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Belgrade Media Report 1 September 2020



Vucic ahead of visits to Washington, Brussels: agreement possible on issues important to both Belgrade and Pristina (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Aug. 31, ahead of his upcoming visits to Washington and Brussels, that he believed an agreement could be reached on issues of importance to both Belgrade and Pristina. "We want to continue the dialogue under the auspices of Brussels, but we are going to Washington to talk about all the important economic themes" Vucic told reporters in Bled, where he attended a panel of the Bled Strategic Forum titled Europe after Brexit and Covid19. 


He said that he thought that in a telephone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and in talks with the forum hosts, Slovenian President Borut Pahor and Prime Minister Janez Jansa, Serbia had received "support for a rational and pragmatic approach to all problems." In his words, he discussed details with the EU's special representative for the Serbia-Kosovo dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak. "We accept the language of arguments, we do not accept and will not accept the language of blackmail," Vucic added ahead of the meetings between the leaders of Belgrade and Pristina, first in Washington on Sept. 4 and three days later in Brussels. 


EU believes Belgarde-Pristina talks in US will focus on economy only (N1)


The European Union's Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak told the 15th Bled Strategic Forum in Slovenia on Monday the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue on the normalization of relations was currently the most crucial issue in the Balkans, adding the process would intensify. 


Commenting on the forthcoming meeting at White House due on September 4 between Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo's Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti, Lajcak said Europe would accept the help of any third party, including the US if it offered a concrete solution. However, he said that his colleagues from Washington only informed him about the meeting. 


"We have not been consulted about the date or the content of the meeting; we have only been informed that the meeting will be held and will be strictly economic. It will not be part of the process, but only the meeting and I have no reason to doubt it," RFE quoted Lajcak as saying. 


Earlier, he said that the Bled Strategic Forum showed the two sides’ talks were a serious process, not a single act. "Both sides understand that dialogue and normalization cannot be avoided. Europe has been at the forefront of that process since 2011 because both Serbia and Kosovo have a European future. It is a question of our neighbors and future members, not some PR activity" he said. He added there were no deadlines in the negotiations, because "if you set a deadline, you already have something that can affect the process", but there were "red lines" that the EU did not want to cross. 


"We have red lines. It is not right to say that whatever the two sides agree, is OK with us because my mandate is to keep the process in line with international law and acceptable to the EU member states. It should ease the situation in the region" Lajcak said. Vucic and Kosovo and Hoti are due to meet again in Brussels on September 7. 


Vucic in Bled: Serbia belongs in the EU (Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Aug. 31 that Serbia belonged in the European Union, that Serbia needed the EU, but also that the EU should show the Serbian people respect. "Yes, we would like to belong and to join the club, and we have a lot of support from the EU and we have never underestimated the support we have gotten so far, but at the same time we have our own opinion and we see what is happening within the Union, between the EU and the U.S.," Vucic said at a "leaders' panel" at the 15th Bled Strategic Forum in 



The prime ministers of Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic participated in the panel in person, while Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and International Monetary Fund Chairwoman Kristalina Georgieva took part via video link. The Bled Strategic Forum took place under the title Europe after Brexit and Covid-19.

Vucic said that Serbia had to cooperate with the Europeans and the Americans on the matter of Kosovo, pointing out that political status would be discussed under EU auspices, while economic issues would be discussed with the Americans. 


Vucic warns of “dangerous statements” from Serbia (VIP)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Monday, one day after, at the Montenegrin elections, the long-ruling Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) was left without a parliamentary majority, that he expected “a decent and normally good cooperation” with Podgorica, with whoever forms the new government there. “As soon as the results are official, I shall congratulate the winners, and those who say that they have created a majority in the 

Montenegrin parliament, Vucic told reporters in Bled, Slovenia, where he attended the Bled Strategic Forum on Monday. 


The DPS and their up-to-now allies won 40 out of 81 seats in the Montenegrin parliament, which opens the possibility for the opposition, which appeared at the elections in three blocks, to for the first time since the reintroduction of the multi-party system in 1990, form government. As it is now, the three blocks which are expected to form new government will have a paper-thin majority of one. 


