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Belgrade Media Report 24 August 2020



White House reschedules Kosovo meeting (


The White House has rescheduled the meeting between officials from Belgrade and Pristina for September 4, a US administration spokesman told the portal. National Security Council spokesman John Ullyot said that the meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti would be held on September 4 because of the meeting agenda. The meeting was originally scheduled for September 2. Vucic said on Saturday that there were indications that the meeting might be rescheduled. 


"National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien has invited the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo to Washington on September 4. The talks were postponed for two days because of the agenda" Ullyot said. He is reported to have said that the US administration believes that progress on economic issues is the first step to progress in the peace process. 


Vucic: Trump might attend Washington meeting between Serbia, Kosovo reps. (FoNet)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced that the meeting between representatives of Serbia and Kosovo in Washington will most likely take place on September 4 because "there are indications" that "in case something important happens" US President Donald Trump will also participate in it. "Negotiations on all key issues of normalization, not recognition, are being conducted under the auspices of Brussels, and this must be something different" Vucic told TV Prva. He added that he expects both Washington and Brussels to continue to pressure Serbia to decrease cooperation with other foreign policy actors - "less and less with Russia and more with China." Vucic said that Serbia signed a "partial capitulation" in 1999 and that it must stop acting "as if nothing had happened". 


Belgrade – Pristina talks in US to focus on infrastructure projects (Politika)


The agenda of the forthcoming meeting at White House between Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo's Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti will focus on infrastructural projects worth more hundreds of millions of Euro, the Belgrade Politika daily reported on Monday. It added that the meeting, which would be mediated by President Donald Trump's special envoy on September 4, might end in signing a letter of intent "that could cement the resumption of the dialogue" on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. 

"That deal would be a step toward the creation of the economic union and would be the continuation of the 'small Schengen' initiative meant to establish the regional economic zone as agreed within the Berlin process" the daily wrote. 


Earlier, all sides said the Washington meeting would be about the economic issues, while some media speculations did not exclude that the politics could also be on the list. Vucic said that any talks about recognizing Kosovo's independence were out of the question, even though both the US and all but five European Union member states saw Kosovo as an independent state. 


Some reports suggested that Trump, pending his obligations in the presidential campaign, might join the meeting, but the White House had not confirmed that. Analysts and diplomats cautiously react to that information, agreeing it was possible only if Vucic and Hoti made some serious deal which could be seen as Trump's foreign policy success ahead of the November elections. Both the US and EU say Brussels, which had been facilitating the dialogue for years, remained the primary partner in political issues, while Washington focused on the economies.   


Vucic to discuss Kosovo and Republika Srpska issue with Dodik (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Aug. 22 that he would meet with Republika Srpska (RS) officials on Aug. 26 and give his opinion on a "document" sent to him by Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Milorad Dodik. 


Dodik said in Banja Luka last week that the Serbian President had been sent documents from RS describing the behavior of international community high representative Valentin Inzko that violated the Dayton Accords, in a desire to highlight that Western countries were using double standards in approaching the issues of RS and Kosovo. When Vucic last visited Banja Luka, Dodik said, Vucic and he agreed that RS would send Serbia "information on anti-Daytonian behavior and status of the Serb people" in B&H, in the belief that "Serbia, which is 

exposed to dialog with international factors on Kosovo, should absolutely consider RS." 


Subsequently, the Party of Democratic Action responded with a press release issued in Sarajevo that "coordinated action" by Vucic and the authorities of RS "to connect the status of Kosovo with" RS in the ongoing negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina was "a continued 

aggression against B&H with the goal of undermining its integrity." 


