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Belgrade Media Report 30 May



Vucic: Good deal arranged with Putin (Beta/Politika/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on 29 May that he had arranged a favorable deal on procuring Russian natural gas during a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and that the details of the arrangement would be specified in the coming days. "We had a very good talk on several subjects, the most important of which were our bilateral relations and the gas deal," Vucic told reporters. He stressed that Serbia would continue to receive Russian gas according to the current favorable formula, calculated based on oil prices on the global market, and that this meant that Serbia would have by far the best price of gas in Europe. "We will be signing a three-year contract and tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we will discuss the amount of gas. Serbia needs large quantities of gas, but, if I may say so, we will have a secure winter, while how much the gas will cost depends on further talks," Vucic said. He clarified that the price of natural gas Serbia would procure from the Russian Gazprom company was now one-third of the price that other European countries were paying, while in the winter it could drop to one-tenth or one-twelfth of that. He said he expected the price to be between USD340 to EUR350 for 1,000 cubic meters. He also said that the arranged price applied to 2.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year, and that Serbia needed another 800 million cubic meters. Serbia is negotiating a new natural gas deal with Gazprom because the six-month agreement signed in November 2021 expires on 31 May. The current price of Russian natural gas for Serbia is USD270 for 1,000 cubic meters. Gazprom is the majority owner of the Petroleum Industry of Serbia -- either directly or through subsidiary companies, the only natural gas supplier in Serbia and the majority owner of both pipelines that deliver Russian gas to Serbia. The Kremlin confirmed that Putin and Vucic had agreed on Russia continuing to supply Serbia with natural gas. Putin and Vucic exchanged opinions on a number of topics -- the situation in Ukraine, events related to Kosovo, and "re-affirmed the mutual disposition" to consistently strengthen the strategic partnership between Russia and Serbia based on the traditionally close ties between the two nations, the Kremlin said in a press release.


Providing sufficient quantities of energy, food set as state priority (Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Serbian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Branislav Nedimovic and Serbian Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matic visited the warehouse of the Republic Directorate for Commodity Reserves on Sunday. On that occasion, Vucic emphasized that the state has provided sufficient quantities of basic foodstuffs, that commodity reserves are full, and that the coming months will be used to provide additional quantities of energy and food, before autumn and winter, which will not be easy. He pointed out to the fact that, in terms of food and energy, we are facing a difficult autumn and winter. Therefore it is crucial for us to provide sufficient quantities of energy, and we will start building new storage facilities for diesel and crude oil, for which we need a year and a half, he said and added that further construction of gas storage facilities will follow. According to him, it is also important to provide sufficient quantities of coal and fuel oil, which will not be easy if the conflict in Ukraine does not stop.


Serbia’s position in accordance with international law (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated on 28 May that the geopolitical situation is becoming more and more complicated every day, that the pressures on Serbia are enormous and that Belgrade is not changing its position. Appearing on Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS), Brnabic pointed out that the position of our country is in line with the international legal order and its national interests, and that we are not changing our position. We are under pressure because we are the only country in Europe that has not imposed sanctions on the Russian Federation, we have additional pressure in the country from people who blame us for not imposing the sanctions, she stated. I hope that Moscow understands our position and that at least our partners from the Russian Federation, but also the EU, the US and others, hear us. We are not changing our position. It is the only position in line with international law and does not change in relation to a part of the world or an individual country or the religious and national affiliation of people, she said. According to her, that is the recognition and inviolability of the territorial integrity of internationally recognized states such as Serbia. She pointed out that the industry in Serbia has grown, which is why twice as much gas is consumed now than before, adding that the state wants to provide such quantities that the industry can continue to develop.

Answering the question whether American liquefied petroleum gas is a realistic alternative to Russian gas, she said that it is and reminded that Serbia started working on the gas interconnection project in Greece in 2015.


Mihajlovic: Serbia should do everything to join EU (Politika)


Zorana Mihajlovic, the Serbian Energy Minister and a member of the presidency of the Serbian Progressive Party, has said that the government of Serbia is seeking full membership in the EU, which, she said “is a mission that I truly believe in”, adding that, “Serbia should do absolutely everything it is supposed to do to fulfill this goal”. When asked if she was in favor of introducing sanctions against Russia, Minister Mihajlovic said in an interview with Politika published on 29 May that “this would be in the best interest of Serbian citizens.” “We can hardly influence global events, but by taking our own interests as primary, and EU membership is one of these, we are also adopting a stance,” Mihajlovic explained. The energy minister went on to say that during the election campaign “many political parties, including our partners in the government, said things that were contrary to the position that the state has taken on the crisis in Ukraine”. She underlined that Serbia’s new cabinet would have to be pro-European, stronger and better than the existing government, while the authority of its members would be established based on education and results, not the office that they held.


Vulin: Serbia will not impose sanctions against Russia (Beta)


Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said on 28 May that Serbia had not introduced sanctions against Russia, nor did it plan to. “Europe is a set of territories, not states. No one asks them what they think, they do not make independent decisions, they get their friends and foes chosen for them. Serbia is one of the last states in Europe that refuses to impose sanctions against Russia, and it will not do so,” Vulin was quoted as saying by his office. Vulin also said that no matter where they lived Serbs had to be “a united political nation”, that brought decisions on national issues together. He said that “others” did not like to hear Serbia “talk,” because that meant that Serbia “is strong and united”. “Republika Srpska was not born because the great powers decided this, but because the Serbs did not want the genocide that happened in Jasenovac to be repeated, or for a single Serb child to be left without the protection of its country. This is why we will never again allow someone else to make decisions on our behalf,” the Minister explained.


Differences in Western Balkans should be resolved through agreement, compromise (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic talked today with Adriatic and Balkans Director at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Andrea Cascone. Petkovic informed Cascone about the course of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and underlined that unlike Belgrade, which fulfilled all the deals under the Brussels agreement, Pristina has not fulfilled its biggest and most important obligation, and that is the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, for over nine years. He underlined that Pristina persistently avoids the implementation of the agreements on energy, judiciary and the freedom of movement too and the Pristina side has also made no progress regarding the issue of the missing persons. However, in addition to not wanting to implement decisions and agreements from Brussels, Pristina authorities do not want to implement their own decisions either, and thus they have been avoiding for six years already to execute the decision of the so-called Constitutional Court in Pristina to return 24 hectares of land to the Visoki Decani monastery, which is a striking proof that there is no rule of law in Kosovo and Metohija, Petkovic warned. Petkovic informed his interlocutor in detail about the position of the Serbian people in the province and a series of daily attacks on Serbs, their property, monasteries and churches, of which have been 179 since the beginning of last year, which seriously undermines efforts at resolving the conflict. Petkovic underlined that daily political messages by the interim institutions of authority indicate that Pristina has no intentions of sincerely taking part in creating conditions for the normalization of political and interethnic relations in the region.  He added that Belgrade remains committed to dialogue, because differences in the Western Balkans can be resolved only through dialogue and compromise, and every attempt at imposing a solution through one-sided moves and provocations will inevitably destabilize the situation on the ground, according to a statement from the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.


