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Belgrade Media Report 16 June



Vucic: We see Turkey as strong partner (Tanjug/RTS)


We see Turkey as a strong partner and we are very committed to developing and deepening overall relations, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said at a meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, noting that the two countries shared common economic interests and that the TurkStream gas pipeline project was extremely important for Serbia. They discussed the signing of a Serbia-Turkey agreement to enable citizens of either country to travel to the other with ID cards only, the presidential press office said in a statement. Vucic said Serbia remained committed to further advancement of cooperation in all fields of mutual interest and added that he was pleased with the development of political relations between the two countries, which he noted were at an all-time high thanks to intensive dialogue, trust and mutual support. "We see Turkey as a strong partner and we are very committed to developing and deepening overall ties. We share common economic interests and it is important to us that Turkey is helping the development of underdeveloped parts of Serbia with major investments," Vucic said, adding that he was very appreciative of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's personal contribution to bilateral cooperation as well as to Turkish investors coming to Serbia. Vucic also said infrastructure ties were key to even stronger economic development and greater investments, as well as to cooperation across the region, and that a Belgrade-Sarajevo motorway was the most significant project to be implemented with financial assistance from Turkey.

"Cooperation on a project to build and exploit TurkStream, which provides natural gas supplies to the region, is also extremely important to Serbia - its implementation ensures diversification of supply routes and sources and advances the security of supplies to our countries, as well as the wider region," Vucic said, noting that Serbia was also interested in continuing the cooperation in the energy sector, as well as in tourism, a sector with great potential. Vucic said maintaining peace and stability in the region was a key interest for Serbia and that only intensive cooperation of all Western Balkan countries could ensure prosperity and development of not only Serbia, but also all countries in the region. "You are doing an excellent job for your country and the entire region," Cavusoglu told Vucic. Conveying Erdogan's regards, Cavusoglu announced the Turkish President would soon visit Serbia and the region. Cavusoglu also thanked Vucic for the great support Serbia was providing to Turkish companies, as well as for its committed work to keep improving the conditions for investors.


Dacic: Cooperation with Turkey at high level (RTV/FoNet)


Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said that the traditionally friendly relations between Serbia and Turkey, especially their bilateral cooperation, are at a very high level and realized in almost all fields, as evidenced by the fact that this is the fourth meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu in the past year. Dacic went on to say that the overall international cooperation in the previous period has been good, friendly and continuous, consistently following the general trend of bilateral relations. Dacic said that the good political relations are accompanied by a developed economic cooperation which is especially important in the current situation with its shaky global energy and economic market. Dacic also said that with significant changes to its investment framework the Republic of Serbia had contributed to the creation of a better business environment for companies intending to invest into the country. “We are interested in advancing cooperation in the sphere of attracting Turkish investment by providing long-term support for Turkish investors in the conduct of their business intentions both in the process of realization of investment projects, as well as in the protection of acquired investment rights, in terms of a stable business environment and attractive investment atmosphere,” Dacic stressed. Cavusoglu was very pleased to be meeting with his long-term colleague with whom he had the opportunity to cooperate as Foreign Minister and previously as a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. He stressed that the history of our relations obliges us to continue to work together on strengthening overall relations and supporting peace and stability in the region. Cavusoglu went on to say that both nations have greatly benefited from the successful realization of mutual agreements as evidenced by the recent decision to use only personal IDs for travel, which will lend additional impetus to business and tourist visits. The institution of regular flights between Belgrade and Ankara, as well as from Nis and Kraljevo to Istanbul in late 2021, has significantly strengthened the connections between the two states.

The officials also exchanged opinions on the political situation in Europe and the region.


Mutual recognition with Pristina not our desire, Vucic says on EP report (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday a mutual recognition between Belgrade and Pristina, mentioned in the latest report on Serbia adopted by the European Parliament's foreign affairs committee, was not a desire of Serbia. Asked by reporters to comment on the fact the report was the first document containing a reference to mutual recognition in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, and whether he believed the dialogue would be expedited in a way because of the Ukraine crisis, Vucic said: "It is a strange policy, those people there do not respect their own negotiating framework, adopted by the European Commission and approved by the European Council." He noted that the negotiating framework for Serbia's EU accession process contained a reference to a comprehensive normalization of the relations with Pristina. "A mutual recognition is their desire, it is nice that they want that. We do not want that. Everyone should be doing their job - they will do theirs and we will do ours. They are very important, and we are not, but we can have our own opinion. We can afford to," Vucic said ironically. Vucic said he was prepared to take any blow because he knew that justice, morality and truth were on Serbia's side. However, the President said he was unable to deny the significance of general acts passed by the European Parliament, and added that they were no joking affair or something to be taken non-seriously. "But this is what our decision is and I believe the parliament and the government of Serbia, which are due to give their opinions on the issue, will soon confirm everything I have just told you," Vucic said.


Petkovic: So-called “mutual recognition” cannot be part of dialogue (RTV/RTS/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic stated on Wednesday that Belgrade and Pristina cannot negotiate the so-called “mutual recognition”, because that unfulfilled wish of Pristina is not, nor can it be a part of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and that is not written in any document that constitutes the negotiation process conducted under the auspices of the EU. “Belgrade has a genuine desire to normalize relations with Pristina in a way that will enable the inhabitants of our southern province, both Serbs and Albanians, to live safely, in a society where human rights are respected and there are preconditions for economic development and prosperity of all kinds, but Belgrade and Pristina cannot negotiate so-called ‘mutual recognition’ because Pristina’s unfulfilled desire is not, nor can it be, part of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. In addition, it is not written in any document that constitutes the negotiation process conducted under the auspices of the EU,” notes Petkovic in the statement. Any attempt to interpret the normalization of relations as a way to recognize the unilaterally declared independence of so-called “Kosovo” on the part of Serbia, Petkovic points out, takes us a step further from normalization, just as chauvinistic chases against democratically elected representatives of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija take us away from normalization. “Normalization is not contributed either by daily satanization of Serbs and Serbia by representatives of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina, deepening of the interethnic gap, daily looting of Serbian property, desecration of churches and cemeteries or unilateral acts and provocations such as incursions of long-barreled armed special Pristina formations into the north of the province,” he said.  Vjosa Osmani, as he emphasized, is happy to talk about normalization, but everything she is doing is directed against normalization and it is high time that in the interest of all residents of Kosovo and Metohija, Pristina stops playing a dangerous double game that can nullify all positive effects of the dialogue under the auspices of the EU and cause dangerous security destabilization. “Belgrade will not in any way hinder the development of our southern province, on the contrary, we will try to contribute to the smoothing of disagreements and open issues, but with all legitimate political means we will fight against Pristina’s attempts to use current geopolitical opportunities to promote and strengthen the self-declared project of ‘Kosovo’,” concluded Petkovic in the statement.


