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Belgrade Media Report 6 June 2022



Russian Ambassador informs Vucic of reasons that prevented Lavrov visit (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met on Monday with Russian Ambassador to Belgrade Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko, who informed him of the reasons that have prevented a two-day visit to Belgrade by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. “The Russian Federation’s Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko informed me of the reasons that have prevented Minister Lavrov from coming to Belgrade, and brought documents substantiating that," Vucic wrote in a post on his buducnostsrbijeav Instagram profile. He added that he would speak about this in more detail on an RTS news program on Monday evening. Ahead of Lavrov’s trip to Belgrade, scheduled for Monday, Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro banned his plane from flying over their territories.


Lavrov: Shameful prevention of visit will not destroy relations with Serbia (Tanjug/RTV)


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at today's press conference that the situation around his planned visit to Serbia is unthinkable. "We never thought that something like this could happen," Lavrov said. He said that he did not understand the interests of some NATO member states to ban a Russian plane from flying over their airspace in order to reach Serbia. He added that Russia has not yet received an explanation from the countries that closed their skies for the passage of the Russian delegation. "Serbia's international affairs are blocked in this way, at least at this moment. A sovereign state has been deprived of the right to conduct its foreign policy," Lavrov said. Lavrov added that such a move only shows how far NATO and the EU will go in order to implement "evil interests against those who will not sacrifice their principles and integrity according to the wishes of the West". Russia's Foreign Minister said the "plane incident" pointed to problems that the West has. "Since Western countries thought that the visit to Serbia was almost a threat of universal proportions, that means they are doing very badly," Lavrov told journalists. Asked how Russia would respond to this move by the West, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs said that Moscow would not do anything that could jeopardize the ties between the two nations. Speaking about possible justifications of Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro for preventing the Russian delegation from flying over their territories, Lavrov said that he believed that the justification would be that they received an order from the EU and NATO. "They, on the other hand, will say that these countries made independent decisions," Lavrov said. "If this visit is seen as a global threat, then things in the West are going in a bad direction," said Lavrov. "Those contacts would have been very useful. But those contacts will not be severed. We have invited Minister Selakovic to visit Russia as soon as possible. We hope his plane will not be exposed to shameful punishment by Brussels, which has become disorientated," Lavrov said. He said his meetings in Belgrade had been due to address a broad agenda and swift development of a strategic partnership, as well as international affairs. "It seems that the manipulators in Brussels did not want to give us another opportunity to reconfirm in the Serbian capital the Russian stance on Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as to express our support for the Open Balkans initiative, which is in the interest of all countries of the region. Evidently, Brussels, NATO and the EU want to turn the Balkans into a Closed Balkans project of their own," Lavrov concluded.


Brnabic: Extremely complicated (TV Pink/Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Sunday that the situation around the arrival of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Belgrade is "extremely complicated". Brnabic stated that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic deals with the logistics of his trip. "It is really unbelievable that the situation in Europe and in the world is such that the president of a country should deal with such things, such as the logistics of a foreign minister's trip, which determines whether he will come or not," Brnabic told TV Pink and added that there were problems with "overflights". She assessed that Lavrov's visit puts Serbia in an "extremely difficult situation", but that it proves the statement of President Vucic from the inauguration, that "Shakespeare and Dostoevsky and Hemingway and Goethe can be equally read in Serbia". She pointed out that the Foreign Minister and the Prime Minister of any other country could come to Serbia, as well as the Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz, whose visit to Serbia was announced a few days after Lavrov.


Zakharova: Serbia's neighbors close communication channel (RIA Novosti/ TV La7/Tanjug)


Spokeswoman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova has said that the neighboring countries of Serbia closed the airspace for the flight of the plane of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergei Lavrov, RIA Novosti reports. "Just today, an hour ago, the countries surrounding Serbia closed the communication channel, not allowing the overflight of Sergei Lavrov's plane, which was preparing for Serbia," Zakharova told Italian TV La7, Tanjug reported late last night. She said that the Russian delegation was supposed to arrive in Belgrade for talks. "EU and NATO member states have closed the airspace, closed another channel of communication," RIA quoted Zakharova as saying. She added that Russia, unlike the EU, will not put up an iron curtain. "Your mistake is that you are too selfish, you think you are at the center of the world, that there are no other nations besides you," Zakharova told TV La7.


Drecun: They are introducing us into the role of a hostage (RTS)


Milovan Drecun said as a guest on the RTS morning press review that the visit of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had been announced, but that the situation in Ukraine was tense due to the war in Ukraine and that the dialogue between the West and Russia had been reduced. “In general, there is a lack of communication, when you have a problem like the war in Ukraine, then you have to talk, you can’t solve the problem if you don’t talk, and if you block the conversation then you go to prolong the war,” Drecun said. As he reminded, the West imposed severe sanctions on Russia, and they believe that we should not communicate with Russia. However, as he added, Serbia has a strategic partnership with Russia and talks should continue, although it has condemned the war in Ukraine. He pointed out that Serbia was drawn into a “geopolitical wheel that is turning relentlessly”. “The West wanted Serbia to completely suspend contacts with Russia, and when you cannot apply other measures, then you have bans on flying to the head Russian diplomacy, which is obviously not done by those countries themselves, but has foreign support,” Drecun pointed out. He mentioned that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was personally engaged in securing the visit, and of course, if there was a visit, Serbia would commit itself to ending the war as soon as possible. Vucic announced that he would talk about Lavrov’s visit in the RTS prime news today.


