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Belgrade Media Report 26 July


Brnabic: Inzko’s decision further complicates the situation in B&H (Tanjug/RTS/Politika/Novosti

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic estimated on that the decision of the outgoing High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Valentin Inzko to impose a ban on genocide denial would further distance Sarajevo and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) from the Republika Srpska (RS). In an interview with Tanjug on Friday, regarding Inzko’s decision to impose amendments to the B&H Criminal Code, which prohibits and punishes the denial of genocide, Brnabic assessed that it is a bad political decision, which only further complicates the situation in that country. She said that with that decision, Inzko would expose all people and officials in the RS to even greater pressure, and stated that he made that decision now because he is leaving, and also because he wanted to leave it as his legacy, regardless of what decision would be made in B&H. She pointed out that it was a reckless and irresponsible decision, especially because it envisages a prison sentence, and reiterated that it was something that would create a big problem. I hope I am mistaken, but I think it is irresponsible to pass such important laws without talking to the constituent peoples, she pointed out. Brnabic pointed out that on the other side, Serbia is being reprimanded if it amends a single article of the law without a public debate, and something was done here without any public debate. That decision is a humiliation for everyone living in B&H. The citizens of B&H did not deserve that and that is not and must not be a democratic norm, said Brnabic.

Vucic: I am not supporter of imposed decisions, we have to build brotherly relations with Bosniaks (TV Pink

“I still have not received analysis from all of our legal experts about changes to the law, but what is important is that we, at every moment, pay respect to victims from Srebrenica. We all have done things we cannot be proud all the time. I think that the future in relations between Serbs and Bosniaks is of crucial importance. That is why we will have to talk, respect each other, and not see how we stab each other in the back”, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told TV Pink. He stressed that he wants “to build not only friendly but brotherly relations with the Bosniaks in the future”. As for Inzko’s decision, Vucic said he is not supporter of imposed decision “because they have never brought anything good, but only divisions”, adding that peace must be preserved and that one must look into the future.

Selakovic favors stability in B&H after law on banning genocide denial (Beta)  

In a comment on High Representative Valentin Inzko’s decision to impose a law prohibiting the denial of genocide, Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said in Belgrade on Friday that he wanted to believe that it would be possible to preserve stability, but that what the future held for this country was unclear. At a meeting with RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic, Selakovic said that Belgrade’s position is very clear, and imposed decisions and views, or laws in this case, have never been good for anyone, and have never led to prosperity, the Foreign Ministry quoted Selakovic as saying. “As the foreign minister of a state that is absolutely committed to promoting regional peace and stability, because without them no prosperity is possible, my position on this imposed decision is exactly as I have said,” Selakovic said. Cvijanovic said that the High Representative’s imposed decision was inadequate, inappropriate in a democratic context and regressive," warning that it "could throw Bosnia back in time by two or three decades.

Selakovic thanks Azerbaijan on clear position of non-recognition of Kosovo’s independence and support in international organizations (RTS/Tanjug/Beta/Politika

While on an official visit to Baku, Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic has said that the excellent relations between Serbia and Azerbaijan are founded on mutual understanding and a shared commitment to international law. Following a meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on Sunday, Selakovic stated that their talk reaffirmed the excellent relations between the two countries which are bound by the strategic partnership agreement, as well as their mutual support of each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, the Serbian Foreign Ministry’s statement reads. Selakovic thanked Azerbaijan on its “clear position of non-recognition” of Kosovo’s independence and support in international organizations. The two officials then discussed the enhancement of their countries economic cooperation, as well as collaboration in the areas of agriculture, construction, transportation, sports, education and health. They also spoke about the latter’s bilateral visit to Serbia planned for 10 October. Selakovic said the visit is of great importance given the fact that it would be the first time in 10 years that the head of the Azerbaijani state makes an official trip to Serbia, it further says in the Ministry’s report. The sixth sitting of the Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation between Serbia and Azerbaijan, co-chaired by Selakovic and Azerbaijani Labor and Social Protection Minister Sahil Babjev, is planned for 27 July. A business forum is scheduled for the same day, wherein both Serbian and Azerbaijani businesses and companies are to take part.

