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Belgrade Media Report 20 June



Vucic: After the consultations, I will make a decision whether to go to Brussels (Tanjug)


President Aleksandar Vucic announced that he would hold consultations tomorrow with the Prime Ministers of Northern Macedonia and Albania, Dimitar Kovacevski and Edi Rama, as well as the Government of Serbia, on the upcoming summit on June 23 in Brussels. Vucic said that he was officially invited to attend the session of the Council on Thursday in Brussels on Friday.


"We will wait, tomorrow we will hold consultations within the 'Open Balkans' with Rama and Kovacevski, then I will hold consultations with members of the Serbian Government and then we will decide whether to go to Brussels and what position we will have," Vucic said. He points out that he could tell reporters now what he thinks, but that he will not, before the consultations with the Government of Serbia and before exchanging opinions with members of the "Open Balkans" initiative in order to see their position.


On Thursday we will see what Europe's architecture will be like 


Ahead of tomorrow's continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina at the technical level in Brussels, the President stated that he hoped for at least some agreement. "I hope that we can reach an agreement, because that would be the first agreement on some elementary things, which would be important," Vucic said. He pointed out that he was very interested in what would happen on Thursday, at the Summit of the EU and the leaders of the Western Balkans, because based on that, he said, he would be able to conclude what Europe's architecture would be like. He mentioned that this will be perhaps the most important and interesting day in the last 10 years at the European level. "Because after that, we will see what the architecture of Europe is like, to understand what is coming to us and to better understand our place, without underestimating or overestimating either us or them," said Vucic.


Vucic on special envoys 


The bigger the "flood" of special envoys for the Western Balkans, the more I am afraid that there are less and less valid and good proposals for us, said Vucic. "I guess everyone shows too much concern, and sometimes it seems to me – “too many cooks spoil the broth”. We'll see," said Vucic, answering the question whether he was worried about the "flood" of special representatives for the Western Balkans, and after speculation that France could appoints its special envoy. As he said, it is important to talk on the domestic political scene in Serbia in the parliament, as soon as it is formed, with representatives of the Government, as well as with the surrounding countries, in order to see what our attitude should be towards everything. He says that it is our job to talk to everyone, to respect everyone, but Serbia, he says, has its own policy, plans, program and that is how it will be done in the future.


Vucic on the election of the Prime Minister 


President Aleksandar Vucic stated that some media state that it is already known that the new Prime Minister will be Goran Vesic, and others that it will be Sinisa Mali, and asked the media to remember that and remind themselves what they said when he announces who would be the new government's mandator. "Don't be lazy to tell what they said and how they deceived the public. And maybe they guessed right, we'll see," said Vucic.


Brnabic from Ohrid: International law "broken on the back" of Serbia (RTS)


The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, said at the Prespa Forum in Ohrid that for the general progress of the region, it is necessary for the Western Balkans to integrate into the European Union. Brnabic pointed out that two key priorities of Serbia are EU accession and cooperation with the countries of the region, pointing out the importance of the "Open Balkans" initiative. She states that the international legal order and international law "were broken in 1999 and 2008 on the backs of Serbia and the Serbian people" and that since then the world is no longer the same place. She emphasizes that Serbia is in a particularly difficult situation, since its European path is conditioned by the recognition of the so-called Kosovo, although it is not mentioned anywhere in the negotiating position of the EU, which, she says, is the result of the hypocrisy of countries that have recognized the so-called. Kosovo, especially those from the EU.


At the panel "65 years after the Treaty of Rome: Is Europe economically renewed and integrated", Ana Brnabic assessed that this is still not the case and that there can be no general development and progress without the integration of the Western Balkans into the Union. She also pointed out that Serbia is building roads in order to improve the transport of goods, but also the flow of people and capital, both by highway to Northern Macedonia and Bulgaria, and by building a highway to Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H).

"When Serbia gets a new government, the number one issue will be energy and energy supply, as well as the construction of interconnectors with Northern Macedonia and gas connections with Greece and Bulgaria," Brnabic said.


Responding to criticism that the Open Balkans initiative is not in line with the Berlin Process, the Prime Minister said that it was just the opposite, because the initiative, which should make life easier for the citizens of this region, economic cooperation and transport, is fully in line with the Berlin Process. She states that she is satisfied that she is participating in the panel within the Prespa forum, adding that she is honored to be visiting her friends.


Brnabic: International law "broken on the back” of Serbia 


The Prime Minister said that the international legal order and international law were "broken in 1999 and 2008 on the backs of Serbia and the Serbian people", adding that since then the world is no longer the same place, because everything has become possible because the world is ruled by a law of a stronger, not the international law.


Ana Brnabic, after the panel in which she participated in the Prespan Forum in Ohrid, and answering the question of journalists how to draw a parallel between Kosovo and Ukraine, given that "1,000 children were killed in Kosovo, 20,000 women were raped, war crimes were committed and genocide", she said that bidding on numbers humiliates real victims and added that the data presented by the journalist are not accurate. "I don't like to talk about numbers because we talk about human lives and I'm sorry that you are bidding on numbers because you are humiliating those women who were raped, children and people who were killed when you use those numbers like that, because there are no numbers you said because "When Pristina called for reporting of the rape cases, more than 900 women reported it, which is terrible, catastrophic, for every conviction, but don't talk about 20,000," Brnabic said.


She emphasizes that it is completely clear what the international law and the international legal order are and emphasizes the inviolability of the territorial integrity of internationally recognized states.


