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Belgrade Media Report 23 April



Vucic: If anyone thinks it's time to physically take Valac and Gazivode, I ask them not to (B92/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and announced that he would speak with European representatives tomorrow. A session of the UN Security Council is taking place tomorrow, presenting the UNMIK report on Kosovo and Metohija, and when asked what the position of the great powers, especially America, is, the President says he intentionally did not want to speak about the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO) and many others. "We are dealing with it and we will deal with it publicly. Tomorrow I will talk to the European representatives. If anyone thinks that it is time for someone to physically take Valac and Gazivode, I ask them not to," the President says, adding that Kosovo showed that everything that the Western powers needed was to make a decision, and that this would be done without much binding on contract law and international agreements. "On the other hand, they do not care about the Community of Serb Municipalities, they only wanted to put the transmission systems in Kosovo under their control - and they did it at all costs. However, this is another lesson for us and we have known this for years," he said, adding: "We will continue to protect our people, and we will tell them in person what we think of their decisions." On 21 April, the Continental Regional Group of Kosovo approved the connection of the Kosovo Electricity Distribution Network (KOST) to the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO), and Kosovo officials say that by voting and signing a new agreement to follow, KOST is gaining energy independence. Late last year, representatives of the Kosovo and Albanian electricity distribution networks - KOST and OST, signed a contract in Tirana to establish a joint energy system. In doing so, the Kosovo system, as Pristina claims, ended its dependence on the Serbian power grid. The agreement was signed in December with the approval of ENTSO, with the announcement that it will enter into force in April this year.

As for our hospitals at Kosovo and Metohija, Vucic says we invest large amounts of money to Kosovo and Metohija to support a number of people.


Vucic: EC did not offer financial aid, but favorable loans Serbia does not need (Beta/B92/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today, responding to the opposition’s criticism, that the European Commission (EC) did not offer Serbia financial aid but favorable loans intended for countries with balance of payments difficulties, which, according to him, Serbia does not have.

Earlier the same day, the Party of Freedom and Justice condemned the Serbian authorities’ decision to decline the EC’s aid, worth hundreds of millions of Euros, and accused the government of borrowing from "the sheikhs" because nobody oversees the spending of that money, which is not the case with the EU funds. "This is the best example of ignorance. And not only of ignorance, but of ill intentions with some, and the desire of some others to ingratiate themselves with certain people so as to turn them against Serbia’s government bodies", Vucic said following a visit to a new medical facility in the Belgrade district of Karaburma. The President also said that he is glad Serbia is not on the same list as Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tunisia, Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia. “Why take 600 or 700 million more than we need? We already took 200 million Euros. We declined 1.2 billion Euros from the International Monetary Fund, and I’m proud we did,” Vucic said. When asked when the elections, postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, will be held, Vucic said it is not something he wants to deal with at the moment, adding that he does not know. "Some people (the opposition) say I keep postponing the elections because I fear an election fiasco, and others say I’m rushing them because I want to ride the coronavirus wave. Come on, folks, make up your minds," Vucic added.


Cadez, Palmer discuss regional economic integration after pandemic (Beta)


Serbian Chamber of Commerce (PKS) President Marko Cadez and US special envoy for Kosovo Matthew Palmer said that stronger regional economic integration and cooperation is crucial to economic recovery after the coronavirus pandemic, a press release said on Wednesday.

It added that they also agreed on the need to form a common Western Balkans area and the wider inclusion of the region in the EU legal and economic system following the pandemic. Cadez and Palmer said in their telephone conversation that a special fund needs to be set up to support stronger regional cooperation. “The problems our economies are facing in this health crisis have shown the importance of setting up a common regional economic area based on free movement of people, goods, services and capital,” he is quoted as saying.


Interior Ministry: No migrant has ever been returned to Serbia from Austria (Beta)


Serbian Assistant Interior Minister Zoran Lazarov dismissed the claims on 22 April, of the leader of the Dveri Movement Bosko Obradovic about Serbia being made into a center for asylum seekers, adding that no migrant has ever been returned from Austria to Serbia.

Claiming that there was no agreement with Austria about the returning of migrants who had been denied asylum, Lazarov said that Serbia signed the re-admission agreement with the EU in 2007 and, on the basis of that, a separate protocol with Austria in 2010, which defines the re-admission procedure and, in 2019, the working arrangement that defines the technical implementation of re-admission in more detail. "The mentioned working arrangement clearly defines that, in each individual case, Austria must first prove beyond doubt that a migrant from a third country entered their country from Serbia, and then Serbia has to give approval for their re-admission," Lazarov said, as quoted by the Interior Ministry. He added that no migrant had been returned from Austria to Serbia to this day, on the basis of either the re-admission agreement, the separate protocol or the working arrangement.


Another 162 cases, 1,063 patients recovered (RTS)


Until 3pm there have been another 162 cases, in total 7,276, and another five deaths, in total 139 deaths. There are 3,477 patients in hospitals and 96 on respirators. A total of 1,063 patients have recovered.




