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Belgrade Media Report 10 April 2020



UN SC session on Kosovo and Metohija may be postponed but not canceled (Politika)


The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) session devoted to Kosovo and Metohija, which should be held at the end of April, will be most probably postponed over the pandemic, Politika has unofficially learned in diplomatic circles. The session will be held most likely in May or when the permanent SC member states agree. There is still a small possibility that it will be held at the scheduled time, only if the UN SC permanent member states, the US, Russia, China, Great Britain and France, agree on this in the next ten days. In that case, since the borders are closed, the session would be organized via a video-conference. Still, it is unlikely that anyone is now thinking about debating the state-of-affairs in Kosovo, when the US, Great Britain and France have serious problems in combatting the coronavirus. According to one of Politika’s interlocutors from the Serbian government, one group of countries in the UN is doing everything to remove the reporting from Kosovo and Metohija far from the public. The interlocutor recalls that six months ago it was precisely Great Britain that requested to postpone the session devoted to the Serbian southern province for a month, because the so-called ambassador of Kosovo Vlora Chitaku couldn’t attend. The motive was to prolong the session until London presides. “Notwithstanding various obstructions and kicking under the table, Serbia will never recognize the so-called independence of Kosovo. Without respecting Resolution 1244 and Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, pressures are pointless. In order to continue the dialogue at all, the Kosovo government needs to have full capacity and, of course, the pandemic to be over,” said one of the ministers.


Brnabic sends greetings for Easter according to Gregorian calendar (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic sent Easter greetings to Belgrade Archbishop Stanislav Hocevar and all believers celebrating this greatest Christian holiday according to the Gregorian calendar. "At a time when all citizens of the world are in danger and every individual is put to the test of solidarity, humanity and responsibility to their fellow men, this great Christian holiday reminds us that only by joining forces, united as a society, can we emerge victorious. Today, we are convinced more than before how important it is to be responsible to ourselves and to one another, and how important each and every life and individual is to our society. On behalf of all members of the government of the Republic of Serbia and in my personal name, I wish you best wishes for the biggest and most important Christian holiday," Prime Minister Brnabic wrote.


Vucic awards Dimcevski for personal heroism and skillful command (RTS/Tanjug)


On the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the Battle of Kosare, Serbian President and Commander-in-Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vucic awarded the Order of the White Eagle with Swords of the Second Degree to Lieutenant Colonel Dragutin Dimcevski, for his personal heroism and skillful command of the 53rd Border Battalion of the Yugoslav Army (VJ) during 1998 and 1999, the president's press service said. On Good Friday, 9 April 1999, members of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) assisted by the Albanian Army and NATO aviation, crossed the state border in the area of the Kosare outpost and attacked Yugoslav Army units with the aim of cutting off communication on the Djakovica-Prizren line, and occupying much of Metohija. At that time, the 53rd Border Battalion was the first unit of our army to come under enemy attack, and it heroically resisted the enemy while guarding the fatherland. In addition, the 125th Motorized Brigade, the 63rd Paratrooper Brigade, a part of the 72nd Special Brigade, the Military Police, a part of the 549th Motorized Brigade, parts of the Pristina Corps, reserve soldiers and Russian volunteers participated in the battle. The Battle of Kosare lasted until the end of NATO's aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SRJ) on June 10, 1999. Losses were big on both sides: 108 VJ members (18 officers and NCOs, 50 regular soldiers, 13 reservists, 24 volunteers). In the ranks of the enemy, the so-called KLA lost more than 200 members, while five tanks of the Albanian Army were destroyed, a statement said.


Joint struggle between Serbia, Hungary against effects of coronavirus (Politika/Tanjug)


Serbian Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali, as the envoy of the President of the Republic Aleksandar Vucic, met in Belgrade on Thursday with Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's envoy. In the capacity of envoys, the Ministers continued the talks that the President of Serbia and the Prime Minister of Hungary in Budapest and Belgrade in the past few weeks. They discussed the situation after the end of the coronavirus pandemic and the two countries' economic cooperation. The officials concluded that both Serbia and Hungary are intensively working on plans to address the economic consequences of the pandemic, and that a common struggle of European countries is necessary to overcome the challenges the world is faced with. The officials agreed that only a joint fight against this monster would succeed in further strengthening of Serbia and Hungary after the end of the pandemic. Mali and Szijjarto concluded that only through joint work and decisive measures would difficulties be overcome, especially in economic terms.


Swiss Embassy on measure to help Serbia fight COVID-19 (Beta)


The Swiss Embassy in Belgrade released a statement on 9 April on its measures in Serbia to help it fight the coronavirus, in response to a plea for support from the Serbian government. "Over 600,000 Euros has been made immediately available to support the Serbian government's efforts

to react to the epidemic. These funds are being used to support the most vulnerable, namely the elderly and Roma communities," the statement said. The Embassy said that trucks carrying tents,

blankets and tarpaulins, donated by the Swiss Humanitarian Aid, arrived in Serbia this week and

that Switzerland had in this way helped the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration to contribute to providing migrants with shelter and alleviating the situation in asylum centers.

As one of the top three bilateral donors to Serbia, Switzerland annually spends around 23 million Euros on assisting economic, social and democratic reforms in Serbia. In the frame of this cooperation, Switzerland will continue to support the Serbian government in implementing measures aimed at mitigating the negative impact of Covid-19 on the Serbian economy and society.


Russian military experts disinfect three hospitals in Belgrade (Tanjug/Novosti)


The Serbian Defense Ministry announced that military experts of the ABHO units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have disinfected the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade.