Support for Serbia confirmed during NATO PA spring session (RTV/Tanjug)


In the course of their participation in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly spring session in Vilnius, the members of the Serbian parliament’s standing delegation met with the Greek, Romanian, Slovak and Spanish delegations to the NATO PA. The Serbian delegation informed the parliamentarians that Pristina does not adhere to the provisions of the Washington agreement seeing how it has applied for membership in the CoE and has for almost ten years now failed to implement the provisions of the Brussels agreement concerning the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities. The Head of the Greek delegation and NATO PA Vice-President Spilios Livanos reaffirmed Greece’s non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo and Metohija, highlighting the country’s consistent and united political position in that regard. The Head of the Slovak delegation to the NATO PA Ludovit Goga restated the country’s full support for Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, including support in international organizations. The Head of the Spanish delegation to the NATO PA Zaida Cantera emphasized her country’s full support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia, stressing that it would not change its principled position, support at the international level included. The Head of the Romanian delegation Senator Angel Tilvar reminded the officials of Romania’s consistent position and continuous support as regards the non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo and Metohija. In addition, the heads of the delegations also underlined the strong support of Serbia’s EU accession and considered the opportunities to further advance bilateral relations. The Head of the standing delegation Dragan Sormaz and delegation members Snezana Paunovic and Zoran Dragisic took part in the NATO PA spring session.


Sormaz: Pristina not implementing Brussels agreement’s provisions (Tanjug)


In the course of the NATO PA spring session in Vilnius, the Head of the standing delegation of the Serbian parliament Dragan Sormaz met with NATO PA President US Congressman Gerald Connolly. In the course of the conversation, it was pointed out that the delegation of the Serbian parliament has been participating in the work of the NATO PA for twenty years, starting in May 2002. Connolly was briefed on the current course of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, i.e. the fact that Pristina does not adhere to the provisions of the Washington agreement since it has submitted a request for membership in the CoE. The Head of the standing delegation also pointed out that Pristina was not implementing the provisions of the Brussels agreement, and appealed for support as regards these issues, drawing attention to the need for a constructive approach by Pristina in the further continuation of the dialogue. The NATO PA President emphasized the Serbian parliament delegation’s active contribution to the work of the NATO PA, pointing out that he would consider the current situation and expressing readiness to visit Belgrade in the coming period.


Improving cooperation with Montenegro in field of tourism (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matic and Minister of Economic Development and Tourism of Montenegro Goran Djurovic talked on Friday in Belgrade about the possibilities of improving cooperation in the field of tourism. Matic pointed out that it is necessary to design joint tourist products and continue cooperation on projects in the field of tourism that are directed towards EU funds, in order to create a joint tourist offer and promote tourist destinations. Matic added that the Montenegrin market is a priority emitting tourist market for Serbia and that tourists from Montenegro in the first three months of this year were in sixth place in terms of the number of arrivals in our country. Djurovic stated that the goal of this visit is to send a message that relations between the two countries should be raised to a higher level, that Montenegro is an interesting tourist destination for Serbian tourists, just as Serbia is interesting for Montenegrin citizens. Matic and Djurovic expressed confidence that, with joint work, within the newly formed Working Group for Promotion in the Field of Tourism of the Republic of Serbia and Montenegro, significant results will be achieved in both countries.


Djilas: Serbia’s best interest is following EU policy and avoiding isolation (TV Prva/Beta)


Freedom and Justice Party leader Dragan Djilas said on 29 May that it was in Serbia’s best interest to avoid isolation and join the EU’s decision to introduce sanctions against Russia. Djilas said in an interview with TV Prva that he had not changed his opinion that sanctions had a devastating effects on ordinary people, while leaving their leaders untouched, and that the sanctions would not stop the war, but that all of Europe had assumed the same stance and that it was bad for Serbia to be isolated. “We need to think about what is good for Serbia. We should not need wage a policy in the interest of Europe, the United States, Russia or China, but our own. It our interest not to stay isolated,” Djilas said. The opposition party leader said that the EU had wronged Serbia in many ways over the past 30 years, but that 300,000 people were working in companies owned by EU member states, and that the EU was Serbia’s largest trade partner. Unless it takes the corresponding measures, Serbia will not be able to join the capital market, Djilas warned.


Cochard: We believe in Serbia’s EU future, to continue with harmonization (Tanjug/RTV)


France believes in the European future of Serbia, says French Ambassador to Serbia Pierre Cochard and points out that that is why Belgrade is expected to “understand the gravity of events” in Europe and join efforts to end the war in Ukraine as soon as possible, and that our country, which has harmonized with a number of EU sanctions, that harmonization should continue. In an interview with Tanjug, Cochard reminds that the candidate countries for EU membership have committed themselves to harmonize their foreign policy with the EU and that this was discussed even before the war in Ukraine, but that, as he says, the issue has become “more sensitive” by Russia’s aggression. “What we hope for is that we share the same obligations and awareness of what is happening with Serbia. Serbia has complied with a number of sanctions, including against Belarus, and this should continue. We hope and do everything in our power to explain why we expect this. The dialogue with the Serbian authorities is constant, I am convinced that President Vucic knows what our position is,” says Cochard. He states that Russia’s attack on Ukraine has called into question fundamental values, such as respect for human life and international law, which Serbia decided to join. He adds that France welcomes Serbia’s moves so far when it voted in the UN General Assembly for resolutions condemning Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, as well as when, as he points out, it showed solidarity by accepting refugees from Ukraine. Cochard says that the EU sanctions are aimed at preventing the Russian military machinery from continuing the “aggressive war and destruction” in Ukraine, and that they are aimed at Russian companies and President Vladimir Putin’s entourage, and not at the population of Russia. Asked what Serbia can expect from France if it does not impose sanctions on Russia, Cochard points out that his country “does not apply pressure and blackmail” and believes in Serbia’s European future. “That is the reason why we believe that Serbia will understand the gravity of what is happening at our borders and that it will work together with us to end the war in Ukraine as soon as possible and for Ukraine to establish its territorial integrity and sovereignty,” says Cochard.