Vulin: Inzko decided to take revenge on all in B&H and to create tensions and divisions (Beta/RTV

Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin argued that “the truth cannot be imposed with a law”. “The outgoing High Representative Valentin Inzko decided to silence the Serbs and forbid them to tell the truth about the civil war in B&H,” Vulin said in a written statement. He said that at the very end of his mandate, Inzko decided to “take revenge on all the peoples in B&H” and to create tensions and divisions in the country. “What will happen if a million Serbs from the RS sign a petition in which they testify that there was no genocide, will everyone go to prison? And what will be the name of the prison where a million Serbs would suffer for the truth, will that prison be called B&H? And does the ban on testifying the truth apply only to Serbs in B&H, will Serbs from Serbia and all other free-thinking people who do not recognize what did not happen end up on an Interpol warrant? And will this law serve for the final showdown with Aleksandar Vucic and all of us who do not allow Serbs to become known as genocidal people? And what will Inzko and those who support him say if Serbia passes a law banning the recognition of Kosovo and Metohija as an independent state and puts all those who speak of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija as the state of Kosovo on a warrant?” Vulin wrote. “If there is reason, Inzko’s revenge on the peoples of B&H will be either prevented or ignored,” he said.

Jovanovic: Unitarization of B&H is goal (Blic/RTV

The leader of Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) Milos Jovanovic said that the decision of High Representative Valentin Inzko to prohibit genocide denial of “totalitarian and scandalous” and he argued that Inzko “did not do that by accident, because the goal is unitarization of B&H”.

Jovanovic also said that crimes were committed in Srebrenica but there was no genocide and he added: “We mention Srebrenica as a crime, but Croatians do not mention the ‘Storm’ operation nor Muslims mention ‘Kravice’. One cannot build peace on lies. Let us not buy false peace with stories on genocide”. Jovanovic concluded by saying that he thinks the RS should radicalize the current situation otherwise, should it accept Inzko’s decision, it will create a path to its disappearance because it will be labeled as genocidal creation.

Serbian human rights activists welcome ban on genocide denial imposed in B&H (N1

The ban on genocide denial which the international administrator in Bosnia imposed on Friday came very late but represents a step in the right direction and other countries in the region, most notably Serbia, should follow suit, Serbian human rights activists Sonja Biserko and Natasa Kandic told N1. “It came late, but better late than never, considering the extent to which the denial of genocide and of everything that happened in BiH has come in Republika Srpska, but also in Serbia,” the founder and president of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia Sonja Biserko told N1. “The next step is to impose such a ban in Serbia because it is the only way for the entire region to start looking at what happened in the 90s in an objective way,” she said. Biserko reminded that the RS, and even the leader of the strongest party in the RS Milorad Dodik, had admitted in the past that a genocide took place in B&H, but then withdrew the statement arguing that it was made under pressure from the international community. “However, now they will be under pressure from the international community to accept it again. And that is the only way to open up a perspective in B&H,” Biserko said. According to the founder of the Belgrade-based Humanitarian Law Center Natasa Kandic, Inzko’s decision is in the interest of all the victims and the protection of their dignity. She said she expects the decision to reduce and remove the space for glorifying war criminals. However, she argued that the part of the law which says that it sanctions those who deny genocide and glorify war criminals in a manner likely to incite to violence or hatred against such a group or a member of such a group is problematic, noting that this is difficult to prove. “If such a legal provision was to be passed in other post-Yugoslav countries, the political climate and the attitude towards victims and “heroes” (perpetrators) would change very quickly,” she said. “In any case, the leaders of the RS have been put in a situation by this decision of the HR where they will either respect it or face political isolation,” Kandic said.

Bosniaks call Inzko to suspend Dodik (Politika, by D. Stanisic) 

Following the decision of High Representative Valentin Inzko to impose ban on genocide denial, Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic warned officials of the RS to “be careful what they do, because these are very serious criminal acts, punishable by very strict prison sentences”. Dzaferovic also said that Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, thanks to his behavior, is on his best way to end up in a prison.  Commenting on reactions coming from the RS to Inzko’s decision, Dzaferovic threatened with abolition of the RS and said that the RS “was a difficult compromise made in Dayton in order to end the war and establish peace in B&H”. With regard to the report of the Independent International Commission on Sufferings of All People in Srebrenica Region from 1992-1995, which was published two days before Inzko’s decision, Dzaferovic assessed that the work of this Commission as well represents “an act of crime as in line with the new law”. President of Bosnian Academy of Science and Fine Arts ‘Kulin ban’ Suad Kurtcehajic claimed that Dodik, because of petition which the RS citizens started signing and also because of announcements on dissolution of B&H, crossed the red line and urged Inzko to “permanently suspend him” from politics. Kurtcehajic assessed that Inzko’s decision might “remain dead letter on a paper” unless he suspends Dodik and criminally process him because of genocide denial. Academician Abdulah Sidran said that the reactions from the RS are “hysteria” and he blamed Serbia for it.