Given that it was decided that the Military Medical Academy was not an adequate hospital for the admission of patients with coronavirus, all patients in need of emergency medical care were referred to that military medical institution, regardless of the type of health insurance.

Two teams of ABHO experts disinfected two more Belgrade health centers - Dedinje and Zvezdara. Russian medical teams continue to review patients at healthcare facilities in Belgrade, Valjevo, Kragujevac, Cacak and Cuprija, with more than 100 patients examined in the past few days, according to a statement.


EIB earmarks €700 million to help the Western Balkans fight COVID-19 (Tanjug)


The European Investment Bank (EIB) group has prepared a package of emergency support measures of €5.2 billion to countries outside the European Union, and according to initial estimates, about €700 million is earmarked for the Western Balkan countries. “EIB group has adopted €5.2 billion to help countries outside the European Union. Much of that money will go to the countries of the Western Balkans”, Director of the EIB Western Balkans regional office Dubravka Negre told Tanjug. “We are currently discussing with our public and private sector partners what the needs are and where the most important and urgent investments are. We hope to define plans and priorities for each country very quickly,” Negre said. Funds will be granted, if requested, primarily to help the health sector, small and medium-sized enterprises, entrepreneurs and the “real economy” to overcome the liquidity problems they have encountered. The assistance package also includes the expertise of the EIB together with partner banks in the country, so that new investments can be realized as quickly as possible and reach those who need the money the most. “We want to continue investing in the public and private sectors in all areas where this has already been planned, education, transport, infrastructure, industry … because it will be necessary after the crisis to reduce the economic consequences, for the public and private investments continue and to support economic growth,” says Negre. The plan is to set aside some of the funding to reprogram the already existing funding, and some of the money will be directed to where it is needed the most now, such as healthcare and the “small” economy.

“The second is to work on a new measure of investment packages for both the public and private sectors from infrastructure to development,” says Negre.


Another 238 confirmed cases, five more deaths in Serbia (RTS)


According to the latest information, up to 3pm on 10 April, there have been another 238 confirmed cases, a total in 3,105 cases in Serbia. Unfortunately, there have been five more deaths, a total of 71 deaths thus far. Since the last report, the samples of 1,893 people have been tested. There are 2,107 patients in hospital, and 136 patients are on respirators.


Djuric: 38 patients with COVID-19 in Serb communities in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosov and Metohija Marko Djuric announced on Thursday evening that in the last 24 hours, two people in Serb communities in Kosovo contracted COVID-19.

Djuric said in a daily report on the situation with the coronavirus that a new diseased person was recorded in Zubin Potok, while the other patient is from Leposavic and is kept at the infectious ward of the Clinical Hospital Centre Kosovska Mitrovica. He said that so far there are a total of 38 patients, one of whom has deceased.




IMF says it is ready to approve €330 million in assistance to B&H, but only after authorities in B&H reach agreement on distribution of those funds between two entities (RTRS)

Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Andrew Jewell stated that the IMF will approve €330 million in assistance to B&H as part of the Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI) for the fight against the crisis caused by COVID-19, but only after the authorities in B&H reach an agreement on distribution of those funds between the two entities. Jewell warned that if no agreement on distribution of funds is reached, IMF's assistance will be postponed. He stressed that the IMF Executive Board currently has more than 90 requests for emergency assistance and that if the authorities in B&H do not reach an agreement soon, it will be difficult to come up with another date to discuss B&H's request. Federation of B&H (FB&H) Prime Minister Fadil Novalic commented this by saying that funds received from IMF have been distributed in the same manner for the past 22 years, and that should HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic continue to insist upon distribution through cantons, B&H will not receive the agreed upon amount. The member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik stated it is not a regular tranche and that in this case it has been proposed that 39.5% goes to the Republika Srpska (RS), 59.5% to the FB&H and 1% percent to Brcko District. He explained that the ‘Croat component’ in the FB&H agrees with such proposal, however the Bosniaks believe the money should be distributed in line with the population census.


Sattler signs additional €5 million of EU assistance to B&H (Dnevni avaz)

The Head of EU Delegation to B&H and EU Special Representative, Johann Sattler signed on Thursday the letter addressed to UNDP Resident Representative in B&H Steliana Nedera to pledge additional €5 million of EU funds for immediate medical needs in B&H. This is the second instalment of the €7 million worth financial package that will enable the purchase of additional medical equipment in response to COVID-19. Together with its implementing partner UNDP in B&H, the EU has already delivered 7,500 tests and 15,000 protective face shields for the medical workers across the country. The first shipment of respirators is expected to arrive soon. The EU is also closely monitoring the economic consequences of this pandemic and out of the overall €80,5 million assistance package, some €73.5 million will be allocated to help mitigate the socio-economic impact of the coronavirus in B&H.


