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Belgrade Media Report 23 September



Vucic at UN SC Session from September 23 until September 26 (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic would be in New York between September 23 and September 26 where he would take part in the session of UN General Assembly, the President’s service for cooperation with the media announced. During his first day in New York Vucic would meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. On the second day, besides being present at the opening of UN SC general annual session, he would have several bilateral meetings, including the one with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar. Vucic’s addressing to the UN SC was scheduled for September 26.


Dacic meets with Mogherini and Western Balkans leaders (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic attended a meeting in New York hosted by EU Foreign Policy and Defense High Representative Federica Mogherini, for Western Balkan representatives. Mogherini organized the working dinner on the eve of the UN General Assembly in New York. The meeting was also attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) in the technical mandate, Igor Crnadak, Prime Minister of North Macedonia Zoran Zaev, and the president of President of the Provisional Kosovo Institutions Hashim Thaci.

Ahead of the start of the UN General Assembly, Brussels stated that the EU continues to be a leader in global cooperation and will, together with its partners, continue to support peace and democracy and promote international law and human rights.

EU Foreign Policy and Defense High Representative Mogherini and Western Balkan leaders supported, during their meeting in New York, the continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and the early conclusion of a legally binding agreement on full normalization of relations, the European Commission said.

In view of the clear European Union perspective the Western Balkans has, the High Representative and the representatives from the region reviewed substantial progress achieved and looked at the tasks ahead. They expressed support for the opening of the EU accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania, underlining this decision is crucial not just for both countries concerned, but for the whole region and for the EU. All the Western Balkans partners confirmed their strong commitment to the EU perspective, stressing that the work on reforms continues as are the regional cooperation and good neighbor relations.

The High Representative and the Western Balkans leaders expressed solidarity with Albania after the country was hit by a series of strong earthquakes this weekend.


Kostunica: I had solution for Kosovo (Kurir)


Former President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica stated that he had a proposal for solution of Kosovo issue, he said that it was based on a Hong Kong model. He claims that it would be a compromise that would rule out all the extreme options and prove to be successful, sustainable and functional.

"Supervised autonomy, in contrast to supervised independence, is in accordance with the UN Charter and the Constitution of Serbia. This would allow Albanians to manage their own future and pursue their interests in the Autonomous Province of Kosovo, and, on the other hand, Serbia would retain its sovereignty and integrity in accordance with UN Charter" Kostunica told daily Kurir.

Kostunica, who had withdrawn from political life after resigning from state and party posts, in his first public announcement in many years, said that "this proposal for substantive autonomy is equally viable and provided a stable and sustainable solution to the status of the province."  However, he did not explicitly answer the question of whether the proposal would still be a viable solution for Kosovo and Metohija today.


Vucic on Kostunica's proposal: Implement it, and I will resign immediately (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic commented on Vojislav Kostunica's proposal that the status of Kosovo and Metohija could be solved by the Hong Kong model.

"I have great respect for our presidents, Boris Tadic, Vojsilav Kostunica and Tomislav Nikolic, respectively. I have a question for you - what does it mean exactly - a Hong Kong model? Who will accept this from Albanians, who have declared independence during your and Tadic's term of office? Why didn't you accept it back then?" Vucic asked. He added ironically, "It's a great idea, I'll take it."  "Why did I put it this way - to stop lying, to accept reality, not to act as the greatest power in the world" Vucic added. He says he "listened to other ridiculous ideas", such as to accept that Albanians are being treated at our hospitals: "Well, here we are, our hospitals are full of Albanians." "As I am not in a position to implement a Hong Kong model for Kosovo, I will resign tomorrow, just give me guarantees that you'll be able to do it". He noted that such interferences only make the talks and negotiating position of Serbia more difficult.


Dodik: One solution is for Kosovo's north to remain in Serbia and RS to join Serbia (Prva TV)


Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Milorad Dodik said that one solution to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija was for the four, Serb-dominated municipalities in the north of Kosovo to remain in Serbia coupled with Republika Srpska's (RS) merger with Serbia. "If that is the solution, I'm not very far from it" Dodik said for Prva TV. When asked about the idea that all problems in the Western Balkans be approached as a single package of measures, Dodik said that the issue of RS and that of Kosovo were closely connected, as both "are vital to the Serbs." "Kosovo and Metohija is a vital national issue for Serbia, but RS is an equally vital ethnic issue, as it is home to one million Serbs" Dodik explained.


Kyle Scott: The campaign for annulling Kosovo recognition is equally unhelpful as are the taxes (Blic)


Outgoing US ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott said on Monday that Belgrade and Washington had a different opinion about Kosovo but that they agreed that the only way towards progress was the resumption of the dialogue on the normalization of relations. In an interview with Blic daily, Scott reiterated the US stand that Serbia should stop its campaign for the withdrawal of recognition of Kosovo’s independence and added he could not understand how the humiliation of the partners in the dialogue could help in searching for an agreement.