Serbia, Greece committed to deepening cooperation (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic stated on Friday, after a meeting with his Greek counterpart Nikos Dendias, that Serbia highly appreciates Greece's principled position and its active commitment to further EU enlargement and integration of the Western Balkans. Speaking at a joint press conference with Dendias at the Foreign Ministry, Selakovic underlined that the two countries remain consistent in their mutual support on key issues of state and national interest. Selakovic said that membership in the EU is a strategic commitment and interest for Serbia and that support in the process of European integration is very important to her. He conveyed that in the talks with Dendias, the relationship between the traditional friendship, closeness and solidarity of the two fraternal peoples, Serbian and Greek, and the two friendly countries, Serbia and Greece, was confirmed. He expressed gratitude of Serbia and the Serbian people for the support that Greece provides to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, which is a first-class state and political issue. Selakovic added that he also discussed the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue with the Greek Foreign Minister, affirming support for dialogue as the only reasonable means of finding a solution to the Kosovo and Metohija issue. We showed that we are committed to achieving a sustainable, lasting and compromise solution based on respect and fulfilment of interests of both Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija. For us, the support of EU Member States that did not recognize independence of Kosovo is precious, Selakovic said. He underlined that Serbia remains consistent in the support to territorial integrity of Greece on land and at sea, which is inseparable from respect for international public law. Selakovic pointed out that preservation of peace and stability is of first-class importance for Serbia, noting that in this sense Serbia and Greece share the identical opinion that the preservation of peace and stability has no reasonable alternative. The head of Serbian diplomacy pointed to the importance of the established trilateral format of Serbia, Greece and Cyprus and expressed hope that those meetings would continue soon, but also a quadrilateral format like the one that Serbia and Greece have with Bulgaria and Romania. He stated that he presented the Open Balkans Initiative to Minister Dendias once more and voiced hope that Greece will support the format, which is not only on the Serbia-North Macedonia-Albania line, but that everyone in the Western Balkans is invited to participate in it. I am convinced that Greece can find its place there, not only through support, but through concrete participation, he said. Selakovic invited Greek investors to invest in Serbia, which has been among the world top countries in terms of foreign direct investment for three years in a row. He also said that the two countries are interested in strengthening cooperation in the field of energy, especially when it comes to diversification and supply of important energy sources such as gas or liquefied gas. After a meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Alexandroupolis, where the LNG terminal was opened, we are convinced that by building an interconnector between Serbia and Bulgaria, we will get gas from Alexandroupolis, i.e., through Greece and Bulgaria, said Selakovic. He thanked Greece for its efforts during its presidency of the South-East European Cooperation Process and expressed satisfaction with Serbia’s participation in the upcoming Summit of the South-East European Cooperation Process to be held in Thessaloniki. Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias said that the future of the Western Balkans is in the European Union and that it is the only path to prosperity and stability in the region. Dendias said Greece gives political support to bring Serbia closer to the EU and to membership in it. I understand that there is fatigue and frustration due to the slow process of joining the EU, but we believe that this is the only way for the prosperity and stability of the region, Dendias said. He stated that he is on visit to Belgrade as part of a tour of the Western Balkans ahead of the South-East European Cooperation Summit, to be held next week in Thessaloniki, 20 years after the Thessaloniki Summit at which the Agenda for the Western Balkans was launched. Dendias added that the region should stay away from false promises and those who want to turn back the region’s clock and who are trying to redraw the map of the Balkans, emphasizing that this cannot be allowed and that the whole region needs to look to the common future, not the past. He underlined that Serbia is a key partner of the EU and called on Belgrade to continue the process of reforms and harmonization with the EU's foreign policy. He said that he also talked with Selakovic about Kosovo and Metohija, stating that it is necessary to see progress in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina in order to reach a comprehensive legal basis agreement in accordance with international law. Speaking about the situation in the region, Dendias pointed out that the change of borders in Bosnia and Herzegovina is not the way to go ahead, which he stated during his visit to Sarajevo. We should try to help overcome differences and build regional stability and prosperity in order to improve regional cooperation, said the Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs. Dendias stressed that Greece remains committed to further strengthening bilateral ties with friendly Serbia, which is an important partner to the Greek business community, noting that Greek investors have invested nearly three billion euros in Serbia and that Greek companies created nearly 25,000 jobs. He welcomed Serbia’s intention to open a tourist office in Athens, noting that Greece remains one of the most popular destinations for Serbian tourists. He added that he talked with Selakovic about interconnectivity in the field of transport and logistics, the pan-European corridor, as well as energy cooperation, emphasizing that the LNG terminal in Alexandroupolis is a big step towards regional cooperation in that area. Dendias also referred to Turkey’s decision to suspend negotiations with Greece on resolving the problems in the Mediterranean and other bilateral issues, saying that Greece remains firm in protecting its interests in accordance with international law and the UN Charter.


Autocephaly of Ohrid Archbishopric officially recognized (Beta/Politika/Novosti)


Serbian Patriarch Porfirije presented an official document recognizing the autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in North Macedonia to Ohrid Archbishop Stefan. The document, read out after Porfirije and Stefan served a liturgy in the Cathedral Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Belgrade, says that the full autocephaly refers to the home country of the North Macedonia Archbishopric of Ohrid and to the diaspora. Partiarch Porfirije said that the document confirms all Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Bishops’ Council previous decisions on the status of this kindred church and that it will be forwarded to other Orthodox Churches.

Archbishop Stefan said that Patriarch Porfirije and the SPC Bishops’ Council “took a step of historical importance for the North Macedonian Orthodox Church and for Orthodoxy in general”. "You have shown, by your actions, how much you love peace and harmony among brothers, and the whole of the Orthodox Church,” said Archbishop Stefan.


Schieb: Donbas and Kosovo cannot be compared at all (Politika)


German Ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb said on 5 June that the key message of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, slated to visit Serbia and the region on 10 June, was how important Serbia and the Western Balkans were. “The key message of our in-depth diplomacy and official visits is: We see Serbia and other Western Balkan countries as being very important. Their integration into the EU is and will remain our goal. Besides, Russia's offensive war against Ukraine is a test for all of us, where we must show that the European Union and Western Balkans stand side by side,” the Ambassador said in an interview with Politika. On the topic of Serbia not imposing sanctions against Russia, Schieb said that as a candidate state, Serbia had agreed to align with the EU’s foreign policy, which included decisions on sanctions. “Serbia has already joined sanctions against Belarus and supported the decisions of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the offensive war against Ukraine, which violates international law. Those were significant steps. Now it’s important to take on the EU other positions,” the Ambassador said.


It seems that we have never received to the end a response to what is the difference between the protection of territorial integrity of Serbia and Ukraine, having in mind that both countries were attacked without the decision of the UN Security Council?

“The situation in Kosovo and now in eastern Ukraine cannot be compared. In Kosovo, ethnic Albanians have been oppressed and excluded from public life since the late 1980s. The international community of states has been conducting long negotiations that have not borne fruit, thus unsuccessfully exhausting all means for a peaceful resolution of the conflict and prevention of the humanitarian catastrophe in Kosovo. Only when all means of diplomacy were exhausted did NATO decide to attack Yugoslavia. However, there are no indications or evidence in Ukraine, according to Moscow, of the alleged oppression of ethnic Russians. And the diplomatic means for ending the war in Donbas were not even close to being exhausted. Kosovo’s declaration of independence and the so-called people’s republics are also fundamentally different. Declaration of independence is possible only if the prohibition of the use of force is not violated. This was the case in Kosovo, which has been under the auspices of the United Nations mission UNMIK since 1999. For years, intensive work has been done to find a solution for the status of Kosovo that would be acceptable to both sides. It was only after these attempts failed that Kosovo declared its independence in February 2008. However, the separation of the separatist areas of Donetsk and Lugansk was forced by Russia through the use of military means. Since 2014, no referendum has been organized there, nor have elections been organized in accordance with internationally accepted standards.”




EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs call on political actors in B&H to invest efforts in securing organization of elections in October (FTV


EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs called on political actors in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) to invest all efforts in securing organization of the elections in October as it was planned. Spokesperson for the European Commission (EC) Peter Stano called on the B&H Council of Ministers, especially B&H Minister of Finances and Treasury Vjekoslav Bevanda to use the upcoming session on Monday and adopt a draft budget for 2022. Stano also called on the B&H CoM to reach a decision on financing of the B&H Central Election Commission as soon as possible, adding that the current blockade must urgently end. He added that the EU is and it will stay involved and they are ready to help with solutions in B&H and with solutions for B&H, primarily via Head of the EU Delegation to B&H, Ambassador Johann Sattler. Stano added that EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission Josep Borrell fully supports work of Sattler and they strongly dismiss any kind of attacks against him that are fully groundless. “On behalf of the EU and EU member countries, Ambassador Sattler constantly works on promotion of European values and principles in B&H and he works on B&H’s approaching the EU. He also engages with all political representatives to remove differences regarding different issues and he talks to all, including representatives of the civil society. All those who claim the opposite, as well as all accusations and criticism against Ambassador Sattler in this context, represent dangerous slanders which do not help B&H’s approaching the EU.”


Dzaferovic: It is time for High Representative to impose law on budget (Hayat


Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic, asked about the upcoming general elections and adoption of the B&H budget, said that the budget is currently in procedure in the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). He added that he will act urgently when the budget is submitted to the B&H Presidency, but he believes that the process will take too long and it is necessary for the High Representative to step in. Dzaferovic said that elections need to take place in B&H in 2022 and this cannot be postponed. He assessed that the imposing of the law on the 2022 budget by the High Representative is inevitable at this moment. Asked what kind of message is being sent to the B&H and international public with the obstruction of elections, Dzaferovic said that the message is bad but this does not concern those who are creating the obstructions. He assessed that the behaviour of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik changed after the USA and UK imposed sanctions against him. Dzaferovic said that retrograde forces in B&H are ready to risk the democratic principles of elections in order to realize their own goals. Asked whether the Central Election Commission of B&H (B&H CEC) should ban those who obstruct elections from participating, Dzaferovic said that everyone who creates disorder in B&H needs to be sanctioned. He does not know what the B&H CEC will do within its competences, but those who create disorder need to suffer political, criminal and other consequences. Asked about the rejection of the term ‘legitimate representation’ by the European People’s Party, Dzaferovic said that there are few political forces in Europe who support retrograde policies of SNSD and HDZ B&H. He said that the vast majority supports normal policies and this is visible in the pattern of voting in the European Parliament. Dzaferovic said that the focus of EU officials has never been bigger and many have visited B&H in the past months. He stressed that the support of the EU for B&H and its progress is not questionable. Dzaferovic assessed that the support for B&H is coming from the fact that B&H represents the truth. He stressed that in all of his appearances in EU and international organizations he tells the truth and presents the true facts about B&H. Asked about the activities of Croatian officials who are highly involved in the process of changes to the B&H Election law and their lobbying among foreign officials, Dzaferovic said that these are examples of the high pressure coming from Croatia towards B&H and their meddling into internal issues of B&H. He assessed that the pressure did not contribute to anything because foreign officials are already involved in the process of reforms and they are aware of the situation. Dzaferovic said that good relations between Croatia and B&H are necessary and important. He stressed that the significance of these relations overcomes the significance of open issues among these two countries. Dzaferovic said that Croatia needs to respect B&H and its paternalistic relation needs to end.


Reactions to Bundestag’s Resolution on B&H (Oslobodjenje/BHT1/RTRS


Member of Bundestag Adis Ahmetovic stated that the document ‘Support to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on the Road to a Better Future' is an important turning point for stabilization of the Western Balkans and for security of Europe. He added: “In this way we confirm our historical and European responsibility for securing of peace, stability and strengthening of the region, especially in B&H. We are talking targeted activities against individuals and institutions which work on further destabilization and secession and thus block the path to the better future.” Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik underlined that the Resolution of the German Bundestag “written by Muslim lobby” represents a “game of immature politicians” and that it is surprising that a country as serious as Germany allowed itself such lack of objectivity. “If you really want to help, listen to all sides and do not approach relations in B&H superficially. In all their resolutions only Serbs and Croats are guilty, and Muslims are not. It needs to be admitted that Muslim lobbyists do their job well. In such Izetbegovic-like B&H they are trying to impose, it is clear there is no room for Serbs and Croats. It is sad for Germany and its foreign policy,” wrote Dodik on his Twitter account. MEP of HDZ Zeljana Zovko talked about the Resolution of the Bundestag with representatives of the ruling authorities and opposition in Germany. She said that all of them were informed about the sensitivity of the situation in B&H and the need for an unbiased approach to the problem. Zovko said that they do not wish to face the same situation that they faced in the past 20 years where rash decisions led to the radicalization of communities in B&H. HDZ B&H leader and Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP) Dragan Covic wrote a letter to the German Bundestag regarding the resolution of SPD, FDP and the Greens – titled ‘Support for B&H on the road to a better future’. He claims the draft resolution concerning B&H which ruling parties in Germany submitted to parliament promotes “radical” Bosniak positions. Covic welcomed Germany’s interest as one of the most important partner countries and prominent members of the European Union in the current political situation and its support for B&H on its path to the EU and NATO. However, he argued that, regardless of the good intentions of some German representatives, the draft “became one in a series of instruments of radical circles in B&H advocating unconstitutional solutions and domination over Croats as the smallest of the three constituent peoples”. Covic emphasized that the goal for Croats is an integral, stable and functional B&H under the auspices of the EU and NATO, as opposed to unconstitutional unitarism and separatism. The HDZ B&H leader called on German officials to co-operate in building a B&H that respects the Constitution and strengthens the rule of law.


