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Belgrade Media Report 10 May


Vucic: We will not agree to humiliation in the region, especially from those who greeted Hitler’s army with flowers (B92/Tanjug

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed the ceremonial academy on the occasion of the Victory Day over Fascism. "It is difficult to speak on this day. Fewer countries have ever essentially marked the Day of Victory over Fascism. It is our job not to hide the truth, not to allow lies to win," he said. He pointed out that the change of history is most present in our region. "Terror was carried out primarily against the Serbian people. It is impossible to count all the places of suffering. What is a man who kills another man? Is he killing an entire nation?" he asked in his speech. He added that innocent victims are holy, and that for Serbia, Victory Day is not only the end of the Second World War, but the end of suffering. "Serbs had to pay a high price. Whoever thinks that Serbs rushed into the war against Hitler - he does not know Serbs. Our capital will say no to any future Hitler. Serbs have taken up arms everywhere in Yugoslavia," the President emphasized in his address. No other nation has said "no" as loudly as Serbia said in the 1940s, Vucic was clear. "We must not and will not forget. With that, we will forget the students from Kragujevac and Stojanka's three sons. The Serbian people, wherever they were, clearly said no to fascism," he said. If we forget fascism, it would mean that it could return in an even more grotesque form, and victory is written with the truth, he said and referred to the situation in the region. "We will not agree to humiliation in the region, especially from those who greeted Hitler's army with flowers and who carried out a pogrom against Serbs at the time when Belgrade was destroyed. Perhaps that would be understandable if it were not for the brutal and senseless attempts to make executioners out of Serbs instead of victims. "Serbs are guilty today because they opposed the Ustashas," the President said, adding that Serbs would no longer remain silent and flatter each other. "I am proud of the fact that I am leading a generation that wants to preserve peace. They will not bow their heads and tell lies to please someone. They will bravely and with dignity protect the past, present and future. You can insult Serbian people, each of us, but as President, I will not allow you to insult the victims, and when you say that I am arrogant and rude because I speak the truth in person, my answer is that I will be even more arrogant and rude because you humiliated Serbia, so that we had nowhere to go. However, the spirit of freedom in Serbia had risen, so you will not be able to crush Serbian nation ever", he said. He also pointed out that Serbia is progressing faster than its neighbors and is helping everyone who needs it. "We also want you to catch that rhythm, to worry a little less about how to do something against Serbia," Vucic sent a clear message. At the end of his address, the President of Serbia bowed to the shadows of all those who died, but also to the living heroes for everything they did for Serbia and our people. "For us, 9 May is the Day of Victory, the Day of Symbol, the Day of Hope and the Day of Triumph of Good over Evil, the victory of life over death and the victory of the victim over the executioner," concluded Vucic. Ceremonial Academy on the occasion of the Victory Day over Fascism was held at the National Theater, in the presence of President Vucic. The ceremonial academy at the National Theater was also attended by the Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina Milorad Dodik, Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic, Serbian Ministers Nikola Selakovic, Branko Ruzic, Nebojsa Stefanovic, Gordana Comic, Aleksandar Vulin, Darija Kisic Tepavcevic, Zlatibor Loncar, Tomislav Momirovic, Jadranka Joksimovic, Nenad Popovic and Maja Gojkovic. BIA director Bratislav Gasic, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic and political representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija were also present. The ceremony at the National Theater was organized by the government's Committee for Nurturing the Traditions of the Liberation Wars of Serbia. Victory Day over Fascism in the Second World War – 9 May, as a national holiday in Serbia, is marked by a series of events over the weekend, from laying wreaths, through concerts to fireworks, and on that occasion an honorary artillery fire was heard from the Sava Terrace with the highest military honors. The City of Belgrade, the Russian House in Belgrade and the Immortal Regiment organized a series of two-day ceremonies, with the support of numerous media partners and organizations dedicated to nurturing a culture of remembrance, on the occasion of celebrating the Day of Victory over Fascism and marking the 80th anniversary of start of World War II.

Botsan-Kharchenko: Serbia, Russia together against attempts to rewrite history (Beta)  

Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko said on 9 May that Serbia and

Russia had always been on the right side of history, which included World War II, and that they stood together now in the noble and paramount task of resisting attempts to rewrite and distort history. In honor of Victory Day, Botsan-Kharchenko placed wreaths on a memorial plaque dedicated to Red Army soldiers in Belgrade's Republic Square together with Serbian Innovation and Technological Development Minister Nenad Popovic, Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin, Deputy Mayor Goran Vesic and Belgrade Russian House director Yevgeny Baranov. Botsan-Kharchenko said Victory Day was a day shared by Serbia and Russia. “A sacred day of

immense importance, a day that turned the tides of history and the development of civilization and predetermined the development of Europe, and even the entire globe, for decades and centuries to come, and we believe and are laboring for this to be forever in the right direction.”

Vucic: Serbia will never allow Jasenovac, Storm to happen again (Beta)  

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Donja Gradina on 8 May that a new Jasenovac and

another Storm operation would never happen to the Serb people again, and that this was guaranteed by “a small, not too big Serbia, yet one that is prouder, more powerful and more dignified than it has been in the past 30 years”. “We have lost lives and property, but we must never lose our memories - the only obstacle to new crimes,” Vucic said at a ceremony marking

Remembrance Day which commemorates the victims of crimes committed by the Ustashe in the

Jasenovac concentration camp. Vucic said that the Serbs were the nation that suffered most in the region, “and no one in Europe, the world and the region will say this is true, numbers and facts notwithstanding”. “We condemn the crimes committed on our behalf, which sets us apart from hypocrites, and this is where our strength lies,” he added. Vucic said that, “Serbia knows that it needs to find its greatness in its own backyard, not someone else’s, and that it needs its neighbors, and that its neighbors need her,” adding that work and cooperation were the only answer life had for everyone. Vucic underlined that it was very important to remember that peace was the most important thing for the Serbian people.