Solak: Order banning movement was not annulled by B&H CC (Hayat)


Head of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Civil Protection Fahrudin Solak commented the decision of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) that the FB&H Civil Protection Headquarters is in violation of rights to freedom of movement with their decision prohibiting movement of people over 65 and below 18 years of age. Solak said that the B&H CC did not annul the decision, rather stipulated all the changes that should be carried out. “All these things that are listed, are the reason why this order was issued - based on recommendations from our colleagues at the Crisis HQ and the FB&H Ministry of Health, the FB&H Institute for Public Health where experts from the field of epidemiology, virology, and public health are. This is the reason such an order was issued. The second thing is, this order is in force until 30 April. It is continuously evaluated, rather, its effects are evaluated. This is what the order has to stipulate – that it will be continuously evaluated and if possible relaxed. This is what we announced, that there will be a relaxation of measures for this population as of Monday, that the order is in force until 30 April and that it will be continuously evaluated until that date. This is not something that demands the order be revoked, or the annulment of the order. The order definitely remains in force, however, the items it must include were strictly stated,” Solak said.

FB&H Minister of Health announced the possibility of relaxation of the restrictive measure of prohibition on movement as of the next week (N1)


Addressing a press conference in Sarajevo on Wednesday, FB&H Minister of Health Vjekoslav Mandic announce on Wednesday the possibility of relaxation of the restrictive measure of prohibition on movement of persons older than 65 and younger than 18 in the FB&H as of the next week. Thus, persons older than 65 and younger than 18 in the FB&H will be given the freedom of movement during certain periods of time during the week. Mandic said: “This certainly does not mean that we will allow cafes and others to work. We will even think through about opening of small craft shops and of course, with strict recommendations to keep social distance, wear masks, gloves. I think that these are the first steps about which we should think in terms of relaxation of these measures”. Director of the FB&H Civil Protection Administration Fahrudin Solak stated that the FB&H Civil Protection HQ will discuss potential relaxation of the restrictive measures by the end of this week. The reporter underlined that all officials say that life will not get back to normal as all bigger gatherings will remain prohibited, but citizens can expect opening of some craft shops, some smaller shops with full respect of all protection measures like wearing masks, gloves and disinfection of their premises.


RS Main Coordination Team proposes easing of certain measures as of 27 April (BHT1)


The Main Coordination Team of the RS proposed to the RS Crisis HQ to allow, as of 27 April movement of people older than 65 from 7 am to 10 am every day. The Main Coordination Team of the RS also proposed re-opening of smaller shops as of 27 April. Members of the RS Main Coordination Team met in Banja Luka on Wednesday and judged the current epidemiological situation in the RS as stable. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that they considered to begin with some relaxation of the measures as of 27 April that would imply that some businesses - like craft shops and others without a bigger social contact - begun working again. She also said that this implies a more visible relaxation of the measures as of 10 May. Once again, Cvijanovic emphasized that the RS is grateful for the help of Russia, Serbia and Hungary in fight against the pandemic.


Dodik: New IMF loan is acceptable because interest rate is 1.05 percent low and grace period is 39 months (RTRS/Sputnik)


In an interview for Sputnik, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said on Wednesday that the RS secured stability of the fiscal system in impossible conditions. According to Dodik, the RS secured that the budget and funds do not depend on foreign interventions and demonstrated self-sustainability of public finances. Dodik assessed that even during the period of pandemic, it turned out that B&H is dysfunctional, while the RS is sustainable and it proved that it can authentically reach decisions. He argued that the RS does not have a big debt, because 37 percent of the GDP is below the 60 percent limit, adding that the new IMF loan is acceptable because the interest rate is 1.05 percent low and the grace period is 39 months. Dodik underlined: “This is why we opted for this because the damage from taking the loan and relaunching of the economy is lower than in the case of expecting from people and companies themselves to do it”. Dodik added that the RS has around BAM 1.5 billion of investments and if the plan to have BAM two billion up to BAM 2.5 billion of new investments is fulfilled, Dodik believes that this will represent the boost for development. In his opinion, B&H turned out to be dysfunctional even in the case of securing the IMF loan because even in this case, B&H failed to reach an agreement without foreign influence. Dodik said: “Many bodies in B&H are not formed yet. There is no basic consensus on important issues in B&H and if it was not for the international interventionism, nothing would change in B&H”. Dodik also warned that accommodation of migrants in Lipa near Bihac will make already small number of Serbs left in this area leave their homes. He said that the idea to accommodate migrants in the village inhabited by Serbs – in addition to so many Bosniak villages around Bihac – is another political move of Bosniaks that alienates everyone from total normalization of relations and rebuilding of trust.


Tegeltija informs members of Dutch-Belgium Constituency of WB, IMF that all levels of power reacted with adequate measures to the Coronavirus and that health-epidemiological situation in B&H is under control (RTRS)


Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija held a meeting with representatives of the Dutch-Belgium Constituency of the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) via a video link on Wednesday. On this occasion, Tegeltija informed them that all levels of power reacted with adequate measures to the Coronavirus and that the health-epidemiological situation in B&H is under control. Tegeltija stressed that all measures adopted by the authorities in B&H, as well as countries in the region and the EU have a strong impact on the B&H economy which, according to him, will require a strong response. In this regard, Tegeltija said that the support of the World Bank and the IMF will be very important in defining and implementing measures necessary to support the healthcare sector, launch economic activities and restore jobs.


