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Belgrade Media Report 22 July


If they make a decision on recognizing Kosovo, we will launch a derecognition campaign (Tanjug/B92

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic commented on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s intention to lobby for the recognition of Kosovo. “The agreement is in effect until September. If anyone makes a decision on recognizing Kosovo’s independence prior to this, we will immediately start a derecognition campaign,” he said. Vucic added that he respects Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, that we want the best relations with Turkey, but that we have our own country, our own interests, and that we will act in accordance with those interests.

Office: Persecution of Serbs continues (RTS

Members of the Kosovo police arrested on Wednesday at the administrative crossing Jarinje Srboljub Veselinovic (80), an internally displaced person from Kosovo and Metohija residing in Kragujevac, on charges allegedly related to property issues. As announced from the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Veselinovic left for Kosovo and Metohija with his son, but was first detained at Jarinje, to then be taken to Pristina, where he should be interrogated before a prosecutor. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija immediately provided a defense counsel for Veselinovic, who had been forced to leave his home in Gornje Selo near Prizren and become an internally displaced person. The Office also said it would turn to all relevant international actors regarding this case. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija said that the persecution and acts of revenge against Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, who are being arrested without any legal basis, justified by false accusations and fabricated testimonies, is in progress. “Related to that is today’s verdict against Risto Jovanovic, who was given a disgraceful sentence of six months in prison, just because he opposed illegal search and harassment of a nun in Gazimestan and showed affection for Serbs and Serbia. It is now clear why Albin Kurti did not want to agree with the EU proposal made in Brussels that both sides refrain from actions that could cause destabilization on the ground, because everything Pristina is doing is intended to cause destabilization in the area of Kosovo and Metohija. The increase in the number of serious incidents in the province speaks to that, and the arrest of Veselinovic, along with the disgraceful verdict against Jovanovic, is the most vivid testimony to the kind of persecution and revenge Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, or those who are inclined towards Serbia, are facing,” reads the statement.


Dacic: We are grateful for Italy’s support in EU integration (RTS/RTV/Tanjug

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said in Rome on Wednesday Serbia-Italy relations were on a high level and that his visit to the Italian capital was important for boosting bilateral relations and establishing a strategic partnership between the two parliaments. Speaking to reporters, Dacic said Serbia was grateful to Italy for being one of the countries advocating EU integration of Serbia and the entire region. “With Foreign Minister Di Maio, I discussed our bilateral relations, and we agreed that we have enhanced those relations significantly over the past few years. That applies to the political sphere and the economic sphere alike because Italy is our second-largest external trade partner, with external trade (with Italy) exceeding 3 billion Euros, and there are almost 1,250 Italian majority-owned companies in Serbia,” Dacic said. He said the relations with Italy had been lacking in terms of ties between the national parliaments, and added that the last visit to Serbia by a president of the Italian Chamber of Deputies had taken place in 2012 and that the last time a president of the Italian Senate had travelled to Serbia had been in 2015. He also said the last trip to Italy by a Serbian parliament speaker had been in 2017.

Attempts of Sarajevo to prevent construction of hydropower plant Buk-Bijela (Politika)

Acting upon motion signed by 24 Bosniak members of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives, B&H Constitutional Court (B&H CC) ordered a temporary suspension of joint Serbian and the RS project of construction of hydropower plant ‘Buk-Bijela’. B&H CC also ordered B&H Commission on Concessions to find a solution for the dispute between B&H and RS over the concession for the project which was granted by the RS within three months. Politika reminds that B&H Commission on Concessions, although it has been existing for 15 years, never granted a single concession. The daily also notes that many in the RS see the B&H CC decision as another piece of evidence proving that the Court is controlled by the political Sarajevo. RS officials claim that the location of the planned hydropower plant, although on the Drina River, is entirely located in the territory of the RS, which is why the RS had the right to grant the concession. B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik also described the B&H CC ruling as an attack against the RS which is undermining B&H. RS Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining Petar Djokic told the daily that everything related to the project of construction of ‘Buk-Bijela’ plant was done in line with laws, including the granting of concession. According to him, there is no reason apart from political motivation for anyone to obstruct this project which is very important for development of not only RS, but entire B&H as well. He underlined that he does not understand the decision of B&H CC, since B&H Commission on Concessions can only decide on concessions for projects located at the state border or the inter-entity boundary line. However, said Djokic, the politicians from Sarajevo want to prevent economic development of the RS and they cannot accept the fact that Serbia and RS are investing jointly in a project worth 520 million Euros. He underlined that Sarajevo politicians need to understand that their efforts to stop such projects are only undermining B&H.