Europe firm in its position that Serbia's future is in EU (Tanjug/Beta

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic attended on Saturday night the reception marking 9 May – Europe Day, organized by the Head of the European Union Delegation to Serbia Sam Fabrizi. In the Assembly of the City of Belgrade, congratulating everyone in Serbia and the EU on Europe Day, Vucic reminded that 9 May, the day when the great victory of freedom is celebrated, was won with huge sacrifices. Recalling Robert Schuman's visionary idea that peace will be preserved, the President said that this faith, although it does not always seem so, is also present in Serbia, as well as the hope that our concrete achievements, on the long path to EU membership, will be adequately valued. We hope that Serbia, with your help, support and criticism, will become a country that you will be happy to see in the European Union of Nations. I believe that with our support, help and criticism, we will also contribute to the EU becoming an even better place to live, Vucic said. According to him, full membership in the EU, with a compromise solution to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, is a way to achieve the goal and make Serbia orderly and successful, which would mean that we are on a good, European path. He told Fabrizi that the pandemic did not shift the focus of the EU from the region of the Western Balkans, as well as that the EU stands firmly on the fact that the future of Serbia is in the EU.

Petkovic: Kurti’s announcement of a lawsuit unfeasible (RTS

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said that the Prime Minister of the provisional institutions in Pristina Albin Kurti, instead of dealing with the populist delusion of his compatriots by announcing a lawsuit against Belgrade, should finally understand that he is no longer the opposition and political saboteur, but that he has been given a new responsibility.

“Kurti’s announcement of the lawsuit against Serbia, apart from being unfeasible, since self-declared Kosovo is not a state, is another attempt to divert public attention from the fact that Pristina has no answers to the social and economic expectations of citizens,” Petkovic said.

Threats of lawsuits, just like threats of creating the so-called “Greater Albania”, he added, is an attempt to destabilize the situation in the region, given that Pristina still has dangerous hopes that it could somehow profit in such a scenario. He emphasizes that the stability of the region, economic and democratic development is the only reasonable way out of the post-conflict psychosis in which, according to Petkovic, a part of the society in Kosovo and Metohija is still trapped. “That is why dialogue, from which Kurti is persistently escaping, is the only chance for a peaceful outcome and resolution of disagreements, and the sooner Pristina understands that, the greater the chances for overcoming the accumulated social and economic problems in Kosovo and Metohija,” concluded Petkovic.

Selakovic to Zagreb: No good-neighborly relations without sincere wish (RTS

The Serbian Foreign Ministry retorted that Zagreb must stop deceiving the public and feeding untruths and stereotypes about Serbs and Serbia, emphasizing that Croatian diplomacy has deviated from the principle of good neighborly relations. Responding to the announcement from Zagreb, Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic notes that, if something is hysterical and absurd, it is through the claims that were made from Zagreb. “Some call you over the Greater Serbia aggression, and at the same time talk about deploying your army on one part of the territory of Serbia, someone tells you about disrespecting borders and the necessity of not changing them, and considers illegal appropriation of part of your country’s territory quite normal,” Selakovic pointed out. Referring to the mention of “camps” on the territory of Serbia during the conflict of the 1990s, Selakovic says that it is absurd for someone to talk about it without having faced his own past - the Nazi creation of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) and a series of camps that represented the “death industry”. Selakovic reiterated the Foreign Ministry’s stance on investing in good neighborly relations and refraining from provocations.



Sattler: B&H’s future on EU path can be bright only with maximum engagement of local politicians (FTV


On the occasion of Europe Day – 9 May, the Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Johann Sattler stated on Sunday that creation of the EU has started 71 years ago and B&H has aspired to the EU for decades now. He stressed that B&H’s future on the EU path is still uncertain, but it can be bright only with maximum engagement of local politicians. “The agenda is far-reaching and demanding. Constitutional amendments to tackle democratic accountability and non-discrimination, the timely and thorough implementation of court decisions and the steps that will make the political, electoral and administrative system work much more efficiently in the service of citizens” Sattler said in his Europe Day message. FTV reminded that it seems that B&H authorities think that there is no need to rush the EU path and although they have been building bilateral relations with the EU for the past 25 years - the fact is that along with Kosovo – B&H is the only country in the Western Balkans that has not acquired the EU candidate status yet.

Day of Victory over Fascism marked all over B&H; Komsic: Fascism is often hidden in political ideas and ideologies of high-ranked and respected political officials; Dzaferovic: B&H is making progress on EU path, but blockades are created by retrograde policies (O kanal


On the occasion of 9 May, B&H Presidency members Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA) and Zeljko Komsic (DF) laid flowers at the Eternal Flame Memorial in Sarajevo. They conveyed a message warning that fascist ideology is still alive, stressing that the future is not about divisions, discrimination and separation, but it is about unity in diversity when it comes to both B&H and Europe. Komsic stated that by marking the Victory Day, B&H has chosen the side of civilization and democratic world long time ago, but that fascism is persistent. Komsic said for the media that fascism has different forms and is often hidden in political ideas and ideologies of high-ranked and respected political officials. Fascism is present even today and in the past years has been reflected in the ideas of those who would threaten the rights of another people to the benefit of their own rights, with many examples, i.e. joint criminal enterprise, the genocide, massacres. “The problem of those political structures is that they participate in democratic elections, democracy is such category that you have to ensure the right of everyone to participate in elections, they win votes, take power over the state apparatus, over the public scene, and then legitimize those ideas,” said Komsic. Komsic pointed out: “Remember that story about the non-paper that everyone says it did exist but some claimed it did not exist. It definitely did (exist) because it was published. It is a classic fascist story, so you (can) identify who you want and how you want, you can find out who participated in all that. I am not telling you anything new”.