HDZ B&H calls on SDA to stop obstructions of IMF funds (FTV)


Members of HDZ B&H who have posts in B&H institutions convened at an online session on Wednesday and discussed the failure of the Council of Ministers (CoM) to adopt the decision on the drawing of funds from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). HDZ B&H called on SDA to stop obstructing the process and reminded that the distribution of the help from IMF needs to include all levels of authorities. HDZ B&H issued a statement in which they reminded that the CoM adopted similar decisions to the one which was not adopted on Tuesday for previous arrangements with the IMF. They assessed the requests of SDA as ungrounded and unacceptable. “We condemn the using of this situation for political conflicts which endanger the relationship between B&H and the IMF,” stated HDZ B&H. President of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic said that there is misunderstanding and it is certain that 50% of the funds will go to cantons. He added that the CoM should not regulate the division of funds and this needs to be discussed on entity levels. Izetbegovic explained that the FB&H parliament will discuss the budget rebalance immediately after, as well as the allocation of BAM 200 million to the cantons. Reporter reminded that B&H agreed on a loan in the amount of 330 million Euros and the funds would be divided so that 62% goes to the FB&H 38% goes to the RS, with each entity giving 0.5% to the Brcko District. Meanwhile, Minister of Finance and Treasury of B&H Vjekoslav Bevanda said on Wednesday that “soap operas and obstructions” were present from the very beginning, namely since the moment the Fiscal Council of B&H submitted the Letter of Intent.


Izetbegovic: We do not need new problems (Dnevni avaz)


SDA Leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated that Bosniak ministers in Council of Ministers (CoM) are not the ones to blame for halt in implementation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) arrangement, adding that decision of CoM has to copy the content of Letter of Intent. He stressed that he does not know why Finance Minister Vjekoslav Bevanda decided to act as he did: “CoM cannot order the entities how to distribute the funds for lower authority levels, cantons or municipalities and I do not know what are the motives of Minster Bevanda for trying to do that. Is this the matter of lack of trust in Federation of B&H (FB&H) authorities, fear that funds will not be transferred to cantons in an agreed ratio, or this is a strategic, political attempt to establish cantons as part of state structure independent from the FB&H? The fear that cantons will be bypassed is groundless, because the FB&H budget rebalance has handled that”. He stressed that all that remains now is for Minister Bevanda to harmonize the decision with the Constitution, laws and Letter of Intent “or we will get another, obvious and unnecessary problem”. Asked if B&H needs new problems now and if this situation will make “us” look unserious before IMF representatives, Izetbegovic said that B&H does not need new problems now and Bosniak ministers are not the ones causing them, underlining once again that with adoption of budget rebalance in the FB&H, distribution of funds will be a done deal. “But we also do not need an attempt to use the pressure of crisis and general need for funds, in order to promote the cantons as independent components of the FB&H,” said Izetbegovic. Commenting the economic crisis caused by the OVID-19 pandemic, Izetbegovic said that B&H is facing the loss of tens of thousands of jobs, but stressed that this is temporary nor final and this is why the authorities need to provide support to economic and to laid-off workers, in order to preserve the potential when the global economy is relaunched. He added that FB&H budget rebalance goes in this direction, to provide support to companies, but also to laid-off workers and stressed that good results of measures introduced by crisis HQs must not be ruined and “the attack that could destroy our healthcare system has to be prevented”. Izetbegovic underlined that this is the time to leave aside politicizing, noting that politicians are making unrealistic promises and they race in making of populist and unrealistic ideas: “We cannot save both lives and salaries and not give up anything. True leadership in these times includes difficult measures and courage to defend them before the public”. He concluded that net year will be difficult, cuts will be made and this pressure has to be taken by everyone without privileged categories.


Radoncic: Illegal migrants need to be deported from B&H (FTV)


B&H Minister of Security and President of SBB Fahrudin Radoncic, asked about the migrant crisis in the Una-Sana canton (USC) and the request for help from the authorities in handling it, Radoncic said that they will not receive help from the B&H Ministry of Security. “My stance is very precise and I sent a very precise request to Director of the Service for Foreigner’s Affairs Slobodan Ujic to make a list of the 9,000 or 10,000 illegal migrants, it is important to note – illegal economic migrants, we will not handle war refugees from Syria we will handle that. We need to see how we will deport them (illegal migrants) from B&H. We need to see who will accept voluntary deportation and what we will do with the thousands of those who reject to show their personal documents and identify themselves who they are,” said Radoncic. He added that illegal migrants are endangering the lives of citizens in Sarajevo, Bihac, Velika Kladusa and many other parts of B&H. “I know that this will not be liked by some people from Brussels but I will request for all these illegal economic migrants from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Algeria, Morocco, these are countries that are richer than B&H, and they need to be deported,” said Radoncic. He said that the money given to B&H for the accommodation of migrants needs to be provided for the flights which will deport them out of B&H. Radoncic said that they are not inhumane but B&H cannot be a parking for migrants while thousands of B&H citizens are losing jobs. He added that every canton needs to work with the International Organization for Migrations (IOM) on the accommodation of the migrants, but the B&H Ministry of Security has the plan for the migrants to leave B&H.

