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Belgrade Media Report 12 April



New president of Presevo municipality elected (RTS)


The Presevo municipal assembly elected Sciprim Arifi for the president of the municipality, since it dismissed from this function Ardita Sinani, the media in the Albanian in southern Serbia report. With these decisions at an early municipal session they dissolved the local coalition of four Albanian parties, which agreed last year to have in the four-year mandate Ardita Sinani to be the president in the first two, and the two-year to be performed by Ragmi Mustafa. Before she was dissolved, Ardita Sinani went to Pristina with the delegation of Albanian political representatives from three municipalities of southern Serbia. They talked with Premier Albin Kurti, who called them for political unity and to not get stuck on mutual provocations. The representatives of Albanians from the Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja have not managed to secure an MP in the new Serbian parliament, as they used to have it. At the 3 April they were represented with two lists of candidates for the MPs. Following this failure, the initiative for dismissing the president of Presievo Ardita Sinani followed.


Djilas: New elections only solution for Belgrade (Tanjug/N1)


After a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Freedom and Justice Party leader Dragan Djilas said new local elections were the only solution to the political crisis in Belgrade and that the conversation with Vucic made sense if it defused tensions in society. Speaking to reporters outside the Presidency of Serbia building, Djilas added that Vucic had said he would discuss with his colleagues in the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) the possibility of holding new elections in the city by the end of the year and present his position by the end of this week. “Only fresh elections can resolve the political crisis in Belgrade. I see no other solution,” Djilas said. He said the meeting was difficult for both of them. “We did not achieve a high level of agreement today,” he said. Djilas said that he told Vucic that the authorities must have legitimacy. “We agreed that legitimacy is important,” he added. Djilas said that he told Vucic that the SNS and its partner the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) won less votes than the opposition in each individual Belgrade municipality which, he said, jeopardizes their legitimacy. “Authorities which do not have legitimacy cannot manage the city,” he said. We did not have a high degree of agreement on the topic discussed, but we agreed that tough challenges are ahead for Serbia, Djilas said. Djilas also noted that Vucic had said his aides had informed him that the SNS had over 60 seats in the 110-seat city assembly. Djilas noted that the results of the 3 April local elections showed that the United for Victory of Belgrade and We Must coalitions had won more votes than the SNS and the Socialist Party of Serbia in most Belgrade municipalities. "The opposition won in the majority of urban municipalities, which calls for new elections," Djilas said, noting that he had spoken with Vucic on behalf of his party, and not as a representative of the entire opposition. He said the Freedom and Justice Party would not accept any invitation to join the new Serbian government and would remain the biggest critic of the ruling parties.


Drecun: Threats to Marty not coming from Belgrade, aimed at compromising Serbia (Politika/Tanjug)


The Chairman of the Serbian parliamentary committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun on Monday dismissed allegations that former Council of Europe rapporteur Dick Marty, who has investigated crimes committed by the so-called "Kosovo Liberation Army", was receiving death threats from Serbian intelligence services, and added that the disinformation might be a brutal provocation aimed at compromising Serbia's security services and Serbia itself. "If we were to threaten Dick Marty's safety in any way, we would compromise the entire trial of the terrorist 'KLA'. Is that our interest? We want those crimes to come to light and their perpetrators prosecuted. This is a major set-up, with the Swiss Federal Intelligence Service or elements from Pristina, the Albanian mafia or the Albanian diaspora behind it," Drecun said. Those who might be interested in threatening Marty's safety are definitely not in Belgrade, but people identified in Marty's report as the perpetrators of the most brutal crimes committed by the "KLA", Drecun said. In an interview for a Swiss daily, Marty has said the death threats seemed to come from "certain circles of Serbian intelligence services". Drecun said Marty's "naivete" was a cause for concern. "Marty should come to Belgrade, where the parliamentary committee on Kosovo-Metohija would present to him the findings and the documentation we have obtained through a working group on crimes committed by the "KLA" - all of which confirm his own findings - and he would be safe here. Our services are under strong institutional control, there is a parliamentary committee on control of security services and no illegal activities or activities behind the scenes could occur," he said. Serbia and the Serbs owe gratitude to Marty, Drecun said. "We are grateful to him for having the courage and for investigating crimes committed by the 'KLA', paving the way for trials of all those from the 'KLA' who are responsible for those crimes," Drecun said. The Serbian Security and Information Agency on Monday sent a letter to the Swiss Federal Intelligence Service in which it refuted and condemned in the strongest of terms what it said were malicious claims about Serbian intelligence services being involved in any assassination plans. "In these difficult times, such claims are unjustly causing unforeseeable damage to Serbia and the reputation of the Security and Information Agency and its staff, who perform their tasks with commitment and professionally and solely in line with the law," the agency said in a statement sent to Tanjug.


Macron for Serbia continuing on road to EU, restoration of peace in Europe (Beta)


French President Emmanuel Macron has congratulated his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic on his victory in the Serbian presidential election, voicing the conviction that Vucic would continue on the path toward European Union membership and work to restore peace, threatened in Europe by Russia's aggression against Ukraine. According to a press release issued by Vucic's office, Macron said in his message of congratulations that he felt assured that Serbia would continue resolutely on the road to joining the EU and its community of values, and could count on France's support, especially in the coming months, when France will be chairing the EU Council. Macron said he did not doubt that Serbia would be able to work together with EU member countries and West Balkan nations to restore the peace that is in jeopardy on the continent due to the Russian aggression against Ukraine. The French president expressed the desire to continue with Vucic a dialog "based on trust", in service of a shared European future and excellence in bilateral relations, the Presidency's statement concluded.


German President congratulates Vucic on presidential win (Beta)


German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has congratulated Aleksandar Vucic on his victory in the Serbian presidential election, saying that Germany supported Serbia and every other West Balkan state as a reliable partner, and noting that Serbia imposing sanctions against Russia would be crucial in the near future. According to a press release issued on 11 April by Vucic's office, Steinmeier said he was glad that the two countries would continue to build and expand their ties in all areas, calling Serbia part of Europe and the European family, and giving assurances of Germany's support to Serbia on its path to joining the EU. He underscored that it would be crucial in the coming period that Serbia align its foreign policy with the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy, especially with the EU's decisions in relation to Russia, including imposing sanctions. He also stressed the importance of reforms in the rule of law and the dialog on normalizing relations with Pristina.


