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Belgrade Media Report 8 April 2020



Brnabic: Great importance of China’s support and assistance to combat coronavirus (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic today expressed her gratitude to China for the donation for the construction of two state-of-the-art corona virus testing laboratories, which will run 3,000 tests a day. After signing the donation contract, Brnabic said that this is only part of China’s total support and assistance to Serbia, without which we would not be able to fight COVID-19.

This is another brick in a steel friendship house. I look forward to the day when we will be able to host the President of China in Serbia in the right way, as we know, to thank and pay tribute to our friendship, she said. She expressed her gratitude for the partnership, friendship and, as she said, generous donation. She conveyed her gratitude to all the companies that made this donation possible, most of all to the Chinese Embassy in our country, which, she said, was with the people of Serbia in the fight against coronavirus from the first day, and even before the first day.


Serbia receives assistance from Turkey (RTS)


The Serbian Defense Ministry announced that assistance from Turkey to Serbia in the form of equipment to prevent the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic was delivered today at the Nikola Tesla airport by a Turkish military aircraft. The plane was welcomed by Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin and Turkish Ambassador to Serbia Tanju Bilgic. On behalf of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Vulin expressed his gratitude to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for the generous assistance he received at the right time. Bilgic expressed condolences to Serbian citizens who lost their lives during this difficult period. The donation from Turkey contains various medical devices, including 100,000 protective masks, 2,000 protective suits and 1,500 COVID-19 tests.


Defense Ministry: Russian teams disinfected over 150,000 square meters in Serbia (Beta/Politika)


Russian military teams which had arrived in Serbia to help contain coronavirus spread have disinfected 121,500 square meters in 34 facilities and 38,500 square meters of streets and

squares, Major General Mikhail Chernyshov, heading the teams deployed to Serbia, said on 7 April. Presenting via a video call a report on the activities so far to the Russian and Serbian defense ministers, Sergei Shoigu and Aleksandar Vulin respectively, Chernyshov said that the Russian medical teams had visited health institutions in ten towns across Serbia, with four teams engaged on treating patients in three medical centers in Belgrade and Valjevo. According to a release from the Serbian Defense Ministry, Vulin thanked Moscow for deploying experts

to Serbia, stressing that the aid had arrived when it was most needed. Minister Shoigu wished Serbia much success in fighting coronavirus, noting that Russia’s military experts would do everything in their power to help the Serbian nation in containing virus spread.


Russian analyst: Serbia shifting direction (Beta/Nezavisimaya Gazeta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s statement about Belgrade cherishing “the European

myth” is highly important for the Balkan region as it implies a shift in geopolitical tendencies, the Progressive Policy Foundation director and Russian political analyst, Oleg Bondarenko, has said. “The official acknowledgment of ‘the collapse of European solidarity and EU prospects' at the top level in Serbia was heard for the first time since the end of the NATO aggression on Yugoslavia and ouster of Slobodan Milosevic,” Bondarenko has written in an editorial published in the 7 April issue of Russian daily Nezavisimaya Gazeta. According to Bondarenko, global coronavirus spread has changed geopolitical moods, while the principle “a friend in need is a friend indeed” has turned Serbia to Moscow and Beijing more than all businessprojects combined. “Serbia’s example could have a contagious effect on other countries in the region when they can no longer expect aid from anywhere, so Bosnia and North Macedonia could also turn to the East,” Bondarenko said. He added that a new geopolitical situation in the Balkans would be shown this autumn following EU steps, Belgrade’s response and the outcome of parliamentary elections in Serbia, North Macedonia and Montenegro.


SzS: Vucic continuing campaign, delaying donations (Beta)


The Alliance for Serbia (SzS) condemned on 7 April what it called was the unbecoming behavior of Serbian Progressive Party leader and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic who it said was campaigning despite the situation in the country. The SzS released a statement saying that it was not normal for the handover of medical equipment to have to wait until the president could deliver it personally. "It is not normal for him to be walking around Serbia and exposing numerous people involved in his personal election campaign to risk at the height of the pandemic in Serbia. It is not normal that equipment purchased with the people's money from the state budget is being presented as his personal gift. It is not normal for him to be constantly in the media with his whining and panic-mongering and hours-long tirades on every national TV station," the statement said. "The incumbent authorities obviously want to use government acts and the introduction of a state of emergency and the total media blackout as far as different opinions and voices in the opposition go, as well as the persecution of dissenters to continue campaigning," the statement said.


Curfew from Friday through Monday (Tanjug/B92)


The curfew this weekend will be from 5 pm on Friday to 5am on Monday, Serbian government confirmed to Tanjug. The media report that this measure will apply to the whole of Serbia, not just the hotspot cities as announced earlier. According to the latest information, pensioners will be able to go to stores on Friday, from four to seven in the morning.


In Serbia 219 new cases and four deaths (RTS)


According to the latest data, there are four more coronavirus-related deaths and 219 new cases over the previous 24 hours, 65 have died since the pandemic started in Serbia and that the total number of confirmed cases now stands at 2,666 since testing began. That number includes 1,705 patients in hospitals, 112 of who are on respirators. A total of 10,761 people have been tested in Serbia to date, including the 1,135 people who were tested over the previous 24 hours.