EU assistance for B&H will amount to 250 million Euros; Serbia excluded from the package (N1)


The EC adopted on Wednesday a proposal of a new package of measures of macro-financial assistance (MFA) to Western Balkan countries and other close partners of the EU in the form of favorable loans. Thus, ten neighborhood partners of the EU can count on the new help from Brussels in the amount of even three billion Euros, while B&H can count on 250 million Euros. The money is primarily intended for companies in the countries so that they can deal with economic consequences of the pandemic in the best possible way. The EC explained that these are favorable loan that the countries will be able to draw within a year in line with their own needs. Albania is entitled to 180 million Euros, Kosovo is entitled to 100 million Euros, Montenegro is entitled to 60 million Euros, North Macedonia is entitled to 160 million Euros. The reporter noted that Serbia is the only country of the region that is not part of this assistance package and Brussels said that this is Belgrade’s decision. The EC said that Serbian authorities do not see the need for foreign financial assistance at this moment and they decided not to address the IMF for financial support. The EC explained that one of the conditions for getting the support was to ask help from the IMF for solvency, Serbia was informed but the country decided not to ask for this help. European Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi announced that Macro-Financial Assistance package for ten countries will “help our partners cover their immediate, urgent financing needs” and “it will enhance the efforts to protect people and mitigate the negative socio-economic consequences”. Out of countries that will receive this assistance, Serbia was excluded from the package. “The European solidarity must not be stopped at borders of our Union, because in such a global crisis, either we survive or parish together. Today, the European Commission is taking a decisive step in order to help ten of our neighbors in their fight against the coronavirus. I call upon the European Parliament and the Council to harmonize this important package as soon as possible”, said European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs Paolo Gentiloni.


New Serbian donation to RS delivered to Banja Luka (RTRS)


A new Serbian donation to the RS – respirators, masks, gloves and other type of medical equipment delivered to Banja Luka on Wednesday evening. RS Prime Minister (PM) Radovan Viskovic and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik welcomed the donation. Dodik and Viskovic attended the ceremony. Addressing media, Viskovic underlined that ten respirators were delivered and 5,000 test kits. He said: “As of this moment, we can say that the RS has enough medical equipment for fight against the Coronavirus for a longer period of time. The HQ will decide that part of the equipment and one respirator will be given to four of our (Serb) municipalities in the Federation of B&H where the Serb people are the majority and thus, help them in some way”. He announced that the RS Government may adopt an action plan already on Thursday on how to begin with relaxation of the measures as of 27 May. He added that by the second half of May, he expects to relax all measures and thus, return to normal life although people will have to get used to live with the Coronavirus for a longer period of time. In this regard, he called on citizens of the RS to respect all protection measures. Dodik also addressed media and expressed gratitude to Serbia and the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, adding that he arranged the shipment at a meeting with Vucic held a couple of days ago. Speaking about the shipment, Dodik mentioned 300,000 masks, 300,000 gloves, visors etc. He added that thus, the RS has around six million masks, around six million of gloves in a warehouse, while additional five million of masks and five million of gloves are yet to be delivered from China, as well as 250 respirators. Dodik added: “I can now say that no hospital is lacking respirators at this moment”. Dodik said that the RS is also grateful to other countries and organizations who helped in fight against the pandemic.


Assistance from Azerbaijan to arrive today (Dnevni avaz)


Azerbaijan responded to Minister of Security of B&H Fahrudin Radoncic’s request for assistance to B&H in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic. Namely, representatives of Azerbaijan informed the Ministry of Security of B&H that an airplane with aid from Azerbaijan will land on Thursday at the Sarajevo International Airport. This, according to daily, represents continuation of good results of the donor conference Radoncic held last month with all ambassadors accredited in Sarajevo, as well as with representatives of international organizations and institutions. So far, a number of countries and donors have responded to call for assistance to B&H, and the EU alone secured a total of 80.5 million Euros worth of aid. Minister Radoncic thanked the government and the people of Azerbaijan for their support.


In B&H 45 new cases as of this morning, 1,413 in total (N1)


According to health officials in B&H, 45 new cases of Covid-19 were recorded over the past 24 hours. The RS recorded 31 cases, while the FB&H recorded 14. Alen Seranic, the RS Health Minister said they tested 512 samples over the past 24 hours, of which 31 came back positive, making the total number of cases in this entity rise to 661 since the beginning of the pandemic. Twenty patients have died so far, as a result of the disease, he added. Of the 31 new cases, 17 are men and 14 are women, Seranic noted. The Minister also noted that seven health care professionals have been infected with the virus in this entity – three nurses and a doctor from the Banja Luka clinical center, and one employee each in Gradiska and Bijeljina hospitals, as well as a medical technician from a private clinic. When it comes to the Federation, health officials there tested 779 samples, of which 14 came back positive, the FB&H Health Ministry's Crisis Staff said on Thursday morning. According to them, a total of 11,975 people was tested so far and 784 came back positive for Covid.19. Currently, the FB&H has 583 active cases of Covid-19, 169 patients have recovered and 32 have died so far. Looking at the gender structure of the patients with Covid-19, 54 percent are women and 46 percent are men. Cantons with the most reported cases are: Herzegovina Neretva Canton (230), Sarajevo Canton (108), Zenica-Doboj Canton (107), West-Herzegovina Canton (83), Tuzla canton (81), Una-Sana Canton (76). B&H Civil Affairs Ministry said that B&H has confirmed a total of 1,413 cases of Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic in the country. Meaning, the RS reported 661 cases, the FB&H reported 784 cases while the Brcko District reported 18 cases so far. When it comes to the fatalities, there were 54 in total, 20 in the RS, 32 in FB&H and 2 in Brcko District.