Propaganda war against Serbia? Procurement of Chinese air defense agreed 3 years ago (Novosti)


The editorial board of the Associated Press in Belgrade tried to mislead the public by claiming that Serbia got that system in a "secret operation this weekend". However, as Reuters reports, Serbia agreed and paid for the Chinese anti-aircraft missile system FK-3 three years ago. The AP adds, seemingly unprovoked, that the system arrived in Serbia "amid Western concerns that the accumulation of weapons in the Balkans during the war in Ukraine could threaten the fragile peace in the region".


Can this be regarded as exerting pressure on Serbia?

It seems completely unbelievable that the AP editorial board is indirectly trying to present the procurement of a sophisticated anti-aircraft system as "the weapons buildup that could endanger fragile peace in the region," the media reported. The main purpose of defensive systems is to ensure peace and security of the Serbian sky. According to Novosti, it is impossible to expect peace in the Balkans if Serbia, as a factor of peace and stability in this area, does not have strong control over its skies. The Associated Press report adds: “Media and military experts said Sunday that six Chinese Air Force Y-20 transport planes landed at Belgrade’s civilian airport early Saturday, reportedly carrying HQ-22 surface-to-air missile systems for the Serbian military. The Chinese cargo planes with military markings were pictured at Belgrade’s Nikola Tesla airport. Serbia’s defense ministry did not immediately respond to AP’s request for comment. The arms delivery over the territory of at least two NATO member states, Turkey and Bulgaria, was seen by experts as a demonstration of China’s growing global reach.” However, that is not the only illogical statement that can lead an uninformed reader in the wrong direction, this media further states. The agreement on the purchase of the FC-3 system was concluded long before the mentioned conflict in Ukraine, bearing in mind that the conflict between the Kyiv authorities and the Russians in Donbas before the Russian special military operation is certainly not considered.

The Western public was also informed about the agreement through the Reuters agency, and AP is trying to present the two-year-old Reuters news as "new and secret". Since it is clear that the procurement of the Chinese air defense system has nothing to do with the "secret weekend operation" and "jeopardizing peace in the Balkans while the war in Ukraine is going", a clear question arises: What is the background of this text published by AP? President Aleksandar Vucic has talked several times so far about the pressure on Serbia because our state did not impose sanctions on Russia. More than a month ago, Vucic announced that the pressure on Serbia would be greater than ever. Also, Serbia is being blackmailed directly because of its sovereign policy, the president revealed recently. Strictly speaking - an intelligence war is being waged against Serbia. We remind you that in February, false news was published that the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev was coming to Belgrade, and "Air Serbia" was exposed to a brutal propaganda war due to a flight on the Belgrade-Moscow airline, while Airbus passenger planes are being followed by NATO fighter jets. Novosti writes that it is clear that this is not about the good intentions of the AP and the concern for peace in the region, this is obvious from the way they conveyed the news that Croatia bought "Rafal" fighter planes. Then they wrote that "Croatia has replaced its obsolete fleet of Soviet-era aircraft and strengthened its air force amid long-standing tensions in the Balkans". The only way for Serbia to withstand the pressures is to expose them immediately and in full, this media concludes. When someone does that, as the AP did in its text, the media that do not participate in the propaganda war against Serbia can only point out such examples immediately.




UK imposes sanctions against Cvijanovic an Dodik; UK Foreign Secretary Truss: Dodik and Cvijanovic are deliberately undermining hard won peace in B&H Ambassador Field: Sanctions were imposed after detailed legal consultations (O Kanal)


The UK has imposed sanctions against Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and Republika Srpska (RS) President and SNSD Vice President Zeljka Cvijanovic for undermining the Dayton Peace Accords, peace and the institutions in B&H, adoption of anti-constitutional laws, glorification of war criminals and denial of genocide. UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said in a statement that these two politicians are deliberately undermining the hard won peace in B&H. “Encouraged by Russian President Vladimir Putin, their reckless behavior threatens stability and security across the Western Balkans”, the statement reads. Dodik has driven action to withdraw the RS from key state institutions in B&H, using divisive, dangerous, nationalist rhetoric, undermining domestic and regional peace and encouraging ethnic hatred and genocide denial, while Cvijanovic used her office to table legislation in the RS seeking to transfer state-level competencies to the entity level; she has publicly glorified war criminals and denied the genocide in Srebrenica – the statement adds. The sanctions include travel bans and asset freezes. This is the first time the UK sanctions regime has been used for B&H. UK Ambassador to B&H Matthew Field said the sanctions against Dodik and Cvijanovic imposed by the UK on Monday are not directed against RS citizens, but against individuals. He stressed that this step was taken due to activities that undermine B&H’s stability, functionality and the country’s legal framework. “The recent action by Milorad Dodik and Zeljka Cvijanovic is in direct breach to the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the Constitution of B&H. These are sanctions against two individuals who have acted irresponsibly with the power entrusted to them, not sanctions against the RS or its citizens”,

