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Belgrade Media Report 2 August 2021


Vucic: Open Balkans is an historic step for the region (Politika)

In an article for Politika, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic wrote on Sunday that the Open Balkan initiative represents a great chance, hope, responsibility and obligation for the countries to create better future on their own, without having to wait for anything to be gifted to them, “without waiting for anyone to bring us gifts which we will pay for more than they are worth”. Vucic said that “Europe wants us only so much that we will not make any troubles to it” and added that Europe itself is torn between its internal differences and it has no clear strategy on the Western Balkans and other European territories that are not a part of the EU. Vucic reminded that the first steps towards the Open Balkans initiative were made two years ago in Novi Sad because there was no reason to wait for anyone else to remove barriers instead of Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia. Vucic went on to say that all three countries want to become members of the EU but, until that happens, there is no reason not to implement good rules in the Balkans. Vucic reminded of various speculations on the Open Balkans, from those that argued that it is about politics and not about economy to those arguing that it is an attempt to create new Yugoslavia or that it was devised by Berlin or America. “The Open Balkans will be successful just because it was not devised by anyone but us. Also, because nobody but Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania will have so much will to implement it. Everything that came to the Balkans from abroad did not come to life (…) That is why the agreements in Novi Sad and Skopje were historic and their results will be historic as well,” Vucic explained. Serbia still does not understand that relations in the region are changing and that hatred, most often towards Albanians, does not bring anything good. “We must be open, ready to cooperate, to embrace every chance for economic growth, infrastructural connections and exchange of ideas. That is why the Open Balkans project represents a great opportunity, but also hope, responsibility and obligation to create a better and different future without waiting for anything to fall from the sky, for anyone to bring us gifts that we would pay for more than their value is,” Vucic said. He noted that, a few days ago, he, Macedonia’s Zoran Zaev and Albania’s Edi Rama signed three documents in Skopje, expressing commitment to work on facilitating the import, export and movement of goods between the three countries, enabling free access for workers of each country to their labor markets. They also expressed commitment to joining forces in the event of natural disasters. “Why are we doing this? Because we can’t wait, and there is no reason for us to wait for someone to do it for us,” he wrote. He added that all three countries want to become members of the EU and to participate as equal players in the huge common European market, in an area without borders for people, goods, capital and services. He also invited other countries in the region to join this initiative.

Vucic: Open Balkans initiative historic (RTS

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke for Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) on Sunday evening about the regional initiative Open Balkans and the pressures on Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Vucic said that the Open Balkans initiative and the decision to abolish the borders in 2023 are historic. “I think it is a historic decision, and we will see if we will be ready to implement it. We have to try to harmonize regulations. To enable people not to see borders, it requires a lot of work, and those are huge benefits for companies. It is an extraordinary idea of peace, stability, an idea that we brought ourselves, which was not imposed on us from the outside. That means that we will not only listen, but make decisions independently,” Vucic said.

Vucic explained that this is an indicator that there is a regional idea of peace and cooperation.

He pointed out that our companies have huge benefits from that. He stated, as an example, that there are 5.300 companies from Serbia that work only in North Macedonia, and the number of those interested is much higher. Vucic said that the doors of the Open Balkans are open to everyone, but he added we are not chasing anyone. “Whoever wants to join is welcome. How will someone in Sarajevo or Podgorica in a year and a half, when we abolish the borders between us, explain to their citizens, that they will wait with a truck of watermelons for many hours, and those watermelons are no longer watermelons after so much waiting,” he said. Vucic emphasized that it was their decision, and that those who wanted it were welcome, and those who did not want it, it's also fine. “We are doing the best we can for our people and our countries,” he underlined.

On the situation in B&H: Serbia is doing everything to preserve peace 

“Serbia will do everything it can to preserve peace and stability. I hope that someday we will be able to establish a fraternal relationship with Bosniaks, but for that you must have an idea from both sides. It is not good to have proposals from the outside, not in the Balkans. We will soon have the Storm marking, so the entire Republika Srpska (RS) leadership will be in Belgrade and we will talk. We want peace and respect for the Dayton Agreement, and Serbia will always be with the RS,” Vucic said.

In the Belivuk case, the FBI did nothing 

He pointed out that there was no involvement of the FBI in the Belivuk case and that the service did not submit any information regarding this case. Everything was done by our authorities, the police and the Security Information Agency (BIA), Vucic said, congratulating them on their courage to conduct such a serious investigation. He congratulated both the prosecution and all prosecutors in Serbia who worked on writing the 322-page indictment with all the evidence, which, as he said, was extremely hard work. “Everything we did with the exception of support and joint work on certain exhibits with European services was done by our authorities. The FBI did nothing,” Vucic underlined. The FBI informed us about the ANUM application that they produced and that the criminals thought was safe, but in fact it was under the control of the CIA. They informed us about it, but when it was all over, he noted. “I also understood Mr. Stefanovic that he did not mean the Belivuk case, but that he spoke about the Sky application, and for the Sky application we had only subsequent support from European services,” said Vucic, specifying that we received support from the American services for the ANUM application. He added that he assumes that Stefanovic may have been wrong because, as he said, our media were also wrong. Only our services worked on the Belivuk case, he pointed out and added that he wanted to thank all those heroes, police and members of the BIA, who managed to install tackle devices in the apartments and cars of members of the group, Belivuk and Miljkovic.

Vulin and I are filing criminal charges against ourselves 

Vucic announced that he and Aleksandar Vulin will file criminal charges against themselves in order to respond to all the lies of members of the mafia clan, but, as he said, of tycoon politicians, as well. Vucic told RTS that he was ashamed that he responded to the lies of people who say that they did not kill anyone, and who said that Korac (Filip) was behind everything, and that others were behind him and Vulin. “We have made a decision. Tomorrow, as in the case of Jovanjica, we will file criminal charges against us. We will find one of our colleagues to do that, in order to present everything that those people said, but also the tycoon politicians,” he explained. Vucic emphasized that he and Vulin are ready to answer all questions. “I am ready to humiliate myself in such a way that I go to the polygraph. I hope that then some others will be able to go to the lie detector to answer questions about their lies and robbing the people,” he said.

Vucic said that it would be seen whether he was in an apartment in Zvezdara, as it is claimed, or whether he had any contact with those persons. “Then all lies will be dispelled, because the people know who stood by the mafia's neck, who is the one who opposes the mafia, and who is the target, and who is mentioned, as well as who is the main culprit for the complete collapse of the mafia. It is the most important interest of the citizens, and that is that we do not have such murders and that there is no mafia,” he said. Vucic pointed out that seven months had passed, that is, that the eighth had started, and that there had not been a single attempt at a mafia murder. “Show me any other country where the same is the case. Many are telling us about organized crime, and in their countries they are killing journalists and anti-corruption fighters. It will not happen in Serbia,” he underlined. Vucic pointed out that the indictment is something that shows people that the mafia can never win, and that murderers cannot be free, as well as that the crime will not go unpunished.