Vucic: I never spoke against integrity of B&H (Prva TV)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he never spoke against the integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and noted that he is working on maintaining the best relations between Serbs and Bosniaks. Vucic emphasized that the Bosniak political leadership in B&H is trying to make enemies out of friends, which he assessed as a huge mistake. Reacting to statement of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic that Serbia continues with the aggression against B&H by connecting the issue of Kosovo to the Republika Srpska (RS), Vucic noted that Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik only sent him a document about his ideas, but that he specifically told Dodik that he does not want to interfere in B&H’s internal issues. “He said that he expects a certain support and help from Serbia” Vucic specified. Vucic stressed that he does not want to present a stance on the document sent by Dodik until he meets with representatives of the RS authorities next week to discuss it. Vucic noted: “I do not want to enter a debate with political parties with a declining rating.” Vucic stressed that Bosniak leadership always asked for more, unsatisfied with having good relations with Serbs. Vucic also spoke about the regional news regarding the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, expressing readiness for talks “with Albanians”. 

Lavrov: Belgrade-Pristina dialogue has no alternative (Beta)


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said that dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina might be stagnating, but that it doesn't have an alternative, and that for that reason 

foreign actors should not be twisting one side's arm, while encouraging the questionable appetites of the other. 


"Today the dialogue is stagnating. Still, there is no alternative, however eager one may be to cut this Gordian knot. There is growing activity in Brussels and Washington to restart the negotiating process. Foreign actors should not resort to blackmail and twist one side's arm while encouraging the questionable appetites of the other. The alternative to 

the dialogue is dangerous for everyone" Lavrov said. The minister said that serious and honest talks were necessary on the future of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. "They can be effective only if the legal interests of the Serbs in Kosovo are taken into account, together with their concerns and international law" Minister Lavrov said. 




Dodik explains content of document sent to Vucic (FTV)

Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik has explained the content of the document sent to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, saying that the document contains conclusions and opinions of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) regarding the RS’ view of the anti-Dayton behavior of the High Representative, the international community and the B&H Constitutional Court.  


“As for the documents, having in mind many comments in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) as well, they have had the document for several years already, very visible, transparent. Nothing special has been added, it is exclusively what the RSNA adopted as conclusions and information it discussed” said Dodik.  


Dodik announced he will send the document to Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, leaders of SDS and PDP, as well as to President of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic. Dodik is surprised by the interest expressed for the meeting with Vucic, since their meetings take place on a monthly basis. Commenting on the reactions of President of PDP Branislav Boranovic, Dodik said that everyone had insight into the document sent to Vucic including Borenovic. ˝He is suspicious towards the work of the RSNA, but not towards the work of the British intelligence agency which promotes officials like him. Whatever was contained in conclusions of the RSNA and stances of the RS Government regarding the status of the RS and the anti-Dayton behavior of the HR, international community and B&H CC was delivered to Vucic˝ said Dodik.  


SDA reacted to the meeting of Dodik and Vucic, saying that Serbia continues its aggression against B&H by connecting the Kosovo issues with the RS. Vucic stated that Bosniaks are trying to make enemies from friends by force. ˝They have been doing this for a long time, it is nothing new. I will not be their enemy whatever they do and however they act˝ said Vucic. He added that SDA does not have any proof for their statement.  


Dodik stressed that politicians of SDS and PDP are leading a treacherous policy against the RS and this is a continuous process. He said that he is obligated to respect the decisions of the RS as an elected representative of the RS. Dodik added that Borenovic does not act like this and if he wanted to respect these decisions he would not vote for the changes of the Rules of Procedure in the B&H Parliament.  


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that the RS wants to cooperate but has no collocutor in B&H for any topic. She added that B&H would be successful if the B&H Constitution and the original Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) was respected. Cvijanovic told ATV that whenever a faction of SDA turns against him, Izetbegovic starts talking about how bad life in the RS is. She stressed that they are accused of destroying the state when they want to cooperate with the FB&H in accordance with competences.  


Dodik and Covic to inform public about violations of DPA at expense of Serbs and Croats (RTRS)

Member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik reiterated that he will try to integrate all violations of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) towards Serbs and Croats with leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic and send it to the international public. Dodik said: “We should point out that 25 years since signing of the DPA it is time of mass violation of international law and our ethnic rights”. Dodik asked how it is possible to ruin territorial integrity of Serbia in Kosovo and to make a unitary state in B&H. He stated that early recognition of Kosovo is the same one when the US recognized B&H after which a civil war begin, adding that the US is known for ignoring the real situation. Dodik underlined that the concept that the US was pushing at the end of the last century and at the beginning of this one must finally stop. According to Dodik, Serbs in the US should also support re-election of US President Donald Trump who promotes the policy of non-interfering in internal issues of other countries.  


