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Belgrade Media Report 05 December 2018



European Commission: Tariff problem can be solved, Hahn asked Pristina to do it (Beta)


European Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations

Johannes Hahn asked his hosts in Pristina, on Dec. 3, to discuss a 100-percent tariff on products from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) before relevant forums, so that a tangible and quick solution could be found, as the problem "can be solved for the benefit

of all." These were the words of Hahn's spokesperson, Maja Kocijancic, speaking in Brussels on Dec. 4, when she also noted that the commissioner was prepared to engage in the process.


Kocijancic underlined that during his visit to Pristina, Hahn had requested that the Kosovo authorities withdraw the 100-percent tax they had imposed on imports from Serbia and B&H, because the move was contrary to regional cooperation, the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) and the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA),

over all negative effects on the region notwithstanding. A journalist's question had been

what the EU could do to make Pristina respect the CEFTA and SAA, given that the Kosovo authorities refused to withdraw the increased tariff, despite Hahn's request.


Kocijancic wanted to make it very clear that "regional trade and economic cooperation are important for economic growth and preparations for an entry into the Union's internal market." She explained that "the partners on both sides are those to discuss proposals, and Commissioner Hahn is ready to take part in the process."

"Our position is very clear, there's no change and we'll continue to work within that framework," Maja Kocijancic said.


When asked if the EU possessed some tangible measures it could implement for the authorities in Pristina to respect the European Commission's request to withdraw the 100-percent tax, she said that Commissioner Hahn discussed very specific matters on Dec. 3. It's his partners on the ground that matter, they are the ones to discuss it, and I believe that the European Commission, when it comes to those specific measures, has offered a very clear position. We will continue to act, and we believe this can be solved for the benefit of all, Kocijancic said.


Meeting with UNMIK regarding the agreement (Vecernje Novosti)


The meeting between the representatives of Serbia and UNMIK, on the request of the Serbian government for the start of direct consultations in regard to violation of the CEFTA Agreement, was held yesterday in Belgrade. The meeting was held with the highest UN officials in our country.


Chepurin: Pristina's moves "result of nervousness and dead-end" (Tanjug)


Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Chepurin says Pristina's tax on import of goods from Serbia is a farce whose consequences "could be many." He believes that such decisions made by Pristina are a consequence of nervousness and a feeling of being at a dead-end, as more and more countries are withdrawing their recognition of Kosovo.

"Now there are already 11 countries that have withdrawn their recognition of Kosovo. That's already a trend, that is unnerving Pristina" said Chepurin.  They expected, the ambassador continued, to join Interpol, but instead suffered a disaster there, and hence the nervousness of Pristina.  Chepurin, who on Tuesday met with President Vucic, recalled "the strange practice of Pristina that has been observed lately, and that is 'the hallway diplomacy'."

But Pristina did not pioneer this approach, he continued, as dozens of other unrecognized territories have also tried "to chase people down corridors, but later, when they realized it was not dignified and normal, stopped with such attempts."

In resolving the Kosovo issue, the main negotiator is neither the EU nor Russia, but without any doubt Serbia, because without Serbia there is no solution to this problem, said Chepurin.

"Many countries have a similar problem and are afraid of such a problem. That's why Serbia should have intense conversations with them. Serbia has a good reputation," said Chepurin.


He added that Russia's position on the issue of Kosovo is not changing, that his country - which does not recognize Kosovo as independent - adheres to certain principles and UN Security Council Resolution 1244, "which more and more countries are now saying is the right framework for resolving the Kosovo issue."

The essence of this Resolution, the ambassador said, is that it supports the territorial integrity of Serbia, which is the real framework for regulating the Kosovo issue.

"Russia's position has continuity: we supported, we support, and we will support Serbia," Chepurin concluded.


Scott: The EU and the United States united - abolish the tariffs (Tanjug)


US Ambassador Kyle Scott said the United States and the EU are united in the belief that tariffs should be abolished.

"The normalization of the relationship between Serbia and Kosovo is the only way to stability and prosperity." The US and the EU are united in the belief that tariffs should be abolished" Scott said.


Vucic and Kurz discuss current political situation (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz had a telephone conversation on Dec. 4 about the current political situation, the Office of the Serbian President

reported. President Vucic thanked Chancellor Kurz, whose state chairs the Council of the European Union, for a personal role in solving problems in the Balkans, and in the efforts to reduce tensions. Vucic also thanked Kurz for support to Serbia's EU accession.


Djuric: Formation of Kosovo army threat to security of Serbia and the region (RTS)


Serbian Office for Kosovo and Metohija chief Marko Djuric said on Dec. 4 that Pristina had "wiped the floor" with attempts by some European representatives to get Kosovo to lift a 100-percent import tax on Serbian goods, and that announcements of the formation of a Kosovo army

were the most direct threat to the security of Serbia and the region.