Vucic was therefore cautious on Monday in estimating the newly occurred situation in this former Yugoslav republic. He said that he could not comment on the course of the further development of events in Montenegro but that he did not believe that any instability could occur there. It is important that the awareness of the Serb people in Montenegro has increased, because of which we should hope that at the upcoming census of the population in 2021 there number will not be smaller than it has been so far, he said. 


In Montenegro, at least one third of the population declares itself as being ethnic Serbs. 

“Everything else is up to the citizens of Montenegro, to [independently] bring decisions”, Vucic said. “We expect an accessible and good cooperation. I am convinced that Montenegro will have the strength to preserve its peace”, he added. Vucic warned, however, of the “dangerous” statements of “many politicians” from Serbia who believe that, now when the 

relation of powers has changed in Montenegro, they will be in a position to “decided on everything” in that country. He did not specify who exactly he was thinking of. 


“Fortunately, such statements are not coming from the ruling circles in Serbia. I am satisfied with the calm and rational reaction of [official] Serbia”, Vucic said. “We have no one who is closer to us [than the Montenegrins] and I believe that everyone in Montenegro wishes to 

see good relations with Serbia, notwithstanding which nation they belong to”, Vucic said 


Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin issued a statement saying “The citizens of Montenegro have voted to take care of their fate on their own, and not for either Kosovo President [Hashim] Thaci or [Albanian Prime Minister Edi] Rama to decide who their friends are and with whom they will live. Montenegro has returned to itself, the tide has changed, nothing will be the same anymore”, said Vulin, alluding to the fact that, on the eve of the elections, both Thaci and Rama expressed their support to Djukanovic


Serbian Orthodox Church head happy with changes in Montenegro (


The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church told the portal that he is glad to see the political changes in Montenegro. “I am very happy with the results of the elections and the changes in Montenegro. I am especially glad that the people coming in have a much wider view of problems. I think that they will solve problems in that country in the right way and that Montenegro will get back to the right path where it should be” Patriarch Irinej told the portal.   


Montenegro has been the site of protests against the law on freedom of confession introduced several months ago which critics claim would allow the authorities to seize church property. The opposition sided with the church and Bishop Amfilohije in the protests against President Milo Djukanovic’s government over the law leading to a huge turnout for last Sunday’s parliamentary elections which ended with the opposition wining a majority of seats allowing it to form a new government. 


Vucic congratulated Zaev on his election as Prime Minister (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, congratulated Zoran Zaev on his election as the Prime Minister of Northern Macedonia. The new Government of Northern Macedonia, headed by Zoran Zaev, was voted in the Assembly. "I expect us to encourage economic ties, as well as cooperation in other areas of common interest, for the benefit of the citizens of Serbia and Northern Macedonia" Aleksandar Vucic wrote on Twitter


Serbian opposition Democratic Party expels leading members (FoNet)


Four leading members of what is considered to be the largest and strongest opposition party in Serbia – the Democratic Party (DS) - have been expelled for what the party leadership said was an attempt to take over illegally. 


The DS executive board decided to throw out long-time members Radoslav Milojicic Kene, Slobodan Milosavljevic, Balsa Bozovic and Branislav Lecic citing what is alleged to be their attempt to take over the party at a meeting on June 21. They are alleged to have brought in a private security company to keep some members out of the Madlenianum hall where the party’s top body was meeting, a DS press release said adding that they also stopped main board from holding its meeting.   


The battle between rival factions in the DS has been going on for months with party leader Zoran Lutovac and his followers claiming that everything their rivals were doing was against the statute. The clash came to a head at the June 21 meeting when the party leadership brought in private security guards to keep out rival officials who brought in a second group of security guards. The party main board meeting broke off with a large part of its members holding a meeting to call internal party leadership elections for September 26 which Lutovac and his followers reject.   


The disciplinary proceedings were launched on July 9, 2020 against the four party officials who are alleged to have violated the statute and code of ethics.   