Stevandic: Borenovic is causing divisions ahead of meeting with Vucic (RTRS, Dnevni avaz)

Leader of the United Srpska Nenad Stevandic said that leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic “worthy of foreign agencies, sows and inflames the seeds of division and mutual hatred before the upcoming meeting of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic with Serbian member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik and Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljko Cvijanovic by abusing Vucic’s good will to receive and listen to every Serb politician, including him personally". 


After Stevandic commented the meeting of the RS and Serbian leadership and criticized PDP leader Borenovic, PDP reacted and issued a statement. “When you receive negative comments from someone like Stevandic, political parasite, multiple party-switcher, wartime traitor and sold soul, then it must mean that you are doing something good and positive. Therefore, we in PDP are completely convinced into moral and every other rectitude of President Borenovic”, said PDP spokesperson Anja Petrovic


Radoncic: Greater-Serbian nationalism, Russian imperialism and Muslim Brotherhood join forces against pro-European and pro-Western politicians such as Djukanovic, Radoncic and Thaci (Dnevni avaz)

SBB Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Fahrudin Radoncic commented on social networks the statement of Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic, in which he denied the allegations from the interview of the “deranged” Armin Cibra to ‘Glas Javnosti’ in which “this sick liar, produce of SDA leadership, presented lies about me, designed by intelligence”.  Radoncic said that Djukanovic was right to say that this was coordinated by “the second man in BIA”, Serbian intelligence officer Marko Perazanovic and he accurately diagnosed this as Greater- Serbian nationalism and Russian imperialism. However, Radoncic added that this time, Serbian and Russian intelligence officers were joined by promotors of Muslim Brotherhood in B&H. “It is their futile desire to obtain cup-size state and establish feudal authority, as the only alleged perspective for Bosniaks and fake European need and benefit for such state within itself” said Radoncic. He underlined that all of them, because of ideological and religious convictions, wish dissolution of B&H and undermining of Montenegrin independence. Radoncic underlined that Cibra, who was even earlier sentenced because of slander, is the least important part of the “geostrategic game”, where Radoncic, along with Djukanovic and Kosovo President Hashim Thaci is accused of drug dealing: “These dark, anti-civilizational and anti-western forces cannot tolerate politicians of regional cooperation, wisdom and stability. Yet, we will prevail”. 


Earlier Djukanovic said that claims about his involvement in illegal affairs in Sarajevo, published by ‘Glas Javnosti’, present allegations of this media aimed to present Montenegro as a hopeless and lawless country. Djukanovic further stressed that he has information that ‘Glas Javnosti’ was tasked to serve as a platform for anti-Montenegro interests and to advocate interests of Serbian nationalism and Russian imperialism.  He concluded that the person tasked to coordinate this task is Perazanovic, the BIA officer, who is also a Russian agent.  


Daily noted that the USA has warned on several occasions about Russian plans to use its satellites in the region and destabilize the situation, prevent progress and NATO accession. Daily stressed that the target are pro-European and pro-Western politicians, such as Djukanovic, Radoncic and Thaci. 


Political parties decide on coalitions for upcoming local elections in Mostar (FTV)

At the upcoming local elections, 35 councilors for the City Council of Mostar will be elected, i.e. maximum of 15 and minimum of four from each of the three constitutional peoples and one councilor from the line of Others. FTV reports that none of the caucuses will be able to independently elect Mayor of Mostar who is elected by the City Council. Five political parties that form a pro-Bosnian bloc agreed on the platform for joint participation in the upcoming local elections in Mostar and invited other political parties to join them. Leader of DF in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC) Ahmed Dzubur said for the media: “The invitation is open, based on the principles we agreed on, SDA, SBB, DF, Party for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and BPS. I think the principles in the platform are generally acceptable and that value all that is very important for the City of Mostar’’.  


