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Belgrade Media Report 26 August 2020



The meeting of the political top of Republika Srpska with the President of Serbia (B92)


After the meeting with the political leadership, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, addressed the public at a press conference. Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Milorad Dodik, President and Prime Minister of Republika Srpska (RS), came to the meeting in the Presidency of Serbia today. The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, also attended the meeting. 


After the meeting with the political top of RS, the President of Serbia stated that it was the most comprehensive meeting so far. “We analyzed all economic projects. We will give additional financial support to RS, and we will inform the public about the amount of money. We will not hide anything, but we will brag about it. It is a moral obligation and important, because we want people in RS to preserve their homes and what their great-grandfathers and fathers left them" said Vucic. 


Vucic announced that by the end of the year, Serbia will send additional financial support to RS, and reiterated that Serbia is interested in becoming the owner of the airport in Trebinje, and managing it. The Serbian President expressed hope that the first plane to that airport will take off by March 2022, and that the project will be cost-effective and interesting in the long run, not only for Serbia and RS, but also for a part of Montenegro. 


"We are also considering the option of participating in the reconstruction and renovation of the airport in Banja Luka, but we will talk about that later. We are planning a joint industrial zone in the border part of Serbia with RS, ie in Ljubovija, Bratunac, Mali Zvornik, Zvornik, Sremska Raca and Bijeljina. and jointly build a 17-kilometer highway" Vucic said, adding that youth employment was also discussed. 


He also said that a number of issues in the field of education and culture were agreed upon at the meeting with the RS political leadership. This refers, as he explained, to the equalization of school programs, as well as for the children from Rs to come to Serbia on excursions and that children from Serbia go on excursions to RS. The President of Serbia said that now the teams from Serbia and RS will now start working and that they will encourage the schools to become brotherly. 


We also talked about the document that Milorad Dodik was talking about. He had a few questions and I answered him. "I received several questions about the status of RS. I don't think I have to say how much we care about RS. I told Dodik that Serbia's position is absolute respect for the Dayton Peace Agreement. I answered every question and said that preserving peace and stability is essential" Vucic said. He added that he told the Serb member of the B&H presidency that we must respond to the threats of war that we hear every day calmly and patiently, and that we must not participate in that game. Vucic also said that we must respect the agreements we signed because that is how they will respect us in the international community and that it is a guarantee of our security. 


The Serbian member of the Presidency of B&H, Milorad Dodik, said, after Vucic's speech, that he was the one who initiated the conversation about what intrigues the public the most. 

"I initiated these topics because I wanted to inform the President of Serbia about the implementation of the Dayton Agreement. And we want peace, our policy is a policy of peace, not an escalation of war. He should know all the details about the implementation of that agreement" Dodik said. "I must say that the Serb people are not satisfied that we lost Sarajevo, pure Serb municipalities, but we believe that regardless of what is painful for us, we should have peace" he added. 


He also said that a harangue against RS is always carried out in B&H. "I am always surprised by the words that come from Sarajevo related to the threats of war, which contain lectures on “if you don't do that ...”, that bothers me and no normal person could ignore it" Dodik added. 

"I am asking Vucic to guarantee us that our status will not be endangered by force, I am grateful to him because he said that there will be no more pogroms of Serbs and that Serbs must engage in that issue" said Dodik, who once again asked which international community has allowed a part of a sovereign country to secede, like Kosovo, but does not allow the same to RS. 


Dodik said that the Bosniak leadership in Sarajevo was trying to make a shell out of RS and to devastate it. He said that the plan is to inform other countries about the violation of the Dayton Agreement and the Constitution of B&H, and that the High Representative is creating policies that go in the direction of further disintegration of RS. "We are not asking for anything but for implement of the Dayton Agreement and the Constitution of B&H. The Dayton Agreement as it is written. We are not asking for anything more" Dodik said, adding that his obligation was to defend the status of RS. 


He said that the agenda of RS is not separation, but respect for international agreement, "which is called the Dayton Agreement". He said that RS cannot be left without the rights adopted at the level of the international community and said that it is unsustainable to continue with violation of the rights of RS. Dodik said that they were aware that the constitutional changes mean a reduction of the rights of RS. According to him, there is no reason for the Bosniak people to be afraid of Serbia and RS, but of their own leadership. 


The President of Serbia responded to the speculations that the status of RS could be discussed in Washington on September 4. The same question was asked to the Serbian member of the Presidency of B&H, Milorad Dodik. 


