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Belgrade Media Report 12 November


Vucic: Better that we reach solution with Pristina sooner than later (RTS/Tanjug/B92

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic today addressed the public from the building of the General Secretariat of the President and talked about several strategic topics, but first and foremost about the health of our citizens. He said that together with the government of Serbia, they started searching for vaccines, to procure the safest vaccines in the fastest way and halt the catastrophic effects that the coronavirus has on the lives of people in Serbia and on our economy.

“The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has shown how a frozen conflict can turn into a catastrophe. We must learn lessons from what happened in the 1990s, but also from what has happened now. We should not leave the frozen conflict to our children, but need to work on a compromise solution… The most important message for us is the message of peace and the desire to continue the dialogue with Pristina,” he said. It was obvious, he adds, that the world, apart from the announcements, was had little interest in reacting. “It was seen that the division of cards in the world is different and that, in the end, you always have to count on your own strength. That is why Serbia will have to continue to be strong economically, militarily and in every other way. For us, the most important message is peace, dialogue and the wish to resume the talks with Pristina and to understand that the best solution is achieved through dialogue. It is better that we reach it sooner than later. Otherwise, some kind of conflict could happen to us,” Vucic said.

Speaking about the establishment of the single market in the Western Balkans and the Mini-Schengen initiative, he emphasized that the opening of green corridors to the EU would involve a faster flow of goods, people, capital and services. “It means a better standard for people, higher salaries and pensions. We had a consolidated political position on all these issues, we acted as a bloc, and it seems that the representatives of the most powerful countries, above all Merkel and Macron, understood our message well and how much that is important for us,” he said and explained that the problem for the Serbian economy is that some European countries are closing down again, which is why the demand is lower, so the industry is not performing as fast as in September and October.

Vucic meets with Quint Ambassadors, Fabrizi (RTS/Tanjug/Beta

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with the Ambassadors of the Quint countries in Serbia, US Ambassador Anthony Godfrey, Great Britain’s Shan McLeod, France’s Jean-Louis Falconi, Italy’s Carlo Lo Caso and Germany’s Thomas Schieb, as well as the Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Sem Fabrizi. Vucic thanked the diplomatic representatives of the Quint countries and the Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia for the strong support for the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and also for having expressed optimism that the dialogue would give clear and positive results for citizens of all countries of the Western Balkans. He pointed out that there were still differences in the approach between Belgrade and Pristina, but that Serbia was determined to continue pursuing the path of preservation of stability in the region and that it would remain dedicated to the dialogue and finding a compromised solution regarding Kosovo and Metohija. Speaking about the importance of regional cooperation, Vucic reminded that the first concrete step was made in this context in the implementation of the Mini Schengen initiative, since an interstate Agreement of free movement of citizens with ID cards was signed between Serbia and Albania. Vucic added that Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania also signed a Memorandum of understanding and cooperation in the fight against COVID-19, which was positively assessed at the recent Sofia Summit – the conference of the Berlin Process on the Western Balkans. The President emphasized that within the Serbian policy, which is aimed at cooperation and preservation of stability in the region, these agreements would bring concrete benefits to the citizens of the three countries, as well as additional security.

The Ambassadors pointed out that the declarations on the Common Regional Market – which embeds also the 'mini – Schengen initiative - and the Green Agenda for the Balkan which were signed by Serbia and all the leaders of the region were very positively welcomed in Brussels and EU countries, and that good and solid connectivity and integration of the countries of the region largely facilitates the cooperation of the very Union with the Western Balkan countries in all areas of mutual interest. They exchanged opinions also regarding the current political situation in Serbia, and stressed the importance of the program of the new government, which will continue the pursuit of a responsible policy on macroeconomic stability, further growth, improvement of the rule of law and accelerated reform process. In this context, Vucic singled out further strengthening of the partnership and cooperation with all relevant EU institutions, which will remain one of the priorities in the period to come, bearing in mind primarily the best practice of EU member states. He committed that Serbia would increase its investment in the “green agenda”. Vucic particularly emphasized that it was fully understandable that the EU focus was redirected to the fight against the pandemic and mitigation of its consequences, since nearly all world agendas changed and adjusted to the new situation, which is more than serious. He also added that EU, Great Britain and US will always have in Serbia a reliable friend and partner in the fight against these disease, because these hard times and challenges call for solidarity and seriousness, which our country has demonstrated numerous times in practice. The Quint Ambassadors and the Head of the EU Delegation welcomed determination of the new Serbian government to intensify working on improvement of the rule of law, fight against corruption, freedom of media and other areas that are crucial for Serbia’s path towards the EU. The Ambassadors and the Head of the EU Delegation also welcomed the new government’s decision to continue Serbia’s aspirations towards EU membership. Vucic said that Serbia was interested in intensifying the political dialogue, and economic and other forms of cooperation with the Quint countries.