Dzaferovic said that his message to people in B&H and worldwide that all should take dark fascism ideologies very seriously. Dzaferovic said that fascism ideology suffered military defeat, but it continues to live through the policy, not only in B&H, but in Europe as well. The more Europe is united, the resistance to fascism will be stronger. “We have witnessed in the past weeks here in B&H those retrograde ideas, we may freely say fascist ideas, because how else to call the intention to additionally divide B&H territorially and ethnically, to cut into living tissue of B&H, then fascist, i.e. neo-fascist idea”. Dzaferovic said the future is not in divisions, in discrimination, but in the unity and diversities when it comes to B&H and Europe. The most successful fight against fascism and all the dark ideologies is united Europe and without EU membership of all the Western countries, it is not complete and it should be realized by the European Union (EU). Dzaferovic added that B&H is making progress on the EU path, but the blockades are created by the retrograde policies. “Those powers that want divisions, the powers that do not fight against discrimination, the powers that do not respect the rights of all people in all parts of B&H, they will be recognized, and you know as well as I do, what these powers are,” said Dzaferovic.

Day of Victory over Fascism marked in Banjaluka; Cvijanovic underlines that RS wants to live in peace with its neighbors; Cubrilovic expresses hope that Serbs will always be on right side (BN TV


The Day of the Victory over Fascism was marked on Sunday across Republika Srpska (RS). The central ceremony was held in Banja Luka. BNTV reports that wreaths were laid at the memorials in Banja Luka by the RS high officials led by RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic, by Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov, representatives of the Union of Associations of Veterans of People's Liberation War (SUBNOR), the Third Infantry (RS) Regiment of B&H Armed Forces, and Mayor of Banja Luka Drasko Stanivukovic. On the occasion, Cvijanovic said: “We want to live in peace with all who surround us, we want to live in a stable region, in the region that has given so many victims for what are the ideals of this great, magnificent fight that has brought freedom to our people, but also shared that freedom with all other peoples’’.

Kalabukhov said: “I would like to once again express my great gratitude for the organization of this commemoration. It is a day of remembrance, a day of the pride”. Stanivukovic said that 76 years ago Banja Luka fought for its freedom “which it cherishes and for which even today it is fighting in different ways’’. He stressed the importance of marking the day so that nothing similar ever happens again to anyone. “This is one of the most important days in the history of mankind and that is why it is important that we commemorate it every year and learn lessons so that something like this never happens again to our people and to all the citizens of the world” stated Stanivukovic. Speaker of the RS parliament Nedeljko Cubrilovic congratulated this Day and expressed hope that Serbs “will always be on the right side”, and that Serbs “will have the reason to mark such dates, which we have to mark to prevent evil from happening again”.

B&H Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik who attended the event used this occasion to again convey political messages, deny the genocide and criticize the High Representative (HR). “In the last century, there were two attacks of Germans on this area and this year we have three, i.e. four HRs who keep going in for us, trying to present that we are ignorant and that they should be the ones to organize our region” Dodik stated. Dodik also said: “Celebrating this day of victory, we are proud of the fact that we were on the side of the great victory of World War II. It cannot and will not happen that those who tried to accuse Serbs of alleged genocide back in 1991, that it can pass. Serbs never attacked anyone, Serbs never went outside their territory, Serbs never committed genocide”.

Working group of opposition parties for changing Election Law of B&H agrees that changing B&H Election Law is necessary and urgent process in order to prevent further electoral corruption (Oslobodjenje

Working group of opposition parties for changing the Election Law of B&H a few days ago reached full agreement on how changing the B&H Election Law is a necessary and urgent process in order to prevent further electoral corruption in the pre-election period, during the elections, but also after the entire process. Representatives of SDS, PDP and DNS have discussed this political platform. Representatives of SDS, PDP and DNS stressed that the opposition in the coming period will insist on introduction of optical readers and video surveillance at polling stations, as well as on making it impossible for non-existing political parties and candidates to have their members of polling station committees. Representatives of SDS, PDP and DNS also concluded that voting by mail has been completely compromised and that from now on voters should exercise their voting rights at diplomatic-consular representative offices of countries in which they have residence. They also concluded that it is necessary to increase the electoral threshold from three to five percent. However, it remains unclear who will be partners of the opposition from the RS in this initiative. Spokesperson for PDP Anja Petrovic told the daily that representatives of all caucuses in the B&H Parliament are part of the Interdepartmental Working Group, adding that she hopes that there will be agreement on all important changes to the B&H Election Law. "We are not convinced in the good will of the Prud-Excise coalition of SNSD, SDA and HDZ B&H to change anything because such election law is ideal for them. But reality that they will have to accept, just like other parties dealing with changes to the election legislation, is that changes to this law are necessary," Petrovic underlined.

Some political factors in RS condition general elections 2022 with reshuffling of B&H CEC, some in FB&H condition it with changes of Election Law (Nova BH

Nova BH noted that it seems that pre-election campaign for general elections 2022 in B&H already started. Reporter noted that some political factors in B&H have been conditioning elections. While SNSD insists to change the current convocation of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H, HDZ B&H conditions elections with amending of the Election Law of B&H. Leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik has been claiming that the current convocation of B&H CEC is illegal and illegitimate, and it has to be changed. Reporter noted that most important issue in FB&H is amending of the Election Law of B&H. SDA and HDZ B&H have been discussing this issue for years and failing to reach a compromise. Leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic deems that general elections in 2022 will be pointless unless the Election Law is changed. SDP does not believe an agreement to change electoral legislation will be reached. Sasa Magazinovic (SDP) stressed that the scenario from 2020 – when elections were postponed might repeat. Magazinovic went on to saying that they are afraid ruling parties might prevent allocation of funds from B&H budget to organize elections. Magazinovic stressed that they propose law enabling allocation of funds for this purpose from budget reserves. SDA has been insisting on all-comprehensive changes of the Election Law and implementation of the ECHR’s rulings. Vice President of SDA Sefik Dzaferovic said that they are not optimists this will happen. Dzaferovic stressed that they will not accept any blackmails and conditionings.

Journalist Rubina Cengic deems that mechanism of political blackmails in B&H is nothing new, adding that in the end citizens always pay a price. Reporter noted that newly formed inter-agency work group will attempt to find solution concerning amending of the Election Law. Reporter commented that besides representatives of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), representatives of the Parliament of B&H participate in work of this work group, adding that it is interesting B&H CEC does not have its representatives in this body.