Stefanovic visits Dassault Aviation development center (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic visited on Wednesday the development center of French manufacturer  of military aircraft and business jets Dassault Aviation in Paris, where he met with the company’s CEO Eric Trappier. Company representatives presented on this occasion the range of products, including the multi-purpose fighter plane “Rafale”. Earlier today Stefanovic laid a wreath at the Serbian Military Cemetery in Thiais near Paris and thus paid tribute to the Serbian soldiers killed in the First World War. Stefanovic said that it is our duty to preserve the memory of Serbian victims in the First World War, recalling that 747 Serbian soldiers are buried at the cemetery in Thiais, who fought heroically at the front and were taken wounded by their French comrades to hospitals to try and heal their wounds. They died far from their homeland, but this cemetery speaks of how much the Serbian soldier deserved all respect and how strong the alliance of the Serbian and French peoples in the First World War was, said the Deputy Prime Minister and added that our common history is precisely what obliges us to work on preserving and strengthening our friendly ties in times of peace. Stefanovic is on an official, several-day visit to France. He is accompanied by Assistant Minister for Material Resources Nenad Miloradovic, Air Force and Anti-Aircraft Defense Commander Dusko Zarkovic, Military Intelligence Agency chief Zoran Stojkovic and the head of the MoD's Administration for International Military Cooperation Nebojsa Svjetlica.


Tolkach: Most important thing is to stop the war (RTS)


Ukrainian Ambassador Volodymyr Tolkach has said that the most important thing for Ukraine is to stop the war and that it expects the support from partners in both Serbia and Ukraine. He said that it was important for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people that he heard from Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, with whom he visited a refugee center in Vranje, about Serbia’s readiness to help treat wounded Ukrainians and participate in rebuilding the damaged infrastructure. “During the visit to the refugee center, I really felt the attitude of the president of Serbia towards Ukrainian children, his warmth and openness towards them. And that is a sign that Serbia shares our sorrow, our tragedy and that it will continue to support us,” Tolkach told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS), stating that there are about 7,500 Ukrainian citizens in Serbia, of which 500 have permanent residence. Serbia and Ukraine have many things in common, and that is primarily the European path, said the ambassador who took office in Belgrade about ten days ago, when the war in Ukraine was lasting for almost 100 days. “What happened in the previous weeks, meetings with the president of Serbia and the minister of foreign affairs and the talks we had are very important and that cooperation continues,” said the Ambassador and stressed that on the other hand it is important to intensify economic cooperation. According to him, we should introduce a free trade zone in order to facilitate the exchange of goods, because for Ukraine, Serbia remains almost the only country in Europe where there are still customs and tax barriers. He added that it is known that during the war, the EU lifted customs and tariff restrictions. Asked how much the war affects his engagement in Belgrade and in what way, and what his priorities will be in the coming period, he said that his priorities have changed a lot compared to what he thought they would be. Today, it is difficult to make plans because the only thing we can talk about is the war that has lasted 112 days, that is, eight years, he said. The Ambassador also said that the fact that people participate in events marked with the letter Z, makes citizens of Ukraine not feel safe (in Serbia) in a certain sense. “All that Russia is doing in Ukraine now, all the horrors that our people are experiencing are felt here as well because of that attitude and the use of the letter Z, which for us is a fascist swastika,” he said. Asked whether Ukraine, from which a number of false reports about bombs are coming to Serbia, will be able to support the Serbian police in prosecuting those who are doing this, he said that he is sorry that his country is mentioned in that context. We addressed the local authorities and the Ministry of the Interior in order to establish cooperation between competent authorities of both countries in order to investigate as quickly and objectively as possible, he said. “This is not just a problem of Ukraine and Serbia and I can give an example, a few days ago there was a report of a bomb near the embassy, that intimidation and reports about bombs is not just a Ukrainian or Serbian case, much more investigation is needed to solve the problem,” said the Ambassador.


Serbian elementary school stoned in Vucitrn municipality (Beta/Politika/Novosti)


In the village of Gojbulja in the municipality of Vucitrn, the elementary school “21 November” was stoned and on that occasion a window in the classroom was broken, the door of the new one was damaged, as well as the door of the old school building, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced yesterday. As announced, the school principal will inform the police and KFOR representatives covering the area about the incident. “With this incident continued the dangerous series of ethnically motivated attacks on Serbs we have witnessed in recent days, and especially alarming fact is that a facility in which there are children was attacked. With today’s incident, the number of attacks on Serbs, Serbian property and facilities of the Serbian Orthodox Church has risen to 60 since the beginning of 2022, and we have a total of 188 such cases since the beginning of last year,” the statement said. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced that it would repair the damage caused and that it would continue to invest in Serb communities in Kosovo and Metohija, but that it “expects representatives of the international community to end its non-response policy and clearly condemn this and all previous incidents”.


Appeal of Albanian Coalition on elections before Administrative Court (N1)


An appeal of Coalition of the Valley Albanians to the decision of Republic Election Commission (RIK) to discard their demand for annulling elections in Veliki Trnovac have reached Administrative Court, TV N1 reported on Wednesday. Administrative Court would have a 72-hour deadline to decide on the appeal to RIK’s decision, who discarded the objection of the coalition led by Shaip Kamberi as unfounded last Thursday. If Administrative Court should discard the appeal of the Albanian coalition, all legal means for elections participants would be exhausted, and RIK would finally be able to proclaim the overall results of parliamentary elections held back on 3 April.




Dodik to hold meetings with Putin, Lavrov in St. Petersburg; Dodik comments on his upcoming meetings and issue of sanctions against Russia (ATV)


The 25th International Economic Forum began in St. Petersburg. Officials from 80 countries are participating in the forum, including the Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik. The plenary session of the forum is scheduled for Friday, 17 June, in which Russian President Vladimir Putin will also participate. A meeting between Putin and Dodik was planned after the plenary session. Dodik gave an interview for ATV and discussed plans for the forum and his upcoming meetings. When asked what he expects from a meeting with Putin and what topics will they discuss, Dodik said it is very important to be there in the current situation and it is important to hear people who are involved in global developments in the economic, political and security fields. Dodik announced that he will hold a speech during the official opening of the International Economic Forum on Thursday. Dodik stated: “I want to express our concerns or our views, which are important, given the current situation”. Dodik added that he will not only have a meeting with Putin on Friday, but he will also have a meeting with the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov on Thursday, followed by a meeting with the General Manager of ‘Gazprom’ on the same day. Dodik stated: “Earlier, coming here at the end of last year, we discussed important issues of our economic cooperation. I want to strengthen our agreements from before, to ensure that they have support now in such conditions and to see what are the modalities so that we can implement all these agreements. To avoid any speculation, they are exclusively related to the construction of a gas pipeline, two gas-fired power plants, agreements on some things related to the construction of solar panels and electricity based on that. We want to see how the world will move and what the relationships are like. We see that, not only is the situation that is happening in Ukraine a war (situation), but the world has become quite destabilized in terms of the energy situation”. Dodik pointed out that Russia is one of the most important exporters when it comes to energy and wheat. Dodik said it is important that they get first-hand information, so they can think about what to do during summer and winter. Dodik said that he believes that they will conclude the agreement regarding gas and that they will have the same prices as Serbia. Reporter pointed out that there were pressures towards B&H to introduce sanctions against Russia, and asked Dodik whether sanctions will be one of the topics. Dodik replied that Russia knows that B&H did not introduce sanctions against Russia. He added that there were unilateral attempts from irresponsible ambassadors, which, as Dodik said, violate the Constitution of B&H and only express their own stances. Dodik commented: “Russia, by the very fact that it has accepted to deliver certain quantities of gas to Sarajevo at the old prices, absolutely understands the situation. I want to explain that further. The RS is not ready to be part of the sanctions against the Russian Federation. This is not a conflict in which we are involved, and we should not have any consequences. It is quite certain that it is too much for us to have problems with uncertainty about oil supply, we already have problems with increased prices, and much more. Therefore, we did not participate, we did not create, we were not conflicted, and we just have damage from it all. We want to know how this will move forward. We do not want to be on either side of it. For some it is not enough, they a priori want some to take sides, for some to be condemned, others to be praised, etc. Nobody even asked us when it started, we should not be asked even now while it lasts.” Dodik is visiting Saint Petersburg, where he participates at the economic forum that is also attended by statesmen from 70 world countries. A plenary session within the forum will be held on Friday and Russian President Vladimir Putin will take part at the session. Dodik is expected to meet with Putin after the session. Dodik met with Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on the sidelines of the economic forum. They discussed the situation in the region and B&H. Cavusoglu will visit B&H in the upcoming days as part of his trip to the Western Balkan countries. Kremlin stated that besides President of Kazakhstan, this economic forum will be attended by representatives of China, Belarus, Syria, Eritrea, North Korea and other countries.