Plenkovic announces three stages of reactivation (HRT)


A number of other EU member states have also begun introducing plans to withdraw measures designed to slow the spread of COVID-19. After a meeting of his inner cabinet, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic announced that COVID-19 restrictive measures would be withdrawn in three stages, with the first coming on 27 April. "Our restrictive measures have produced results. The rate with which the virus is spreading is slow, with a relatively low death toll. When compared to other countries, we can say that the manner in which we have dealt with the pandemic is very good. In this context, and taking into account that the gradual reactivation of economic and social activities does not jeopardize what we have achieved in the fight against the pandemic, we are going with a three-stage reactivation plan that will take place on 27 April, 4 and 11 May. When we adopt the package tomorrow, we will present the measures in detail and I will discuss them in person at a press conference. The goal is to achieve both economic activity and accordingly, revenues for the state budget," he said. Plenkovic went on to note that the plan is based on concrete consultations with experts and assessments of the plan’s economic impact through comparison with other countries. Earlier in the day the head of the National Civil Protection Crisis Headquarters, Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic, confirmed that by the end of the week government would present its plan to further ease COVID-19 restriction measures. The proposal for withdrawing COVID-19 restriction measures has been prepared by epidemiologists, and after being addressed at tomorrow’s cabinet session, it should become clear how and at what speed the measures will be eased. Among the first is to re-establish inter-city traffic. Education Minister Blazenka Divjak says she expects a decision on when kids will begin returning to schools after today’s cabinet session.


Plenkovic discusses restarting tourism with EU leaders (HRT)


The travel ban due to the coronavirus epidemic has hit the tourism industry especially hard. The tourism sector is especially important for the Croatian economy. A popular tourist destination for European tourists, the sector accounts for about 20% of Croatia's GDP. On Wednesday evening Croatian Prime Minister Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic held a series of telephone discussions with several European leaders about measures to restart the tourism industry. Plenkovic announced via social media that he had held discussions about joint measures for the tourism sector with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Hungarian and Slovenian Prime Ministers Viktor Orban and Janez Jansa. He also discussed the possible arrival of Czech tourists to Croatia with his Czech counterpart Andrej Babis, last week. The focus of the talks was on the EU and Western Balkans summit that was supposed to have been held in May as part of Croatia's presidency of the Council of the European Union. The summit was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic and should take be held by videoconference at the end of Croatia’s presidency in the first half of 2020. In a videoconference scheduled for Thursday the heads of EU member states will try to find common ground on a response to the economic and social consequences of the coronavirus crisis. Their goal is to agree on coronavirus recovery strategy and to gradually re-launch economic activities that have largely been brought to a standstill by the pandemic.


There are 31 newly reported cases of coronavirus in Croatia today, in total 1,981 (N1)


There are 31 newly reported cases of coronavirus in Croatia today, in total 1,981. Two people have died at KBC Split. The government has adopted today a conclusion on planned measures to launch economic and other activities in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic. There are three stages to the loosening measure. First phase starts on Monday, 27 April: The opening of shops will be facilitated except inside the shopping malls. It will be possible to continue working in the service sector, except where there is a close contact. Public, city and suburban transportation lines are introduced, the work of museum libraries, bookstores, and training of athletes in the highest rank of the competition is provided. It is possible to conduct state professional exam for priority groups of students. The second phase starts on 4 May, when public health systems will begin to operate in full extent, also private health systems that adhere to epidemiological measures. Beauty and hair salons will open their services but all with special measures of operating. The third phase is scheduled for 11 May, which will then enable the opening of shopping centers, the work of preschools and classes from grades 1 to 4, and the work with children with disabilities. The work of laboratory groups will be facilitated, as well as the opening of parish lines and air transport in domestic airspace. National parks and some outdoor restaurants will also be open.


Simovic: We must listen to what professionals say (CDM)


Vice-President of Montenegro’s government and president of the National Coordination Body Milutin Simovic said that in the process of tackling coronavirus pandemic, Government was based on the principles of timeliness, understanding, determination, efficiency, cooperation, strength of institutions, credibility and commitment of individuals but, most importantly, adherence to recommendations and the science and profession. “Over the past few months, we have been witnessing unprecedented global crisis provoked by the coronavirus pandemic. This is the moment when joint fight for health and life of all citizens has gathered Montenegrin society and put all other issues aside,” Simovic said in the parliament. He said that proportion of the crisis at global level was dramatic and were still impossible to be fully seen. Simovic said that healthcare institutions had undertaken set of activities since the beginning of the crisis. These activities have shown their full importance. “On 31 January, Institute for Public Health asked for the formation of National Coordination Body which would be in charge of responding to the possible coronavirus outbreak in Montenegro. It was formed on 3 February. Since mid-January, incoming threat has become constant topic which attracted government’s attention. To cut the long story short, a crisis management was established. Our government didn’t wait until 25 March, when the WHO released the need for the involvement of all governments, but it devoted its attention to the threat in mid-January, two and a half months earlier,” Simovic said. In order to set prerequisites for responding to great volume of activities, the state created seven operational units with over 100 members in charge of coordinating work of tens thousands of employees. “Members of the Police, Armed Forces of Montenegro, many public utility services have demonstrated dedicated, responsible and professional behavior in performing their tasks,” Simovic stressed. “Citizens’ awareness of adherence to measures was crucial,” Simovic pointed out. He expressed his gratitude to citizens. “We can be proud of what we have done together. It is not time to relax yet, we need to stick to measures and recommendations,” Simovic said.