He is “buying” Bosniaks by attacking Serbia (Novosti, by S. Misljenovic)

Attacking Belgrade and the Serb people whenever possible, using the position of the chair of the

B&H Presidency to present Serbia as B&H’s number one enemy and implement policies of SDA and its leader Bakir Izetbegovic, this will be the key tasks in the following eight months that will be executed by the Croat member Zeljko Komsic who is the new B&H Presidency Chairman, Novosti’s interlocutors estimate. SNSD’s Radovan Kovacevic stated that Serbs, Serbia and the RS can only expect attacks from Komsic. However, he noted, Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik will continue to oppose Komsic and his attacks, and reminded that Dodik has mechanisms at his disposal to block decisions which are detrimental to Serbs and the RS.

SNSD’s Snjezana Novakovic Bursac stated that Komsic can be expected to use every opportunity to attack the constitutional concept of constituent peoples. According to her, Komsic will synchronize his moves with policies of SDA and he will probably continue with destructive rhetoric aimed against the neighboring countries. SNSD’s Dusanka Majkic stated that Komsic, Izetbegovic and Bosniak member of B&H presidency Sefik Dzaferovic will continue attacking anything related to Serbs. According to Majkic, Komsic must continue following Bosniak policies if he wants to be reelected, and he will do that. Majkic underlined that attacks on Serbia bring political points among Bosniak voters, and Komsic is aware of that. Political analyst Darko Kuzmanovic stated that attacks against Serbia and attempts to depict it as an enemy to B&H are unrealistic, and they represent a cheap attempt at getting media attention and provoke a reaction.



US Embassy expresses full support to newly appointed HR Schmidt (Nova BH 


The fight for abolishing the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in B&H is increasingly present at international levels. After its opposition in the UN Security Council (UN SC) to the appointment of Christian Schmidt to the post of a new High Representative (HR) in B&H, Russia is now asking for abolishing of the OHR – by a decision that would be adopted in the UN SC. Some people in B&H say this is a “ray of hope”, others believe this topic should not be given any thought, while there are some that believe Russia’s attempt is pointless. Around ten days before Schmidt is set to arrive to B&H and before assuming his post, Russia asked the UN SC to schedule a session on its draft resolution on abolition of the post of High Representative in B&H and the OHR. It is yet unknown when the mentioned session might be scheduled.   

“We can confirm that Russia did ask for the United Nations General Assembly session in connection to the proposed draft Resolution. The exact date of the vote should be checked with the United Nations General Assembly, because the schedule of sessions falls under their responsibility” wrote attaché of the Russian Embassy in B&H Anastasia Gaydalenok. Russia’s request foresees abolishing of the OHR in B&H by 31 July 2022. China joined this initiative, but even prior to any vote it is clear that they will not have support of other UN SC members. A reaction came from the US Embassy in B&H. Its representatives showed full support to the newly appointed High Representative in B&H, Christian Schmidt. The US Embassy said that the process of closing down the OHR depends on whether B&H meets the criteria from the ‘5+2’ Agenda – a set of conditions defined by the Peace Implementation Council (PIC). The EUD stated that conditions for this agreed in 2008 have not been met, including distribution of state-owned property, fiscal sustainability and the rule of law. France as the current presiding country in the UN Security Council (UN SC) still has not responded to Russia’s request to include its resolution on abolition of the function of the HR in B&H into the agenda of the UN SC session, scheduled for Thursday.  


Cvijanovic says Russian resolution on OHR’s closure is solution that could save reputation of international community (RTRS 


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said on Wednesday that the resolution filed by Russia and China on abolition of the OHR is a solution that could save reputation of the international community after years of various experiments. She stated that a document on the OHR’s closure was sent to the UNSC for a vote at the initiative of the aforementioned countries, stressing that the time has come to “limit, abolish and isolate” the role of the HR.” Cvijanovic said that more tolerance and justice was expected when it comes to needs of the constituent peoples in B&H, noting that many strived to centralize the state instead of giving a chance to a decentralized state to achieve good results. She concluded that this is one of the things that led to stalemate in B&H.  