Perovic: Dodik's participation at Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, where he will meet with Putin and other statesmen, is extremely important (Nezavisne)


The Head of the Representative Office of Republika Srpska (RS) in Russia Dusko Perovic said that the upcoming participation of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik at the Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, where he will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin and other statesmen, is extremely important. Perovic emphasized that it is very important that Dodik will speak at the opening of the Forum, where he will have a lot of interesting and important meetings with numerous statesmen, not only with the President of the Russian Federation, regarding economic topics. "We hope that the results of these talks will be very fruitful and successful," Perovic stressed. According to him, the Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, in which Dodik will also participate, will be very interesting, and its topic this year is - 'New World, New Opportunities'. Dodik should met with Putin Friday, after the plenary session of the Forum in St. Petersburg.


B&H House of Peoples adopts amendments to B&H Election Law proposed by HDZ B&H; Covic says if amendments to B&H Election Law are passed in B&H HoR as well, changes will be applicable to general elections (Nova BH)


At its session held on Wednesday, the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) adopted amendments to the B&H Election Law proposed by HDZ B&H. Nova BH reports that, according to the proponent, the proposal represents implementation of the ruling of the B&H Constitutional Court (B&H CC) in the ‘Ljubic’ case. Amendments envisage changes related to election of the B&H Presidency members from the Federation of B&H, introduction of the legitimate representation principle and changes in relation to election of the delegates in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples (HoP). Nova BH reports that, according to the Law, cantons with Croat majority would give 16 out of 17 delegates, whilst four cantons where Croats are not majority would give only one delegate from the ranks of Croat people; three cantons with Croat majority would give only one delegate from the ranks of Bosniak people. Addressing the media after the session, Speaker of the B&H HoP Dragan Covic said: “We think we made a good thing and a good message today, and we hope that, when this is referred to the (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) under urgent procedure, we will have a quality discussion and sufficient number of wise people to make changes in the (B&H) Election Law to ensure normal start of the election campaign”. Deputy speaker of the B&H HoP Bakir Izetbegovic said: “I think it will be impossible for it to go through all Parliamentary Assembly. Since the beginning, the goal was to convey a message that the law was adopted in one of the Houses, and that is the reason we did not allow that to happen easily. We have made a small political drama in regard to all of that, we were stopping it, slowing it down to simply put a floodlight on that issue, so that the message is not easily conveyed to Brussels – the Law was adopted in one of the Houses. It will definitely not be passed in the (B&H) HoR.” Delegate at the B&H HoP Zlatko Miletic said: “I said that the current distribution of mandates they agreed on, that was adopted in December 2018, is much better version for the protection of Croats in the whole B&H, than the one offered to us.” Deputy speaker of the B&H HoP Nikola Spiric said: “We supported that Law today with the intention to discuss the issue in another House. We are yet to see the response, but the (B&H) HoR can certainly offer its opinion by adopting the Law, to look for joint solution. Whether that will be the case, I do not know, but today’s messages from the ranks of the ruling and opposition political parties from the FB&H convince me of that.”


HNS welcomes adoption of amendments to B&H Election Law in B&H HoP (Nezavisne)


The Croat People's Assembly (HNS) Wednesday welcomed the adoption of amendments to the B&H Election Law, pointing out that these changes represent an opportunity to finally prevent the continuation of all forms of discrimination, political majorization and to return that law within the frameworks of the Constitution of B&H. "We call on the international community to seize this unique opportunity and through the adoption of this law in the House of Representatives (HoR), at least in the part related to the filling of the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP), to fulfill the decision of the Constitutional Court and prevent those who on the basis of current imposed norms want to impose and take the Croat Caucus in the FB&H HoP away from Croats," HNS said in a statement.


Asselborn says EU must not forget and neglect B&H which is important for stability of entire Western Balkans (Nova BH)


Within his one-day official visit to B&H, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Luxemburg Jean Asselborn met on Wednesday with B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic, and earlier the same day, he met with B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic. The reporter notes that Asselborn’s visit to B&H comes three days after the political agreement on principles for ensuring a functional B&H that advances on the European path was accepted in Brussels. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Turkovic said: “We also talked about importance of reaching that agreement among leaders and the possibility, i.e. our request to grant B&H the EU candidate status. In a situation when there is a threat of the overspill of the crisis in Ukraine to the Western Balkans, the progress on the European path can be the key factor of stability and security not only for BiH, but for the whole Western Balkans.” Asselborn said: “I welcome the agreement from the past week, and I believe it is a positive signal. The EU must consider the situation in Ukraine, as well as Moldova and Georgia. However, we cannot neglect the Western Balkans, that is not only in our courtyard, but also in our garden.” Asselborn pointed out that the EU must not forget and neglect B&H which, according to him, is important for the stability of the entire Western Balkans. Asselborn welcomed the political agreement accepted in Brussels last Sunday by members of the B&H Presidency and most of the B&H parliamentary party leaders. "I believe this is a positive sign. The EU must consider the situation in Ukraine, as well as in Moldova and Georgia. But we must not neglect the Western Balkans which is not only in our backyard but also in our garden," Asselborn said. Turkovic said that she believes that member states of the EU will use the momentum and recognize the readiness expressed in Brussels. Turkovic said that instead of progress and the fulfillment of conditions set by the EU, B&H had a crisis and blockades without precedent. She said that the Brussels agreement can be a turning point and encouragement for B&H citizens.  Asselborn said that he welcomes the Brussels agreement, and the EU cannot ignore the Western Balkans which is in the European garden. He added that it is important for general elections to take place on October 2, and this will be an opportunity for B&H to turn the next page.


Kovacevic: Opposition tries to justify not signing agreement in Brussels, which nobody signed (RTRS)


Spokesperson of SNSD Radovan Kovacevic said on Wednesday that the RS opposition first tried, without success, to persuade Moscow that the RS introduced sanctions to Russia, which it not true, and now once again they unsuccessfully are trying to explain and justify themselves for not signing the documents in Brussels which was not signed by anyone. “As much as they are trying to create some kind of drama about the meeting held in Brussels, they cannot hide the fact that owing to leaders of the RS ruling coalition the document contains provision that B&H is composed of two entities and three constituent peoples and that there is no stance on Ukraine, until B&H Presidency adopts one, which clearly stated that it was included there upon the RS request,” said Kovacevic.