Mexican Ambassador to Serbia: Mexico has an explicitly clear position in favor of respecting integrity and sovereignty of Serbia over Kosovo and Metohija (Politika)


On 24 May, Mexico and the Republic of Serbia marked 76 years of uninterrupted diplomatic relations commenced with the former Yugoslavia, of which Serbia is the successor. During all this time, strong ties of friendship and understanding between our two countries have enabled us to face different challenges and strengthen our relations in all areas. The balance of our diplomatic relations for these 76 years is very positive. The peoples of Mexico and Serbia share similar experiences and achievements in their historical struggle to preserve their sovereignty and national identity. In accordance with its firm principles of foreign policy and adhering to international law, Mexico has an explicitly clear position in favor of respecting the integrity and sovereignty of Serbia over Kosovo and Metohija, in accordance with the principles of UNSCR 1244. Following this principled foreign policy and respecting international law, Mexico and Serbia have agreed with the international community on the clear condemnation of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and demand respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Ukrainian people. We also called for an urgent, peaceful and negotiable solution to this conflict and for sending emergency humanitarian aid to the victims of this war. Mexico and Serbia are making steady strides in strengthening our ties, putting the social and human components at the center of our bilateral relations. The strength of our relationship will enable us to once again overcome the challenges of the complicated international context, increasing cooperation for the benefit of our peoples in the coming years.

Happy anniversary!


CRTA: Most of the votes in Bujanovac to list Coalition of Albanians (RTV/Tanjug/Klan Kosova)


At the second repeated voting in the parliamentary elections at polling station 6 in Bujanovac (Veliki Trnovac), the list of Coalitions of Albanians of the Valley won the most votes - 598, while the Socialist Party of Serbia won six, CRTA announced. Following are the lists “Albanian Democratic Alternative” with two votes and the list “Milos Jovanovic - Hope for Serbia” with one vote. The remaining 15 electoral lists did not win a single vote. There were 10 invalid ballots. CRTA states that the repeated voting was marked by an atmosphere of mistrust among the members of the polling board, which resulted in occasional verbal conflicts and a short interruption of voting. The first on the list of the Coalition of Albanians of the Valley Shaip Kamberi failed to win a seat in the new Serbian parliament, as he won 598 votes in the second elections in Veliki Trnovac, near Bujanovac, for the second time, and needed 611 votes to win the mandate, reports Klan Kosova. Thus, for the first time in 15 years, there will be no Albanian MP in the Serbian parliament. Kamberi assessed for Klan Kosova that it was a consequence of divisions among Albanian parties, adding that they did it, as he stated, “devils from the ranks of Albanians”. Kamberi said that the SPS won six votes in Veliki Trnovac, where Albanians live, and that there were 10 more invalid votes, which, according to him, are in the function of the Socialist Party of Serbia. According to Kamberi, there was constant pressure from the party of Ivica Dacic and Aleksandar Vucic.




Dodik: RS supports intent of Serbia judiciary to legally process war crimes of Croatian military (N1


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik said on Saturday that they support the plans of the Serbian judiciary to legally process Croatian military pilots for war crimes committed during 1995. He posted on his Twitter profile, saying that on August 7 and 8, 1995 war crimes against Serb civilians were committed on Petrovacka Street. Dodik said that Republika Srpska (RS) supports the Serbian Prosecutor’s Office for War Crimes. He said that for the sake of reconciliation and better future of the region, everyone needs to be held responsible for what they did during the past war. Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic commented on this, saying that it is odd that patriotic Croats from HDZ B&H are silent about the Belgrade persecution of Croatian pilots. He said that it is interesting to see HDZ B&H remaining silent on the support of Dodik for this persecution. Komsic said that the silence of HDZ B&H comes from the strategic support of Serbia and Dodik for the policy of HDZ B&H. He said that the leadership of HDZ B&H is more afraid of their mentors from Belgrade than of anyone from Zagreb.


Dodik: B&H Presidency did not take a position on the announcement of the Russian Embassy (RTRS/ATV


The Russian authorities accepted the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia to open a branch office of the Russian Embassy in RS. The Embassy office will be in Banja Luka, informs Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. On Friday, Dodik said that B&H will not join NATO, and that the B&H Presidency did not take a stance on the announcement of the Embassy of the Russian Federation on B&H's membership in that Alliance. “This was announced by the cabinets of Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic. That is the problem in B&H because the views of these two are treated as the views of the Presidency, which is not true,” Dodik pointed out. Speaking to reporters on Friday, he said that Russia has the right to express views on B&H's membership in NATO. “If someone in Brussels says that they want B&H in NATO, then Russia has the right to say that it does not want that. If someone in Sarajevo wants to join NATO, then they must understand that there are those of us who do not want that,” Dodik added. According to Dodik, NATO is the occupier, and Serbs are not calling for the occupier, but are fighting against it. Speaking to reporters on Friday, he said that Russia has the right to express views on B&H's membership in NATO. “If someone in Brussels says that they want B&H in NATO, then Russia has the right to say that it does not want that. If someone in Sarajevo wants to join NATO, then they must understand that there are those of us who do not want that,” Dodik added. Dodik said on Friday, the Russian Consular Office will be opened in Banja Luka. “I am glad that, in addition to the UK and the US Consular Offices we saw in Banja Luka, now there is Russia’s as well. The Russian government accepted the proposal by the Russian Foreign Ministry to open the Russian Embassy’s Office in the RS,” Dodik was quoted as saying. ATV reports that the Consular Office will be opened in accordance with the agreement signed by the B&H Foreign Ministry, approved by the B&H Presidency. The Russian government has allocated funds for that purpose.


Tegeltija: No sanctions for Russia (RTRS/Nezavisne


Speaking for RTRS, Chairman of Council of Ministers Zoran Tegeltija stated that Council of Minister (CoM) has not nor it will discuss any decision which regards introducing of sanctions to Russia. Tegeltija said that in case B&H Presidency adopts such decision, CoM will discuss it, but not necessarily adopt it. He argues that there is no need to take one side, but to remain neutral, adding that people in B&H know what sanctions are and that no matter how long they lasted, they did not end the war. “Some are trying to transfer crisis in Ukraine to B&H, but this is not possible if we do not want that,” said Tegeltija.