Leader of SDA Mostar Salem Maric said that a joint list of candidates will ensure a pro-Bosnian Mayor in Mostar. FTV reports that Croat political parties also agreed on joint participation, but expressed their dissatisfaction with holding the local elections in Mostar after local elections in other cities in B&H. Leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic stated at a press conference that a joint list will ensure victory for their political parties. FTV reports that Our Party (NS) and SDP B&H decided earlier on joint participation, and rejected to join the pro-Bosnian bloc. President of the SDP B&H City Board of Mostar Arman Zalihic said for FTV that it was a logical continuation of good relations between these two parties at local level. Leader of the First Party of Mostar Semir Drljevic said that they are yet to decide on how to participate in the upcoming local elections. FTV reports that the deadline for the submission of the lists to the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) is September 1, 16:00hrs. 




Citizens are to choose between a modern, secular or a theocratic state in elections (MINA)


In the forthcoming parliamentary elections, citizens will choose whether Montenegro will be a modern secular state of all citizens, nations and religions or a theocratic state, dominated by one nation, one religion and one church, said Montenegro’s foreign affairs minister, Srdjan Darmanovic. In an interview for MINA news agency, he said that for everyone who desire a pro-Western, democratic, secular state, without hesitating about its Euro-Atlantic orientation, the decision in the upcoming elections should be made easily. 


Minister Darmanovic said it was important for Montenegro to keep up its foreign policy direction based on Euro-Atlantic aspirations as well as the EU integration after the elections. 

“However, there is no consensus on the country’s foreign policy in our society and politics. The differences are, in fact, quite sharp” Darmanovic said. 


He believes that the main opponents to the current government and their spiritual source – the Serbian Orthodox Church, are challenging the country’s foreign policy, primarily the NATO membership and regional policy. “According to that projection, Montenegro is mostly perceived as a satellite state within a broader program that was called the” alliance of Serbian countries “in the early 1990s, and today several names are used, including the latest “Serbian world.” 


Commenting on the recent statements of Serbia president Aleksandar Vucic’s office, announcing to set up a team for the ‘protection of shrines’ on the territories where the Serbian people reside, Minister Darmanovic told: “It’s obvious what this is all about even when you hear those words taken from religious processions in Montenegro.” “Taking into account this whole situation, the citizens of Montenegro once again hold in their hands the key to the character of the state and its foreign policy direction” assessed Darmanovic. Ever since the adoption of the religious freedom law, Montenegro has been facing, he added, an unprecedented disinformation campaign on a daily basis led by the Serbian media. 


Provocation ahead of elections: Convoy of cars heading from Serbia to Montenegro (CDM)


Supporters of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) organized this morning the so-called religious procession, i.e. a convoy of cars heading from Belgrade to Montenegro. According to the Serbian media, several hundred people gathered and took part in a 5km long convoy of cars. 


Footages published by the media in Serbia also show that supporters of the SOC were wearing t-shirts and waving the placards – “We won’t give our shrines”, “Montenegro – Serbia, one family”. One could also spot the flag of Serbia as well as religious icons, i.e. the same icons from religious processions organized in Montenegro. 


Protesters gathered in front of Belgrade’s Sava Centar, Tanjug news agency reported. Their plan is to meet with another group of people near Cacak (Preljina) and then to keep driving to the monastery Jabuka in the vicinity of the border with Montenegro. 


Amfilohije urges voters in Montenegro to vote against regime Metropolitan (CDM)

Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral called on Montenegrin citizens on Aug. 23 to vote in elections against the regime which had adopted a Law on the freedom of religion and is "still persisting in the spirit of this anti-law." "The Church does not have its party or its ticket, but it is natural that it will rejoice in those who oppose this lawless act and who defend that which is holy, whichever party they may belong to" Amfilohije said in an epistle that was read after a liturgy in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Podgorica. Ahead of the Aug. 30 parliamentary elections in Montenegro, the metropolitan also urged the people 

to approach the vote "relieved of fear or bribery and exercise their civil rights." 