"At no cost, there is nowhere in international law that any territorial integrity is vulnerable in a particular case. It is inviolable and it has never happened before, except in the case of Serbia, and never since," the Prime Minister emphasized.


When speaking about it, who says what is a big enough reason for aggression against one country, Brnabic asked, who decides about it and says that Russia also said that they committed aggression against Ukraine in order to prevent the genocide that took place for eight years.


"I am not going into that, for me, aggression against an internationally recognized state is aggression because territorial integrity is inviolable. There was no genocide in Kosovo and Metohija, there is no condemnation, there is no case. At this moment, the territory of Kosovo and Metohija remains a post-conflict area," with the fewest returnees, of all the post-conflict zones in the world, "the Prime Minister emphasized. She reminds that a pogrom took place in Kosovo and Metohija in 2004, that churches and monasteries were destroyed then, even those under UNESCO protection, that Serbs were killed, almost all Serbs were expelled from the territory south of the Ibar, that ethnic cleansing of cities – Pristina, Gjilane, Gjakovica and etc. took place. As she says, four years after that, someone declared independence, without a referendum, without anything, and someone ran to recognize that independence. "Was there genocide, a crime then? There was, but over Serbs," he underlines. She points out that there is not a single principle that anyone followed when declaring independence or those others who recognized it. All the principles of international law have been violated in the most brutal way, says the Prime Minister, adding that the Pandora's box has been opened and that we have seen different scenarios in different EU countries since then. "It's OK, but at least agree on the framework of international law that you will respect. Do you want the right to self-determination to be above respect for territorial integrity? Okay, but then it must be so and then everyone must have the right to self-determination. It cannot be that just because someone is big, strong and powerful, he can choose where to apply one principle and where to apply another," Brnabic said.


Serbia is not pretending to be crazy, the official position of the EU is known 


Brnabic said in Ohrid that "incredible things" could be heard from the presidents of some countries from the region about Serbia at the Prespa Forum, emphasizing that the EU's negotiating position with Serbia is clear in the form of an official document that does not mention the recognition of so-called Kosovo, it is mentioned in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244.


"The largest percentage of time was dedicated to Serbia at the presidential panel, although we did not have a representative, but that did not deter them from saying incredible things about Serbia, so we heard from (Croatian President Zoran) Milanovic that Serbia is pretending to be crazy. Like it doesn’t know that for her participation in the EU it is necessary to recognize Kosovo," Brnabic said in a statement to reporters. That is why, she says, at the panel she showed everyone a document, the official negotiating position of the EU with Serbia, in which Chapter 35, where other issues remain, under paragraph 1, mentions the normalization of relations between Serbia and the so-called Kosovo, where it is marked with an asterisk. "This means that the EU negotiating position with Serbia “calls for”, and says that the designation of Kosovo is in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which recognizes the territorial integrity of internationally recognized Serbia, which means Kosovo as an autonomous province within Serbia," Brnabic said. She says that Serbia remains committed to dialogue under the auspices of the EU, is engaged in reaching new agreements in new areas, improving the process of normalization of relations in good faith, with the aim of gradually leading to "comprehensive normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo" in accordance with a negotiating framework ".


The Prime Minister pointed out that nowhere in the official position of the EU is a single word mentioning the recognition of the so-called Kosovo by Serbia. "Serbia is not pretending to be crazy, but those who say that it is implied are pretending to be crazy as if they do not know the official position of the EU. If the EU stands by that, then it must change its negotiating position, no other stories can play a role," Brnabic said. That is why, she added, she emphasized our position, to clarify those things, stating that Serbia must fight in complex circumstances, to continue economic development and progress on its European path.


She stated that the greater focus of a regional forum has never been on Serbia, as it is the case at the Prespa Forum, since the preparatory meeting on May 30 and the first session, at which, she said, incredible things were heard from Professor Edward Joseph from Johns Hopkins University". "He said incredible things - that the problem of the entire region is the ethnonationalism of Serbia and Bulgaria, that Serbia is the one that distracts the region from European integration, that it is best to keep Serbian influence in countries as small as possible." ... Those are incredible things from one professor," said Brnabic.


Varhelyi: Cooperation with the Western Balkans is the EU's geostrategic choice 


European Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi said that the Western Balkans is a priority for the EU and that Brussels will provide full support so that the countries of the region would not have to depend on Russian energy. At the panel within the Prespa Forum in Ohrid, Varhelyi said in a recorded message that the times were difficult and challenging for the economy, and pointed out that the coronavirus pandemic had a negative impact on the economy, and then the war in Ukraine. "The consequences of that war are visible both outside Ukraine and in the entire region, when it comes to insecurity, energy prices ... The challenges we are facing are global," Varhelyi said. He points out that the Western Balkans do not have to depend on Russian oil and gas, and says that one of the ways to do that is to participate in the EU's energy platform. He adds that the EU has included the Western Balkans in the European food security program and the response mechanism for food security coordination. "The main instrument of support is the economic investment platform for the Western Balkans, which will have 30 billion euros at its disposal over the next seven years. This could increase GDP in the region by 3% by 2027 and accelerate the integration of the Western Balkans into the EU" Varhelyi said. As he says, the implementation of that plan is already underway, ie there are 21 investment projects in the plan whose total value is 3.2 billion euros with 1.1 non-refundable funds from IPA funds. "We believe that this plan is moving in the right direction and will make our economies greener and more digital. This will help independence from Russian energy. The plan will enable young people, women and vulnerable groups to make our economies and societies more resilient" said Varhelyi.