Airplane carrying medical equipment, disinfection materials and medical experts from Russia arrives to Banja Luka, two more airplanes to arrive on Thursday (RTRS)

The RS has received assistance from the Russian Federation for the fight against the epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus. Airplanes carrying medical equipment and disinfectants from Russia Thursday landed at the Banja Luka airport. The first airplane that landed at Banja Luka airport, which was welcomed by the RS officials, transported ventilators, but also medical experts from Russia. Russian Ambassador to B&H Petr Ivantsov said that the team of medical experts from Russia will consult colleagues from the RS about treating people. "Special technical equipment that enables disinfection of buildings and other facilities also arrived," Ambassador Ivantsov underlined. The RS institutions asked the Russian Federation to help the RS combat the coronavirus epidemic and assistance from Russia arrived just a couple of days after the request was made. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic expressed gratitude to the Russian Federation for the assistance that the RS received. "It consists of certain personnel, i.e. people who are medical experts, of course disinfectants, and activities that they will implement, but also of everything else that is priority for our healthcare institutions and healthcare institutions across the world which is medical equipment and medical devices," Cvijanovic underlined. Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik suggested to the Federation of B&H and its leadership to ask for assistance from the institutions of the Russian Federation, promising that he will support such a request and help its realization. Dodik also stated that medical equipment from Hungary necessary for the fight against the coronavirus in the RS will arrive in Banja Luka in the coming days. According to a press release issued by the Cabinet of the Serb member of the Presidency of B&H, the Hungarian authorities decided to send medical assistance to the RS following Dodik's letter to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.


Dodik: RS healthcare system has capacities to combat coronavirus (RTRS)

Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that the RS healthcare system has capacities to combat the coronavirus. Dodik noted that the RS has enough ventilators and that it expects to get more ventilators in the coming period. Dodik stressed that the RS avoided the so-called Italian scenario and that this is the most important thing, but that it is necessary to comply with measures so that previous efforts are not in vain. "Do not bring us into a position to introduce a 24-hour curfew. We urge you to stay home. Do not gather, do not play football," Dodik said. Dodik stressed that in just a month of the fight against coronavirus, the RS lost €350 million. He noted that it is important to preserve jobs which is why several packages of economic assistance have been formed. "One package is related to, it is the so-called credit-guarantee fund of €50 million where we will secure certain funds from abroad and inject some funds of our own and guarantee those small and medium enterprises that they will be able to have a fast start after this crisis and that they can go to a commercial bank to get a loan that will enable them to purchase raw materials," Dodik said. Asked whether the crisis caused by the coronavirus will last that long that it will call holding of local elections in B&H into question, Dodik said that it is too early to say. Dodik stressed that he believes that there is no need to postpone the elections at this point. "Those elections should be called in May and for certain deadlines to start running. If this pandemic continues and if holding of elections is dangerous in terms of spread of the epidemic, we have time until September to cancel those elections or postpone them. But, to postpone them now, that is requested only by those who are not certain in the elections," Dodik stressed. Dodik also spoke about the fact that Croatia continued activities regarding the disposal of nuclear waste at the location of Trgovska Gora. Dodik said that this is an unfair gesture of Croatia which the RS and B&H will continue to fight against.


RS Government adopts decree prescribing measure of direct price control in RS, as well as decree delaying payment of income and real estate tax, forest and fire protection fees, and certain RS and local taxes (RTRS)

The RS government adopted on Thursday a decree which, among other things, delays the payment of income and real estate tax, forest and fire protection fees and certain RS and local taxes, as well as reduces the annual lump sum payments for small businessmen who had to suspend their work due to the coronavirus pandemic. In accordance with the decree adopted by the RS government, the deadline for payment of income tax in the RS has been moved from March 31 to the end of June. RS Minister of Finance Zora Vidovic said that almost all small and independent businessmen - craftsmen - were ordered by the RS Crisis HQ to suspend their work. "Their annual lump sum tax amounted to BAM 600 and in 2020, it will amount to BAM 240," Vidovic underlined. Independent businessmen and companies which did not work in the second half of March due to precautionary measures imposed by crisis HQs have been invited to file tax returns and pay net wages to workers, while contributions for their workers will be paid from the Solidarity Fund for the Renewal of the RS. "We expect already next week that we will carry out payment of contributions for all those who filed tax returns and paid wages," Vidovic said.

Furthermore, minimum April wages, taxes and contributions will be paid from the Solidarity Fund for businessmen who are still not working due to the measures adopted by the RS Crisis HQ, but also for those who stopped working due to the aggravated conditions. In order to prevent misuses of the abovementioned decree, the RS Tax Administration and competent ministries in the RS will make lists of these categories. "Those lists have to be valid, signed, stamped and submitted to the Tax Administration so that the Tax Administration, on the basis of those valid lists, could submit to the Ministry of Finance tax returns on the basis of which we need to pay contributions," Vidovic stressed. The RS government also adopted a decree prescribing measure of direct price control in the RS by determining margins in the trade of oil products. According to a press release issued by the RS government, in the past period, there has been a significant decrease in the prices of oil barrels on the world market and refinery prices, but that corresponding reductions in retail prices of oil products have not been recorded at gas stations in the RS. Milorad Dodik said that ground of the RS authorities’ economic approach is preservation of employment rate in this entity, adding that in order to achieve this goal, three funds will be formed: guarantee-loan fund, compensation fund and fund for support to local communities. Dodik underlined that only those companies that did not dismiss their workers and furloughed them will get assistance. “Our goal is preservation of enterprises and workers. Our goal is not preservation of their profit. No one can count on profits in this situation,” explained Dodik.


Central Election Commission launches initiative for adoption of changes to Election Law, which would allow it to postpone local elections in B&H (BHT1)

The B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) adopted on Thursday a conclusion on launching an initiative for adoption of amendments to the Election Law of B&H. According to the amendments, the B&H CEC will be authorized - during the state of emergency - to reach a decision on postponement of calling and holding of elections. The local elections in B&H are supposed to be held in October 2020. Nihad Uk from Our Party (NS) who said that the CEC’s proposal to postpone the local elections six months in advance, when there are many other options, is a reckless attack on fundamental democratic values. According to Uk, the proposal on postponement of the elections is just an excuse to keep the current authorities in power. Head of SNSD Caucus in the B&H HoR Snjezana Novakovic Bursac said that at this point in time, she does not see the need for an urgent intervention into electoral legislation. “The time has not come yet to announce elections, so this is not yet time to postpone the elections either. We believe that the proposal is premature, and one should pay special attention to certain competences CEC wants for itself, even though I know that credibility of this institution is questionable right now,” said Novakovic Bursac.