Simic: Serbs consider leaving Kosovo government (FoNet/Politika

Igor Simic, the head of the Serb List caucus in the Kosovo Assembly, accused on Wednesday the government of not respecting the coalition agreement and suggested his party would 'most probably' support the Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti’s cabinet ouster. “The Serb List, its MPs haven’t taken part in the parliament session and will not participate in future because the coalition agreement is not honored,” Simic said. He added that his party constructively demonstrated many times its commitment to work in the interest of all citizens… But, I believe they should respect us as a partner, and we demand the agreement to be honored. We seriously consider leaving the government because of the way we are treated.

Revised budget for 2020 adopted by Serbian parliament (RTS/Tanjug

The Serbian parliament adopted today the Law on Amendments to the Law on Budget for 2020, which envisages total revenues of RSD 1,291.4 billion and expenditures in the amount of RSD 1,774.4 billion. This law envisages a deficit of RSD 483 billion (8.75 percent), as well as a negative growth rate of one percent. The revision includes all capital investments, as well as planned assistance and support to the health sector, from the construction of COVID hospitals, investment in the reconstruction of hospitals, to the purchase of equipment. The law, for which 207 deputies voted, and four against, will enter into force on the next day from the day of its publication in the Official Gazette.



B&H CEC expects epidemiologic measures to be respected in polling stations, presidents of local election commissions say this instruction is opposite to Law on Elections of B&H as it limits right of political parties to have observers (Dnevni avaz)

The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) stated on Wednesday that respecting of epidemiologic measures must not disturb carrying out of election process in line with laws and added that polling stations will be opened from 7:00 to 19:00 hrs on Sunday, 15 November. B&H CEC reminded that there will be in total 30,809 candidates, out of which number 425 candidates will run for the positions of a head of municipality or mayor, 30,188 will run for municipal/city councils and Brcko District Assembly and 196 candidates will run as representatives of minorities. In total 3,283,380 voters were registered in the central list of voters and 5,759 polling stations were formed. The B&H CEC expects polling station committees to implement all epidemiological measures including limiting of persons gathered in one room, but this will not be possible without violation of the Election Law of B&H which gives all political subjects right to have their observers at polling stations.

PIC SB and BoP issues joint statement calling for transparency and integrity of election process (Dnevni avaz)

On the eve of upcoming local elections in B&H, Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB) and the Board of Principals (BoP) issued a joint statement, saying that they note the efforts of the B&H Central Election Commission (B&H CEC). They urge B&H CEC to proceed with its work in a responsible and transparent manner, organizing orderly conduct of electoral process, duly responding to allegations of electoral fraud and implementing voting results. It is underlined that the PIC SB and the BoP will provide the CEC with all necessary support. “The PIC SB and the BoP call upon all institutions, political actors and their representatives, as well as voters to act responsibly and ensure the integrity and transparency of the election process, which must be held in a peaceful environment in line with the applicable legal framework and international standards. The PIC SB and the BoP call on members of Municipal Election Commissions (MECs) and Polling Station Committees (PSCs) to perform their duties with professionalism and integrity. It is important that political parties and candidates refrain from putting pressure on MEC and PSC members and attempting to influence their independence or forcing them to resign. All involved in the election process, including non-partisan observers, must be fully enabled to professionally perform their duties in accordance with existing rules and procedures,” reads the statement. The members of the Board of Principals joining this statement are: The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in B&H, the Council of Europe, NATO HQ Sarajevo, EUFOR, Sweden, and Switzerland. “The PIC SB and the BoP urge full respect of covid-19 related protective measures throughout the election process, and encourage the authorities to provide necessary personal protective equipment and ensure adherence to protective measures in voting precincts in order to ensure a safe voting environment during the pandemic. The PIC SB and the BoP call on all eligible voters to exercise their democratic rights and make their voices heard by casting their votes, and respect necessary protective covid-19 measures,” reads the joint statement.