Cvijanovic said that the initiative of Russia and China “is a saving solution for the IC to save face since it has made many mistakes in B&H. It had an unequal approach and treatment and rather subjective opinion about what B&H is”. “It would be good if all that China and Russia intended would be achievable, and it would be good for this to finally be resolved, or at least limited in some way, and then eventually the post of the High Representative to be isolated or abolished – as something that the state does not need, something that finally shows that we are able to run things on our own,” said Cvijanovic. Cvijanovic also said: “Having someone who constantly tells you what to do, or someone who is a threat, that they can impose something, can do something, and what is the worst, to do something wrong, as they have done, is only regressing the country,” said Cvijanovic.  


Borenovic says key goal of everyone is to close down OHR in B&H as soon as possible (BN TV 


PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that ruling political officials should decrease tensions and conflicts in order to close down the OHR in B&H, because B&H cannot be a part of any organized society, including the EU, until the OHR is in the country. “I think it is the key goal for all of us to close down the OHR as soon as possible. Whether it is going to happen with resolutions, declarations or decisions of two or three big powers I am not sure, but, it should be discussed,” said Borenovic. He reminded that specific requirements need to be fulfilled “set, I think in 2008 as requirements to close down the OHR”, and reminded that the moment for that was already in 2006. “Fifteen years later, the High Representative is still here. The new one is coming, I hope the last one. And everything needs to be done, but that is the issue for the key political factors, if they are ready to work and build such relations so that the OHR in B&H is closed as soon as possible. There are resolutions and decisions that will probably be before the United Nations Security Council soon. In any case, our priority is that the OHR is closed down as soon as possible,” said Borenovic. He also said that B&H politicians need to show willingness and readiness for reducing of tensions, for cooperation and serious work, in order for foreign officials to take this country seriously and see that B&H leaders are ready to make their own decisions, without any supervision. Borenovic further said that B&H should be a mature society in which institutions will do their job without situation where someone will have powers and competences and a chance to use them as an undemocratic tool.  


Dodik: With his statement Izetbegovic attempts to restore political influence that SDA has lost; Other RS officials condemn Izetbegovic’s statement (RTRS 


Officials in the RS and Serbia condemned on Wednesday SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic’s “attempts to demonize the Serb people” in his statements given on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr religious holiday on Tuesday. They said that instead of speaking about coexistence, harmony and prosperity on great Muslim holiday, Izetbegovic “uncontrollably gave slander mantras about the Serb aggression, genocide and blood of martyrs for preservation of B&H”. They concluded that Izetbegovic remains as the main culprit for instability in B&H and the region and he inflicts the biggest damage to the Bosniak people. Commenting on Izetbegovic’s statements, RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic (SNSD) said that Izetbegovic is the one who closes doors of coexistence and joint future in B&H and that he has no capacity to live together with other peoples in the joint state. Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik (SNSD) commented that the whole world understands that civic war involving peoples is what happened in B&H but Izetbegovic is the only one who does not understand this, calling on Izetbegovic to read and try to remember the Dayton Peace Accords’ (DPA) qualification ‘tragic conflict in the region’. “By the story about aggression on B&H and looking at Serbia at the same time and by inventing ethnical cleansing and genocide across B&H, Bakir Izetbegovic attempts to restore political influence SDA has lost in a way to pretend to be a victim and call Serbia and Croatia the alleged disputable enemies,” Dodik assessed. He asked Izetbegovic who committed ethnical cleansing of Serbs in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) where his family has sovereignly ruled for three decades now.   

According to PDP leader Branislav Borenovic, Izetbegovic is one of the main culprits for the fact that wartime rhetoric of the past is still present in B&H. President of the RS Center for Research of War, War Crimes and Tracing Missing Persons Milorad Kojic said that Izetbegovic should explain the role of foreign warriors from Islamic countries as members of the so-called RBiH Army in his story about aggression on B&H.  


Dunovic to Vulin: Leave B&H alone (Dnevni list 


FB&H Vice President Milan Dunovic, reacted to a recent statement of Minister of Interior of Serbia Aleksandar Vulin, who was speaking about the ‘Serb world’. Namely, Dunovic told Vulin to leave B&H alone, arguing that Vulin does not know that the RS is not and cannot be a state. The FB&H Vice President added that stories about the ‘Serb world’ are nothing but the story about Greater Serbia. “Vulin does not understand that the RS is not and cannot be a state. He is building his ego by explaining us where he can and cannot celebrate his St. Patron’s Day and share bread. All this is, least to say, unserious stories, unworthy of someone who is obtaining the post of a Serbian Minister. It is truly concerning that Vulin, from the post of Interior Minister, has been conveying dangerous statements towards B&H for days. Mentioning of ‘Serb world’ is nothing but story about Greater Serbia and there is a question whether he is even aware of absurdity of his statements and dangers they can cause,” said Dunovic. He called on Vulin to do the job he is paid to do: “Minister Vulin, let me tell you something like one Serb to another: You cannot share bread with me, let alone B&H. Forget your boyhood dreams and dedicate yourself to a job that Serbian citizens pay you for. Leave B&H alone!” Vulin immediately responded to Dunovic, saying that he regrets that Dunovic is saying about the RS what SDA tells him to.  