State Department publishes annual report of Office for International Religious Freedom; Report criticizes SDA and its leader Izetbegovic (Dnevni list


The State Department has published an annual report of the Office for International Religious Freedom on religious freedoms in the world in 2021. The daily notes that it was referred in the report to an absurd situation in B&H where everybody wants equal rights, but nothing has bene done with regard to this. It was also stated that there is strong correlation between the ethnic affiliation and religion. The report also mentions names of the streets named after Nazi collaborators and reminds that the B&H House of Representatives adopted the Resolution on renaming of streets, squares, parks, schools etc. that are named after above-mentioned persons. The report carries that soon after adoption of the Resolution SDA, which supported the Resolution, changed its stance and criticized the initiative for putting Bosniaks on the list of Nazi collaborators. The report added that SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated that the choice made by Bosniak Nazi collaborators should be valued in their global and historical context. The State Department also stated that religious groups reported that there is no progress when the restitution of their property is in question. The report also refers to the EC’s report on B&H from 2021 where it was referred to continuous ethnic segregation and discrimination in the education sector, stressing that religious groups have reported again inadequate investigating and processing of crimes committed based on religious ground.


Komsic: Inviting Kalabukhov to special RS parliament’s session is suicidal move of Dodik; Bubonjic: Inviting Russian Ambassador is provoking of West (FTV


The RS parliament will hold a special session on Monday and MPs will discuss the information on international, political and security situation – the position and the role of the RS’, i.e. the issue of relation towards Russia and the aggression on Ukraine. According to announcements, Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov was the only Ambassador in B&H who did not reject the invitation to attend the session. However, it remains unknown will he address RSNA MPs or not. Proponent of the session, leader of SNSD and member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that he wanted to inform the RS parliament about findings related to the current situation at the international political scene created as a result of the conflict in Ukraine, to present different views from the West and from the East and to give their assessment or a stance on the direction in which the world is heading into. Member of the B&H Presidency and leader of DF Zeljko Komsic said that this is a suicidal move of Dodik at the time when the entire world condemns what Russia does, while he gives platform to one of the advocators of the aggression to speak about the alleged fair invasion of Russia on Ukraine. The reporter noted that other Ambassadors refused to come due to presence of the Russian Ambassador. FTV reported that the opposition in the RS wants to know on whose side B&H is in the war between Ukraine and Russia, which is why they previously launched a session about this topic in order to find out did B&H formally and officially imposed sanctions against Russia. Analysts assessed that this session will serve only for internal political fight arguing that it could bring some negative consequences. Analyst Mladen Bubonjic assessed that this is somehow, provoking of the West to which B&H and the RS aspire at least in a declarative way. In this regard, he mentioned calling of the Russian Ambassador to the session. He added that the session will serve to solve some political relations in the RS and to get extra political and pre-election points.


Exclusive interview with Lavrov (RTRS


RTRS carries an exclusive interview with Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov who spoke about armed conflicts in Ukraine and current political situation in B&H. Asked to comment on current political situation in B&H, Lavrov stated that B&H’s stance regarding the situation in Ukraine matters only if it is based on the principles of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), in particular that all decisions must have consent of two entities and three constituent peoples. He stressed that what the West is trying to do by illegally supporting political Sarajevo in making decisions related to B&H’s foreign policy without taking the RS’ stance into consideration is “the most severe violation of the DPA”. He claims that the West lied about NATO’s enlargement, the situation in Ukraine, the situation in Kosovo and now about its commitment to the DPA, while in fact the West is doing all it can to force Croats to consent to the electoral reform which will make sure they are represented either by Bosniaks or by individuals whose policies are identical to those of Bosniaks. He underlined that he is not saying Bosniaks are wrong about something but the principles set by the DPA require consent of all three constituent peoples but the fact the US has appointed a special envoy for the electoral reform in B&H reveals a lot about alleged independence of B&H authorities. According to Lavrov, the West has a tendency to maintain false narratives and spread lies in order to justify its own unlawful actions and although the post of the High Representative (HR) was introduced and inserted in the DPA, it was supposed to be for a short period of time. He reminded that the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB) adopted the decision to abolish the post of the HR and shut down the Office of High Representative (OHR) in 2006 but the whole process was delayed with various excuses and Russia decided it is high time to take the policy of respect for B&H to a higher level after the last HR (Valentin Inzko) ended his tenure. He pointed out that B&H is supposed to be an independent country and not governed by a representative of the international community whose has more authority than the state institutions but the West stood opposed to Russia and insisted on continuing the same practices which actually fuel tensions and keep B&H dependent on the international community. He said that the RS refused to be subdued and the appointment of Christian Schmidt as the new HR was supposed to force the RS to change its mind but it was actually done with severe violations of existing procedure which includes consent of the UN Security Council and three constituent peoples. He pointed out that the West rejected every proposal to reach compromise and this prompted Russia and China to put forward a joint proposal to limit the HR’s mandate to one year and assess possible options to transfer power to B&H itself but the West was categorically opposed because it wants to continue to manipulate with B&H and turn it into another NATO base. Lavrov warned that Schmidt does not have the authority to ban SNSD leader Milorad Dodik to run for any post in the 2022 general elections in B&H or to impose any other decisions because this would be illegal since Schmidt has no legitimacy.  However, he explained that the West will undoubtedly try to take unlawful action again and what is being done to Dodik for being among few politicians who defend the DPA’s principles is very disturbing. He underlined that none of Dodik’s actions are in violation of the DPA but he is targeted by the West and Bosniaks because the West wants to turn B&H into some kind of civil society where constituent peoples will be forced to reject their identities, history and tradition in order for the West to achieve its goals. He dismissed allegations that Dodik is taking orders and instructions from Putin and the Russian leadership, adding that Dodik is a friend of Russia and vice versa and there is nothing more to it. He said that the West cannot imagine how a country in the Western Balkans and a political leader in it can act independently because the West tends to use individuals such as Schmidt to blackmail everyone and set ultimatums. Lavrov argued that Putin’s comparison between Kosovo and independence of two areas in Ukraine was misunderstood because Putin was referring mainly to decisions of the UN courts about Kosovo and his goal was to expose double standards of the West. Lavrov added that Russia and Putin professed their support to Serbia’s stance regarding Kosovo on multiple occasions and Russia will surely support any decision that is acceptable to the Serb people. Commenting on the armed conflicts in Ukraine, Lavrov emphasized the importance of allowing all member states of the OSCE to have an unrestricted access to information and proceeded to criticize the West, in particular the EU and NATO member states, for preventing Russian media from broadcasting through sanctions and blacklisting. He claims that the whole situation with Ukraine started in 2014 when then-President of Ukraine (Viktor Yanukovych) and the opposition signed the agreement on settlement of the political crisis in Ukraine, only for “Neo-Nazis and ultra-radicals from the opposition” to take over the Ukrainian authorities the very next day and Germany, France and the rest of the EU proved weak and powerless to force the opposition to abide by the agreement despite guarantees for its implementation. He stressed that the West kept quiet about this and the public was kept in the dark about the severity of problems in Ukraine before the Russian armed forces launched their special military operation on 24 February 2022, even when the current Ukrainian leadership threatened to ban the Russian language, deport all Russian citizens from Ukraine. He pointed out that problems continued the Ukrainian leadership approved airstrikes of Lugansk and other areas because their citizens refused to accept the results of anti-constitutional actions and a coup, as well as refusing to live within a society with neo-Nazi regulations and intolerance of anything related to Russia. Lavrov deems that the Minsk agreement was a chance to preserve Ukraine’s territorial integrity as its implementation would ensure few basic rights for the area of Donbas and its citizens, including the right to speak Russian language, to have their own police and to maintain special relations with Russia, which is similar to what Serbs in Kosovo were promised when Serbia and Kosovo signed the Brussels agreement. He reminded that the EU acted as a mediator in negotiations leading up to both aforementioned agreements, adding that in both cases the EU proved it has no credibility, no capacity to abide by the agreements and no willingness to force the authorities of Ukraine and Kosovo respectively to implement the agreements. He condemned the EU and the US for undermining the Minsk agreement and fully supporting the Ukrainian authorities in their hostile attitude and conduct towards Russia, saying that Russia was calling for implementation of the Minsk agreement for years and it repeatedly tried to warn the West how NATO’s enlargement policy will end badly. He added that Russia made it clear that it will take Ukraine’s accession to NATO as a direct threat and Russia’s worst fears came true after the West moved to turn Ukraine into another NATO base in order to harness Russia. According to Lavrov, Ukraine in itself is insignificant and merely an instrument for manipulation that is completely controlled by the US and the UK. He claims the EU and NATO have lost their independence and are completely obedient to the US and the UK while UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, EU High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell and other UK and EU officials admitted to wanting Ukraine to defeat Russia on the battlefield, which in turn indicates that the West does not allow the Ukrainian authorities to make any progress in negotiations with Russia. He warned that the US and the UK are taking a huge risk by vowing to supply arms to the Ukrainian authorities because they basically admit of wanting Ukrainian citizens to lose their lives fighting Russia. As to the newest package of the EU sanctions against Russia, Lavrov said that oil and its distribution are based on demand and supply, not political circumstances, but Russia already found alternative markets.