Revenge (Novosti, op-ed by Dragutin Stevanovic) 

Stevanovic assessed that High Representative Valentin Inzko will leave his post in Sarajevo “with a suitcase full of dishonorable activities, while proving that he hates all people in B&H, but Serbs the most”.  Inzko “managed to cause immeasurable damage” to B&H at the end of his mandate and argued that the moment was not selected by coincidence: “He carried out his revenge only days after the Independent International Commission published its report in which it established that there was no genocide in Srebrenica. He tried to annul findings of experts by the law”. Inzko actually managed to prove what Banja Luka has claimed for a long time now – B&H is dysfunctional creation, a protectorate governed from a side, peoples’ interests come last and that the RS and Serbia are constantly being targeted. Inzko will leave a very hot seat and boiling political situation in B&H for his successor Christian Schmidt to deal with and it is high time for Sarajevo politicians to realize that the applause to Inzko might backfire on them because there can be no functional B&H without Serbs and Inzko will “leave B&H with his wallet full, while he served hatred to peoples in B&H”.



Dodik: RS will reject all decisions that were imposed (N1 


Reactions keep coming in after High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko introduced amendments to the B&H Criminal Code B&H which prohibit and punish denial of genocide and other war crimes. N1 learns that parliamentary parties in the RS will hold a meeting on Monday in Banja Luka to discuss this decision and their further moves. N1 also learns that opposition parties will attend the meeting. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik is convinced that one day, the RS will separate from B&H and declare its independence. He calls B&H an impossible and unbearable country, and he firmly says all imposed decisions must be rejected in the RS. “What we will do, and what I will propose in parliament, is for us to reject all impositions that were done by the High Representatives in the past; for us to withdraw from the agreement on the army, with the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H, for us to withdraw from all agreements; we only gave consent to two agreements, that is the army and the Armed Forces, the rest was imposed,” Dodik stated. He added that activities of the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H must be banned on the territory of the RS. “We will only accept those things that are stated in the Dayton (Agreement),” Dodik emphasized. “Of course, we will not raise revolutions or armed rebellions, but we will most certainly raise a political rebellion which will go so far in proving that B&H cannot function in any way,” Dodik said.   


Dodik starts petition against Inzko’s decision (ATV 


On Friday, Milorad Dodik launched, and was the first to sign, a petition expressing the position on the non-acceptance of amendments to the B&H Criminal Code imposed by Valentin Inzko. The petition also expresses an unequivocal position that, with respect for all victims, no genocide took place in Srebrenica. “Milorad Dodik calls on all citizens of the RS, that wish to, to sign this petition and reject the attempt of banning freedom of speech to all Serb people and citizens of the RS, as well as to sign this petition in a great number and thus reject any political manipulations of one part of the West that wishes only for Serbs in Europe to be characterized as genocidal”, wrote adviser of the Serb member of the B&H Presidency, Radovan Kovacevic. Petition will be available to all RS citizens. Spokesperson for SNSD Radovan Kovacevic confirmed the information and explained that the petition does not accept imposing of the law coming from the HR and at the same time, it says that the genocide was not committed in Srebrenica – regardless of respect for all victims. Kovacevic also said that Dodik calls on all citizens of the RS to sign the petition and in this way, “reject political manipulations of one part of the West that wants that the Serb people is the only people in Europe characterized as genocidal”. Kovacevic said: “We must not forget that Valentin Inzko did – this shameful act of imposing of such law – exactly on this day, on the same day when Austria (…) from where Valentin Inzko comes, sent an ultimatum to the Kingdom of Serbia after the Sarajevo Assassination”.  


Dodik and SNSD present video calling for citizens in RS to gather and defend themselves (O Kanal/BN TV 