Brussels agreement will not be implemented, and political leaders will use it in their election campaign (Oslobodjenje)


Last Sunday, leaders of B&H parliamentary parties and members of B&H Presidency were invited to Brussels by European Council President Charles Michel. They were offered to sign a new statement containing many commitments because, as the author notes, the leaders failed to implement all previous agreements. The document of the political agreement is written in a very cold bureaucratic language based on principles which usually have great elasticity and can be interpreted in different ways. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic traveled to Brussels, but he bizarrely refused to attend the meeting because he did not want to be in the same room with B&H Presidency member and DF leader Zeljko Komsic. SNSD leader and B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik was at the center of attention for many reasons. “Having smelled the cheese in Charles Michel’s mousetrap, he (Dodik) struggled for a long time, wondering what to do. In the end, the told Michel in a theatrical manner that he accepts the proposed package, with dissenting opinion on condemnation of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, causing rage of the leading opposition politicians in the RS”, comments the author. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic who did not attend the meeting at all recognized “devil’s finders” in the offered agreement, because “the devil lies in details”. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic and DNS leader Nenad Nesic also refused to support the Brussels agreement. However, even the political leaders who accepted the agreement did not officially sign it. Michel did not object, saying that acceptance and signature are one and the same thing. The author notes that Michel is not wrong, having in mind that B&H political leaders are unreliable, and whether they sign something or not, they are not likely to implement it. The author notes that US and EU administrations have openly blamed SDA, SNSD and HDZ B&H for the disturbing situation in B&H, and many believe that only their departure from B&H political scene can save B&H. However, Michel decided to invite the most important “bad guys” along with the opposition leaders to promise that they will no longer to bad things. The author underlines that nobody can seriously believe that this is going to happen, but the leaders will be able to use the Brussels agreement in the election campaign as evidence for their alleged good intentions. The author notes that the years-long crisis in B&H has its roots in the Dayton Peace Agreement and the hypocritical attitude of the Agreement signatories towards their obligations. Each side has its own interpretation of the Dayton Agreement and its own views about the constitutional organization of B&H. High Representatives, with the exception of Paddy Ashdown, did not intervene, although the High Representative is responsible for interpretation and implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement. The USA did not do much either. The author concludes that the Brussels agreement will probably have the same destiny, and B&H will remain far away from the EU.


Stoltenberg announces debate on how to improve support to partner countries at risk due to Russian influence, including B&H and Georgia (FTV)


NATO Defense Ministers met in Brussels on Wednesday for a two-day summit to address how to make NATO stronger and further support partner nations, and the situation in Ukraine. It was stressed that the NATO member states will continue to supply Ukraine with weapons. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that allies are committed to continue providing the military equipment to Ukraine and that they will also discuss at the summit how to improve support to other partner countries at risk due to Russian influence, including B&H and Georgia.

FTV also reported that fierce fighting in Ukraine continues. Russian forces have control of some 80 percent of the Severodonetsk so the evacuation of more than 1,000 civilians from the Azot factory is impossible. Ukraine authorities seek possibility to open evacuation corridors and requested more weapons for Ukrainian defense. The UN delegation investigating Russian war crimes in Ukraine and alleged sending Ukraine children for adoption in Russia is visiting Kyiv.

NATO Ministers of Defense (MoDs) met on Wednesday in Berlin, to discuss the importance of strengthening partnership, delivery of long-range systems to Ukraine, and Sweden and Finland’s applications to join the NATO, during the two-day meeting. On the occasion, Stoltenberg said the allies are committed to continue to supply Ukraine with heavy weapons and long-range systems. “We will also talk about how to increase practical support to other threatened partners, including B&H and Georgia,” said Stoltenberg.


German government approves deployment of 50 troops to join the EUFOR’s Operation Althea in B&H (Nova BH)


The German government has approved deployment of 50 German troops to join the EUFOR’s Operation Althea in B&H, that Germany left at the end of 2012. The decision, that needs to be adopted by the German parliament, will be in force by 30 June 2023. Nova BH reports that German Ministry of Defense (MoD) spokesperson David Helmbold said the troops will be deployed to the EUFOR Headquarters (HQ) Sarajevo and two mobile observation and liaison teams. The German government Wednesday paved the way for the deployment of its troops as part of the EU's peacekeeping mission in B&H. This is the first time in ten years that Germany has withdrawn such a move, amid growing concerns about the possibility of spillover of the Ukrainian crisis to the Western Balkans. High Representative Christian Schmidt has welcomed the decision of the German government to support the EUFOR/Althea Mission in B&H with German soldiers. "This is a strong signal in the region at this crucial moment. The International Community stays committed to B&H," the OHR wrote on Twitter.


Milanovic criticizes Schmidt for not invoking Bonn Powers to impose amendments to B&H Election Law (Nova)


The reporter notes that Croatian President Zoran Milanovic has once again talked about B&H, this time in the context of the use of Bonn Powers to impose amendments to the B&H Election Law. Nova reminds that High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt has invoked the Bonn Powers on two occasions so far, i.e. to abolish the RS’ decisions related to state property, and to ensure general election financing. Addressing the media, Milanovic said: “Why is that man not using the Bonn Powers, that are violent, but used. Why does not he issue a decision according to which the decision of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) is automatically implemented in the legislative space, i.e. that we do not depend on the B&H Parliamentary Assembly that does not want to act in accordance with the (B&H) CC’s order. We see there is silence in that regard. And then they make demands to Croat representatives, directed by some of our know-it-alls from Zagreb who want to be liked - that is the Croatian need to be liked, to be bigger Catholic than the Pope, the bigger Quisling than Hitler, the bigger Stalin than Stalin – Croats and Serbs to some extent always the first. That is wrong”. Milanovic stated on that Schmidt should use Bonn Powers to impose changes to the B&H Election Law and ensure that Croats can elect their representatives at the elections. He commented on the past war, saying that without the Croatian army there would not be a free B&H now. Milanovic stressed that this is the Croatian contribution to the peace in the region and this is now being forgotten, Croats have their rights taken away and are being laughed at.


Croatian FM looking forward to opening EU-N. Macedonia entry talks soon (Hina)


Croatia hopes that the accession talks between the European Union and North Macedonia will be opened soon, Croatia's Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said in Skopje on Wednesday. Minister Grlic Radman began a two-day visit to North Macedonia on Wednesday. At the start of his tour, he held talks with his North Macedonian counterpart Bujar Osmani. He will also be received by Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European Affairs, Bojan Maricic, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski, Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi and President Stevo Pendarovski. After the talks, FM Osmani told a news conference that Croatia was well acquainted with the developments and Skopje appreciated Zagreb's support for North Macedonia's European journey. During Croatia's chairmanship of the European Union in the first half of 2020, a decision was made on opening the membership negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania, however, Bulgaria imposed a veto over its dispute about the identity and language of North Macedonia, and the talks have not yet been launched, said the Croatian minister adding that Sofia is being put under pressure to remove that blockade. "We sincerely hope that the accession negotiations will soon start," said Grlic Radman who will attend Prespa Forum in Ohrid on Thursday.