Turkovic: In an interview with RTRS, Lavrov presented a series of misinterpretations and incorrect information that could mislead the public (FTV/ATV/Srna


In an interview with RTRS, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov presented a series of misinterpretations and incorrect information that could mislead the public, said B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic. “Allegations that something is being done without the consent of RS are not true; you are misled by those who adjust their opinion to their current interlocutors, and at the same time directly violate the Dayton Peace Agreement. No one has the right to threaten the citizens of B&H, and everything that B&H has done and will do will be in accordance with the Constitution, law and international law,” Turkovic emphasized. Turkovic also said that all decisions concerning the Russian aggression were made on the basis of valid adopted documents. Sanja Vulic, SNSD representative in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) said that she told Turkovic to stop giving lessons with those bigger than herself in the diplomatic world, especially on behalf of everyone in B&H. Vulic was quoted as saying: “Bisera Turkovic puts a little video with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and a lion that roars and attacks him a little according to the directive. Minister Lavrov is currently, I believe, the world's greatest diplomat, and Bisera Turkovic is a local actor from a party that does not respect neither B&H, nor the Constitution, nor the laws, nor anything else.” Chairperson of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija said on Sunday that the claim of Turkovic is not true. Namely, Turkovic said that Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov and any other Russian official is banned from entering B&H because of the Ukraine crisis and decisions adopted by EU institutions. Tegeltija told Srna that he checked with competent agencies that monitor entrance into B&H and they stated that no one has ever adopted such a decision. He added that a decision like this can only be adopted by the B&H Presidency, after which other institutions will make adequate decisions.


Orban responds to Dodik’s letter: We will do everything in interest of renewal of Europe based on Christian civilization, sovereign nations; RS can count on friendship and support in years to come (FTV


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban responded to the recent letter that leader of SNSD and member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik sent him. Orban wrote that he is happy that the Serb people and the Hungarian people share all these values and goals. FTV reminded that Dodik recently congratulated to Orban the election victory and on this occasion, he praised Hungary for “recognizing increased birth rate as the right response of biological renewal of the nation and not import of people of other cultures and non-Christian religion”. Orban thanked Dodik for the congratulatory note he sent him over his appointment as a PM, saying that RS can count on his friendship and support in the years that follow. Orban points out that the joint homeland of Europe, with Hungary in it, has entered a decade of challenges and an era full of danger. “On April 3, the citizens of Hungary clearly supported a safe, free and strong Hungary that proudly preserves its culture and religious traditions. Based on that trust, the Hungarian government will continue to maintain constructive peace. We will preserve our results so far, i.e. we will do everything in the interest of renewal of Europe based on Christian civilization and sovereign nations,” Orban stressed.


Milanovic, Pahor and Van der Bellen meet in Brijuni; Support to Western Balkans expressed; Pahor proposes EU to give candidate status to B&H without conditions (HRT1