Field also said: “This is the first time that the UK’s sanctions regime is used for B&H. The decision was made after careful consideration and detailed legal consultations”. “Sanctions are not a magic wand or an instant solution to political problems”, said Ambassador Field. He concluded that abovementioned decision should be part of wider approach to efforts to end consequence-free environment in B&H, so that politicians are held accountable for their acting. “With these tough sanctions we are showing that the enemies of peace will be held to account”. Working in coordination with the US and other like-minded partners, the Foreign Secretary expressed hope that the announcement of these sanctions will encourage other nations to apply similar restrictive measures which hold politicians to account for their destabilizing and dangerous behavior. Ambassador Field underlined that elected officials need to focus on delivering for citizens’ welfare and on providing assistance to democratic institutions, including organization of elections and implementation of their results. “Dodik and Cvijanovic will not be able to travel in the UK. British citizens or businesses in the UK are prohibited from doing business with them or any organization under their control. To be honest, I wish these decisions were not necessary but they were. The UK cannot just stand and watch B&H collapse.” Member of the UK Parliament Alicia Kearns was quoted as saying: “We will sanction anyone who seems to secede or divide the state or who is destructive and destabilizing. I think the message we are going to send to him and others is that if you sow divisions and if you sow instability there are consequences and the UK government will make sure that your families and you face them. British parliamentarians can choose to continue cooperating with Dodik if they wish, but let us not be fooled that there was already a fantastic relationship between him and British parliamentarians.” Special Representative of the UK Prime Minister for the Western Balkans, Stuart Peach commented the sanctions that UK imposed to Dodik and Cvijanovic. “Today’s decision of the foreign minister is significant and necessary, these persons are on the dangerous path which harms stability and legal order in B&H. The sooner the U-turn on that path is made, the better for B&H citizens,” said Peach.


HR Schmidt: UK’s sanctions are result of Dodik and Cvijanovic’s repeated violation of B&H Constitution and rule of law; They are directed against individuals, not against the RS as a whole (FTV)


The UK has imposed sanctions against Serb member of B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and RS President and SNSD Vice President Zeljka Cvijanovic for undermining the Dayton Peace Accords, peace and the institutions in B&H, adoption of anti-constitutional laws, glorification of war criminals and denial of genocide. High Representative Christian Schmidt commented that the UK’s sanctions are result of Dodik and Cvijanovic’s repeated violation of the Constitution of B&H and the rule of law, stressing that they are directed against individuals – not against the RS as a whole. “These are sanctions aimed at Dodik and Cvijanovic, not at the RS and its people. Dodik and Cvijanovic missed every opportunity to get back into constructive dialogue to the benefit of the people in this country, including the ones in the RS. Instead, they have chosen to undermine the DPA and the Constitution of B&H. They will have to bear the consequences of their words and deeds”, Schmidt said. Schmidt thanked the UK for its commitment to the stability in B&H, and said there must be no discussions regarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. Schmidt said UK sanctions are just continuation of what happened in January when the US imposed sanctions against top RS officials. He added that similar activities can be expected in the coming period as well.


Dodik on UK sanctions: This is attempt to politically eliminate me and Cvijanovic; Cvijanovic: PDP and Bosniaks demanded and UK delivered sanctions (ATV)


The UK imposed sanctions against member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic due to “an attempt to undermine legitimacy and functionality of B&H.” These sanctions prevent Dodik and Cvijanovic to travel to the UK and to access property they possibly have in that country. In his reaction to these sanctions, Dodik said that the UK has never had good intentions towards Serbs and the RS. Cvijanovic said that PDP and Bosniaks demanded, and the UK delivered the sanctions. In a special interview for ATV, Dodik and Cvijanovic stressed that this is an attack on legal and legitimate representatives of the RS. Dodik underlined that while crawling slowly “behind its big brother the US”, the UK decided to impose the sanctions. Cvijanovic and Dodik deem this is a clear sign the UK is concerned that the two of them could be candidates of the ruling coalition in upcoming elections in B&H. “Dodik is not a problem for them, but the RS. Dodik and Zeljka are problems only when they fight for the RS in a way we consider right. Paddy Ashdown started undermining of the RS. All these years we have been dealing with this shameful legacy he left”, said Dodik. He went on to saying that the UK Ambassador advocated the sanctions. According to Dodik, the sanctions against him and Cvijanovic were imposed upon the demand of PDP’s officials Mladen Ivanic, Igor Crnadak, Branislav Borenovic and Jelena Trivic, because these politicians are exponents of the UK policy in this region. “This is an attempt of political elimination of me and Cvijanovic. These Brits are the biggest thieves in history”, explained Dodik. Cvijanovic denied claims of the UK that were ground for imposing of the sanctions. She added that the imposed sanctions will cause something opposite to expectations of the UK Ambassador to B&H, namely they will only deepen divisions in B&H. The RS President stressed that content Bosniak politicians expressed in regards to imposed sanctions is evidence that B&H is a deeply divided society. She went on to saying that the RS is not responsible for it, adding that the RS is actually nourishing something that should be the result of the dialogue. According to Dodik and Cvijanovic, this is a political message to all those who protect the RS. Cvijanovic said that the UK government is trying to take revenge on them because of the Law on Property adopted in the RS parliament, which derogates from the long-passed law banning the disposal of property passed by the former High Representative coming from the UK Ashdown. Cvijanovic stated: “If this is a way of settling accounts with officially elected officials of the RS, I must say that I am ready and able to withstand such pressures on behalf of the citizens of the RS. What I do not want to tolerate is the fact that someone is trying to ask the President of the RS to enter into a legislative conflict with the RS parliament, which represents the majority will of the people, i.e. citizens of the RS.” Dodik said this is once again a clear confirmation from London that PDP is their informant and follower. He said that they are in a hurry to overthrow the current government with united forces, ahead of the general elections, in order to continue to undermine the Serb national interest. Dodik claimed: “This was done at the request of their branch here, which is called PDP of Mladen Ivanic, Borenovic, Trivic and Crnadak. They are their intelligence exponents here in the RS, and it was done probably to jeopardize my and Zeljka's candidacy for individual positions, because they believe that it would be us. We do not know yet who it will be on our behalf, but they think we would be. Therefore, the constant lamentation and the story about the need to remove Dodik, and now Zeljka, speaks about the fact that there is an attempt to create a new political structure here by informants, such as the ones I mentioned.” Dodik stated: “We will not stop fighting for the RS, it is sacred to us. We will not abandon the RS under any circumstances. We are not scared at all, nor are we embarrassed”. Cvijanovic said she understands how much influence any big country can have, but, as she said, that does not give these countries the right to influence the RS to give up on that which is the constitutional position of the RS and the interest of the RS. Dodik expects that the example of the UK will be followed by Germany and the Netherlands, all with the aim of changing the government in the RS.