"This kind of army would serve exclusively for conflicts with Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and to protect what they call the independent state of Kosovo... Serbia will not allow and not have its hands tied if anyone tries to threaten its security" Djuric told RTS.

Djuric said that KFOR and NATO were obligated by U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244 to disarm the army if created. He said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had pointed out the seriousness and danger of the situation with European Commissioner Johannes Hahn and the ambassadors of Russia, China and the U.S.

Djuric said that he was sure that Pristina's measures would not be enacted if everyone in the international community used their authority. Djuric condemned a ban on the entry of the Belgrade Partizan basketball team to Kosovo, describing the act as the "ghettoization of Serbs."


Drecun: Belgrade can’t prevent creation of Kosovo’s army (N1)


Milovan Drecun, the head of the Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo, said Serbia could not block the transformation of Kosovo’s Security Forces (BSK) into an army but could ask Washington and NATO to guarantee the force would not cross into the north, N1 reported.

Drecun added the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on normalization of relations would continue and that Pristina made some moves to secure a better position in the final stage of negotiations in Brussels, under the European Union auspices.


Asked for how long the dialogue could be on halt, Drecun said it was good it hadn't failed, adding he believed the talks would resume after Pristina “removes all obstacles which it methodically introduces.”


He referred to the increase of import tariffs on goods from Serbia and Bosnia to 100 percent and the transformation of the BSK into an army. However, he said he was convinced the hurdles would be removed because the US advocated a compromise solution. And because, as he put it, “the alternative would be new conflicts, new violence, Greater Albania...”


Commenting the announced creation of Kosovo’s army, Drecun said the West gave the green light for the move “to help unite Pristina’s politically opposing sides and make them adopt a unique approach to the dialogue (with Belgrade).” He said that the BSK had already become a “typical military formation with four strike force units, a total of 2,500 members and with a plan to increase the troops figure to 5,000 soldiers with an operational reserve numbering 3,000 people.”


Drecun said Kosovo’s authorities were trying to maneuver the creation of the army since it could not go through a legal proceeding without the support of Serb members of the parliament.


Brnabic: I hope Serbia won't have to use army - but it's an option (Tanjug)


Commenting on the announced formation of an army in Kosovo, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday that she hoped Serbia would not have to use its army. But, Brnabic added - addressing journalists during a news conference at the seat of the Serbian government in Belgrade - "that is one of the options."

"I hope that we will never have to use our army, but at the moment it is one of the options on the table, because we cannot watch a new ethnic cleansing (of Serbs) and new storms (an apparent reference to Croatia's Operation Storm) - although (Prime Minister of Albania) Edi Rama is calling for them," she told journalists.  The prime minister said she would "ask all European leaders what they would do if they were in her place."

She reiterated that her government's priority is education and digitization, and that it is in "a schizophrenic situation - whether someone will, contrary to everything normal, all the agreements, and even their own acts, create an army, and on December 15 move to subjugate people only because they are Serbs."

Brnabic remarked that since the time Aleksandar Vucic became prime minister, Serbia has been investing in raising its defense capacities, because they had been devastated. "When someone knows you have a strong army, then they have to sit down and talk to you," said Brnabic.

The prime minister, however, did not wish to comment on media reports that Americans are sending weapons to Kosovo (via Albania) - pointing out that this is "a serious issue" and that she hopes that there will be "a sufficient amount of reason on the part of the United States to know what is good for their partners in Pristina."


Ana Brnabic also said during the news conference that the sole goal of Edi Rama's latest statements is political spin, and blaming Serbia for all the unreasonable decisions made in Pristina.  Brnabic, reacting to Albanian PM's statement made in Croatia - who said that Serbia had "violated the CEFTA (free trade agreement) - said she thought he was responsible, but was unfortunately wrong.

"I think that the job of a government, if one is responsible, which I thought Edi Rama was, is to deal with concrete things and truths that will contribute to the quality of the citizens' lives in the future," the prime minister said, according to Serbia's public broadcaster RTS.

As she pointed out, without the stability of the region, there will be no safe and stable country in that region.  Brnabic added that she "does not like to respond to completely bold-faced lies and groundless claims" - but did it this this time, considering the difficult situation.

The prime minister said that her first thought was that over in Pristina, "they should have agreed on what their explanation for the introduction of the (100 percent) tax on products from central Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina would be - and then stick to that explanation, instead of changing it every week."


She recalled that the first explanation was that the tax was the answer to Serbia preventing so-called Kosovo from joining Interpol.

"I think we all heard that, both Serbia and other countries, the EU and the international community," the prime minister said.  But, according to her, "when they saw this made no sense and was not holding water" they changed the explanation into accusing Serbia of having violated the CEFTA agreement.