Dodik: Only reality here is for the RS to secede and to live alone, to join in federal or confederal form with Serbia, but that is contrary to western interests (RTRS


Serb member and Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said he has not seen another ‘non-paper’ from Brussels, that envisages public engagement of the European Union (EU) in the Western Balkans, noting that those documents are non-binding attempts to express someone’s opinion, but also that those who would want “more rigid behavior here’’ create conditions for that. “I think that there has never been stronger belief among Serbs, at least among the RS and Serbian leadership, to say this is our interest, wait a minute. That what you are bringing to us, does not necessarily mean it is always the best or it is good. So, to only liberate such energy with Serbs is a great victory of all of us. And that energy today should be directed towards strengthening of the RS, regardless of what (High Representative in B&H Valentin) Inzko or anyone else says. The only reality here is for the RS to secede and to live alone, to join in a federal or confederal form with Serbia, but that is contrary to the western interests. We know that. But the question is not why we are against them, but, why they are against us. This is our country, not theirs,” said Dodik.

Tegeltija claims that there are no legal grounds to deny Serb people in B&H of right to self-determination or to abolish RS (Face TV

Advisor to the Chairman of the B&H Presidency (Milorad Dodik) Milan Tegeltija, asked whether or not there are legal grounds for entities to secede from B&H, stressed that the RS first and foremost wants respect for the DPA and the right to self-determination would be discussed as an option only in case there is no longer agreement and consensus about functioning of B&H as a state. He deems that the right to self-determination was never abolished and it is not in collision with the right to preservation of territorial integrity because states are formed on the basis of the right to self-determination. He explained there are no legal grounds to deny the Serb people of the right to self-determination because Serbs were recognized as one of peoples in B&H before signing of the DPA and UN charters allow peoples to exercise the right to self-determination. He disagreed that the right to preservation of territorial integrity of a state supersedes the right to self-determination, saying that this is only a theory because the right to preservation of territorial integrity has no legal grounds in any official document. He argued that the war in B&H started because territories populated by three constituent peoples were not strictly defined, which is no longer the case and the RS’ territory is now fully defined. He claims that the RS undoubtedly has internal sovereignty, meaning that it holds supreme authority over its territory and this is manifested in existence of the RS Supreme Court. According to Tegeltija, the RS was not granted its competences but they were agreed upon and the proof is in the fact the RS was mentioned in preamble of the DPA, specifically how the RS authorized then-Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to sign the General Framework Agreement for Peace on its behalf. He underlined that the RS would not be mentioned in preamble if it did not exist prior to signing of the DPA and the RS may not be a signatory of the DPA but it is one of sides in the treaty. As to possible abolition of entities, Tegeltija stressed that “the RS cannot be abolished whatsoever” mainly because the DPA as a peace treaty has set the conditions for peace at the end of the war in B&H and the RS is one of the conditions. Furthermore, he argued that there is a certain policy behind initiatives for abolition of the RS because proponents mostly advocate identical goals as those listed in SDA’s Program Declaration from 2019. He said that he believes SDA leadership is actually working on a secret project to form Bosniak national state but admitting to this would anger the Bosniak public and the situation is becoming unbearable because false accusations against the RS are used as a coverup and distraction. He explained that SDA leadership initially went for preservation of B&H as a state because Europe would not accept the formation of an Islamic state in the Balkans but in time SDA leadership changed its mind in favor of forming Bosniak national state after realizing the RS cannot be abolished. He noted that the problem for SDA leadership is small percent of territory populated by Bosniaks, which is why control over Federation of B&H (FB&H) and majorization of Croats are the first items in the agenda of SDA leadership as it looks for the best position to start negotiations over dissolution. He dismissed claims that the RS will be demanded to compensate the US agencies for reparations paid out to the victims as nonsense. He underlined that legal grounds for a referendum on the status of the RS are in its right to self-determination. He pointed out that it is crystal clear how the situation would continue to unfold in a hypothetical scenario where the majority of the RS citizens vote for secession of the RS and he does not know how 1.5 million Bosniaks can in any way conquer and occupy the RS and 1.1 million Serbs.

Inzko: Peaceful dissolution of B&H is contradiction and oxymoron because there will be no dissolution of B&H nor would it be peaceful (Face TV) 


High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko, asked to comment on possibility of peaceful dissolution and change of borders in the region as proposed in Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa’s non-paper, stated that peaceful dissolution of B&H is “a contradiction, an oxymoron,” because there will be no dissolution of B&H nor would it be peaceful and, in that sense, both he and B&H have strong support from Germany and many other countries. He reminded that former CIA Deputy Chief for the Balkans Steven Meyer created a document three years ago and wrote about change of borders in the Balkans and peaceful dissolution of B&H, adding that Meyer’s document was basically recycled and turned into Jansa’s non-paper but this is very dangerous and should be rejected automatically. He stressed that change of borders will not be discussed because it will not happen whatsoever. He deems that discussions should focus on how to transcend borders and took the region of Tyrol as an example of a region divided in three provinces and spreading across two countries but remaining complete without change of borders. He underlined that there will no formation of the Greater Serbia, the Greater Croatia or the Greater Albania because it is impossible to divide the population in the region along ethnic lines. Commenting on possible use of the Bonn powers, Inzko argued that the international community decided not to use the Bonn powers in the last decade although they would have been useful for the adoption of the new law on public procurements or the law on origin of property. He underlined that he really wants to use the Bonn powers to impose these laws but as far as removal of politicians goes, unity in the PIC is the main requirement.