HNC bans movement of citizens outside place of residence as of Friday (BHT1)

The Herzegovina Neretva Canton (HNC) Civil Protection Headquarters announced on Thursday that the ban on movement of citizens outside of their place of residence will enter into force on Friday morning at 5 a.m. BHT1 reported that this means that citizens of the HNC cannot leave their place of residence without an urgent need such as urgent medical assistance or work obligation. The reporter noted that this probably means that all those who were given permits to freely walk during the curfew will probably be exempted from the prohibition. The HNC Civil Protection HQ did not explain sanctions against those who may violate the newest measure. The reporter reminded that Cantonal HQs have the right to issue permits for citizens who are exempted from the ban on movement during the curfew in their own ways and details about implementation of the newest measure will probably be known in the upcoming days. BHT1 also reported that epidemiologists in the HNC were probably afraid that movement of citizens during the upcoming weekend, i.e. celebration of the Catholic Easter may result with increased number of infected persons. Spokesperson for the HNC Civil Protection HQ Pero Pavlovic said over phone that there should be no problems in implementation of this measure.


Some public areas in Banja Luka to be closed due to mass gatherings (RTRS)

Banja Luka continues to register the largest increase in the number of people infected with COVID-19, but that numbers nevertheless suggest that compliance with measures managed to prevent uncontrolled occurrence of new cases. Representatives of the Banja Luka City Crisis HQ stressed that there is no time to relax because Banja Luka has not reached the peak of the epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus. Representatives of the Banja Luka City Crisis HQ noted that quarantines in Banja Luka are functioning well for now, adding that they are preparing another quarantine in Banja Luka. Banja Luka Mayor Igor Radojicic stressed that third quarantine will be set up at the high school dorm. The most popular excursion sites in Banja Luka will be closed during the upcoming weekend and list of locations that will not be available to the citizens is being expanded. Representatives of the Banja Luka authorities claim that they fear the expected increased arrival of citizens during the Easter holidays the most, which is why they decided to tighten the existing measures. Radojicic announced that restrictive measures in Banja Luka will be made stricter on Friday. He said that certain mass gatherings were registered at football stadiums and other public places and these places will be closed for the public. Radojicic said that shops allowed to work will be controlled by competent the City Administration services, as well as nursing homes. He also stated that all measures introduced by the Crisis HQ of Banja Luka will remain in force until April 13, adding that whether all or some measures will remain in force depends on development of situation.


Association of Forensic Experts decides they will not perform autopsies on victims of coronavirus (O kanal)

The Association of Forensic Experts adopted certain conclusions, including the one that forensic examinations and autopsies on the bodies of deceased persons who were infected with COVID-19 will not be performed. RS Minister of Health Alen Seranic explained that the reason behind such a decision is that there is no institution in B&H that has an autopsy room necessary for high-risk autopsies. "Such a room implies a space with negative pressure, which means that in that space it must be possible to change the air every six to 12 hours, to have special ventilation openings with filters. The autopsy table must have its collectors," Sarajlic underlined. Seranic previously presented details about the autopsies being done in the RS. "One needs the usual protective equipment as is the case in regular healthcare work. There is no fear given that the virus is no longer active after a person dies because it needs a live cell to reproduce," Seranic said. However, President of the Association of Forensic Experts in B&H, Nermin Sarajlic claims that Seranic is absolutely wrong, recalling that the World Health Organization's recommendations state that coronavirus can survive up to nine days on non-living objects. "You can only imagine how long it is able to live in a corps," Sarajlic said.


B&H citizens come from London at International Airport in Sarajevo on Thursday; Plane with 31 foreign citizens takes off from Sarajevo (BHT1)

B&H citizens arrived from London at the International Airport in Sarajevo on Thursday. The citizens passed all epidemiological and hygienic controls at the airport and they were transported to quarantines. Most of them are students, but the group also included several older citizens.  Citizens of the Federation of B&H and the Brcko District were put in the quarantine in Student Dorms in Bjelave in Sarajevo for 28 days, while citizens of the RS were sent to Pale for testing. Director of the FB&H Administration for Inspection Affairs and member of the Federation of B&H Civil Protection Crisis HQ Anis Ajdinovic said that out of the 45 citizens, 20 come from the FB&H, seven come from the RS and one comes from the Brcko District. Ajdinovic said that they applied the same procedure as it was in cases of repatriation of B&H citizens via flights from Italy and Sweden. At the same time, two planes took off from the International Airport in Sarajevo on Thursday with 31 foreign citizens on board; one plane departed to London while the second one headed to the Netherlands. The flights were organized in line with a decision of the B&H Council of Ministers. The International Airport in Sarajevo will be temporarily open due to return of Swedish citizens from B&H and the repatriation will be organized on Friday.