Dodik: Experts say peak of epidemic in B&H will be reached at beginning of May (FTV)

Guest of FTV central news was Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik. First cases of the coronavirus in B&H were reported in the Republika Srpska (RS). Experts still cannot say if this country has reached the peak of the epidemic. Dodik said all the experts claim B&H has yet to reach the peak and most of the assessments say it will come in the next few weeks. “All that will depend on our behavior, measures we implement as civil authorities, it will also depend on the medical authorities, of course, and the citizens,” Dodik underlined. He visited Trebinje, Banja Luka and Laktasi on Tuesday and saw that most people understand the situation and are behaving responsibly. “A small number of irresponsible individuals are destroying the entire system, which is why isolation measures must be expanded,” Dodik noted. He assessed that the RS authorities implemented many measures in time, which lead to successful control of the main clusters that were determined since the epidemic started. “In the next two, three weeks, as experts claim, the epicenter of the crisis will be reached, somewhere around 1 May, and adoption of measures in May will solely depend on that, whether we will be able to ease some of the measures,” Dodik explained. The RS government purchased 130 respirators from China and they are still stored in that country. Asked when they will arrive in B&H, Dodik explained that shipment is a big issue at this moment. “Every day, every hour, we are fighting to ensure that transport. We even took, rented a transport cargo plane which should fly from here, on the day we agree with the aviation authorities of China, so that the plane could land, pick up the equipment and transport it to Banja Luka,” he stated. Dodik concluded that with these 130 respirators the RS will have around 250 respirators at its disposal, which he believes is enough for the RS’ healthcare system to be able to successfully respond to any challenge.


Law on Mitigation of Negative Economic Consequences Caused by Coronavirus Pandemic submitted into parliamentary procedure (Hayat)

The "Corona law", i.e. Law on Mitigation of Negative Economic Consequences Caused by Coronavirus Pandemic, adopted by the Federation of B&H (FB&H) government, has been submitted into parliamentary procedure. According to FB&H Prime Minister Fadil Novalic, "Corona law" should be a new light in the fight against coronavirus in terms of economy. However, employers claim that this could be a poor legislative solution which will have multiple negative effects on economy of the FB&H. Novalic stressed on Tuesday that pensions and disability allowances in this entity will not be reduced in order to provide funds for the renewal of economy. He added that cuts will be made in the public sector, public spending and financing of political parties will be reduced and the FB&H government will take out additional loans. Novalic reiterated that the law is quite good after all as it will prevent scenario in which workers will lose their jobs and pay loans in such situation. Hayat reports that from the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic to today, the number of employed people in the FB&H decreased by 15,000.


B&H CoM appoints members of delegation that will lead negotiations on potential credit loan agreements between B&H and IBRD (FTV)

The B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) appointed members of the delegation that will lead negotiations on potential credit loan agreements between B&H and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). This loan refers to the project of urgent assistance in fight against COVID-19, worth USD 20 million. The B&H CoM also approved the redirection of funds from the state programs of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). Thirty million Euros of funds will be redirected from the 2018, 2019 and 2020 IPA programs for the agreement signed with the UN Agency for Medicinal Products and Devices, the migrations, support for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and the field of commerce. The funds for the General Instrument for European Integration will be increased by 18 million Euros, and they can be used for urgent assistance in the fight against COVID-19.


IMF ensures crisis package for B&H worth USD 330 million; Dodik: This assistance is not operational because of inability to reach agreement between entities and FB&H cantons (RTRS)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has ensured the so-called ‘crisis package’ for B&H worth USD 330 million to help implement the measures in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic. Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated on Tuesday that this assistance is not operational because of inability to reach agreement between entities and the Federation of B&H cantons. He added that the RS has proposed the distribution of 39.5 percent of funds to the RS, 59.5 percent to the FB&H and one percent to Brcko District, stressing that he expects that the agreement will be reached next week. According to Dodik, Croats support the RS’ proposal for distribution of funds, but it is uncertain how the funds will be distributed between cantons in the FB&H. Dodik said that he expects agreement on distribution of money from the IMF to be made within the next several weeks.


Dodik: B&H Central Bank did nothing to help authorities, economy (FTV)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that besides the toll this virus had on people’s lives, it also strongly affected the economy. The RS government adopted a set of economic measures, even before the FB&H government did, and these measures are aimed at helping the workers and strengthening of the economy. The RS authorities wish to prevent layoffs of workers and is ready to meet with representatives of the employers to discuss ways the Government could help and cover salaries and contributions for all the workers that are currently unable to work. Dodik confirmed contributions for all workers in the catering facilities, the traffic sector, hairdressers and other service activities, whose businesses were closed due to the pandemic, were paid for the month of March. For this purpose, BAM 18 million was allocated from the RS Budget. In April and May, these workers will receive minimal salaries in the amount of BAM 520 and their contributions will be covered. This will cost the government around BAM 50 million per month, Dodik added. “How will we handle this after that, we will have to wait and see”, he said, adding that initial funds were provided through several budget savings. Dodik complained about the work of the B&H Central Bank (CB). Dodik says the mentioned procurement of respirators from China almost fell through as the B&H CB did not wish to prolong the work of banks, making it impossible for funds to be paid in time. Representatives of the B&H CB, however, rejected these accusations, saying the RS authorities had every opportunity to pay the funds in time. Asked why he believes the B&H CB can help the economy with its required reserves, Dodik explained this decision would not affect the Central Bank’s work. There is more ‘frozen funds’ in the B&H CB than there is money on the B&H market, Dodik added. “Certain changes can be made, which will not put the Central Bank’s role in question; a package can be made to help the banks, the economy, which would be made between the authorities and the commercial banks, and of course the clients,” Dodik emphasized. He concluded that the authorities did not ask anything from the B&H CB that is risky or out of its current jurisdiction.