Abazovic: We are witnessing the hell of war destruction; we are praying for peace and we stand firmly with the citizens of Ukraine (CdM)


At the invitation of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama are on an official visit to Kiev, where they visited Irpin and Borodyanka, places on the outskirts of Kiev that were destroyed at the beginning of the invasion. "Immediately after our arrival, we visited Borodjanka, a city that was destroyed at the beginning of the invasion. We are witnessing the hell of war destruction. Together with Rama, we pray for peace and stand firmly with the citizens of Ukraine," said Abazovic. "We sympathize with Ukraine for the many losses of life and the suffering it has been going through for months. We are witnessing the hell of war destruction. We pray for peace and stand firmly with the citizens of Ukraine," said Abazovic. According to the Prime Minister, Montenegro will continue to help Ukraine in this difficult time and humanitarian catastrophe. Delegations of Montenegro and Albania were welcomed by representatives of local governments: Kuleba Oleksiy, Head of the Kyiv Regional State Administration, Georgij Jerko, Mayor Borodjanko and Makeva Angela, Secretary of the Local Assembly Irpina, who presented what all their fellow citizens went through in the previous period and what damage the cities suffered. Earlier, the Montenegrin Prime Minister initiated the idea of ​​the Prime Minister of the Western Balkans going to Kiev together, but only Rama traveled with him. We remind you that Abazovic spoke on Thursday with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, emphasizing that Montenegro has openly supported Ukraine's independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty from the very beginning, emphasizing that European values ​​of freedom and the right to choose oneself are being defended outside the European borders. and that Montenegro fully supports the EU's attitude towards the Russian invasion of Ukraine. "We hope that Ukraine will get the status of a candidate for joining the EU, and Montenegro, as a leader in the negotiation process, is ready to provide the necessary expert and political assistance," Abazovic said at the time. Zelenski thanked Abazovic for Montenegro's support to Ukraine so far, its principled attitude towards the EU and its relationship with the United Nations.


Abazovic: Ukraine defends Europe from negative breakthrough, we have made Montenegro an important diplomatic player in the world (CdM)


We think that Ukraine is defending Europe from what could be a negative breakthrough and that it is something that is useful for them, us and the EU members, said Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic. "We have shown that we do not have a dose of political selfishness in relation to the issue of their potential candidacy for the EU," Abazovic said after meetings with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Kiev Mayor Klitschko. He also said that "they understand us in terms of sanctions". Abazovic pointed out that Montenegro's visit to Ukraine showed that "small Montenegro can be a contender for big healthy initiatives". "If we show solidarity and work together, the overall result can be much higher. This is the moment when we are fighting for democratic principles. We have done what our citizens expect - to make Montenegro an important diplomatic player in the world. "The biggest battle in the whole world is being fought here, and we have shown that small Montenegro can be a contender for great healthy initiatives," said Abazovic. Abazovic, Edi Rama and Dimitar Kovacevski supported the initiative for Ukraine to receive the status of a candidate for EU membership. Earlier, at a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in Kiev, Abazovic strongly supported Ukraine and announced that Montenegro would help that country in accordance with its capabilities. Prime Minister Abazovic said that he conveyed the message to Zelensky that Montenegro strongly supports Ukraine's EU integration and that it is ready to support Ukraine both militarily and financially. According to the government, Zelensky thanked Abazovic and Rama for their arrival and the support that two countries openly provide to Ukraine. The President of the Republic of Northern Macedonia Dimitar Kovacevski also joined the conversation via a video link. "The three leaders of the countries of the Western Balkans, which are members of the Alliance, adopted a Joint Statement in which they supported Ukraine to obtain the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union. The mentioned statement states that at the next EU Summit, it is necessary to make politically courageous decisions for all our countries on the European path for the sake of peace, stability and prosperity," the statement reads. Abazovic pointed out that he was honored to respond to Zelensky's call and give support to the Ukrainian people. The Prime Minister used the opportunity to simultaneously condemn the Russian aggression and express regret over the suffering and suffering of the citizens of Ukraine. Abazovic stated that Montenegro will continue to help Ukraine, emphasizing that Montenegro, as a leader in European integration, supports Ukraine's determination to see its future in the same direction. The President of Ukraine Zelensky said that he was aware of Montenegro's capacity, but that the most important thing was that there was a will, thanking Montenegro for its help and support and emphasizing the importance of the support of NATO members for his country.  After the official press conference, Zelensky organized a working lunch for the Prime Minister of Montenegro and the Prime Minister of Albania. The President of Ukraine expressed hope that Montenegro, Albania and Northern Macedonia in NATO will support the struggle of the Ukrainian people and help that country defend itself from Russian aggression. Rama said that he fully supports the granting of EU candidate status for Ukraine, bearing in mind that all three countries believe in the EU's future in Ukraine.


Abazovic with the Prime Minister of Ukraine: Stay strong in the fight for the freedom of your citizens (CdM)


We want you to remain strong in the fight for the freedom of your citizens, said the Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic, during the meeting with the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmigal in Kiev. As it was announced, the Prime Minister of Ukraine Shmigal thanked Abazovic for the support that Montenegro provides to his country, emphasizing that "the support of our state and the adopted sanctions against Russia are important for Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic path." In a conversation with Shmigal, Abazovic emphasized that Ukraine, in addition to fighting for the preservation of the territorial integrity of its state, "also preserves European democratic principles". The Prime Minister's Office adds that Abazovic emphasized the importance of today's message that the members of the Alliance from the Western Balkans "send a message of peace and the importance of preserving stability on European soil". "We want you to remain strong in the fight for the freedom of your citizens". "War and killing cannot be the solution in the 21st century," Abazovic concluded in a conversation with Shmigal.


Jokovic: Open Balkans one step further on the road to the EU; Maddox: It is important for the United Kingdom to be committed to strengthening Euro-Atlantic unity (CdM)


The Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro and the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Vladimir Jokovic met with the British Ambassador Karen Maddox. Jokovic pointed out that the Open Balkans for Montenegro is a step further on the path to full EU membership. Ambassador Maddox said that it was important for the United Kingdom for Montenegro to be committed to further strengthening Euro-Atlantic unity. Jokovic informed the British Ambassador about the implemented and development activities in the field of agriculture, forestry and water management, as well as the plans of this ministry in the coming period with the aim of raising the quality of life of Montenegrin citizens. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM), with congratulations to the Minister on his appointment, Ambassador Maddox emphasized the readiness of the United Kingdom to improve cooperation and provide support to Montenegro on its European path. Ambassador Maddox assessed that the two countries have traditionally good relations, which are based on alliance and meaningful bilateral cooperation. Jokovic presented the full commitment and commitment of the government of Montenegro to the European path, emphasizing that in the coming period the imperative will be the establishment of the rule of law, democratization of societies and the fight against corruption and organized crime. Jokovic said that he especially pointed out the importance of economic diplomacy and attracting foreign investments and regional cooperation, especially after the covid pandemic and facing the crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, emphasizing that in that context, the United Kingdom can be an important partner to Montenegro. Regarding commitment to regional integration, Jokovic expressed support for the idea of ​​joining the Open Balkans initiative, assessing that Montenegro can make a significant contribution to stabilization in the region. "The Open Balkans for Montenegro is a step further on the path to full EU membership, fully compatible with the process of accession of the Western Balkan countries to the EU." Montenegro can make an additional contribution to the further integration and unification of the countries of the region. "Open market, free flow of goods, people and capital, cooperation and elimination of all obstacles indicate that it is in our interest to join the Open Balkans as soon as possible, especially in terms of entrepreneurship and further improvement of Montenegro's economic perspective," said Minister Jokovic. Maddox welcomed the enthusiasm of the new government, and stressed her belief that, given the pluralism of opinions on the regional initiative, Montenegro should decide on its own accession, saying it was important for the United Kingdom to commit Montenegro to further strengthening Euro-Atlantic unity and alliance. Speaking about bilateral cooperation in the field of agriculture, Ambassador Maddox welcomed the proposal to export Montenegrin wine to the United Kingdom. "The common commitment to signing a bilateral trade agreement was emphasized, so that we could trade under the same conditions as when the United Kingdom was part of the EU." Also, the interlocutors discussed the existing problems and possibilities of legal improvements in the fields of forestry and water management, with a special focus on environmental protection and sustainable management of resources," the statement reads. "We have to solve all problems, we do not have a magic wand, but we have the steel will to face all the problems that have arisen and made agriculture in Montenegro reach a satisfactory level," they said. They added that they were open to strengthening cooperation with the relevant ministry in the UK. During the meeting, the mutual readiness was confirmed that in the coming period the cooperation between the United Kingdom and Montenegro will be further strengthened and improved, through business cooperation, trade and promotion.