Turkovic: Secession in B&H has begun (Corriere della Sera/Nova BH


In an interview with Corriere della Sera, B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic said that the secession in B&H has begun, and that Russia is threatening B&H, adding that politicians supported by Russia have started to destabilize B&H. She added that the EU has a simple method of ensuring that the Balkans do not end up under Russian influence, and the EU should accept B&H's application for the candidacy status. “RS has adopted decision which lead in this direction and which will come in force in a year. If Milorad Dodik wins the elections in October, he will certainly activate his plan for the RS.” She noted that it is clear that Russia wants to dominate this part of the world and they know that if they control B&H they will control the entire Balkans as well.


Cvijanovic: Unitarization and Bosniak domination are goals of policy that Turkovic belongs to (RTRS


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic has stated that unitarization and Bosniak domination are the goals of the policy that B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic belongs to. Cvijanovic claims that Turkovic is a minister of foreign affairs of SDA because she does not represent B&H but is working against the majority will of Serbs and Croats. Cvijanovic said that Turkovic's statement that the secession has already started and that Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik will activate it if he wins the elections clearly shows whose victory in the elections would suit Turkovic. Cvijanovic added that it would suit Turkovic the best if SDS leader Mirko Sarovic, PDP Honorary President Mladen Ivanic or PDP leader Branislav Borenovic win the upcoming elections. "Of course, it would suit her if Milorad Dodik does not win, but in despite her lobbying around the world and begging to prevent his candidacy and similar things, using the resources of joint institutions to denigrate RS, our candidates are chosen by the citizens of the RS," Cvijanovic was quoted as saying. Cvijanovic added that the policy which Turkovic belongs to has been working for a long time on removing the majority will of Serbs, and even Croats from the institutions that should be common.

Turkovic’s statement arrives at the moment when the media report that foreign embassies, with the help of the opposition in the RS, want to challenge the SNSD's application for the elections. Reporter added that it has not been long since Chairman of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) Suad Arnautovic threatened that the CEC could ban Dodik and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic from running in the upcoming elections.


Reactions to B&H CC decision annulling RS pariament conclusions (BN TV


President of SNSD Milorad Dodik commented the decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H to annul decisions of the RS parliament adopted in December last year. He said that the most recent decision of the B&H CC is political and they are becoming an inquisition-style court. Dodik reminded that the B&H CC can only review the constitutionality of B&H laws and nothing else. “The CC of B&H is an inquisition, it is a mockery when it comes to the law. They did not annul anything yesterday; it is a political decision. It is a clash with the RS again,” believes Dodik. Dodik said this is a political decision that “shows rottenness of B&H”. “The RS parliament is the highest legislative and political body in the RS and it has the right to adopts its political opinions. There is no country in the world, where the CC refers to political opinions, with the exception of B&H. It is again settling accounts with the RS.” Dodik said that B&H CC will not break the will of the RS, although B&H CC overstepped its powers with the latest decision. “Our intention is to transpose the same content of the Declaration to some other form, a resolution for example, and when they abolish that, we will have stances, then conclusions, than opinions, and then we will say that it is a declaration plus, but always the same. They will not break us regarding this,” said Dodik. He underlined that the RS insists on the rights of the Serb people, and no decision of the RS authorities is aimed against B&H Constitution. He also emphasized that the RS fights for the original Dayton Peace Agreement, and he added that B&H CC overstepped its powers because its only task is to asses compliance with laws with B&H Constitution. Dodik stated that the RS exists because of the will of the Serb people, and it has been through difficult times because there are still some people who want to diminish it and turn it into an empty shell. RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic said that the B&H CC does not have the competences to assess the constitutionality of political acts, stance sand proclamations adopted by the RS parliament. He said that the conclusions of the RS parliament and declaration express political stances and they do not represent legal acts, laws or decisions. Cubrilovic said that the B&H CC is not competent to discuss and assess the political stances of the RS parliament. “The Constitution of B&H clearly defines that the jurisdiction of the CC of B&H is the assessment of the constitutionality of legal acts, more precisely, for the CC to determine if some provisions of the Constitution or the laws of one of the entities are in line with the B&H Constitution. Bearing this in mind, the CC of B&H should have declared itself not competent in regards to review of these acts,” Cubrilovic was quoted as saying. President of SDS Mirko Sarovic said that the B&H CC is not competent to make decisions on political acts like the declaration and conclusions of the RS parliament. Sarovic said that the declaration discusses intent or a certain institution and what it plans to do in the future. He assessed that the activities of the B&H CC are different in this case and when Delegate of SDS in the B&H parliament Mladen Bosic filed an appeal in 2016 against a document regarding the census. Sarovic reminded that the appeal of Bosic was rejected because of the fact that political documents cannot be assessed by the B&H CC. He reminded that SDS did not support the declaration adopted by the RS parliament because they believe the authorities are playing games with citizens. Sarovic assessed that authorities suspected that the B&H CC would suspend these conclusions and this is why they moved forward without the real intent to do anything regarding that issue. He stressed that proof for this is that the RS ruling authorities did not do anything to realize this declaration. Sarovic sad that they support the realization of any decision of the RS parliament even if they do not vote for it and the B&H CC is applying double standards.

President of PDP Branislav Borenovic said that the decisions of SNSD and the B&H CC are political games. He assessed that there is a skilful cooperation between SNSD and the B&H CC, who play political Ping-Pong. Borenovic called on SNSD to implement the decisions of the RS parliament and not to hide behind the B&H CC and look for excuses for the failure to implement conclusions. He said that brave SNSD led by brave President of SNSD Milorad Dodik should form the RS Army and the RS indirect taxation authority and added that they are still waiting to see offices of the RS Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices. Borenovic assessed everything as a farce and said that they knew that these decisions will be disputed by the B&H CC in order to have an excuse not to continue with the implementation.