Bus with 45 citizens of B&H arrives at border crossing Izacic on Thursday (BHT1)

One bus with 45 citizens of B&H arrived at the Izacic border crossing early on Thursday morning. Three more passengers arrived in their private cars. In line with decision of the Presidency of B&H, all passengers were subjected to medical examination and sent to quarantines or in forced isolation in their municipalities or cantons. Two days ago, Minister of Security of B&H Fahrudin Radoncic announced that the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H will respect all conclusions of the Presidency regarding the regime on the borders, adding that all those who come to B&H this week will have to spend 14 days in quarantines. Out of the 45 passengers who came back to B&H on Thursday morning, 14 are from the Una-Sana Canton (USC), nine are from the RS, and 22 are from other cantons in the Federation of B&H. The citizens from the USC were sent to the quarantine in the sports hall in Cazin.


New official data on the number of infected people with coronavirus in B&H (N1)


The B&H Ministry of Civil Affairs has released new official data on the number of infected people with coronavirus in B&H. According to data available by 13:00, a total of 899 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in B&H. A total of 9,409 people have been tested so far in B&H. 36 have died while 129 have recovered.


Croatia to provide €5.6m to B&H to fight COVID-19 (Hina)


Croatia's government on Thursday decided to provide financial assistance in the amount of HRK 43 million for B&H’s healthcare system during the COVID-19 epidemic. The State Secretary of the Central State Office for Croats Abroad, Zvonko Milas, said that the decision was good as this aid would help not only B&H but also Croatia to fight the novel coronavirus. "Croats live along our 1,000-kilometre-long border with B&H, and by helping them we also help ourselves," Milas told reporters after the government's meeting. Of this amount, 40 million will be provided through Croatia's health ministry for the procurement of medicines and medical material, while three million will be sent to Croats in B&H through the Central State Office for Croats Abroad.


Thirty more residents of Split nursing home test positive for coronavirus (HRT)


A nursing home in Split has turned into a major coronavirus cluster in Split-Dalmatia County, as the virus is detected in 30 more people from the facility, bringing the total to 40 cases. Public health officials are investigating how the coronavirus made its way into the nursing home, forcing the evacuation of 49 residents from the earlier this week. Initially 10 people had tested positive, but the head of the Public Health Bureau, Krunoslav Capak, confirmed Thursday evening that 30 other residents and 4 staff members also had the virus. Split Dalmatia County had 267 confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, but that number is expected to rise when the nursing home cases are added to the tally today. County officials are expected to provide more details at a press conference this afternoon. The investigation, headed by county public health officials, looked into whether the breakout could have been prevented by the nursing home. Their report contradicted one submitted by the nursing home, said County Prefect Blazenko Boban, adding that after consulting with Health Minister Vili Beros, they had agreed that a commission comprising officials from multiple ministries would be formed examine the matter more closely. National public health authorities issued guidance weeks ago on how health care facilities should deal with the threat of the coronavirus. The chief administrator of the nursing home has been scrutinized by critics over whether he is qualified to run the facility. He is the former HDZ mayor of Omis and an archeologist and historian by training. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has firmly rejected the idea that this was a political issue.


Total of 1,495 people infected by Coronavirus in Croatia (N1)


There are 88 new cases of people infected by Coronavirus in Croatia, 1,495 in total. An elderly patient died at the Dubrava Hospital in Zagreb. One more elderly patient died at the hospital in Split bringing the total number of deaths in Croatia to 21.


Government bans coffee machines (CDM)


Ministry of Economy of Montenegro has banned operation of coffee machines and other gadgets for preparation of coffee and other beverages. This decision was rendered after National Coordination Body established that numerous gas stations had kept providing hospitality services and stimulated citizens to go out and assemble. That varies high level of risk of spread of COVID-19 infection. “Competent inspections will carry out control of this ban and in case they notice coffee machines are in function, they will take necessary measures,” Ministry said.


Institute for Public Health confirms three more coronavirus cases (CDM)


According to the latest data of the Institute for Public Health, a total of 255 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Montenegro. Another 49 samples were analyzed and three were positive and all of them from Podgorica. “One person is contact of previously known cases whereas the other two are index cases,” the Institute reports.

Number of infected persons by municipalities:

Podgorica: 130

Tuzi: 36

Niksic: 31

Bar: 21

Ulcinj: 9

Andrijevica: 7

Bijelo Polje: 6

Herceg Novi: 6

Budva: 4

Danilovgrad: 3

Tivat: 2


Zaev, Mickoski in mandatory self-isolation after interview with coronavirus-infected journalist (MIA)


The leaders of the two largest political parties in North Macedonia, Zoran Zaev of SDSM and Hristijan Mickoski of VMRO-DPMNE, will be in mandatory isolation at home as of today, Health Minister Venko Filipche said. Speaking at an extraordinary press conference on Friday, Filipche said that the two party leaders were tested as soon as the Ministry of Health had been informed that a TV journalist, who interviewed them last week, had tested positive for COVID-19. “Mickoski is negative after being tested late last night, but he will have to be placed in mandatory self-isolation in the next 14 days. At the moment, there’s no need for further epidemiological interviews. Zaev’s results are pending and should be known later in the day, because he had already left for Strumica yesterday evening. Regardless, he will too have to be in isolation at home,” Minister Filipche said. The journalist is in stable condition and is being treated at the 8 September General Hospital. Zaev on Facebook confirmed he has been placed in self-isolation at home after being in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. “I would like to inform you that last week I was interviewed by a TV journalist, who recently tested positive for COVID-19. Even though all protective measures were taken during the interview, including avoiding contacts and practicing physical distance, in accordance with the protocols, I will be in self-isolation in my home in Strumica as of today,” he wrote on Facebook on Friday.