"As far as I know, there will be talks on economic topics between Belgrade and Pristina in the White House. But I do not exclude some other topics, but no one mentioned anything to me about B&H, nor would it be logical" Aleksandar Vucic answered a journalist's question. 


"When you ask why Kosovo has the right to secede, and RS does not have it and what it is it based on, I cannot give you an answer, nor can anyone else. We must understand something else, to look at the things that are happening in the world in a pragmatic way. "Is Milosevic to blame for everything until 2000, or Tadic and others after him ... No, you always had different standards regarding that too" 


Vucic mentioned that even now certain countries are interfering in the internal political affairs of a sovereign country. "God forbid that we did that, I would be marked as a dictator, and the whole country would be branded" he said. He then pointed out that we must first understand not to whine and not to call for justice. "Forget the justice on the world level. I asked that of world politicians, and one great leader told me, "Aleksandar, you are all right, but the circumstances and the distribution of power are not in your or Serbia's favor." 


The President of Serbia also stated that Serbia is in a difficult situation regarding Kosovo, and that he thinks that the people are not aware of that. He said that people do not understand or pretend not to understand what happened in 1999 and 2008 and that they are deceived if they think that such things can pass without consequences. That's why our position is terribly difficult. He stated that "partial capitulation" was declared in 1999, that "bad reaction" was made to Kosovo's declaration of independence in 2008, and that the International Court of Justice's question about the legality of Kosovo's independence was a mistake. "We managed to raise the issue of Kosovo, even though we know that the country is almost at a dead end and almost hopeless," he pointed out. 


Vucic reiterated that it is a lie that he would sign the recognition of Kosovo, for which he is now only "preparing the ground". "I am not scared at all for my place and I am not a traitor, as they say, I always fought heartily, with work and energy" Vucic said about himself. He "asked" people to be "rational and realistic, to understand that there are double standards and that there is no justice for Serbs", but he also pointed out that "we can’t be whining, we were not perfect and we will pay the price for that". 


Vucic called on the citizens to elect another president in the next elections, if they want someone to "tell them fairy tales about Kosovo". 


Dodik said that "someone from outside" imposes the topic of whether the issue of RS will be raised at the meeting in the White House in Washington. Dodik said that there were dozens of similar talks and that the meeting in Washington would be difficult for Vucic and Serbia. 

Stating that Vucic is the best representative of Serbia for that issue, Dodik noticed that until a few years ago, the Kosovo issue was considered resolved for the international public. 

"Vucic, as a responsible statesman, has put this issue as one of the important priorities, imposing a burden on himself" said Dodik, emphasizing that it is therefore clear today that there is no status for Kosovo and further movement towards international institutions without Serbia's consent. He stated that he personally does not trust the international community, but that he must cooperate with it. 


Dodik says that the Americans know well what they did in B&H. "They demand gratitude from us, for the existence of RS, but RS was formed as an independent state, entered the war to defend its people, and brought its independence and integrity into what is today called B&H. We see it that way, and the Americans see it differently" said Dodik. He says that RS is grateful for the Dayton Agreement, but not for the violation of it, for which he partially accused the United States. 


Republika Srpska supports Serbia's policy on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, whose unilaterally declared independence B&H will not recognize, despite strong pressures and demands to do it, Dodik said. Dodik said that they understand the complex circumstances in which Serbia finds itself because of Kosovo and Metohija. "We supported the position of Serbia, we did not recognize Kosovo and we will not, although we have huge pressures because of that and they are constantly asking us to change our position" said Dodik. He pointed out that Resolution 1244 is an international act, as is the Dayton Agreement, together with the B&H Constitution. He pointed out that he understands Serbia's support for the territorial integrity of B&H, but he added that the status of RS is foreseen by the Dayton Agreement, and they demand that it be respected. And, if, they say, that is not possible, they are thinking about a different status of RS. 


The President of Serbia also stated that Serbia will not interfere in the elections in Montenegro, but that it will support its people. He said that these elections in Montenegro are important for Serbia, but that the census is more important, after which it will be seen how many Serbs there are in that neighboring country. Vucic said that Serbia would not interfere in internal affairs in Montenegro, but that it wanted to maintain relations with its people in that country. 


Montenegrin President and President of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Milo Djukanovic said that the opposition anti-Montenegrin coalition was formed in Belgrade and that it was clear that they did not wish Montenegro well. 