Politicians react to decision of Constitutional Court of B&H which determined that HDZ B&H’s proposal does not threaten Vital National Interest of Bosniaks (Nova BH


The Croat People’s Assembly (HNS), SDA and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) opposition parties reacted to the decision adopted by the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H which determined that HDZ B&H’s proposal of the B&H Election Law is not damaging to the Vital National Interest (VNI) of Bosniaks. The leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic is convinced that their proposal will now be adopted in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) while the SDA believes that it will be turned down in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) because there will not be enough votes. The opposition blames SDA because they enabled a majority in the B&H HoP for HDZ B&H and SNSD, noted the presenter. Covic will schedule an urgent session of B&H HoP as soon as he receives B&H CC’s decision. Covic stated at a press conference: “Whether anyone agrees with the ideas, the text, and the way we proposed it, is something else. But this cannot be a threat to the VNI of the Bosniak people, especially the people who constantly say that it is not good to elect representatives to Croats.” Even SDA has no doubt that the law will pass in B&H HoP thanks to votes from SNSD, because they have the majority together with HDZ B&H. When it comes to B&H HoR, the Representative in B&H HoR Alma Colo stated: “It takes at least 10 votes from the FB&H and five from RS to support the law. I think that, appreciating the current constellation of political relations in the HoR, there are no 10 votes that would support this bill. That is only five HDZ (B&H) votes from the FB&H. I do not think anyone from other parties in HoR from the FB&H will support this law.” The representatives of the Our Party (NS) will not support HDZ B&H’s proposal. They stated that the most important thing is that everyone attends the B&H HoR session, when that item is on the agenda. NS said that, regardless of B&H CC’s decision, HDZ B&H’s proposal is anti-European and against the citizens of B&H. NS Representative in B&H HoR Damir Arnaut pointed out that the proposal advocates for different value of votes. Arnaut stated: “The voice of a person from Livno, Tomislavgrad, etc. is worth much more than the voice of a citizen of Tuzla, Sarajevo. Also, the vote of someone from Gorazde would be worth much more. I think that motivated CC to say - OK, this does not directly concern some ethnic community. But also citizens are absolutely nowhere to be found there.” SDP, like most parties in the FB&H opposition, blames the SDA for the current situation. SDP Representative in B&H HoR Elvir Karajbic criticized SDA and said they did a favor to their coalition partners in exchange for power. Karajbic added that SDP representatives will do everything so that HDZ B&H’s proposal fails in B&H HoR. SBB B&H’s delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Munib Jusufovic assessed that this decision of the B&H CC changes absolutely nothing “because the rules of the game are not changed in the middle of the game”. Jusufovic noted: “Basically, there would be no point in discussing such a proposal at all, since the election process phases provided for under the current Election Law are already underway. This means that the existing Election Law should be applied for these elections.” Jusufovic reminded that the B&H HoP might adopt HDZ B&H’s proposal, thanks to delegates from rank of HDZ B&H and SNSD.


Covic holds press conference: We will not falter under pressure of foreigners to violate procedures (N1


Addressing the press conference on Friday after the session of Croat People’s Assembly (HNS), HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic responded to numerous accusations of the international community which say that HDZ B&H is blocking money for the elections, saying that “we are working in accordance with the law”.  Covic confirmed that B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury Vjekoslav Bevanda, who comes from HDZ B&H, sent the draft budget to the procedure. Covic says that he talked with High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt several times in the previous days. He told Schmidt that imposing any budget decision would be a “catastrophic mistake”. He continues to claim that Minister Bevanda is acting in a legal manner. “I have spoken to the HR these days and I think I will again these days. I told him very clearly that it would be catastrophically wrong to impose any decision when it comes to the B&H budget,” Covic told a press conference. On Friday, Covic did not want to comment on the decision of the Constitutional Court of B&H, saying that he will do so when it is published in its entirety. Covic said that he will not falter under the pressure of foreigners to violate procedures in regards to the financing of the general elections. He assessed that the imposing of anything in this regard would be wrong. Covic added that they will continue to respect the law despite the fact that some believe it is some sort of blockade. He said that they support institutions and they are respecting the law, while political Sarajevo is trying to lead their campaign by creating confusion. Commenting on SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, reporter cites Covic as he said: “As for the jihad policy incorporated in the campaign, I do not want to comment on this, nor on Izetbegovic or anyone else. He has been talking about minorities for long time. He sees his time has expired in regard to many elements in terms of managing policy the way he does.” When it comes to the elections, Covic emphasized that there is no reason not to hold them when planned. Covic said the elections will be held 2 October as planned, and that he is of view potential decision that someone imposes financing of the electoral process is catastrophic and wrong. Addressing a press conference, Covic said: “To all those whose mouths are full of that, attempt to highlight it as a blockade of any kind, we will very clearly respond – consistent compliance with the law. That refers to foreigners, who are trying to convey us messages, and equally to the political Sarajevo that is creating such confusion in an attempt to run a campaign through such thesis. My question is how it will run a campaign when the (B&H) Council of Ministers adopts this Budget in the next five to six days, what their campaign will be. During that time, the institutions, that should implement the elections, have all instruments in their hands to do their job.”


Milanovic: European Delegation in Sarajevo is threatening Croat side (HRT1


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic organized a separate reception to mark the Croatian Armed Forces Day. During the reception, Milanovic also commented on B&H and said that the Croatian army brought peace to B&H and that NATO came after that. When it comes to the current situation in B&H, Milanovic said that it is not good and that it should be constantly talked about. Milanovic stated: “These days, I am watching, and I have to say this here, how the official website of the European Delegation in Sarajevo is threatening the Croat side, specifically one party, the largest party. But only one of the 13 parties. Threatening language warns that something will be done if they do not obey a position. I know that pressure is also part of politics, but I ask in whose name it is said. On behalf of which member? On behalf of Croatia? This is not Croatian politics. He who is silent about it does not do his job. We need to talk about that. Why do we have to talk and discuss? The lack of boring, exhausting, tedious, irritating conversation always leads to wars. Misunderstanding, arrogance. There will be no war here, but years are lost. Great years are lost. Years are lost for success, for development, for enrichment. What you achieved almost 30 years ago. We must not allow that.”


Plenkovic: Government will do its best to protect indicted air force pilots (Hina


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Friday that government officials had met with Croatian Air Force pilots who had taken part in the 1995 Operation Storm, stressing that all available mechanisms would be used to protect them from an indictment from Serbia. "We discussed the latest developments following media reports that indictments are being prepared in Serbia, at the request of their prosecutor, against four pilots, Air Force commanders at the time of the military and police operation Storm," Plenkovic said at the start of a government session. He said that they still did not have any concrete documents or requests for legal assistance but that they would do everything to protect the pilots. "As before, the government will use all the available mechanisms to protect the Croatian pilots and the dignity of the Homeland War, thus sending a clear message about the fundamental values on which free Croatia is founded," said Plenkovic. He said that during the Homeland War no orders had been issued, especially not in the Air Force, that would in any way be directed against civilian targets, repeating that the Homeland War, notably its operations Storm and Flash, had been part of efforts to liberate, protect and reintegrate Croatian territory. Plenkovic repeated that with the indictment Serbia "is making a step backward in reconciliation", stressing that he had conveyed his dissatisfaction with the indictment to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at a meeting in Davos. The Serbian war crimes prosecutor has issued an indictment charging four Croatian officers with having ordered, on 7 and 8 August 1995, a missile attack on a refugee convoy, but the prosecutor's office has said that the indictment is not final and that the proceedings currently underway are not public.