The leaders of the Western Balkans gathered in Ohrid to discuss improving relations and political dialogues between the countries of the region, as well as the integration of this part of Europe into the EU. The main topic of this year's forum is "Building the future of the Western Balkans in a modern European security architecture". The Prespa Forum was launched last year as a framework for building trust and political dialogue between the Western Balkan countries, and authorities in Skopje have marked the event as a platform for protecting and promoting political agreements.


Putin again mentions so-called Kosovo: And? Did we have the right to recognize it? (Tanjug)


Russian President Vladimir Putin mentioned Kosovo again, saying that it was a precedent. Putin also added that it was accepted before the international institutions at the time that the territory did not have to ask the country for permission for independence, but that it had the right to declare it. And they did. "Both Donetsk and Luhansk did the same thing. They did not have to ask permission from the Kyiv authorities," Putin said. He reiterated that they could decide on their own, and then asked: "And? Did we have the right to recognize them then? Well, of course we did." "We reached an agreement with them on mutual assistance. We had the right, in accordance with the UN charter, to provide them with military assistance," the Russian leader said. He also reminded that they "set a precedent", on the basis of which their decisions have the same legitimacy. "After all, they invaded Iraq without international permission. And what did they do? They tore the country apart. They thought that, as I like to say, they are envoys of the Lord God," Vladimir Putin concluded.


Bocan Harchenko: The pressure on Serbia is incredible (RTS)


The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia, Aleksandar Bocan-Kharchenko, told RTS that the basic goals of Russia are the protection of the population in Donbas, but also the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine. As for the energy sanctions imposed on Moscow by Brussels, the ambassador points out that they are the result of pressure from Washington, in order to create "the best conditions for competition and activities of American companies in Europe." He also points out that the pressure on Serbia is incredible, but that Serbia respects, above all, its national interest.


In an interview with RTS, Aleksandar Bocan Kharchenko also reveals the economic situation in Russia, as well as his position on opening Russian companies in Serbia.


Conversation of Biljana Radulovic with Aleksandar Bocan-Kharchenko 


The fighting in Ukraine has been going on for more than a hundred days. In the previous days, we could hear again from the Kremlin that the main goal is to protect the population in Donbas. Does that mean that when the fighting in that region is over, that will be the end of the conflict? 


The Supreme Commander of the Russian Federation, the President of the country, has not given up on any goal. He set the goal at the beginning of the special military operation - protection of citizens and population in Donbas and providing security and safety for them, and two other goals are denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine. All that set of goals remains. As far as the special military operation is concerned, the main battle is being fought in the Donbas region, and the city of North Donetsk is the most important for now and is slowly progressing. As for the army and the population of Donbass, the goal is to reduce the loss of life as much as possible - that is the basic task, including the civilian population wherever they live.


Since the beginning of the conflict, European countries have been looking for an alternative to Russian energy, are you afraid that, when the conflict is over, that process will continue, and how much has the Russian economy lost so far? 


As for the energy policy of the EU and the USA, it started long before the end of February and the beginning of the special military operation, there were additional decisions, including sanctions against Russia. As for the energy sanctions imposed on Moscow by Brussels, they are the result of pressure from Washington, in order to create "the best conditions for competition and activities of American companies in Europe. We have more partners with whom we are now cooperating more intensively, as it is in every branch of the Russian economy, compensations are possible, if Europe does not want to. As for the basic characteristics of development, Russia is again at a good level of development, the growth of industry in April and May is slightly lower, but since the beginning of the year it was higher than last year, unemployment is at its lowest level so far.


Since the beginning of the conflict, more than a thousand Russian companies have been opened in Serbia. Russian citizens are immigrating to Serbia, what is your position on that? 


There are attempts in Europe to make some false assessments of this situation, as if more people are leaving Russia due to disagreement with a special military operation. There are, of course, such people, but they are individuals, because most people in Russia express their full support. Some come for their business, some because of the family reasons.


Serbia is the only European country that has not imposed sanctions on Russia. What would change in the relations between the two countries if Serbia joined the measures against Russia due to the pressures it suffers? What is your assessment, will it happen or not? 


(Serbian President Aleksandar) Vucic is consistent in his position and the position of the entire leadership of Serbia, that they will not join the sanctions, regardless of the pressure that is being exerted. The pressure is unbelievable, but Serbia respects its interest whether on the European path or on the path of developing relations with Russia, but of course, it thinks of its national interest. As far as Russia is concerned, unlike others, it really suits us to build relations, and for us the best situation is to build relations with a country that is sovereign, regardless of whether it is a small or a large country.


Former presidential candidate: Serbia should follow EU policy on Russia (N1)


Zdravko Ponos, one of the candidates in the presidential election that took place in April, said it would be reasonable to "do things that lead us to be part of the European environment", arguing that Serbia should impose some sanctions on Russia “in sectors that would not directly cause harm to us." Ponos said that Serbia’s foreign policy can either speed up or slow down the country’s path to EU membership. At this moment, Serbia is “stuck”, he said. He argued that this suits the regime of President Aleksandar Vucic, as well as some Europeans, but that it is not beneficial to the citizens of Serbia. Serbia should harmonise its policy with the EU regarding the conflict in Ukraine, but also maintain a dialogue with Russia, he said. He said that the fact that the public perception of the EU is currently negative in Serbia is a result of the ruling regime, which he argued was never truly working towards EU membership.