Vucic: Serbian side traveling to meeting in Washington “ten times more prepared” than Pristina (RTS)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday that he still did not know what the agenda of the meeting in Washington on 4 September would be, but the possibility it would be attended by the US President Donald Trump indicated that “some more ideas” could 

be discussed there apart from the economic topics that were expected to be on the agenda. 

Vucic told Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) that “he did not exaggerate when saying that Belgrade was ten times more ready (for the meeting in Washington) than Pristina and that this  

could be confirmed by international representatives”. 


“We are working every day, we have been preparing all day long”, regardless of the fact that it is not yet known exactly what the agenda of the meeting will be, he said. “Whatever anyone says and thinks, we will be ready for all options. We know every village and every agreement unlike those who are coming and they do not even know which agreements we have signed” he said. “I have no doubt that for the delegation I am leading and for all of us, the nights will be sleepless. But we know our task”, Vucic said. “We will inform the public about everything that is happening, we will not hide anything, and I believe that we will have the strength and wisdom to make the best decision for Serbia” he added. In any case, the Serbian side “will not refuse anything for the sake of refusing it, just as we will not accept what would be bad and devastating for us” Vucic said. “I am waiting to see what their proposals are” he added. 


Vucic reiterated that “there was no doubt” that Trump was “more in favor of Serbia than some previous US presidents”. There are many people in Serbia who believe that “they would easily solve problems and “they would swear at the president of the United States”, Vucic said, but the Serbian delegation in Washington will not do anything to jeopardize the country’s interests, he concluded. 

EC spokeswoman confirms expert meeting as part of Kosovo dialogue (N1)

European Commission spokeswoman Nabila Massrali confirmed on Tuesday that the next meeting of experts from Belgrade and Pristina will be held on Thursday, Radio Free Europe reported. 


The Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is continuing with a series of meetings at expert level as part of the current process on August 27, she is reported to have said.   


Radio Free Europe said that this is the third expert-level meeting since the dialogue resumed following a break of almost two years. Belgrade’s delegation is headed by government Office for Kosovo chief Marko Djuric and Pristina’s by Skender Hyseni. They met in Brussels twice in July to discuss missing and displaced persons as well as economic issues.   


Djuric: Serbia’s position in Washington, Brussels to rely on constitution, resolution 1244 (Beta)


Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija Head Marko Djuric said that the position of Belgrade’s delegations at meetings in Washington and Brussels would be within the frameworks defined by the Serbian Constitution and U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244. 


“We are going with a very clear position. As (Serbian) President Aleksandar Vucic has said – do not dream about the story of Kosovo’s independence. Let us discuss practical issues, cooperation, and that is what we will absolutely do” Djuric told Pink TV. Djuric recalled that before the Belgrade and Pristina meeting in Washington, the next round of the technical level dialogue would be held in Brussels, with him at the helm of the Belgrade delegation. “We will discuss economic cooperation, again at the next meeting in Brussels. The issue of the missing 

and displaced persons will also be on the table, and we will insist on creating conditions for the return of Serbs to their homes” Djuric said about the next round of the technical level dialogue. 




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Dzaferovic: RS can only be administrative unit within B&H’s constitutional and legal structure or stop existing as entity (RTRS)

The officials of Republika Srpska (RS) and Serbia will meet in Belgrade on Wednesday to discuss the previously-delivered document on difficult position of the RS in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) caused by interventionism of the High Representatives (HRs), the international community (IC) and the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic, RS Prime Minister (PM) Radovan Viskovic, Serbian PM Ana Brnabic and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic are supposed to meet in Belgrade on Wednesday.  


RTRS noted that while Bosniak politicians reacted by saying that the RS should pay attention to moves that it makes, Dodik said that no one can threaten Serbs. Dodik stated: “There is a process of breaking down Serbia on the territory of Serbia by taking away Kosovo, while here, there is breaking down of the RS in order to make the imposed B&H. There is the connection and it cannot get any bigger. The Serb people is in both of the cases. The Serb state is in both of the cases”.  


The reporter noted that some media argued that this issue may be discussed at a meeting of representative of Belgrade and Pristina in Washington next month, while Sarajevo again strongly reacted. Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic pointed out that the RS can only be an administrative unit within B&H and that connecting Kosovo and the RS is out of the question, adding that the RS should pay huge attention to this issue.  


Dodik reacted by saying that Dzaferovic does not have the authority to threaten Serbs, reminding that Dzaferovic allegedly was present when Mujahideens killed Serb soldiers in Zenica in 1993, 1994 arguing that he failed to react and protect the war prisoners. Dodik added: “How can we believe in the B&H that he represents?”  