Dzaferovic: US and Slovenia to provide assistance to B&H (Oslobodjenje)

Chairman of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic held a phone meeting with US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson, on which occasion they concluded that coordination of activities and full engagement of all authority levels in B&H are of the outmost importance for successful fight against COVID-19 pandemic. US Ambassador announced that US will continue to provide assistance to B&H for prevention of spreading of the epidemic. Slovenian Ambassador to B&H, Zorica Bukinac informed Dzaferovic that Slovenian Government is self-initiatively preparing bilateral aid package for B&H.


Italian Ambassador Minasi: Coronavirus epidemic is test for cooperation between EU and B&H, you should establish an umbrella crisis HQ at level of state (Nezavisne)

Italian Ambassador to B&H Nicola Minasi said that the current situation in Italy - with regards to coronavirus epidemic in the country - is still very complex. “Italy was the first country in the world to have opted for quarantine for the entire population, and that was a very difficult and brave decision for the (Italian) government. It also requires great dedication of citizens and causes unavoidable damage to economy, but data have started showing the efficiency of those measures,” said Minasi. He underlined that in times like these, solidarity is very important, and added that Italy will never forget the fact that the City Hall in Sarajevo and the new bridge in Banja Luka were illuminated in the colors of Italian flag to demonstrate B&H’s solidarity with Italy. As for the situation in Italy, Minasi said that Italy is simultaneously faced with two crises, epidemiological and economic one. He added that while epidemiological situation is likely to improve in the upcoming month or two, or at least by the beginning of summer, the economic crisis will require wisdom and well-thought out solutions in order to protect production capacities and make it possible for production to be restarted as soon as the situation is back to normal. Italian Ambassador to B&H said that the coronavirus epidemic has shown Italians how important it is to invest into national healthcare system, and taught them that the society can function only when citizens and persons working in different sectors - from teachers and police officer to warehouse workers – work for the common interest. “Italy is rediscovering its solidarity and is becoming aware of its abilities”, concluded Minasi, and noted that almost the entire public administration in Italy is now working from home - which served as an experiment and showed that it is possible to improve public services and upgrade them with new technologies. When asked if there is something B&H can learn from Italy, Minasi replied by saying that collection and exchange of data at the level of state are of crucial importance in the time of epidemic. “Crisis headquarters which would encompass both state level and entities need to be established. Gathering of medical material is important, but handling information and those materials is even more important, because virus knows no borders,” said Minasi. He explained that Italy has introduced mobile phone apps which make it possible to find those who were in contact with persons infected with coronavirus, and noted that those applications are at B&H’s disposal, and many IT companies in B&H have already expressed interest in adapting them free of charge. Furthermore, Minasi said that formation of an umbrella crisis HQ at the level of state is important for dealing with economic consequences as well - because it is necessary to coordinate interventions and help the most affected categories. “It is not necessary to introduce many measures, but only a handful of clear interventions in order to provide business entities with reliable information and clear procedures. On top of that, organized and coordinated public communication is necessary as well,” explained Minasi. When it comes to European integration of B&H, Minasi said that Italy has always been an advocate of European integration of B&H and all other countries in the Balkans. “Integration process is an excellent opportunity for development, and B&H needs to use it in an intelligent manner, improve its internal functioning and create more possibilities for citizens as well. In fact, coronavirus is crisis and test for this cooperation: the EU does not provide only medical material and financial assistance, but also big experience and organizational abilities in managing production, transport, economic interventions and social measures. Politics and society in B&H are already connected with the rest of the EU on different levels: we are in this crisis together, and we will come out of it together as well,” concluded Minasi.


Kosarac on possible establishing of nuclear waste disposal at Trgovska Gora (O kanal)


B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac talked on Tuesday with Croatian Minister of Environment Tomislav Coric. Kosarac stated on this occasion that if Croatia decides to insist on establishing of nuclear waste disposal at Trgovska Gora near border with B&H, institutions of B&H will request international arbitration. Also, Kosarac held an urgent video-conference on this topic with competent ministers of the FB&H and the RS. It was concluded that B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) will be requested to form a coordination team that will be dealing with the abovementioned problem. Kosarac said that everyone in B&H remains hopeful that this matter will be resolved in a diplomatic manner.