Montenegro to trial coronavirus treatment using blood plasma from recovered patients (CDM)


Assistant director of the Clinical Center, Dr Nemanja Radojevic, said that they continued to develop innovations to the protocol. “We are considering the possibility for using plasma of the recovered patients as a form of treatment. We are also examining Remdesivir drug and its use. We have actually started preparing for the procurement,” Radojevic says. He said that 29 patients were hospitalized with the coronavirus infection. Radojevic stresses that elderly people are most vulnerable. “Precautions are still in force. Montenegro has the lowest mortality rate in the region. It’s because we took measures in time and worked very hard on treating our patients,” Radojevic pointed out. Dr Sanja Medenica, Head of the Epidemiology Department, says that lifting measures will depend on the epidemic situation.  Medenica added that collective accommodation and homes for the elderly people would still be in the main focus. Dr Damjanovic stressed that intercity traffic would remain closed. She emphasized that second wave of epidemic might sweep us if we “fail to adhere to measures”.


One more person tests positive for coronavirus (CDM)


The Institute for Public Health has reported that one more person out of 155 tested was positive for coronavirus. The new case is originally from Plav. There have been 316 cases confirmed so far. “This person was laced in the quarantine in Ulcinj. He came back from abroad 13 days ago,” the Institute reports. Number of cases by municipalities:

Podgorica: 161

Tuzi: 37

Niksic: 34

Bar: 23

Ulcinj: 22

Budva: 7

Plav: 7

Andrijevica: 7

Bijelo Polje: 6

Herceg Novi: 6

Danilovgrad: 3

Tivat: 3


According to the statistics, there are currently 195 active cases. So far, 116 patients have recovered, and 2.176 citizens are under watch.


Spasovski: Weekday curfew and weekend lockdown shortened as of Thursday (MIA)


Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski has released the new relaxed measures regarding movement restrictions that the government adopted at Wednesday's session. “The government has just adopted important decisions. Movement restrictions are reduced as of 23 April. On weekdays (Monday-Friday), the curfew will begin at 7 pm instead of 4 pm and last until 5 am on the next day. People over the age of 67 are allowed to go out from 5 am to noon, while youth up to 18 years of age will be allowed to go out between 1 pm and 7 pm,” Spasovski said. He adds that weekend restrictions are also reduced. “Starting from this weekend, the curfew will begin at 3 pm on Saturday and end at 5 am on Monday. On Saturday, people over the age of 67 are allowed to go out from 5 am to 11 am, while youth up to 18 years of age will be allowed to go out between noon and 3 pm,” says Spasovski.


Spasovski: New measures – path to stabilization and defining circumstances of life (MIA)


Numbers are showing there is a small number of infected elderly persons, and there are more recoveries than new infections over the past three days, said Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski on Wednesday. “Based on the analyses and recommendations by the Commission for Infectious Diseases, the government decided today to enhance the precautionary measures and reduce the movement restrictions,” Spasovski told a press conference. The PM said the measures are producing the desired effect of maintaining a linear curve of new infections, as projected, but the relaxation of the restrictive measures should not result in irresponsible behavior. “We should all observe the personal protective measures when going out – a mask or a scarf over the nose and the mouth, a two-meter distance and no grouping – because this is the only way to protect our own and the public health,” said Spasovski. According to the new measures, which will be enforced as of Thursday, the protective equipment is compulsory in all indoor public places such as markets, shops, banks, posts, health institutions and when using public transport. In the open, the protective equipment is mandatory at green markets and open areas that do not allow for a two-meter physical distance. Protective equipment is not compulsory if staying in the yard or the balcony of one’s home, on a bicycle, when doing open-air sports, or in a passenger vehicle together with persons living with in a community or in a household. “Isolation is mandatory after testing. This means that all domestic and foreign individuals, regardless of having symptoms or not, will go into isolation until they get the test results,” added Spasovski. According to him, the new measures represent a path to stabilization and defining the new circumstances of life.