Cvijanovic also reacted by saying that attacks coming from Sarajevo are groundless and pointed out that Serbia is a sincere partner to the RS, adding that institutions are committed to cooperation. She also said that aside from political understanding, the meeting will also serve as an introduction in realization of projects. Cvijanovic underlined: “It is good that the RS has Serbia as a partner, that it can turn to Serbia that will help in solving of problems and Serbia that takes care of the RS and that has the formal and legal obligation as a signatory party and the guarantor of the Dayton Agreement, but also on the basis of the Agreement on Special and Parallel Relations arising from the Dayton Agreement”.  


Cubrilovic also emphasized rights of the RS by saying that the information on the position and the status of the RS in B&H is a political document that points to violation of the DPA in an analytical way and by presentation of arguments. Cubrilovic added that the RS has the right to protect its constitutional position. 


Zvizdic: Nobody from B&H must interfere in elections in Montenegro (Dnevni avaz


Deputy Speaker of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives Denis Zvizdic (SDA), asked to comment the statement of SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic concerning the interferences from B&H into election processes in Montenegro. Zvizdic underlined that Montenegro is a sovereign and independent country, and friendly relations with the neighbor must not be questioned. He deems that Radoncic’s statement is part of responsible approach to this sensitive issue and as timely warning, followed by his request for competent institutions to react and stop possible “para-institutional activities”. Zvizdic stressed that “we” are trying to prevent interferences in B&H’s internal matters and anyone who is violating this international normative in terms of Montenegro, is damaging B&H’s international image and has to be prevented.  


Asked about the recent statement of the US Ambassador Eric Nelson concerning the necessary reform of the Constitution, Zvizdic stressed that he sees this as good and friendly intention, rational thinking and timely announcement of processes that will follow on B&H’s Euro-Atlantic path. 


Hearing upon appeals against first-instance verdict to wartime RS Army Commander Mladic starts before MICT Appeals Chamber (BHT1)

The two-day hearing upon the appeals against the first-instance verdict to wartime Republika Srpska (RS) Army Main Staff Commander Ratko Mladic, whom the ICTY Trial Chamber sentenced to life in prison for war crimes and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), started before the Appeals Chamber of the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT) on Tuesday. Namely, based on the first-instance verdict, Mladic was found guilty of committing genocide in Srebrenica, persecution of Bosniaks and Croats, terrorizing citizens of Sarajevo and taking UNPROFOR members hostage.  


The ICTY Trial Chamber concluded that Mladic committed those crimes through participation in four joint criminal enterprises (JCEs). He was acquitted of accusations for committing genocide in six municipalities in B&H i.e. Foca, Vlasenica, Kljuc, Sanski Most, Kotor Varos, and Prijedor.  


The hearing consists of presentation of appeals both of the defense and the prosecution. Presenting the conclusions from the first-instance verdict, Presiding Judge Prisca Matimba Nyambe stated that, in 2017, Mladic was found guilty of genocide, crime against humanity, and violation of laws or customs of war. Nyambe confirmed that both the defense and the prosecution appealed against the first-instance verdict. “Mr. Mladic submitted an appeal on nine grounds, with a number of sub-grounds, disputing the convicting verdict and the sentence. He demands from the Appeals Chamber to annul (according to Mladic) the wrong conclusions of the Trial Chamber, to refute the convicting verdict, and to acquit him”, Nyambe specified. She added that, in alternative, Mladic also requested a retrial or reducing the sentence. The defense was the first to present its appeal. The beginning of the hearing was marked by the defense’s claims that Mladic’s rights to a fair trial have been violated and that he is incapable of participating in the procedure properly.  


Mladic’s defense attorney Dragan Ivetic submitted an objection to holding of this hearing, claiming that his client is not in the condition to attend and follow the process. In addition, Ivetic focused on the conclusions from the first-instance verdict pertaining to Srebrenica. “The military operation ‘Krivaja 95’ was considered a legitimate military operation. It was carried out, because it did not come to demilitarization of the protected zone of Srebrenica”, Ivetic noted. Mladic’s legal advisor Peta-Louise Baggot called on the MICT to change the convicting verdict. Baggot warned that the first-instance Trial Chamber made certain legal errors in some events that were improperly mentioned in the indictment.  