RS ruling coalition condemns UK sanctions against Dodik and Cvijanovic (ATV)


After the UK imposed sanctions against leader of SNSD and member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic, leaders of ruling coalition in the RS gathered around SNSD held meeting in Banja Luka on Monday. Leaders of all coalition partner parties of SNSD harshly condemned sanctions against Dodik and Cvijanovic, underlining that these sanctions will not change policies of the RS which are grounded on respecting the Constitution of B&H and the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). Some of them stressed that imposed sanctions will not bring peace in B&H, adding that similar actions can be expected against all those who protect interests of the RS. Leader of NDP Dragan Cavic said that this is not message to Dodik and Cvijanovic, but to positions they perform, because they became subjects of sanctions by performing their duties in line with the RS Constitution and Constitution of B&H. “Cvijanovic was sanctioned for signing decree to declare law adopted by the RSNA”, explained Cavic. United Srpska leader Nenad Stevandic stressed that this is one type of revenge against those who do not work in line with dictate. “This is evidence they have not been leading vassal policies,” stressed Stevandic. The RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic believes that the UK sanctions are nothing but a hoax from the political Sarajevo. Viskovic thinks that they see a key obstacle in Dodik and Cvijanovic to make decisions in B&H according to the principle one man-one vote. Viskovic said that there is a wish to mark the Serb political representatives as a pro-Russian element and to use the conflict in Ukraine and, as Viskovic said, general hysteria against Russia to discipline Dodik. Viskovic claimed that there is involvement of “their people” when it comes to UK sanctions. Viskovic stated: “I was able to hear various lies from individuals in various places, spreading to any of us.”


RS opposition denies accusations that their people are involved in decision on UK sanctions against Dodik and Cvijanovic (ATV)


Reporter commented that representatives of opposition parties in RS provided rather soft reactions to decision of the UK to impose sanctions against RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. According to ATV, it seems that PDP is rather glad that the sanctions were imposed. Some believe that at least Vice President of PDP Jelena Trivic was supposed to condemn sanctions, because she is planning to be a candidate for the RS President in upcoming elections. However, while addressing the RS parliament, Trivic stated that the RS opposition cannot decide about decisions of administrations of big powers. “We cannot either help or be hindrance,” stated Trivic. SDS’ Miladin Stanic emphasized that sanctions imposed by the UK do not have direct consequences for Dodik and Cvijanovic. Stanic reminded that SDS was a subject of sanctions, adding that this party is against the sanctions.

The RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic claimed that “their people” were involved in these sanctions. Those people are PDP members, according to accusations from Dodik and Cvijanovic. Cvijanovic stated: “Looking at what is happening, I think we can conclude that the Bosniaks and the PDP ordered and the British delivered”. Dodik commented: “This was done at the request of their branch here, which is called PDP of Mladen Ivanic, Borenovic, Trivic and Crnadak. They are their intelligence exponents here”. PDP’s representative Crnadak views accusations from Cvijanovic and Dodik as “pure nonsense”. SDS representative Nebojsa Vukanovic said the sanctions arrived as a sign that a line was crossed. Vukanovic said that Dodik is trying to score cheap points and accuse the opposition. SDS stated that they are against the sanctions when it comes to anyone. PDP and SDS stated that they do not support sanctions of any kind but say that any individual must be held accountable for his actions, and that person should not hide behind the citizens.


Dzaferovic, Komsic welcome sanctions against Dodik and Cvianovic; Komsic calls on HR to immediately put out of force anti-constitutional laws that undermine B&H (FTV)


B&H Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA) said that the UK government’s decision to impose sanctions against Dodik and Cvijanovic is justifiable. He called on the EU member states to also impose sanctions against the RS authorities, adding if it is impossible to reach an agreement on this issue – the EU should not be a hostage of one of the member states and other countries should impose sanctions against Dodik and his associates. Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic (DF) stated that sanctions represent a clear message about what the UK authorities think about the RS’ actions that undermine the state of B&H. “This is also a clear message to High Representative Christian Schmidt not to hesitate at all and to immediately put out of force anti-constitutional laws that undermine the state of B&H,” Komsic said. Dzaferovic was quoted as saying: “Through a series of unconstitutional laws, decisions and conclusions, the RS entity authorities have struck at the DPA and 27 years of its implementation. This has seriously jeopardized stability and shaken peace in B&H, which is particularly worrying given Russia's aggression against Ukraine, as well as the fact that the RS authorities led by Dodik support the aggression.”


FB&H opposition parties welcome sanctions against Dodik and Cvijanovic (N1)


The leader of SDP Nermin Niksic said that European countries need to urgently react, as well as the High Representative with Bonn Powers. The Our Party (NS) also stated the High Representative should follow this example for the sake of peace and security in the whole country. They said that the imposed sanctions from the UK do not amnesty the OHR in the context of imposing decisions and using Bonn Powers. SDP B&H, SBB B&H and NS welcomed the UK Government’s decision to impose sanctions against Dodik and Cvijanovic. SBB B&H issued a press statement welcoming the newest decision of the UK authorities to impose sanctions to Dodik and Cvijanovic. “Long-term underlining of state of B&H, its constitutional order and institutions, even the underlining of the Dayton Agreement and constant undermining of peace, which is carried out by Dodik and Cvijanovic, cannot be left unsanctioned. SBB is grateful to UK Government and all other western states which recognized Dodik’s very dangerous politics, which threatens endangering of peace and security in the region and sanctioned it with concrete moves. Decision of the UK and earlier of the US on imposing of sanctions to Dodik’s regime, is message to everyone trying to harm the state of B&H that they will be stopped and isolated,” reads the statement.