Head of EUD to B&H Sattler and Head of EU Member Countries Missions to B&H write joint column, call on people to vote in Sunday’s local elections (Dnevni list)

Dnevni list carried a joint column signed by Head of the EU Delegation to B&H and EU Special Representative, Ambassador Johann Sattler, and Heads of EU Member Countries Missions to B&H on the occasion of the local elections scheduled to take place on Sunday, which reads that the elections are the opportunity for the voice of the citizens to be heard. According to the column, “your vote is important – and only your vote can lead to positive changes” and goes on to say that many people are perhaps disappointed with politics, however people can vote and elect candidates for which they believe can offer solutions that could improve quality of life. The column further reads that the EU, together with its Member Countries, will continue with huge investments and support to B&H, including the local level, “which we have done during moments of political gridlock and the pandemic”. The column went on to say that holding the elections in line with the European standards, including the elections in Mostar, is number one priority in the European Commission’s (EC) Priority, which sets a clear path towards the membership. In this context the column reads that the authorities can and should working on meeting the priorities from the Opinion, thus making sure that citizens of B&H enjoy the same right and protection as EU citizens. The column also reads that the elections are an opportunity to elect as many female mayors/heads of municipalities and councilors, to strengthen measures for recovery from Covid-19 and achieve improvements in everyday life. “Please do not underestimate the power of your vote. Use it on Sunday, vote – and vote safely!,” ends the column.

OSCE Mission to B&H issues statement, supporting free, fair and safe elections (Dnevni avaz)

OSCE Mission to B&H issued a statement on Tuesday, conveying several important messages and thus supporting free, fair and safe elections. “We welcome and support activities of the Central Election Commission on securing of the full transparency in the work and establishing and reacting to possible attempts of election fraud. We welcome the measures that B&H CEC undertook in order to enable persons infected with Covid-19 or who are in isolation to vote via specialized mobile team”, stated OSCE. The OSCE called on parties and candidates to respect the principles of free and fair elections, to demonstrate respect towards their rivals and towards voters, and to accept the officially confirmed election results. “We hope there will be no inflammatory rhetoric or provocative incidents during the election day and we call for peaceful celebration following publishing of the results. In these difficult days of the Covid-19 pandemic, we urge all voters to protect themselves and personnel in the polling stations by wearing masks and respecting the prescribed measures. OSCE Mission to B&H wishes all citizens of B&H to have safe and peaceful election day, which will contribute to stronger and more prosperous future,” reads OSCE statement.

Inzko: Ball in Dodik’s court, he has opportunity to remove plaque which carries name of Radovan Karadzic (Hayat)

Cooperation between B&H and the US, after Joseph Biden’s election victory, will be better, concluded High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko. He assessed the past cooperation as good and said he believes that Biden will form a team which will address the issues in B&H. Inzko also spoke about his Report before the UN Security Council and said that long before that session he spoke about the need to remove the plaque that carries the name of convicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic. This plaque was placed on the building of the Student Dormitory in Pale. Inzko underlined that the “ball is in (Serb member of the B&H Presidency) Milorad Dodik’s court” and he has the opportunity to remove that plaque. “The ball is not in my court but in his”, Inzko pointed out. “We will certainly pay more attention to what people say and do in the future, because if it continues like this, everything will fall lower and lower. In the end, there will be no culture. All great conflicts in the world began with words. But we have to be careful what we say,” Inzko stressed.


Prime Minister-designate to present division of positions (Dan)

Leaders of Democratic Front (DF) and Socialist People’s Party will summon a meeting with the Prime Minister-designate, Zdravko Krivokapic. Given the fact that the Government will be formed three months after the elections, all parties that make up parliamentary majority hold that things among them have to be clear and that only Krivokapic can clear up all their doubts. “As far as we know, Prime Minister-designate already has a plan about the division of positions by depth, so it is high time we got acquainted with it,” DF has stated. So far, Real Montenegro and URA have pledged their support for expert government. At the session held at the beginning of the week, SPP didn’t support expert government but they didn’t reject it either. They asked for urgent meeting with Krivokapic. Parties in DF haven’t held sessions yet. Representatives of the Movement for Changes have stated that they will consider their session today. Leader of Democratic People’s Party, Milan Knezevic, said yesterday that he would suggest parties to accept the model of expert government. Andrija Mandic has announced the same.