President of Croatia Zoran Milanovic, President of Slovenia Borut Pahor and President of Austria Alexander Van der Bellen met in Brijuni on Friday. The officials discussed the events in the Ukraine, EU, NATO and the Western Balkans. The leaders expressed support for all countries in the Western Balkans on their EU path. It was highlighted that it is in everyone’s best interest to see the region stable, democratically organized and a part of the EU, but this is a goal that is far away. Milanovic highlighted the problem of Croats in B&H, saying that the lack of interest of global and European leaders in the situation does not help their cause. Pahor said that the EU expansion into the south-east of Europe is a geopolitical issue. He said that this was made clear after the war began in Ukraine. Pahor proposed the initiative to EU leaders to give B&H the EU candidate status without any conditions. Van der Bellen said that the postponement of the EU accession of the region opens up space for populism and attempts to change borders, which would be dangerous. He stressed that the six countries of the Western Balkans cannot be ignored due to the Ukraine crisis. Van der Bellen said that the postponement of the EU accession of these countries leads to frustration among citizens. The three leaders do not agree on the proposal of Milanovic to condition the NATO accession of Sweden and Finland with the adoption of changes to the B&H Election Law in B&H. He said that this is not blackmail towards these two countries, but it is an attempt to help someone who cannot get help otherwise. Pahor said that Sweden and Finland are giving up on their neutrality after 200 years and not because of prestige, but because of a real threat. The officials assessed that in this process, Turkey will be the key despite the fact that they do not agree with the demands of Turkey. N1 reports that Pahor again said B&H should be granted the EU candidate status. “It is the idea that the EU grants B&H candidate status unconditionally, without negotiations. It is an idea that the EU would invest there in peace, security, prosperity and the European perspective of B&H, and, due to that first move, it would later request them to fulfil requirements, like we, at some point, did in good faith, and that B&H gets out of that vicious circle in which there is no progress, nor improvement of the status like in no Western Balkans country” said Pahor. Milanovic said: “In line with my obligation, feeling and basic impulse, because I am the Croatian President, I needed to talk about the issue of status of Croats in B&H, i.e. half a million people, that are Croatian and European nationals, as well as the NATO nationals, and whose rights have been systemically and perfidiously violated for long time now, and if something is a consolation in all that is that a violent outcome of that situation is practically not possible. But, political instability, uncertainty, life in unregulated region, without any guarantee, that is the reality of Croats in B&H, and that is something that Croatia cannot and will not get over easily”. Pahor was quoted as saying during a press conference: “If we are considering accelerated negotiations with Ukraine, then we are also thinking about this problem. We need to help B&H where we can. The EU can take the first step in good faith and show confidence, that we have a territorially coherent B&H in the EU”. Milanovic, as the host of the trilateral meeting at Brijuni, said he condemns Russia’s move, but added “everything else is not in our power” – assessing that global relations must be carefully analyzed in light of this conflict. Milanovic said “we cannot change things; we can only comment them”. He hopes the war will end soon and that Russia will return to the “starting points, as they were before the aggression started”. However, he believes that this is not a “realistic scenario”. Van der Bellen told a press conference that they spoke of joint measures for aiding Ukraine and issuing sanctions against Russia. “The EU Member States have, in that regard, showed exceptional unity. It is important for us to show the aggressor that we will not allow it to divide us”, the Austrian President stressed. The three presidents agreed that crisis in Ukraine must not slow down the process of bringing the Western Balkans countries closer to the EU. Commenting on his opposing to joining Sweden and Finland to the NATO without changing of the B&H Election Law, Milanovic said that he does not want to harm anyone, but he only wants to help Croats in B&H to get help because they cannot get it in any other way. According to Milanovic, Croats in B&H are in a horrible position.


Finnish EU Minister: We understand the concerns expressed by Croatia (HRT


The Minister of European Affairs of the Republic of Finland Tytti Tuppurainen, who is on an official visit to Zagreb, told HRT that they were somewhat surprised by the position of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic on Finland's accession to NATO, but that they understood Croatia's concerns, adding that efforts should be stepped up to find a solution to B&H’s election law reform. In an interview for HRT News Tytti Tuppurainen was asked, among other things, whether the Finnish leadership and the public were surprised by President Zoran Milanovic's stance, which linked changes to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s election law to Finland's entry into NATO. “We were somewhat surprised. Of course, some citizens might be confused because it should be acknowledged that these are two completely separate issues,” she said. “But we understand the concerns expressed by Croatia regarding the reform of the election law in B&H. I talked about this today with my colleagues in Croatia and I think we need to step up efforts to reach a solution to the reform of the election law in B&H, said Tuppurainen. She said Finland supports the efforts of the EU, the US and other international actors to reach a good solution. "I hope we can overcome the objections raised by Turkey." Among other things, Tuppurainen pointed out that Finland and NATO have been close partners for many years. She added that Finland has been a member of the EU since 1995 and that joining NATO is a very logical step. "We hope we can start the real accession process soon and we want a quick ratification," she said. Tuppurainen said that Finland would bring certain values to NATO, not only to receive, but also to provide means, or security for the entire alliance, including Turkey, which expressed opposition to Finland's entry. "I hope we can overcome these objections raised by Turkey," said Tuppurainen, adding that they were willing to open a dialogue. Tuppurainen said that the war in Ukraine is a war that is going to exhaustion. “We must remain vigilant and we must constantly pay attention to this Ukrainian situation. We must help them win this war and we must not allow Putin to prevail and thus set a very dangerous precedent in which you can do whatever you want with military force. That is completely unacceptable and we must continue to support Ukraine in every way,” she said.


On Croatia's entry into Schengen and the Eurozone 

Among other things, Tuppurainen said that Finland supports Croatia's efforts to enter the Schengen area. “We are in favor of that, we have noted that Croatia has met all the necessary criteria and we will soon formalize our final position in the next few weeks. We will be happy to welcome Croatia to the Schengen area,” she said. Tuppurainen also expressed confidence that the euro would be a good thing for Croatian citizens and would stabilize the Croatian economy. Tuppurainen also said that she appreciated Croatia's work and commitment in the EU and that Croatia had an excellent presidency of the Union.


Croat wounded in Ukraine; MFA: He will be provided with transport to Croatia (HRT


A Croatian citizen was wounded on the battlefield in Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed for the HRT portal. He was transported to a safe place from where he will be provided with transport and continue his journey to Croatia where he will continue his treatment. “We confirm the information about the injured Croatian citizen in Ukraine, who was transported to safety by the joint efforts of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the Ministry of Health with the Ukrainian authorities, from where he will be provided with transport and continue his journey to Croatia. According to unofficial information he fought as a volunteer on the Ukrainian side.


Bogdanovic: We don’t need way stations to the EU (RTNK


Over the past few days, an old topic was opened in Montenegro: The Open Balkans – the initiative citizens still know little about even though it has long been discussed in the public. As the largest and most responsible political structure, which successfully run the foreign political processes in the recent history of Montenegro, the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) has a negative opinion about the potential accession of our country to the afore-mentioned project,” the Secretary-General of the DPS Aleksandar Bogdanovic notes in his opinion piece. “Actively following the initiative, ever since it was presented as a Mini Schengen, I didn’t think that the Open Balkans could bring benefits to Montenegro. That is, there was a justified fear that this initiative could be more harmful to our society and economy compared to all the benefits we would get from it”, he points out. Bogdanovic also says that we haven’t got any confirmation that the Open Balkans initiative is complementary to the EU integrations, i.e. that it contributes to it.


