serbia, I stress that he is a realistic politician who doesn’t want to undertake steps without the will of Serbian citizens, even though he won at the elections with vast majority. This initiative is viewed in Kosovo as a move that leads to progress and normalization of Serbian-Albanian relations, even though there is also skepticism here (especially in academic circles) about the sincerity of that process,” says Sheholi. According to him, the dialogue in Brussels has brought certain results, so it is important both for Serbia and for Kosovo that it continues. “These results are very important for continuing the dialogue, along with precise implementation of what had been agreed – such as the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities. Of course, the dialogue is conducted in order to find compromise solutions, thus, it is important that nobody loses anything in it, and that both sides are content. This is the most difficult political formula, but the only one that can bring progress in future joint European projects,” he said.




Croatia marks Oluja, while Serb(ian)s say operation is disgrace, crime (N1)


Croatian politicians and citizens will mark the 22nd anniversary of Croatian military-police operation known as ‘Oluja’ (Storm) in Knin on Friday. Meanwhile, political leadership, citizens and associations in Serbia will mark killing of Serb(ian)s near Novi Sad on Friday. Addressing a press conference in Banja Luka on Thursday, Director of the RS Documentation-Information Center ‘Veritas’ Janko Velimirovic said that a huge number of civilians was killed in the operation. Croatians believe that the operation was legal, Serb(ian)s characterize it as a disgrace and a crime, while politicians in B&H never discuss this topic. A delegation from the RS led by RS President and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik will attend the manifestation titled ‘Dani Tuge i Sjecanja’, scheduled to be held near Novi Sad on Friday. Dodik is also expected to address the attendees along with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and thus, remind of the killed Serb(ian)s and around 800 of them who are yet to be found. On the other hand, Chairman of BiH Presidency and leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic told N1 on Thursday that he was not invited to attend a ceremony that will be organized in Knin, to honor the operation ‘Oluja’, but he added that he will go to Sinj, on 5 August.


Ivanic, Vucic meet in Belgrade (BHT1/TV1)


Serb member of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic agreed in Belgrade that good relations between Serbs and Bosniaks are required for maintaining peace and stability in the region. They also discussed political and economic relations of B&H and Serbia. Vucic said that good relations between Serbs and Bosniaks are very important for maintaining peace and stability of the region and the economic progress of the Western Balkans. Ivanic shared Vucic's opinion and added: "I think that many turbulent situations are happening in the region and it is very important for the countries in the region to exchange opinions and form some kind of a common position. The main goal of that will be to ensure economic stability in all areas were Serbs live and to strengthen their political positions." Following the meeting, Ivanic told the media that former Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic joined this meeting with Vucic at some point. Ivanic confirmed that they discussed the position of Serb people in the whole region. “I am glad that the meeting regarding marking of events in ‘Oluja’ (‘Storm’) will take place tomorrow (Friday) and it will gather a number of Serb leaders from the region”, stressed Ivanic.


Sarovic calls on EC to react to Croatia’s decision on increase of fees (TV1)


B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Mirko Sarovic said that Croatia has to revoke this decision. Sarovic sent a letter to the EC and asked for EU's reaction on this matter, because with this decision Croatia violated the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) signed with the EU. The fees for phytosanitary inspection of fruit and vegetables were increased 22 times compared to the previous period. Every individual inspection of fruit and vegetables increased from EUR 12 to EUR 270. Croatia has also extended the list of fruit and vegetables that have to go through phytosanitary inspection. Sarovic commented on Croatia's decision: "With this Rulebook, Croatia has clearly put the fruit and vegetable producers in BiH and their products in an unequal position in comparison with the fruit and vegetable producers in Croatia and their products. Croatia's decision is in direct violation of international trade obligations, because it discriminates import." A meeting is scheduled to discuss this matter in Sarajevo on Monday. The Ministers of Agriculture of B&H, Serbia, Montenegro and fYROM will attend this meeting.