Zaev convinced more countries from region will join Open Balkans in spite of negative reactions of Montenegro, B&H and Kosovo (Tanjug/Novosti


Prime Minister of North Macedonia Zoran Zaev stated in an interview to Tanjug TV that the Balkans is no longer a timed bomb but a symbol of friendship and he noted that the Open Balkans regional initiative creates possibilities for the countries in the region to improve quality of lives of citizens on their own. Zaev added that he “speaks the same language” as Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama when it comes to this matter. Zaev noted that he is convinced more countries from the region will join this initiative in the upcoming period of time in spite of negative reactions from Podgorica, Sarajevo and Pristina. Zaev explained that reactions of those countries “are meaningless because stances of their citizens are positive”.

Visegrad Group welcomes Open Balkans initiative (N1

The Visegrad Group welcomed the Open Balkans Initiative launched by the political leaders of Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia. A press release for the Hungarian Foreign Ministry said that the Visegrad Group Foreign Ministers “hailed the mini-Schengen, a border-free travel and business zone, set up by Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia”. “The ministers of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia said a close cooperation of those Western Balkan countries would contribute to strengthening and developing central Europe as a region,” it said.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the Prime Ministers of North Macedonia and Albania, Zoran Zaev and Edi Rama launched the initiative at a meeting in the northern Serbian city of Novi Sad in October 2019. They met at a business forum in Skoplje earlier this week, signing agreements and renaming the initiative Open Balkans.

Selakovic: Germany very important political, economic partner of Serbia (Tanjug/RTV

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic talked on Friday with State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany Miguel Berger about political and economic cooperation between the two countries, European integration and cooperation in the Western Balkans. Selakovic assessed the bilateral relations as very good, emphasizing that the personal and friendly relations between President Vucic and Chancellor Merkel contribute to them to a great extent. He expressed special satisfaction with the fact that we are expecting Merkel’s visit to Serbia soon, and added that in that sense we are concentrated on the preparation of concluding several interstate agreements, especially in the field of culture, education and science. Selakovic emphasized that Germany is one of our most important economic partners, and in that context pointed out the importance of cooperation in the field of dual education, noting that one of the important interests of Serbia is to increase investments in infrastructure projects. He reiterated that EU membership is a strategic goal of our country and conveyed gratitude to Germany, as one of our most important political partners, for the support it provides to the policy of expanding and improving the political dialogue between Serbia and the region with the EU. Discussing regional initiatives, Selakovic referred to the importance of the Berlin Process, estimating that the forum significantly contributed to the acceleration of certain processes and the creation of necessary conditions for closer connections in our region.

He expressed his condolences to Germany for the victims of the incredible floods that recently hit the country, and said that Serbia is ready to provide assistance in eliminating their consequences.

Petkovic and Berger on situation in Kosovo and Metohija and Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (RTS

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic talked on Friday with State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany Miguel Berger and acquainted him with the political-security situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the course of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. Petkovic expressed concern over the numerous incidents in which Serbs and their property were attacked, as well as the temples of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and drew particular attention to the case of Dragica Gasic, the only Serb returnee to Djakovica who has been undergoing torture by local Albanians for weeks, it is stated in the announcement of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. “This is just one in a large number of ethnically motivated attacks on Serb returnees to Kosovo and Metohija,” he said. The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija pointed out to Berger to the increased number of incidents since the beginning of the year aimed at the Serb population, emphasizing that endangered security and disturbed safety are the biggest problems and challenges facing our people in the province. Petkovic conveyed to the German official Belgrade’s clear position that preserving peace and security in Kosovo and Metohija was an absolute priority, to which full attention must be paid. He stated that Pristina also showed extreme irresponsibility during the last two rounds of talks in Brussels, doing everything to lead to the interruption of the dialogue and destabilization of the situation on the ground, it is added in the statement. “Regardless of that, Belgrade will remain committed to the dialogue on normalization of relations, which is a precondition for the establishment of lasting peace and stability in the province, but also in the entire region of the Western Balkans,” he noted. He added that Belgrade has fulfilled all obligations stemming from the Brussels dialogue and that it will continue to demand from Pristina at every opportunity the implementation of all agreements reached so far, primarily the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities. Petkovic stated that, for the sake of preserving peace and stability, dialogue has no alternative and that all open issues of the two sides should be resolved at the negotiating table, in which, he pointed out, Germany’s support was also valuable.

Dacic: Inter-party dialogue can only succeed if proposals are realistic (RTS

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic has said that the inter-party dialogue can only succeed if the proposals that are produced are realistic, sustainable and acceptable to all sides. Ahead of Monday’s session of the inter-party dialogue working group, which will include representatives of the parties that do not want the European Parliament (EP) mediation and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Dacic told RTS on Sunday that only realistic suggestions could pave the way to everyone's participation in elections. Asked what has been proposed by the opposition representatives whose dialog is being mediated by the EP, Dacic said he was not acquainted with their demands as they had presented them to the EP, and that the arrangement was for the EP to send him a proposed text by 1 September, to be discussed on 17 and 18 September. “So, for now there aren’t many new details on that, other than what we could hear in the media. The dialog can only be successful if the proposals are realistic, if they are sustainable and acceptable to both sides. And that would create the conditions for what we want - everyone taking part in the elections and no one looking for excuses for their failures,” Dacic said.

Medieval monuments in Kosovo remain on UNESCO World Heritage List in danger (Tanjug

Within the 44th extended session of the World Heritage Committee, which was held from 16 to 31 July in online format, hosted by the People’s Republic of China and the city of Fuzhou, a unanimous decision was adopted on the Preservation of Serbian Cultural Heritage - Medieval Monuments in Kosovo and Metohija, on the UNESCO World Heritage List in Danger. A statement from the Office for Kosovo and Metohija states that this once again confirms the continuous threat to the Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija. Cultural property - Medieval monuments in Kosovo and Metohija were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in Danger in 2006 at the initiative of Serbia and include the Decani Monastery, Gracanica, the Pec Patriarchate and the Church of the Mother of God Ljeviska. The state of Serbia regularly informs UNESCO about their state of conservation. The World Heritage Committee is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of 1972 and is a key international body for the protection of heritage. The sessions of the Committee are held every year, and the host of the 45th session will be the Russian Federation and the city of Kazan, it is stated in the announcement.