Sattler: There is tendency to speak about B&H as failed state which is untrue and represents distraction of attention from essential issues (N1

The Head of the EU Delegation and EU Special Representative Johann Sattler, asked whether he agrees with leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik’s recent claims that “we live in an unbearable political atmosphere”, answered by saying: “I think that there is a lot of exaggeration, here in the region, especially in this country. There is a tendency to present things in a much worse way then they truly are. There is a tendency to speak about B&H as a failed state, to speak about B&H as an impossible country and this is really far from the truth. Of course, this country has its problems, it has a complex organization, but this really is unfair and it is not true. I would also say that this is a distraction of attention from the essential issues and if you ask me, there are only two essential issues at this moment – I believe that citizens would say the same - and the first one is health (sector). We are in the mid of the biggest health crisis in the past 50 years and of course, we have the biggest economic problems. Besides and in parallel with this, there is aspiration of citizens that this country becomes an EU member states, to achieve progress on the EU path. Therefore, these are the three issues in which citizens of this country are interested the most. Any other story on dissolution, change of borders, all this is distraction of attention and it will not happen.” Asked to comment on non-papers on B&H that were mentioned over the last couple of weeks and is it true that he supports the non-paper drafted by the Croatian Government, Sattler stated that in his opinion, there is too much talk about non-papers, too much talk about crazy ideas, i.e. ideas on change of borders in the context of the alleged solving of ethnic-related issues which neglect the essential problems regarding economy, health. He added: “I think that everyone is already tired of the extremist stances. Let us return to real job and tasks and letting go extreme stances like dissolution and separation. Just as like there will be no unitary organization and erasing of the entities, those are equally unreal and dangerous options. Let us focus on what is real.” Asked whether those who insist on these stories - like leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik - should be sanctioned, Sattler said that when it comes to sanctions, he always gives the same answer by saying that this tool is available and potential crossing of the red line should be a subject of assessment of EU member states. Sattler emphasized: “This is an instrument that is present for years and for now, it was not used.” Asked is a peaceful separation possible in B&H as some advocate it, Sattler stated that this really represents distraction of the attention and constant talks on this issue are really a waste of time. He underlined: “This is very dangerous and this will not happen. Thus, this really should be dismissed and somehow, return to some rational discussions, what is possible and what can be done for this country to progress because this country has a chance. We have the 14 key priorities. We should talk about these issues.”

Kalabukhov claims it is time to close OHR (N1


Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov spoke on the occasion of the Day of Victory over Fascism and claimed that the former Soviet Union had the main role in victory over fascism. At the press conference, Kalabukhov reminded of Russia’s stance on closing the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in B&H. Kalabukhov did not comment on whether this means that Germany’s candidate for the next High Representative in B&H Christian Schmidt will not receive the support of Russia. Kalabukhov said that the time had come to close the OHR so that the peoples of B&H could decide their own destiny, and that in (his) actions (he) was defending the position of international law and the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), of which (Russia) was the ‘guarantor’. Kalabukhov stated: “We will propose our arguments. We know roughly what the arguments of our partners are. We will talk about what will be for B&H in terms of the OHR. After 12 years, Valentin Inzko thinks that there is still work to be done for the international community in B&H. We think differently”. Inzko commented on Russia's position on appointing a new High Representative for Face TV: “Germany has constant contacts with Russia. You know that some topics are unpleasant, such as Ukraine and Navalny. Others are pleasant, such as the Nord Stream, because there are billions (of EUR) in question. Chancellor (Angela) Merkel said that she would build Nord Stream and they would get Russian gas, then she said that she would buy the Russian vaccine ‘Sputnik V’, and believe me, when we compare the vaccine and Nord Stream, the billions that are in play, Inzko and Schmidt are not the main topic, but one of the topics for sure”. Member of the German Bundestag Josip Juratovic commented on what the arrival of Schmidt could bring and said that this time, (the High Representative) could have the political support of official Brussels with a concrete agenda for the future. Juratovic stated: “By taking away the Bonn powers, we have made Valentin Inzko a toothless tiger and it is high time to realize that the problems with which Valentin Inzko was associated are not just the problems of Inzko, but the problems of the institution he represents”. N1 reminded that, following the expiration of the former High Representative in B&H Paddy Ashdown's term in 2007, the PIC Steering Board decided to prepare for the closure of the OHR while the Russian Federation insisted that the institution is abolished. The mandate was extended to one year with the promise that the Bonn powers will no longer be used and the year lasted a decade because the 5 + 2 program has not been completed yet, which are the conditions that B&H needs to meet. Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic said that he expects the High Representative to “do his job under the Annex 10 of the DPA, to help B&H, especially when it comes to the civilian implementation of DPA and in the case of the blockades, which are increasingly common in B&H, that he begins to sanction those who block processes in B&H”. Serb Member and Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik commented on the fact that two Austrians and one German has already been a High Representative in B&H and that another German is planned as the next High Representative. “Am I perhaps crazy? Should I not point out those facts? Why? Why would we need a High Representative 25 years after the war?” stated Dodik.

B&H CC rejects motion filed by Bosniak delegates in RS CoP (Nezavisne


The Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H has rejected the motion filed by the Bosniak Caucus in the RS Council of Peoples (CoP), concluding in its decision that entities, given the areas in which they have competences, undoubtedly have the right to develop international cooperation with other relevant subjects of international public law and international organizations. "Prescribing that the RS can achieve and coordinate cooperation with institutions and bodies of the EU, its member states, candidate countries and potential candidates, improve regional and institutional cooperation with the regions of Europe and the world, initiate, prepare and propose agreements and protocols for establishment and development of international cooperation and the like does not constitute a takeover of competences of B&H in the area of foreign policy" reads the decision of the B&H CC, which ruled that the Law on the RS Administration in the part related to the RS Ministry of EU Integration and International Cooperation is in line with the Constitution of B&H. The daily recalled that review of constitutionality of certain articles of the Law on the RS Administration was requested by the Bosniak delegates in the RS CoP to whom the very name of the abovementioned Ministry, as well as its competences, was disputable. As they stated in their motion for review of constitutionality, the very name of the Ministry implies that the entity ministry is responsible for the area of EU integration and international cooperation which "exclusively falls under the jurisdiction of the state of B&H." In their motion, the seven Bosniak delegates in the RS CoP stated that "intention of the legislator" in the RS is to create conditions via names of institutions which not only take away competences from the state of B&H from the domain of foreign policy, but also try to establish international subjectivity of the entity, primarily in the domain of foreign policy. Judge Mirsad Ceman had a dissenting opinion on the decision of the B&H CC, stating that the CC acted defensively and that it could have and should have been more explicit in this case, especially in defining certain constitutional categories, such as for example foreign policy. Representatives of the RS, on the other hand, claim that the B&H CC's decision was expected, that the RS is already cooperating with international organizations and regions in the EU and that the RS Ministry of EU Integration and International Cooperation is the one coordinating all those processes.  RS MP in the EU Integration and Regional Cooperation Commission Srdjan Mazalica told the daily that the B&H CC's decision and formulation that the RS has the right to international cooperation is in accordance with the Constitution and constitutional competences, adding that we would be surprised if it was decided otherwise. "As far as EU integration is concerned, more than 70 percent of the legislation to be taken from the EU is under the jurisdiction of the entities, therefore any challenge to the jurisdiction of the RS in the process of EU integration is crazy," Mazalica underlined.