Five Croatian diplomats in Russia declared personae non gratae; Croatia's Ministry says expulsion of diplomats from Moscow illegitimate (Hina


Moscow has declared five employees of Croatia's embassy in Russia personae non-gratae, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported on Friday as carried by the TASS news agency.

"In response to hostile steps taken earlier by Zagreb to reduce the size of Russia's diplomatic mission, (Croatian ambassador) Tomislav Car received a note which declares five employees of the Croatian Embassy in Moscow personae non-gratae," Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reported. It notes that a "strong protest was expressed to Croatia's ambassador because of unfounded attempts by Croatian authorities to blame Russia for war crimes in Ukraine and provide military assistance to the neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv". On 11 April Croatia announced that it had expelled 18 Russian diplomats and six administrative staff serving in Zagreb. A day later the Russian Federation slammed the expulsion of the diplomats and sent a strong protest to Croatia's authorities and threatened to reciprocate. The expulsion of five members of the Croatian embassy in Moscow is non-legitimate and Croatia will consider its response to Moscow, the Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MVEP) said in a press release on Friday. Croatia's ministry said that the decision on expelling those five staff members has no grounds, as they are employees who have professionally performed their duties in line with the relevant Vienna convention, and Zagreb also explains that so far the number of the personnel in Croatia's embassy has corresponded to the number of the employees in Russia's embassy in Zagreb. "Therefore, Croatia will analyze this decision of the Russian authorities and will consider further steps and actions." Croatia and its partners pursue a principled policy in the respect for international law and condemnation of Russia's aggression as well as in providing Ukraine with further assistance, says the Croatian ministry.


Montenegrin and Croatian FMs push for resolving open issues as good neighbours (Hina


Croatia wants to continue developing good neighborly relations with Montenegro, help it on its journey to the EU as well as discuss outstanding issues in the spirit of good neighborly relations, Croatia's Foreign Minister said after meeting his Montenegrin host in Cetinje on Friday. Underscoring that this was his third visit to Montenegro in a short period, Croatia's Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman said Montenegro could continue counting on Zagreb's support on its path to full membership in the EU. However, he underscored that it is important to open dialogue and address outstanding issues between the two countries. "I believe that issues need to be resolved in the spirit of mutual respect and good neighborly relations and within the framework of international law. That implies the resolution of the fate of missing persons, prosecuting war crimes and the rights of war victims," said Grlic Radman after the talks with Montenegro's Ranko Krivokapic. Grlic Radman added that that also involves the problem of border demarcation and the ownership of the Jadran training ship which is now in the hands of the Montenegrin navy. The two ministers discussed changing the name of the winter swimming pool in Kotor which was renamed last year after water polo player Zoran Dzimi Gopcevic, who was a guard of the infamous Morinj war camp which led to Croatia sending a protest note to the then government in Montenegro. Grlic Radman said that he hoped an agreement would be reached for the long term lease of premises in Donja Lastva near Tivat by the Croat minority. The two officials also discussed an initiative to erect a monumental plaque as a sign of respect to a Montenegrin JNA general, Vladimir Barovic, who committed suicide on Vis Island during the JNA aggression against Croatia because he refused an order to bomb Croatian coastal towns. "Barovic showed humanity in a way that decent and fair people do, people who do not wish to cause damage to a nation that did not do any harm to his compatriots," said Grlic Radman. He further underscored Croatia's support for the Croat minority in Montenegro and to its organizations: the Croatian National Council and Croatian Civil Initiative. He welcomed a decision by the new Montenegrin government to appoint a Croat - Adrian Vuksanovic - as a minister in the government. Krivokapic thanked Croatia for its support to Montenegro in efforts to fulfil the EU accession criteria. "Croatia has given us unreserved support in that area with the wish to resolve some outstanding issues as soon as possible. Fostering historical remembrance, repentance and reconciliation on the examples of Morinj, Dubrovnik and some other issues, we are building a new trust, showing our readiness to apologize and take responsibility for all the mistakes, primarily by Montenegro," Krivokapic said. The two officials agreed that the current geopolitical situation has opened the door to the EU for new members and that Montenegro needs to fulfil all the membership benchmarks as soon as possible and start closing negotiation chapters. After the meeting, Grlic Radman and Krivokapic laid wreaths at a monument marking the Christmas uprising of 104 years ago and Montenegro's struggle for independence.


Kosovo hopes Croatia will support its bid to join EUSAIR (Hina


Kosovo wishes to join the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), a forum in which ten countries cooperate in transport, tourism, and environmental protection projects, and hopes Croatia, which over the presidency next year, will support it. The ten countries - Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, and San Marino - met in Tirana on 16-18 May, where they adopted a joint declaration calling for EU enlargement to the Western Balkans. A Kosovo delegation led by Local Government Minister Elbert Krasniqi was in Tirana at the time and did not attend the meeting, but did meet with European Commission representatives. Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008 and participates in cross-border cooperation projects only with North Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro as part of the EU's IPA program. Speaking to Hina, Krasniqi said "the Adriatic-Ionian initiative can be complete only when all countries have joined." "This initiative offers possibilities of exchange and common benefits in tourism, the green agenda and mobility, which is important to all countries. It also offers the European perspective," he said. "It's legitimate that we are part of that (EUSAIR). Thereby, our citizens too would get additional opportunities." For Kosovo to join EUSAIR, the consent of all of its member states is required, but Serbia is blocking it. A European Commission official who took part in the Tirana talks said on condition of anonymity that Kosovo had requested to join, but that its government understood that it would have to wait for the situation to normalize. EUSAIR could expand, the official added. EUSAIR is currently chaired by B&H, from which Croatia will take over the presidency on 31 May 2023. "It will be difficult during B&H's presidency, but after that our becoming a member state will be realistic," Krasniqi said. "The EUSAIR accession process is clear, it's the consensus of all countries, and Serbia is one of them. We must keep meeting and find the right solution." In Tirana, the Kosovo and Serb delegations did not meet. "We will once again put our wish to join EUSAIR in the center of our agenda. We will try to negotiate it. Kosovo should not be denied the right to be part of that. This initiative's idea is inclusion, not exclusion and isolation," Krasniqi said. Kosovo has excellent projects with neighbors such as Albania and Montenegro, and it is a pity it does not have them with Serbia and EU member states like Italy, he added. "We are confident that Croatia will support Kosovo's aspiration. We hope to officially become a partner during the Croatian presidency," Krasniqi said. The Tirana meeting was attended by Croatian Foreign Ministry state secretary Andreja Metelko-Zgombic. She said the meeting did not discuss Kosovo's EUSAIR membership. Speaking to Croatian reporters, she said Croatia's interest and position were that Kosovo should be included in all initiatives, including international organizations. "I hope that in the near future Kosovo will be able to make a step in that direction." Kosovo's independence has been recognized by all but five EU member states, including Greece. "This is about really important and concrete projects for citizens which raise standards. These projects are in everyone's interest," Metelko-Zgombic said about EUSAIR.