The prosecution responded to the defense’s allegations and it is set to present its appeal on Wednesday. Prosecutor Laurel Baig stated: “Mladic is not a hero. He is a war criminal. He misused his enormous military power to intentionally target the civilians and thus ruined the lives in the entire community. A verdict was rendered to him after a fair trial, for some of the most heinous crimes of the 20th century.” 




Deputy PMs attend commemoration for Serb civilians killed after Operation Storm (HRT)


Family members, Serb minority representatives, President Zoran Milanovic, and Deputy Prime Ministers Boris Milosevic and Tomo Medved attended on Tuesday a commemoration for the victims of war crimes in Plavno and Grubori. 


Twenty-five years ago, Croatian soldiers were securing the territory that they had just won back from rebel-Serbs in Operation Storm. During this process, six Serb civilians were killed in the villages of Plavno and Grubori, a crime for which no one has ever been charged. Sixteen more civilians, mostly elderly, were killed over the following month. 


Deputy Prime Minister Boris Milosevic encouraged Serbs who fled their homes in Croatia during the war to return. "Courage is needed to return and start over. I am aware of the problems and the bureaucracy that stand in the way, but I encourage you to return," he said at the event. 


Fifteen families from this region have expressed the desire to return and are awaiting paperwork to fund the reconstruction of their homes. "Croatia, as the victor of the Homeland War, regrets all the lives that were lost in the war, especially civilians. It is our duty to pay our respects to innocent victims," said Deputy Prime Minister and Veterans Minister Tomo Medved. 


What happened in Plavno and Grubori reflected poorly on Croatia and did enormous damage to the country’s reputation, said President Zoran Milanovic. "It tarnished Croatia's reputation, which had not been poor up until then. It had been the reputation of a country that had come under attack. It compromised the standing of a Croatian police unit that had been heroes and had fought valiantly before and that unit is the special police" Milanovic said. 


Three former Croatian special police officers were charged with the killings. One committed suicide, the other two were tried and acquitted. At the event a group of Croatian veterans paid their respects to the victims and condemned the war crimes that were committed. The commemoration was also attended by an envoy representing Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic


Pupovac: Plenkovic, Milanovic have made step forward in commemoration of victims (N1)

Croatian Serb leader Milorad Pupovac said on Tuesday, at a commemoration for Serb civilians killed during and in the aftermath of the 1995 operation "Storm", that after 20 years a step had been made forward by Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and President Zoran Milanovic in commemorating victims. 


"From August 6 to early September 1995 at least 24 residents of Plavno and its hamlets, mostly elderly people, were killed. They were killed while tending to their cattle, working in the field or lying in their beds. They were killed with their arms raised up in the air. They were not armed, they were not soldiers, they could not have hurt anyone or defended themselves against those who came with the intent to kill them. They were killed by members of the Croatian Army and special police forces," Pupovac, leader of the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS), said in Grubori, a village in the area of Knin. 


The murders were documented by the UN and by the Croatian judiciary and they established beyond doubt that a war crime against the civilian population had been committed here, said Pupovac. He went on to say that nobody had been held to account for the Grubori killings or most of the killings committed in Sector South as well as that "courts did their job but in such a way to fail to determine who had committed the crimes." "Unfortunately, participating in that were also those who should not have done so had they followed judicial ethics and a sense of morality" he said. 


Pupovac stressed that it had taken 25 years for a memorial for the victims to be erected at Grubori, underlining the political progress made in that regard by the Andrej Plenkovic government and President Zoran Milanovic. 


"If not for that move forward, which is aimed at creating new commemorative policies and practices where there will be room for all victims regardless of their ethnicity and where the voice of condemnation of every crime, regardless of the perpetrator, will be heard, these two crosses would probably not have been put up here even after 25 years," he said. 


He recalled that the village of Plavno in the Knin area today was inhabited by around 30 of the 1,720 villagers who lived there before 1995. We hope that some of them will return here and rebuild their homes and we have the duty to help them in creating conditions for a dignified life, he said. "The fallen will live in our memory, the failed will die in oblivion. Let us remember all and may we eternally remember innocent victims and do all we can so that those who have not been punished at least feel shame for what they did" said Pupovac. 




Markovic: Montenegro is developing even in times of crisis (CDM)

Even in times of crisis, Montenegro is developing and growing, with over 3.000 workers on construction sites across the country, said Dusko Markovic, Montenegro’s Prime Minister. 