Reactions continue among the RS leadership to Valentin Inzko imposing amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H banning denial of genocide and other war crimes. Milorad Dodik and SNSD presented on Saturday a video, calling for all RS citizens to gather together and defend themselves. Dodik started and was the first to sign a petition aimed at expressing position on not accepting the imposed law and expressed anticivilization opinion that the genocide was not committed in Srebrenica. “Truth that needs to be defended by laws and by force is not the truth, because if something is obvious and if something is real, then it does not need any defense. It is clear what truth Inzko defends and who applauds him for that,” Dodik was quoted as saying. BN TV reports that PDP Vice-President and representative in the RS parliament Jelena Trivic reacted on Saturday to the petition that SNSD launched against the decision Inzko. Trivic said that the whole petition idea lacks seriousness and is completely inadequate, bearing in mind that many RS parliament conclusions have never been implemented. She assessed that signing this petition is motivated by the political party interests of SNSD, which should not be the case when it comes to this matter, adding that SNSD and its leader Milorad Dodik hide behind people. RS SDS representative Nebojsa Vukanovic reacted to the fact that Dodik called on Serb judges and prosecutors to leave the judicial institutions at B&H level. In his reaction, Vukanovic said that Dodik should stop calling on judges and prosecutors to leave their posts in the institutions and instead leave his post as the B&H Presidency member “if he is the leader as he presents himself to be”. According to Vukanovic, Dodik is bluffing. He added that Dodik should call on SNSD officials to withdraw from the B&H Parliament and he needs to suffer the consequences of such actions instead of pushing others to get in trouble.  


Dodik: B&H can return to previous situation only in case of withdrawal of HR’s decision (ATV 


Milorad Dodik said that only in case of withdrawal of the illegitimate decision that Valentin Inzko imposed and that put survival of B&H into question, B&H can return into the previous situation. Dodik stated that everyone should know that the RS never undertook radical moves and that they only reacted due to pressures and threats in order to defend their survival and preserve the RS that is in his opinion, a political reality, but which some like Inzko and his international mentors, persistently try to disqualify. Dodik underlined: “This is not going to happen because peoples and leadership of the RS are decisive to defend their identity against any kind of protectorate that does not exist anywhere in Europe but only in B&H.” Dodik said that everyone has to understand that all next reactions of the RS will only be answers to illegitimate and usurping behavior of the outgoing HR and part of the international community.  


Sarovic: I see no future for B&H without urgent abolition of High Representative (Nezavisne 


SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said in an interview to the daily that he “secretly hoped” the HR would not impose law on genocide denial but it “unfortunately happened”. He assessed that reintroducing the use of the Bonn powers is a “bad message,” regardless of reason why they were used. “This is bad news for B&H because I see no future for this country without urgent abolition of the HR,” stressed Sarovic. He also said it was a pity that the resolution on abolition of the HR’s role proposed by Russia and China at the UN Security Council did not pass. He said he blamed current authorities for the “revival” of the role of the HR, explaining that they triggered it with their stance about some important issues. “They are among the main culprits we are in this situation,” he added. Asked if HR Valentin Inzko imposed the decision to make his biography look better, Sarovic said this was not done by Inzko alone. “He did not do that alone either for his calculations or his biography but this decision was made at some other place,” according to Sarovic. Asked if this means he expects that new HR Christian Schmidt will be also imposing decisions, Sarovic replied that he will hopefully not but that it might happen. He deems that the RS’ response to the imposed decision should be smart and wise, and that the RS should find a politics where it will not be a “black crow or a disturbing factor.”  


Judge Blagojevic resigns after Inzko imposed amendments to Criminal Code, stresses OHR cannot impose laws (Dnevni list 


Judge of the District Court in Banja Luka Milan Blagojevic has resigned from the abovementioned position after the decision of HR Valentin Inzko to impose amendments to the Criminal Code. Blagojevic called Inzko’s decision “tyranny”, underlining that the OHR has no right to impose laws. Blagojevic underlined that no UN body, UN member and members of “legally non-existing” Peace Implementation Council have the right to decide in another state instead of competent institutions of a state in question. Blagojevic also argued that the OHR does not have and cannot have, under any source of international and local law, the right to impose laws. Blagojevic reminded that “the item 11.2. of the Bonn conclusions reads that the council ‘welcomes the intention of the OHR’ to use its authority. The word ‘welcomes’ does not mean that the council authorized the OHR to impose laws. The council was not in a position to authorize the OHR to do anything, because its existence was not stipulated by any source of laws”.  


Viskovic: RS institutions will undertake number of moves that will make it clear B&H can no longer function in this way; Cvijanovic: B&H that functions on dialogue is unsuitable for HR (ATV 


RS Vice President Radovan Viskovic said that shameful imposition of the decision on amendments to the B&H Criminal Code and the upcoming answer of institutions of the RS represent a turning point for further destiny of the RS and preservation of its sovereignty.  He said that institutions of the RS will undertake a number of moves that will make it clear that B&H can no longer function in this way. Viskovic is convinced that this will not be just an expression of will of political leadership of the RS, but a single stance of all citizens of the RS.   

RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that B&H that functions on dialogue is not suitable for outgoing HR Valentin Inzko and those who stand behind him, but the kind of B&H that will always be unstable, adding that they produce instability in order to have something to deal with in this area.  


Izetbegovic says relativizing truth, attempts to equalize sides in war is preparation for linking rights of Albanians in Kosovo with rights of Serbs in B&H (Hayat 


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated on Sunday that relativizing the truth, non-recognition of the genocide, attempts to equalize the sides, and presenting the aggression against B&H as a tragic conflict and a civil war in which all three sides committed crimes is the preparation for linking the rights of Albanians in Kosovo with the same rights of Serbs in B&H. “The truth about the aggression against B&H and the crimes of the Serbian state against Albanians prevents such linkage,” Izetbegovic was quoted as saying.   

Head of B&H's Islamic Community welcomes ban on genocide denial (N1

The ban on genocide denial which the HR in B&H imposed represents “a glimmer of hope for a brighter future” and an opportunity for the country to move forward, said the Head of the Islamic Community in B&H Husein Kavazovic. The law changes that Inzko imposed stipulate prison sentences lasting between six months and five years for anybody who “publicly condones, denies, grossly trivializes or tries to justify a crime of genocide, crimes against humanity or a war crime.” According to Kavazovic, this decision to impose the ban was long-awaited, “although we all hoped that the domestic legislative bodies would adopt it.” Kavazovic said that in the years after the war and after the facts about what happened in B&H were established by domestic and international courts, “not only was there no confrontation with the past in some circles, but the denial of genocide and other systematic crimes and the glorification of war criminals have only intensified since recently.” “That is why this is an important and courageous step on the way towards facing the past, building peace and restoring trust,” he said, stressing that the decision represents “not only a symbolic sign of justice for the victims and their families” but also a concrete step which means that those families who will no longer have to witness those who escaped justice gloat about their loss. This is a unique opportunity to stop the denial of genocide and glorification of criminals for the sake of future generations, and an opportunity for all in B&H to move forward, pay tribute to all innocent victims and clearly condemn policies that led to division and crime, the religious leader said. “This is the only right decision and a glimmer of hope for a brighter future in this area where there will be no room for criminal ideologies and bearers of hatred and discord among peoples” he said, adding that “one should never lose hope in God's justice and good people.”


US Embassy to B&H: Threats related to dissolution of B&H are unacceptable and contrary to DPA and B&H Constitution (O Kanal 


The US Embassy to B&H has reacted to statements by Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik related to the RS secession, stating that actions and threats related to dissolution of B&H are unacceptable and contrary to the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the B&H Constitution that do not give the right to the entities to secede. “The RS is an integral part of B&H and the isolation is not in the interest of its citizens. Leaders should turn to the key tasks of the democratic management and reforms, and all the victims of wars in B&H deserve justice. The US remains strongly committed to B&H as democratic, multiethnic and independent country with indisputable territorial integrity and future that is best guaranties in the Euro-Atlantic community,” reads the statement by the US Embassy to B&H.  


EU: Revisionism and genocide denial are contrary to fundamental European values (Oslobodjenje 


Asked to comment the announcements of member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik that he will launch the process of dissolution And prevent work of B&H institutions on the RS territory following the decision of Valentin Inzko to Amend B&H Criminal Code, statement issued in the HQ of European Union- Brussels reads that revisionism and genocide denial are contrary to fundamental European values. “Let us be clear: Revisionism and genocide denial are in contradiction to fundamental European values”, reads the statement. EU also called on B&H political leaders to refrain from inflammatory and divisive rhetoric, as well as any steps that could jeopardize EU perspective of the country.  


German Embassy to B&H: Denial or even glorification of war crimes and genocide are unacceptable (N1 


The German Embassy to B&H sent a message saying: “Denial or even glorification of war crimes and genocide are unacceptable and hinder B&H on getting closer to the EU. All politicians in B&H are invited to actively confront them.” Political analyst from Berlin Bodo Weber said via a video link that Inzko’s latest decision is more personal than it has a wide support of the international community, adding that he fully understands and supports goals in this case. The German Embassy to B&H said this law should be a starting point for discussion, led between all political subjects in the region, on concrete peace implementation. “Relativization, denial or glorification of war crimes and genocide are inhuman and they harm the remembrance of the victims. The Federal government supports all efforts which consolidate the foundations of peace and prosperity in B&H, including the work of the High Representative. Reconciliation and trust building remain matters that must have the biggest priority for all local and international actors. With his decision, the High Representative clearly emphasized how important the matter of reconciliation is for the future of B&H,” the Germany Embassy wrote.  