The leader of the ruling party said he has no symptoms. “Results are expected to by the end of the day, after which it will be determined what to do next,” Zaev said. Mickoski also confirmed he will be self-isolating even though he tested negative for the coronavirus. “I would like to inform you that I’m in excellent health and physical condition. Yesterday, after being informed that the health of the journalist who interviewed me one week ago has deteriorated, and is related to the pandemic, I was tested and the results were negative. But I will respect the recommendations of health authorities and I will be in self-isolation for several days,” he said on Facebook, wishing the journalist speedy recovery and to get back to work soon. Mickoski added he will continue to follow current developments from his home. “Let’s support those on the front line fighting against the pandemic. We will continue to fight and I’m sure in the end we will win together, because every life counts and because we love Macedonia,” the opposition leader wrote in Facebook post.


Filipche: Plans for easing of lockdown measures made when conditions in place (MIA)

Life in the country will slowly return to normal when the time is right and we are already making plans, Health Minister Venko Filipche said on Thursday. “However, it won’t be so easy to fully return to normal having in mind the experiences of other countries and the risk of second wave of cases,” he told a news conference. Filipche said that next week talks with officials of the chambers of commerce would begin. “We will give clear guidelines to economic operators, production plants, restaurants on how their work process should be organized to be prepared when it is time to relax the lockdown measures,” he noted. I believe, Filipche stressed, all these restrictive measures are producing results and curbing the spread of the new virus in order soon after we relax the measures not to have to deal with a risk of surge in the number of patients, which has been successfully prevented so far. “In view of the number of new confirmed cases, which I truly believe will reach its peak in late April, life will start getting back to normal,” the Minister said.


Skopje’s Shutka prison detainee tests positive for COVID-19 postmortem (MIA)


A detainee in Skopje's Shutka prison, who was admitted on March 8, 2020, has died of a heart attack showing no symptoms of coronavirus, but tested positive for COVID-19 postmortem, Health Minister Venko Filipche told a press conference Thursday. “Epidemiological surveys are underway for everyone who has been in close contact with him. Appropriate measures will be taken accordingly,” Filipche said. In addition, the Health Minister noted that one person who was admitted at the nursing home for the elderly in Bitola on March 18, was taken to the clinical hospital in Bitola a week later due to fever and tested positive for COVID-19. “Swabs have been collected from all residents in the nursing home and part of the staff who have been in contact with the person. Guidance on thorough disinfection has also been provided,” Filipche pointed out. “The State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate will probe into the whole matter,” Filipche added.


Two new deaths and 48 newly infected with coronavirus in North Macedonia, a total of 711 people (Alsat)

Two patients positive for Covid-19 died from complications due to the infection, Alsat has learned. According to the information, one of the deceased is from Skopje and the other one is from Struga. With this, the total number of dead in North Macedonia has reached 32. In the last 24 hours, there are 48 newly infected patients with conformed Covid-19 test. With newly confirmed cases the total number of patients in North Macedonia reached 711 people.


Government to begin easing restrictive measures from next week (Tirana Times)


Starting from Monday next week, all pharmacies, banks and marketplaces will remain open until 5:30 p.m. Prime Minister Edi Rama announced on Friday that the decision comes at a time when coronavirus cases seem to be decreasing significantly. In this line, life may go back to normal by the end of May, according to government officials, as most businesses are expected to reopen, although under strict rules which will be drafted in the coming weeks. The government is also expected to present the extended financial package which will include small businesses that have not been shut down, yet have suffered economic losses as a result of the Covid-19 situation, big business as well as the tourism sector and the clothing industry. Additionally, PM Rama stated that the government is looking into the possibility of extending permits for personal vehicles which belong to companies that remain open during this period. Although restrictive measures are gradually being eased as part of the government's plan, harsher penalties are in order for those who violate them. On Thursday, Rama proposed to the parliament to make several changes to the Criminal Code, by including fines and prison sentences up to 15 years for violators of the government-imposed measures under the state of emergency.


President Meta concerned over health of Presevo Valley citizens (ADN)


President of the Republic, Ilir Meta had a telephone conversation this Friday with Albanian local government leaders in Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja. President Meta spoke with the Mayor of Presevo, Shqiprim Arifi, the Mayor of Bujanovac, Shaip Kamberi, as well as with the Chairman of the Group of Parliamentarians in the Municipality of Medvedja, Muharrem Salihu. Moreover, the phone conversations were made as President Meta was concerned over the health condition of the citizens in the Presevo Valley, and expressed full solidarity with them in these difficult moments. Also, President Meta expressed his satisfaction that so far, the situation in Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja is stable in terms of the spread of COVID-19 pandemic.


Kim: Proud to oversee the donation of US aid with medical equipment to Albanian health personnel (Radio Tirana)

US Ambassador Yuri Kim says she is proud to have overseen the donation of US aid with medical equipment to Albanian health personnel. She says she is also proud of donating to Albania, which is a US partner. Earlier, the news was announced by Minister  Ogerta Manastirliu, who thanked Yuri Kim for this assistance. “Proud to oversee donation of important personal protective equipment from U.S. European Command (EUCOM) Humanitarian Assistance program to our Ally Albania, to help the Ministry of Health and Social Protection protect front-line healthcare workers. #COVID19 #JemiMeJu,” Ambassador Kim writes.