Serbia’s Interior Minister: Russia is not changing its position on Kosovo (N1)


Russia is not changing its position and will not recognise Kosovo as independent, and even if the entire world decides to grant Kosovo recognition, Serbia will never do it, said Serbia’s Interior Minister, Aleksandar Vulin. Vulin made the statement after Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, argued that the right to recognise Donbas republics is based on the same argument used for recognising Kosovo as independent. “By recognizing the so-called Kosovo as a state, the West used the right of the stronger, and that applies both ways. In Serbia, international law was violated in the NATO aggression in 1999, and nothing will revive it in Ukraine,” Vulin said, explaining that Putin was only giving an example of the past behaviour of the West.


EU expects Kosovo and Serbia to reach energy deal this week (Beta)


The European Union (EU) expects the delegations of Kosovo and Serbia to finalize an energy agreement next week, the Union’s spokesperson Peter Stano said on April 17. “The EU expects the parties to close the energy issue this week in Brussels, at the level of chief negotiators,” Stano said in a written statement to Radio Free Europe.


The Union’s special representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, said that he expected “an important deal” to be reached next week within the process. Lajcak said in an interview with EuroNews Albania that a new meeting would be held this week between Belgrade and Pristina’s chief negotiators, Petar Petkovic and Besnik Bislimi. Bislimi confirmed on June 13 that the two parties were very close to an energy deal, adding that it would be in line with previous agreements. The people living in four Serb-dominated municipalities in the north of Kosovo, Severna Mitrovica, Leposavic, Zvecan and Zubin Potok, haven’t paid their electricity bills for more than two decades.


EU Official: Not sure whether Serbia will be able to open new cluster (Beta)


The European Commission (EC) is working to open a new cluster in the European Union’s accession negotiations with Serbia, but cannot be sure if and when this will be possible, a senior EC official in charge of the enlargement process said in Brussels, on June 17. The official spoke at a briefing for accredited journalists, after the Commission recommended that Ukraine and Moldova be granted the status of candidate countries, underlining that “discussions are underway on Serbia’s alignment or non-alignment with the EU’s measures and I can’t say whether it will have consequences on the decisions that need to be made or not.”


The EC senior official was answering a journalist who asked if the Union would consistently implement a clause under its new enlargement methodology, according to which a candidate for EU membership can be forced back to the beginning of a cluster if flaws are detected in the accession negotiations, and whether the clause would be applied in Serbia's case for its refusal to join the Union’s sanctions against Russia. The official explained that “the mechanism to send a candidate back to the beginning of a chapter, or a cluster, for their failure to implement the necessary reforms, is an ‘emergency break,’ and it is yet to be verified” if it should be used right now. “It is important to note that late last year we opened a cluster on “green transition” and the environment, which was a big step for Serbia, as it had to meet some important requirements. We are now working to open other clusters and I cannot say if and when this will happen,” the EC official said.


Dodik says B&H has not imposed and will not impose sanctions against Russia, reiterates RS is against admission to NATO (Novosti)


Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Milorad Dodik attended the International Economic Forum in Saint Petersburg, where he said on Friday that B&H has not imposed and will not impose sanctions against Russia because it would be really absurd and unthinkable precedent, knowing that Russia is a guarantor of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). “In order to impose such measure, the leadership of the country needs to reach consensus, and the RS is against imposing of sanctions”, Dodik added. In a statement to ‘RIA’, Dodik explained the procedure of imposing of sanctions: “This decision has to be reached at the level of the Presidency of BiH which is consisted of three members, and I am one of them. In order to be adopted, the decision has to be unanimous and this will not happen. At the formal-legal level, sanctions against Russia have not been adopted and the fact some claim otherwise does not mean it is true”. Dodik also said that his meeting with Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov was some kind of a preparatory meeting for the meeting with (Russian President Vladimir) Putin. “We have to think about what will happen with us in this new constellation of relations. They told us they are not abandoning their friends and that they still back their friends who share same values and those are the values of a country’s identity connected with the people, state and everything that matters”, Dodik said.


Dodik also gave an interview to ‘Izvestia’ and said that the West is trying to defeat Russia without having to actively participate in hostile activities, because of which it only delivers weapons to Kyiv. “Nobody is in hurry to reach agreements. As if they expect that this is resolved in a military manner. Probably the West is trying to find way to achieve victory against Russia. However, just like every other war, this one too brings primarily sufferings and casualties among the population. The West has already bombed Serbs once, for humanitarian reasons and now they deliver weapons to Ukraine allegedly for humanitarian purposes”, Dodik said. Asked to state what B&H nationals who are participating in the Ukrainian conflict, some 150 of them according to estimations, will be faced with upon their return to B&H, Dodik said that there is a law in B&H prohibiting citizens of B&H to participate in international military conflicts and anyone who violates it shall be punished by prison sentence. Speaking about the admission of B&H to NATO, Dodik said that the stance of the RS is absolutely firm and added that the RS is against the admission to this military alliance.