"The campaign for annulling the decision on recognition is equally unhelpful in an attempt by the two sides to get back to the negotiating table as are the taxes (100 percent import duties Pristina introduced on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina)" the ambassador said.

He said the US did not have a problem with Serbia’s relations with Russia but stressed that "the Russian idea about Serbia is not the same as the one the US and the EU have."  He added that "the US has recently nominated its special envoy to the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer and he is committed to helping both sides to progress. But, we cannot wish that more than you in the region."

Commenting on Serbia’s main opposition parties' decision to boycott the next spring general elections, Scott said he saw some sense in their complaints, especially about the situation with media. However, he added he hoped that progress would be made through the dialogue and that the conditions for the opposition’s participation in the vote would be made. "It is in Serbia’s favor to have a strong and visible opposition and a parliament which will reflect the public opinion."

"Serbia should decide on its future based on true information and not on the tabloids’ articles."

Scott said Serbia should decide on its future based on real information and not on the tabloids’ articles, adding people in Serbia should understand the US was advocating strong Serbia within the European Union.


Talks on election conditions to resume behind closed doors until concrete outcome is reached (Politika)


A new series of talks between the ruling coalition and opposition parties on election conditions could be held in the form of "Jean Monnet" dialogue with no media communication until there is a concrete outcome. According to Politika daily, a new series of talks on election conditions will be moved from the Belgrade Faculty of Political Sciences to the Serbian parliament and will feature a larger number of participants. The achievements reached so far in the talks could be before the MPs on Oct. 9 or 10, the dates parliament speaker Maja Gojkovic has suggested in a meeting with David McAllister, a member of the European Parliament from Germany, Politika has reported. According to the daily, Gojkovic said that the dialogue would be held in several phases and would continue even after the next parliamentary elections, planned for next year.


EP's McAllister: Serbia’s authorities and opposition talks before and after vote (Beta, RTS, Danas)


The European Parliament (EP) Special Rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister said on Monday the negotiations between Serbia’s authorities and the opposition should be held in two phases – before and after the next spring elections, the Beta news agency reported.

McAllister wrote to Serbia’s Parliament Speaker Maja Gojkovic, saying the first phase would be a series of round table discussions in the Parliament co-chaired by Gojkovic and an EP representative, while the participants would include the parliamentary parties and perhaps some experts, like those from the OSCE. The topics of the first round would tackle the election rules, the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media (REM), electoral roll, financing of campaigns, observers, while the second series would focus on the inter-party dialogue and the building of trust in procedures and practice” Danas daily wrote.

However, experts say there is no enough time for all the changes the opposition demands. Besides, the majority of the main opposition parties have already declared the boycott, and it is difficult to predict whether the eventual changes will make them take part in the vote.

Nebojsa Stefanovic, the Interior Minister and the head of the working group for improving the election conditions, said on Monday the measures which the ruling coalition would accept could be implemented within three months, “some even earlier.” Speaking to the RTS, he said some of the suggested measures could be in force “in seven, some in 20 to 30 days.” “I believe we also have enough time to implement the measures which the Parliament needs to pass” he said, adding they were about the changes in the so-called functionary campaign, media, Anti-Corruption Agency, REM, electoral roll...


Dodik: There is no solution in B&H without some positioning of international factor (RTS)


SNSD and Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik said that, just as like there is no solution for Kosovo, there is no solution in B&H without some positioning of the international factor. “We are all tired of them from the international community (IC) for 25 years. We always endure some of them, they have their mandates, they spend it on illusions and waste our lives that are in some kind of B&H that is pointless. B&H is also pointless for Bosniaks”. In his opinion, Bosniaks cannot impose anything in this way. “If Croats reach a decision – maybe this could happen, but in our case, hypothetically speaking, if I say that Republika Srpska (RS) is independent. What can happen, what? B&H has a clear entity demarcation line”. Dodik added that he would never support a decision in the B&H Presidency that would be necessary for a military intervention in Banja Luka, while leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic would fail to use police, because police from the territory of one entity cannot react at the territory of another entity. In this case, we would take over our lines and we would stick to it. Of course, that there are many problems, this is an excess. All tourists leave, all investors leave, but this is an extreme situation that is still possible to happen. The only case when violence can happen there (in Sarajevo) is if NATO or the Western powers would interfere. There is no other way”.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Leaders of biggest political parties from RS and Serbian leadership reject SDA Program Declaration (RTRS, BN TV)


Leaders of biggest political parties from Republika Srpska (RS) met with leadership of Serbia in Belgrade on Saturday. On this occasion, all participants of the meeting, particularly the party leaders from the RS, unanimously rejected the SDA Program Declaration, which mentions the idea of creating the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The party leaders from the RS rejected the SDA Program Declaration as anti-Serb and anti-Dayton, and warned that it shows permanent commitment to eliminate Serbs from the area.