New official data on the number of infected people with coronavirus in B&H (N1)


The B&H Ministry of Civil Affairs has released new official data on the number of infected people with coronavirus in B&H. According to data available by noon, a total of 803 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in B&H. A total of 348 cases have been registered in the RS so far, 439 in the FB&H and 16 in the Brcko District. The number of people who died in B&H is 34, including 12 in RS, 21 in Federation of B&H and 1 in Brcko District.


EU member countries did not manage to come to an agreement on a plan for economic recovery after the coronavirus pandemic (HRT)


After 16 hours of debate, finance ministers from EU member countries did not manage to come to an agreement on a plan for economic recovery after the coronavirus pandemic. The halted their video-conference and announced a continuation on Thursday. “After 16 hours of discussion we came close to an agreement, but we still don’t have one. I halted the meeting of the Euro Group and we will continue tomorrow,” said the head of the Euro Group Mario Centeno. “My goal remains: a strong EU security network from the effects of Covid-19 so that workers, companies and member countries may be protected,” noted Centeno. The virtual meeting of the Euro Group was held in an inclusive format, meaning ministers from all 27 EU member countries took part and not only the 19 members of the Euro zone. The main obstacle was the question of debt collectivization and conditions for crediting the European Stabilization Mechanism. On one side Italy insists that collectivization of debts be entered into conclusions, while on the other the Netherlands won’t even hear of it. Collectivization of debts is a taboo topic in the European Union. Member states that have the highest credit ratings are always opposed to the possibility of mutually taking on risk for countries that are not known for discipline in public finances, such as Italy. Germany and France have called on all member states to do everything to come to an agreement. French Minister of Finance Bruno Le Maire said on Twitter that together with his German colleague Olaf Scholz he “calls upon all member states to be up to the emergency task so that an ambitious agreement is achieved.” The ministers discussed three elements of the plan for economic recovery around which a consensus may be reached. The first is the credit line of the European Stabilization Mechanism (ESM), the second a guarantee fund by the European Investment Bank, and the third a support program for shortened working hours, which every member state will guarantee and which will assist companies in the hardest hit countries to keep workers, and workers to keep their incomes. However, the group of countries led by Italy who was hardest hit by the pandemic, is seeking the establishment of an instrument for collective borrowing, which would issue Eurobonds, which in some places are being called coronabonds. On the other side Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and Finland are strongly opposed to this. Germany is advocating an ESM credit line, which was created in 2012 at the peak of the Euro zone crisis in order to assist members to finance their debts, because they could not do so on financial markets. The ESM has a credit capacity of 410 billion Euros, while loans that members may access can be up to a maximum of two percent of their GDP. This mechanism is a sort of European MMF and this is where conditions for giving loans come into question, which is what the member countries are divided on. In southern Europe the ESM has a very negative reputation because it is connected to the strict control of implementing reforms, which are a precondition for receiving a loan. Italy wants the funds to be given without any conditions, but the Netherlands wants approved loans to be exclusively used for the health crisis and fixing direct damage to economies caused by the pandemic.


Croatia postpones Zagreb Summit (HRT)

The Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union has decided to postpone the Zagreb Summit and all informal meetings and conferences that were scheduled to be held in Zagreb until 15 May. The EU-Western Balkans summit, the central event of Croatia’s EU presidency, was scheduled for the 6 to 7 May in Zagreb. However, in a bid to limit the spread of the coronavirus a decision has been made to put off the event until June. In a statement released by the Croatian presidency it was noted that an attempt would be made, in agreement with the President of the European Council Charles Michel, to find a new date for the summit in June, provided the coronavirus situation permits. Alternatively, in the inability to hold a physical meeting, it will be suggested to hold the meeting by video. Croatia is presiding over the Council of the European Union until 30 June and the Zagreb Summit will have to be held by that date.

The EU-Western Balkans summit was intended to be the key moment in Croatia's presidency of the Council, even more so now that the Council was able to reach a decision on the opening of EU accession negotiations with Northern Macedonia and Albania last month. The pandemic is significantly affecting the EU’s rotating presidency even beyond Croatia’s 30 June deadline. Germany, which will assume a rotating presidency from Croatia, has already sent an internal letter stating that its presidency would not be able to proceed as planned and would need to reduce targets and shift its focus to only the highest priority issues.


New official data on the number of infected people in Croatia (HRT/N1)


According to the latest report from the National Civil Protection Headquarters 61 new coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Croatia over the past 24 hours. This brings the national total to 1 343. One coronavirus death has also been recorded over the past 24 hours, bringing the national total to 19. Currently there are 359 coronavirus patients being treated in hospitals throughout the country, of which 36 are o respirators, while 779 are battling the virus at home. All told 14 2590 Croatian citizens are currently in self-isolation. On a positive note 779 people have achieved a full recovery from the virus, which is 12 more than yesterday. Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic, who also heads up the National Crisis Headquarters, also announced today that a decision had been made to reopen open air markets. He added however, that they would be opened in line with the strictest safety measures. Bozinovic and other members of the national headquarters said that while the situation is stable, as Croatia is still limiting the spread of the virus to linear growth, it is important to remain vigilant in the fight against COVID-19. During the night, 49 of 318 patients were evacuated from the Home for elderly people in Split. All 49 of them are showing symptoms of coronavirus, for now infection was confirmed in 10 cases. "Forty-nine residents have been evacuated, two of whom have moderate symptoms and need oxygen. None of them are on a respirator. Of those, 49, 10 are positive. The others are being tested," said Vili Beros in Split.