Statements of politicians from region cause new tensions in B&H (EuroBlic 


Several statements of Croatian and Serbian officials have caused fierce negative reactions in B&H in recent period. Earlier this month, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic visited B&H but avoided visiting Sarajevo. During the visit, he made several comments about B&H Constitution and he claimed that Zeljko Komsic is not legitimate representative of Croats in B&H Presidency. Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic accused Milanovic of behaving like a rude guest in someone’s home, while Serb Presidency member Milorad Dodik defended him.   

According to the daily, many analysts believe that Milanovic is entitled to comment internal matters of B&H because Croatia and B&H share a long border, because Croatia is one of the signatories of the Dayton Peace Agreement and because Croatia may face security threats from B&H. The daily also commented that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic extended a hand of friendship by visiting Srebrenica where he was attacked, by visiting Sarajevo and inviting B&H Presidency members to visit Belgrade, and by offering vaccines for B&H citizens. However, the official Sarajevo would gladly “thank” him by recognizing the independence of Kosovo.   

Statements of Serbian Minister of Interior Aleksandar Vulin about the need to create the Serb world were also negatively received by Dzaferovic and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic. Political analyst Tanja Topic stated that relations with politicians from the region have a direct impact on political relations within B&H. She noted that statements of regional politicians often increase tensions and worsen relations within B&H. According to Topic, Vulin and Milanovic’s inflammatory statements are destabilizing B&H and the entire region. “Attitudes of policies from the region towards B&H are one-sided, only one’s own ethnic community is supported which can deepen animosities,” said Topic.    


HDZ B&H presents proposal for changes to B&H Election Law in IAWG (FTV 


HDZ B&H presented their proposal for changes to the B&H Election Law to the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) for changes to Election Law. The proposal discusses the division of the FB&H into three electorates for the election of the two members of the B&H Presidency. The regulation that one voter can vote for only one member of the B&H Presidency, either Bosniak or Croat ones, remained. The three electorates would be divided in accordance with the census. Namely, Electorate A would encompass all electorates where Bosniaks are more than two thirds of the population, Electorate B would be consisted of electorates where two thirds of the population are Croats, while Electorate C would be consisted of all other electorates. Following this division, the proposal of HDZ B&H states that the Croat member of the B&H Presidency would be the one elected through the majority of votes from electorates B and C, and a candidate elected through votes of the majority in electorates A and C could not be elected. The election of delegates for the FB&H House of People (FB&H HoP) would not be conducted through the appointment of one delegate from each canton. HDZ B&H proposes for the cantons to have different numbers of delegates which would be appointed. This way, the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC) would appoint five delegates, Central Bosnia Canton (CBC) would appoint four, West-Herzegovina (WHC) would appoint three, Canton 10 would appoint two, while Zenica-Doboj (ZDC) Posavina (PC) and Tuzla Canton (TC) would appoint one each.  


Komsic: HDZ B&H proposal is discriminatory (FTV 


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic commented on the proposal of HDZ B&H for changes to the B&H Election Law. He assessed that the proposal is fulfilling the dreams of this party. Komsic stated that the proposal of HDZ B&H is discriminatory since it does not implement the verdicts of the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR). He believes that HDZ B&H is not looking for a solution and they are not serious about their proposal. Oslobodjenje daily noted that portal published an article on Wednesday, which reads that Croat members of Inter-Agency Working Group for electoral reform (Borjana Kristo, Barisa Colak and Josip Brkic) have submitted their own proposal for changing the Election Law. According to the proposal stipulates introducing of new constituencies for election of B&H Presidency and Komsic was first to react to this saying that this is illustration of HDZ B&H’s dreams.  