The DS was the leading opposition party during the Milosevic regime and its activists and party infrastructure helped in large part to topple Milosevic. The party’s ratings have dropped steadily after then leader Serbian President Boris Tadic fell from power. It was one of the party’s that boycotted the June 21 parliamentary elections. 




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Collegium to determine agenda for special RSNA session on Tuesday; Dodik: NDI that is behind memorandum is political sponsor of PDP and SDS (ATV)

Speaker of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) Nedeljko Cubrilovic has scheduled for Tuesday a session of the RSNA Collegium to determine the agenda and the time of the 16th Special RSNA Session, at the request of Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik over the decision on signing a memorandum between the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), adopted without a census, at the B&H Presidency session held August 27. 

According to Dodik, the signing of the memorandum would in practice mean full control over who would be elected which would lead to manipulation of the people’s will. “I was of the view that donations that would potentially be given and local people to do it with regard to all those things are not disputable. But to hire their experts, via memorandum, that would come here, install cyber equipment, who would control the lists, political parties and their work is really unacceptable’’ said Dodik, noting that it was necessary to consult the RS political parties if the signing of memorandum was necessary and only PDP and SDS support the signing of the memorandum. “It is known that the National Democratic Institute (NDI) that is behind it, is the political sponsor of PDP and SDS and that it trains their people’’ said Dodik.  


According to RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic, this is a fundamental part of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) manipulations, the local elections have been prolonged for no reason, and members of the B&H CEC were appointed without procedures and checks. “I think it is good to ask for opinion, to learn prior to the session how it is perceived by whom, whether it is something that should or should not be supported, whether it is perceived as a threat or not. I think it will be, so to say, disclosure prior the finish, i.e. the RSNA’’ said Cvijanovic.  


SNSD’s Srdjan Mazalica stated that Dodik will use the mechanism for protection of vital national interests every time he is outvoted by the other two B&H Presidency members.  


Socialist Party leader Petar Djokic stated that his party will absolutely support Dodik’s initiative for protection of vital national interests. According to Djokic, any attempts of foreign factors to interfere in election process in B&H represent an attempt to undermine and destabilize political processes in B&H and assert political pressure on overall relations in B&H.   


B&H CoM to adopt decision on opening of borders for citizens of Turkey, USA, Russia and China (Dnevni avaz)

Daily reads that at the Wednesday’s session the Council of Ministers (CoM) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will discuss the item concerning the opening of B&H borders for foreign citizens from Turkey, USA, Russia and China, who have been banned entrance to B&H for months because of Covid-19 pandemic. In this way, the BH CoM will implement the request of B&H Presidency.  


B&H Security Minister Selmo Cikotic confirmed to the daily that he submitted this request as addendum to the agenda, along with other necessary documents. Daily comments that it is indicative that that authorities decided to submit this request only on August 31 when tourist season almost ended. Cikotic told the daily that he submitted the request after he received an urgent note from the Presidency of B&H, adding that his Ministry already submitted positive opinion on this, but the CoM needs to declare on the matter as well.  


Daily noted that one of the proposals is to open the border for foreign citizens of countries which require visa for entering B&H and who would have to have negative Covid-19 test, not older than 48 hours. CoM Chairman Zoran Tegeltija stated that the decision will depend solely of the opinion of healthcare experts. Daily concluded that tourist workers have been requesting this decision to be adopted for months. 

RS officials congratulate opposition on winning elections in Montenegro; Victory of Montenegrin opposition celebrated in RS (BN TV)

Member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik and other officials in Republika Srpska (RS) congratulated the parties that won the elections in Montenegro. Dodik congratulated the election victory to opposition coalitions ‘Future of Montenegro’, ‘Peace is our Nation’ and ‘Black on White’. Dodik told Srna that he wants Montenegro to get a new government as soon as possible in line with votes of citizens.  


Leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic congratulated the victory in the elections to the people and the coalition ‘Future of Montenegro’, emphasizing that courage, truth and faith won in Montenegro. He said: “This is a historic victory against the regime. This is a victory of true democracy and values that our areas aspire to for decades which is why the current and the future strength of this victory is immense! This is why we continue the same fight against the regime, crime and tyranny in the RS!”  


Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic said that the victory of the opposition leaders and parties in Montenegro is the victory of faith, tradition and stressed that this was a victory for the future of Montenegro, for peace, for equality of all peoples and for better relations in the region.  


PDP MP Drasko Stanivukovic celebrated the results of the elections with citizens of Banja Luka on Sunday evening and announced that he will return to Montenegro on Monday.  


Leader of DNS Nenad Nesic assessed that the victory of the opposition in the elections is an expression of the power of will of people who does not want divisions and conflicts, showing that religion, dignity and proud are sacred. 


Comments of other B&H politicians on elections in Montenegro (N1)

Parties in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) mainly share the same view on the need for Montenegro to continue its pro-European and pro-NATO paths. Parties in the FB&H pointed to the fact that these elections passed in a fair and democratic environment, adding that Montenegro must continue its previously set paths.  


SDA delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP) Asim Sarajlic said that Montenegrin President and DPS leader Milo Djukanovic must show that he is open and ready for future cooperation and that he is ready to extend a hand to all those willing to work within a wider coalition.  


‘Our Party’ (NS) representative in the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Damir Arnaut hopes that Montenegro will continue its pro-European and pro-NATO paths, as this will not only affect Montenegro but all the countries of the Western Balkans region.  


HDZ B&H MP in the B&H HoP Barisa Colak expects the situation to consolidate quickly and for the government to be swiftly formed after the elections. He hopes Montenegro will remain stable and continue to progress on its EU path.  


SDP B&H representative in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Sasa Magazinovic commended the high voter turnout in Montenegrin elections, stressing that this is reflection of responsibility towards the state and institutions. "They showed that they are a democratic country and that they are capable of holding fair elections," Magazinovic underlined.  


DF noted that latest political developments in Montenegro, which are followed by violence over ethnic minorities, present serious warning to B&H and its citizens. DF stressed that political structures which re trying to distance Montenegro from EU and NATO path are assisted by the same pro-Russian center, “which couple of months ago, literary attacked the legality of B&H CEC appointments, which with the huge efforts was released of SNSD and HDZ complete control”. 




European leaders discuss EU’s future after the pandemic (HRT)


European leaders were gathered at an economic forum in Bled, Slovenia on Monday. Leaders from Croatia, Poland, Serbia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic discussed the future of the EU and Europe's economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic. Six prime ministers were there in person, while others participated virtually. 


To meet the challenges that Europe will face in the wake of the pandemic, neighboring countries will have to work together, said Slovenian President Borut Pahor in his opening remarks. "What we call the new normal is bringing to us political and social changes. These changes will have direct consequences that are much greater than those on public health" Pahor said. 


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic called for countries to work together in securing treatments and a vaccine for the coronavirus. Some central and eastern European leaders were critical of European solidarity and what they described as a double standard when it comes to the rule of law. 


“Solidarity means common success. But the question is how to reach that point. You cannot be successful together if you aren’t successful on your own” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban


Plenkovic spoke about the need to "strike the right balance" on national measures and European activity. "In this crisis, we learnt that we need a common response. In the global context - EU needs to provide solutions and be a leader and at the same time strengthen internal cohesion" said Plenkovic. 


On the fringes of the conference, the Prime Minister met separately with Slovenia's Prime Minister Janez Jansa and Prime Minister Orban. 


Plenkovic and Jansa spoke about issues related to the pandemic, including the fact that Slovenia had put Croatia on its coronavirus red-list, placing restrictions on travelers coming to Slovenia from Croatia. Croatia is hoping to convince Slovenia to switch from a blanket approach to one that only restricts visitors coming from particular counties, where there are a high number of Covid-19 cases. "Our policy, not only because of Croatia, but because of the many Slovenians who own property in Croatia and are always welcomed guests, is to apply a county-specific approach depending on the coronavirus situation in each area, something similar to what Germany has done. I think this is possible and is perhaps the most appropriate approach" Plenkovic said. 


