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Belgrade Media Report 8 January 2021


Vucic: Serbian people face hard challenges (RTS

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in an Instagram post from the Hilandar monastery on Mt Athos in Greece that the Serbian people face hard challenges but can make Serbia stronger.

Vucic is at the 12th century Serbian Orthodox Church monastery to celebrate Christmas with the brotherhood. The post included his photograph in front of an olive tree said to have been planted by the monastery’s founder Serbian ruler Stefan Nemanja. “The Hilandar monastery is magnificent and regardless of the fact that the Serbian people face great and hard challenges I am convinced that together and united we can make our Serbia even stronger and better for all of its citizens,” Vucic wrote adding the traditional Christmas greeting Christ is Born. RTS reported that Vucic attended Christmas services and had supper with the brotherhood and Abbot Metodije. It said that he will also tour the monastery grounds to see the reconstruction and repairs which have been ongoing since a fire devastated the complex in March 2004. Vucic is the first Serbian president to pay an official visit to the monastery in 20 years.

Djuric: An opportunity to build relations with US best in history (Telegraf/Tanjug/RTV

I hope that we have passed one critical point in our relations with the United States, in which Serbia has confirmed itself as a constructive international factor, a responsible state, a guardian of regional stability and a growing economy, says the Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric. He adds that following this point we have a real chance to raise bilateral relations with the US to perhaps the highest level in history. “I also believe that good relations between President Aleksandar Vucic and Donald Trump and Joseph Biden are an excellent starting point for further improvement of cooperation,” Djuric told Telegraf. He says that it is known that there are pejorative expressions in American political communication, such as “renegade state” or “failed state”, and that Serbia, fortunately, has never been so low on the American political scale. “Still, in the not-so-distant past, parts of the local administration have viewed Serbia with marked deviation and mistrust, and I believe that this kind of sentiment no longer exists, at least not as a political mainstream,” said Djuric. When asked how he will work on strengthening bilateral relations between Belgrade and Washington, he replies that Serbian diplomacy has often been reactive in the past, emphasizing that the trouble is that it had the least initiative in “some of the most difficult and challenging moments in our history”. “It is necessary to introduce innovations in diplomatic practice, especially in the receiving countries with which we have open issues or the need to significantly improve the reputation of Serbia and the Serbian people,” he says, adding that he would try to have more frequent contacts with which, he says, he expects them to hear our views and arguments. According to him, in the past, we too often “sulked like Calimero” when some others in the world’s centers of power would show initiative, and act as if it was our destiny, and not something that can be countered on a diplomatic level. “Serbian diplomacy must be more aggressive and convincing in its performance, especially when the arguments are on our side,” concludes Djuric and recalls the long history of allied and friendly relations with the US:“It is necessary to return things to the right and natural place, by our two countries opening a new page of sincere friendly relations, understanding and mutually beneficial cooperation.”

Serbia thanks Morocco for principled support in preserving Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (Tanjug

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic met today with Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Serbia Mohamed Amine Belhaj. On that occasion, it was pointed out that traditionally friendly relations between the two countries are at the historical maximum, but also that they are successfully developed and further strengthened, through strengthening cooperation in areas of common interest, with mutual respect and esteem. Selakovic expressed readiness to respond to the invitation of Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Bourita to visit Morocco this year. Selakovic stated with satisfaction that the cooperation between the two countries at the multilateral level is very good and that there is a desire to develop them further while respecting mutual interests, emphasizing that Serbia will continue to cooperate with Morocco in international institutions and organizations. He added that Serbia strives to act as a factor of peace and stability in the Balkans and does everything in its power to resolve problems and open issues through dialogue, in a peaceful and compromised manner. Selakovic thanked the Ambassador for his country’s principled support in preserving the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. Selakovic emphasized that Serbia’s position on Western Sahara is known, principled and unchangeable, and that it supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Morocco and the country’s efforts to be an exporter of peace and stability and a promoter of values ​​such as freedom of movement of people, goods and capital. According to Selakovic, our two countries are not only bound by their adherence to international law, but that is the basis for deepening cooperation in all fields, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.