Thirty MPs sign SDSM initiative for parliament’s reconvening (MIA)


About thirty MPs of SDSM, NSDP, VMRO-DPMNE Independent Group, Alliance for Albanians, Alternativa and DPA have signed the SDSM initiative for the parliament's reconvening, in order to confirm the President's two decisions to declare a 30-day state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. BESA has also said it would support the initiative. Opposition VMRO-DPMNE has rejected the move, while DUI said it would first see the initiative before deciding. Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi, who has said on several occasions that a dissolved parliament cannot reconvene, will also give an opinion once the initiative is formally submitted to the parliament and himself. SDSM MPs told MIA they would submit the initiative to the parliament and the speaker on Thursday, adding the parliament should also be reconvened on other issues too, considering its oversight role especially in such states of emergency or crisis. The session would have two items on the agenda – confirming President Stevo Pendarovski’s decisions to declare a state of emergency and making the parliament operational if required. Several options are being mulled on the way in which the session would take place – virtually or in the big dome hall – in order to observe the preventive coronavirus measures. According to SDSM MPs, the Speaker can schedule a session after 20 MP signatures have been collected in line with Article 67 of the parliament’s Rules of Procedures, which reads: “The President of the Assembly may convene a session upon a request of the President, the government or at least 20 members of the Assembly.” Under the Constitution, “the term of office of the Representatives of the Assembly can be extended only during state of war or emergency.” “The SDSM parliamentary group believes that parliament should be functional after all conditions regulated by the Constitution have been met. Our objective is to attempt once again ensuring Parliament is reconvened to uphold (President) Pendarovski’s decisions and functional if needs arises for declaring again state of emergency in the future. We are consulting with other parliamentary groups, too. The motion on reconvening Parliament will be sent to the President of the parliament by tomorrow at the latest” SDSM whip Jovan Mitroski told MIA. North Macedonia’s parliament dissolved on 16 February ahead of the early parliamentary election, which was originally slated for 12 April. The polls were postponed after the outbreak of COVID-19.

DUI hasn’t seen SDSM’s initiative, calls for consensus in decision-making (MIA)


DUI said the party hasn't seen the content of the SDSM initiative on reconvening parliament and hasn't been asked for support or consulted on the matter, the junior government partner told MIA. SDSM has started collecting signatures for parliament to be convened and to hold a session to uphold the President’s decisions declaring state of emergency to curb the COVID-19 pandemic. “We haven’t seen the content of SDSM’s initiative and we haven’t been consulted on the matter or asked for our support. As regards all issues in relation to the current state of play that affects all the citizens equally, it would be a good thing if they are solved with general consensus and broad support,” DUI told MIA. Parliament, the party said, dissolved with consensus and elections were also postponed with consensus. “We will review the initiative as soon as it is submitted to parliament,” said DUI.


Public administration in North Macedonia goes back to working full hours (Republika)


After its decision to have the evening curfew begin at 19h instead of 16h, the government yesterday also ordered the public administration workers to go back to work full time.

Previously, the public administration was told to work on a reduced schedule, so that the employees can get home before 16h. Under the new regime, employees are back to working a full eight-hour day, and depending on the institution, most can begin work between 7.30 and 8.30 and conclude between 15.30 and 16.30.


Today 29 recovered and 41 new Covid-19 positive cases in North Macedonia (Libertas)


Today, in North Macedonia 29 recovered patients have been registered. Of these, 4 patients were hospitalized and 25 were treated at home. In the past 24 hours, 41 new case of Covid-19 has been confirmed. The person registered in the Negotino regional unit is a resident of Demir Kapija. With this case, the total number of diagnosed patients with Covid-19 in our country is 1,300 people. In the past 24 hours, 649 tests have been performed. So far, a total of 13,649 tests have been performed in total. Distribution of cases by cities:

Skopje -17

Kumanovo -11

Prilep - 5

Tetovo - 3

Kavadarci - 1

Gostivar -1

Kriva Palanka -1

Kicevo -1

Negotino -1.


Minister reveals plan for loosening pandemic measures (ADN)


Minister of Health and Social Protection Ogerta Manastirliu informed this Wednesday that measures against coronavirus will loosened gradually in Albania. A minimum of 2 weeks is needed for this. During her speech, Manastirliu explained that from the first to second step will be obtained information on daily cases, number of people and citizens in intensive care. Earlier on, she said there are over COVID-19 hotbeds across the country and a stable number of hospitalized citizens. On the other hand, Health Minister underlined that commercial subjects cleared to open must operate under strict safety protocols. Businesses have moral and legal responsibilities, according to the Minister. Therefore, they have to maintain hygiene and physical distancing. "We have more than 100 active hearths. Number of the hospitalized is stable. The package of relief measures determines some base principles. The opening will be gradual, 2-weeks minimum for the facilitation of measures. From stage 1 to 2 it will be learned about the daily cases, the number of citizens and the cases that are treated in intensive therapy. Initially, are opened the activities with more economic effect and with less on the virus. They will be opened with strict protocols. Parallelly, the spread of activities will be accompanied by movement at least 2 months from the moment of opening. Facilitation includes 4 stages. It is required cooperation with the business that has moral and legal responsibilities. Every business must strictly implement the measures of conditions, hygiene, physical distancing. Each business must take the respective protocol," said Manastirliu.


Lajcak: Albania is playing an important role in the Western Balkan region (Radio Tirana)


EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other regional issues of the Western Balkans Miroslav Lajcak, through a post on his Twitter account, thanked the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama for the support of the latter and his country. his in this important Balkan process. “I thanked Prime Minister Edi Rama for the continued constructive support that Albania is showing towards this dialogue led by Europe. “Albania has played and is playing an important role in strengthening trust between the actors of this process in the region,” Lajcak said. “Only a coordinated process will lead to a comprehensive normalization of the agreement,” he added.