"Let's agree on why the taxes have been imposed, so that we can respond to it. Is it because of Interpol, or because the CEFTA agreement has been violated by Serbia?" Brnabic asked.


She added that she found it incredible that Edi Rama "went a step further to say that Pristina had complained about the violation by Serbia, but received no reaction from the other side."

"If Pristina did complain, please show us this complaint. This is either black or white, there is no gray zone," Brnabic pointed out, stressing that the CEFTA agreement is clear and unambiguous and that there is an official formal complaint process.

The prime minister also said that Serbia complained (about Pristina's taxes) on November 27 by sending an official request to the CEFTA Secretariat.

Brnabic added that if it turns out that there is no evidence that Pristina had also complained (prior), then Edi Rama has tried to deliberately deceive the public in the region and in the EU.


Moscow: Formation of Kosovo Army violates UN Security Council resolution (Tanjug)


Pristina's plan to form its own army is a violation of the UN Security Council Resolution and another destabilizing and provocative step after the introduction of taxes on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), the Russian Foreign Ministry announced.


"Pristina has announced plans to adopt a decision on the establishment of Kosovo armed forces on December 14," the Russian ministry said, and warned that "such a step would be a direct and obvious violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which is the only international legal document on the solution to the Kosovo question" the agency Tas reported.

"The resolution implies only the deployment of international multinational troops in the region" the statement said.


As further stated, Pristina is preparing to take "another destabilizing and provocative step after the introduction of a 100 per cent tax on products from Serbia and B&H".

"The actions of the Kosovo authorities to form their own army (even violating their constitution) can lead to the most serious consequences not only in the area with the Serbian population, but also for the security of the entire Balkans" the statement said.

"We expect Kosovo forces to implement their mandate and take comprehensive measures to neutralize and disarm such an institution in case it is created" the Russian ministry said.


" Pristina’s sponsors, the EU and the US - should exert strong pressure on Kosovo Albanians in order to reverse their provocative decisions and to prevent tension build up" the Russian Foreign Ministry concluded.


CIA sending ship full of arms to Kosovo army (Vecernje Novosti)


A ship with a container full of the latest weaponry for the needs of (a future) Kosovo army is on its way across the Atlantic to the port of Durres in Alabania. According to the newspaper, the dangerous cargo will be from there taken to Kosovo Security Forces bases. The daily further cites the data received by the Serbian security services, to report that "this comparative arrangement is part of Pristina's scenario to take control of the northern (Serb) part of the province."

In addition, Vecernje Novosti reports, Serbian operatives have obtained information that the Kosovo secret service has distributed automatic rifles to some of the former and current associates in the southern part of (ethnically divided) Kosovska Mitrovica, as well as to other persons from "state institutions" who are trained to use them.

"This hellish game that is behind the curtains lead by America, fits into the plans of the Pristina authorities who intend to on December 14, in violation of all agreements, establish 'the Kosovo Army'," the paper said.

Vecernje Novosti also claims that the idea to impose additional (100 percent higher) taxes on goods from central Serbia came from Washington. "They, via Thaci and his minister Endri Shala, suggested to the Kosovo government the introduction of the tax, to spur Haradinaj into making even more radical measures," an unnamed source told the Belgrade daily.

As the source explained, this was meant to provoke Belgrade's reaction and lead to a limited conflict in the north of Kosovo.

"Because of this, Pristina is demanding that KFOR strengthens its the presence in the north and hermetically closes the 'border' towards central Serbia, supposedly in order to prevent the smuggling of goods," the unnamed source said.

Vecernje Novosti added that Pristina intends to execute a complete blockade of northern Kosovo and Metohija in the event of a possible deterioration of the security situation due to the Serbs' resistance, and to close the administrative crossings Brnjak and Jarinje with the help of KFOR.

In addition, the paper also stresses that KFOR, in case Belgrade, as a countermeasure, stops the water supply from Gazivode, would take control of this strategically important lake on its behalf.

"That would achieve the goal - establishing control over the entire territory of Kosovo and Metohija," Vecernje Novosti concluded.


Selakovic: Citizens must understand how serious our situation is (Prva TV)


Nikola Selakovic told Prva TV on Wednesday that there is no confirmation that Washington is sending a ship full of weapons to the (future) Kosovo army.

"The very fact that the formation of the so-called Kosovo army is being considered, which is contrary to all international regulations, but also to those adopted in Kosovo, shows that they would stop at nothing," said the secretary general of the Serbian president.

Asked to comment on Belgrade press reports that a ship full of the latest weapons was heading towards Albania, with the intention of reaching Kosovo, and on Washington's orders - Selakovic said that for the time being he had no confirmation of this information - but that he did not find it surprising.

