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Belgrade Media Report 17 May 2019



Vucic: Political insanity in Kosovo, they are planning to arrest Serb policemen (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the vicious circle in Kosovo has not been closed. “They wish to arrest 26 Serb police members from north Kosovo and Metohija and another 15 people, under the pretext that they were involved in corruption and various other matter, so Kosovska Mitrovica would remain unprotected and they could do the dirtiest things against our people,” said Vucic. Then, he says, the final act of complete control of areas populated by the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija would follow. “Then they would say – we have brought you before the final act as the Croats did before the ‘Storm’,” says Vucic. He says Serbia has informed international institutions. “What Veseli is saying about Nis, Kursumlija and other places – it would be nice of him to come so I can see how this look like and how will he succeed in this. Serbia will react with restraint, calmly, but it will protect its people,” said Vucic. Commenting the resolution adopted by Pristina on so-called “genocide of Serbia”, Vucic says some nations in the Balkans do not understand and cannot find the path into the future. “The only path they see is hatred towards the Serb people, even though they will always say this is against those who had perpetrated crimes towards their people. They can’t just turn towards work, employment, trade and economy. Some of them just put on suits and ties, and walked out of the forest so it is understandable they are speaking this way,” says Vucic. “The problem is that Europe and the world have not reacted when they formed the army, when they refused to form the Community of Serb Municipalities, when they introduced taxes they at least reacted formally, when they would accuse each time the Serbs for all the possible crimes but didn’t have one single evidence, they kept people in detention and then they freed them…and now this,” said Vucic. He says that Serbia had been warning also about this resolution and the passing of other decisions because of which every Serb needs to be afraid. The President has called the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija to turn out in the large numbers for the elections for mayors in four Serb municipalities in north Kosovo and Metohija. “I am asking the Serbs to turn out for the elections and show they know how much the state is fighting for them, to show love towards their fatherland Serbia,” said Vucic. He says he is not hiding anything when he says that Belgrade had the best possible relations with the Serb List and is thus preserving its influence on the territory that is Serbia according to the Constitution. He, at the same time, warned that he doesn’t expect the election day to pass by peacefully. The President says that he told the Serbian Orthodox Church bishops at the Synod that he is not requesting anything from them, that he is not asking for mercy, consent, or support in politics, but that he had come to respond to their questions. He says that the talks were attended by 42 bishops, that there was also a group that is known in the public for having “different political stands”, but that he had seen that some of them haven’t read Resolution 1244, nor do they know what is written in the Brussels agreement. “Then you realize that all this is based on lies from social networks. I took out documents and showed them, I took out everything we have done for Kosovo and Metohija and there were no problems. You don’t have to always have equal stands with everyone. Everybody knows that everything that I said is true,” said Vucic. He says that he had come to the Synod at the invitation of Patriarch Irinej, that it was an honor for him and that he had reiterated in the address to the bishops that he hadn’t come to ask for anything, that he wasn’t asking for mercy, consent for everything, as some before him did. We will have to drown and suffocate in our problems, inventing how a frozen conflict is a solution, while the Albanians want to resolve the problem, noted Vucic. “I was prepared to risk many things, but this is impossible under conditions where nobody wanted to stand by you. I didn’t want to pay and beg anyone. I said I accept the will of the people,” said Vucic. “The Serbs would say ‘no’ at the referendum, but I would still be ‘for’,” said Vucic. He says a hunt against delineation has been ongoing for one year and that those conducting it are now saying they don’t know what is at issue. “But this is replacement of thesis and hypocrisy that is difficult to discuss,” said Vucic. Vucic said that, judging by everything, there will be no early parliamentary elections. “As things stand, they will be held next year. Whether it will be in the winter or spring, it is all the same,” noted Vucic.