Djurovic: Montenegro will opt for the Open Balkans in accordance with the European agenda (CdM)


Montenegrin parliament spekaer Danijela Djurovic met with Ridi Kurtezi, the Ambassador of Albania to Montenegro. Djurovic pointed out that Montenegro, when it comes to the Open Balkans initiative, will decide in accordance with its European agenda and the commitments it has made in that regard, and that all "other initiatives are welcome if they further promote this goal. Noting that the relations between the two countries are based on the principles of friendship and cooperation, strengthened partnership in NATO, common goals at the regional level and European perspective, Djurovic expressed expectation that the partnership between the two countries will be further improved", the parliament said. Pointing out the importance of parliamentary cooperation, primarily at the regional level, she stressed the "importance of establishing even more dynamic communication at the parliamentary level, both among the heads of the highest houses of parliament and through the exchange of experiences in working bodies and parliamentary friendship groups". "In that context, Djurovic thanked for the congratulations sent to her on the occasion of the election for the parliament speaker of Montenegro by Albanian parliament speaker, and the interlocutors expressed confidence that a meeting of the speakers of parliaments of the two countries will be arranged soon. Speaking about the importance of the European perspective of the Western Balkan countries, Djurovic emphasized that full membership in the EU remains a strategic goal of Montenegro and a commitment that has no alternative," the parliament stressed. Djurovic also expressed hope that resolving some of the open issues in the region would open space for, as stated, "Albania to get a date for the start of negotiations as soon as possible, and in connection with which Montenegro, as a friend and neighbor, is a country supporting European aspirations of the region and which has advanced the most in the negotiation process, ready to provide expert, technical and any other type of assistance". Speaking about global socio-political events and emphasizing the seriousness and scale of the crisis that Ukraine is facing, Djurovic pointed out that the latest developments re-actualize the topic of the Western Balkans as the "heart of Europe", which indicates the need for a truly united Europe. Djurovic pointed out that Montenegro, when it comes to the Open Balkans initiative, will decide in accordance with its European agenda and the commitments it has made in that regard, and that all other initiatives are welcome if they further promote this goal. Albanian Ambassador to Montenegro Ridi Kurtezi expressed confidence that the parliamentary cooperation between the two countries will be further intensified and enriched in the coming period. He pointed out the expectation that the joint efforts will further strengthen the economic relations between the two countries in order to correspond to their quality with political ties and suggested that in the area of ​​cooperation in tourism we should work on unifying the tourist offer and creating a joint presence in distant tourist markets, it is added. The interlocutors agreed that minority communities are one of the most important links between the two countries, while Djurovic emphasized that Montenegro treats all minority communities with care, with full affirmation of the national policy towards minorities. The inclusiveness of the current Montenegrin Government was emphasized, and it was said that in order to improve relations between the two countries and resolve issues of common interest, it is extremely important to further strengthen cooperation between governments. During the meeting, it was concluded that there is complete openness to continue the interstate dialogue, and that the partnership should be further strengthened in order to achieve common interests and goals," the parliament concluded.


Rakocevic: Open Balkans an alternative to the European path; Kordic: It is not good to return to the policy of isolation (Pobjeda)


The MP of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Nikola Rakocevic said in the parliament of Montenegro that it is important to implement all regional policies within the framework of existing initiatives such as the Berlin Process and CEFTA. "It is the path of Montenegro without an alternative. The Open Balkans or other initiatives that, after all, do not imply the participation of all Western Balkan countries, are not initiatives that serve the integration of Montenegro towards the EU. These are platforms for an alternative to the European path of the Western Balkans. We do not need that, but we need a dialogue on all these issues," Rakocevic said. In that context, he also mentioned the topic of excise duties on fuel for yachts. "We should make all important decisions through dialogue, on the basis of serious analyzes, and not on the basis of lump sum assessments," he said, urging everyone in parliament to reach a solution through talks and serious analyzes. On the other hand, Democratic Front (DF) MP Simonida Kordic said that the Open Balkans provides important economic benefits, "not to tycoons and big business owners, but to citizens who have the opportunity to work in a larger market, can travel freely and receive medical treatmen". "The government cannot agree on that. We have heard that DPS and SDP do not support the Open Balkans, but also colleagues from the opposition - Democrats, SD, citing various reasons. However, the proponents of that policy must know that by refusing regional cooperation, you are leading Montenegro into a state of isolationism, which in historical circumstances brought the country into a state of closure, in which citizens lived like in a barracks. Returning Montenegro to the policy of isolation cannot be good," Kordic emphasized.


Djukanovic: Western Balkans in Europe are in the interest of both Balkans and EU (CdM)


If Ukraine has sobered us up and if we understand that this is an attack on the European value system and security, then the Western Balkans in Europe is in the interest of both the Balkans and the EU, said Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic during the meeting with Foreign Minister of Slovakia by Ivan Korcok. Satisfied with the opportunity to meet again, Djukanovic thanked Korcok and Slovakia for the attention they pay to our country, but also for everything that Slovakia has done and is doing for Montenegro since the restoration of independence, which is worthy of respect. He reminded of the extremely frequent high-level political dialogue between the two countries, which is very useful for Montenegro given our strategic goals, full commitment to European values ​​and EU integration, where communication with friends helps us to properly understand messages in the current geopolitical context," it was announced from the Cabinet of the President of Montenegro. Djukanovic reportedly informed Korcok about the new government's priorities in unblocking the negotiation process and strengthening investor confidence, "as well as the reflections of the Ukrainian crisis on the enlargement process and the consequences of long-term hybrid influence in the region". Djukanovic emphasized the importance of a clear and unified message from Europe to the Western Balkans, "that aspiring countries have their own seat in the EU, which they will take when reforms are completed and standards are reached". "If Ukraine has sobered us up and if we have realized that this is an attack on the European system of values ​​and security, then the Western Balkans in Europe is in the interest of both the Balkans and the EU," Djukanovic said. Korcok thanked for the reception, which is always, "an inspiring opportunity to talk, assessing that it is never too much to talk about the friendship between the two countries and Slovakia's support for Montenegro, which is the basis for further development of relations, he expressed interest in deepening economic cooperation by gathering the business community in mutual interest," the Cabinet added. According to the Cabinet, he expressed full agreement with Djukanovic's assessments of "attacked European values", which was not perceived in the right way until the beginning of the war in Ukraine. That is why Korcok highly appreciates the fact that "Montenegro's primary goal is to belong to the European value system and integrated Europe", about which, as he said, Djukanovic "speaks openly and loudly". "If the leader of a country from the Western Balkans is saying that, then it is worth noting and must be noticed," Korcok said. According to them, Minister Korcok assessed that there is a good momentum and zeal to make progress in the key chapters of the negotiations between Montenegro and the EU, after the stagnation in that process, and that "awareness of the need to rise above domestic political opportunities has matured". In this context, Djukanovic's approach in the direction of contributing to stability and Montenegro's membership in the EU as one of the most important priorities. Korcok said that he would stand for clear messages from Europe to the region, because, as he points out, we cannot afford to lose the WB, with further encouragement of Montenegro's progress in that process. "Korcok is convinced that Montenegro knows what it needs to do at home, and Slovakia is there to strongly support it," they point out. Djukanovic, while confirming the importance of the friendship between the two countries, pointed out that we are ready to continue to be a positive example that implements reforms and brings results. "Djukanovic and Korcok have expressed full support for granting candidate status to Ukraine," the Cabinet concluded.