Djukanovic on the occasion of 5th anniversary as a NATO member: Proud of contribution we’re giving in defense of shared values; DF MP: Montenegro has broken relations with traditional allies (CdM


Proud of the contribution we’re giving in the defense of our shared values, the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic said on the occasion of the fifth anniversary as a NATO member. “We are grateful to our friends, partners and Allies for their support in increasing our capabilities and meeting the standards of a responsible NATO member,” he tweeted. We have damaged relations even with traditional allies. This especially refers to the centuries-old friendship and alliance with Russia, said the MP of the Democratic Front Janko Milatovic on the occasion of the five years of Montenegro's membership in NATO. "Today marks five years since Montenegro joined the NATO pact. The decision was voted in the parliament of Montenegro without the referendum vote of the people, which is incomprehensible for such major decisions. Both the decision-makers and their foreign partners knew that over 80 percent of Montenegrin citizens were against such a decision, "said the DF MP. The question today is, says Milatovic, "whether Montenegro is now safer than it was before the story of NATO membership began." "Namely, at that time we had very good relations with both the East and the West, and we did not have a single enemy in our environment. At this time, we have come to the position of having powerful and very dangerous enemies," he added. According to him, we have spoiled relations even with traditional allies. "This is especially true of the centuries-old friendship and alliance with Russia. With such a one-sided view and hostile behavior, Montenegro has put itself in a situation where it is on the list of enemy states of the Russian Federation, and its Western partners have no better opinion of a small criminalized Montenegro than they had before such a decision. I even think they were our bigger allies before. Not to mention the consequences of such decisions for our tourism economy and our wine producers,"Milatovic pointed out. The DF MP says that "the voice of the people is the voice of God", and since, he says, "Montenegrin rulers started the fight against their own people and God a long time ago, this was a logical move for them".


Djukanovic: I hope that in 2024 we’ll be able to tell EU – We are ready (CdM


“I am working with the government to unblock the negotiation process. My belief is that in a serious job that I expect at cabinet meetings, we have nothing to do on chapters longer than 2024. I hope that in 2024 we will be able to tell the European Union – We are ready”, President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic has said at the GLOBSEC forum which is being held in Bratislava. “Montenegro has made the most progress in the negotiation process and is closest to closing the negotiation chapters. It is obvious that the European Union lacked enthusiasm for the Western Balkans. The Black Dawn entered NATO despite attempts to stop it. Today, Russia is trying to stop Ukraine from joining NATO and the EU, and we have Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Now we in the Western Balkans need a unique message from Europe. And that is that all the countries of the Western Balkans have their chair in the EU. The policy of the regatta must continue”, President Djukanovic has said. “I think it is important not to discourage Euro-enthusiasts in the Western Balkans. We have a shaky Western Balkans for the future. It needs a clear message today,” Djukanovic has pointed out. According to him, the Open Balkans is not based on European values. “That is why I am distrustful of the Open Balkans. We need to focus on the Berlin Process. The Open Balkans was launched due to the lack of effectiveness of some countries in the European process,” Djukanovic has pointed out.


Due to the aggression on Ukraine, Krivokapic is not going to the reception on the occasion of the Day of Russia (CdM


The Minister of Foreign Affairs Ranko Krivokapic but also no representative of that Ministry will attend the reception organized by the Ambassador of Russia to Montenegro Vladislav Maslenikov on the occasion of the Day of Russia on 9 June, CdM has learned. The reason for this decision, as CDM finds out, is Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Krivokapic recently said that in this difficult period, it is necessary to show unity and a strong will to oppose Russian aggression against Ukraine with all available and adequate mechanisms. He also pointed out that "Montenegro is a responsible NATO ally, which is especially committed to protecting the right of all countries to independently choose their foreign policy commitment and security arrangements".


Montenegro’s shown it is strong enough to defend its sovereignty (Pobjeda


I hope that people holding posts in the government of Montenegro now really want to unblock the European path and show Europe that the experiment with the so-called ‘apostles government’, which damaged not only the reputation of Montenegro but its position in the world, is over and that the country is on the right path, former defense minister of Slovenia and former MEP Roman Jakic says in an interview for Pobjeda daily. He underlines that we must remember 2016 and the coup attempt, believing that Montenegro learned something from that event – to protect is interest. On the Open Balkans initiative and the Prime Minister’s insistence on it even though Montenegro won’t gain any benefits from it, Mr Jakic says: “I think that the Open Balkans is not and cannot be an alternative to the EU membership. It’s true that the regional cooperation is welcome, but no one should have doubts that it’s just a trick for implementation of great ambitions of another country. So that’s a question here and it should be seen whether it’s good for Montenegro.”


Nikoloski: Early elections do not depend on negotiations, the political crisis is becoming both economic and national (Republika/RFE


I absolutely do not think that early parliamentary elections depend on the start of negotiations. We want and wish and demand that Macedonia start negotiations with the EU, not because of the government but because the citizens of Macedonia deserve it. On the other hand, the political crisis is so deep, the economic crisis is getting stronger, unfortunately Macedonia is also facing a national crisis. So the only solution is early parliamentary elections, especially after the government was delegitimized in the last local elections, which took place in October 2021. So, a year will pass from the local elections and that was a sufficient period of time for the government to show that it can be done otherwise, but not only did it not show that it can do otherwise, but they are going in a worse direction, said Aleksandar Nikoloski, vice president of VMRO- DPMNE in an interview with Radio Free Europe. Nikoloski added that because of that, the only solution is early parliamentary elections. If you want Macedonia to start negotiations with the EU, an incompetent government will lead those negotiations badly, Nikoloski stressed. Nikoloski pointed out that the period of persuasion is over. There have been months in which the opposition has been trying to persuade the government to hold early parliamentary elections through political dialogue. But now the opposition is in a situation where the government has to be pressured to go to early parliamentary elections. That is why there is an active blockade in the Parliament, and that is why a large nationwide protest rally will take place on 18 June in front of the government. I expect tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of citizens to visit that nationwide protest, which will clearly express a message to the government that changes must take place in Macedonia, Nikoloski said. He even pointed out that the government’s explanation for election expenses is inappropriate. The question is how much Macedonia loses economically from the incompetent government. There is data that says that in the period from 2019 to 2021, those are the years of rule of SDSM and DUI Macedonia has produced one million megawatt hours less electricity. If one megawatt hour on the world stock exchanges is from 250 to 260 euros at the moment, it means that 250-260 million electricity have been lost, which must be imported and those foreign currencies must go out. And because of that, the bills of the citizens have already been increased by 10%, and they will be increased by even an additional 30%. And for companies, municipalities and institutions, they have increased from 500 to 600%.