Newly appointed HR Schmidt arrives in B&H, says joint efforts can help B&H return to path of progress (Nova BH 


Newly appointed High Representative Christian Schmidt arrived in B&H on Friday together with his family. He visited the Tvrdos Monastery near Trebinje which is one the oldest cultural-historical monuments in B&H, as well as the Dervish House 'Tekija' near the Buna River in Blagaj. According to the Office of the High Representative (OHR), Schmidt was impressed with rich cultural-historical heritage of B&H and stressed that only joint efforts and commitment of society as a whole, together with support of the international community, can help B&H return to the path of progress and stop the trend of departure of young population from the county. Upon his arrival to B&H, Schmidt made several statements that many believe are conciliatory. Schmidt said B&H must be brought back to the path of prosperity, and the departure of young people from this country must be stopped.   


Dodik: Schmidt is not High Representative (RTRS 


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that Schmidt is “falsely representing himself as a High Representative”, when in fact he is not a High Representative. Dodik says that what Schmidt promotes as his agenda, does not fall under the jurisdiction of the High Representative. Schmidt arrives to B&H at a moment of crisis and raised tensions. He also arrives at a time when the UN Security Council (UN SC) discussed the topic of closure of the OHR in B&H. RTRS noted that the UN SC was supposed to appoint the new HR, but this was not done, which is why political leaders in the RS says Schmidt’s appointment was illegal and they do not accept cooperation with him. “What Schmidt promotes here as his agenda is absolutely not within the competence of the High Representative, which speaks of the fact that one should only have increased suspicion and non-acceptance of such a character. I see that Christian Schmidt is spreading some optimism and trying to impose the agenda that only he has about himself. What Schmidt announces was not the role of the High Representative in B&H in the past either,” Dodik said. Schmidt, who does not have the support of Russia and China, but also the RS, has already talked about his first steps. He spoke about the B&H Election Law, European integration and harmonization of legislation when it comes to the European Union. “That is nonsense, even Paddy Ashdown did not get into this, so now Schmidt is coming to get into this after so long. Schmidt has nothing to do with B&H's European path. The European path has always been the property of domestic political forces. They ignore the serious progress that has been made here and constantly keep everything problematic; because if he says that the situation is good then it is pointless that he is here,” Dodik assessed.   


Dodik: Schmidt is not legitimate and not welcome here; RS will not accept new High Representative and will offer strong answer (RTRS 


Milorad Dodik stated on Sunday that new HR Christian Schmidt does not have legitimacy because his appointment was not done in accordance with the necessary procedure. He assessed that because of this, Schmidt cannot represent himself as the High Representative. Schmidt officially took over his mandate on Sunday after he was appointed as new High Representative by the Peace Implementation Council (PIC). RTRS carries that his appointment was not confirmed by the UN Security Council (UNSC). Dodik called for the preservation of Serb unity and announced that the RS will have a stronger answer. “You are not accepted, you are not welcome and we will not talk to you,” said Dodik. He explained that the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) was violated because the RS did not approve the appointment of Schmidt, despite the fact that it is one of the signatories of the DPA. Dodik said that they have no reason to believe in good intentions of anyone coming from the international community. He said that Schmidt claims that he has experience and added that they have experience too and it does not allow an illegitimate foreigner who was not elected to bring obligatory decisions because that will be the end of the RS and the national identity of Serbs in the area. Dodik assessed that the PIC is not an institution established by the DPA and it is the reflection of the arrogance of great powers to rule the politics in B&H. He said that they cannot tell the RS parliament what they can or cannot do.   

Dodik believes that the PIC needs to apologize to them because they have been working on erasing both the entity and the Serb national identity. He announced that everything can result in the withdrawal of the RS from the agreement on the formation of the Armed Forces B&H (AFBiH), the agreement on indirect taxation, the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) and the rejection of all imposed decisions. Dodik also said that if it cannot be independent within the Dayton structures, then the RS has the right to choose its own path. He believes that they will be forced into this situation very soon. Dodik rejected that possibility of a conflict despite the fact that President of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic is calling for revenge. He stressed that he will not apologize to Izetbegovic and he will not answer his claims about revenge. Dodik stressed that the unity displayed in the RSNA is important and the unity among Serbs will be maintained. He stated that the international community did not discipline the Federation of B&H (FB&H) politicians despite the numerous affairs and failure to form a new government in three years. Dodik stressed that they believe that the Croats have been broken in a political sense and now they are turning towards Serbs, but they will see that they are wrong. He concluded that the appointment of Schmidt is chasing away potential investors, as well as young people since the Office of the High Representative (OHR) only produces crises and does not offer solutions.   

Dodik said: “We do not want to accept you, you are not accepted, you are not welcome, and we will not talk with you. I will not be at the meeting at the Presidency. But for them, it is only formality. They do not acknowledge the Presidency, nor do they acknowledge any of the institutions in B&H”. Dodik said he is not afraid of potentially being arrested in Sarajevo on the basis of the law banning the genocide denial imposed by Inzko, and at all sessions he would have to attend to protect the RS, Dodik would invoke protection of national interest. “I think that the political relations in B&H have become seriously complicated. I think they are on the path of dissolution with no return, and I call for the people to gather around the institutions of the RS in the fight against this lack of right and bullies in the international community (IC), gathered around this non-designated HR, and around the so-called PIC (Peace Implementation Council) that has no legitimacy,” said Dodik.  


RS parliament adopts amendments to RS Criminal Code and law on non-implementation of HR Inzko’s decision in RS (RTRS 


The RS parliament held a special session on Friday and adopted in urgent procedure the law on non-application of the decision of the outgoing HR Valentin Inzko that refers to the law on amendments to the RS Criminal Code and amendments to the B&H Criminal Code. Thus, the RS parliament responded to the latest time Inzko used the Bonn Powers. Implementation of the law on non-application of the decision of the HR will begin the next day after its publishing in the RS Official Gazette. According to the reporter, all MPs from the ten political parties with HQs in the RS unanimously voted for the law and thus, there will be no application of the Inzko’s decision. Amendments to the RS Criminal Code refer to introduction of a new crime, i.e. violation of the reputation of the RS and its peoples. Thus, those who publicly belittle the RS and its peoples will be sanctioned with three years of prison; those who call the RS and its peoples genocidal or aggressors will be sanctioned with six months to three years of prison; if they are public officials, they will be sanctioned with two up to ten years of prison; if a person commits the crime in a way that implies diminishing or change of the constitutional order of the RS, its territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence then they risk to be sanctioned with three up to 15 years of prison. During the session, all MPs from parties with HQs in the RS signed conclusions that were unanimously adopted at the meeting of RS party leaders held on Monday. The conclusions rejected any kind of imposing in B&H and said that the HR was not legally appointed and that there are no conditions for participation of Serb representatives in the decision-making process, i.e. they will take part in work of institutions of B&H only in cases when their participation is necessary for prevention of decision-making processes that are against interests of the RS. The session was closed for public but leaders of parties used the opportunity to address media.   

RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic (DEMOS) said that all MPs supported the stance that Inzko’s decision is wrong and unnecessary and that as such, it only complicated the situation in B&H. He stated: “The RS is united in this. All Serb MPs voted for the laws. With these laws, application of the imposed decision of the HR will be impossible in the RS (…) We will not allow that anyone calls us genocidal ever again, to call us genocidal creation, to insult us in any way, to insult the people that is a true victim of genocide in the World War II, to diminish our victim, to reduce the number of those killed in Jasenovac and at other execution sites, to rewrite our history.” RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic (SNSD) said that with today’ session, the RS sent a message that it is a free and a democratic society in which from now on, institutions will reach decisions and not HRs. Leader of SNSD and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said: “Of all this, the most important thing is how we will move forward. We can move forward only if we insist on conclusions that we adopted and we can insist on that, that the HR is illegally appointed and that thus, he will not be able to have formal competences, at least when it comes to the RS.” Leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic stated that he views the session of the RSNA as a message to new HR Christian Schmidt – who already came to B&H – that any kind of move that implies imposing of decisions will result with a decisive and a united standpoint of the RS. Sarovic underlined: “If he (Schmidt) comes with the Bonn Powers, then in my opinion, he has nothing to do in the RS. His mission will fail and he will be one of those who most likely brought a new crisis to B&H. I expect that this will not happen. He comes from a serious country, he is a serious politician and I believe that he understands the political situation and the environment in which he came.” Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic noted that precisely Inzko is guilty of raise of tensions that happened after his decision that imposes amendments to the B&H Criminal Code, adding that the only thing that leaders from the FB&H must understand are internal agreement and consensus, accepting the reality and respecting the RS. Borenovic said: “The only solution in this case is to - through the parliamentary procedure - through the parliamentary procedure either remove the law, put it out of force, rework on it, harmonize it, or adjust its content to what is acceptable for all political structures in this country; for Bosniaks, for Croats and for Serbs.”   


RS parliament laws enter into force day after publishing in RS Official Gazette; Bosniak Caucus in RS CoP expected to invoke protection of VNI (N1 


Laws adopted in the RS parliament on Friday will enter into force a day after publishing in the RS Official Gazette but first, the laws must pass the procedure in the RS Council of People (CoP). According to the reporter, we can expect from the Bosniak Caucus in the RS CoP to invoke protection of the Vital National Interest (VNI) and then, file a motion for constitutional review of the laws.  


Cubrilovic: Laws adopted by RS parliament are forced solutions for decision made by HR Inzko (ATV 


Guest of ATV Central News was RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic. Asked to comment on the special RS parliament session held on Friday and laws adopted at the session, Cubrilovic said that the RS representatives showed serious approach to the Decision by HR in B&H Valentin Inzko on adoption of the law sanctioning “those who do not recognize the genocide in Srebrenica” and reaction is unified, reflected primarily in the unity of political parties’ leaders who held a joint meeting 26 July. Cubrilovic added that the discussions during the RS parliament session showed that the representatives at the RS parliament understand the current situation, “which is not simple. The political situation in B&H has been additionally stirred up with this HR’s decision. No one is comfortable in B&H, and primarily, I do not think that such a decision is useful to the new HR (Christian Schmidt) for his further activities in B&H”. Cubrilovic said that laws adopted by the RSNA are “practically forced solutions for the decision made by the outgoing HR” noting that in his view, the reaction was in accordance with law, and at the moment “it is the best possible response by the RSNA representatives from the political parties based in the RS”. Cubrilovic reminded of the amendments to the RS Criminal Code that envisage sanctioning those who “deny the RS, who insult it in a way to say it is a genocidal creation, i.e. aggressor in the civil war, that the RS has been created on crimes, and everything that implies a negative connotation related to the RS. I think it is a civilizational action, and a proper response to everything happening to us lately, caused by the HR whose mandate ends as of today”. Cubrilovic added that the decision was unnecessary for everyone in B&H, because it did not prevent political tensions due to “position of individual politicians and political parties in B&H. I primarily refer to individual political parties and leaders from the ranks of Bosniak people, who do not contribute with their actions to rational thinking in B&H”. Cubrilovic reminded that the RS offered an open dialog without any imposed solutions and without  “prejudging any obligations” which was strongly rejected without considering “what the invitation for talks means” noting that such dialog implies no influence by foreign factors, and by anyone from the international community, and “then, that the international community assists with the implementation of such agreement, I think that would be much better solution compared to trying to implement orders by only one people, policy by only one political party, completely ignoring the fact there are three constituent peoples and two entities with their constitutional competencies, and obligations defined by the Dayton”. Cubrilovic called for all political officials who participated in the adoption of the conclusions to persevere and to show “high level of understanding, and we expect to get a positive reaction from other side to finally, in this B&H, we start negotiations that need to happen after every crisis’’, with the responsibility towards own communities, but also towards B&H. Asked to comment on inflammatory rhetoric by Bosniaks, criminal complaints filed, and threats directed to him, Cubrilovic said he received threats, and the threats were also directed towards the institutions and the RS, noting “we cannot pay attention to that. I believe that the criminal complaints you mentioned will not ‘see the light of the day’. I believe that the reason will prevail in this state union B&H is, and that we all care about maintaining peace, negotiating and not to see times like we had in the recent past”.. Cubrilovic added that the adoption of the laws and imposing the decision is the beginning of the process that will not be finalized soon. Asked what he expects from the RS Council of Peoples, Cubrilovic said the RS Council of Peoples will do their job, noting “they do not have conditions for invoking protection of vital national interest, but even if that happens, the final instance is the RS Constitutional Court, that will provide its final opinion. Nothing there is unconstitutional or illegal, or is against international conventions. I do not see a reason for the dispute”.   


OHR reminds that HR’s decisions must be implemented, Bosniak Caucus in RS CoP expects from new HR to react before B&H CC is asked to assess constitutionality of RS parliament’s law (BHT1 


Following the session of the RS parliament and the adoption of the law on non-application of the decision of Valentin Inzko to introduce the amendments to the Criminal Code, the OHR issued a statement and reminded that the decisions of the HR must be implemented. Meanwhile, according to the reporter, there is a possibility that the B&H CC might be asked to assess constitutionality of this law as it will almost certainly not be adopted by the RS Council of Peoples (CoP) due to opposition from Bosniak Caucus but Bosniak Caucus actually expects from the new HR (Christian Schmidt) to react before the B&H CC gets involved.  The reporter pointed out that messages conveyed by the RS officials after the session session were that the law is in line with the RS Constitution and the Constitution of B&H, as well as international conventions. RS deputy speaker Milan Petkovic said that certain Bosniak politicians, namely those who called for involvement of the B&H CC, might be able to tell more as to what happens next because they are in constant communication with the B&H and they have been using the B&H CC in recent years for attempts to destroy whatever they are opposed to in the RS. Deputy speaker of the RS CoP Mihnet Okic explained that the law will not be adopted by the RS CoP and Bosniak Caucus does not expect from the RS CC to rule in its favor, adding that the next step will be dispute the law before the B&H CC. The reporter stressed that academic society and experts in B&H are divided due to different perception of what is going on. Professor at the Banja Luka Faculty of Political Science Nevenko Vranjes argued HR Inzko’s decision is illegal because it has no legal grounds in any legal norm and it is illegitimate because it was made by outgoing HR. Attorney Josip Muselimovic deems that the Srebrenica Genocide was proven in 12 final and binding verdicts and those verdicts have to be respected. The reporter noted that everyone is interested in what new HR Schmidt will do after taking over the state institutions are going on a summer break, meaning that everything will probably be put on hold until September.  