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


B&H Presidency member Dodik and Russian President Putin meet in Saint Petersburg, discuss RS’ position on sanctions against Russia, future cooperation (ATV)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik met on Friday with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the International Economic Forum in Saint Petersburg. ATV reports that Putin made it clear he is familiar with the complex situation in B&H in relation to pressures to impose sanctions on Russia, but also with Dodik and the Republika Srpska (RS)’ position in that regard, and that he highly respects that position. One of the key messages conveyed from the meeting is that Russia is aware of the complicated political situation in B&H, and the role of the RS and its efforts to maintain best possible relations with Russia.


ATV reports that Putin said he has had good relation with Dodik as the leader of the RS and in his capacity of the Serb member of the B&H Presidency. “Unfortunately, in the current circumstances, we have some difficulties with B&H in relation to joining the sanctions, but we know your position and we appreciate it very much”, said Putin during the meeting. ATV reports that Dodik said the attempts by some in B&H to impose sanctions on Russia is “a caricature”, and Putin laughed at such occurrences; Russia remains one of the most important factors in the world, and nothing will change in that regard. “The times and circumstances are very complex. You stressed it yourselves during your speech today. We are trying to maintain our policy without influences. We did not want to join the sanctions, as you said. We are grateful for your understanding in regard that issue”, said Dodik during the meeting.


ATV reports that Dodik drew attention to Germany’s moves, in terms of illegitimate activities by (High Representative in B&H) Christian Schmidt and efforts to expand EUFOR’s Operation Althea. “We do not need those who come with the military that would deal with political modelling of B&H, and Germans are already doing that, and the presence of their troops would mean that they want to impose political solutions by force”, said Dodik for the media after the meeting.


ATV reports that Dodik also said intensive economic cooperation with Russia will continue, Russia has shown its fairness by ensuring low natural gas prices for the whole B&H, including Sarajevo, that will have positive impact on the economy. “That is why the RS will not reject Russia’s big, friendly moves only because someone in Sarajevo or in the West is nervous and wants to settle accounts with Russia”, Dodik was quoted as saying.


ATV reports that Dodik also announced his new visit to Russia in September, that will be an opportunity to continue his dialog with Putin. Dodik stated on social media that all previously arranged projects will continue. During the meeting in St. Petersburg, Putin told Dodik that Russia will continue to develop relations with those who want that. In order to remove any doubts, the Kremlin published transcript of the conversation on its official webpage, in which Putin expressed satisfaction regarding the cooperation with the RS so far. The text says that unfortunately, in the current conditions with BiH, Russia has certain difficulties related to sanctions, but that Dodik's position is known, which is against the introduction of any sanctions against Russia, and that Dodik's position is highly appreciated, noted the reporter.


Dodik said that the meeting with Putin was friendly and that they talked about several topics, primarily political topics such as the role of Russia as a guarantor of the DPA, the High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt and continuation of projects in the area of energy. Dodik stated that he informed Putin that Schmidt does not have the decision of the UN Security Council (UN SC) and that he poses as the High Representative and is already issuing some decisions for which he is trying to use the Bonn Powers. Dodik added that he and Putin also discussed important infrastructural projects, and reaffirmed their commitment to construction of the gas pipe line to the RS, and two gas power plants in Prijedor and Banja Luka.


Milorad Dodik says Russia is not leaving its friends and that talks with Putin convinced him of that again (RTRS)


Commenting on his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Saint Petersburg on Friday, Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik stated on Saturday that Russia is not leaving its friends and that talks with Putin convinced him of that again. “All our previously agreed projects will continue, while the gas price will remain the same until the end of the year, which will benefit people in Republika Srpska (RS) and Federation of B&H (FB&H) the most”, Dodik confirmed. He added that Russia understands pressures the RS copes with and appreciates the fact that the RS does not support sanctions against Russia, noting that although these sanctions would not affect a powerful state such as Russia – it is all about principles. Dodik also said that a decisiveness to jointly construct a gas pipeline and two gas power plants in the RS was confirmed at the meeting. “Putin invited me to come again in September to see what are the projects and how they develop, so there will be an opportunity to continue talks that were full of understanding and openness”, Dodik emphasized. He reminded that he informed Putin that the West imposes sanctions against some of the RS officials, including himself. Dodik assessed that all this is part of pressures to force the RS to take side of those who impose sanctions against Russia. He also emphasized that some in BiH willing to impose sanctions against Russia do not take into account that Russia is the guarantor of the DPA, and therefore it is fully meaningless to talk about someone imposing sanctions against the guarantor of its existence. Putin told Dodik at the meeting that Russia understands the position of the RS and its stance not allowing for BiH to join sanctions against Russia. He stressed his support to the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and that Russia advocates for compliance with the DPA. Kremlin stated on Saturday that Putin told Dodik that he appreciated the principled position of the RS on not-imposing sanctions against Russia and confirmed that the development of cooperation will continue. RTRS reported that the two officials also discussed the impact of the international community in B&H and they touched upon “the non-legitimate High Representative Christian Schmidt” and his work in Sarajevo, as well as that Putin reminded that they developed good relations at the time when Dodik was the RS President.


Dzaferovic: Nothing has changed in B&H's position on Russian invasion of Ukraine nor can it change with Dodik's departure to St. Petersburg (Nova BH)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic Saturday commented on the meeting between B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik and Russian President Vladimir Putin which took place in St. Petersburg on Friday. Dzaferovic said that as far as the Russian Federation and B&H's position on the Russian invasion of Ukraine are concerned, nothing has changed in B&H's position "nor can it change with the departure of Dodik to St. Petersburg." "That is his private trip behind which the Presidency does not stand, you know that very well," Dzaferovic said.