"We urge all citizens of Serbia and we appeal on them to see what is happening and to be aware of how serious the situation we are in is. The most serious so far," Selakovic said.


Minister Joksimovic meets Bundestag's MP (Beta)


The Serbian minister in charge of the country's accession to the European Union, Jadranka

Joksimovic, met on Dec. 4 with Renata Alt, a member of the German federal parliament, to discuss bilateral relations, Serbia's activities in the accession process and the situation in the region. Minister Joksimovic said that in Serbia's eyes it was imperative to preserve regional stability and cooperation, explaining that destabilization was not in Serbia's interest.

She was quoted by her ministry as saying that Pristina's decision to raise duties on imports from

Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, "supported by Tirana," was "threatening the fundamental values of the Union and regional stability, which might translate into a long-term European problem."

The German MP said that her country was monitoring very carefully the regional developments,

and that it was interested in preserving peace and stability, the ministry went on to say in a press


Minister Joksimovic noted that Serbia was committed to the EU accession, placing special emphasis on reforms, especially those provided by the Chapters 23 and 24 on the rule of law.

Joksimovic said that the Serbian government had accepted all recommendations by the Venice

Commission, the Council of Europe's authority that was quite positive regarding Serbia's constitutional amendments shaping the national judiciary.


UNMIK knew all along about atrocious crimes against the Serbs in KiM, purposely kept quiet and refused to give the evidence to the authorities (Kurir)


UNMIK knew all along about the organ trafficking of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) which happened during the period between 1998 – 2001, but it purposely kept quiet and coverup the evidence, claims media center Russian Express.

In addition, international prosecutor, as the documents show, lied and deceived Serbian public officials that it doesn’t have the evidence regarding these atrocious crimes, which in time mysteriously disappeared.


Russian Express published on its Facebook page exclusive documents – the copy of confidential report by UNMIK office for missing persons from 18th of Jun 2004, which shows that the UNMIK’s team of investigators and forensics was at the scene of the notorious “yellow house” in the north of Albania, near Burelja, and that they have collected from the scene a number of evidence, important for the further investigation.

As stated, evidence was stored at the premises of the Office for missing persons in Orahovac, after which they lost any trace.


In 2008, Republic of Serbia war crimes prosecutor’s office filled the request to the International police unite for the investigation of the war crimes, to investigate the claims that former Chief Prosecutor of United Nations international criminal law tribunal Carla Del Ponte made in her book, regarding the human organ trafficking, but got the reply from the international prosecutor Annunziata Caravola, that she knows nothing about it.


Now, thanks to the published documents, it is evident that UNMIK conducted the investigation. In the documents, all the premises of the “yellow house” have been described in detail, area around the house, together with the means which were used during the forensic analysis.

Detail forensic analysis showed visible traces of blood, and that everything was properly filed and photographed, writes Russian Express. The report cites a team of eight people who carried out the investigation, and at the bottom of the document the names of two forensic investigators Fridelund and Greng who sealed the box with the evidence.


Milorad Linta, Chairman of the Diaspora Assembly Committee, said that this is the proof that UNMIK was bias and that it was always on Albanian side. “It was always important for the Albanian mentors in Washington and other Western centers of power, to hide the KLA crimes, to justify the thesis that Serbia was the occupier and the KLA liberation army” said Linta.


Former was crimes prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic also said that they asked UNMIK for the data regarding the human organ trafficking, but that they didn’t get it. “We asked UNMIK for the data, and they told us that they don’t have them. After that we contacted The Hague, but they told us that they have destroyed them (they are being destroyed because their due date has passed, after six months). They suggested to me that I can get that data form the UN Security Council, which is the founder of UNMIK. We finally got the data from the Security Council after the third request.


Milovan Drecun, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for KiM, said that all this is well known. “UNMIK collected the evidence regarding the human organ trafficking, and then cover-up the case. I also don’t believe that Carla Del Ponte didn’t know about that crime at the time when she was the prosecutor. They decided to hide the Serb victims to appear that only Serbs committed the crimes. Everybody is responsible for this – UNMIK, those who have written the report and didn’t publicly talked about it, those who were responsible to follow the report and collect new evidence, large part of the international community” said Drecun.


Serbia opening two new chapters on December 10 (Tanjug)


EU member states agreed that Serbia, at the Intergovernmental Conference on December 10, opens two new chapters in EU accession talks, learns Tanjug in Brussels. EU members have agreed that on December 10, Serbia opens chapter 17, which deals with economic and monetary policy, and Chapter 18, which is statistics.

This consent should be confirmed by the ambassadors of the EU member states tomorrow.

As Tanjug learns from European diplomatic sources, the Intergovernmental Conference of the EU and Serbia will be held at 3 pm in the European Council building. With these two chapters, Serbia will have a total of 16 open and two temporarily closed chapters in the negotiations on EU membership.