Djukanovic and Erdogan discuss developments in Europe, situation in WB and SEE (CdM


Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic had a telephone conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in the context of current events in Europe and as a confirmation of the regular political dialogue between the two countries at the highest level on the situation in the Western Balkans and Southeast Europe. “With the pleasure of exchanging opinions, the President of Turkey congratulated the formation of a new government which, in his opinion, is an indicator of good relations between different cultures in Montenegro and which will make traditionally good relations between Montenegro and Turkey even better,” Djukanovic’s cabinet has said. The two presidents exchanged views on the challenges to the stability of the Western Balkans in the context of the war in Ukraine, with mutual consent and readiness for cooperation in order to solve political and socio-economic problems in the region. Djukanovic thanked Erdogan for his commitment and concern for the future of the Western Balkans, which is why it is very important to maintain a continuous dialogue, bearing in mind Turkey’s commitment to the region. Djukanovic stressed Montenegro’s interest in preserving European and NATO unity, believing that the extraordinary moment of European security requires additional efforts from us, which we are ready for and which will be confirmed at the summit in Madrid.


At the Open Balkans meeting, Abazovic mustn’t take on any responsibility on behalf of the state (Pobjeda


Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic can go to a meeting of the Open Balkans initiative as an observer, but he cannot, he mustn’t take on any responsibility on behalf of the country. It’d trigger destabilization of the government and I don’t think the Prime Minister cares more about the Open Balkans than the government he himself is running, the defense minister and Deputy Prime Minister Rasko Konjevic told in an interview for Pobjeda daily.  According to Konjevic, the Open Balkans initiative is more like a political project which doesn’t aim to deepen regional cooperation, rather diverting attention from the EU path and the requirements of the integration process.


Ibrahimovic: Open Balkans does not have my or the blank support of the Bosniak Party (CdM


The Open Balkans does not have my or the blank support of the Bosniak Party, neither in the Government nor in the Parliament of Montenegro, said the Deputy Prime Minister for Regional Development and Minister of Capital Investments Ervin Ibrahimovic. "The priority task of the current administration is to accelerate the EU integration of Montenegro and all institutional capacities should be directed towards that goal," Ibrahimovic wrote on Twitter. According to him, everyone, even the Prime Minister, can discuss all issues, and major decisions, including the issue of the Open Balkans, will be made in the institutions of the system and with the highest degree of agreement of government constituents, guided exclusively by the interests of Montenegrin citizens and the state.


Grlic Radman: Open Balkans does not have the operational capabilities of the Berlin Process (RTCG


The European Union supports every interstate initiative that includes inclusion, but the Open Balkans does not have the operational capabilities of the Berlin Process, Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said in an interview with RTCG. He said that Montenegro is on a good path towards membership in the European Union. Referring to the Open Balkans initiative, the Croatian minister says that the position of the EU and Croatia is to support every initiative that is part of the Euro-Atlantic, European path, and which implies inclusion, inclusion of all countries in the region. “If you have duplication of some processes, you should see a focus on initiatives that bring some added value. When we talk about the Common Market Initiative, the Open Balkans, which includes only three countries, they have to show inclusiveness and pursue some interests. It seems to me that it does not have adequate operational capacity, and as there is a joint regional market initiative within the Berlin Process, overseen by an implementation council coordinated with the EU. We think that the Berlin Process is a good initiative, and we give strong support to the Berlin Process,” said Grlic Radman.


Nikoloski urges citizens to join 18 June protest for early parliamentary elections and a way out of the crisis (Republika


VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski called on all citizens of Macedonia to join the mass protest on 18 June in front of the government building and demand early parliamentary elections in order to resolve the political, economic and national crisis. In almost three weeks, a large public rally will take place at which, as Nikoloski said, tens or even hundreds of thousands of citizens expected to come and clearly ask the government for early parliamentary elections to resolve this political, economic and national crisis. I would like to invite all citizens from here in Prilep, but also from all over Macedonia to join us. I hope that this rally will be an awareness for SDSM and DUI and after that we will sit down and agree on a date for early parliamentary elections as the only solution to get out of this crisis. We have lost too much time since April, we urge to sit down and talk and form four teams in the four painful areas, namely finances, the dispute with Bulgaria and European integration, health and of course education. Unfortunately, there is no answer from SDSM and DUI, this rally is a serious warning and message that is the wish of the people and then to go to early parliamentary elections to get out of the crisis, Nikoloski said in Prilep on Sunday.


VMRO-DPMNE to file non-confidence motion against Xhaferi today, Besa will support it, AA hasn’t stated its position yet (Republika


VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition today will file a non-confidence motion against Talat Xhaferi. The subsequent scandals and the irresponsible and unprofessional work of the parliament speaker are some of the reasons that VMRO-DPMNE considers as the basis for the non-confidence motion against the parliament speaker. On several occasions, Xhaferi blatantly violated the provisions of the Constitution, the Rules of Procedure of the parliament, as well as the laws that regulate the work of the parliament. Since Xhaferi was elected parliament speaker, we are witnessing more and more scandals in his work. The last in the series was the scandal when the MPs of the parliamentary group of VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition “For the Renewal of Macedonia” were locked in the hall where the plenary session was held. In the temple of Macedonian democracy in the Macedonian Parliament, the opposition MPs were denied the guaranteed right to freedom and movement, MP Afina Stojanoska said on Sunday. She added that, during his mandate, all in order to fulfil the coalition agreements, Talat Xhaferi in his work acts as a MP, and not as parliament speaker, who should cooperate with the coordinators of the parliamentary groups, as provided in Article 60 of Rules of Procedure of the parliament of the Republic of Macedonia. 61 votes are needed for the non-confidence motion to pass. For now, AA has not stated its position on whether it will support the motion, while the Besa Movement says that it will support it.