PIC SBA strongly condemns escalations of tensions and actions undertaken by RS parliament; Russia does not agree (AJB 


The Peace Implementation Council Steering Board Ambassadors (PIC SBA) have issued a statement, strongly condemning the escalation of tensions and actions undertaken by the RS parliament. “Rhetoric and actions which undermine the functioning of the state of B&H, including the boycotting of state-level institutions and the blocking of vital decision making, are destabilizing and contrary to the Dayton Peace Agreement. Revisionism, glorification of convicted war criminals, and denial of well-documented and established facts about war-time events including genocide is unacceptable. This contradicts the most basic European values and undermines the stability of the country and the welfare and prosperity of B&H’s citizens. The PIC SBA emphasizes its continuing support for the authority and mandate of the High Representative and the vital role the High Representative will play until the five goals and two conditions for B&H’s graduation from international supervision are complete” reads the statement by the PIC SBA. Russia did not agree with the statement by the remaining PIC SB members, and in the new statement by the Russian Embassy to B&H, Russia has reiterated its position that new High Representative in B&H Christian Schmidt does not have legitimacy. “All those who intend cooperate with the citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany Christian Schmidt, who calls himself High Representative, will do it on their own responsibility and at their own risk, because he does not have the necessary UN SC (United Nations Security Council) mandate. We will always oppose the use of ‘Bonn Powers’, even assuming that they have become the basis for the decision of (HR in B&H) Valentin Inzko, even their broadest interpretation does not give him the right to interfere with the activities of the legislative authorities. Moreover, limitless interpretation of the ‘Bonn Powers’ leads to Valentin Inzko having the right to take a Kalashnikov rifle and going to Banja Luka and shoot all representatives of the RS parliament. And according to his interpretation of the ‘Bonn Powers’, he will be right! Does B&H need such High Representative?” reads the statement by the Russian Embassy to B&H.  


Sarovic: PIC SB exceeds its competences with comments to RS parliament conclusions; PIC should not give lectures to anyone (BN TV 


Leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic stated that member states of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB) – primarily the ones from the EU - exceeded the framework of their competences with the comments to conclusions of the RS parliament after imposed decision of former HR Valentin Inzko. According to Sarovic, member states of the PIC SB lectured them adding that they need no lectures. Sarovic added: “They are members and representatives of these countries and we are legitimate representatives of parties and the society to which we belong. It is not up to them to lecture us and to tell us certain things but – if they want and if they can – to help in some situation like this one that is turbulent and which is a crisis. They supported only one side which is totally wrong. There are no reactions – and in this case, Inzko’s move has caused our reaction – we saw that this has also caused a reaction of parties from the FB&H, very prominent individuals, who assume very important seats in institutions of B&H – they have never reacted to their reactions that were totally and absolutely inappropriate. I would say that they chose – by some of their pattern – a certain culprit and they believe that these are parties from the RS, without delving into reasons of our discontent at all and they gave their assessment and gave a role to the HR that he does not have (…). We must say that Schmidt’s appearance in B&H is under serious doubt due to non-confirmation in the UN Security Council (UN SC). Why should not we say that? The only authority that he has is because he comes from such an important country like Germany and we respect that (…) We are really choosing words when we speak about him, but we do not want to talk about him like some other type of authority that he does not have. Besides, some of the most important members of the UN SC failed to confirm him; the decision did not pass. Besides, he does not have the role to lecture about the European path, about some issues (…) Who gave him the supervision role? He does not absolutely have it. There is only his Dayton role as a legitimate HR and we are not disputing that. There are representatives of the peoples and citizens of this country who are the biggest possible authority and not supervision of someone else who came and whom we should now observe as someone who will brings us something. He will not. His role is to help as much as he can and that is it.”  


Vukanovic: Dodik should end coalition with SDA in Srebrenica and remove Durakovic from post; Dodik announces Durakovic’s dismissal (BN TV 


RS MP of SDS Nebojsa Vukanovic stated on Friday that the decision of Valentin Inzko to impose amendments to the B&H Criminal Code happened because of the policy led by President of SNSD Milorad Dodik. He stressed that nothing would be imposed of Dodik did not lead a bad policy and caused tension continuously. Vukanovic said that Dodik agreed to cause this crisis with Inzko and this suits President of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic as well. He added that if Dodik is a true patriot, he needs to end his coalition with SDA in Srebrenica and send a message to speaker of the Srebrenica Municipal Assembly Camil Durakovic. Vukanovic stated that Durakovic was appointed to his post in the Assembly with the votes of SNSD and they should remove him from the post. He stated that if one is a true patriot, then he should not be in a coalition with an extremist party like SDA. Vukanovic stated that he warned Dodik for months that he should not provoke the international community, not act like a big Serb, not to speak about the UN Security Council and Valentin Inzko in this way because the RS and the Serb people in this area will pay the price and not Dodik. Vukanovic stated: “The thing to which we warned about happened. Inzko would have not imposed this law if it was not for discourse, use of constant tensions and everything else that Dodik and his coalition partners (leader of SDA) Bakir Izetbegovic and (leader of HDZ B&H) Dragan Covic did.”  Milorad Dodik announced on Friday that speaker of the Srebrenica Municipal Assembly, Camil Durakovic, will be dismissed during the first next session of this Assembly. Dodik told members of the press that Durakovic will be dismissed due to “persecution of journalists”. Durakovic submitted a criminal report against journalists of RTRS due to their stances published on social media. These statements directly denied that genocide was committed in Srebrenica. Dodik said that after summer vacations, when the first session of the Srebrenica Municipal Assembly is held, Durakovic’s dismissal will be included onto the daily agenda. According to Dodik, the ruling coalition in this municipality reached an agreement on this issue on Thursday. Deputy President of Srebrenica Municipal Assembly Radomir Pavlovic also stated that Durakovic will be removed and replaced by another Bosniak member of the Assembly.  