Brnabic: Pristina’s resolution is yet another move in the direction of hindering dialogue (RTV)


The adoption of the resolution on condemning genocide that Serbia has allegedly committed during the latest conflict in Kosovo and Metohija is yet another move aimed at not continuing the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said. The latest move by Pristina is making more obvious the difference of the policies conducted by Belgrade and Pristina, and, while our policy is a policy of peace and compromise, the policy of looking towards the future of the region and better living conditions, the policy of Pristina is the policy of the past, which will never take anyone towards a better future. “It seems to me that these are pointless predictable moves, they don’t know what they will do, if I could put it that way, and what else they could invent in order to compete in the worst possible nationalism against Serbia and the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Brnabic. She says that Pristina is frustrated by the fact that it cannot provoke a reaction from Belgrade and to provoke Serbia. She is convinced that the Pristina authorities are pushed by somebody and that they have the support from abroad, although this is something, she says, that we cannot influence and with which we should not deal. “We need to deal with the additional unity of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, elections for local self-governments, which are upcoming and which are extremely important, we need to confirm here unity of the Serbs and to create a referendum atmosphere,” said Brnabic and called all Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija to turn out for the elections and confirm the strength of the Serbs, the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Brnabic, along with the message that we should not allow somebody else to take over our institutions.


Serbian parliament to hold special session dedicated to Kosovo (Beta/Tanjug)


Serbian parliament speaker Maja Gojkovic has convened a special session for 27 May to debate a report on Kosovo and Metohija. Gojkovic told journalists on Friday that she will invite President Aleksandar Vucic to attend the session, take part in the discussion and submit a report on Kosovo and Metohija. Vucic previously told RTS that he was ready to participate. Prime Minister Ana Brnabic will also be invited, as well as members of the government, and Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric.  "We expect that after the president's report, the debate will open and that all MPs will take part in it, because this is a very important topic," said Gojkovic.


Elections in northern Kosovo with 464 observers (Beta)


The Central Electoral Commission of Kosovo has stated that 464 observers will observe the 19 May elections for heads of the municipalities of North Mitrovica, Zvecan, Leposavic, and Zubin

Potok. Security in northern Kosovo on election day will be maintained by 400 Kosovo police officers. The Central Electoral Commission of Kosovo added that there would be 44 election centers with 87 voting stations in the four municipalities on election day. The number of registered voters is 57,983, which is 970 more than in the 2017 local elections. The OSCE mission in Kosovo will have an advisory role in the forthcoming elections.




SBB B&H Presidency decides to accept SDA’s call to join authority (FTV)


The Presidency of SBB Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) accepted on Thursday SDA’s call to be part of the ruling coalitions at the levels of B&H and the Federation of B&H, with 20 votes ‘For’ and one vote ‘Against’ the coalition. Last week, SDA Presidency called on SBB B&H to be part of the patriotic bloc formed of SDA and DF at the state and the Federation of B&H levels. FTV reminded that this means the last piece of the puzzle that includes HDZ B&H and SNSD. Vice President (VP) of SBB B&H Adisa Omerbegovic-Arapovic told media that the party decided to accept SDA’s invitation and enter the official negotiations on the coalition due to bad economic situation, as well as blockade of economic processes in the country. Representatives of SBB B&H said that they expect from SDA concrete call in the upcoming days in order to discuss principles. Bosniaks are entitled to assume three ministerial posts at the level of B&H; the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the B&H Ministry of Defense and the B&H Ministry of Security and leader of SBB B&H Fahrudin Radoncic is supposed to assume the last post. Speaking about this issue, Omerbegovic-Arapovic stated that they will decide on who will assume this post in the upcoming period. While DF did not comment on SBB B&H’s announcement on entering the coalition, SDA stated that this was expected and that after this, the process of formation of authorities will be accelerated. VP of SDA Safet Softic stated that the three parties form partnership for formation of authorities at the levels of the Federation of B&H and B&H. He said: “I believe and I think that it would be necessary that the parties reach an agreement that both the Federation of B&H and the B&H authorities are formed at the same time”. Head of the Croat Caucus in the Federation of B&H House of Peoples Ivo Tadic stated that they had fair cooperation with SBB B&H. Tadic welcomed SBB B&H’s decision by reminding that this party is still part of the outgoing convocation of the government. SDP B&H also welcomed the news but they did not express optimism when it comes to functionality of the coalition, this party previously rejected SDA’s call to enter the coalition. Commenting on this issue, leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik said that it was already known that SBB B&H will be part of B&H authorities, but someone stalled the entire process. Addressing media, Dodik stated: “We knew for months that SBB B&H is part of the coalition, but they obviously stalled in a synchronized way with constant waiting, whether someone will join or not. Persuasive insisting, immediately after the elections, and launching the story on the MAP as the main topic in B&H is certainly something that was carefully planned, with the aim to disable formation of authorities”. According to previous announcements, authorities will be formed by the end of the May.