“The Government doesn’t want to suspend any investment. Investment in development is the best remedy for economic crisis. We should save on other segments, but not a euro on development projects” Markovic said. He reminded of some serious results of the Government achieved over the past three and a half years. “Three years of complete stability, financial consolidation, accelerated economic growth in all sectors” PM said. Montenegro has been developing from the south to the north. Government has invested millions in different projects. 


Asked about the Law on Freedom of Religion, Markovic said that there “was no hidden agenda”. PM said that Serbian Orthodox Church had entered destructive campaign against the Government. He reminded that he had talked with the Metropolitan at least ten times. “They rejected our proposal. Because political and anti-Montenegrin interests are behind. Serbian church does not need a law and, unfortunately, it does not need Montenegro” Markovic concluded. 


Sehovic: You show love for Montenegro in deeds, not just words (CDM


Social Democrats, SD, have always known who they are and what they are: a center-left party that stands behind civil Montenegro with all its being. The one that is ideal for us, not a voting machine. And there will be life after the elections to see what Montenegro means to some people, deputy leader of the SD and current education minister, Damir Sehovic, told in an interview for CDM. He is convinced that the SD will achieve better results in the forthcoming parliamentary elections, because, as he says, they are serious enough not to make false promises and play with indefinite numbers and percentages. Despite the often-heard criticism in the public about their work, Sehovic claims that the party itself has an excellent and professional staff. 


CDM: The SD’s slogan for these parliamentary elections is “We decide – consistently”. What do you want to say with it and why do you think that citizens should support it? 


Sehovic: We say that we have been and remained consistent in defending the state interests of Montenegro for 30 years, and under this party name for the last five years. So, if the word “consistently” describes anyone, then it’s us, and no one, but no one on the political stage can question it. Nor have we ever entered into coalition arrangements with anti-state parties both the local or state level, just to get few votes and a couple of functions, unlike the so-called ‘civil opposition’. Nor did we support the idea of a nationalist, and now a bit of a multiethnic state. It has always been known who we are and what we are: a center-left party that stands behind civil Montenegro with all its being. The one that is ideal for us, not a voting machine. And there will be life even after the elections, to see what Montenegro means to some people. 


We are, in fact, consistent in everything we were saying, because we’ve fulfilled most of the promises we made. That is why, on 30 August, many citizens will round up number 1: because WE love Montenegro, showing it in deeds, not just words and speech. 


CDM: During your public appearances in the election campaign, you claim that you are convinced that the SD will achieve a better result in this election. Why do you thinks so, having in mind that some believe that the recent events in Plav can harm the outcomes of your party in the elections? 


Sehovic: We’re serious enough not to make false promises, indefinite numbers and percentages. We’ve come to the conclusion about our growth based on a totally clear calculation – when we take into account all the local elections in the previous four years, the support of citizens has doubled. More precisely, the support of Plav residents was by 155% higher in last local elections compared to the parliamentary elections, in Bar – 141%, in Niksic – 191%, Ulcinj – 121%, Podgorica – 75%, Danilovgrad – 82%, Kolasin – 70%, Rozaje – 67%, while in Cetinje and Petnjica, Mojkovac and Tuzi, the support of residents was by about 51% higher on average compared to the last parliamentary elections. 


CDM: The election campaign is about to finish. What was the focus of the SD in this campaign and why? 


Sehovic: Social Democrats comprise thousands of young people and thanks to the policy largely focused on them, their number is increasing on a daily basis. You could see that many of them were on the list, that we opened a teaser campaign by including them, as well as that the first video we released was about young people. 


The “We decide” campaign was the only one that showed that our youth, instead of non-obligatory commenting on the situation, wants and can stand in front of the camera and say what they think. They only needed a party to give them a chance. After all, many other leaders of the Social Democrats are younger people. 


CDM: SD staff ran two very important departments – health and education. In the previous period, we witnessed numerous criticism about both and the people who managed them. What is your opinion about their work? 


Sehovic: Our party has a great staff. I’m personally proud of the results in the area of education, but we are also all proud of the people who run some of the most important departments and companies. It’d be enough just to say that we’ve launched a multi-million digitalization project in the education sector, that we’ve introduced free education for all students, that we set up the Quality and Talents Fund, which has so far granted around million euro worth awards. We also agreed on the reconstruction of 38 education facilities worth nearly 100 million euro, while salaries for teachers have increased. Salaries for health workers have also been increased, over 300 specializations in health care have been approved, and 15 million euro has been invested in medical equipment. 