Colak: ‘Civic B&H’ as advocated by Bosniak parties is unacceptable (Dnevni list 


Delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Barisa Colak (HDZ B&H) stated for Srna news agency that ‘civic B&H’, as advocated by certain Bosniak political parties, is unacceptable, arguing it is about the majority people taking all the decisions, which no judgment of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) requests. According to Colak, it is only the legitimate political representation that can secure equality of the three constituent peoples. He stressed that the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) for changes to the Law on Elections of B&H is expected to intensify its work and go through all the recommendations and proposals of changes and amendments to the aforementioned law by end of this month, including technical and political issues. Colak noted that, as far as technical issues are concerned, it would be very good to improve certain things pertaining to voters lists, polling station committees, voting by people who are not in B&H and several other issues. Colak however said he would give priority to issues that deal with ECHR judgments i.e. possibility that everyone can run for the Presidency of B&H and the House of Peoples, and equally so to decision of the Constitutional Court of B&H regarding the legitimate representation in the Ljubic case. Asked if B&H still needs an international tutor embodied in the High Representative (HR) 26 years after the Dayton agreement, Colak said the time has finally come to transform the role of the HR into the role of “the High Representative of the EU”. Speaking about request of Russia and China in the UN Security Council to limit Christian Schmidt’s mandate in B&H to one year, Colak expressed doubt a consensus will be reached about it in B&H, adding that it is a question if the international community will reach consensus either.  


Media carry comments to Covic’s announcement of blockade of elections (Oslobodenje 


Oslobodjenje daily comments that all events in B&H since general elections to this day can be described in a single word- conditioning and the latest one was made a couple of days ago by HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic, who openly said that there will be no general elections in 2022 if the Election Law is not changed. FB&H Vice President Milan Dunovic deems that Covic has no capacity to block the elections, adding that B&H citizens have right and obligation to vote in 2022 elections. “He thinks he has mechanism to change the Election Law in line with his desires, but it is obvious he does not have this mechanism and this will remain the dead letter. HDZ and HNS are not the only political option which need to have a word about future of our country,” said Dunovic. He argues that HDZ and Covic are trying to strip B&H citizens of democracy and the right to vote, arguing that they partially did the same in 2018 general elections, as HDZ is the sole culprit for the fact that the FB&H Government has not been formed. Dunovic deems that there are no reactions because lately Covic is making statements which are not based on reality. SDA Vice President Adil Osmanovic said that Covic first of all should act as a president of HDZ B&H which has five representatives in the B&H House of Representatives. He stressed that it is unserious to say that HDZ B&H will block the elections with that political capacity. Osmanovic said that Covic needs to understand that it is necessary to find solutions through direct talks with parties, which will be acceptable to the parliamentary majority, which is ready to approach the changes of Election Law. PDP Spokesperson, Anja Petrovic said that it is natural that SNSD has not reacted to Covic’s threats, reminding that even SNSD leader Milorad Dodik was threatening with boycotting of elections. She noted that these are nothing but hysteric reactions when SNSD and HDZ B&H came to realize they will lose the 2022 elections. President of B&H Central Election Commission Zeljko Bakalar rejected the possibility of blockade of elections, stressing that elections will take place even without the new Election Law. “They can be postponed as the previous ones, but that serves to honor to those who secure finances for elections,” said Bakalar. Chair of the B&H parliament’s Commission for Budget and Finances Dusanka Majkic (SNSD) told the daily that HDZ B&H has no possibility to block the budget or financing of elections. “Considering the current composition of B&H CEC, they will organize the elections. If three people vote, they will call it a turnout. Bakalar’s statement that elections will take place no matter how many people will vote, speaks about this as well. B&H CEC is composed as it was, and they will work as the foreigners in agreement with our opposition, say,” said Majkic. She argues that Covic’s statements are contradictory, as one day he says that agreement on electoral reform is close and the second one he questions holding of elections. Bakalar also stated that unless the Election Law is amended, B&H CEC will set date of general elections in May, 2022 in line with existing regulations of the Election Law.   