Sarovic, Borenovic claim that B&H will harmonize again with EU sanctions against Russia (BN TV)


The SDS leader Mirko Sarovic stated that a new harmonization of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)’s sanctions against Russia with EU’s sanctions is to follow. He said that this is the only real truth, and that Republika Srpska (RS) is part of that. Sarovic stated that B&H authorities do not intend to stop with the 30 sanctions that B&H already joined. He said that, while the RS authorities’ part of the coalition at B&H level are silent, their coalition partners are working hard and new sanctions will soon follow. Sarovic said that it is clear that the Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and the Chairperson of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija, who are the most responsible ones, play a double game. Sarovic said that Dodik and Tegeltija say one thing on front of the people in Russia while they “pat each other” in Brussels.


Dodik explained at the International Economic Forum that is not true, and that neutrality is the only principle supported by the RS, and such policy was welcomed by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who said that Russia knows who its friends are.


The PDP leader Branislav Borenovicsaid that Dodik failed to mention in Russia that Dodik agreed in Brussels that B&H will harmonize with EU sanctions against Russia. Borenovic said that Dodik did not say in Brussels a word of what he is saying in Russia. Borenovic claimed that Dodik only wanted to sign something in Brussels while he presents a false story in Russia in order to flatter his interlocutors in Russia or Turkey. Borenovic stated that some of the RS officials, primarily Dodik, try to score cheap political points before the elections, stressing that the best thing for the RS would be to stay away from taking sides in conflicts between big powers.


UK Minister Truss calls for end of Russian influence in B&H (FTV)


UK Minister of Foreign Affairs Liz Truss sent a letter to Chairperson of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija. She expressed concern over the Russian influence in B&H and she is ready to stop Russia in using B&H for provocation and drawing attention from other issues. Truss said that this is why the UK sanctioned President of SNSD Milorad Dodik and Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic. She reminded of her recent visit to B&H, when she said that it is necessary to stop B&H from moving backwards into another conflict. Truss expects B&H to support the UN resolution on removing Russia from the UN Human Rights Council and called on Tegeltija to follow the work of B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic, who opposes Russian aggression.


Tegeltija has assessed that Truss’ statements are absolutely one-sided and that she unnecessarily tries to drag B&H into the Ukraine conflict. Media published that Truss said in a letter sent to Tegeltija that the UK expects from B&H to respect its international obligations, including adhering to UN Charter provisions and imposing sanctions on Russia. Tegeltija said that he has not received Truss’ letter and that he will reply once he receives it. “Unfortunately, the practice of diplomatic mail, sent to Serb representatives in Sarajevo, being available first to everyone in Sarajevo, including the media, then to those to whom it is originally sent to, continues”, Tegeltija stressed.


EU FMs to discuss initiative to grant status of EU candidate to B&H; Pahor to demand support to initiative (FTV)


At its meeting scheduled for Monday, Foreign Ministers of the EU countries will discuss the initiative of Slovenia to grant the status of the EU candidate country to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) without any conditions. According to the document Slovenia will present, before beginning of the EU accession talks, B&H will have to implement items defined by the recently reached agreement in Brussels. President of Slovenia Borut Pahor will demand support to the initiative to grant the status of the EU candidate country to B&H without conditions at Three Seas Summit that will commence on Monday. Pahor officially presented this initiative in a letter recently sent to President of the European Council. Pahor expressed content with the fact the EU Foreign Affairs Council will discuss abovementioned initiative of Slovenia.


Document prepared by Slovenian diplomats 


N1 is in possession of a document prepared by Slovenian diplomats, which calls for B&H to be granted the status of a candidate for membership in the EU without delay. Slovenia's proposal will be presented Monday at a meeting of EU foreign ministers, ahead of the summit of EU leaders which will take place in Brussels on Thursday and Friday. Slovenia's proposal is based on the 'Political agreement on principles for ensuring a functional B&H that advances on the European path', which was backed by representatives of twelve B&H political parties at a meeting in Brussels last week. The document prepared by Slovenian diplomats states that there are problems in the field of rule of law in B&H, but that some other things that B&H did on the European path should not suffer because of it. Slovenia's proposal states that B&H should be immediately granted the EU candidate status at the June meeting of the European Council.


"Prior to the opening of accession negotiations, B&H must adopt the following laws, set out in the 'Political agreement on principles for ensuring a functional B&H that advances on the European path' of June 12 2022: The Law on the B&H High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC), the Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest, and the Law on Public Procurement. The implementation of these laws will lead to the opening of accession negotiations on Chapters 23 (Justice and Fundamental Rights) and 24 (Justice, Freedom and Security). Other negotiating chapters would open once B&H completes the electoral reform and relevant criteria, as set out in the June 12, 2022 political agreement. These criteria include the aforementioned laws relating to the rule of law which remain a condition for negotiating chapters 23 and 24," the document prepared by Slovenian diplomats states.


N1 stressed that the EU was criticized in previous days after the European Commission proposed granting the candidate status to Moldova and Ukraine which, as certain officials said, did much less in some fields compared to B&H, but also compared to North Macedonia.