NATO HQ in Brussels: Denial of genocide is unacceptable; support to territorial integrity of B&H and urged B&H leaders to refrain from divisive rhetoric (Fena/N1 


NATO remains committed to partnership with B&H and reconciliation in the country, Fena was told from NATO Headquarters in Brussels. “The Srebrenica genocide was one of the worst crimes in Europe since the end of World War II. B&H has come a long way in restoring trust between communities. For reconciliation to continue, the way forward must include acknowledging the suffering that has occurred,” the NATO HQ responded to Fena when asked for a comment to announcement of Milorad Dodik on initiation of dissolution process and prevention of work of B&H institutions in the RS. Denial of genocide is unacceptable for NATO. NATO stressed that they will remain dedicated to the partnership with B&H and reconciliation in the country. NATO allies clearly expressed support to territorial integrity of B&H and urged B&H leaders to refrain from divisive rhetoric.  


Zakharova: We are disturbed with interference of HR in internal issues of B&H as sovereign and independent country (N1 


Director of the Press Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova stated on Friday that they are deeply disturbed with grave and absolutely unacceptable interference of outgoing HR Valentin Inzko in internal issues of the sovereign and independent European country of B&H. She added that his decision - in the part that incriminates denial of crimes of some categories - is nothing but a flagrant abuse of powers in terms of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in B&H from 1995 and a direct violation of policies approved by the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board in order to transfer the entire responsibility to local sides. She said that illegal activities of Inzko contradict to his Dayton mandate of a non-bias and objective mediator.    


World media report about Inzko’s decision and remind of genocide committed in Srebrenica (N1 


Media all over the world reported about the decision of HR Valentin InzkoN1 reported that aside from analysis of the decision, media reminded of the genocide committed in Srebrenica, decisions of The Hague Tribunal and political moves in the past decades. World media underlined parts of the HR’s decision; The Associated Press reported that Inzko banned denial of the genocide as response to attempts of Bosnian Serbs to deny volume of massacre in Srebrenica. Reuters reported that Inzko imposed amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H that stipulate imprisonment against those denying the genocide. The US’ Washington Post and ABCnews, Canadian Toronto Star and Euronews reported that Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik criticized the OHR and the West as bias towards Serbs in B&H. Besides, they reported that the UN Security Council rejected a resolution proposed by Russia and China aimed to take away Bonn Powers.   


Schmidt: I am going to B&H with clear expectation to restart development process that stopped (Oslobodjenje/FAZ 


New HR Christian Schmidt told Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) that he thinks the HR has almost absolute power in B&H, which gas complicated ethnic and political structure. During his visit to FAZ, the new HR spoke about very comprehensive authorities of his new post in Sarajevo. “I am going there with a clear expectation to restart the development process that has stopped”, said Schmidt. Daily noted that this means that he will approach critical issues in a dedicated manner and this most of all regards territorial integrity of B&H. “Division of territory is most certainly not that”, Schmidt said, adding that he is “Angela Merkel’s idea”. The daily further carries representative in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Nermin Mandra (SDA), who said everyone in B&H must respect decision of the UN Security Council, which rejected the proposal to end the mandate of the HR, stressing it is the international community’s clear message to everyone in B&H. B&H HoR representative Zlatan Begic (DF) stresses that Schmidt is in fact a product of the German policy, which is good for both the citizens and B&H. Delegate in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples (HoP) Ivo Tadic (HDZ B&H) believes that the last HR (Valentin Inzko) has lost credibility to a large extent and that it is good that new HR is coming from Germany. Member of HDZ 1990 Presidency Zdenko Kolak believes that new HR coming from Germany will bring positive things to everyone in B&H.  