RTRS investigates why Erdogan lobbies for Kosovo; Dodik: Key to solution on this issue lies in dialogue – not in interference by foreign factors (RTRS 


RTRS reminds that Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated on Tuesday that his country works to increase the number of countries that recognize independence of self-declared Kosovo. He launched this topic ahead of his visit to Northern Cyprus, an unrecognized part of Turkey populated by members of Turkish minority. Erdogan’s statement triggered reactions of the RS and Serbian officials. Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik commented that key to solution on this issue lies in dialogue – not in interference by foreign factors, stressing that Turkey should respect reality in the region. He wondered why Turkey would not apply such kind of stances regarding Kosovo to the RS and support its secession from B&H, so that everyone can live in peace as good neighbors. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had a similar comment and he condemned Turkey’s interfering in internal affairs in Serbia. He made clear in his reaction that Kosovo has never belonged to Turkey, reminding that Kosovo belong to Serbia. Commenting on the issue, political analyst Cvijetin Milivojevic told RTRS that Turkey’s lobbying for independence of the so-called Kosovo is nothing new, but the question is how big maneuver space Turkey has to perform this threat. He reminded that Turkey has a serious conflict with the rest of the world regarding its support to the so-called Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, stressing that Erdogan’s statement conveys a political message that is primarily used within Turkey but that this message also encourages Turkish minority in Cyprus. Diplomat Zoran Milivojevic commented that Turkey was the second country that recognized the independence of the quasi-state of Kosovo, which indirectly leads to the international recognition of Northern Cyprus. He concluded that everything coming from Ankara should be taken seriously, especially because Turkey does not hide its imperial interests in the Balkans.   


Golic, Petrovic from Elektroprivreda RS and Serbian Mrdak meet to discuss issues related to construction of hydropower plant Buk Bijela (Nezavisne 


RS Minister of Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology Srebrenka Golic met in Trebinje on Wednesday State Secretary of the Serbian Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism Danilo Mrdak and Director of the public company Elektroprivreda RS Luka Petrovic. Attendees of the meeting discussed issues related to construction of the hydropower plant Buk Bijela on the Drina River. During the meeting, Golic expressed joy for the initiative of the Montenegro’ side for solving of open issues for construction of the hydropower plant Buk Bijela because in her opinion, the solution can be reached only based on good-neighborly basis and through conversation. During the meeting, the officials agreed formation of an expert team that will be tasked for checking project documentation in the next month as well as structure and planned work regime of the hydropower plant. Golic said that there was no political will in the past period for solving of the project of joint interest and the meeting represents big progress because they harmonized many issues and made a plan for future activities regarding construction of the hydropower plant. She also announced that delegations from Montenegro and the RS will meet in Foca after review of documentation and that they will visit the field. Mrdak said that technical-technological and civil-engineering solution that guarantees that the future artificial lake will not have negative influence on the River Tara is fully acceptable. The public company ‘Elektroprivreda RS’ stated following the meeting that participants expressed good will and readiness for cooperation and solving of open issues. Petrovic said that he is happy that all joint issues will be solved in a bilateral way and that the first meeting already brought some concrete results.  


SDA: B&H CC confirmed SDA’s stance regarding concessions for construction on Drina River (Oslobodjenje 


SDA issued a press statement which reads that the ruling of the Constitutional Court of B&H to instruct the B&H Commission for Concessions to solve the disputable issues between the state and entities concerning the awarding of concessions for construction of hydroelectric power plants on Drina River is confirmation of justifications of demands and stances of this party. “Awarding of concessions for construction of hydroelectric power plants on Drina River is, as we claimed earlier, a decision that is reached by the state of B&H and not lower levels. In case Commission for Concessions of B&H fails to solve the issue within three months, reaching of a final decision is in hands of the B&H CC i.e. state of B&H,” reads the statement. In this regard, SDA pays respect to SDA legal team which prepared the appeal for the B&H CC and they called on the RS to respect Constitution of B&H and constitutional competencies and to harmonize their policies with that.  


Report of Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Sufferings of All People in Srebrenica Region between 1992 and 1995 published online (ATV 


The report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Sufferings of All People in the Srebrenica Region between 1992 and 1995 was published on Wednesday on the websites of the Commission, as well as of the RS Center for Investigation of War and War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons. The RS Center for Investigation of War and War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons issued a statement reminding that the RS Government passed a decision on establishing this Commission, based on the conclusions of the RS parliament, and it was presented with the content of the Commission’s report at a special session on 11 June of this year. The statement also reads: “The RS Government is convinced that only an integral and true view of events in the Srebrenica region, but also in the whole of B&H, will contribute to strengthening trust and tolerance among the peoples in B&H, final reconciliation and coexistence of present and future generations.” Report, which reads that minimal number of imprisoned people who were shot later on is between 1,500 and 2,000 and maximal number is between 2, 500 and 3,000. “After the thorough investigation it is concluded that neither individual crime of genocide not genocide at all, was committed in Srebrenica. Even though the Commission does not consider murders in Srebrenica to be genocide, it recognizes the fact that thousands of people, mostly prisoners of war, were murdered in the most horrific way and that those responsible for these crimes need to be sanctioned,” reads the Report. It is stated that majority of victims were killed in the fights and attempt to reach the territory controlled by B&H Army. International team also cross-referenced names from the list of victims of the Potocari Memorial Center and learned that 36 names are registered by the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange i.e. they were issued IDs after the war. The report acknowledges that there was a plan of the RS Army to take control over the Srebrenica enclave, but also notes that this operation had great military significance. The Commission underlines that it is important to distinguish between the military attack on Srebrenica and the mass murders which took place afterwards. The Commission decided that the ultimatum set by RS Army General Ratko Mladic was in line with the existing practice, and most of the executions that followed can be viewed as direct result of refusal of Bosniak soldiers to surrender. According to the commission, crimes committed in Srebrenica cannot be compared to crimes committed by Nazis during World War II.  