Message of Pahor is sign of friendship (Dnevni avaz, Hayat)


Member of SBB Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Dr. Nabil Naser assessed that the letter of Slovenian President Borut Pahor to President of the European Council Charles Michel, in which he called for acceleration of the EU enlargement in the Western Balkans and for unconditional granting of EU candidate status to B&H, is a sign of a big friendship. Naser said that he regrets the fact nobody reacted to this letter, knowing that B&H is constantly urging its neighbours to have good relations with B&H, and he added that this only illustrates true intentions of the power holders in B&H. “They actually do not want B&H to be integrated in the EU. They want B&H to be divided in three or more parts and this main part, which only cares about the number of people in mosques, only cares about ‘coffee cup state’”, Naser said. Naser concluded by saying that B&H must build good relations with its neighbours and become a part of the EU and he reminded that the authorities in B&H are doing nothing to fulfil priorities on this path because of petty interests and internal conflicts in B&H.


After the information that the EU recommended granting the status of the EU candidate to Ukraine and Moldova, European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi commented on the European path of B&H. He underlined that B&H needs to fulfil the 14 priorities that the EU set before obtaining the status of the EU candidate.


The Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic reminded the EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi that the political party DF proposed legal solutions that would fulfil conditions from the European Commission’s Opinion, but the HDZ B&H and SNSD stopped those solutions and that pointless negotiations were conducted regarding changes to the B&H Election Law according to HDZ B&H’s proposals. This means that the only ones responsible for sabotage and lack of fulfilment of the 14 priorities are HDZ B&H and SNSD, said Komsic. He added that the only way for B&H to move forward in implementing the 14 priorities is to reduce the political capacity of HDZ B&H and SNSD in the elections, which are parties that have completely different goals compared to the ones set in European Commission’s Opinion, concluded Komsic.


MEPs and members of Bundestag meet with B&H activists in Sarajevo; MEP Viola von Cramon-Taubadel says everyone is against accelerated, short negotiations for membership in EU (N1)


Members of the Group of the Greens from the European Parliament met with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) activists in Sarajevo on Sunday to discuss B&H's European prospects. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), members of Bundestag and B&H activists, among other things, discussed whether B&H should be granted the EU candidate status.


MEP Viola von Cramon-Taubadel said: "We, at least in the European Parliament, are always mentioning that in case Moldova and Ukraine are granted the candidate status, we need to give something to the Western Balkans as well to show that we can be understood as credible, that trust in us is not completely lost, to grant the B&H candidate status for example. That would be something. Opening of negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania, to finally approve visa liberation for Kosovo."


N1 stressed that primarily thanks to France, Germany and Italy, the EU last Friday gave the green light for the candidate status for Ukraine. N1 noted that despite the statements of certain political leaders that the document agreed in Brussels is enough to include B&H in the package with Ukraine, the MEPs claim it will hardly happen. "In general, everyone is against accelerated, short negotiations for membership in the EU. It is necessary to fulfil conditions. Although I have not read that document, one should be careful. But something should be given so that the European prospects are not lost," von Cramon-Taubadel underlined.


N1 pointed out that the same week the European Commission recommended that Ukraine is granted the candidate status, European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi stated that the EU is still waiting on B&H to meet the fourteen priorities from the European Commission's Opinion. N1 reminded that the Resolution on BiH, which was recently proposed in Bundestag by the Green Caucus, mentions the responsibility of primarily Serb and Croat politics in B&H.


Member of Bundestag Boris Mijatovic said that policies pursued and publicly advocated by SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic in the previous weeks and months represent a threat to B&H. "Of course, all parties that stick of nationalist principles are a threat to the country. Therefore, all three sides are mentioned in the same paragraph in which these two names are mentioned," Mijatovic underlined. The MEPs and members of Bundestag will meet with the officials of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) in Banja Luka on Monday.


Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu visits B&H, meets B&H officials (Nezavisne)


Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Cavusolgu visited Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) where he held separate meetings with B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic, as well as B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic.


Cavusoglu stated that relations between Turkey and B&H are developing well in different areas, and he announced continuation of cooperation in the fields of politics, economy and defense. He underlined that the goal of USD 1 billion in trade exchange was reached in 2021, and emphasized that Turkey wishes to raise the exchange to a higher level in 2022.


Following the meeting with Turkovic, Cavusoglu told reporters that Turkey’s attitude to B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik is clear. “Whether you like him or not, Milorad Dodik is member of B&H Presidency. We demonstrate unbiased attitude in all our encounters”. Turkovic and Cavusoglu signed two agreements on diplomatic activities. Cavusoglu announced that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is willing to attend a trilateral meeting of B&H, Serbia and Turkey. He emphasized that Turkey will continue to support integrity, sovereignty and stability of B&H, as well as its orientation towards EU and NATO.  Following the meeting with Cavusoglu, Dzaferovic stated that Turkey is the only friend who does not ask for anything from B&H and continues to show support.


Komsic noted that Cavusoglu confirmed that Turkey does not support the attempts of B&H’s neighbours to interfere with B&H’s internal affairs. During this visit to Sarajevo, Cavusoglu also met with SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, Head of Islamic Community Husein Kavazovic and High Representative Christian Schmidt.


After the meeting with Cavusoglu, Dzaferovic said Turkey is a stabilizing factor in the Balkans and that, and potential expansion of cooperation was discussed at the meeting. Addressing the media, Dzaferovic said: “The Republic of Turkey supports sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H, our European and NATO path. It supports organization of B&H such as it is, i.e. all reforms within B&H. It opposes any blockades and attacks on the reforms, it respects the High Representative. It is a friend that does not ask for anything from B&H, and provides all possible support to B&H. I am grateful to the Republic of Turkey on that, and I said that today to the Foreign Minister’’.