Djukanovic: Montenegro and Turkey together in fight against COVID-19 (CDM)


Medical equipment, prepared by the Ministry of Health of Turkey, has been sent to Montenegro and another four countries battling with coronavirus epidemic. “Montenegro and Turkey together in fight against COVID-19. Thanks to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan”, said Montenegro’s President Milo Djukanovic. The equipment includes 50.000 medical masks, 1.000 protective suits and 1.000 tests. “After the despair, hopes blossom. After darkness, sun always comes. To Montenegrin people, with love,” it was written on packages. “The packages of equipment are on its way to Montenegro”, Ministry of Health of Turkey reported. Turkey donated earlier 1.000 tests and provided transport of Montenegrin nationals.


Police arrest person suspected of leaking list of persons infected with COVID-19 (CDM)


Police arrested M.R, on suspicion of committing criminal offence – unauthorized collection and use of personal data- list of persons infected with COVID-19. “According to the data we have, this person published the data about COVID-19 infected persons through IDO system and then he forwarded the data to other persons, his colleagues,” State Prosecutor’s Office said. M.R. will be taken to state prosecutor for further procedure.


Confirmed coronavirus cases in Montenegro rise to 248 (CDM)


After another series of testing, Institute of Public Health confirms there are now 248 infected persons in Montenegro. Out of 175 analyzed samples, seven tested positive for coronavirus. New cases are from Podgorica (5), Niksic (1) and Tuzi (1). “All are contacts of previously known cases,” Institute said.

Confirmed cases according to the place of residence:

Podgorica: 123

Tuzi: 36

Niksic: 31

Bar: 21

Ulcinj: 9

Andrijevica: 7

Bijelo Polje: 6

Herceg Novi: 6

Budva: 4

Danilovgrad: 3

Tivat: 2


Dimitrov: Citizens to be cautious, state of emergency is fertile soil for fake news (MIA)

NATO's emergency response mechanism has, in a way, a role of a coordination center between the members' requirements and needs in coping with COVID-19 and those who can provide assistance, says Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov. FM Dimitrov said on Wednesday that the first aid in the country arrived from Norway (mechanical ventilators), whereas a Turkish plane carrying assistance will land in Skopje today. “Hungary, Slovenia, United States, The Netherlands have also provided assistance to the health system. EU has produced a EUR 400 million package for the Western Balkans, of which about EUR 70 million are allocated for North Macedonia,” says Dimitrov. He says that the recent meeting with the 29 NATO counterparts focused on solidarity in the COVID-19 crisis, but also the fight against fake news. “Lithuania, which has experience in coping with fake news, is offering specific support. Fighting this phenomenon is not simple, it requires vigilance and caution by citizens, institutions and journalists. Not everything we read is true, fact checking is a must, especially during this state of emergency, which is fertile soil for fake news. For example, on the day when the United States ratified North Macedonia’s NATO Accession Protocol, there was a multitude of false information regarding the 5G network, an attempt to shroud a great piece of news,” adds Dimitrov. The FM says he has initiated a joint letter by regional foreign ministers for exemption of the Western Balkans from the special regime for export of protective masks and suits.

“No one knows exactly how long the pandemic will last and I believe that solidarity will pick up pace as time goes by. This virus cannot be stopped in one country. We will have to act as a region, as a continent, as mankind, helping each other to put an end to this state of emergency. We are strengthening national protective mask capacities. If we meet our needs, why not help abroad,” says Dimitrov. According to him, bilateral relations with neighboring Bulgaria, i.e. development of the friendship and removal of all identity challenges will be the last process in the closure of the Macedonian question. “The process started with the Friendship Treaty and we must respect the values of the other party. NATO membership guarantees the country’s territory, while the start of EU accession negotiations will help us take care of things at home and settling relations with Bulgaria, thus completing a fundamental and historic mission,” notes Dimitrov. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has mediated in the return of close to 2,500 citizens from abroad. “The pace of this operation must be complementary to the capacity of the state quarantine. We will not stop with these efforts, our priority was to help people who were most desperate. We will continue to use the transit routes through Greece and Bulgaria. No other country has a similar prior experience, all ministries of foreign affairs are facing something they have not faced before. We are helping each other,” concluded FM Dimitrov.