Izetbegovic: Entity parliament cannot impose its will neither on state of B&H nor on OHR (Hayat 


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic spoke of Valentin Inzko's moves, countermeasures and threats in the RS and laws adopted by the RS parliament at its Friday's session. Commenting on the session at which RS MPs rejected the decision of the outgoing HR to impose amendments to the B&H Criminal Code banning and sanctioning genocide denial, Izetbegovic said that entity parliament cannot impose its will neither on the state of B&H nor on the OHR. "In this country, it is known who does what... I see this as another unfounded and unnecessary spite which can last ten days or ten months, but it will pass. I hope that it will pass and that the RS will not move further into a clash with the state institutions of B&H, with the international community. I do not think that they would do well in such a clash" Izetbegovic underlined, adding that he understands the nervousness. "We should let August pass and for everything to calm down. I believe that in September we all need to focus on stabilizing the situation in the country, removing the blockades, accepting civilizational values, i.e. removing uncivilizational, anticivilizational denial of the truth and celebrating war criminals," Izetbegovic underlined. Asked to comment on the fact that SNSD representatives announced that Camil Durakovic will be removed from the post of President of Srebrenica Municipal Assembly for filing a criminal report against a journalist from the RS for genocide denial, Izetbegovic said that "they will probably do that, just like they did with (Senad) Bratic." "Then, they will get our response, but they will not like it. Therefore, I believe that they are constantly creating blockades for no reason, spoiling relationships, which backfires on everyone, and especially on those who are doing that," Izetbegovic stressed. He stressed that this kind of policy is making the lives of the people in the RS difficult. "Complicated Federation of B&H (B&H), which is much more complicated than the RS in every way, is significantly better in the economic sense, its citizens have better and easier lives. They are less indebted and so on than people in the RS. That is all actually the result of such stubborn policies," Izetbegovic emphasized. Asked whether Inzko will be remembered in B&H only by his last decision, Izetbegovic pointed out that Inzko strongly supported B&H for all years of his mandate. "We should look at his reports to the (UN) Security Council that certainly had an impact and influenced B&H to be a stable country. We should not disregard that. He testified about the situation in this country bravely and he has long been under the attack of nationalist forces in the RS," Izetbegovic underlined. Izetbegovic stressed that Inzko worked as hard as he could. "What he did in the end actually went above what others in the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) were for. I believe that many believed that it is too risky and that it would produce a crisis and so on, but, Inzko, like me, probably assessed that it is more dangerous to allow further growth, further arrogance and further expansion of anti-Bosnian forces, retrograde forces, uncivilized forces and he made a brave move that we will remember him by," Izetbegovic noted. Asked what one should expect from new HR Christian Schmidt, Izetbegovic said that one should expect determination and unrushed moves. "He will definitely not make hasty moves. He comes from an organized, strong country. He has long been involved in politics," Inzko said, adding that he believes Schmidt will slowly overpower retrograde forces in B&H.    


Dzaferovic: Unity of Serb parties is not surprising (O kanal 


Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic. Speaking about the RS parliament session held on Friday and the fact that the opposition parties in the RS supported SNSD, Dzaferovic stated that he did not expect anything else because whenever an issue important for the RS was in focus all political parties from the RS stood united. Dzaferovic added that, because of this, it is very important to insist on the existing frame of B&H. “I said this on many occasions and I will reiterate it again: the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) is not only the framework peace agreement but it is also the European human rights conventions, rulings of the European Court of Human Rights, The Hague Criminal Tribunal, International Court of Justice, Constitutional Court of B&H, laws we adopted here in B&H, the High Representative, foreign judges in the Constitutional Court – all this must be respected by everyone in B&H,” Dzaferovic stated and added: “Then it will not be important how individual political parties will act”. O Kanal reminds that Milorad Dodik announced that the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) will be ordered to prevent the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) in implementation of orders of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H in regards to implementation of amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H imposed by Valentin Inzko. Dzaferovic commented on Dodik’s announcement and stated that it would represent new criminal offense. He explained that any attempt to prevent country to carry out its competences represents new criminal offense. “He should not enter spiral of new possible criminal offenses, because all those doing it will be held accountable regardless to how they feel powerful at this moment,” stressed Dzaferovic. Dzaferovic underlined that he believes institutions of B&H are strong enough to implement law. He emphasized that law imposed by Inzko cannot be suspended in any part of B&H. Dzaferovic stressed this is logical law, one protecting dignity of victims, one preventing lie and any other type of uncivilized behavior. “This is something B&H needed and something that will contribute to catharsis, facing with the truth in B&H and region. I believe it is useful for peace, stability of entire region, restoring of trust and building of future,” said Dzaferovic. He was asked why B&H was not included in the Open Blakans initiative, and said that B&H wants to have as best regional cooperation as possible and as fewer barriers to the cooperation as possible. Dzaferovic reminded that B&H, together with all Western Balkans countries, joined all agreements related to such matters on 10 November last year in Sofia, under the auspices and with support of the European Union. “This needs to be realized, this was done in scope of the Berlin process. This is what was agreed to and what was signed by Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and B&H,” Dzaferovic said and added that he does not know why Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia suddenly decided to sign a new agreement instead of implementing the existing one. “We will not join any regional initiative that is not in scope of the European path of B&H and is not under the auspices of the EU. We joined this process in November last year in Sofia under the auspices of the EU and in line with good regional cooperation that is needed for our European path,” Dzaferovic said.   


Reactions in FB&H: Decisions of RS parliament are legally-groundless and non-binding (N1 


N1 brings reactions in the FB&H to the decisions of the RS parliament adopted at an extraordinary session held on Friday. According to the reporter, most parties with HQs in the FB&H believe that the laws and decisions – especially the law on non-application of the decision of Valentin Inzko - are legally-groundless and non-binding. HDZ B&H’s Barisa Colak argued that the political crisis that is obvious, will be solved but we are yet to see how and in what way. Leader of SDP B&H Nermin Niksic stated that he would be much happier if the law prohibiting genocide denial was adopted in the B&H Parliament, adding that the HR did it in this way precisely due to the people who now allegedly call for boycott of institutions. The opposition in the FB&H also has similar views about this issue, noted the reporter. The Our Party (Nasa stranka – NS) has a similar stance and they mentioned amendments to the RS Criminal Code by saying that it is hypocritical to ban insults of peoples in the RS and at the same time, prohibit and deny the genocide in the RS. NS also stated that no people or entity can be called genocidal or aggressors, adding that the decisions are legally-groundless. “The law on non-implementing the Decision of HR, adopted today by the RS parliament is illegitimate and non-binding for anyone, and its purpose is to increase tensions. The Decision of the HR must be respected, not only because it is imposed by the HR, but because it insists on banning the denial of the genocide ruled by the International Court in The Hague” reads the statement by NS. SBB stated that the decisions of the HR must be respected. SBB Vice President Admir Cavka said: “It is unfortunate we need to deal with such things, and if someone violates the law, someone commits to commission of a criminal offence, and it is absolutely disgusting to comment it because we have a parliament who states they will violate the law. It is not good”. SDP representative in the B&H House of Representative (HoR) Sasa Magazinovic said that such actions additionally complicate already difficult political situation. “I think this constitutes elements of the anti-Dayton behavior, but also some form of the coup d’etat. I am sorry that the new HR (Christian Schmidt), who, according to information available to us, is arriving in B&H today, will have, at the very start, a serious challenge that needs to be resolved,” said Magazinovic. The reporter reminded that during the session of the RS parliament on Friday, all Croat MPs voted for laws and conclusions including a MP from HDZ BIH 1990 and a member of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS).   