In Albania 416 total COVID-19 cases confirmed, 24 victims (Tirana Times)


Seven new coronavirus cases were confirmed in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of infected patients to 416 in Albania. Although a sudden surge in coronavirus cases was observed last week, the number has significantly dropped since Monday, a sign which may indicate a flattening of the curve. So far, tests have been conducted on 3385 people. Since Tuesday, the number of hospitalized patients has also dropped; out of the total 50 patients at the Infectious Diseases Hospital, five are in intensive care. At the COVID 2 Hospital, six patients are hospitalized, four of whom are in intensive care. A 72-year-old from Tirana passed away on Thursday evening at the Infectious Diseases Hospital, bringing the number of victims in Albania to 24. The woman suffered from several underlying health conditions - chronic renal failure, high blood pressure and hypothyroidism. According to the Ministry of Health, the average age of the patients who tested positive for the coronavirus is 50. Currently, the geographical distribution of the infected patients across Albania is as follows:

Tirana 199 cases

Durrës 38 cases

Lushnje 5 cases

Elbasan 15 cases

Fier 32 cases

Kavaja 8 cases

Rrogozhina 4 cases

Korca 17 cases

Vlora 5 cases

Shkodra 49 cases

Lezha 14 cases

Berat 2 cases

Has 12 cases

Kruja 5 cases

Tropoja 4 cases

Puka 4 cases

Mirdita 3 cases

The Ministry of Health also announced that 182 patients, or 45 percent of the patients who tested positive coronavirus in Albania have now recovered. However, they will have to be quarantined at home for 14 days. The Albanian government has restricted movement of automobiles and pedestrians throughout the territory by imposing a strict curfew from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m, with only one person per household being authorized to move. On Sundays, citizens are prohibited from going out at all. All international air, sea and land travel is banned and schools, kindergartens, bars, restaurants, hotels, stadiums, concert halls and parks are also closed.




Heated Parliamentary Debate on Budapest-Belgrade Railway Mega-project (Hungary Today, by Ábrahám Vass, 9 April 2020)


On Wednesday, the Budapest-Belgrade railway line was the main topic in the National Assembly. As the project is one of the most debated governmental investments, it brought tense debate and completely opposing points of views.

The refurbishment of the Budapest–Belgrade railway was decided by Orbán’s administration back in 2014. According to the plans, the 350 km high-speed rail line project would be a part of the planned Budapest–Belgrade–Skopje–Athens railway connection, a project of China’s ambitious and debated ‘Belt and Road’ initiative that would connect China-run Piraeus port in Greece with the “heart” of Europe. The 166 km-long Hungarian section would follow the Budapest–Kunszentmiklós-Tass-Kelebia line, thus avoiding densely populated and economically important cities such as Kecskemét and Szeged. 15% of the largest railway investment in Hungary’s history would be paid by the state, the remaining 85% would be lent by China.

Since the first announcement, the price went up many times, now estimated at HUF 600–1000 billion (EUR 1.7 – 2.7 billion), but given the nature of domestic large-scale investments, this amount may further increase. Classifying details of the project justified by saying that publicity of the arrangement could hurt Hungary’s foreign policy and foreign economic interests, China’s involvement, the high and ever-growing price, questioned viability and utility, Orbán, and Fidesz-ally businessmen involved in the project, have all become debated issues in domestic politics lately, and this was reflected during the debate as well. According to estimations, the project would need an unimaginable long time to return the investments.


Gov’t: Important for Hungary

Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology (ITM) Tamás Schanda (of Christian Democrat KDNP), underlined that the development has extraordinary economic potential for Hungary in terms of Eurasian freight transport. Thanks to the investment, Hungary can become the number one logistics center in the region by offering the fastest route for goods from China to Western Europe. He also said that as part of the investment, the entire length of the Hungarian section will be modernized and double-tracked, with an engineered speed of 200 km per hour. The government’s representative also noted that the Budapest-Belgrade line is part of the European core railway network, so its modernization is also an obligation. He also said the government is simplifying procedures in order to increase efficiency, shorten deadlines, and reduce potential risks.


Opposition smells corruption and futility

Right-wing opposition Jobbik MP Dániel Z. Kárpát, called on the government to remove the investment from the agenda and to redirect funds to the fight against coronavirus. He said the Fidesz government is now preparing for its largest corruption investment, while thousands lose their jobs every day. The party’s other MP, János Stummer, demanded answers about the reason for the classification. “The time has now come to sweep these buddies’ mega-business under the rug?” (The Hungarian part of the investment will be carried out by the holding of billionaire Lőrinc Mészáros, PM Orbán’s childhood friend and close ally). Independent MP Bernadett Szél followed this line of thinking, and argued that the reason for the classification is because “…it is in secret when a lot can be stolen.” According to the former LMP leader, there are no economic, transport, or climate protection reasons for this “purely political project” by which “the Chinese Communist Party has bought up Fidesz and KDNP per kilo.” According to centrist green LMP’s MP László Lóránt Keresztes, the government decided on classifying the project because there are no real standing arguments for its realization. He demanded a detailed budget to find out why  one kilometer of railway line would cost 5 billion forints (EUR 14.2 million). He also wanted to know the amount of shares Hungary would receive from the transport of goods from the east. He said, in his party’s view, this investment was contradictory to the national interest. László Szakács of the Socialists (MSZP), objected that only [Orbán-ally billionaire] Lőrinc Mészáros could make an offer and that he would be the one “to spend money coming in from the Chinese loan. Hungarians will only have access to one thing from this project: the repayment of the loan.”