Slovenia requires all persons coming into the country from Croatia to quarantine for a period of two weeks unless they are in transit. 




Montenegrin opposition agrees on expert government, revision of disputed laws (N1)


The leaders of three opposition parties that won the slim majority of 41 out of 81 seats in the Montenegrin Parliament in Sunday’s elections agreed to form an expert government and continue to work on the country’s European Union integration process. 


The Sunday’s election outcome sent President Milo Djukanovic’s Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) into the opposition after almost three decades he and the party were in power. Djukanovic has another three years as the president. 


In a joint statement, the leaders of ‘For Montenegro’s Future,’ “Peace Is Our Nation,’ and ‘Black on White,’ coalition also said they would work on changing, what they described as ‘discriminatory laws,’ including the Law on Religious Freedom. 


The regulation became the main topic in the country since last December and dominated the 2020 election campaign. Analysts agree the issue has decided the elections’ outcome to a great extent since the Law deepen the division among Montenegrins, who are Orthodox Christians by the majority but differ in political affiliation to the West or East. 


Many objected Montenegro’s NATO membership and kept close ties with Belgrade and the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) which launched a series of protests against the Law that lasted for months. 


The new coalition promised to carry out all international obligations the country undertook under the previous regime. They also said they would implement all reforms necessary for the country to join the EU as soon as possible, adding their government would consist of experts in all areas regardless of their political, racial, national or any other characteristics. They added they welcomed the representatives of the minorities and wished to build “more beautiful and more prosperous Montenegro together.”   


Bilcik hopes Montenegro's new government will stay on EU path (RTCG)


The head of the European Parliament (EP) delegation for Montenegro Vladimir Bilcik said on Monday he hoped a new country's parliament and a new government would maintain a strategic focus on Montenegro's European future, and speed up the reform process and show a strong commitment to the pro-European values. He added the 76 percent voters' turnout voters was impressive, the state RTCG TV reported. 


"Voting on election day during the pandemic required adherence to health recommendations. Montenegro had managed to conduct competitive elections in these difficult times, and I would like to congratulate both the citizens and the Montenegrin authorities for responsibly in taking their roles" he said. 


Bilcik added the MEPs closely followed the election cycle, the campaign and the election day, and that they would wait for the publication of the OSCE / ODIHR election observation mission final report. 


"Citizens wanted political changes. Therefore, we strongly hope that the new parliament and the new government will maintain a strategic focus on Montenegro's European future, accelerate reform process and demonstrate a strong commitment to pro-European values in political practice" he said. "I am looking forward to cooperating with the new members of the Montenegrin parliament and providing support to Montenegro on its European path" Bilcik said.   


Three opposition coalitions won the majority of seats in the Montenegrin parliament in the Sunday's elections and after 30 years, President Milo Djukanovic's Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) would no longer be in power, according to the official election results. 


Cooperation with Djukanovic still an option, under one condition, says Abazovic (CDM)


Dritan Abazovic, a young Montenegrin politician of Albanian nationality and an ex-student of the University of Sarajevo, has caught attention of the region, being a key player at the political stage of Montenegro and a man representing a major factor for the formation of the govt in Montenegro. In the first interview following Montenegro’s election for the Albanian TV ABCNews, Abazovic told he’s proud to be a man who’s changing the game. 


“The most important thing is to set up the government based on experts. There will be no change in the foreign policy. Every nation and religion will be protected and will have a better representation than now. There will be no reason to fear” he noted. However, Abazovic is now being blamed for first reactions of pro-Serbian supports who have already instigated mayhem and physically attacked groups of Bosniaks in the town of Pljevlja. It’s still unclear how he sees it and how he thinks he would manage to protect all religions and nations the multi-ethnic Montenegro in case he decides to enter into collation with the pro-Serbian parties. 


Relations between Albania and Montenegro would be much better now, according to him. 

In the interview for ABCNews, he told he considered cooperation with Milo Djukanovic, but only if Djukanovic accepted to introduce the expert govt, but his first option was to make the coalition alliance with the pro-Serbian parties. 