Austrian novelist Handke decorated in Serbia with Order of Karadjordje’s Star; FB&H officials, representatives of victims’ families condemn this Serbian authorities’ move (FTV/AJB


Several days after he received the Order of the RS and ‘The Grand Prize Ivo Andric’ in B&H, controversial Austrian novelist Peter Handke was decorated in Serbia with the Order of Karadjordje’s Star. Reporter reminded that Handke openly denies genocide in Srebrenica, that he is constantly belittling the victims of war crimes and that he supported late Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic. That is why, according to reporter, this Nobel laureate is not welcome in Sarajevo, but he has friends throughout the RS, as well as in Serbia. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic awarded Handke the Order of Karadjordje’s Star, first division, for his exceptional merits in representing Serbia and Serb people in general. Handke told journalists on Sunday that he did not expect to receive such high honors, which is why he did not prepare a speech. Reporter noted that officials in Sarajevo believe that Handke does not deserve to be rewarded - because to deny the crime and deny the truth is the same as to commit the crime. “Whoever is defending something like that is fascist in my eyes, Handke included. He can be Nobel laureate squared… but deep inside, he is fascist”, said member of the Presidency of B&H Zeljko Komsic. Member of the Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic mentioned “civilizational shame” and “barbaric act”, although it was not clear from his statement if he was referring to crimes in B&H, the fact that Handke denies them or the fact that he was decorated in Serbia.


Grlic Radman: Non-paper on B&H, signed by six countries, will be discussed in Brussels on Monday (HRT1

Guest of HRT1 central news was Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman. The entire interview was dedicated to Croatia’s relations with its neighbors, in particular with Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro, in the light of Grlic Radman’s recent visit to Kosovo and Montenegro. Commenting on Serbia’s fierce reaction to planned deployment of a greater number of Croatian troops in Kosovo as part of the KFOR mission, Grlic Radman briefly said that Serbia needs to finally understand geopolitical reality, adding that Croatia has recognized the independence of Kosovo, and that Croatia is an EU and NATO member state - meaning that it has obligations and rights stemming from membership in those two blocs. Commenting on his visit to Montenegro, Grlic Radman said that he held a number of “very good and positive” meetings with high-ranking Montenegrin officials. Grlic Radman reminded that Western Balkans and the region’s European prospect will be discussed on Monday, May 10 in Brussels. Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs mentioned B&H only once, at the very end of the interview; he briefly said that non-paper on B&H, signed by six countries, will be discussed on Monday in Brussels as well. “We want affirmative B&H, equality of all peoples, of three constituent peoples,” said Grlic Radman.

Croatia’s President: Croatian troops in Kosovo not a provocation against Serbia (Hina

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said on Saturday that Croatia's decision to increase its troop contingent in Kosovo was not an act of provocation against Serbia. “That’s no provocation against Serbia. The Serbian authorities do not know how to get out of the trap into which they fell 30 years ago,” he said, referring to the Milosevic’s activities in Kosovo “that caused the war in Yugoslavia.” “The question of the independence and status of the Albanian people is a topic that brought about the war, actually several wars,” Milanovic said in response to questions from the press during a visit to the eastern city of Djakovo. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday that Serbia wanted to have good relations with all its neighbors, but that Croatia’s actions and statements showed no respect for Serbia and represent attempts to humiliate it. Vucic said that Croatia could have refused to send more troops to Kosovo as part of the NATO-led KFOR peacekeeping mission and that its decision was aimed at “further humiliating Serbia.”

Milanovic recalled that the Croatian contingent has been present in Kosovo for years and that its presence has been increased now that Croatian troops have left Afghanistan. “I have already signed this order, but had I been aware that it would bother them so much, we might have discussed it,” said Milanovic, who also serves as Commander in Chief of the Croatian Armed Forces. As for the presence of Croatian troops in other countries, he said that the Croatian military need not be always present somewhere and that its primary task was to protect Croatia. “Croatian soldiers are here, first and foremost, to protect Croatia. It is their main and sole basic task, while these other forms of cooperation are welcome,” Milanovic said. “Kosovo has been recognized as a state virtually by the entire EU, except five member states. I understand why two of them have not, but as for the other three, I do not understand because I followed this matter and talked with their prime ministers and presidents several times in the past,” Milanovic said.

Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Spain and Slovakia are the only EU members that have not recognized Kosovo, a former Serbian province, as an independent state. Milanovic also noted that the Serbian authorities “are doing all they can so as not to join the European Union, even though they are ostensibly negotiating.” “We are not on an equal footing. We are an EU member and they are not. If they want to join, we have to talk. It never occurred to us to treat other countries so rudely and presumptuously, for example, Slovenia which is smaller than Croatia but was an EU member (before Croatia joined the EU),” Milanovic said. Serbia was granted EU membership candidate status in 2012. It opened accession talks in 2014 and has provisionally closed only two chapters to date. “I do not want to use Croatia’s position to blackmail Serbia, but my impression is that there is no real ambition at all on Serbia’s part to join the EU in 15 years. That is perhaps because in that case all the people now ruling Serbia would have to look for their homeland elsewhere,” the Croatian President said.