Serb member of the Presidency of B&H and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated that the RS rejects the SDA Program Declaration, confirming that participants of the meeting agreed on the need to defend the RS. “We should not be naive and incautious, in case SDA does not withdraw this document” noted Dodik. He stressed that political party leaders from the RS stand united in understanding what the SDA Declaration actually represents, while their positions only differ in terms of steps that should be undertaken. “Every time we were naive and when we did not count on our states, we ended up being killed. We asked Serbia to help us in a situation when that is necessary, from the perspective of training our security units” the Serb member of the B&H Presidency said. Dodik announced that he will try to build a political consensus to provide a clear response, which should be adopted in the RS National Assembly (RSNA). He added that any attempt to implement the SDA Program Declaration should lead to “activation” of Serbs’ rights “to self-determination, ultimately to secession”.


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic called for calming the tensions down and avoiding conflicts. Vucic commented on recent accusations that he is interfering in internal matters of B&H, and said that the duty of Serbia– as “guarantor” of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) – is to protect the DPA, peace, and stability in B&H. Vucic also said that Serbia is obliged to react whenever someone is trying to undermine that. According to the Serbian President, ideas in the SDA Program Declaration are not just ideas of Bosniaks, but also of part of the international community (IC) that cannot openly support it. “That was visible through announcements of some important political representatives of most significant world powers. No one should doubt that. There is no dilemma when it comes to that matter” President Vucic noted. He asked the Serb representatives from B&H to do everything to avoid conflict. “Any conflict would mean an economic collapse and an economic end of a good future for all of us. That is why it is important that we once again try to call on all stakeholders to calm the tensions down and to respect the Dayton Peace Accords”, said Vucic. He concluded that Serbia respects existence of the state of B&H with two entities.


Leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic said that he supports positions presented by Vucic. Sarovic noted that the meeting in Belgrade was a long and rather useful one, adding that participants discussed the current situation in B&H and that recently adopted SDA Declaration was in focus of this meeting. Sarovic explained that leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic and him were representatives of the opposition in the RS. Leader of SDS stressed that all participants agreed to reject the Declaration, and that they did not present similar views about how to react to this document. Member of SDS Presidency Vukota Govedarica stated that the meeting was marked by an unsuccessful attempt of SNSD leader and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik to drag both the RS and Serbia into big problems because of the interest of his political party. According to Govedarica, Dodik is acting as someone who lost his mind.


Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H Sefik Dzaferovic underlined that the SDA Declaration has not been imposed to anyone by force, but it calls for dialogue. Dzaferovic reminded that changes to the Constitution of B&H can be adopted only by two-third majority in the Parliament of B&H that includes majority of representatives from both entities. He went on to say that the SDA Declaration does not represent threat against anyone, including the Serb people and the RS, adding that hysteric reactions of Milorad Dodik are nothing but attempt to make the SDA Declaration an alibi for violation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) he (Dodik) has announced.


Representatives of left-wing parties in B&H stated that even in period of Slobodan Milosevic’s regime, representatives of political parties from other, sovereign countries have not been summoned in Belgrade this often. SDP’s Denis Becirovic said that once Vucic realizes and accepts that Sarajevo and not Belgrade is capital of all citizens of B&H, his unauthorized summoning of part of Serb politicians in Belgrade will end. “It is high time for local and foreign officials to warn Vucic that he should stop acting as if he was President of Greater Serbia and to understand that Greater Serbia will never be created at expense of B&H” stressed Becirovic.


RS Vice President Ramiz Salkic (SDA) stated that Serbia should finally pass a decision to stop meddling in internal issues of B&H. He underlined that Serbia is signatory of the DPA as side that made aggression against B&H and country sentenced for failing to prevent genocide and process perpetrators of genocide committed in B&H. Salkic said that representatives of “Bosnian Serbs” should look for solution in dialogue with representatives of Bosniaks, Croats and other citizens.


Chairman of the B&H Presidency and DF leader Zeljko Komsic stated that Dodik got a “political Prozac” in Belgrade instead of receiving support in maintaining security levels in B&H.


SDP leader Nermin Niksic said: “I find it scandalous that Vucic is publicly calling on political officials from B&H to defend the interests of Serbia. He is expertly using every opportunity, and often makes them up in order to give himself a justification for reaffirmation of the Serbian position from the time of the aggression on B&H.”