As the leader of the United Reform Action (URA), Abazovic imposed four principles for future government: Montenegro remains committed to international treaties signed by the previous government (NATO membership); commitment to the EU path; the government will comprise experts and the new government will be committed to the rule of law, including the revision of all discriminatory laws, such as the Law on Freedom of Religion. 


Republic of North Macedonia 


New gov’t offers solutions and joint future, says PM Zaev (MIA)

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, who was joined by all new cabinet ministers at a meeting with President Stevo Pendarovski on Monday, pledged the newly-elected government would meet the country’s strategic goals, curb effectively the Covid-19 pandemic, spur more dynamic economic growth, establish strong institutions and rule of law, as well as modern education. 


Speaking to reporters, Zaev said the new government’s program offered solutions to what was considered vital by the citizens and to a joint future. “We have strong arguments to convince President Stevo Pendarovski that we are united by a sincere commitment and political will to strengthen our efforts in meeting our country’s strategic goals, including efficient handling of the global pandemic, new energy and determination to create a more dynamic economic growth and strong institutions, rule of law, modern education, active NATO membership, strong will for a successful opening and closing of the EU membership talks, good inter-ethnic cooperation and good neighborly relations” Zaev stated. 


One of the priorities of the new government is the economy and accelerated economic growth, the PM said, adding the public administration would undergo structural reforms in order to become more effective. “It’s time for order, justice and discipline,” he stressed, noting reforms in the institutions started within the new government, which has seven ministers fewer than before. It’s time, Zaev said, to cleanse the judiciary, full respect of rule of law and officials to undergo vetting. According to him, the new government in the next four years will be committed to open 80 per cent of the chapters as part of the EU accession negotiations and the whole process to be over in six years’ time. 

VMRO-DPMNE leader says he won’t step down (MIA)

I have no intention whatsoever to resign and by doing so to help SDSM and Zoran Zaev, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said Monday. “As long as I’m alive, I will fight against those that serve Zoran Zaev” he told a news conference. Commenting on the initiative of an extraordinary party congress, Mickoski said such an initiative hadn’t been sent to the party’s archive. He called it ‘an attempt to show that VMRO-DPMNE is weak’ and accused the initiators of collaborating with SDSM and Zoran Zaev. As regards the new Zoran Zaev-led government, Mickoski said it contained corrupt ministers. “The government has no future and it will be toppled before its term is completed by citizens’ protests. This is the beginning of the end of SDSM,” the opposition leader pledged. VMRO-DPMNE, Mickoski stressed, will be on the side of the people organizing mass anti-government protests. 


New gov’t to be fully committed to economy, PM Zaev tells (MIA)

The government in the next four years to prioritize the economy in order to exit the coronavirus crisis and to implement reforms in institutions all the while managing the budget, fighting against corruption and gray economy, preventing mass emigration, urged businessmen of three chambers of commerce. On Monday, officials of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, MASIT and the Chamber of Northwestern Macedonia met with the economic team of the new government. 


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev assured them the government would be fully committed to the economy, to strengthening companies and the export of goods, and to stable tax policy. After the new government took office, businessmen and government officials discussed urgent priorities to spur economic growth and coming sets of measures to help businesses amid the corona crisis, the importance of reforms in the judiciary and support for the economy. 


“We’re sending a message of being predominately focused on the economy, higher economic standards, overall economic growth and development” Zaev said after the meeting, saying the coming, four-year period would be stable without snap polls, which was key for the national economy. He also said that taxes remained stable. According to the new PM, fresh set of measures to help support the economy in the coming period are in the pipeline. “The measures implemented so far have produced results” he stressed. “A period is coming when we will be focused on what’s happening at home. Today is the first day of work of the new government that has no inter-ethnic issues, everyone is equal and we are friends with our neighbors. This has to contribute to improving the economy” Zaev said. 


Nebi Hoxha of the Chamber of Northwestern Macedonia said talks focused on the economy and the urgent priorities on the new government for stimulating economic growth and development. On behalf of the business community, he wished the new government success in its four-year term. 