In addition, the Airports of Montenegro, run by the Social Democrats, profited 15 million euro in 2019, which is by stunning 51% higher than the year before. 


CDM: Do you think that the SD will have the opportunity to decide on the formation of future government after the elections, and with whom they would eventually enter the post-election coalition? 


Sehovic: You asked a great question because we are one of the few parties that can give you a precise answer: We can make post-election coalitions solely with those who are for an independent, Euro-Atlantic, and above all civil Montenegro. Nothing else is an option for us. 


The church must respect the political institutions of Montenegro (Pobjeda


Modern European democracies are based on a clear separation of political life and religious space. The democratic state must guarantee freedom of religion, while religious institutions must respect the political institutions of the democratic state, said the head of the European Parliament delegation for Montenegro, Vladimir Bilcik, in an interview for Pobjeda


On election day, Bilcic expects the Montenegrin authorities to carefully implement health protocols and calls on state institutions and the media to remain professional and politically neutral and to perform their public duties equally to all citizens. 


Holding elections in the middle of a pandemic requires careful planning and consideration of health protocols. This means that polling stations must be ready for elections in the current exceptional circumstances and that both polling station staff and eligible voters enjoy full possible health care on election day. 


Comment on the fact that the church in Montenegro got involved in the political campaign and political life in Montenegro, Bilcik said: Let me offer a broader comment on this issue. Namely, modern European democracies are based on a clear separation of political life and religious space. This separation should be mutually respected in the public sphere, also during elections and during political campaigns that should concern the competition of ideas among political parties. As a general principle, I would say, therefore, that a democratic state must guarantee freedom of religion, while religious institutions must respect the political institutions of a democratic state. 


Camaj: Our goal is to improve the status of Albanians (Dan)


Our partners can only be those who understand that we are on our own and that the new Montenegro was created by our will, the representative of the Albanian List Nikola Camaj told Dan


Asked what result they expect in the upcoming parliamentary elections, he answered that citizens know that they appreciate readiness and sacrifice for the common cause, and uniting is proof of that. "In addition, in the Albanian List, as a coalition that brings together two thirds of the political being of Albanians in Montenegro, there is enough experience, knowledge and energy that guarantees a dignified representation and tackling of all problems. That is why we expect an excellent result" said Camaj. 


He pointed out that Albanians, as a people, and not just politicians, are open to talks with everyone, but he thinks that the rhetoric used by part of the opposition in relation to Albanians closes the door. "I think that with that logic, I cannot, or do not want to, leave the opposition benches. It is a policy of the past, which is, in the end, legitimate, because it has a certain amount of support, but by no means enough to govern itself, and that is why we do not understand that logic. Our partners can only be those who understand that we are on our own and that the new Montenegro was created by our will. Appropriating Montenegro with rhetoric against minorities may seem profitable to some at the moment, but in the long run, it must be known that Montenegrin society cannot become European without respecting reality. And we are that reality" said Camaj. 


Explaining the main points of the election program, he said that it was an improvement in the status of Albanians in general. "In the political sense, progress has been made with the municipality of Tuzi and the law on the use of national symbols, but much remains to be done, primarily for progress in education and culture, but also in terms of use of resources and return of stolen and nationalized property. "Citizens know that they can achieve that only through authentic representatives, who have it in their election programs, and not through Albanians in the so-called civic parties" Camaj pointed out. 


Asked what the position of Albanians in Montenegro is today, the representative of the Albanian List, Nikola Camaj, said that this position is in reality far from desired. "In the legal sense, there is a shift for the better, in the declarative sense, it is much better, while in reality it is far from the desired and what is possible" Camaj said. 


Protest walks in several municipalities (CDM


Protest walks have been held last night in several Montenegrin municipalities against the Law on Freedom of Religion or Belief and the Legal Status of Religious Communities. Citizens gathered in Berane, Bar, Bijelo Polje, Budva, Mojkovac, Niksic… Auto-litigations were held in some municipalities. Last night, walks were held in several cities in protest of the adoption of the mentioned Law. 


Republic of North Macedonia 


Parliament confirms resignations of cabinet candidates from MP posts, verifies mandates of replacements (MIA)

Parliament has confirmed the resignations of cabinet candidates from their MP posts and verified the mandates of their replacements more than 12 hours after it set out to complete this task. A new session was called to order to approve the resignation of every cabinet candidate and verify the mandate of each new MP. 