Covic: We must meet obligations re Transport Community by end of this month and re Questionnaire by end of November (Dnevni avaz)


Chair of B&H Presidency Dragan Covic stated in a brief interview for the daily that lack of the parliamentary majority at the FB&H and state levels must not reflect on Euro-Atlantic road of B&H. “We must meet the obligations regarding the Transport Community by end of the month and regarding the Questionnaire by end of the ninth month, and I am sure that we can solve the issue of excise duties too if we will implement and not misuse the Coordination Mechanism”, he stressed. Covic also said there is no need to comment certain statements about how he is among the others destructing the Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) of B&H, adding that “this tells more about those who send them (the statements) out for daily political purposes”. Covic also said that such statements will not stop him in attempt to relieve the intelligence sector of B&H of political influence. According to Covic, intelligence sector must be free of “partisan or national influence and any politics”, which is not case today. He also dismissed allegations about destructing the work of B&H Council of Ministers. “We are not the ones destructing the Council of Ministers, because if we were, that Council of Ministers would not exist. But, we will be clearly talking about what is unrealistic today in the OSA and in the Council of Ministers. Because, the Council of Ministers cannot be rewarded by our compliment. It is necessary to openly talk about it, primarily through parliamentary discussions, and I think there were such discussions now regarding the Report on Work of the Council of Ministers”, Covic emphasized, adding that HDZ B&H will clearly express its stance in the upcoming period about what it thinks about intelligence structures and judicial institutions of B&H.


Taravari: The Law on Languages will pass during the first 100 days of this government (Meta)


All sides are well coordinated and there aren’t any coalition obstacles for discussing the Law on Languages. The proposal will pass at the government’s session during the 100 days of the start of the new government, said the Minister of health, Arben Taravari. “The Law will pass in government and will be sent to the Venetian Commission. What we, as a political party, have promised before entering the government, as a Movement for reforms at DPA, and what we have said on the first day we entered government, we are saying it again. Will we leave the government if this doesn’t pass? There is no need for leaving the government as we are coordinated and this bill shall pass,” said Taravari.


Baily: The Law on Languages should fall within the guidelines of the Ohrid Framework Agreement (Meta)


US Ambassador Jess Baily believes that the Law on Languages should be fall within the guidelines of the Ohrid Framework Agreement and to create an inclusive society. “The law on languages should fall within the guidelines of the Ohrid Agreement, which was an important agreement. This is an important issue to discuss and find solutions that are both creating an inclusive society and an inclusive political system, but also maintaining the unity and common sense of purpose among all the peoples’ of this country”, said Bailey in an interview for Alsat- M, while answering the question whether he expects the law to be accepted by all ethnic communities. Regarding the de-politicization of the institutions, which is part of the “3-6-9” plan, the US ambassador says it is possible, but it takes time to feel the effects. “People have to get used to new ways of doing things. Look, in institutions there is a long history of political culture here. You will not overcome that overnight. You have to be willing to go step by step and you’ll look back and see a large reform that has always started with a few small steps”, says Baily.




Russia urges US to stop vilifying its policy in Balkans (TASS, 4 August 2017)


MOSCOW - Moscow calls on Washington to stop vilifying its foreign policy line in the Balkans, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Thursday in a comment on a number of claims U.S. Vice President Michael Pence had made earlier in the same day in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro. "The U.S. Vice President has again made public a series of anti-Russian statements as he tried to scare the leaders of West-Balkan nations with the mythical Russian, reaching a point where he accused Russia of attempts to forcibly redraw the borders between countries in the region," the commentary said. "With much sadness, we have to state Washington is sinking deeper and deeper into the primitive ideologically-tainted formulas of the Cold War era that are a wide cry from reality," it said. "Imposition of a destructive alternative suggesting ‘either with the West or with Russia’ will inevitably push up tensions in Europe and will destabilize the situation in the region on the whole and in separate countries," the commentary said. "Along with it, the U.S. is actively peddling the thesis that there is no alternative for South-Eastern Europe to joining NATO," the ministry said. "This goes along with the superimposing of projects based on unscrupulous competition and contradicting the logic of economy." Moscow recalled in this connection that it was the U.S. and its allies who crudely violated international law in 1999 and purported an illegitimately use of force to tear Kosovo away from Serbia. "As a result, one more hotbed of conflicts emerged in Europe," the commentary said. "Under tough pressing from Washington, the Montenegrin government formalized the country’s membership of NATO on June 5, 2017, contrary to the will of the majority of citizens there." "The U.S. and the EU defiantly ignored the will of voters in Macedonia by making it impossible for the party, which won the December 11, 2016, election, to form the cabinet," the ministry said. "So who is interfering in the internal affairs and using force in the Balkans, Moscow or Washington?" "We call on our U.S. counterparts to stop vilifying Russia and its foreign policy, which is always based on respect for partners and readiness for fruitful work, as well as on the mutual account of interests," the commentary said.