Becic: We want to avoid divisions (CdM)

Parliament session scheduled for the formation of the new government will be held on 2 December, Aleksa Becic tweeted. He stated that he wanted to avoid abuses, divisions and any form of disagreement. “I am so ready and willing to contribute to reconciliation, cohesion and outlook on future, while respecting requests and views of the opposition,” Becic wrote.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Bozovic: We are not going to allow the rewriting of our history; The Embassy of Serbia canceled laying the wreath (CdM)

Following the announcement that Vladimir Bozovic, Ambassador of Serbia, will lay a wreath at the Memorial in front of the Old Town’s walls in Budva, Ministry of Foreign Affairs called Bozovic to talk and told him that the act “is unacceptable and represents act of counterfeiting history”. Bozovic was warned about historical facts – Budva was already free before the arrival of Serbian army. Besides, Montenegro was occupied by the same army in 1918, and was left without dynasty and without state. “The Ambassador has been informed that Montenegro won’t allow any attempts to counterfeit its history as it would produce serious diplomatic consequences,” the statement said. The Republic of Serbia and its Embassy, as they state, reject the claims of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro that laying a wreath is a gross interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state and a historical falsification, as malicious and incorrect. According to the statement, the Embassy, in accordance with previous practice and established tradition, planned to mark 11 November, the Day of Reconciliation in the Great War, in the way it has done so far - by laying a wreath on the Memorial Plaque at the Old Town of Budva entrance. "So, on the board that symbolizes victory, liberation as a universal value, all battles and great suffering for freedom," the statement said. As it is stated, the Embassy duly informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro about the planned activities in accordance with diplomatic practice. "On that occasion, the Ministry invited the ambassador for a conversation last night and stated that they consider this activity a gross interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, a historical falsification, and therefore disapprove of this activity as a host country and consider it unacceptable," the statement said. Afterwards, the Embassy canceled laying the wreath.


No enlargement if settlement of historical disputes becomes precondition for EU accession negotiations (Republika/Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)

Bulgaria’s insistence on controversial historical issues as a condition for Macedonia’s EU integration could jeopardize the entire EU enlargement policy, writes the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. In this part of Europe where historical disputes are overestimated, the EU’s enlargement policy will come to an end if the requirements for a bilateral historic dispute agreement become a precondition for the start of accession negotiations. Because all EU member states in the wider region (Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Croatia) are in conflict with candidate countries on one or another historical issue. It is about territories, the outcome and course of wars, the assessment of historical figures, the existence or non-existence of various minorities. If an agreement on such controversial issues becomes an accession criterion, the enlargement policy in the Balkans will end, writes FAZ. The Bulgarian threat to block Macedonia, according to the German newspaper, overshadowed the Western Balkans Summit within the Berlin Process, which was co-chaired yesterday by the Prime Ministers of the two countries Boyko Borisov and Zoran Zaev. Berlin, which as the current chair of the EU Council wants to open accession talks with Macedonia and Albania in December, has been trying for weeks to mediate the dispute at the highest level. The German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Heiko Maas intervened to reach a compromise and persuade Bulgaria to withdraw its veto threat, FAZ said. Chancellor Merkel said at the Sofia Summit that one of the goals of the Berlin Process is reconciliation, by overcoming historical tensions. According to the newspaper, as a school teacher, she warned the two prime ministers to end the dispute, telling them: “In the region, you have to say yes: Reach an agreement! “This is very important.” On Tuesday, it was uncertain whether these warnings would be successful. We heard from Skopje that the prospects are bad. Bulgaria maintains its position that Macedonia can start accession negotiations only if it adopts the Bulgarian state interpretation of “common history”. Bulgaria already informed the EU in early November that under the current conditions it will not agree to start accession negotiations, writes FAZ. From the point of view of Bulgaria – at least as far as it is spread by historians close to the state and the government – the Macedonians are an “invented nation”. Sofia urges Skopje to publicly state that there is no Macedonian minority in Bulgaria, and must acknowledge that the Macedonian identity and language have Bulgarian roots. This position has been criticized by leading Bulgarian historians and linguists, who in an open letter to the government assessed it as inappropriate and even ridiculous, but that, according to the newspaper, did not affect the government in Sofia. Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva complained to Reuters about Skopje’s “endless claims” about the existence of a Macedonian minority in Bulgaria and failure to recognize “current realities” and “historical truth”. However, neither Zaev nor members of his office have made public statement over the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria. Macedonia said that in the 21st century in Europe it is not up to the states to decide which minorities are allowed and which are not. An unofficial compromise proposal envisions Skopje acknowledging in writing that the Macedonian language, as it is spoken in Macedonia today, was codified after the end of World War II. Although this fact in itself is indisputable, on Tuesday it was not clear whether it is possible to bring Sofia and Skopje closer, writes Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