VMRO-DPMNE and Levica MPs staged a walkout earlier on Tuesday after previously noting that the verification of new MPs’ mandates is not in line with Parliament’s Rules of Procedure. SDSM pointed out that the opposition’s actions will prevent the verification of mandates of new MPs and lead to dysfunctional Parliament and another crisis. Alliance for Albanians and Alternativa MPs also walked out of Parliament, citing the fact they have been there for 12 hours as an excuse and requested that the session resumes Wednesday morning. 


DUI’s Nuredini along with others gives up MP mandate (MIA)

Parliament confirmed after midnight on Wednesday the resignation of DUI’s Naser Nuredini from his MP post and is next to approve that of last cabinet candidate Jagoda Shahpaska. Thus far, besides Nuredini, Zoran Zaev, Radmila Shekerinska, Ljupcho Nikolovski, Oliver Spasovski, Mila Carovska and Nikola Dimitrov have also relinquished their MP mandates in order to take part in the new government line-up. MPs from VMRO-DPMNE, Levica, Alternativa and Alliance for Albanians aren’t in attendance in Parliament after staging walkouts out earlier on Tuesday. 


President Pendarovski submits decisions declaring state of emergency to be confirmed by Parliament (MIA


In line with the Constitution, President Stevo Pendarovski submitted on Tuesday the five decisions declaring state of emergency in North Macedonia due to the Covid-19 pandemic to be confirmed by Parliament, his office said in a press release. Decisions, the press release read, proposed by the government, were made March-June 2020 while Parliament was dismissed and unable to hold a session and make decisions regarding this issue. 




Belarus crisis, Rama to travel to Vienna (Tirana Times


OSCE Chair-in-person Edi Rama will be part of the Special Council to be held on Friday in Vienna, focusing on the Belarus crisis. Three days before the visit, the OSCE Chairmanship stated that the offer for a meeting in Belarus remains on the table. "Ready to support Belarus, our offer for a visit to Belarus remains on the table" he said. 


Rama and Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Ann Linde sent a letter to President Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus on August 22, wherein they reaffirmed OSCE's support to Belarus. "We would like to reiterate our offer of visit to Belarus, in order to listen to views regarding the situation and have a discussion on the current challenges in the country" the two wrote. 


As protestors took the streets of the capital city on Monday, disputing the victory of the latest elections, Lukashenko appeared to be brandishing an assault rifle in Minsk. Last week also saw violent clashes with opposition protesters and numerous allegations of police brutality, which have raised international concern. 


In a press conference on Monday, German Government spokesman Steffen Seibert reiterated the need for OSCE to mediate the crisis. "The weekend footage shows that citizens in Belarus have shown great courage and protested freely in large numbers on the streets. They should be given the opportunity for a better future for their country" he said. Belarus has yet to respond to OSCE's meeting offer, although the European Council, the EU and the US have expressed readiness to provide assistance in conducting the meeting. 


Germany supports the offer of OSCE to solve the crisis in Belarus (Radio Tirana)

Germany supports the OSCE offer, led by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, to intervene in resolving the situation in Belarus, a situation which is deteriorating day by day, following waves of protests involving the country and growing demands for citizens to topple the regime of Lukashenko. During a press conference, German government spokesman Steffen Seibert welcomed the OSCE’s offer of dialogue between the parties and called for an independent investigation into the victims who lost their lives during the protests and the violence against detainees. 


“Dialogue between authorities and citizens is very important. We reiterate that the OSCE must mediate the dialogue. We also salute the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Mr. Edi Rama, who has shown his readiness to offer mediation for dialogue with Lukashenko. The weekend footage shows that citizens in Belarus have shown great courage and protested freely in a very large number of people on the streets. “They must be given the opportunity for a better future for their country” said Steffen Seibert. 


Speaker of Parliament of North Macedonia, Xhaferri sends a thank you letter to speaker Ruçi (Radio Tirana


The Speaker of the Assembly of North Macedonia, Talat Xhaferi, addressed a letter to the Speaker of the Assembly, Gramoz Ruçi, to thank him for his congratulations on the occasion of his re-election. Xhaferi writes that “We have never lacked your support and with your help, the Albanians of North Macedonia, slowly but surely, are becoming important factors in strengthening the democratic state and the Europeanization of the country. Thanks to the excellent cooperation during the last mandate, we managed to strengthen the Tirana-Skopje connection, and this cooperation will not be missing even for the next four-year mandate. Thank you for the invitation and I hope to see you soon in Tirana.”