Szijjarto: It is a shame that Montenegro is still not a member of the EU (RTCG)


It is a shame for the European Union that Montenegro is still not a member of that alliance, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Peter Szijjarto for TVCG. "If we talk about the general assessment of Montenegro's accession, it is a shame for the EU that Montenegro is not yet a member of the Union," Szijjarto said. He also stated that Montenegro has fulfilled its obligations, and that if it was up to him Montenegro, as he adds, would already be a member of the Union. Szijjarto also said that the negotiation process takes too long, and that, as he adds, for no reason. "I think 2023 or 2024 are realistic dates to join, from our perspective," Sijarto said. He also said that Hungary believes that Montenegro could easily become a member of the EU. "You are a full member of NATO, we Hungarians still do not have the euro, but you have it," Szijjarto said. He also stated that he is ready to help Montenegro become a member of the EU. He believes that Montenegro did everything in its power on that path. "It is now up to the EU to appreciate those achievements," Szijjarto said.


Genchovska: Petkov promised Varhelyi he would lift Macedonia veto (Republika/BGNES)


Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov promised he would lift the veto for the start of the accession negotiations with Macedonia by the end of the French EU Presidency during his meeting with European Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi, the country’s Foreign Minister Teodora Genchovska told MPs on Wednesday, BGNES reports. That was my first meeting with EU Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi. The meeting was attended by seven or eight people from the MoFA team and as in all meetings, a memorandum was prepared from this meeting. This memorandum is open and confirms exactly what you asked in your question, said Genchovska in response to a question from the MP and leader of the nationalist “Revival” party, Kostadin Kostadinov. According to BGNES, Kostadinov during the parliamentary asked Gencovska if at a meeting with Varhelyi on 17 February, Petkov pledged that Bulgaria would lift the veto on the start of Macedonia’s negotiations with the EU by the end of the French presidency, that is, by the end of June. Earlier, Gencovska addressed Bulgarian MPs, saying that Petkov had sent a proposal that virtually completely revised the Framework position adopted by the National Assembly and the Government of Bulgaria, but it was rejected by the Foreign Ministry. Gencovska assessed that the negotiations are progressing, but there are also issues that remain open for resolution. One of them, as she stated, is “the formulation of the so-called Macedonian language in a historical and ethnic sense.” Ever since I took over the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the first meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia, Bujar Osmani, I said: communicate only with me. Unfortunately, that did not happen. The representatives of the Republic of Macedonia continued to seek contact outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to remove the key Bulgarian request – the Mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the Good Neighborly Agreement of 2017, said Gencovska.

On 5 April this year, as she pointed out, the Prime Minister’s Foreign Policy Adviser sent a draft for updating the Framework Position, which suggested a revision of the national position of Bulgaria. The draft of that new Framework position does not include the Bulgarian position on the so-called Macedonian language. The demand for European guarantees under the 2017 Agreement is becoming unsustainable. Practically, this project combines the partial ideas of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the implementation of the bilateral agreement, but without a clear mechanism for implementation of the agreement. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs assessed that the document was completely wrong and rejected it as a possibility, said Genchovska. According to her, the main problem was that while the Foreign Ministry was trying to negotiate, elsewhere the impression was created that Bulgaria could agree to less and that it was ready to make concessions. She stated that progress should be made on four topics in order to protect Bulgarian national interests: implementation of the 2017 Agreement, inclusion of Bulgarians in the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, preservation of the Bulgarian position on the language of the neighboring country and inclusion of guarantees for all these issues in the negotiating framework of the country with the EU.


Macron’s proposal becomes a reality: EU “Second League”, which will include Macedonia, will be formed this year (Republika/Jutarnji list)


The European political community will not be an alternative to membership in the European Union and will not be a substitute for the enlargement process, a document obtained by Jutarnji list said. France’s idea is to create a comprehensive European political forum that will not be a substitute for the EU, the Council of Europe or the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), but will enable the building of a community of all European countries, regardless of their status in the EU or relations with the EU. The idea was first presented by the President of France Emmanuel Macron a month ago, and will be discussed at the next meeting of the European Council on 23 and 24 June in Brussels. France has already sent a non-paper to EU countries, presenting the idea of creating a “European political community”. Jutarnji list had an insight into this French document which is being discussed in the EU. Interestingly, the paper began to be discussed just days before the publication of the European Commission’s opinion on granting candidate status to Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. The Commission is expected to recommend granting candidate status to Ukraine, possibly to Moldova, and it is uncertain what it will decide on the issue of Georgia. Although the EU says that at the request of these countries for EU membership “they followed the usual existing procedure”, it is clear that everything went much faster and that it was a matter of political motives, and less to meet the right criteria for membership. However, writes Jutarnji, the enlargement process already depends primarily on political will, and then on formal conditions. The French non-paper states that the European Council, which will meet in a week in Brussels, is expected to decide on Ukraine’s application for membership, but also warns of the long duration of the process, so they propose the creation of a “European political community this year.” No matter what level we reach at this European Council, enlargement policy, due to the demand for the necessary reforms for EU accession and the necessary duration, today does not offer the necessary political framework to respond to the urgent historical and geopolitical needs arising from war against Ukraine and building the political structuring of our European continent, says the French document. It is this long duration of the process that has served France as an argument for the proposal for a “European political community” in which all countries will be ready to share common democratic values and contribute to the common security, stability and prosperity of Europe. The community would be open to all European countries, regardless of whether they are members of the EU or their relations with the European Union. The countries most discussed in the discussions on this French plan are the countries of the Western Balkans and those of the Eastern bloc, but also Great Britain, which has left the EU. The non-paper also states that the creation of this community will help and will not prevent the EU integration of those countries that want it. The European political community will not be an alternative to membership in the European Union and will not be a substitute for the enlargement process. For European countries wishing to join the EU, on the contrary, there will be an opportunity to strengthen ties with EU member states before and after membership, as well as political and participation in certain EU policies, including gradual integration, where respectively, in the European internal market.


Prespa Forum Dialogue begins in Ohrid: Milanovic, Djukanovic, Pahor among speakers (Republika)


This year’s Prespa Forum Dialogue taking place in Ohrid will be opened by President Stevo Pendarovski, and the Presidents of Slovenia Borut Pahor, Croatia Zoran Milanovic, Kosovo Vjosa Osmani Kadriu and the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic will speak at the first high-level session. The guest of the Forum is also the President of the European Council Charles Michel who had a meeting with the Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski in Ohrid. Ahead of the June EU Summit, which is preceded by the European Union-Western Balkans leadership meeting, the presidents discussed Macedonia’s European dossier, challenges and possible modalities for overcoming them. They also discussed Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine, possible security threats in the region and beyond, and addressing the economic challenges facing the effects of the health and energy crisis.