RS parliament fails to support Dodik’s veto to five decisions of B&H Presidency (ATV)


At its special session held on Monday, the RS parliament failed to provide two-third majority support to veto member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik invoked to five decisions of B&H Presidency. One of these decisions refers to decision to approve conclusions of memorandum of understanding between the OSCE Mission to B&H and the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H. While addressing the RS parliament, Dodik stated that he has been protecting interests of the RS, because Bosniaks want to enable passing of decisions at B&H level that are not in line with the Constitution of B&H.  RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that the RS has competences to implement education process, adding that it is national interest. The reporter noted that Dodik emphasized that five decisions of B&H Presidency adopted by outvoting him represent interfering in interests of the RS. Representatives of opposition parties stated that by invoking of mechanism of protection of vital interest of entity this mechanism could be excerpted. Dodik rejected such claims, adding that veto should be imposed every time member of B&H Presidency from the RS is outvoted. He emphasized that any outvoting in the Presidency should be disputed by the RSNA. He explained that abovementioned five decisions of the Presidency of B&H represent “crawling danger” for the RS. Dodik also stated that this is the issue that concerns the RS and not himself. Representatives of opposition parties deem that organizing of special session of the RS parliament was ungrounded, adding that goal is actually to cover up real situation in education sector in the RS. Cvijanovic addressed the RSNA and stressed that the RS wants issue of education to be solved in line with constitutional competences, adding that disputable conclusions of B&H Presidency do not allow it. Dodik underlined that B&H is in dangerous situation where foreigners encourage officials in B&H not to respect the DPA and the Constitution of B&H, adding that this is why he will resume to respect the Constitution.


Law on immovable property is supposed to come in effect in RS on Thursday, there are two possible solutions – reaction of HR or adoption of state-level law on immovable property (FTV)


Law on immovable property, which was adopted by the RS parliament first and then RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic signed a decree proclaiming the law, is supposed to come in effect in the RS on Thursday. Expert in the field of constitutional law Nurko Pobric assessed that the law on immovable property is conflict between the state and entities’ legal organization, reminding that the High Representative (HR) has passed a decision banning the disposal with the state property on the territory of B&H and the law on immovable property is in conflict with the HR’s law. Pobric added that there is also a decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H which reads that the state property should be an issue regulated by a law adopted at the stated-level in B&H. He stated that Dodik is in a service of realization of a political program and idea that exist in the RS for a long time, i.e. a plan to disempower the state of B&H and strengthen the RS through unlawful takeover of competences from the state-level. HR Christian Schmidt said earlier that the RS law on immovable property is dysfunctional and illegal, adding that competent officials in the RS have a chance to correct this but that he will react in case that they fail to do that. SDA representatives in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) announced that they will file a motion with B&H CC asking for assessment of constitutionality of the RS law on immovable property. FTV reminded that B&H CC’s rulings usually remain unimplemented and previous examples regarding the state property prove this, concluding that there are two possible solutions – a reaction of the HR who should prevent that the RS law on immovable property comes in effect or the adoption of the state-level law on immovable property. Commenting on the issue, SDP B&H’s Sasa Magazinovic stated that failing to implement the rulings of B&H CC is a reason for the HR’s reaction, and in case that there is no reaction of the HR – there is a risk of escalation of the situation and someone might attempt to stop such things through non-democratic means.


SDA, SDP, Our Party and SBB B&H send proposal of technical changes to Law on Elections to B&H HoR (Dnevni list/


State parliamentarians from SDA, SDP, Our Party and SBB B&H signed and sent into the parliamentary procedure on Monday changes to the Law on Elections of B&H dealing with technical issues. According to the daily, the technical changes, which are generally supported by all political parties in B&H, deal with introduction of scanners, electronic surveillance, appointment of polling station committees, definition of hate speech, financing of campaign and elections, issue of constituencies and number of mandates. Member of IAWG Sasa Magazinovic told that changes and amendments to the Law on Elections of B&H have been sent to the B&H House of Representatives. Magazinovic noted it is obvious that ‘we’ disagree on whether the elections in B&H should be held in line with European or medieval standards, as advocated by Dragan Covic, “but what we agree on is that the elections should be free and fair”. The speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Nebojsa Radmanovic said the changes are not a proposal by 17 representatives from these parties, but by some international factor. Radmanovic said that representatives from the RS and the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) member parties were excluded from this, and that it was clear that the proponents could not achieve the goal they set out to do.


Karamatic: Croats have possibility to make Donetsk and Lugansk within the FB&H if another outvoting of Croats takes place in elections (Nezavisne)


Member of the Croat National Assembly (HNS) Presidency Mario Karamatic stated that Croats have a possibility to make Donetsk and Lugansk within the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) if another outvoting of Croats takes place in the elections. He believes that general elections will take place, although there is no item in the budget for this purpose, which means that there are legal conditions for organizing and implementation of the elections. He added: “They exist in RS according to some interpretations, since the RS has its election bodies. The RS could even organize this, while the FB&H definitely cannot do this.” He said that he is against boycotting of the elections since this represents running away from problems. Asked if Mostarization of the FB&H can take place, Karamatic said that it could happen easily. As for the statement of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic who said that the Dayton Peace Agreement is a straitjacket, Karamatic said that the straitjacket was imposed on Croats in B&H, and he explained that nobody could even think that Bosniaks will decide instead of Croats who will be the Croat member of the B&H Presidency. He stressed that the letter of Dayton Agreement and the competencies originally defined by the Dayton Agreement original Dayton authorities are not disputable in the RS and within the Croat corps in B&H, and that problems have emerged when interpretation s of the spirit of the DPA started. He explained that problems emerged when the High Representatives “swept away” Dayton-defined competencies of both Serbs and Croats. He added that they removed many Croat and Serbs officials and not a single Bosniak official. Karamatic also stated: “The basic problem is that we agree with something in some part or people, who do not understand at all where they came and mentality of the people living here, impose something and they always take one side exclusively. Then malfunctioning of the country takes place.” Karamatic said that Croats do not have their representative in the B&H Presidency and the only person in this institution who has some sympathy of the Croat people is Milorad Dodik. According to Karamatic, the Bosniak policy and the policy of the IC have succeeded in something that nobody in history managed to achieve, namely to reconcile Serbs and Croats in B&H. Karamatic believes that representatives of Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks would reach an agreement on building of a joint state to the satisfaction of all if B&H did not have foreign tutors. He added: “If they want us to live together, we in B&H must reach an agreement.”