Karakachanov gives an ultimatum to the government: Zaev is silent about the non-paper and the language that should get a footnote (Republika)

Days after the statement of the Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister Krasimir Karakachanov in which he directed a lot of insults at the Macedonians, there was no reaction from PM Zoran Zaev’s government. After the meeting between Zaev and Borisov, only Karakachanov made a statement, who was clear that Bulgaria will not give in even a bit and that it depends on Macedonia whether it will accept the Bulgarian blackmail. And they are not at all naive and directly interferes in the Macedonian identity, language, history. If we give up on this, the Macedonians will be deprived of individuality only because of some beginning of negotiations with the EU where it is unclear whether we will ever enter and in what form the bloc itself will be. In the style of a teacher, Karakachanov gave an ultimatum to the students in Skopje to accept the requests by Friday. However, if this can be expected from the Bulgarian nationalist, the statement of the Foreign Minister Osmani that there were certain steps in overcoming the misunderstandings with Bulgaria is worrying. For Osmani, are identity issues a misunderstanding? It may be a misunderstanding for him, but for the Macedonian people these are essential issues for which there should be no negotiations, let alone an agreement. Karakachanov with his arrogant behavior goes so far as to ironically call our country Macedonia while Zaev and his ministers persistently repeat “North”.

Zaev hopes to reach a deal with Bulgaria by Tuesday (Republika)

Following his return from the summit in Sofia, PM Zoran Zaev said that he hopes he will reach agreement with Bulgaria by Tuesday. Zaev held lengthy talks with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, who is blocking Macedonia from opening EU accession talks and demands major concessions on issues of national identity. “We will continue to work with Bulgaria until we find a winning solution for both of us. At this time we are not there yet but there are conditions in place to get there. The goal is that the two committees, the one on history and the one between the two Governments work to further clarify parts of the 2017 treaty and to fully implement its obligations. I hope to intensify efforts and that we try to reach an agreement before the 17th,” Zaev said. Bulgaria is holding back a decision on the common enlargement framework of the EU, which Macedonia hopes will be adopted as soon as possible so that the country could finally begin its accession talks this December. If until now he said that the Macedonian people originated from 1944, now he says that it has been a product of the Comintern in 1934. There is no reaction from Zaev, Dimitrov and Osmani to this statement either. Despite Karakachanov’s statement, the government in Skopje did not deny the content of the non-paper published by the Austrian journalist. It states that, however, the Macedonian language is being negotiated and whether it should be with a footnote or the wording “official language” of the country should be used. And only a few weeks ago, Zaev and President Stevo Pendarovski said that there were no negotiations on the language. But Zaev’s word lasts until the first meeting with “brother” Borisov. When they see each other, he forgets what he said.

Taravari: Zaev will push for early general elections in 2021 (Republika)

Arben Taravari from the Alliance of Albanians expects Zoran Zaev to call for early general elections in the fall of 2021, along with the scheduled municipal elections. They have 62 votes, we have 58 in parliament. It makes it very difficult for them to function. As opposition, we helped them out several times but they can’t function. Zaev is now in a more difficult situation than he was before the elections. He hoped he’ll win 61, 62 votes by himself and then buy 405 more, draw in somebody from the VMRO-DPMNE coalition partners and even our partner Alternative. He tried, but it all failed and I guarantee you it will continue to fail. If he waits for the regular elections, he will have just 20 to 30 seats. Remember, he will push to have early general elections in 2021, Taravari said in an interview. The Alliance of Albanians and Alternative have begun a process of forming a coalition with VMRO-DPMNE that threatens to bring SDSM down even within this Parliament. Taravari says that there are about 10 members of Parliament from the ruling SDSM party and its smaller coalition partners who are voicing serious reservations about the PM Zoran Zaev government and could switch sides.


Minister Cakaj receives Kosovo Ambassador, discuss over KLA (ADN)

Albania’s Acting Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Gent Cakaj, received Wednesday in a meeting the Ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo in Albania, who is also one of the founders of the Kosovo Liberation Army, Nait Hasani. The meeting focused on conversations related to the latest developments in Kosovo and the inalienable importance of the joint effort to protect the values of the Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA. "When it comes to the Kosovo Liberation Army, we should not respond as many parties, nor as two states, but as one nation!” said Cakaj regarding the meeting.