No religious community can be above the state (Pobjeda)


Serbian Orthodox Church has a clear plan, says in the interview with Pobjeda Secretary of State in the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, Aleksandar Zekovic, pointing out that lack of intellectual and media objectivity and analysis is very evident. 


“Law on Freedom of Religion is a necessary quality step forward from the monolithic absolute theocracy, totalitarian and populist heritage, and as such, it has come across an aggressive resistance of those structures that want to maintain the status quo while trying to discredit Montenegro and deprive it of its elementary democratic and institutional decency”, Zekovic explains. 


Hatred speech has become even more intense during the election campaign. Why? 


Zekovic: Specific political structures continuously use elections to incite hatred. That’s how they strengthen their recognition and recruit individuals that haven’t accepted universality of human rights and civil character of Montenegrin society. Anti-Muslim activities are constant and were particularly reinforced after the gathering of the members of Chetnik movement in Berane. The fact that some local functionaries attended this event is concerning. Municipal government should promote democratic values more fiercely and make sure all citizens are equally involved. 


The case of Methadzovic family from Podgorica confirms that fascism, disguised in other political options, acts through populism and radicalization. They have become victims of those who hail crimes of Pavle Zurisic and Ratko Mladic. Anti-fascist values and heritage, as well as international court rulings in the area of humanitarian law, should be integrated even more strongly into our legal and cultural concept. 


After the adoption of the Law on Freedom of Religion, public space has become place of political violence and hatred speech and not only that – Montenegrin sovereignty is being denied more than ever. What do you think about that? 


Zekovic: This law is based on international standards and the best European democratic practice. Earlier regulation, dating back from 1977, was part of the old political heritage and values. The law was adopted with the aim of stimulating social and cultural expression of faith and arranging one important social question in a democratic and civilized manner. Adoption of this law actually confirms Montenegro’s sovereignty and secularity. That’s why the problem arose. 


Lack of intellectual and media objectivity and analysis is very evident. Law on Freedom of Religion is a necessary quality step forward from the monolithic absolute theocracy, totalitarian and populist heritage, and as such, it has come across an aggressive resistance of those structures that want to maintain the status quo while trying to discredit Montenegro and deprive it of its elementary democratic and institutional decency. 


Why SOC in MNE rejected to accept all the concessions the Government offered? They even refused elementary registration?! 


Zekovic: The Government has demonstrated willingness to develop Montenegro as arranged society. Registration of religious communities should be seen in the context of the full secularization of society. The basis of Montenegro’s development is democracy and rule of law, not religion. Therefore, no religious community can and should be above the state. Manipulations and scams have taken place of argumentative discussions and search for secular, democratic solution. 


There’s a clear political and hegemonic intention to divide Montenegro so that opposition parties can profit in the elections by keeping this church issue open. 


SOC and the opposition have been releasing false information on the alleged persecution of monasticism and believers bad the “endangered cultural heritage”. Institutions have remained silent to the attacks. However, Ministry of Human and Minority Rights decided to respond. For what reason? 


Zekovic: Ministry actively contributes to public discourse of freedom of religion outside the context of political manipulations, abuse and populism. We have presented numerous examples of successful cooperation and support which completely deny allegations about the endangerment of dioceses in Montenegro. I guess it goes without saying that Government’s body in charge of monitoring freedom of religion shall provide facts and react in situations when untruth is being constantly repeated. Serbia hasn’t learned much about cooperation during the EU accession process. 


It has been announced that the Government of Serbia will from a special team for the protection of holy places and structures in areas where Serbian people live. What’s your opinion about that? 