Bosnia and Herzegovina


Dodik leaves meeting with PIC over absence of RS flag in the room (N1)


Chair of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik walked out of a Presidency meeting with a delegation of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) Steering Board on Wednesday because the flag of Republika Srpska (RS) was not displayed there.

Dodik apologized to the PIC members as he left the meeting, saying that according to article three of B&H’s Constitution, which is part of the Dayton Agreement, B&H is composed of RS and the Federation of B&H, and that this is why the RS flag should be displayed in line with the constitution. Dodik said that, given that RS flag, which is one of the two equal entities in B&H, has not been featured, there are no conditions for holding the meeting, after which he left the meeting and returned to his cabinet.

The move surprised the PIC members, as well as the other two members of the Presidency.

A top official from Dodik’s Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD), Stasa Kosarac, said at the time that the law governing the display of flags was, was imposed by a former High Representative and that the SNSD will not respect such laws.

Dodik on Wednesday insisted that the flag should have been put up in the meeting between the Presidency members and PIC.


Komsic: Problems between Belgrade and Pristina cannot affect B&H (Dnevni list)


Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Zeljko Komsic and newly appointed Serbian Ambassador to B&H Aleksandar Djordjevic met in Sarajevo on Tuesday. According to a statement issued by the Presidency of B&H, they talked about open issues between B&H and Serbia, such as unresolved border issue and use of hydro-potential, which should be resolved through honest dialogue with the support from experts. The statement further reads that Komsic stressed that he understands difficulties in reaching agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, adding that “reaching of a final agreement can in no way affect B&H”. Komsic and Djordjevic also said that trade exchange between the two countries should increase and that economy should have important place in cooperation between the two countries.


Palmer: Dodik remains under sanctions of US (TV1)


US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Matthew Palmer stated on Tuesday that Chairman of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik remains under sanctions of the US. Palmer, who is currently visiting B&H, said that Dodik remains under sanctions of the US since the fact that he assumes the post of a member of B&H Presidency, is not one of the criteria to abolish the sanctions. Palmer underlined: “Dodik knows what he is expected to do in order to remove the sanctions and we would like to see him going in this direction”.


Palmer also stated that B&H needs to implement election results as soon as possible and complete the reform of the Election Law. Palmer explained that this reform cannot be imposed by the international community (IC), but rather that the authorities in B&H need to propose it and implement it.


Commenting on NATO’s decision to invite B&H to submit the annual national program, Palmer welcomed such a decision in a sense of a broader regional interest when it comes to security, announcing that the US will continue supporting B&H in the defense reform and in its efforts to strengthen relations with NATO. He also said that he believes Serbia is not against NATO, as it has good and productive relations with the Alliance, which are much better and stronger than (NATO’s) relations with B&H. According to Palmer, the United States has the vision for the Western Balkans, which would be based on the rule of law and cooperation among states; he concluded that Russia does not have that kind of vision.


Palmer was asked if Dodik’s election to the post of the Serb member of the B&H Presidency might endanger B&H’s aspirations on its path towards the Euro-Atlantic integration. Palmer said that the US will be committed to work with all members of the B&H Presidency, including Dodik.


Palmer also called on the Kosovo authorities to annul the decision on 100 percent customs duty measure introduced for goods imported from B&H and Serbia. He said that these measures represent an obstacle to continuation of the dialogue with Serbia.


B&H gets green light for NATO's plan activation (N1)


NATO foreign ministers approved on Wednesday the Membership Action Plan (MAP) for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), a step forward in the country's relationship with the alliance, it was confirmed at the ministerial meeting in Brussels.

The ministers were set to discuss among other topics the situation in the Western Balkans at their two-day meeting, including the next steps in developing NATO's relationship with B&H, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced in a press conference earlier this week.

“I expect the ministers to endorse NATO's readiness to accept B&H's first national programme,” he said, adding it will be up to B&H's authorities whether they will seize the opportunity.


Dodik: I will stick to RSNA resolution on military neutrality (BN TV)


Chairman of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik reacted on Tuesday to the fact that NATO is expected to approve the annual national program for B&H, which – according to BN TV – practically means activation of the NATO Membership Action Plan (MAP) for B&H. In his reaction, Dodik stated that he will abide by the RS National Assembly (RSNA)’s Resolution on Military Neutrality and that he will not endorse anything that is not in line with it. Dodik said that, when it comes to the RS’ attitude about some ten years ago, the international circumstances and development of geostrategic positions created a context at that time in which accession was talked about, reminding that registration of military property was defined as a condition for MAP activation. According to the B&H Presidency Chairman, at that same time even Russia talked with NATO about its membership in it while the geopolitical situation today is completely different. The B&H Presidency Chairman went on to say that “NATO bombing of Serbs on two occasions i.e. in the RS and in Serbia” is the key issue that led to the RS’ attitude to NATO that involves military neutrality.