Radoncic: I wished to remain in opposition however elected parties were not able to form authorities (BHT1)


SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic said that talks on formation of authorities have been going on for several months and that SBB B&H expected the left-wing parties to be part of the coalition formed by SDP, DF and SDA, which would then enable SBB B&H to be the opposition, which was initially SBB’s wish. Asked to comment his statement from the night of general elections when he said that SBB B&H would remain in opposition, Radoncic said that the national interest of B&H outweighed personal interests of SBB B&H. He noted that in these turbulent times, while Republika Srpska (RS) is attempting to form a reserve police unit, while there are threats of RS Army uniforms being worn, as well as regional political developments as those regarding Kosovo and Serbia where B&H could possibly be used to compensate for other losses, he feels that personal issues should be put aside. Asked how he plans on functioning alongside HDZ B&H and SNSD with which he is to form a coalition, Radoncic reminded that he worked as the B&H Minister of Security for over two years during which time he cooperated with SNSD which at the time cooperated with SDS and HDZ B&H. He noted that economic interest is that which can bring the peoples together and that this will be something that SBB B&H will try to address. Asked to comment when Federation of B&H and B&H authorities could be functional, Radoncic said that there are still several issues at hand such as Membership Action Plan (MAP) and how HDZ B&H will act in regard to formation of authorities at the state and Federation of B&H level. He concluded that cards are now in the hands of HDZ B&H, SNSD and SDA.


Dodik: HR’s Bonn powers completely useless (ATV)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated in Banja Luka on Thursday in a metaphorical manner that the Bonn Powers of the High Representative in B&H are completely useless. Dodik made this comment a day after High Representative Valentin Inzko warned that the fact that he does not use the Bonn powers today – does not mean he will not use them tomorrow. “Not at this moment, not today. We will see what will happen tomorrow” Inzko said while answering questions in an interview for N1. Dodik argued that the time of removals is over, adding that this is the right time for the High Representative to leave “as he only gets in the way here”. He explained that it is necessary to form new authorities and to work on the EU candidate status of B&H, which he thinks is impossible for as long as the country is “under protectorate”. “I provoke him (Inzko) to do that, let's see how strong he is… What kind of Bonn powers? He may use the Bonn powers only based on consensus of the PIC (Peace Implementation Council). That is unlawful as well, because the Dayton Peace Accords does not imply the PIC. There is no PIC at all,” said Dodik. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic agreed that the Bonn Powers belong to the past. He stressed that there can be no progress in B&H for as long as foreigners are favoring certain persons. “The international community should behave equally towards all peoples, otherwise B&H will only be heading backwards,” Viskovic was quoted as saying.