Germany secures support within EU for Schmidt’s appointment to post of HR (

Representatives of the German government confirmed for news portal that there is a discussion with the High Representative Valentin Inzko about the change at the helm of the OHR. According to unofficial information that Avaz obtained, German diplomacy is lobbying for appointment of Christian Schmidt to the post of the High Representative and allegedly Germany already secured support within the European Union. According to Avaz, Germany plans to implement the new appointment by April. The daily reminded that Inzko has taken over the office on 1 March 2009.

Inzko speaks about his possible replacement and says new policy is what matters (Avaz

Asked to comment the confirmation coming from the German government that they, together with High Representative Valentin Inzko, are considering changes at the helm of the Office of the High Representative (OHR), Inzko wanted neither to confirm nor deny media claims. The daily reminded that, according to unofficial information, the German diplomacy has been lobbying for the appointment of Christian Schmidt as the new High Representative and, reportedly, a support within the EU has already been secured for this. “Due to the situation in the field, I have been advocating strengthening of the role of the international community and role of the OHR for years. I would strongly support such strengthening. People are important, but they are not in focus, the new policy is what matters. In any case, it is not up to me but it is up to the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) to decide on this,” Inzko said.

Appointment of new High Representative was discussed by EU Council's Political and Security Committee (Avaz)

The EU Council's Political and Security Committee convened on Thursday. Among other issues, the Committee also discussed the issue of a High Representative in B&H. Member of the Committee Marco Solaini told the daily that the meeting was closed to public. However, Avaz learns from unofficial sources that the Committee members discussed the possible appointment of the new High Representative. Germany allegedly wants to remove Valentin Inzko and appoint the new High Representative by the end of April. The most likely candidate for the post is German politician Christian Schmidt.

Covic: Civic constitution is only nicely wrapped spin; HDZ relays on recommendations of EU institutions that B&H cannot start negotiations or become member until OHR is present (Avaz)

HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic, asked if majority at B&H and Federation of B&H (FB&H) level exists and whether HDZ B&H will support reshuffling of the B&H Council of Ministers, said that problems within Bosniak coalition overspill at the state and FB&H levels respectively, where both these authority levels demand legitimate representatives of constituent peoples. He underlined that this legitimate majority is unquestionable in Croat and Serb people, but when it comes to Bosniaks it is currently impossible to determine who is the authority and who is the opposition, which creates problems in functioning of legislative and executive authority. Covic stressed that HDZ B&H’s stance is clear and they want an efficient state level, which will produce clear results. Asked about announcement for changing of the Dayton Peace Agreement and a possibility of a civic Constitution, Covic stressed that the civic constitution implies unitary organization of the state, which is impossible in B&H, adding that even those who advocate such constitution are not sure how such constitution would be defined or what it would include. Stressing that his stance is clear on this, Covic said: “In a society deeply divided by national, ethic, religious, cultural and language dimension one of the principles of federalism and consociation model and legitimate representation of three constituent ethnic segments with full respect of civic rights of everyone, can be a guarantee of stability, which we have been lacking all these years.” “Civic story is nicely wrapped spin, which is its essence comprehends rule of the most numerous people, which at the FB&H territory for the three times has already demonstrated how they see this principle of civic, which is domination and outvoting as a tool of this civic model. Three constituent peoples are the pillar that this country relays on and everything else is basically reduced to violent political and institutional destroying of Dayton,” said Covic. Asked if he expects replacement of the High Representative and asked about speculation that the new HR could be Christian Schmidt, Covic stressed that HDZ B&H has a clear stance, which relays on recommendations of the European Parliament and European Commission, which says that B&H cannot open the negotiations or become an EU member all as long the OHR is present, “especially in a sense that this institution functioned by now and often conveyed utterly questionable, distorted and unfair information and official reports at the international level”. Covic stressed that they thank the OHR for everything good they did, but “the gravity of political problems, which it brought in the certain time intervals and unilateral moves, vastly surpasses everything good that the OHR, as an international institution has contributed to”.

SDA calls on B&H Prosecutor’s Office to finally process those who organize marking of RS Day (Oslobodjenje)

SDA issued a press release on Wednesday reading that since the Republika Srpska (RS) authorities announced celebration of “unconstitutional” RS Day on 9 January, they call on the B&H Prosecutor’s Office to finally process organizers of such activities and they also call on the PIC and the OHR to react at the political level due to unquestionable undermining of Dayton based constitutional and legal organization of the state.  It was also stated: “If the Prosecutors’ Office of B&H does not have intention to launch procedures against Bosniak officials exclusively, we call on them to launch, in accordance to Criminal Code of B&H, the procedures against SNSD officials, who clearly show that they are protected by the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H.” SDA also calls on the OHR and PC to finally move and stop a total assault from the RS on the constitutional organization of B&H since “complying and sometimes cowardly relation of the PIC and OHR only encouraged political brutality of SNSD”.