“Geopolitical situation has totally changed nowadays; I do not know why the intention was to accelerate this right now; whether to test B&H or to show the absurd situation in the country?” Addressing media on Tuesday, he also underlined: “We (the RS) clearly expressed our stance over the NATO through a political consensus of all political parties in the RS that is still in force. All political parties reached an agreement on the military neutrality. Besides, the RSNA established the same stance which is also my own policy. I have no other stance than the policy of the RSNA”.


Reactions of other B&H officials to activation of MAP for B&H (RTRS)


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stressed that there should be no NATO border between Republika Srpska (RS) and Serbia, reminding that all political parties (in the RS) agreed to follow Serbia’s views and moves with regard to this issue.


On the other hand, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated: “The secret that was kept very well is out. The MAP will be activated, the first Annual (National) Program will be adopted, which I certainly welcome. These things will happen. Some people will have certain remarks, of course, but they will be unable to bring into question or stop this process in any way.”


SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic voiced satisfaction with the fact that the MAP is about to be activated, as well as hope that possible obstructions will be overcome in the best interest of all citizens of B&H. If NATO opens the door to B&H on Wednesday, the question remains if there will be new pressures in order for 20 prospective military locations in the RS to be registered at the level of B&H, the reporter concluded.


RS President Cvijanovic meets Serbian President Vucic in Belgrade (TV1)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic paid a visit to Belgrade on Tuesday and met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. On this occasion, she emphasized that Serbia supported the RS and that Serbia will support the RS. Cvijanovic expressed gratitude to Vucic for his awareness that he demonstrates for the significance of the RS and said that Serbia represents a stronghold and support to the RS that leans on everything that happens in this country. She added that many things bring the RS and Serbia closer together. Cvijanovic stated: “What is important is the fact that Serbia recognized the need to take care of the RS”. In the end, Cvijanovic stressed that she is ready to implement reforms and announced launching of a national program of renovation of the RS. Cvijanovic also said that she will appreciate anyone’s help and support, adding that she does not doubt in the support of Vucic and Serbian institutions. During the meeting, Vucic congratulated Cvijanovic on election to the post of the RS President and wished her success in the future work. Vucic underlined: “As the President of the Serbia, I wish that you guard the RS, I wish that peoples and citizens of the RS are content”.




CEI Summit in Zagreb ends; Hahn calls for abolition of Kosovo’s customs tariffs (HRT)


A two-day Summit of the Heads of Government of the Central European Initiative (CEI) in Zagreb ended on Tuesday. The meeting of 18-member states of the CEI marked the end of Croatia’s one-year-long presidency over this institution. Participants discussed migration, economic cooperation, the EU enlargement and took a stance on the latest escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Attendees underlined that even after 29 years of its establishment, the CEI is ready to help its member states in accession to the EU.


Croatian Prime Minister (PM) Andrej Plenkovic addressed attendees and stated: “We know how strong transformation in the process of the EU integration can help internal processes - I would say - maturing of our transition societies”. In addition Plenkovic strongly criticized Russia, following Russia’s operation in Kerch Strait when they seized three Ukrainian ships with crews.


Macedonian PM Zoran Zaev told media that regional cooperation and economic growth are of use for the entire Balkans but also for the EU, adding that the CEI has serious and positive influence on this process.


European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn speaking about Kosovo’s introduction of 100 percent customs tariffs for goods imported from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Serbia stated: “Increase of the customs tariffs clearly opposes the mood that we have been trying to create in the regional economic environment. We observe decrease and abolition of the customs tariffs important for progress of the region”.


Addressing the Summit, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Josip Brkic stated that security and stability of the region are of utmost importance, pointing out that terrorism and organized crime remain biggest challenges for the regional governments. Also, he added that the issue of migrations cannot be ignored when discussing regional security. “We are thankful to the EU for its financial support for dealing with migrant crisis. However, we still must discuss this problem, draft and implement the best solutions, because the new wave of migrants can be expected at any moment” said Brkic.


Croatia strongly in favor of Albanian EU Accession Negotiations (Hina)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic met with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama on Tuesday, saying afterwards that Albanian EU accession negotiations could be opened after the European elections in May and that Zagreb would firmly stand by Tirana in that process.

"Our belief is that, after the European elections, a consensus will be reached on formally opening the accession negotiations and Croatia will support that process with Albania very firmly," Plenkovic said after meeting with Rama as part of a Central European Initiative (CEI) summit in Zagreb.


He said that at the meeting Croatia once again expressed strong support for Albania in its ambition to join the EU, notably for its embarking on formal accession negotiations now that its legislation was being screened.