Dodik: In line with DPA RS has right to have its army because DPA does not mention armed forces (ATV)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated in Banja Luka on Thursday that B&H is a country where a person is not allowed to have an opinion. “If you have one, you get a lawsuit immediately,” Dodik was quoted as saying. Namely, the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H opened a case against Dodik after Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic filed a criminal report against him, due to his request for members of the 3rd Infantry Regiment of Republika Srpska (RS) within the Armed Forces of B&H to wear uniforms of the RS Army at the next ceremony of marking the Day of the RS Army on 12 May 2020. Dodik reiterated that there is no dilemma these uniforms will be worn next year. “Being that they are banning us from doing this, I am now asking and I will do it make uniforms for certain number of men who will not carry weapon, but will have uniforms on that day. If we cannot do this at the military barracks ‘Kozara’, we will line them up at the stadium of ‘Borac’ and we will invite 5,000 citizens to come to see what it looks like,” said Dodik. He underlined that Komsic has the right to sue whomever he wants, but the RS is not asking for anything it is not entitled to in line with the law. According to the Law on Service in the Armed Forces of B&H, the 3rd Infantry Regiment cherishes the identity and military legacy of the RS Army, while regiment commands may give instructions on ceremonies, clothes and behavior. In this context, Dodik made it clear that he has no intention of asking for approval of Komsic, let alone the B&H Ministry of Defense. “Why would I need approval of the Ministry of Defense? I am their superior, not the other way around. I am the one who is the supreme commander, not them,” said Dodik. He reiterated that the 3rd Infantry Regiment of the RS has the right to its uniform, as well as other components of the Armed Forces of B&H. “Our choice is for this to be the blue uniform of the RS Army and it will be that way,” said Dodik. He was also quoted as saying that the international community is interfering with internal matters by marking the RS as problematic, although the RS formed new authorities and all institutions are functioning. Members of both the ruling coalition and the opposition in the RS agreed that “hysteria in Sarajevo” and the criminal report against Dodik, as well as criticism by the US Embassy to B&H, only suggest intolerance towards the RS. Dodik told reporters on Thursday that it is the RS’ right in line with the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) to have its army, because the DPA does not mention armed forces. He stressed that he supports demilitarization, but he announced that he will try to ensure funds for purchase of uniforms for members of the RS Army. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic stated that it is clear that Sarajevo has something against the Serb insignia and it also wants to draw the attention away from real problems. “The permanent place for the RS Coat of Arms, i.e. double-headed eagle with four characters in the form of the letter ‘S’, is the uniform of the 3rd Infantry Regiment. I think there is no need for this kind of frustrated, hysterical reactions,” Borenovic argued, criticizing the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H for not doing anything when it comes to the fight against corruption and crime.


Dodik calls on NATO to create plan of certain cooperation within PfP Program (TV1)


B&H Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik called on Thursday on NATO to create a plan of certain cooperation within the Partnership for Peace (PfP) Program and reach an agreement on what could be done jointly this year. He stressed that the cooperation does not mean the membership, adding that any document to be sent from B&H to NATO, if any, has to include the statement that it is not the decision on the NATO membership, i.e. “it does not prefer the NATO membership or accepting the NATO MAP.” Dodik said that B&H remains military neutral, but they want to continue cooperating with the NATO. He reminded of the example of Serbia regarding this. Dodik said that many manipulate the cooperation and membership in NATO. “Therefore, I call NATO and the others to create a plan on cooperation within the frameworks of the ‘Partnership for Peace’ or an individual plan of activities, like the one in Serbia,” said Dodik. He said that B&H and NATO should agree on what can be done in 2019.


US authorities warn about Iranian agents in Western Balkans (Dnevni avaz)


The US Congress and Senate have adopted a special Resolution in which they warn about increased Iranian activities in Europe and more aggressive behavior of the official Iran. The document includes several reports of the EU countries about Iranian plans and activities on this continent, as well as the fact that several Iranian diplomats have been arrested in the US in 2018 for spying and terrorism. The Resolution also focuses on the situation in the Western Balkans, especially in Albania. On 5 July 2018, two Iranian diplomats were arrested under charges of preparing terrorist activities; their alleged plan was to commit terrorist act against Iranian who announced a gathering in Tirana. “Malicious Iranian influence in the Balkans, especially in Albania, represent serious threat to the US national and security interests,” reads the Resolution and it calls on the Albanian government to close the Iranian Embassy in this country.


Croatia's Internal Affairs Minister: Croatia won't let illegal migrants in (Hina)


Croatia's Internal Affairs Minister Davor Bozinovic said on Thursday Croatia did not and would not let in illegal migrants, and that the police were complying with the law in handling migrants.