According to Karamatic, “Turkish tyranny” united Serbs and Croats in B&H. He underlined that he is not satisfied with the Croat policy in B&H because it is a policy of compromise, justifying oneself and making concessions. He added that his policy is different, which is why he is often targeted by Sarajevo-based media. He argued that many in Sarajevo seem shocked when he says that he advocates establishing of ‘Herzeg-Bosnia’ and that he is proud of his participation in the war, or when he says that the state of B&H does not mean anything to him. Karamatic said that many in Zagreb and Belgrade do not understand the situation in B&H and they are afraid of possible secession of the RS. Karamatic said that Croatian President Zoran Milanovic realized that they in Sarajevo tried to make a full of him. He added that Milanovic realized what is going on in B&H, that “there is no possibility of establishing a civic state since this is a Unitary-Islamic story and he does not want establishing of Caliphate in the heart of Europe”. Karamatic warned Bosniaks that if they elect the Croat member of B&H Presidency again, Fadil Novalic will remain Prime Minister of the FB&H for another four years.


SDA delegate in B&H HoP Sarajlic, former Chief B&H Prosecutor Tadic included in list of sanctions of US Department of the Treasury’s OFAC (FTV)


SDA delegate in B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Asim Sarajlic and former Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H Gordana Tadic were included on Monday on the list of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Department of the Treasury, the body that administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions based on the US foreign policy and national security goals against targeted foreign countries, regimes and individuals. The sanction bans Sarajlic, Tadic and their family members from entry into the US. The OFAC designated Sarajlic as the infamous actor of the ‘Asim affair’, a political corruption scandal in which Sarajlic was caught promising to secure a job for the wife of a party delegate in exchange for a requested vote on a political party position. Sarajlic has been indicted for additional offenses, including abuse of office and influence peddling. Sarajlic has also abused his position in relation to the ‘BH Telecom’ company. In this capacity, Sarajlic personally accepted payment from job applicants in exchange for positions, and otherwise exerted inordinate influence over the hiring process. As part of this activity, Sarajlic recommended candidates who were reportedly severely underqualified, undermining the integrity of the company. The OFAC also designated Tadic who was officially removed from her position by the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H following her failure to assign cases to prosecutors through an automated case distribution system designed to prevent prosecutor assignment decisions based on personal or political reasons. In addition, Tadic reportedly used her position as Chief Prosecutor to promote her own personal and familial interests. Sanctions were also imposed against individuals from Albania, North Macedonia and Montenegro. The US Embassy to B&H wrote that sanctions are a warning to all those in B&H who would threaten the country’s democratic function, stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity for their personal or political goals. “Today’s actions are a warning to all those in B&H - from the FB&H, the RS, or Brcko District – who would threaten the country’s democratic function, stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity for their personal or political goals. The United States will not hesitate to hold individuals and the companies and businesses they control accountable,” reads the US Embassy statement. The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken welcomed these sanctions and pointed out that the US introduced certain sanctions against representatives and persons in the Western Balkans which in this context undermine the European integrity and the European path of the Western Balkans. Blinken posted on his Twitter: “Today the US State Department and US Department of Treasury took action to designate actors in the Western Balkans for destabilizing and corrupt activities. The US and partners like the UK are holding accountable those who threaten the region's stability, progress, and European integration.” Commenting the announced US sanctions against her, the former B&H Chief Prosecutor Gordana Tadic told Radio Free Europe that she was not informed about sanctions, and she is disappointed. “I am surprised. What corruption are we talking about? I do not know where this comes from. I have been working honestly my whole life. I never took a single dime from anyone. I am very disappointed,” said Tadic.


Plenkovic with Sarrazin, stresses importance of electoral reform talks (Vecernji list)


Vecernji list daily reads that the Croatian government has continues with its efforts in order to mediate talks about the electoral reform (in B&H). Namely, daily reports that Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic met with German Special Representative for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin in Zagreb (presumably on Monday). Plenkovic posted a comment on Twitter and stressed the importance of continuation of talks about the electoral reform. “Achieving agreement is important for functionality and stability of B&H and its European future”, Plenkovic tweeted.


Grlic Radman prior to EU FAC meeting: B&H is in deep political crisis (Vecernji list)


Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman stated in Luxembourg on Monday, prior to the meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council, that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is in a deep political crisis. “Legality and legitimacy of the forthcoming elections in B&H should be secured through the electoral reform,” said Grlic Radman. Grlic Radman announced that the EU Foreign Affairs Council will discuss the significance of Western Balkans and stability in the region.


Croatia expels 18 Russian diplomats (Hina)


Croatia has expelled 18 Russian diplomats and six members of administrative staff, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs said in a statement on Monday. Croatia notified the Russian ambassador about the reduction of the number of diplomatic and administrative staff at the Russian Embassy on Monday. "Eighteen diplomats and six members of administrative staff (24 employees in total) at the Embassy of the Russian Federation have been asked to leave the Republic of Croatia," the statement said. Croatia thus joined other European countries, including Poland, Germany, France, Italy and Spain, in expelling Russian diplomats over the Russian military invasion of Ukraine. Neighboring Slovenia will expel 33 Russian diplomats. The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs once again strongly condemned "the brutal aggression on Ukraine and numerous war crimes committed." Russia was once again called upon to immediately cease its military activities, withdraw its troops from the entire territory of Ukraine, and secure evacuation and aid supply routes. Croatia also called on Russia to bring those responsible for war crimes to justice.


US imposes sanctions on Svetozar Marovic (CdM)


The United States of America has imposed sanctions on Svetozar Marovic yesterday. All assets and bank accounts located in the USA must be blocked and reported to the Office of Foreign Assets of the US Treasury Department (OFAC), it was stated at today’s press briefing in Washington. A senior State Department official said the biggest problem in the Western Balkans was corruption. “Those sanctioned today pose a serious threat to regional stability, institutional trust, and the aspirations of those seeking democratic governance in the Western Balkans,” Brian E. Nelson, deputy secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, told reporters. He stressed that the fight against corruption around the world was the main priority of the administration of US President Joe Biden.