Pendarovski-Stoltenberg: Joined allied forces to curb COVID-19 pandemic (MIA)

President Stevo Pendarovski in a phone call with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Tuesday underscored the need of allies joining forces and stepping up solidarity efforts in tackling the COVID-19 crisis. Pendarovski thanked Stoltenberg for the warm and sincere welcome of North Macedonia into the NATO family, stressing that membership in the largest security alliance further motivated the country to develop, contributing to stability, security and prosperity of current and future generations, his office said. Pendarovski informed the NATO chief about North Macedonia’s response to tackle the spread of COVID-19 and the activities of competent authorities. The officials discussed the activities conducted by NATO so as to prevent the health crisis from turning into a security crisis, referring to growing disinformation. Also, they praised the fact that NATO has been supporting its members for transportation of medical equipment, medical staff and the use of innovative technology to produce medical gear. President Pendarovski said that several NATO members had already provided assistance to North Macedonia, demonstrating that solidarity among allies in tackling global crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, was strong. North Macedonia is also part NATO’s Next Generation Incident Command System, allowing better exchange of information and better cooperation of the institutions in the country. Pendarovski and Stoltenberg agreed that the competent institutions should increase communication in the coming period and sharing of information in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and fake news. Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has again congratulated North Macedonia on becoming NATO's 30th member. “A congratulations is in order for North Macedonia on becoming the 30th member of the NATO Alliance. Its accession, which we marked in our virtual NATO meeting last week, strengthens the Alliance tremendously,” Secretary Pompeo said in remarks to the press. He added this was another proof “that countries know aligning with free nations of the West is the best way to obtain security, stability, and prosperity for their own nation.”


Eighteen new cases of coronavirus in North Macedonia and 2 deaths (MIA)

A 73-year-old man from Kumanovo died at the Clinic for Infectious and Febrile Conditions in Skopje. A 44-year-old person was found dead in his apartment in Kavadarci, where a swab was taken from him and the swab confirmed the presence of the virus. According to the Ministry of Health, the Clinic for Infectious and Febrile Conditions in Skopje registered five recovered patients today, who are leaving for home in good general condition after two negative check-ups.

In the past 24 hours, 18 new cases of coronavirus have been reported. By cities: Skopje - 7, Kumanovo - 2, Prilep - 4, Bitola - 2, Kavadarci -1 (deceased), Krushevo - 1 and Kocani -1.

With this, the total number of diagnosed patients with Covid-19 in our country is 617 people.

Four new patients have been admitted to the Infectious Diseases Clinic, and a total of 66 patients are currently hospitalized, seven of whom are on mechanical ventilation. Four new suspected coronavirus patients were admitted to the September 8 hospital. The total number of positive and suspicious cases of Covid-19 in this hospital is 26 patients, eight of whom are in serious condition, and three patients are on a respiratory machine. In the hospital in Stip, as the Ministry announced, there are no new admitted patients for hospital treatment. Four patients are currently hospitalized, one patient with a moderate-severe clinical picture with pneumonia and three stable. The hospital in Bitola also does not accept new patients. Currently, four patients undergoing hospital treatment are stable. According to the place of residence, so far cases of Covid -19 have been registered in: Skopje - 261, Kumanovo -130, Debar - 49, Stip-20, Prilep - 38, Tetovo - 29, Struga - 28, Veles - 10, Bitola - 8 , Ohrid - 3, Kavadarci - 3, Gostivar - 4, Gevgelija - 4, Strumica - 2, Kriva Palanka - 3, Radovish - 4, Krushevo - 3 and Kocani - 18.

In the past 24 hours, 351 tests have been performed. So far, 6,230 tests have been performed on the Covid-19 in the country.


Albania requests NATO aid in medical supplies (Tirana Times)


The Albanian government has asked NATO for assistance through donations in medical equipment and personal protective equipment to protect medical staff and citizens from the coronavirus pandemic. Through an official request written on 27 March, four days after Albania declared a state of natural disaster, the government requested 800 ventilators and 500 monitors as well as 200,000 special medical clothes and 1.5 million surgical and professional masks.

The Ministry of Interior states that the points of entry for the donations may be through the Tirana International Airport, Port of Durres and Land Border Crossing Points. Moreover, the data as of March 23 reported in the official request shows that the rate of coronavirus infection in Albania is 6 in 100,000, while in Tirana the rate is 17 infected cases per 100,000 people. So far, the EU has pledged 50 million Euros to help Albania fight the coronavirus outbreak, of which 4 million is for immediate equipment and health support. The Chinese Embassy has also assisted by donating 1000 testing kits to Albania, while the US Embassy has reportedly given out 30 thousand testing kits to assist the country in the fight against the coronavirus.


Synchronizing policies between Albania and Kosovo, an opportunity to save tourism this year (Radio Tirana)