He was commenting on a Swiss TV report the day before which showed Croatian police allegedly using force to return illegal migrants to B&H. Over two days in late April, Swiss reporters allegedly documented, from concealed positions, four pushbacks in which 70 migrants, mainly from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Algeria, were transferred against their will to B&H. Responding to the footage, Croatia's Interior Ministry said it showed "official action in line with the Schengen code, aimed at preventing illegal entry into the EU." Bozinovic said the TV report "was conceived so as to show that Croatian police use violence, and it's not the first time." He said the footage showed "everything but violence," and called it "another futile attempt to accuse the Croatian police which, I repeat, are enforcing national and European legislation." For some time now, the Croatian police are faced with accusations of unlawfully returning migrants to Bosnia, instead of giving them a chance to apply for asylum in Croatia, and of beating them and stealing their property. The Interior Ministry has rejected the accusations, saying it "discourages" migrants from attempting to illegally enter the country. Bozinovic said Croatia, as a sovereign country, did not and would not allow illegal entry. He said parts of the border regions, notably in Sisak-Moslavina County, were believed to contain leftover mines and that migrants risked being killed. "Croatia is enforcing the Schengen legislation by enabling people to seek asylum," he said, adding that 80% of those who applied for asylum left before their applications were processed. "After being identified by the authorities of Austria, Germany or any other EU member state, they are returned to Croatia. They don't want to stay in Croatia but go to third countries which don't want to receive them and return them to Croatia, which should care for those who don't want to stay in Croatia." "This return of secondary migrants to Croatia and the fact that Croatia keeps detailed records of all such asylum seekers, notably in the last 18 months, discourages them from seeking asylum in Croatia because they know they will be returned sooner or later," he said. This year through May 1, there were 4,309 illegal attempts to enter Croatia and the police arrested and tried 251 perpetrators for people smuggling. Bozinovic said that in every county there were enough police to deal with migrants, reiterating that migrations were not a local issue. "Migrations are managed at the national level, from the national task force formed within the Police Directorate," he said, adding that "we can respond to any challenge." Police Director Nikola Milina, too, said the Croatian police acted in line with the law when dealing with migrants. "Last year alone there were more than 1,000 asylum applications. It's not true at all that people are being prevented from seeking asylum." He said the police were first and foremost focused on preventing people smuggling, and that they were also saving lives. He urged NGOs not to encourage migrants to expose themselves to danger, notably in potential minefields.


Official Brussels knows nothing about the arrival of the representatives of the “Resist” movement (Dnevne novine)


Formal encounter of the representatives of the “Resist” movement (Odupri se) and European officials in Brussels hasn’t been scheduled. This was confirmed from the Cabinet of European Commissionaire for Enlargement, Johannes Hahn. Delegation of the movement, headed by Dzemal Perovic, went to Brussels to stay until Saturday. They only said they were going to see their international partners. “European institutions didn’t organize the meeting with the representatives of the movement and therefore we cannot speak about the possible outcome of the conversation”. Representatives of the movement should present Agreement on Future and ask for the support for “resolving political crisis in Montenegro”. Perovic said they were going to Brussels at the invitation of their international partners. They said earlier that wanted to acquaint Mr. Hahn with their activities aimed at changing the government in Montenegro. At the media conference held on 16 April, Perovic said that they hadn’t got the answer from Brussels but “there are other addresses”. So far “Resist” movement has organized 11 protests against the regime. The next one is scheduled for the 21 May.


Negotiations with EU, Hahn urges dialogue (ADN)


European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Commissioner, Johannes Hahn, said on Thursday that the current image of Albania makes the positive decision for opening of the accession negotiations very difficult. Hahn urged Albanian politicians to establish a dialogue and solve the current political situation. "It is the duty of the government to approach the opposition and the task of the opposition to engage itself in a constructive, critical but engaging manner.  EU Enlargement Commissioner has expressed support for Albania's opening of the accession negotiation, but by stressing the importance of country's image in front of the world, including violent protests.




North Kosovo Elections a Test of Serbian Sway (BIRN, by Blerta Begisholli and Maja Zivanovic, 17 May 2019)


With the Belgrade-backed Srpska Lista party almost certain to win, all eyes are on turnout as a sign of how far Serbs in northern Kosovo still endorse Serbian government policy on the former province.