Croatian FM says Minister Vulin promoting defeated Great Serbia policy (Hina

Serbia's Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin promotes the defeated Great Serbia policy and makes groundless objections against Croatia, Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said on Sunday. Croatia's recent decision to increase its troop contingent in the NATO-led KFOR mission in Kosovo seems to have angered Serbia's senior officials and prompted Vulin to say that Croatia and Kosovo are brothers by arms and accuse the Croatian foreign minister of wishing to deploy an occupying force on the territory of Serbia. Vulin is actually promoting the defeated policy pursued by Slobodan Milosevic, the conquering Great Serbia policy that had claims on what did not belong to Serbia, said Grlic, underscoring that on the other hand, Croatia has never demanded any border redrawing. Addressing reporters in Zagreb on Sunday after the opening of an exhibition on the occasion of Europe Day, Grlic Radman said that the objections directed against Croatia are Serbia's attempt to shun its responsibility and to divert attention; from its problems to non-topical issues. "When it comes to the international recognition of Kosovo, Serbia is aware of the international pressure. It is a reality, and it is projecting its frustrations onto Croatia," Grlic Radman said. He also recalled that Croatia has always supported and supports Serbia's integration into Europe. However, he warns that the journey to Europe goes via Croatia. In this context, he said that the situation in the Western Balkans is one of the topics on the agenda of the regular monthly meeting of EU foreign ministers set for Monday and that Croatia is not satisfied with a state of democracy in Serbia and its struggle against corruption and efforts to carry out reforms. He reiterated that Serbia also fails to comply with the 2004 agreement on protecting the Croat minority.


EU requesting from B&H to change Law on Elections this year (Vecernji list


Vecernji list daily notes that a document prepared by the European External Action Service (EEAS) reads, among other issues, that the EU wants from B&H to deal with key reforms this year, foremost with changes to the Law on Elections of B&H. According to the daily, the document in question was made prior to today’s (Monday) meeting of EU Foreign Ministers (FMs) in Brussels, underlining it is an issue strongly promoted by Croatia that was cited in Croatia’s non-paper from March of this year. According to the daily, the EU is finally discussing the issue of Western Balkans, which has been triggered by Croatia during Croatia’s EU Presidency and last year’s Zagreb Summit and by Croatia’s non-paper. The daily claims it had an insight into the EEAS’ document, which reportedly includes Croatia’s views and which will be presented by Croatian FM Gordan Grlic Radman . Among other issues, the EEAS’ document reads that integration of the Western Balkans into the EU is in political, security and economic interest of the EU since, despite big investments during the crisis caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, there is disappointment with the enlargement process in the region. As for B&H, daily reads that Croatia will focus on the concept of three constituent peoples that is compatible with the Sejdic and Finci judgment and will also insist that this, non-election year, is used to change the Law on Elections.


Krivokapic meets with Croatian Foreign Minister (Gov. PR Service

Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic hosted the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, H.E. Gordan Grlic Radman. Krivokapic expressed gratitude for the solidarity shown by the Republic of Croatia towards Montenegro, allocating ten thousand doses of vaccines. Prime Minister Krivokapic said that he hoped that both countries and the region would overcome the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic as soon as possible, and that the upcoming summer season would be successful for both countries whose economies are strategically dependent on tourism. The Prime Minister pointed out that he had previously cited last year's example of the Croatian tourism economy, as a model of how Montenegro must and can do business in the new circumstances. "We want to improve cooperation with all partners, especially with neighbors such as Croatia, with which we have exceptional cooperation in all areas. I hope that in the future, in the spirit of the European agenda, we will resolve the Prevlaka issue bilaterally and by forming the Commission," said Krivokapic. Krivokapic also informed Grlic Radman about the priorities in the accession negotiations, as well as about the complications that arose during the amendments to the prosecutorial laws, which were initiated by the parliamentary majority, with the aim of closing Chapters 23 and 24 as soon as possible. "We expect the help of the Republic of Croatia, so that Montenegro becomes the next member of the EU, and our values become an integral part of European values," said Krivokapic. Grlic Radman said that Croatia is ready to share with Montenegro all its negotiating and accession expert experience, especially regarding Chapters 23 and 24. "Croatia does not forget the help you sent us after the devastating earthquake that struck Petrinja and its surroundings. I also express my personal gratitude and convey greetings from your colleague and our Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. In the spirit of good neighborliness and best wishes, Croatia will soon deliver 10,000 doses of vaccine to the citizens of Montenegro," Minister Grlic Radman stressed.

Abazovic, Grlic Radman: We are building bridges of cooperation with neighbours (Gov. PR Service

Montenegrin Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic met with Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia Gordan Grlic Radman. Expressing satisfaction with the visit of Grlic Radman, the Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro stated that the relations between Montenegro and the Republic of Croatia are very good, characterized by regular political dialogue and meetings of officials at all levels. In that sense, Abazovic stated that the two countries have a common European and Euro-Atlantic perspective, and that this is a good starting point for further improvement of relations. Abazovic pointed out that Montenegro wants to resolve all open issues with the Republic of Croatia primarily through bilateral dialogue and direct communication, guided by the principles of friendship, good neighborliness and strategic partnership defined through the two countries' membership in the NATO. Abazovic pointed out that in addition to fulfilling the obligations arising from the membership in the Alliance and regional cooperation, full membership in the European Union remains a strategic goal of Montenegro and a commitment that has no alternative. In that context, Abazovic stated that Montenegro highly values Croatia's unequivocal support for the European perspective of the Western Balkans. Abazovic emphasized that as a responsible candidate for membership in the Union, Montenegro consistently follows the EU's foreign and security policy and contributes to EU peacekeeping missions. Considering the expectations from the upcoming tourist season, Abazovic and Grlic Radman stated that there is mutual interest in strengthening cooperation in the field of tourism, all in order to create conditions for better and more successful tourist season in both countries, based on complementarity and not competitiveness. In that context, Abazovic expressed hope that the announced flights from Zagreb to Podgorica will significantly contribute to the development of tourism and further improvement of economic cooperation between the two countries. The meeting noted that Montenegro and Croatia, as two friendly and partner countries, cooperate in many areas of common interest, and that bilateral cooperation is very developed in the fields of defense, internal affairs, education and culture. Abazovic and Grlic Radman agreed that there is significant potential for further improvement of cooperation, especially in the field of economy and economic cooperation. The meeting was an opportunity for the officials to discuss the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and express hope that both countries, as well as the region as a whole, will cope with health and economic problems.