100,000 citizens of RS so far signed petition rejecting imposed decision of outgoing HR Inzko (ATV 


ATV reports that 100,000 RS citizens have so far signed the petition rejecting the imposed decision of Valentin Inzko. Signing of the petition has been underway in the RS since the day Inzko imposed the decision banning genocide denial. Advisor to Serb member of the B&H Presidency Radovan Kovacevic stressed that Inzko's move is an attempt to impose a law on the RS which introduces verbal offense in the 21st century, prohibits the right to freedom of opinion only to the Serb people and marks only the Serb people in the entire Europe as genocidal people. "It is completely clear to us that this is being done now with the intention of it being just the beginning of the process that should lead to the disappearance of the RS," Kovacevic underlined. Kovacevic said: “All of us in the RS understand that this move is an attempt to impose the law to the RS that introduces a verbal delict in the 21st century; that prohibits only to Serbs the right to the freedom of opinion and which marks only the Serb people in the entire Europe as genocidal.”  


Berger meets B&H Presidency members Dzaferovic and Komsic, members of B&H CEC; Significance of OHR in implementation of new reforms highlighted (AJB 


German State Secretary Miguel Berger is in an official visit to B&H. He plans to hold a series of meetings with B&H officials on a number of important topics, such as the EU integration and reforms that needs to be implemented in order for B&H to get the EU candidate status, the cooperation with NATO, migration and the electoral legislation. Berger will attend an event at the OHR on Monday when newly-appointed HR Christian Schmidt will take over the duty from outgoing HR Valentin Inzko. Berger met with Chairman of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic (DF) and B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA), in Sarajevo on Sunday. They discussed reforms B&H needs to meet in order to acquire the EU candidate status. B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik (SNSD) did not attend the meeting because he boycotts the work of state-level institutions jointly with other RS representatives in B&H institutions, due to the latest Inzko’s decision banning the denial of genocide and other war crimes in B&H. In a statement issued after the meeting, B&H Presidency reminded that Berger reiterated the stance that Germany rejects any kind of border changes in the region and expresses disappointment over non-papers based on such a presumption. Berger also met with member of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H on Sunday. They discussed the electoral reform and the electronic vote system. Berger also paid a visit to the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center on Saturday where he attended an exhibition opened on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide. He also met with representatives of the Association ‘Mothers of Srebrenica and Zepa Enclaves’. At the end of his visit to Srebrenica, Berger said that he leaves Srebrenica with a message that crime that happened in 1995 must never happen again, stressing the importance of education and facing the past for the sake of future and young generations. Komsic, Dzaferovic and Berger discussed the political situation in B&H and the arrival of the new HR in B&H. Berger stressed that Germany rejects any kind of border changes. After the meeting with Berger, Dzaferovic presented his expectations from the new HR. "I expect B&H, with the arrival of the new High Representative, to make strong steps forward on its reform path, for institutions of B&H to finally start working efficiently and functionally, for B&H to strongly continue its European path and its NATO path and that is the only possible path that B&H should take. Everyone should be aware of that," Dzaferovic underlined. Berger said that Germany supports the Euro-Atlantic path of B&H and it finds necessary to implement reforms that will lead B&H further to the EU and the NATO. He also said that Germany is committed to helping B&H and the region through the Berlin Process. Berger informed the members of the B&H Presidency that the Mini Schengen does not represent part of the Berlin Process. The officials agreed that the Dayton Peace Agreement must be fully and not partially respected. The significance of the OHR in the implementation of new reforms was highlighted. Berger stressed that Germany is important for the development of B&H and assured that they will do everything for B&H to continue the EU path.   


Izetbegovic attends unveiling of monument in Fazlagica Kula, says they will do everything possible to ‘get revenge in our own way’ (Nezavisne 


A monument to fallen soldiers of the Army of the Republic of B&H (ARBiH) was unveiled over the weekend in Fazlagica Kula near Gacko. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic attended unveiling of the monument, on which occasion he “glorified Muslim unit ‘Sargan’” and said that ‘Sargan’ will fiercely respond should anyone try to touch it. “Another half-time is about to start these days. It will not be a military one. We will do everything in our power to make sure it is a political one and to gradually overpower and get revenge in our own way,” Izetbegovic said. An organized society we will make, will be our revenge, a European country in which civilization relations will rule”. According to Izetbegovic, B&H will be defended by the truth, as well as by guarantors of the Dayton agreement, such as the US and the EU. NPS leader Darko Banjac said that Izetbegovic once again confirmed intentions of Bosniaks – a unitary B&H without the RS. “Izetbegovic came to Fazlagica Kula to threaten someone with revenge? He should have first apologized for all victims his compatriots, as members of Ustasha movement in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH), killed in Herzegovina during the World War II,” Banjac said. Head of Gacko Municipality Ognjen Milinkovic said that the monument was constructed without adequate permits and everything a permit was not issued for will be removed from the monument. Banjac urged Bosniak politicians to stop rattling with weapons and to turn towards creation of better conditions for lives of citizens. Banjac added that the RS is committed to creation of better living conditions, but he warned: “We will certainly not sit tight and allow ‘Koricka jama’ to happen to us again”.  


Inzko’s law: Initiator of changes or road into a bigger chaos? (Slobodna Dalmacija 


The daily reads that “longest serving and most invisible” HR Valentin Inzko made a move towards end of his mandate that will put the sustainability of the current organization of B&H to the test. Namely, the daily reminds that Inzko imposed amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H, arguing that the move caused expected reactions. In this context daily writes that everyone saw “Inzko’s law” as something that would punish denial of the genocide committed by Serbs in Srebrenica, which immediately resulted in Serbs seeing a ‘Serb-hater’ in Inzko. According to the author, legal analysts assessed that Inzko’s law cannot be implemented in the current B&H, whilst Germany’s FAZ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung), which is according to daily close to the German Government, sees the law as unpleasant “gift” to his successor Christian Schmidt.   