SDA Sec-Gen Genjac sends PIC Ambassador a letter because of “propaganda campaign launched from RS and Serbia” (Hayat)


Secretary General of SDA Halid Genjac has sent Ambassadors of member states of Peace Implementation Council (PIC) a letter because of “propaganda campaign launched from Republika Srpska (RS) and Serbia” concerning the Program Declaration that SDA adopted at its 7th Congress. Genjac stressed that despite the fact that there is no single argument for that, there is an attempt to present the Declaration as anti-Dayton activity. “Declaration promotes identical provisions on constitutional reforms, as well as program declaration adopted at our earlier congresses. Program Declaration of SDA advocates legitimate goal, reform to the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitution with a goal to secure equality for all citizens of B&H through full implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights” reads the letter.




Polls show Grabar Kitarovic with a lead ahead of the 2020 elections (HRT)


A comprehensive poll conducted by Croatian Radio Television (HRT) and the Promicija Plus Agency shows the potential winners and losers of the first and second rounds of presidential elections in 2020. According to a poll, if the first round of the presidential elections were held now, Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic would take 28.5% of the vote. SDP candidate Zoran Milanovic would be second with 24.8% and Miroslav Skoro would be third with 18.2%. Mislav Kolakusic would finish a distant fourth with 8.6% of the vote, followed by Dejan Kovac 3.2%, Ivan Pernar 2.7%, Dalija Oreskovic 2.6%, Vlaho Orepic 1.3%, followed by Katarina Peovic of the Worker's Front and Tomislav Panenic with roughly 0.5%. Other potential candidates account for 1.9% of the vote, while 7.1% of those polled are undecided.

If the vote does indeed go into a second round, as it appears likely to do, HRT also polled voters on the outcome of the three most likely second round match-ups. Should the SDP’s Zoran Milanovic make it to the second round against Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic those polled would vote her into office for a second term, with Grabar Kitarovic getting 52.3% of the vote and Milanovic 43.2%, while 4.5% are undecided.

In a battle between the incumbent and Miroslav Skoro, Grabar Kitarovic would win again, but by a slightly smaller margin, with the HDZ candidate taking 49.2% of the vote against Skoro’s 41.6%. However, there are a significantly higher number of undecided voters than in the previous poll, at 9.2%.

In the event of a second round between Skoro and Milanovic, the SDP candidate would lose yet again, with the independent Skoro taking 49.4% to Milanovic’s 45.4%, while 5.2% are undecided.


Republic of North Macedonia


Zaev-Mogherini: Start of accession talks – joint success of both North Macedonia and EU (Nezavisen vesnik)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev attended a dinner hosted by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini for Western Balkans heads of state and government at the EU Mission in the United Nations in New York on Sunday. PM Zaev said a few weeks are left before the EU Council summit, when North Macedonia is expecting a positive decision for the start of Union accession negotiations, the Government said in a press release.

PM Zaev said this is a crucial time for the country and all efforts are focused on maintaining the positive spirit among all EU member-states in supporting North Macedonia’s accession negotiations.

“The start of negotiations will be a joint success of both North Macedonia and EU, a result of the joint achievements during the pre-accession period” added Zaev.

The Government delegation launches its participation at the 74th UN General Assembly by attending Monday’s summits dedicated to climate action and universal health coverage.


Osmani is not sure that Macedonia will receive date for EU accession talks in October (Republika)


“We have met all the conditions, we expect a date for negotiations with the EU, and therefore the European Union will fulfill its part in October and will start negotiations with our country for full-fledged membership in the Union” Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bujar Osmani said on Saturday. The decision is taken by the member states by consensus, all 28 member states should vote in favor. The environment is positive, more positive both from June 2018 and June 2019. But the situation is still fragile until we have a final decision from the member states” Osmani said.




Prime Minister Edi Rama left for New York to take part in the UN General Assembly (Radio Tirana)


Two days ago, the head of the government initially canceled the visit by returning to Tirana to closely monitor the situation following the powerful earthquake that shook the country, but today he left for the United States to attend the assembly. Rama stated that the earthquake that struck Albania shook hundreds of thousands of families, but fortunately it did not cause heavy damages and loss in people, which compared to other places around, the same degree of Richter, could have been catastrophic.

“As never before, the state structures reacted immediately, thanks to reorganizations made in recent years; from the new National Emergency System to the Civil Emergency System which is still under reformation. Emergency hospital protocols were instantly activated and the response of all medical staff, although on a weekend day, was impressive. The various scenarios of financing the possible crisis were ready only a few hours after the strong seismic shock and contacts with international partners were reached in record time.

Ministers, MPs, mayors of the whole country, prefects in charge of emergency headquarters, were set in motion like never before, to do the best for the most affected families.

“I decided to take a trip to New York, where I am meeting with the President of the United States and other Heads of State or Government or important personalities, and I will speak on behalf of Albania at the United Nations” Rama said.