Djukanovic: Relations with Croatia not only good neighborly, but also friendly and partnership-based (CdM

Relations between the two countries are not only good neighborly, but also friendly and partnership-based, through joint membership in NATO, Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic said during the meeting with Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic Radman, who is on an official visit to Montenegro. As it was announced from the president’s cabinet, Grlic Radman, with the pleasure of visiting Montenegro and meeting with the president, thanked Montenegro for the quick reaction and the help it provided to Croatia in repairing the consequences of the devastating earthquakes. Djukanovic said that he was satisfied with the meeting, highly appreciating the attention that Montenegro has from official Zagreb, of which an opportunity for high-level talks is an integral part. The President thanked the Minister for the donation of vaccines, which is a valuable friendly gesture towards Montenegro in the fight against the pandemic and support for the immunization process to be implemented as well as possible and to create conditions for population health and economic recovery. Djukanovic recalled that the path of integration, adoption of European and Euro-Atlantic values, is the only correct one and possible one for the Western Balkans as a whole.


Zaev-Lajcak: Skopje did its part, time for Brussels to deliver (Republika

Macedonia did its part, now it’s time for EU to deliver, because any other decision will undermine the Union’s credibility in the Western Balkans, tweeted Prime Minister Zoran Zaev after a meeting with Miroslav Lajcak, EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, in Brussels on Sunday. The meeting with Lajcak is the first in a series of meetings with senior EU officials that Prime Minister Zaev is having during his two-day visit to Brussels.

Osmani: Macedonia has met the conditions, it’s EU’s turn now (Republika

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said Saturday he doesn’t believe Macedonia and Albania will be separated on the EU path and the country should not give up on the possibility of an intergovernmental conference in June and a start of the talks even with a caretaker government in Bulgaria, since the decision is a technical one I believe that the process should be based on strict criteria for fulfilling the conditions. Macedonia has met the conditions and delivered, it is the EU’s turn now to deliver, Osmani said. Osmani reiterated that countries in the region such as Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro are closely monitoring Macedonia’s process towards the EU, i.e. watching how the EU will respond to our country, because as he said the country has atypical and rapid development in meeting the required requirements to start accession negotiations.


Dismissing the President: Socialists in a race against time (Tirana Times

The Socialist government is in a hurry to dismiss the President whilst still in control of a rubber-stamp Parliament. The motion to dismiss was formally submitted by General Secretary of the Socialist Party Taulant Balla and is backed by 55 members of parliament. The filing of which comes as a result of a lengthy and acrimonious public battle between the President and the government. Previous efforts of the Socialist Party to dismiss the President resulted unsuccessful. The Albanian Constitution allows for such motions to be brought forward only in instances when the president has acted in breach of constitutional norms or committed crimes of a grave nature. In their motion to dismiss, members of the Socialist Party argue that actions taken by the President represent breaches of constitutional norms. The president is accused of inciting political and civil conflict throughout the electoral campaign, an act which allegedly resulted in militants taking to the streets and terrorizing citizens. In particular, the President is accused of inciting an armed conflict in Elbasan which ultimately resulted in the death of a citizen. The President is also accused of scaring voters through statements such as “their hands will be cut” and encouraging the public to “take justice in their own hands”. Through these accusations, the Socialist Party seeks to assert that the President’s course of conduct represents a breach of principle of political impartiality. As further evidence, the signatories to the motion for dismissal point to the fact that the President has shown public support for opposition parties during the elections whilst verbally attacking public officials and ambassadors of foreign states. The President has dismissed the validity of the motion, labelling the efforts of the Socialists as “yet another attempt taken by the party-state to distract attention from the real issues with which the country is faced”.

The Procedure 

Dismissing the President is not an easy feat. After such a motion has been submitted, the speaker of parliament together with the chairmen of various parliamentary groups must decide whether to initiate the proceedings for dismissal. The motion would then be reviewed by a legal commission, which must in turn agree to invoke a commission of Inquiry in order to gather evidence regarding the alleged facts. After the commission has published a report regarding the validity of the motion, the parliament may choose to ratify the motion. A total of 84 votes are needed to ratify the motion. Once ratified, its validity will be examined by the Constitutional Court.

Running on a tight schedule 

In order for its efforts to succeed, the Socialist Party must act quickly. If such a motion were to be submitted after the next parliament has been invoked, ratifying the motion would require bipartisan support, given that in the recent parliamentary elections the Socialist Party secured less than the required 84 seats. It is very questionable whether such a motion would find support amongst democrats. In the current parliament, the Socialist Party enjoys the benefits that come along with an opposition which has been extremely supportive of its legislative efforts. The biggest obstacle which the Socialist Party faces in trying to ratify the motion is contained in section 4.6 of the Law “For the organization and functioning of Commissions of Inquiry”. Therein it is stated that such commissions may be invoked no later than 4 months from the date in which the mandate of the current parliament is to expire. Given that Parliament will be dissolved on the 9th of September 2021, the commission of inquiry must be invoked before the 9th of May.

Socialists on track to ratify motion for dismissal 

On the 6th of May, the legal commission, having already assembled and reviewed the facts of the case, presented parliament with a request to Invoke a commission of Inquiry, a request which will in turn be reviewed by parliament on the 7th of May. The legal commission rejected Mr. Meta’s request for a hearing, which would have given him a chance to submit his objections before the legal commission. Mr. Meta requested that the hearing be held on the 10th of May. Granting such a request would have effectively meant that the commission of inquiry could not have been invoked before the 9th of May. In all probability, the Socialist Party will manage to ratify the motion. It will then be up to the Constitutional Court to decide the legality of the motion, both in terms of substance and procedure. Although the Socialist Party has tried to ensure that the procedural aspects surrounding the motion were completed within the deadlines mandated by law, the swiftness with which this process was concluded may raise doubts as to whether the decisions of the various commissions were well-founded.