Bisera Kostadinovska Stojcevska: Open Balkans countries are working on establishing a joint film fund to which co-productions initiated by the three countries will apply (Republika


Ministers of Culture, representatives of film agencies, youth cultural centers, major state and private music festivals, museums, philharmonic, opera and ballet as well as theatres will take part in the Open Balkans, which will be held on 7-8 June 2022 in Ohrid, Macedonia. This initiative is organized by the heads of government of Albania, Macedonia and Serbia, Edi Rama, Dimitar Kovacevski, Aleksandar Vucic respectively. Open Balkans is a regional initiative that aims to facilitate trade and boost economic development throughout the region. This initiative emphasizes the importance of regional links and the free movement of people, capital, goods and services. However, in the spirit of deepening this initiative is creating a stronghold of friendship and cooperation in the field of culture as an important part of each of these countries, and at the same time to support and promote the tourism sector, said Minister of Culture Bisera Kostadinovska Stojcevska. She said that the Open Balkans also strives to accelerate the European integration of the Western Balkan countries and to contribute to each country becoming a member of the European Union within a reasonable time. In my opinion, this event deserves worthy attention because for the first time we will have the opportunity for the three countries to share experiences in the field of culture in all segments, in order to overcome differences, but also to enable the promotion of our cultural goods, plays, museums, and that way we will contribute to significant development of tourism, she added. The countries of the Open Balkans are also working on establishing a joint film fund to which co-productions initiated by the three countries will apply. The three governments also pledged to intensify contacts, acquaintances, exchanges and joint initiatives between the youth of our countries through the organization of events. From joint vacations, through sports tournaments and cultural events to research hubs. Significant agreements and memoranda of cooperation in culture, tourism and economy will be signed at the Ohrid summit, and the Minister of Culture Bisera Kostadinovska Stojcevska, the Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi and the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Ljupco Nikolovski will be present. The Open Balkans Initiative remains open to Montenegro, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Osmani: Freedom of Macedonia is defended in Ukraine (MNTA


The freedom of Macedonia and all other European countries is currently defended in Ukraine and Ukraine deserves all respect, assistance and support because of this, said Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani after a meeting with Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba in Kyiv on Friday. Osmani added that our country from the beginning joined all measures of condemnation and sanctions against the Russian Federation. According to the MNTA, the central topic of the talks at this second meeting between Osmani and Kuleba in just a few weeks, was the Russian aggression against Ukraine and its consequences on the Ukrainian state and citizens, and beyond. The interlocutors agreed that it was a gross violation of international law and an unprovoked attack on the sovereignty of a country, but also a serious attempt to destroy the foundations of regional and global security and stability, the statement added.


The EU Ambassador has high hopes for the start of negotiations (Republika


We have high hopes that the European Union’s negotiations with Albania and Macedonia will finally begin during the French Presidency of the EU, EU Ambassador David Geer told conference “Bulgarian Voices for Europe” that took place in the BTA National Press Club in Skopje on Friday. In front of the participants in the conference, which is part of the debates of the Conference on the Future of Europe, Geer stressed that the EU institutions are firmly committed to advancing the enlargement process with the Western Balkan countries and stressed that they highly appreciate the efforts made by all parties to moving this process forward. Success is in the interest of this country, of Albania, and of course of the wider region and the EU itself, said Geer. Geer also noted that the citizens of Macedonia are also involved in it. He reminded that the EU delegation organized six debates on this topic, focusing on young people. The Western Balkans is Europe, the Western Balkans naturally belongs to Europe and we are convinced that it is in our common interest to continue the enlargement process without further delays. It is not only a geostrategic priority for the partners in the region, but also our priority not only because of the war, but also because of the pressure you see in the context of that war and because of the long historical social and economic ties that connect us, he said.


Former president Bujar Nishani passes away at 55 (Radio Tirana


Former president Bujar Nishani has passed away in a hospital in Germany. He was suffering from a bilateral pneumonia with respiratory insufficiency as a result of complications caused by the coronavirus. The former president passed away at the age of 55. Nishani was president for a 5-year term, while in this post he was elected from 24 July 2012 to 24 July 2017. Bujar Nishani was born on 29 September 964 in the city of Durrës. He completed his higher studies at the "Skenderbej" Military Academy in Tirana, while he completed his postgraduate studies in California, in the United States of America, for "Defense Resource Management", in 1996. He studied Law at the Faculty of Law, at the University of Tirana, where he graduated as a lawyer in 2004. He started his professional career as a lecturer at the Military Academy "Skenderbej" in 1988. Then, in 1993 he worked in the Directorate of Foreign Relations in the Ministry of Defense, continuing in 1994 in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Directorate of NATO Relations in 1996 in the Cabinet of the Ministry of Defense. In 1997 he returned to the free profession as President of the Euro-Atlantic Military Forum. In 1991 Bujar Nishani joined the Democratic Party; in 2001 he was elected Secretary of the Democratic Party Branch for Tirana, in 2005, a member of the National Council of the Democratic Party and later a member of the Central Presidency of this party. In July 2005, Mr. Nishani was elected MP in constituency 34, in Tirana as a representative of the Democratic Party. From March 2007 to September 2009 he held the portfolio of Minister of Interior, from September 2009 to April 2011 he served as Minister of Justice; to return again in April 2011 as Minister of Interior, until June 2012, when the Albanian Parliament elected him to the post of Head of State in the fourth round with 73 votes in favor and 1 vote against. On 24 July 2012, Bujar Nishani was sworn in as the President of the Republic in the Albanian parliament. During his Presidency term, Nishani focused on the country's European integration process and the global challenges affecting Albania, such as the immigrant crisis or the fight against Islamic extremism and radicalism. During most of the state visits abroad, Nishani's policy was maximally oriented towards strengthening good neighborly relations, citing its support for Kosovo's participation in all multilateral regional and international activities.