"Croatia will continue to strongly support our friends also within the Council of the EU and try to have the pace of that process reflect the meeting of the criteria and Albania's individual achievements" Plenkovic said, voicing Croatia's willingness to "share the knowledge and experience of Croatian experts."


He said that for Albania and Macedonia it was crucial to begin with intergovernmental conferences and to open the accession negotiations. He said conclusions from June showed that 2018 was the year in which the two countries were becoming acquainted with the EU acquis communautaire.


Rama said Albania and Croatia traditionally had good relations but that they had been growing stronger since Croatia gained independence. "I thank Croatia for the unreserved support to Albania, but also regarding the recognition of Kosovo and our NATO membership." He went on to say that "from the beginning of Croatia's birth, Albania has always been there for its friend and Croatia has always been there for Albania."


Asked about the strained relations between Serbia and Kosovo and Belgrade's accusations about an attempt to create a Great Albania, Rama recalled that Serbia had violated the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), that Kosovo had complained about it but that there was no response on the other side. He did admit that Kosovo's increasing customs duties on imports from Serbia by 100% was not normal, but noted that the current situation was not normal either. Under normal circumstances, this would be a problem, said Rama.

As for accusations about a Great Albania, he said that they always appeared when Kosovo Albanians rightfully asked for something and when Albania and Kosovo discussed matters of common interest.


Prime Minister Plenkovic said that Croatia wanted good relations with everyone – Albania, Kosovo and Serbia. "We want relations to normalize and stabilize, and that is what Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn spoke about today," said Plenkovic.


Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović also met on Tuesday with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and expressed satisfaction with the continuation of Croatian-Albanian cooperation at the highest level, the president's office said in a press release. The president said the political dialogue between the two countries was very dynamic and that she wished for the cooperation to continue, the press release said. The two officials said bilateral relations were traditionally good and friendly, without outstanding issues, and that there was room to intensify economic cooperation, also underlining the importance of strategic partnership between Croatia and Albania.




Zaev: Macedonia has support of the European countries for Prespa Agreement (Nezavisen dnevnik)


Macedonia is a positive example in the Balkans and has the support of the European countries and EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn to implement the Prespa Agreement and to conclude the Euro-Atlantic integration process, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev stated after the summit of heads of governments of member countries of the Central European Initiative (CEI), held in Zagreb.

According to Zaev, the summit is a good opportunity for Macedonia to reiterate its expectations for support from its partner-countries to become a member of NATO and to open negotiations with the EU.


“We sought support from the member countries regarding EU and NATO accession. Macedonia has been showing itself in a good light in building friendship, good neighborly relations, and reform implementation. It is expected that the process of enlargement will continue to include Macedonia,” said PM Zaev.


Asked whether Johannes Hahn has relayed some kind of message, he said that the EU Commissioner was content with Macedonia, the ongoing process in Parliament and the dialogue established between the ruling majority and the opposition. Commissioner Hahn, according to Zaev, said he expected that this would secure the required two-third majority in Parliament for the constitutional amendments in line with the Prespa Agreement.

The implementation of reforms in the judiciary and security services is going well, PM Zaev said adding that he hoped it would motivate the institutions to implement reforms.


Asked about Macedonia’s prospect as a NATO member, Zaev stated that Macedonia ‘shines’ in the Balkans. “Reforms implemented and the Prespa Agreement has opened the way and Macedonia will become the 30th NATO member.”


2/3 of the steps towards the changes in the Constitution have been done (Meta)


Up until this moment, the ruling majority has managed to finish 2/3 of the phases that are necessary to accomplish the changes in the Constitution with the constitutional amendments in accordance to the Prespa Agreement between Macedonia and Greece. Out of 15 steps, 5 remain to be done. In the process, the Government that proposed the changes, will need a two-thirds majority on two occasions. Once to open the Constitution and once again to close the Constitution, a procedure that can last several months.


With a two-thirds majority out of 80 MPs, the MPs have made a decision to start the changes in the Constitution i.e. they opened the Constitution. During the last three days, with the majority of votes, the Parliament has passed the draft-amendments for the changes in the Constitution and they are put for a public discussion that is organized by the proposer i.e. the Government.


As soon as that is over, the amendment of the draft-amendments will be inserted for which there will be a discussion at two committees – the Legislative Committee and the Committee for Constitutional Issues. As soon as the Parliament with the absolute majority of MPs states its opinion about each of the amendments for the constitutional amendments, a session will be called for the change of the constitution for which a two-thirds majority will be needed and that will be the final phase for a changed Constitution.


The decision for the changes in the Constitution i.e. for the closing of the Constitution should be made by the Parliament with a two-thirds majority out of the total number of MPs. The change in the Constitution is proclaimed by the Parliament. This is expected to happen by the midst of January.