The author further writes there are not reliable answers that would reveal background and true purpose of Inzko’s law. Namely, who motivated “invisible and careful” Inzko to make such a strong move at the end of the mandate. In this context daily writes nobody serious believes Inzko did it just to keep his promise to ‘Mother of Srebrenica’, or that he just applied the European standards into the Criminal Code of B&H, arguing that “a political and careful clerk” Inzko would never allow himself to embark on such a solo adventure. The daily went on to say that one could guess from the reaction of the US Embassy in Sarajevo where the law came from, reminding that the US Embassy stated immediately after Inzko imposed the law that genocide in Srebrenica is not matter for discussion but historic fact. In any case, continues daily, Inzko’s law has the potential to initiate political changes and reorganization of B&H if there is enough international interest for it, foremost among the Americans, and has potential to cause low intensity armed conflict. Concluding the article, daily reads that B&H, which is run by ethnic/party oligarchies, where budgets are plundered, diplomas forged, academic titles bought etc, there is nobody to implement Inzko’s and other laws.  


Croatia’s PM: Croatia and Kosovo act together in accidents (Hina 


Croatia and Kosovo act together in accidents, such as the one that occurred on the motorway in eastern Croatia last week when 10 Kosovo citizens were killed, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said. “In accidents we stand and act together. We showed this not just in this accident, but also in earlier crisis situations and emergencies in the last 30 years,” Plenkovic said. “Croatia and Kosovo have good bilateral relations and understand each other well because we know how challenging the road to independence and state-building is,” he added, recalling that Croatia had been among the first countries to recognize Kosovo’s independence and was actively advocating its European path. A Kosovo-registered bus, travelling en route from Frankfurt to Kosovo, ran off the A3 motorway at Slavonski Brod last Sunday. Ten Kosovo citizens were killed and another 10 seriously injured. All Croatian emergency services responded promptly, providing medical and other assistance to those injured and arranging accommodation for those uninjured. Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti visited the injured passengers. “Prime Minister Kurti wanted to visit the Kosovo citizens. He showed great commitment to his people and to those involved in this great tragedy that occurred,” Plenkovic said. The representative of the Albanian minority in the Croatian parliament, Ermina Lekaj Prljaskaj, also provided a great contribution, he added. “All relevant Croatian services and institutions responded promptly and made maximum effort to help the people involved in the accident, both those who were injured and those who were not,” Plenkovic said. “The Croatian authorities did for the Kosovo citizens what they would do for Croatian citizens” and the rapid response prevented “the number of casualties from increasing.” An image of the Croatian flag, with an inscription saying “Thank you, Croatia”, was projected on the Kosovo government building in Pristina on Friday as a sign of gratitude to Croatia for helping the bus crash victims.  


Papovic: Abazovic agreed with Serbian World creators (Vikend novine 


URA is the most dangerous member of the ruling coalition, because it has a chameleon nature. It presents itself as a pro-Montenegrin, pro-European and environmental movement, while in reality its anti-state policy does not differ from the DF, and its demagogic-populist ideology from the Democrats. URA gives crucial support for the officials and supporters of the parties that are fighting for the creation of the “Serbian World” to be assigned to most of the most important positions in the state sector, says DPS MP and historian Dragutin Papovic in an interview for Vikend novine. When asked about overcoming the political crisis, and the possible unification of political entities that are pro-European, civic-oriented, Papovic says very clearly that “pro-European and at the same time pro-Montenegrin forces are in opposition”, and that early parliamentary elections are the only democratic way out of the crisis. Until then, as he points out, the citizens will have to endure what they chose on 30 August.  


Populism swallowing our reforms, EU silent about Serbian World (Dnevne novine 


The European path of Montenegro from 30 August last year until today deserves only a transitional mark, the former minister of European integration and the president of the Montenegrin Pan-European Union, Prof. Gordana Djurovic, PhD, says in an interview for Dnevne novine. Populism is swallowing reforms, and without better public administration, there will be no progress in integration, warns Djurovic. She also says that currently, there are no leaders in the process of EU integration of the region. In addition to all that, the EU and almost all other international institutions, as Djurovic says, very consistently avoid condemning Serbia’s behavior towards Montenegro. She also responds to PM Zdravko Krivokapic’s remark that the current government is Europe-oriented, and the previous one was Chinese-oriented. From all that, the only truth is, says Djurovic, that the governments were and will remain Montenegrin!  


Democrats to DF: Go on, overthrow the government, if you dare (CdM 


The Democratic Front (DF) obviously thinks that the citizens of this country are crazy, deaf and blind, in addition to being consumables whose future means nothing and does not exist out of the sense to fulfill its corrupt ambitions, the Democrats have said, reacting to the statement of DF MP Jovan Vucurovic. Earlier, Vucurovic said that the leader of the Democrats and Parliament Speaker Aleksa Becic deserves to be removed because he supports the Chief Special Prosecutor Milivoje Katnic and because of the failure to schedule a parliamentary session at which the Prosecutorial Council would be elected. Democrats are telling the DF: Overthrow the government, if you dare.  


Krivokapic: I call on all majority parties to elect a non-political Prosecutorial Council (CdM 


“I call on all parties, and especially the parties of the majority, to show political responsibility by electing a non-political and professional Prosecutorial Council,” says Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic. “The election of new Prosecutorial Council members in accordance with the recently adopted laws on the Prosecutor’s Office is a key step towards establishing an independent and professional Supreme State Prosecutor’s Office and starting a serious and ruthless fight against corruption and high-level organized crime” he adds. According to him, the majority citizens voted on 30 August to wait for justice to come to those who trampled on the constitutions and laws and stole from the state and citizens, and whose files were locked in drawers. “I call on all parties, and especially the majority parties, to show political responsibility by electing a non-political and professional Prosecutorial Council”, Krivokapic has tweeted.  


Berisha accuses US Ambassador for racist language (ADN 


The historic leader of the Democratic Party, Sali Berisha, replied to the US Ambassador to Tirana, Yuri Kim who required to the DP Leader Lulzim Basha to exclude him from the Parliamentary Group after USA banned him entering US along with his family members. In a public reaction, Berisha said that Kim used a racist and albanophobic language. "You made a mistake mentioning the words 'eat grass' to DP and to all the Albanians. If the party were to eat grass for the sake of one man’s personal interest. This is an insult to every democrat and every Albanian who has heard similar quotes only in dictatorships or by albanophobic racists" said Berisha. He made it clear that no one with defamation can ever prevent Sali Berisha from fulfilling his mission entrusted to him by the Albanian electorate in defense of the national and public interest of the Albanians. He also urged to the US Secretary to made public any fact or document that proves his accuses against him on the decision to ban him entering USA.