Meanwhile, liberal green Párbeszéd MP Bence Tordai questioned the project’s viability by stating that this section of railway line can be bypassed on water with only a little time loss, and if the aim was really to speed up rail transport, significant improvements would be needed in the Balkans as well. He said the investment is only in China’s, (who wants to invest its surplus capital), and Lőrinc Mészáros’ and his circle’s interests.


Gov’t: Chinese loan conditions favorable, classifying project needed

On the part of the governing alliance, Gábor Bányai (Fidesz) rebuffed the opposition’s claims that the investment would be a betrayal of the national interest. He argued that the project serves the future, and can lift up Hungarian transport and create benefits for all citizens. Regarding the cost, he argued that there is more than a two and a half times price difference between the construction of a railway line that allows a speed of 120 km/h or 160 km/h. On the close to doubled price, he said that prices had gone up in the past few years everywhere. State secretary Tamás Schanda argued that the Chinese loan proved more favorable than the other ones on the market. While classifying the project details, he added, would only affect data containing sensitive Chinese business information, or would negatively affect Hungary’s foreign economic and foreign policy interests. According to the state secretary, the fact that the novel coronavirus pandemic brings tough times for Hungary, the global economy is not an argument against building the railway line but an argument for it. He says it is more important than ever, as it would provide jobs for many Hungarians. He added that the current crisis is another reason to speed up the process instead of waiting. On the involvement of Lőrinc Mészáros’ company in the construction, Schanda said the bid had been open- everyone had had the possibility to compete, and Hungarians should be proud that a Hungarian company is in the winner consortium.

As of now, the project can kick-start in 2021, while the completion date is set to 2023.


EU agrees on €500B of economic aid but no ‘corona bonds’ (Politico, by Bjarke Smith-Meyer, 10 April 2020)


‘I will never be OK’ with eurobonds, Dutch finance minister says.

Brussels’ art of the fudge is alive and well — corona bonds aren’t. EU finance ministers papered over their discord on the issue of joint debt with a vaguely worded statement that nonetheless unlocked a €540 billion package of measures aiming at stopping the coronavirus from ravaging the bloc’s economy. They reached the agreement on Thursday evening in an online Eurogroup meeting, capping three days of formal and informal talks — including a 16-hour marathon of negotiations that ended in stalemate Wednesday morning. Thursday’s deal comes as EU growth is expected to tumble by 7 to 8 percentage points this year after governments closed their borders and shut their economies down to contain the pandemic — wiping around €1 trillion from the bloc’s expected economic output this year. To date, there are approximately 1.6 million recorded cases across the world of COVID-19, with just under 100,000 people dead. Italy has the highest number of deaths, totaling over 18,000. Spain has the second-highest count of fatalities at over 15,000. The Eurogroup’s new safeguards aim to mitigate the economic fallout from the pandemic by protecting workers, keeping companies afloat and protecting state coffers from ruin. Rome and Madrid had hoped the severity of the health and economic crisis would open the door to pooling EU debt, which could finance the bloc’s recovery and keep borrowing costs down. Both countries’ prime ministers have warned that the European project is at stake without this level of solidarity. But corona bonds disappeared in the statement’s linguistic ambiguity. The text merely referred to a recovery fund that could provide money to countries through the EU budget to help kickstart the bloc’s economy. The fund could use “innovative financial instruments” to raise money, the statement said, with no mention of its potential size or when it would come. That was enough for Italy’s finance minister, who quickly grabbed his phone to tweet his understanding of the text after the Eurogroup meeting between ministers ended at around 10 p.m. “European bonds are on the table,” Roberto Gualtieri wrote on Twitter. “We are delivering an ambitious proposal to the European Council. We will fight to make it happen.”

National leaders will take the debate further when they have their own videoconference, earmarked for next week, to sign off on the deal that took ministers three days to iron out.

“This guidance is going to be crucial,” Eurogroup President Mário Centeno, who chaired the negotiations, told reporters after the online gathering. “There are different options to set up this fund.” But the Dutch finance minister left little room for further interpretation. “It is actually very simple,” Wopke Hoekstra told reporters. “Eurobonds is a thing I wasn’t OK with, I am not OK with and I will never be OK with.” He continued: “It is my deeply held conviction that it is not only unfair to the Dutch taxpayer but is also, in the end, something that will increase rather than decrease risks for the Union as a whole." Hoekstra isn’t alone. He has the backing of Germany and many Northern European countries, such as Finland. They fear that pooling EU debt would leave their taxpayers holding the bill for any government that goes bankrupt.


Near enough is good enough

Thursday’s fudge was nonetheless enough to tie a final package together. The deal allows the European Investment Bank to set up a fund of €200 billion in loans for cash-strapped companies across the bloc. The European Commission’s temporary €100 billion jobless reinsurance plan also got the green light and aims to protect workers and help with some health-related issues.

Brussels’ legislative machine will first have to find a compromise text between EU lawmakers and governments before it can be rolled out. Finally, any eurozone country will also be able to draw on a credit line worth 2 percent of its economic output from the eurozone’s bailout arm — as long as the money is used for health care-related costs. The €240 billion in credit lines will only be available to handle the crisis and should be accessible within two weeks. No other conditions apply. Eurozone governments should nonetheless remain committed to keeping their finances in check after the coronavirus crisis is over, the Eurogroup statement said. Market analysts welcomed the Eurogroup deal, though some economists warned the angry rhetoric surrounding corona bonds could stain the overall package. “The loud dispute over the deal in the last two weeks threatens to overshadow the substance, making it more difficult for national leaders to present the result at home as impressive solidarity in action to shape their domestic public debate,” said Berenberg’s chief economist, Holger Schmieding.