Few doubt the main Belgrade-backed ethnic Serb party in Kosovo will come out on top in municipal elections in northern Kosovo on Sunday, but turnout is being closely watched as a sign of how far Serbian leader Aleksandar Vucic still holds sway in this small pocket of Serbia’s former southern province. The May 19 elections were called after the ethnic Serb mayors of four mainly Serb municipalities in northern Kosovo resigned in November 2018 over a decision by Kosovo’s government to hike customs tariffs on Serbian products. All four mayors were from Srpska Lista, the biggest Kosovo Serb party and which is backed by Serbia’s ruling Progressive Party. Kosovo, which is predominantly ethnic Albanian, declared independence in 2008, but Belgrade, which does not recognise Kosovo as a state, continues to exert considerable influence over a small pocket of the north inhabited mainly by ethnic Serbs. Srpska Lista’s showing in elections is often taken as an indicator of the degree to which Kosovo Serbs support the Serbian government’s policy towards the predominantly ethnic Albanian country. Sunday’s election comes at a moment of tension between Belgrade and Pristina, with European Union-mediated talks to settle relations between the two seemingly deadlocked and Kosovo refusing to remove a 100-per cent import tariff on Serbian goods imposed last year in retaliation for Serbia’s lobbying against Kosovo’s membership of Interpol. Kosovo-based journalist Milica Andric Rakic said the party’s campaign slogan of ‘The Only One’ reflected how Srpska Lista was trying to present itself “as the only option that demonstrates the unity of the Serbs”. The party’s chief goal, she told BIRN, was a high turnout so “Aleksandar Vucic could show the support he has from Kosovo Serbs for his politics towards Kosovo.” Previous elections in northern Kosovo have been marred by coercion and pressure on public sector workers.


Negative campaigning

Three of the four mayors who resigned – Goran Rakic in North Mitrovica, Vucina Jankovic in Zvecan and Zoran Todic in Leposavic – are running for re-election on behalf of Srpska Lista. The party nominated Srdjan Vulovic for Zubin Potok. The party’s campaign has been marked by sharp criticism of rival ethnic Serb parties, despite the fact they are not taking part in the elections. Some analysts have taken this as a sign of nerves as Srpska Lista tries to get out the vote. Officials from the Progressive Party of Serbian President Vucic have joined in, targeting in particular Marko Jaksic, the leader of the civic initiative Serbia, Democracy, Justice, SDP.

On May 14, pro-government tabloids in Serbia published a May 6 tweet from Jaksic in which he said he would vote for the ethnic Albanian candidate of Kosovo’s ruling Democratic Party of Kosovo, PDK, for the post of mayor in North Mitrovica, Gonxhe Caushi, because if he abstains “the crew from Srpska Lista will steal my vote”. The head of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo, Marko Djuric, told Serbian Pink TV that Jaksic was calling on Kosovo Serbs to support Albanians while tabloids accused him of “breaking Serb unity”. Jaksic’s predecessor as SDP leader was Oliver Ivanovic, a moderate Kosovo Serb leader shot dead outside his party offices in northern Mitrovica in January 2018. The party has long been at odds with the Srpska Lista. In his last media interview, to BIRN, Ivanovic identified Milan Radoicic – now the deputy leader of Srpska Lista – as a key figure in an intimidating system of control in Serb-run parts of northern Kosovo.


‘Serbs who don’t think the same way’

The SDP refused to take part in Sunday’s elections over what it said was the worsening atmosphere in northern Kosovo and the continued failure of authorities to solve Ivanovic’s murder. “I’m not surprised they did not opt for an affirmative campaign in which they would present their results and try to get votes in this way, because in fact they have nothing to present,” Jaksic told BIRN in reference to Srpska Lista. He said the party’s traditional strategy amounted to “targeting Serbs who don’t think the same way as them.” Jaksic also said Srpska Lista’s main task was to get out the vote as a show of support for Vucic. “This time also, voters are going into these elections not as free, but as blackmailed and scared,” he said. BIRN sought comment from Srpska Lista for this story but received no reply. Vulovic, Srpska Lista’s mayoral candidate in Zubin Potok, called the elections “a referendum”, saying the party’s victory would send a message “to the international community that Serbs are united and ready to cooperate with Belgrade in defence of their national interests,” the Serbian news agency Tanjug reported on May 13. Caushi, the PDK’s North Mitrovica candidate and the only woman running in the election for this municipality, said she expected the vote to pass off peacefully. “The situation has been quiet and we did not have any threats,” Caushi told BIRN. The other ethnic Albanian party running, Vetevendosje, said it had reached out to Serbs as well as the small number of Albanians still living in the north. “Our candidates are visiting all communities, so not only Albanians but also other communities, also Serbs who are against the divisive and destructive politics of Srpska Lista,” Adnan Rrustemi, Vetevendosje’s representative on Kosovo’s Central Election Commission, told BIRN. “Srpska Lista, influenced by Belgrade, is constantly rejecting and fighting the state of Kosovo,” he said.