Tourism is the sector that is expected to suffer the most from the closure of the country due to coronavirus. While domestic consumption is expected to revive with the gradual lifting of restrictions, it is almost impossible for the same to happen with the entry of foreigners into the country. Tour operators have claimed that reservations have already been canceled not only for April and May, but also for summer bookings. This is happening as tourism is in its heyday, with the influx of foreigners growing significantly in recent years, encouraging large investments in increasing hotel capacity. These investments are in jeopardy, giving a chain effect to other sectors that directly or indirectly supported tourism. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, in a recent report on the country’s resilience to the Covid-19 pandemic, found that Albania is most at risk from tourism, due to the fact that it takes 20 % of Gross Domestic Product. But there is hope that tourism will work this year with our neighbors, Kosovo and Macedonia. INSTAT data show that about 2.2 million citizens entered Albania from Kosovo in 2019, or 34% of the total. From Macedonia, which ranks second, came 750 thousand citizens (almost 12% of the total). So, from these two countries come almost half of the total number of tourists in the country. A synchronization of crisis management policies between Albania and Kosovo (but also Macedonia) would be in the interest of Albania, but also Kosovo and Macedonia. Albanian tourism would certainly survive better in 2020. A synchronized opening would have a real effect on the economy. But we must not forget the first week of July. We need to synchronize from now on, in terms of access to population screening, administration of the epidemiological situation, but also the administration of the health system and the resources that both systems have. The interest is common. Tourism is the focus of Albania, while Kosovo has a much more organized agricultural market than ours, but also products that can be substitutes for imports, which has made the crisis more difficult to achieve. For many years, Albania and Kosovo have not been able to find a common way to take advantage of each other’s competitive advantages. Visible and invisible barriers have hampered this development, despite the efforts of governments in both directions. In this difficult situation that the whole globe is going through, we can find salvation first from within. It is time for the two countries to work together and think together.

Coronavirus cases rise again after Albania hit lowest number (ADN)


The number of people infected with coronavirus in Albania climbed to 400. There has been a significant increase in the number of infected people in the last 24 hours, with 17 new cases confirmed, 11 more than the day before. 58 of them are hospitalized in two COVID hospitals in Albania, namely in the infectious diseases hospital there are 52 patients and while in "Shefqet Ndroqi" hospital there are 6 patients. "In the last 24 hours, 236 suspected cases have been tested, of which 17 resulted positive. To date, 2,989 suspected cases have been tested and of these, 400 have been confirmed positive for COVID-19. 22 citizens have lost the battle with this disease so far, despite the extraordinary efforts of the health personnel. The map of those affected by COVID-19 is expanded in Tirana with 9 cases, Elbasan 1 case, Fier 6 cases, and Shkodra with 1 case," announced Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

The geographical distribution of positive cases is as follows:

- Tirana 190 cases

- Durres 38 cases

- Lushnje 5 cases

- Elbasan 12 cases

- Fier 32 cases

- Kavaja 8 cases

- Rrogozhine 4 cases

- Korça 17 cases

- Vlora 5 cases

- Shkodra 45 cases

- Lezha 14 cases

- Berat 2 cases

- Has 12 cases

- Kruja 5 cases

-Tropoje 4 cases

- Puka 4 cases

- Mirdite 3 cases.



Serbia, coronavirus, and autocracy (Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, by Antonela Riha, 8 April 2020)


The Covid-19 pandemic is likely to be used by the Serbian authorities to violate the Constitution, break laws, and even formally attempt to introduce censorship – all this by manipulating citizens' fears

Serbia has entered the fourth week of state of emergency, proclaimed last March 15th, and the sixth week since, according to official data, patient zero was identified in the country. The Crisis Unit to contain the spread of the virus, consisting of doctors, informs citizens every day on the progress of the pandemic and on the numbers of the infected and the dead, while president Aleksandar Vučić addresses the population several times a week. Citizens are mostly focused on news about the pandemic, the fear of the virus, the purchase of food made more difficult by restrictions on freedom of movement, compliance with the emergency containment procedures recommended by epidemiologists. Few people are concerned with the fact that the government has violated other, no less important, procedures by acting against the law and the constitution.


The dubious legitimacy of the state of emergency declaration

Contrary to the law, that prescribes that only the Serbian parliament can approve the introduction of the state of emergency, president Vučić proclaimed a national emergency on March 15th in the presence of prime minister Ana Brnabić and president of Parliament Maja Gojković.

Before the introduction of the state of emergency in Serbia, the election campaign for the political elections initially scheduled for April 26th was underway, and the ruling party (Serbian Progressive Party, SNS) had already started a large signature collection campaign for the presentation of the electoral list. During a press conference held in late February, a doctor stated that the new coronavirus was "the most ridiculous virus in the history of humankind", and that women affected by the virus tend to exhibit milder symptoms thanks to the estrogens so, in his words, they could safely go shopping in Milan. During the same press conference, president Vučić advised citizens to consume avocado and rakija to prevent the risk of contagion. Then the situation suddenly changed and the president explained that the Parliament could not meet due to the coronavirus epidemic, which at the time had not yet been officially proclaimed. Paradoxically, the state of emergency was introduced four days before the approval of the March 19th epidemic ordinance. With the introduction of the state of emergency and the suspension of parliamentary work, all decision-making power was concentrated in the hands of the ruling party. Following the recommendations of the Crisis Unit, the Serbian government has introduced some contradictory measures that do not comply with the laws and regulations in force.


Selective measures

With the ordinance on the ban on gatherings in closed spaces, kindergartens, schools, theatres, and cinemas were closed as well as restaurants, while gaming and betting rooms remained open and only closed a few days ago. The latest restriction on freedom of movement introduced by the government prohibits gatherings of more than two people in public places. At the same time, employers were left free to organise the work as they pleased. Those who can have adopted smart working. However, the ban on gatherings does not apply to companies, which continue to work but often do not provide their employees with the necessary protective equipment. In some cases, workers stopped working, denouncing the lack of masks and disinfectant products.