Salkic says international community and OHR failed to prevent discrimination in RS, because they failed to do anything with regard to that (Hayat)

RS Vice President Ramiz Salkic, asked if discrimination towards the migrants coming from the RS is based on the fact that majority of migrants are Muslims, answered affirmatively. Asked why the B&H Prosecutor’s Office does not sanction the responsible ones for organizing celebration of 9 January, i.e. the RS Day, Salkic reminded that by marking the day, the RS authorities do not comply with the B&H Constitutional Court’s (CC) decision and they should be sanctioned. “The authorities are encouraged by the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H failing to sanction them and every year they expand their activities related to marking of the illegal RS Day. On the other hand, non-compliance with the B&H CC’s decision is in violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and it is a duty of the High Representative, who is in charge of protecting the DPA, to react. However, the High Representative also does not react,” said Salkic.  Asked about the expectations with regard to the arrival of a new High Representative, Salkic said it is questionable if the new High Representative will arrive, and even if he does, if he will have the support for necessary activities. “I believe that current High Representative (Valentin Inzko) would have done a lot in the past period if he had the support of those who are the most important, i.e. international factors in B&H’’. He added that the new High Representative cannot change the situation without strong support from the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) and world powers “but so far, they have shown that we have not been of great interest in the past period’’.  Asked to what extent the DPA awarded those who committed crimes during the war, including the Srebrenica genocide, Salkic said there is injustice in leaving the region where the genocide had been committed under control of those who had committed the crimes and naming a part of the country after one people. Salkic added the DPA did end the war, but it also imposed the B&H Constitution that does not represent the will of the people “the Constitution that limits us with regard to the development of the country, its functioning and creating better living standard’’, and noted that this causes frustration among citizens because those who represent them are viewed as incompetent, but “those who represent them do not have the necessary mechanisms because we need to improve life in this country with those who would like this country not to exist”. Asked how necessary are the changes with regard to the Constitution, Salkic said that under the current Constitution and political powers, primarily from the RS, it is difficult to make progress “with their main goals being blocking of the NATO path and the EU path of B&H”, noting that they are declaratively for the changes, but the changes would imply existence of the rule of law. Asked if the current activities in the RS related to education, media and policies are the continuation of the Second SANU Memorandum of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salkic said that the Second SANU Memorandum, implies creating the environment of impossible state and “creating conditions so that the future sustainability of this country is impossible”. He added that the current RS government is implementing war goals from 9 January and 12 May 1992 “creating the environment in which it is impossible for the returnees to stay there, i.e. all citizens who do not declare themselves as Serbs and Orthodox”. Asked how much attention should be paid to the recent statements by Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik regarding Banja Luka being the Serb city and the necessity of dividing B&H into three parts, Salkic said that there should be more reactions to each of Dodik’s statements, “in a way to make it clear that will not be allowed. Primarily, Banja Luka has never been the Serb city”. Salkic added there are enormous consequences of ethnic cleansing and systemic discrimination “conducted at the moment over those who are not Serbs in Banja Luka”, illustrated by only three Bosniaks out of 758 employed in the Banja Luka City Administration. Asked if the response by B&H Presidency members Zeljko Komsic and Sefik Dzaferovic, i.e. refusing to meet Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, was the right one, Salkic said it was the only logical move and the one expected by majority of B&H citizens. Asked if such a position should be taken in future, Salkic said there should be clear position and principles, i.e. “via amendments to the Constitution, reform of the DPA we need to have goals set, and if we persist we will be respected”. Asked how important the unity of pro-Bosnian political parties is in such a situation, Salkic said some goals should be beyond political parties, “we need to say that the region where the genocide was committed cannot be under control of those who celebrate war criminals and who incite hatred among new generations. It has to be our common goal, not only of the pro-Bosnian political parties, but of all dedicated to the truth and justice”. Asked what is like the life of the returnees in the RS, Salkic said that discrimination leaves horrible consequences and added that children of those who returned 25 years ago are now leaving the country due to inability to find employment, not being Serbs. He added such situation can be prevented by ensuring status right of the returnees, i.e. implementing Annex VII of the DPA and Article 97 of the RS Constitution, related to the employment structure in the RS according to the 1991 Census. Salkic noted that the international community failed in these processes, primarily the Office of High Representative (OHR) in B&H, because “they failed to do anything with regard to that, and we, as elected representatives of Bosniaks in the RS do not have constitutional possibility to influence decision-making process, which is also the consequence of the High Representative’s decision, when amendments to the entity Constitutions were imposed”. Asked why the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H decided to question all three B&H Presidency members in relation to the ‘Icon’ case, Salkic said: “I presume it is to ease the burden and the pressure on Milorad Dodik and to relativize the case”. Salkic added it is a common practice of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H when protecting specific people.