Mickoski after meeting with Gencovska: Bulgaria to lift the veto and stop the conditions towards Macedonia (Republika


VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski together with the Vice President Timco Mucunski, International Secretary Stefan Andonovski and Executive Committee member and spokesperson Marija Miteva met with Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Teodora Gencovska. The current political situation and the challenges of Macedonia in the process of European integration were discussed at the meeting. Mickoski stressed the concern for Macedonia’s European integration and demanded that the negotiations be opened without conditions. Mickoski pointed out that VMRO-DPMNE will not accept an agreement that is the result of negotiations in which the largest political party VMRO-DPMNE does not participate and negotiations that are to the detriment of the Macedonian people and their identity. This government has no legitimacy to negotiate and violate Macedonia’s negotiating positions. Mickoski urged Bulgaria to lift its veto without delay and to start accession negotiations as soon as possible through the prism of European values and criteria.


Kovacevski- Heger: EU to start accession talks without delay to ensure stability in the region (Republika


At the sidelines of the GLOBSEC Security Conference taking place in Bratislava Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski met his Slovak counterpart Eduard Heger. At the meeting, the two Prime Ministers expressed satisfaction with the bilateral relations between the two countries, which have recently been further strengthened and promoted with the opening of the Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia in Bratislava. The two Prime Ministers stressed that the activities of the embassy will provide additional impetus for the comprehensive development of bilateral relations between the two countries, with special emphasis on economic cooperation with Slovakia and the member states of the Visegrad Group. At the meeting with Slovak Prime Minister Heger, Prime Minister Kovacevski thanked for the continuous public representation and statements of the highest representatives of the Slovak Republic for the unequivocal support for Macedonia’s EU integration, such as the joint initiative with the Czech Republic to block the adoption of EU conclusions in relation to the enlargement process with the countries of the Western Balkans which contain unacceptable references to some historical issues. Prime Ministers Kovacevski and Heger agreed that it was high time Macedonia and the region received a strong, clear and coherent message from all EU member states and institutions to start membership negotiations to reaffirm their European perspective. The stalemate in the EU accession process, it was said at the meeting, poses strong security risks, and now is the time for the EU to recognize the consistent efforts of Macedonia and Albania to start accession negotiations as soon as possible without delay.


Former armed forces chief Bajram Begaj to serve as Albania’s seventh president (Tirana Times)  


Albania’s parliament has voted Bajram Begaj as the country’s next president, with 78 MPs of 140 voting in favor, three against and one abstention.  The ruling Socialist Party, which proposed Begaj voted united as a block in favor in a secret ballot, joined by a small ally and one opposition vote. The majority of the opposition, 58 MPs from the Democratic Party, refused to vote, protesting the non-consensual selection. Ten opposition MPs did attend the session, with the rest boycotting it. Those who attended said the election was unconstitutional as it led to having a president who until just hours before the vote had been an active major general who served as the country’s defense chief. Begaj had resigned from the military on Friday, and incumbent President Ilir Meta gave him official discharge, fulfilling the constitutional obligation that no active military personnel can serve in certain political posts, the Socialists noted. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said Begaj was the sole candidate and had been selected by the Socialist Party following discussions on a lengthy list of candidates, which had ultimately been shortened to four names. It is unclear how the list was compiled and critics have said the process was too opaque. But based on public statements made by the SP Parliamentary Group Chairman Taulant Balla and SP General Secretary Damian Gjiknuri, the goal was to have only one person proposed to parliament and then the Socialists would throw all their support to that candidate.


Opaque selection defies public consultation channels  

As parliament had opened a call for public proposals through public consultation channels -- there were candidates like 65-year-old lawyer and Constitutional Court Judge Perparim Kalo, who was supported by a group of important civil society and business associations as well as a public figure who has a great reputation in the international community in Albania. There were also calls that a woman be selected for the first time ever as head of state, and there had been indications that two or three were considered, but ultimately they did not get the approval of the prime minister and small circle of party leadership that ultimately selected Begaj. The constitutional requirements are basic: The president must be at least 40 years old, be an Albanian citizen and have resided in Albania in the last 10 years. The Socialists had promised they would go look for an apolitical person who will be able, thanks to the stature, work and life experience, to give the Office of the President the true status of a person who knows how to stand over the political parties, to represent the unity of the people and who will know how to perform that function by strictly respecting the norms of the constitution and following the best practices of heads of state around the world. The fact the opposition raised objections on Begaj’s selection already brings some concern, but analysts say the performance of duties will indicate how Begaj will fill the presidential role. That’s is something he also promised in a letter to the public shortly after being voted in.


Background of new president    

The now retired general has had a low profile, and is not well known publicly, rising to become Albania's top military officer and its highest ranked general in 2020. He was serving as chief of the general staff of the Albanian armed forces when he was picked, which made his vetting for the presidency easier and faster, according to officials. Begaj is a medical doctor by training, and he rose as a manager from the military’s medical wing, serving in various positions in the armed forces for the past 30 years. He went through medical and military schools in Albania, is an associate professor at the Medical University of Tirana and has had several trainings at key military management institutions in the United States and Germany, according to his official biography. Born in 1967 in the central Albanian town of Rrogozhina, Begaj is married and has two adult sons.


Albania’s head of state has few powers 

Following constitutional changes in 2008, Albanian presidents have been stripped of most key powers and their selection no longer requires a two thirds vote in parliament. As per Albania’s current constitution, the president is largely an honorary figure meant to represent the unity of the people and ideally should not be an active political figure. But because the political parties in Albania have seen the presidential election as a zero sum game tied to their own power, most presidents selected in recent history have been political and pushed the boundaries of what is defined by the constitution, experts have noted. Begaj is not an active political figure, but he is now part of a tradition of selecting military men for head of state in post-communist Albania. Both former presidents Alfred Moisiu and the late Bujar Nishani had a previous military career before taking office, with Moisiu also being a former general.


Osmani congratulates the newly elected President Begaj: We will work to deepen the fraternal relations even further (Tirana Times


Through a Facebook post, the President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani has congratulated the newly elected President of Albania, Bajram Begaj. In her post, Vjosa Osmani writes that we will work together to deepen the fraternal relations between Kosovo and Albania. "Heartfelt congratulations to the newly elected President of Albania, Mr. Bajram Begaj! I wish you success in your new and very important role. Together we will work to further deepen the fraternal relations between Kosovo and Albania, as well as to bring our countries closer to the EU," writes Osmani.


US congratulates Bajram Begaj: He contributed to the field of defense! We look forward to working with him (Radio Tirana


The newly elected president, Bajram Begaj has also received congratulations from the United States of America. In a reaction to the media, the US Embassy in Tirana says that: "The Embassy of the United States of America congratulates Bajram Begaj on his election as the next President of Albania. As Chief of General Staff, he contributed significantly to defense cooperation between the United States and Albania. We look forward to continuing to work with him in his new role and further strengthening the partnership between our countries."