IAWG holds session, discusses changes to Law on Elections proposed by HDZ B&H and DF (BHT1 


The Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) tasked with proposing changes and amendments of the B&H Law on Elections held a session on Friday and its members were engaged in heated debate about proposals submitted by HDZ B&H and DF respectively. According to the presenter, HDZ B&H’s proposal was strongly criticized for introducing segregation, anti-democracy and even racism while few members of the IAWG warned that the election of members of the Presidency of B&H on basis of place of residence is discriminatory and encourages denouncing of identity. Members of the IAWG from HDZ B&H stressed that it is high time to stop other peoples from electing Croat member of the Presidency and they are completely against DF’s proposal to abolish ethnic denomination for members of the Presidency by electing one member from the RS and two other members from the FB&H. Member of the IAWG Sasa Magazinovic (SDP) argued that if HDZ B&H’s proposal is adopted, Serbs or Jews in the FB&H will have to publicly denounce their identity and run as candidates for Croat or Bosniak member of the Presidency or to move to the RS, declare as Serbs and run for Serb member of the Presidency. Member of the IAWG Borjana Kristo (HDZ B&H) said that HDZ B&H proposed what it sees as the solution but the party is open and willing to engage in talks and reach compromise. Kristo (stated that they are open to other solutions enabling legitimate election of representatives of constituent peoples in B&H Presidency as well as in B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP). Member of the IAWG Alma Colo (SDA) deems that it is possible to find a solution and it is high time for B&H to implement the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights. Members of the IAWG from SDP and DF harshly reacted to HDZ B&H’s proposal. DF’s Dzenan Djonlagic said that it is now clear key political actors have completely opposite stance about future of B&H. Magazinovic (SDP) said that HDZ B&H’s proposal is racist and leads to new divisions. Next session of the IAWG is scheduled for September.    


Grlic Radman and Schallenberg both express support to Inzko’s decision (HRT1 


During their meeting in Zagreb on Friday, Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman and Austrian Minister for European and International Affairs Alexander Schallenberg both expressed support to the decision of outgoing Valentin Inzko on banning the denial of genocide and the glorification of war criminals and their crimes – genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Grlic Radman said that Croatia supports this decision if it moves in the direction of “strengthening cooperation and seeking the solution that will meet all of the needs expected of the HR, and that is a stable, functional and prosperous B&H”. Grlic Radman added that Croatia welcomes any decision that contributes to peace and stability as well as coexistence of the three constituent peoples and other citizens of B&H. According to Grlic Radman, Croatia has supported the fact that Inzko has been the HR in B&H all these years, and it also supports newly-appointed HR Christian Schmidt. Schallenberg said that there is intention not to use “such bombastic powers” in B&H anymore, but that, in this regard, B&H itself should create the prerequisites for no longer needing the HR with such far-reaching powers. “And as much as we can understand it being done mentally and emotionally, we regret that such measures had to be resorted to,” Schallenberg pointed out.  


Serb National Council commemorates Serbs killed by Ustasha in 1941 (Hina 


The Serb National Council (SNV) organized a commemoration in Banski Grabovac, near Petrinja, on Saturday for Serbs killed by the Ustasha in 1941, at which SNV president Milorad Pupovac said that remembering them represented resistance against those who wanted to downplay that crime. The ceremony commemorated 1,285 people killed on 25 and 26 July 1941 as victims of the Nazi-styled Independent State of Croatia (NDH) and participants in one of the most important Partisan uprisings in Croatia, the SNV said in a press release. “This area paid a high price for the decision to rise up, but despite that, they did not give up,” Pupovac said at the commemoration. “Celebrating the insurgents of this area, we are here first of all for the victims, the 1,285 Serbs… so that we don’t forget them” he added. “We wish future young generations not to be raised in the spirit of downplaying so that they don’t confuse the honorable desire of every people for its freedom, and for its own state if that is the price of freedom. The NDH was created by the Ustasha movement and those who want to see ‘God’s work’ in it should always face shame and a huge responsibility because of the evil seed which was sown in 1941 and which some think they should reap even today,” Pupovac said.  


Krivokapic: I reckon I will be prime minister by 2024 (RTCG/BBC 


Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic said that he reckons that he will remain in the position of Prime Minister of Montenegro until 2024. In an interview with the BBC in Serbian, he said that the economy is the exclusive interests of his cabinet. "We have achieved an impressive result by July, reducing the decline by nine percent - that is the best result in Europe, but we are not competing in what is most important in Europe, but how citizens live," Prime Minister said. Due to the complete lack of tourism revenues in 2020, as the previous government kept the borders closed to regional tourists for most of the summer, the new government resorted to borrowing what the prime minister describes as providing security and reserves for possible disruptions. "There was a rumor among the people that if there was a change of government, there would be no salary and no pension. The main task of this government was to provide security and we succeeded in that - although the economic parameters showed that salaries and pensions should be reduced, we did not do that," he said. Due to the political crisis, it is still unclear how finances and projects will be managed in the future - without a parliamentary majority, the government cannot make key decisions, although the prime minister claims to have a plan until the end of his term.  