Cvijanovic: 9 January to be marked in line with epidemiological measures; RS does not mind any holidays celebrated in FB&H, FB&H should not mind holidays celebrated in RS (ATV)

RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said on Wednesday that 9 January as the Day of the RS will be marked this year, while honoring epidemiological measures. She announced that the protocol was a subject to certain amendments which means that an official ceremony will be held, but spectators will not be allowed. The ceremony will be broadcast live. Cvijanovic said that 2020 was a difficult year and that the heroes of the year were healthcare workers, who will receive recognition for their efforts on the Day of the RS. Commenting on SDA’s request to the B&H Prosecutor’s Office to prosecute organizers of 9 January celebrations, Cvijanovic said that such statements do not contribute to reconciliation, economy, or any other growth. “It should once again be reminded that there is no law on holidays at B&H level,” Cvijanovic said. She also stated that she does not mind about any holidays marked in the FB&H and that she sees no reason for this to bother the FB&H. “Unless they are concerned that we are too tied to identity and the RS, however this should not bother anyone in B&H,” Cvijanovic said. Cvijanovic said that abovementioned requests are bad messages for the coexistence in B&H. Cvijanovic said that January 9 is marked as a tradition and that all legal requirements in regards to this holiday were respected and adopted. She reminded that there is no Law on Holidays at B&H level and if everyone had a rational approach to this law it would have been adopted by now. Cvijanovic said that since the law was not adopted everyone is celebrating how they wish.


B&H Presidency holds phone consultations regarding situation in Lipa (Nova BH)

The B&H Presidency held on Wednesday evening phone consultations on the engagement of B&H Armed Forces’ (AF) units in equipping the migrant camp in Lipa outside Bihac. The consultations were held upon the request of B&H Ministry of Defense. Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic proposed to the B&H Presidency to discuss a conclusion which proposes the formation of a report on all donated funds and equipment for the management of the migrant crisis in B&H at the next special session. He also stated that the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) needs to be tasked with creation of a report on the total amount of funds and equipment donated for the needs of migrants and refugees in B&H that were received by the EU and other international organizations during 2020. Komsic proposed that the amount of funds allocated by B&H, entity, cantonal and local authorities is displayed in the report as well. The Cabinet of Komsic issued a statement on Wednesday reading that during a telephone session of the Presidency that commenced on Wednesday, Chairman of the Presidency Milorad Dodik was refusing to present his stance on Komsic’s proposal to request the B&H CoM to submit report on funds, equipment and money donated as assistance for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in B&H by the EU and other organizations in 2020. The statement reads that Dodik was also refusing to present his stance on engagement of B&H AF in providing assistance to civil bodies in Bihac.

B&H politicians on latest political events in the US (N1)

N1 brings reactions of politicians from B&H to the latest political events in the US that sparked big attention of the public in B&H. Leader of SBB B&H Fahrudin Radoncic reacted by saying that the world needs the US as a stable ally and there is no dilemma that things will be in this way. According to Radoncic, the outgoing US President Donald Trump did something unthinkable and unacceptable, but luckily, US President-elect Joseph Biden – a politician of exceptional wisdom and life experience – was elected. Leader of SDP B&H Nermin Niksic expressed hope and he strongly believe that the US – friends, partners and allies of B&H - will find the strength and the wisdom to make the process of transition of power in a peaceful way. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic commented in a statement for the daily the recent events in the USA and the storming of Capitol by supporters of US President Trump. “We are shocked by the terrible scenes in Washington. Our hearts re with the people of USA. We believe in the power of their democracy. USA will recover from this crisis with new President Joseph Biden, I am sure of that, and return to the international scene even stronger than before,” said Turkovic.