Croatia's Euro coins to feature Nikola Tesla (Hina 


Croatia has selected a number of motifs that will be featured on its Euro coins including the distinctive red and white checkerboard pattern, a map of Croatia, the marten (the animal after which the Croatian kuna is named), Glagolitic script, and inventor Nikola Tesla, said Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Wednesday. To prepare for its entry into the Eurozone in 2023, at the earliest, Croatia initiated a process to select a number of motifs that would be featured on its iteration of the European currency. Two committees selected five of the design elements that were deemed acceptable to the wider public and had strong symbolic value, while Nikola Tesla was chosen through an on-line poll. “He was the one they liked best and made the final five. He pushed out Dubrovnik, if I understand correctly,” Plenkovic said. Dubrovnik had been one of the motifs in the on-line poll. Tesla, one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century, was born in Gospic, Croatia into a Serbian family. He is claimed by both Croatia and Serbia as a historic national hero.  


Bratic’s Ministry accuses public of unfair treatment: Dismissed headteachers should seek justice in court (CdM 


The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports claims that the dismissal of the current headteachers and the appointment of the acting headteachers of educational institutions is carried out in accordance with the law, and that the affiliation to the parties in power does not affect those decisions. The Ministry headed by Vesna Bratic accuses the public of unfair treatment, and believes that the whole case reminds of the noise and anger of the remnants of the former system which, frightened by the loss of privileges and the coming justice, resort to various atrocities. They call on all outgoing headteachers, who believe they have been illegally dismissed, to seek justice before state institutions and to protect their rights there. The Ministry claims that it is committed only to law enforcement and respect for the Constitution of Montenegro.  


Protest: We want neither fascism in Montenegro, nor Serbian World through our children (CdM 


A group of citizens has protested in front of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports because of the scandalous appointments in education. They say they will not allow fascism in Montenegro or the Serbian World through children. They are asking for the dismissal of the current minister Vesna Bratic. “I am glad to see here people from all state-building organizations and parties, but we are here as citizens to show that we will not put up with what is happening in Montenegro” says the executive coordinator of the 21. Maj Civic Initiative, Ljubomir Filipovic. The executive director of the Forum Luca association, Nebojsa Mrvaljevic, points out that the Government is regressing the educational system. “We do not agree to implement the Serbian World through our children” Mrvaljevic says. Jovo Rabrenovic from the Liberal Party points out that they have gathered by a great misfortune. He stresses that citizens must democratically oppose everything. The activist of the women’s and peace movement – the Montenegrin Women’s Lobby, Aida Petrovic, says that she is here to defend the fundamental values of Montenegro. Aleksandar Sasa Zekovic from 21. Maj points out that they don’t only care about the dismissal of Bratic, Visnjic, Kikovic… “We are asking for this Government to leave” says Zekovic. Marija Popovic, a member of the DPS Youth Council, says that the public in Montenegro is witnessing the dismissal of prominent people day by day, who have invested all their effort and knowledge in education. Nikola Zirojevic, the Social Democrats’ spokesman, says that Bratic’s intention to bring controversial persons to leading positions will not pass. Social Democratic Party MP Draginja Vuksanovic Stankovic says that, as they gathered spontaneously today, there will be hundreds of thousands of them in the defense of Montenegro. “We will build our country on the foundations of anti-fascism, and we will not allow the spread of Chetnik ideology. They do not have to love Montenegro but they must respect it. Whoever doesn’t like it is free to leave, there is no place for traitors here” said Vuksanovic Stankovic. The president of the 21. Maj Council, Miodrag Zivkovic, points out that they have gathered to say out loud that there will be no fascism in Montenegro. Bar residents will also protest against the events in schools. They are to gather on 25 July in front of the Topolica Sports Center.  