FM Osmani: Strategic partnership with US to be strengthened further (MIA)

On his first day in office as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bujar Osmani had a phone call with Phillip Reeker, US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, the Foreign Ministry said Monday. Congratulating Osmani on his new post, Ambassador Reeker reaffirmed the US support for North Macedonia, implemented through the strategic partnership of the two countries and through the new partnership established in NATO. “The United States can rely on the country as a sincere and loyal partner in the Balkans, especially considering our sincere contribution to settling regional issues” Osmani told Reeker, calling North Macedonia ‘a front-runner in the region’ in how open bilateral issues should be closed. They concluded that the country should keep pursuing EU integration reforms on the eve of the opening of accession negotiations, expected to take place by the end of the year, said the press release. 


Sassoli: North Macedonia to continue on path towards European integration (MIA)

The President of the European Parliament David Sassoli on Monday congratulated Zoran Zaev on his re-election as Prime Minister of North Macedonia and election of the new government. “Congratulations to Zoran Zaev on his re-election as Prime Minster of North Macedonia. Let’s continue the good progress your country has made towards EU accession. The European Parliament will always be a firm supporter on this path” Sassoli stated. 

Brussels expects new gov’t to focus on rule of law, good neighbourly relations (MIA)

The European Commission in a written statement on Monday commented on the new government in North Macedonia taking office, MIA’s Brussels correspondent reports. The Commission’s spokeswoman Ana Pisonero said the institution ‘looks forward to working with the new Government, led by Zoran Zaev, on EU related reforms and priorities, in the interest of citizens.’ “We expect the authorities to sustain and accelerate the implementation of the reforms, in particular in the field of rule of law, fight against organized crime and corruption, as well as to further strengthen good neighbourly relations” Pisonero told MIA. 


Earlier in the day, EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi, EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, European Parliament President David Sassoli, and Johannes Hahn, EU Budget Commissioner, welcomed the election of the new government, expressing hopes for strong cooperation in the country’s meeting its EU agenda. 




President Ilir Meta addresses letter to PM Rama, demands explanation over the maritime agreement with Greece (Radio Tirana)

President Ilir Meta, through a letter sent to Prime Minister Edi Rama, requests official information on the actions of the government, regarding the issue of the maritime border with Greece. Mr. Meta wants to be informed about the talks that the Prime Minister had with the Greek authorities, after the statement of the Prime Minister Micotakis, that “Athens will expand by 12 miles in the Ionian Sea”. The letter was also sent to the Speaker of the Assembly, Gramoz Ruci


“A few days ago in the Greek parliament, during the ratification session of three maritime agreements between Greece and Italy and Egypt, the media reported on a statement by the Prime Minister of Greece Mr. Micotakis, according to which he communicated the position of the Greek government regarding with the decision to expand the territorial waters of Greece by 12 nautical miles. Considering the extraordinary national, state, geo-strategic, economic importance and not only that this issue has for the Republic of Albania, and the high sensitivity of the public opinion, I request detailed information on; The communication you have had with the Prime Minister of Greece and or with senior Greek officials on the matter. The official attitude of the Albanian government towards such a decision and the consequences, including the international ones that may derive from it. 

“Actions that are planned to be taken by the Albanian government to the consequences that may come from this unilateral act of Greece” writes Meta. 


President seeks meeting with political parties to set elections date (ADN)

President Ilir Meta required consultations with the political parties for setting the date of the next parliamentary elections. Through a letter signed by the director of the cabinet, Arben Cici, President Meta invited the leaders of the two main parties in the country to a meeting. 


"The President of the Republic invites to a meeting on Friday, 04.09.2020, at 11:00 at the Presidency the chairman of the Socialist Party, Edi Rama, and / or other persons authorized by him”. President Meta also sent the letter to leader of the opposition, Lulzim Basha. At the end of the letters addressed to the political parties, Meta expressed confidence in the evaluation of this process, which he considers important. 


Under the June 5 agreement, the period for holding the next election will change and will no longer be in the summer period, but in a date over the time period, April 15-May 15.