Croatia condemns US unrest, peaceful transition of power most important (Hina)


Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman on Wednesday reacted to the unrest at the United States Capitol and underscored that "upholding democratic institutions and peaceful transition of power is of utmost importance." The minister said that he was following with great concern the events in Washington D.C.. A crowd of supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the building of the Capitol, the seat of American democracy, in an attempt to overturn the election results and stop a Congress session which was supposed to certify the victory of Democratic President-elect Joe Biden. Police retaliated by drawing weapons and shooting tear gas. In the meantime, police officers in full riot gear began to pull away Trump supporters from the Capitol.


Markovic: I condemn violence in Washington, peaceful transition of power is the bedrock of democracy (CdM)

DPS MP Dusko Markovic has condemned the violence in Washington and has congratulated the US Vice President Mike Pence on the defense of the democratic principles. He said that the peaceful transition of power is one of the foundations of democracy. “I condemn the violence and an attempted alteration of the will of the American people expressed in the elections. Peaceful power transition is the bedrock of democracy. Congratulations to Vice President, Mike Pence, for his defense of democratic principles. I congratulate the new President Joe Biden and his team for the final confirmation in the Congress of 3 November electoral results.”


US Capitol riots: We hope that democracy will prevail (Republika)

Worrying and disturbing scenes from Washington D.C.. Violence has to be condemned and we hope and believe that democracy will prevail, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said Thursday after the storming of the US Capitol in Washington, DC. That’s the only way forward, Zaev added.

Riots and violence are not the road to a stronger democracy, but a way to undermine it. The information from Washington is worrying, but at the same time we are convinced that democracy, freedom and law will prevail, VMRO-DPMNE said following Wednesday’s storming of the U.S. Capitol. Such events are only in favor of those who create divisions, do not want unity among the people, and those who have a personal benefit behind the curtain from unpleasant incidents. Violence is not the road to a stronger democracy, VMRO-DPMNE stated.


Ruci sent congratulatory letter to newly elected leaders of US Congress (Radio Tirana)

The speaker of the Assembly Gramoz Ruci has sent congratulatory letters to the newly elected leaders of the United States Congress: Senator Mitch McConnell, Chairman of the Republican Senate Group; Senator James E. Risch, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Senator Charles E. Schumer, Chairman of the Democratic Senate Group; Senator Robert Menendez, Chairman of the Democratic Group on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Representatives Gregory W. Meeks, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee; Representatives Steny Hoyer, Chairman of the Democratic Group in the House of Representatives; Representatives Kevin McCarthy, Republican Group Speaker in the House of Representatives; Representative Michael McCaul, Chairman of the Republican Group on the Foreign Affairs Committee in the House of Representatives. After congratulating them on their election or re-election to senior positions in the Senate and the House of Representatives, Ruci, underlines that “Albania is proud and committed to the strategic partnership with the United States of America. “A stronger America is the guarantee of a better, safer and more just world.” Ruci also expressed the conviction that under the leadership of the new leaders, “The United States Congress will continue to contribute to the support of bilateral cooperation between Albania and the United States, the development and European integration of Albania and the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, which will to enable mutual recognition between the two countries as well as Kosovo's membership in the UN and other international organizations,” writes Ruci.

Meta welcomes decision for Kosovo Security Force to participate in peacekeeping missions (Radio Tirana)

President Ilir Meta has described as historic the decision of the Kosovo Parliament to send the Kosovo Security Force to peacekeeping missions around the world. In a status on social networks, he writes that Kosovo fully deserves to be a member of NATO as soon as possible and will have the unstinting support of Albania in this regard. "I welcome the historic decision of the Kosovo's parliament to authorize the Kosovo Security Force to participate in peacekeeping missions around the world, in cooperation with the US military. Kosovo clearly proves every day that it is not just an important factor for peace, stability and security. "in the region, but also promoter of these values in the world. Kosovo fully deserves to be a member of NATO as soon as possible and will have the unstinting support of Albania in this regard," wrote the President of Albania.