Croatia’s Foreign Minister pays visit to Skopje (Republika)


Croatia’s Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman is paying Wednesday an official visit to the Republic of Macedonia at the invitation of his counterpart Bujar Osmani. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the two ministers will have a meeting followed by a plenary meeting between the delegations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia. A Memorandum of Understanding between the two ministries in the field of diplomatic training is expected to be signed, after which Osmani and Grlic Radman will hold a joint press conference.


Petrovska at meeting of NATO Defense Ministers in Brussels (Republika)


Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska is taking part 15-16 June at a meeting of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) at the level of defense ministers at the NATO HQ in Brussels. Petrovska and the defense ministers of the 29 allies will discuss two key topics for the Alliance – deterrence and defense, as well as burden-sharing. The Minister will also participate in a working dinner of the Ministers of Defense of NATO and the EU, Finland, Sweden, Ukraine and Georgia, at the meeting of the member states that contribute to the so-called strengthened presence of the Alliance in Latvia, as well as at the meeting of the Ukraine Contact Group. At the NATO HQ, Minister Petrovska will meet with the Assistant Secretary General for Defense Investment, Camille Grand, and will hold several bilateral meetings with the defense ministers of the allied countries.


Nikoloski: The biggest gathering so far will be held on Saturday, which should end the rule of SDSM and DUI (TV Sonce)


On Saturday, there will be the largest gathering seen in years in Macedonia, there is a great atmosphere in Skopje and throughout the country, there is strong energy and euphoria, directed to the location where the protest will be in front of the government building, with the aim to overthrow this government of SDSM and DUI. I expect over 100,000 people to come to that gathering, said the vice president of VMRO-DPMNE, said Aleksandar Nikoloski for TV Sonce.

Nikoloski stressed that after such a mass protest, a responsible government would leave, but since Kovacevski’s government is not a responsible government, a series of activities will follow that will lead to early parliamentary elections. This will be the biggest gathering that should end this rule of SDSM and DUI. A responsible government should leave after such a gathering. I do not expect Kovacevski to say that he is leaving, but after that we continue with the protest summer, which will mean the end of this government and we expect early parliamentary elections. I call on the citizens to be part of this change that is happening in Macedonia, Nikoloski said.


Rama meets Ukrainian Prime Minister: You should reconsider the recognition of Kosovo, because those people deserve it (Radio Tirana)


During his visit to Ukraine, Prime Minister Edi Rama, in addition to the support he gave for obtaining the status of candidate country, also lobbied for the recognition of Kosovo's independence. Even during the conference with President Volodymyr Zelensky, but also during the meeting he held with his counterpart Denys Shmyhal, Rama said that Ukraine should recognize Kosovo's independence. Rama urged Ukraine to send the right message on behalf of the new political community they are rebuilding. "Kosovo is aligned with Ukraine. Ukraine has not yet recognized Kosovo and I said it during the press conference, I also said publicly that you should reconsider the recognition of Kosovo, because those people deserve it. They really proved something extraordinary because they do not remain hostage to the past. It would be good for Ukraine to reconsider and convey the right message on behalf of the new political community we want to rebuild," Rama said.


Rama: We will reconstruct a block of flats in Irpin! Zelensky: We are not rivals on the road to the EU (Radio Tirana)


From Kiev, Prime Minister Edi Rama has announced that the countries of the Western Balkans will each rebuild a block of flats for residents in Irpin, destroyed by Russian bombing. In the joint press conference with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, Rama said that such a thing will be done in a "Balkan" way, without many procedures. "I am pleased that you have agreed to our proposal to join efforts to build a block ,each of the countries building its own for Irpin families. I know that the EU and many others are part of this effort, but let us do it in a Balkan way, without much bureaucracy and be the first to do it. We express our full support for your idea and request for the EU to grant Ukraine candidate status. We look forward to sharing our names with you in this joint statement. We do not want to speculate that the EU has not kept its word with us and why they should do something now for Ukraine. We are not happy with the EU, but we are committed to the European journey for future generations. We understand this desire of Ukraine to receive the status of candidate country and from our side you have our full support," said Rama. He added that Albania, as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, would raise its concerns about Ukraine. "I am proud to share with you that Albania, as a non-permanent member of the Security Council is privileged to give a voice around that table to the concerns and demands of the Ukrainian people for a just peace," Rama said. Rama also mentioned Kosovo, where he said that although Ukraine has not yet recognized it, the country has undertaken all sanctions against Russia. "Take the example of Albania and Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia, all support you, there is a country that Ukraine has not recognized yet , Kosovo that is doing exactly the same thing that everyone is doing, so it means that we are in a well-compared line, I strongly believe that it is the right thing to do," said Rama. On the other hand, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized the issue of EU integration, saying that the countries of the Western Balkans and Ukraine deserve to be part of the union. "Today we hosted a very important meeting, practically a summit of Ukraine and the countries of the Western Balkans, with the head of the Albanian government and the head of Montenegro. This meeting is a proof of our support for Ukraine by the Prime Ministers and the peoples of their countries, for the territorial integrity of Ukraine. We agreed that a tactical response against Russian aggression should be a more intensified and faster support to Ukraine, especially in armaments. The seventh package of sanctions against Russia should be even stronger. In the EU we have to overcome divisions. Ukraine, Albania, Montenegro and North Macedonia must become full members of the EU. Our countries are not rivals in this journey," Zelensky said.

Montenegrin Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic has called for an end to the war in Ukraine, while expressing his country's support for the reconstruction of Ukraine after the end of Russian aggression. "Stop the war, everything else is less important. We must find a way to stop the mass destruction, the killing of people. You will have full support for the reconstruction. We are small countries, but you have our support, we will give our contribution. We hope that this visit, this summit of 3 prime ministers from the Western Balkans, is a strong message for EU countries, for EU partners who have real opportunities to do more than us. We must be at the same wavelength. What you have done so far is incredible," he said. Albania has expressed its support for Ukraine, while joining EU sanctions against Russia.


Rama on Albania-NM negotiations opening/ If nothing happens in June, we will seek decoupling (Radio Tirana/


Prime Minister Edi Rama, in an interview with, stated that he does not expect an EU summit next week to pave the way for his country to start membership talks, and blamed Bulgaria for this. All EU governments agreed in March 2020 to give the green light to Albania and North Macedonia to start membership talks. But negotiations have not yet begun as Bulgaria insisted it wanted concessions from North Macedonia on bilateral disputes affecting language, history and identity. "I have no expectations. I think nothing will happen. Albania and North Macedonia will not officially open membership talks," he said. Asked if any EU leaders had signaled that talks could begin soon, Rama replied: "What signals can they give? It has nothing to do with them. Again, it is about Bulgaria. Everyone agrees, everyone supports it, everyone thinks it should happen, and it should have already happened. But their maneuver is limited by Bulgaria. Rama also stressed that in case there is no progress this month, he will ask that Albania's membership offer be treated separately from that of North Macedonia - a step that the EU has so far been reluctant to take, with officials arguing that it would be better for regional stability if the two neighbors could move forward together. "If nothing happens in June, we will seek decoupling," Rama said.