Despite the harsh penalties foreseen, and already applied, for those who violate the measures adopted in the state of emergency, the authorities did not intervene when, a few days ago, a group of faithful gathered in front of a church in Novi Sad and received communion, all from the same spoon.


Chaotic decisions

The ordinance on the limitations and the prohibition of movement was also issued in a manner not compliant with the law. Some jurists have pointed out that such a measure can only be approved by parliament or, in exceptional circumstances, by the government. However, the order in question was issued by the Minister of the Interior and has been amended several times. The curfew introduced by the ordinance lasts from 17:00 to 05:00 on weekdays, while during the weekend the timetable changes, and the last version forbids leaving home from 13:00 on Saturday to 05:00 on Monday. Citizens over 65 are allowed to leave the house only on Saturdays (until last week they were allowed to go out on Sundays) from 04:00 to 07:00, exclusively to go shopping in the stores that remain specially opened. Even the times when it is possible to walk the dog change constantly, only the allowed duration of the walk has remained unchanged: maximum 20 minutes, with the obligation not to move more than 200 metres away from home.

Those who do not regularly follow the news risk violating movement restrictions without knowing it. To further increase the confusion related to the constant changes of the rules, there are repeated announcements on the possible introduction of the absolute ban on leaving the house for several weeks. Measures taken to deal with the emergency are usually made public by president Vučić during press conferences broadcast live by all national TV stations. Whenever Vučić appears in public, he takes the opportunity to threaten "disobedient" citizens, to implore pensioners not to leave the house, to boast of having personally committed to the purchase of new respirators, and to attack opposition figures who, in those few independent media outlets that give space to their opinions, criticise some government decisions.


The censorship and arrest of a journalist

On March 28th, the Serbian government approved a provision on information during the pandemic, which provides that only the premier and those authorised by the Crisis Unit can disclose information on the ongoing health emergency. Anyone who publishes information disclosed by an "unauthorised subject" risks one of the sanctions introduced in the context of a state of emergency. Serbian journalists' associations and a part of public opinion protested against this measure, which actually introduced censorship, but the government justified itself by saying that the purpose of the measure was to counter the spread of false news. The first effects of the measure began to emerge soon. On April 1st, Ana Lalić, journalist of the Nova portal, was arrested because of an article in which she reported the dangerous conditions in which doctors and health workers of the Vojvodina Clinical Center (KCV) in Novi Sad work. On the basis of the complaint filed by the KCV – which denied what was reported in the article – the prosecutor ordered a 48-hour detention against the journalist, while the police searched her apartment, seizing her computer and two cellphones. Ana Lalić was released the day after the arrest, and prime minister Ana Brnabić said on the same day that she had decided to withdraw the controversial measure at the request of president Vučić. However, it seems that the premier was prompted to withdraw the measure by reactions from Serbian journalists' associations and various international organisations that severely criticised the measure and the decision to arrest the journalist. In Serbia, not only independent media, but also non-governmental organisations struggle to find information of public interest. At this time, it is not known exactly how many respirators there are in Serbian hospitals. President Vučić has repeatedly spoken of the difficulties in purchasing respirators. Transparentnost Srbija (Transparency Serbia) recalled Vučić's recent claim that Serbia has already ordered and paid for over 1,000 respirators. However, this piece of information is not found on the public procurement portal, where only some documents have been published relating to a tender for the urgent purchase of 15 respirators, called in the first half of March.


Campaigning on the coronavirus emergency

Instead of introducing a state of emergency, Vučić could have proclaimed the so-called "extraordinary situation", foreseen by the Law on risk prevention in disaster and emergency situations. One of the differences between the extraordinary situation and the state of emergency lies in the fact that during an extraordinary situation the government cannot introduce restrictions on the rights guaranteed by the constitution. The state of emergency allowed Vučić to postpone the deadline for holding the political elections – scheduled for the end of April – and have them in the autumn, or when the state of emergency is over. At the same time, the state of emergency has allowed Vučić not only to dominate the media, where he is constantly present, but also to continue his election campaign. Vučić is taking advantage of the situation to announce the adoption of various populist measures, such as the granting of a one-time aid of 100 Euros to all citizens of legal age once the state of emergency has ended. Vučić has concentrated all the power in his own hands – he decides when citizens can leave the house and when they can take the dog for a walk; it is thanks to him if respirators and other devices necessary to face the emergency arrive in Serbia; only he has the right to approve or cancel a government decision. The president has blamed the spread of the coronavirus in Serbia on the gastarbeiter who, when the epidemic started to spread in Europe, returned to Serbia bringing the virus with them, while the premier said that the massive return of Serbian workers was an anti-patriotic act because they burdened the Serbian healthcare system. Meanwhile, the Serbian citizens, fearing the epidemic and the news of the increase in the number of the infected and the dead, respect the measures introduced by the government and only rarely, on social networks, do they question their legitimacy. In the past eight years, since Vučić came to power, almost all institutions in Serbia have been destroyed, and it is on their ruins that Serbian citizens will wait for the end of the quarantine – which will end, of course, when president Vučić says so.