US Embassy: Marovic to return to Montenegro to face justice and public from which he stole (CdM)


Svetozar Marovic is to return home to Montenegro and face justice and the public from which he stole stated the US Embassy in Podgorica. Marovic should return home to Montenegro to face justice and the public he stole from.  Political leaders must promote the public good and not their own personal interests, while their supporters cannot allow them to abuse their positions with impunity. “If the endemic corruption which has kept Montenegro in a stranglehold for years remains unaddressed, it will continue to depress its prosperity, weaken its democracy, and impede its EU accession process.  The people of Montenegro deserve much better,” stated the US Embassy in Podgorica.


Vukovic: We expect minority government to be formed these days (CdM)


The Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) expects a minority government to be formed these days, DPS MP Aleksandra Vukovic has stated. “At the end of last week, the DPS was determined to leave a small space for a minority government to be formed. We made four conditions earlier, and that cannot be called any conditioning. We have presented that to our associates and those who are negotiating about the minority government,” she has said at the press conference. “We expect that a minority government will be formed in the coming days, because any delay in its formation will bring the state into instability,” Vukovic points out.


The SDP will be part of the minority government, scheduling a session soon (CdM)


The SDP will be part of the minority government, but it is not certain if the SD will be, Prime Minister-designate Dritan Abazovic said. He expects that the request for scheduling the Assembly will be sent very soon and that days, maybe hours separated us from it. He pointed out that the Parliament is not anyone's private property, and if 41 deputies and more want to schedule a session, it will happen. "I think we are really one step away from forming the government. The SDP will be part of it. I think we should all give up maximalist demands. I am not sure about the SD and that is the last unknown. We will try to find a solution for that as well," he said. He added it would be good for everyone to express themselves. "I expect everyone to be flexible," he said. He pointed out that the entire system should be unblocked. "I do not want to be enslaved by deadlines. We should not be subject to media pressure. At the beginning, everyone criticized the minority government, now they are asking when it will be formed, "he said. Abazovic expects the support of 49 deputies. He could not say which departments would belong to the SDP. "I have talked to the SNP many times. We are trying to find something that was a compromise. I think we need to get a government at the moment. I believe that the SNP has some relationship and I think they have shown an enviable level in the whole process. It is in the state's interest. I expect that they will not make problems when prime minister designate proposes someone from the SDP for a position," he said, adding that they have to make a team if they want results.


Gruevski and Mijalkov blacklisted by the United States (Nezavisen vesnik)


The US State Department has publicly pointed to former Northern Macedonia Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, former director of the Security and Counterintelligence Sector (UBK) Saso Mijalkov, and Gordana Tadic of the B&H Attorney General's Office for involvement in major corruption. In addition to Gruevski and Mijalkov, the State Department also labeled their immediate family members ineligible to enter the United States, froze any assets and accounts and made them ineligible for any business relations with American companies. "We have taken these actions in response to the involvement of these former officials in significant corruption. Their actions undermined the rule of law, democratic institutions and public processes in both countries and reduced public confidence in their governments," said State Department spokesman Ned Price. "In his official capacity as prime minister, Gruevski was involved in corrupt practices, including the use of his political influence and official power for personal gain. In particular, there is credible information that Gruevski abused his power to seek and accept bribes, in return for approving government contracts, misappropriating public funds and interfering in the election process for his own political benefit and for the benefit of his party.

In his official capacity as director of UBK, Mijalkov was involved in corrupt acts that

include the use of his political influence and official power for personal gain. "In particular, there is credible information that Mijalkov abused his power to seek bribes, and in return the government entered into agreements and interfered in the election process in its favor and in favor of the party," the State Department said in a statement. In addition to Gruevski and Mijalkov, the State Department also designates members of their immediate family as unfit to enter the United States, or more simply blacklisted them. In addition, the US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) imposed economic sanctions under Executive Order (E.O.) 14033 on seven individuals and one entity in four Western Balkan countries. As a result of today's action all property and interests owned by those sanctioned in or entering the United States, or owned or controlled by US persons must be blocked and Nikola Gruevski and Saso Mijalkov are also included in these seven persons. Beside them on the list is Akif Rakipi from Albania, a "notorious member of parliament from Elbasan", according to the finance ministry, which has destabilized Albania's political processes. The list also includes Jili Ndroki, a media tycoon from Albania. The list also includes Montenegrin Svetozar Marovic, a former president of the state union of Serbia-Montenegro. Apart from the aforementioned Gordana Tadic, Asim Sarajlic is also from B&H, a member of the B&H parliament and until recently a senior official of the Party for Democratic Action. "These decisions reaffirm the United States' commitment to upholding the rule of law and strengthening the democratic institutions of the former Yugoslav Republic of North Macedonia and B&H," said Ned Price, a State Department spokeswoman. "The people sanctioned today pose a serious threat to regional stability, institutional trust and the aspirations of those seeking democratic and reasonable governance in the Western Balkans," said Treasury Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian E. Nelson. "The fight against corruption around the world is a top priority for the Biden-Harris administration, and the Treasury Department will not hesitate to use all the tools at its disposal to hold corrupt and destabilizing actors accountable," he added.


Gruevski: The State Department succumbed to incorrect information (Nezavisen vesnik)


Former prime minister Nikola Gruveski reacted to the US decision to be blacklisted along with others for "significant corruption" and, as Antony Blinken put it, "endangers regional stability, progress and European integration". In his reaction on Facebook, Gruevski said that this decision had been talked about "for a long time" and that the Macedonian authorities had lobbied for it.