Basha thanked EC for assistance to Albania (Radio Tirana)


The chairman of the Democratic Party Lulzim Basha thanked the European Commission, which has proposed 3 billion euros in macro-financial assistance to support ten countries, including Albania, which benefits 180 million euros for easing the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. “I thank the European Commission and President Ursula Von der Leyen for their proposal to help Albanians and all the peoples of the Western Balkans in these difficult times. The support of our friends and partners in dealing with COVID-19 is vital for Albania,” says Basha.

Albanian lawmakers approve state of emergency extension (ADN)


Albanian parliament backed Prime Minister Edi Rama's s request to extend a state of emergency until 23 June due to Covid-19. The extension was approved with 91 votes in favor, 5 against and 3 abstentions. The government's request to postpone the state of emergency until 23 June has caused controversy among the opposition, who have considered it an unnecessary and uncoordinated measure. The session was followed by accusations and counter-accusations between the MPs present in the hall. This Thursday's parliamentary session was carried out under strict safety measures, as MPs and Minister, all wore masks and gloves, and their temperature was measured prior to the entrance in the hall.


Albania hits for second time highest number of daily new cases (ADN)


29 new coronavirus cases are reported by Ministry of Health this Thursday, the same number was reported on 4 April, which is the highest number of new coronavirus cases in 24 hours since the outbreak. Representative of the Public Health Institute, Rovena Daja informed that the total number of cases now has reached 663, while she added that 20 new cases have been registered in Tirana, 7 in Kruja and 2 in Shkodra. Moreover, it was announced also that there is a new hotspot of the infection. The outbreak has occurred in Tirana prison, as 13 out of the total number of cases registered in last 24 hours were registered there. Daja said that the epidemiological investigation is underway to stop further spread of the infection in this prison. Daja provided information regarding hospitalized patients, stating that there are 34 patients receiving treatment in 2 COVID-19 hospitals, 4 out of whom are in intensive therapy and 4 others are in critical condition. 240 Covid-19 suspects were tested. The test results confirmed 29 new cases. The geographical distribution of positive cases is as follows:

Tirana 276 cases

Durresi 42 cases

Lushnja 6 cases

Elbasani 18 cases

Fieri 36 cases

Kavaja 9 cases

Rrogozhina 4 cases

Korca 19 cases

Vlora 5 cases

Shkodra 102 cases

Lezha 14 cases

Berati 2 cases

Has 13 cases

Kruja 65 cases

Tropoja 4 cases

Puka 5 cases

Mirdita 3 cases

Kukesi 11 cases

Mallakastra 1 case

Kurbini 28 cases



Jews, Serbs and Roma join WWII concentration camp commemorations in Croatia (AP, 22 April 2020)


After boycotting ceremony at Jasenovac for 4 years, Jewish representative says he likely won’t come back next year unless more is done against far-right activity in country

JASENOVAC, Croatia — Jews, Serbs, Roma and anti-fascists joined top Croatian officials for the first time in years Wednesday in commemorating the victims of a notorious World War II concentration camp, but the community representatives warned that more needs to be done to curb right-wing sentiments in the European Union country. The delegations laid wreaths and flowers at the memorial site for the Jasenovac camp complex, where tens of thousands of people were brutally executed by the pro-Nazi regime that ruled Croatia during the war. Annual observances at the memorial south of Zagreb mark the attempted escape by 1,073 prisoners as the camp was being dismantled and its remaining occupants killed in April 1945. No official program took place at this year’s 75th anniversary commemoration to prevent crowds from gathering during the coronavirus pandemic. Jewish community representative Ognjen Kraus said the attendance by victims’ representatives was a sign of good will following their four-year boycott of the ceremonies for the Croatian government’s alleged inaction in addressing far-right activity. Kraus warned that he “most certainly” won’t come next year, if nothing changes. “I came to offer my hand. I am ready for serious discussion about the government’s position toward the past,” said Kraus. “We most certainly won’t be here next year unless this is solved.” Right-wing sentiments that include glorifying the wartime Ustasa regime are strong among extremist groups in Croatia. Critics argue the current conservative government has failed to resolutely counter such ideas and the use of pro-Nazi signs and salutes. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic defended the government Wednesday. “We have done a lot and our policies and statements are firm and clear,” he said. Meanwhile, a gathering of thousands of Croatian far-right supporters in southern Austria to commemorate the massacre of pro-Nazi Croats by communists at the end of World War II has been canceled because of the pandemic. For Croatian nationalists, the annual event held in early May near the village of Bleiburg symbolizes their suffering under communism in the former Yugoslavia before they fought a war for independence in the 1990s. Croatia is the European Union’s newest member nation and the current head of the bloc’s rotating presidency.


Coronavirus: Hungary-Serbia Re-open 3 Border Crossings for Commuters (Hungary Today, 23 April 2020)


Three crossing points have re-opened for commuters at the Hungarian-Serbian border, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said on his Facebook page on Thursday. Hungarian and Serbian nationals who work or have land to farm on the other side of the border can cross at Röszke, Tompa and Hercegszántó as of 6am on Thursday, he said. Serbia introduced strict restrictions in response to the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic banning passenger traffic at its borders, Szijjártó said.

The ban has seriously affected many residents and local businesses in the border region, he said.

Szijjártó said he had discussed the issue with Serbia’s Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic and European Integration Minister Jadranka Joksimovic and agreed with them on re-opening the three border crossings for commuters.