Djonovic: “Becic’s resolution” immoral because it brings discord (Pobjeda 


Exactly one month after the parliament of Montenegro, at the suggestion of the Bosniak Party, adopted the Srebrenica Genocide Resolution, which prohibits the denial of genocide, a new resolution proposed by the second strongest ruling party was included in the procedure, Pobjeda reports. Democratic Montenegro, headed by parliament speaker Aleksa Becic, submitted a motion for a resolution on the genocide in Piva and Velika to the Montenegrin parliament on 17 July. Democrat MP Vladimir Martinovic, explaining the draft resolution at a press conference, said that these crimes “have an indisputable genocidal character” and that “by adopting this resolution, Montenegro as an anti-fascist state would confirm its strong will and determination to contribute to establishing the full truth about Nazi crimes”. For the political analyst Ranko Djonovic “Becic’s resolution”, “given on these topics at this moment, is immoral and corrupt, not only at the political but also at the human level because it treats only one people and brings discord”. In his opinion, the political and ideological DNA of the Democrats has not been determined yet. Their actions so far, he says, show that they can be found on either side, both left and right, both the nationalist and civil, claiming the right equally well to their advantage.  


State Department warns potential investors in Macedonia about high level corruption (Republika 


State Department warns potential investors in Macedonia about the high level of corruption  

In its latest Investment climate report, the US State Department warns about the high level of corruption in Macedonia and the public disappointment with the deteriorating situation in this regard. Macedonia has laws intended to counter bribery, abuse of official position, and conflicts-of-interest, and government officials and their close relatives are legally required to disclose their income and assets. However, enforcement of anti-corruption laws has at times been weak and selectively targeted government critics and low-level offenders. There have been credible allegations of corruption in law enforcement, the judiciary, and many other sectors… Transparency International ranked North Macedonia 111th out of 180 countries in the 2020 Corruption Perceptions Index, a drop of 5 places, for a lack of government efforts to combat corruption and conflict of interest in public administration. The resulting public disappointment and pressure over the high index score, in part, triggered the Deputy Prime Minister for Anti-Corruption to introduce a Code of Ethics for members of the government and all other officials appointed by the government, under which they must commit to transparent and responsible work, the 2021 report notes. The report cites the arrest of former Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva on racketeering charges which ended her office, but the cases that were initiated there were resumed by other prosecutors. Many businesses operating in North Macedonia, including some U.S. businesses, identified corruption as a problem in government tenders and in the judiciary, the report also warns potential investors in Macedonia.  


Zaev’s government pledges to get serious about fighting corruption after the highly critical State Department report (Republika 


After the rarely critical US State Department report that pointed the high level of corruption in Macedonia, the PM Zoran Zaev government issued a statement insisting that it is determined to fight corruption. The report pointed out that Macedonia reached a historic low in the Transparency International report on fighting corruption, that there are indications of corruption in the government and that what fight against corruption is there is aimed at political opponents and low-level cases. After trying to brush off the original Transparency International report as “perception, not fact”, in its response to the State Department report the government now pledges to get serious. The government is determined and seriously dedicated to resolving the decades old problems and tackling high level corruption and organized crime is at the top of the priorities of the national reforms that are already delivering results. Clearing up the judiciary, more transparency in the institutions, a new strategy for seizure of property, digital systems that remove the human factor from decision making, are irreversible moves that will prevent any former, current and future office holder when it comes to corruption, the government said.  


Charges pressed against 171 policemen (AND/Abc news 


One hundred and seventy-one police officers have been prosecuted over the past year across the country on charges of corruption and abuse of office. Referring to the data provided by the report of the Service for Internal Affairs and Complaints at the Ministry of Interior, it turns out that 104 of them are law enforcement officers, as law enforcement officers, general patrols, or area specialists, reports Abc news. The other 66 employees are of the first management level, mainly directors and chiefs of police stations and another of the middle level. Out of a total of 171 police officers prosecuted, 45 of them have been arrested and are being investigated with security measures in prison. Investigations against them were conducted mainly by the Special Prosecution Office SPAK. This institution, in cooperation with Internal Affairs, has registered a total of 101 proceedings during 2020 for corruption and abuse of office. The highest number of officers prosecuted and arrested were in Tirana, Vlora, Elbasan and Durres; fewer in other cities. A number of them have been accused of not properly monitoring the areas planted with cannabis, while others for various violations, including illegal logging and illegal construction.