Gruevski, contrary to US allegations of his widespread corruption, says he "never worked for personal financial or material gain", that George Soros had invested a lot of money and effort to overthrow his government and that he would continue to fight for Macedonia. And that his rule has irritated many countries. "My many years of efforts to resolve the name issue in a different way than the one that was eventually resolved by, the decisions related to the migrant crisis and the closure of the Balkan corridor in 2016 and several other decisions with which I tried to protect state and national interests, irritated many opponents, such as George Soros, who put in a lot of effort and funding to overthrow the government I led. I am sorry for the decision of the State Department that was announced. The allegations for which I have been placed on the list are inaccurate information. From that aspect, although I have no property in the United States, I feel great injustice because I worked very honestly and very responsibly fighting for state and national interests, and I tried as much as I could not to endanger the interests of Macedonia's allies. "I have never worked for personal financial or material interest," said Nikola Gruevski, adding that he would fight to prove the truth.


Germany supports Albania's negotiations (ADN)


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz highlighted this Monday that Germany supports the opening of negotiations for Albania and North Macedonia. This was declared during the joint press conference with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in Berlin. Scholz said that Albania has taken steps forward in democracy while emphasizing that it must advance the reforms launched in the fight against organized crime and corruption. "We must work every day for a life of open democracy. Germany is committed to open negotiations for Albania and North Macedonia. Albania supports EU decisions in EU foreign policy 100%. Just like us, Albania condemns the crimes committed by Russia against the civilian population. Together we ask Putin to agree to a ceasefire. Our bilateral relations are excellent. Albania has taken steps forward in democracy, has created structures against corruption and organized crime, I want to encourage you to advance these reforms,” said Scholz.


Albania expected to receive the green light in June (Radio Tirana)


Albania and North Macedonia can get the green light to join the European Union, according to Euractiv. Euractiv also quotes Prime Minister Edi Rama, who has previously stated in his appearance before the media, that Albania can request secession from North Macedonia. "Albania can no longer wait for the two neighbors to resolve their dispute. "Our course in that direction will change completely," said Prime Minister Edi Rama. Euractiv further writes that Albania's attempt to join the bloc has been linked to its neighbor, North Macedonia. While both countries have met the requirements, in the letter, Bulgaria has vetoed the latter on historical and human rights issues. "Meanwhile, the feeling in Brussels is that enlargement is dead and that Albania received only one unanimous vote to continue membership, because they knew that the Bulgarian veto against North Macedonia would stop the progress on its rails. However, other sources say that after Ukraine's bid to join the EU, Albania and North Macedonia will receive the green light in June. An opinion on Ukraine's accession, including whether the process can be accelerated, is expected later that month. Sources say a positive assessment of Ukraine could not be on the table if Albania and North Macedonia do not make progress. Serbia and Montenegro top the six Western Balkan countries. But Montenegro's accession process has stagnated somewhat, and while Serbia continues to open chapters, there is no real political will to join the EU. "Albania and North Macedonia are next, waiting for the talks to officially start, while Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina have not yet received candidate status", writes Euractiv.


Ylli Ndroqi, Aqif Rakipi declared non grata by US (ADN)


Albanian businessman Ylli Ndroqi and former Socialist MP Aqif Rakipi have been declared non grata by the United States of America. The news was announced by the US Embassy in Albania in a statement to the media. According to the US, Aqif Rakipi is a notorious former MP from Elbasan who has a "harmful and destabilizing influence on the political processes in Albania". It adds that Rakipi has long been involved in organized crime and according to the embassy is closely linked to an organized criminal group. "For example, Rakipi has used his political influence to appoint his friends to key public positions in Elbasan and Tirana. Rakipi lost his mandate as a member of the Albanian parliament after prosecutors confirmed his role in criminal activity under a pseudonym. It is determined on the basis of E.O. 14033 for being responsible or collaborating in or for direct or indirect involvement in corruption in the Western Balkans, including corruption by, on behalf of, or affiliated with, a government in the Western Balkans, or a current or former government official, at any level of government in the Western Balkans, such as the appropriation of public property, the expropriation of private property for personal gain or political purposes, or bribery," it is said in the definition of Aqif Rakipi. Meanwhile, Ylli Ndroqi, according to the US, is the owner of the media and has used the latter to blackmail Albanian citizens through demands for money and the purchase of advertisements in exchange for not publishing negative articles in the media. "Also, Ndroqi has mediated bribes on behalf of an entity that wanted to do business in Albania. Ndroqi is determined on the basis of E.O. 14033 for being responsible or collaborating in or for direct or indirect involvement in corruption in the Western Balkans, including corruption by, on behalf of, or affiliated with, a government in the Western Balkans, or a current or former government official, at any level of government in the Western Balkans, such as the appropriation of public property, the expropriation of private property for personal gain or political purposes, or bribery," the embassy said, referring to Ylli Ndroqi.


Ylli Ndroqi convinced his name will be removed from non-grata list (ADN)


Media Owner Ylli Ndroqi has broken for the first time the silence regarding the decision given this Monday by the US Treasury Department, which sanctioned him among 7 other officials. In his reaction, Ndroqi claims that he believes in the judiciary and has been defending the truth for 2 years before the Special Court Against Organized Crime and Corruption. According to the businessman, this decision was made on the basis of incorrect information. "It is with regret that I learned today the news that I, Ylli Ndroqi, have been included in the list of the US Treasury Department. Regarding this news, I would like to inform the public as follows: -I have respected the laws of the Republic of Albania by contributing to the country's economy. I appreciate sharing with the public the fact that I have not held any position in the state administration. I strongly believe in the judiciary and for 2 years I have been defending my truth before the Special Court Against Organized Crime and Corruption and I am confident that it will decide as an independent court established by law. I have been and remain a supporter of the reforms carried out in the country, including the Justice Reform, and above all I am and remain a supporter of US interests in the country and beyond, and I strongly believe that the friendship between our country and the US is essential and based in the values ??of democracy and the rule of law. I believe in the values ??on which the US was created and operates, which are universal. Also, considering that this decision was made on the basis of misinformation, strongly believing in the fairness of the decision-making of US institutions, I will use my right to request the removal of the name from the list by making available to the authorities any information they need. I consider it important to clarify to the public that according to American legislation the placement of the name in this list is reviewable and has nothing to do with any of the previous cases in Albania. I express confidence that this decision will be reviewed and the name removed from this list. I will also keep you posted on the next steps," stressed Ndroqi.