Zaev receives Croatia's support for EU integration (Nezavisen vesnik)


Zaev receives Croatia's support for EU integration Prime Minister Zoran Zaev is on an official visit to Croatia where he held a meeting with the Prime Minister of this country, Andrej Plenkovic. According to the government cabinet, PM Zaev has thanked his Croatian counterpart for the support offered by Croatia in its integration path in the EU and NATO.

On his part, PM Plenkovic said that he supports the courageous policies announced by PM Zaev and his government, because they act as a guarantee for the country’s path toward NATO and EU. He said that Croatia will support this process. During his stay in Zagreb, Zaev will also meet with president Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic and other officials of the Croatian government.




Rama in Zagreb calls for opening of Accession Talks (ADN)


Albania expects from European Union to open the accession talks next June. This was the message given by Prime Minister, Edi Rama from Zagreb, Croatia where he is participating in Central European Initiative summit meeting (CEI). During the press conference with his counterpart, Croatian PM, Andrej Plenkovic, Rama underlined that Albania expects the opening of accession negotiations and he even get the support of Croatia live on this issue.

"What Croatia and most of the EU Countries support is the opening of accession talks for Albania. We expect this next June" underlined Rama.




Tensions soar in the Balkans over plans for Kosovo army (AP)


Serbia sought support from allies Russia and China in opposing the formation of a Kosovo army, warning that a military in its former province could lead to renewed clashes in the Balkans.

Kosovo's parliament is set to vote December 14 on transforming the country's security forces into a regular army. Serbian officials claim the army would be used against the Serb minority in Kosovo, which declared independence in 2008.

Serbia has threatened unspecified retaliatory measures if the army is created. Serbia, Russia and China don't recognize Kosovo as a country, while the United States and most of the West do.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met separately with the Russian, Chinese and US ambassadors in Belgrade on Tuesday saying that "continuous provocations" from Kosovo could leave Serbia with no choice but to "protect" the Serb minority.

Vucic said Kosovo's plans to form an army jeopardize peace and stability in the region.

"The irresponsible behaviour of Pristina could lead into a catastrophe because Serbia cannot peacefully watch the destruction of the Serbian people," Vucic said in a statement.

Tensions between Serbia and Kosovo soared after the Kosovo government last month introduced a 100 per cent tax on Serb imports - an apparent retaliation for a failed Kosovo bid for membership in the international police organization, Interpol, after intense Serbian lobbying.

Vucic said it's "completely clear" that both the formation of the army and the tariffs are intended to "force Serbs out" of Kosovo.

Kosovo split from Serbia after a 1998-99 war for independence that left more than 10,000 dead. Serbia's brutal crackdown in the province prompted NATO to launch airstrikes to stop the conflict.

An armed intervention by Serbia in Kosovo would trigger a direct clash with NATO-led peacekeepers stationed there. Serbia recently increased its saber-rattling, including raising the combat readiness of its troops over a series of small incidents.


Serbian PM: Armed intervention in Kosovo an option (AP)


Serbia's prime minister warned on Wednesday that the formation of a Kosovo army could trigger Serbia's armed intervention in the former province - the bluntest warning so far amid escalating tensions in the Balkans. Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that she hopes "we won't ever have to use our army, but unfortunately that is currently one of the options on the table."


Kosovo's parliament is set to vote Dec. 14 on transforming the country's security forces into a regular army. Serbian officials allege the army would be used to chase the Serb minority out of Kosovo - a claim repeatedly denied by Kosovo officials.


Brnabic said Kosovo's ethnic Albanian leadership should "come to their senses," claiming: "We cannot stand aside and watch in silence while someone is conducting new ethnic cleansing" of Serbs in in the Balkans.


Kosovo declared independence in 2008. Serbia and its allies Russia and China don't recognize Kosovo as a country, while the United States and most of the West do.

Serbia lost control of Kosovo after a 1998-99 war for independence that left more than 10,000 dead. Serbia's bloody crackdown against separatists there prompted NATO to launch airstrikes to stop the conflict.


Tensions between Serbia and Kosovo soared after the Kosovo government last month introduced a 100-percent tax on Serb imports - an apparent retaliation for a failed Kosovo bid for membership in the international police organization, Interpol, after intense Serbian lobbying.


Brnabic said that Serbia is losing 42 million euros ($48 million) a month because of the Kosovo tariffs hike. Serbia has been strengthening its armed forces, devastated after the 1999 NATO intervention, mostly with Russian help. An armed intervention by Serbia in Kosovo would trigger a direct clash with NATO-led peacekeepers stationed there. Serbia recently increased its saber-rattling, including raising the combat readiness of its troops over a series of small incidents.