Is wide-eyed Brussels turning a blind eye to unprecedented revanchism in Montenegro? (CdM 


The depoliticization of the administration, the fight against corruption, nepotism and party-affiliated employments are the messages that the European Union has been emphasizing all these years when it comes to Montenegro. That is why it is surprising that the EU has been silently observing for months the aggressive revanchism that is being implemented at all levels and employments at management and operational positions. Employments based on party affiliation, political affiliation and family ties have become a new reality in Montenegro, and the institutions of developed Europe have not said a word about it. The most recent example is the dismissal of the headteachers of educational institutions, in relation to which a lot of dust has risen in the public these days. Under the citizens’ pressure, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports had to revise certain appointments, again looking for dumb excuses for those actions. Appointment of controversial teacher Rada Visnjic to the position of acting headteacher of the Yugoslavia primary school in Bar and then the withdrawal of that decision is just the tip of the iceberg. Time will tell whether the leaders in the EU are already on vacation, or are most intently turning a blind eye to all these events. The damage, however, has already been inflicted, so the “path is open” to any future government to dismiss and appoint as suits it best.  


Mickoski: The resolution should be accepted by all parties without excuses and conditions, thus we will strengthen the state positions (Republika 


The resolution should be accepted by all political parties, without conditions, seeking excuses, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski, answering a reporter’s question in relation to the resolution submitted by VMRO-DPMNE, which should be on the agenda of the parliament. Mickoski says that the acceptance of the resolution by all political parties will mean unity that we need to start negotiations with the EU, but above all, the state positions of Macedonia will be strengthened. According to my information, the resolution will be put on the agenda tomorrow (today). I expect support from all political parties in Parliament, without conditions and without demagoguery, without excuses, I expect to beyond ourselves and show unity which I think in the coming period will be very important in the process of starting negotiations with the EU and it will only strengthen Macedonia’s position as a state, Mickoski stressed.  


Zaev: I wish Albania good luck on its EU path if Bulgaria’s blockade continues (Republika/DW 


There is great disappointment and trauma among the citizens after the blockade of Macedonia’s European path, but the country will not look for alternatives, said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev in an interview with the Deutsche Welle. In the interview, Zaev talks about the chances of resolving the dispute with Bulgaria, the upcoming census, corruption in the country and the danger to the region if the delay in EU integration continues. I am optimistic because during our last visit on 17 June, we met with all the officials in Bulgaria, with the President, the Prime Minister, the Ministers and offered solutions to all open problems. And, there was full confirmation of that, but the need for a political government in Bulgaria remains. Therefore, I am optimistic and I can conclude that we continue to be completely friendly, because we are first neighbors and we should normally provide a better future for our young people, not to make mistakes in that direction. Therefore, I believe that a solution is possible after the formation of the new government in Sofia, said Zaev. Although the disappointment in the country after the Bulgarian blockade “is very big”, as Zaev says, there is still no alternative for the country.  

No, there is no other alternative for us than the only one: Macedonia’s EU membership. And the pact for Europeanization of our country is the most precious, the most important for all our citizens. We and the other countries of the Western Balkans are like an island in the European Union. We are completely surrounded by European Union member states. And at the end of the day, we want to continue and one day become full-fledged members of the European Union. And that is not because we choose to go to the European Union. That’s because of values. We strongly believe in European values. You know, there are many other interests here in Southeast Europe and the Balkans, from Russia, from China, from the rest of the world. But they do not offer values, democratic values, they do not offer European values, Zaev said. The postponement of the European future of the countries in the region, the loss of motivation becomes dangerous for all countries in the Western Balkans, as well as for Macedonia, says Zaev. Only a future in the EU gives us hope that the Europeanization of the country will continue. More rule of law, better health care system, European education system, good economy… he said. In recent years, Macedonia and Albania have been hoping for a positive decision for the start of accession negotiations with the EU, but the dilemma of possible decoupling of the two countries is increasingly being raised. The European Council believes that it will be easier to make a decision to start negotiations for the two countries in a package, than individually, said Zaev, but there is no problem for him if the two countries are now separated due to the veto from Sofia. Every country deserves to be judged by its results. I wish success and luck to our western neighbor, Albania, to continue on that path if this blockade from Bulgaria continues, said Zaev.