Zekovic: Montenegrin diplomacy has had clear view on similar tendencies from Serbia. I think that will be new format of pressure. I have to notice that Serbia hasn’t learned much about cooperation in the EU accession process. Montenegro’s politics is based on European principles and guidelines. That means our actions are consistent and predictable. Stories about anyone being endangered are just unfounded. As sovereign, secular and civil state, Montenegro has political determination and institutional capacities to take care of its cultural heritage and protect identity of its citizens. 


SEC: Everything is ready for the elections; CCE: Numbers are interesting? (TMN


The State Election Commission (SEC) has fulfilled its legal and other obligations, and everything is ready for the elections on August 30, said the president of that institution, Aleksa Ivanovic. He said that the SEC carried out all actions prescribed by the Law on the Election of Councilors and Deputies and the Calendar of Election Activities. "We will continue to work in this way until the end of the election process. From that, it can be concluded that everything is ready for the elections," Ivanovic told the MINA agency. 


Answering the question of what he expects from the election day and how everything will work considering the coronavirus epidemic, he reminded that the SEC adopted the Technical Recommendations for holding elections for epidemiological protection. "This essentially means that if all persons participating in the election process adhere to the measures, wear masks, gloves, and use disinfectants, the election day will pass under the measures to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus" stated Ivanovic. 


Ivanovic said that the recording and editing of educational material for the polling board members were completed. "The broadcasting phase for the needs of education will follow. It is also planned that the material will be available on the website," Ivanovic said. 

Asked whether all dilemmas regarding the voting by letter have been resolved, Ivanovic said the Constitutional Court is deciding on that issue. 


Six coalitions and five political parties are running in the parliamentary elections in Montenegro. Five hundred forty thousand twenty-six (540,026) citizens have the right to vote. There are 1,217 polling stations in Montenegro, and that is the number that corresponds to the previous elections. The upcoming parliamentary elections will be the eleventh since the introduction of the multi-party system in Montenegro, and the fifth since independence. 


CCE on the number of citizens with voting right announced by SEC: Numbers are interesting, aren't they? 


The Center for Civic Education (CCE) paired several official data from the competent institutions ahead of the parliamentary elections scheduled for August 30. The CCE reminded that according to the last census, Montenegro has 620,029 inhabitants, and according to Monstat's projection for 2019, that number is 622,028 inhabitants. Of that number, 68,025 are students in primary schools, 27,447 in secondary schools, and 23,080 children are included in the preschool system. "The numbers are interesting, aren't they?" The CCE addressed the issue to the public. 


Republic of North Macedonia 


Cabinet line-up complete, deadline for submitting new gov’t proposal is Sept. 2 (MIA


DUI announced the name of a candidate to head up the Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA) on Saturday, completing the lineup of the new cabinet which is to be elected in Parliament. DUI’s candidate is Jeton Shaqiri, professor at the International University in Struga. 


The deadline for submitting a proposal for election of new government is September 2. As Talat Xhaferi was appointed Parliament Speaker on Friday, he’s expected in the coming days to schedule a session to vote on the new government. 


According to PM-designate and SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, the new government will consist of 19 ministers instead of the current 26. Names of the candidates for new ministers were unveiled on Wednesday, after SDSM and DUI reached a coalition agreement. SDSM’s list of candidates includes Oliver Spasovski as Minister of Interior, Radmila Shekerinska as Minister of Defense, and Bojan Marichikj as Minister of Justice. Blagoj Bochvarski will head up the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Jagoda Shahpaska will head up the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, and Irena Stefovska will be the new Minister of Culture. Venko Filipche remains Health Minister, Mila Carovska will head up the Ministry of Education and Science, while current Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov will take over as Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European Affairs. In addition, Fatmir Bitikji will be Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, whereas Ljupcho Nikolovski will be Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Fight Against Corruption. 


DUI’s candidates include Artan Grubi as First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System, Fatmir Besimi as Minister of Finance, Bujar Osmani as Foreign Minister, Kreshnik Bekteshi to head up the Ministry of Economy, and Naser Nuredini to head up the Ministry of Environment. The highest bodies of SDSM and DUI accepted on Wednesday the candidates for ministers in the new government.