Officials from Western Balkans react to decision to give EU candidate status to Ukraine (HRT1)


HRT1 reminds that the European Commission issued a proposal this week to give EU candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova. This has caused many reactions in countries of the Western Balkans, a region where most of the countries have been on the EU path for more than 10 years. President of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski said that the support of the public for the EU path after 18 years of waiting dropped by 20% and the recent blockade of negotiations by Bulgaria not helping with this. He expects concrete answers from Europe after all these years and not promises.


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said that it is good that Ukraine got the proposal for EU candidate status, but other countries cannot be forgotten either. He asked what the issue is with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), adding that it is not the most dangerous country nor is it a new warzone. Milanovic wants to know what the EU is waiting for.


Slovenian President Borut Pahor said that special criteria need to be applied for B&H as well, since the stability of the country guarantees the stability of the region. He said that the European Commission needs to think outside of existing frameworks and Slovenia will propose the giving of the EU candidate status to BiH as soon as possible without any conditions.


Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic said that he did everything he could for B&H to develop a close relationship with the EU. Former member of the B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic said that the region and B&H moved forward on the EU path much more than Ukraine and Moldova did, despite the issues of corruption and political crises. He said that he is not against the awarding of candidate status, but the decision of the EU is very controversial and the ignoring of the Western Balkans would be very wrong for the EU.


Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Schallenberg said that they have a concrete plan that they will propose at the next EU summit. He said that Ukraine is in a special position, but other countries in the so-called ‘EU waiting room’ need to be told that they have not been forgotten. President of the European Council Charles Michel visited the region last week. He is aware that the sudden offer of the EU candidate status to Ukraine caused dissatisfaction is some countries. Michel said that the clear message of the EU to North Macedonia and Albania is that they firmly support their EU path and concrete negotiations will begin soon. Chief Executive of the European Policy Centre Fabian Zuleeg said that the EU candidate status is important, but the negotiation process and accession is more important and it will last for years.


Milanovic: Ukraine’s EU candidate status should be made conditional on Bosnia’s (Hina)


If Ukraine is given EU candidate status, the Croatian government should categorically make it conditional on granting Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) that status on the same day, President Zoran Milanovic said in Ohrid on Friday. The heads of state or government of France, Germany and Italy met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv on Thursday to convey their support to Ukraine’s plan to be given the status of candidate for the European Union.


“If Ukraine can get candidate status in the state it is currently in and from which I hope it gets out of as soon as possible, in its entirety if possible, then the starting point of Croatia’s foreign policy, national policy, security policy should be that B&H is given candidate status too,” said Milanovic. He underscored that he is not opposed to Ukraine’s candidate status.

“But B&H is in a better state in terms of security and every other sense than Ukraine, and there is no reason, neither economic nor security nor humane, for B&H not to be given that status if Ukraine gets it,” he said. “I expect that the government and its representatives, when it comes to granting candidate status to Ukraine, categorically condition that so that B&H gets it too,” he said.


Milanovic is taking part in the Prespa Forum in Ohrid where he met with his North Macedonian counterpart Stevo Pendarovski on Friday. North Macedonia has had candidate status for a long time, but the start of negotiations is being blocked by Bulgaria. Milanovic is opposed to the blockade and has repeatedly publicly criticised Sofia for that. “Candidate status is a form of hope. North Macedonia has been living with that hope for too long. I am surprised that they have not lost it and there is a danger that the people will turn away from it and realize that they have been played,” he said. “It is up to the Bulgarians to see where this is leading and for these negotiations to start,” he concluded.


Cavusoglu meets Grlic-Radman: Both countries support stability, integrity of B&H (HRT1)


Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic-Radman met Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Cavusoglu in Zagreb on Friday. The officials underlined that the two countries have good cooperation, adding that both countries support stability and integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and they will continue to help B&H.


Talking about electoral reform in B&H, Cavusoglu said that Turkey is unbiased on this issue and this, they will not take any sides. He added that the Turkish stance remains the same and that Turkey supports peace and stability as well as economic integrity of B&H.


Asked by a journalist why he met with B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik in Turkey, Cavusoglu said he knew Dodik would not be present during his visit to B&H, but also that Turkey is trying to remain neutral in relation to policies in B&H. Addressing the media in Zagreb, Cavusoglu said: “We always keep distance in regard to all political parties in B&H. We behave equally towards all; we are not biased toward anyone. We have seen efforts in the recent period, i.e. negotiations between Bosniaks and Croats who live in B&H. We will certainly support them, and I hope for a positive outcome in that regard”. Cavusoglu announced strengthening the dialogue within the mechanism of triple consultations between Sarajevo, Zagreb and Belgrade. He stressed that Ankara fully supports stability, peace and economic integrity of B&H.


Foreign ministry warns against false info from Russian Defence Ministry (HRT1)


The Russian Defence Ministry said on Friday that 74 Croatian "mercenaries" fighting on the side of Ukrainian forces had been killed, to which the Croatian Foreign Ministry said that it did not have information on the allegations and warned against spreading unverified information. In added that its statement was corroborated by the fact that the Croatian Embassy in Ukraine had not issued any document for the transfer of a deceased person's remains to Croatia since the start of the Russian aggression on Ukraine.


"We, therefore, warn against the dissemination of unverified information of a sensitive nature," the Croatian ministry said. "Regarding the news that began to spread in our media about a significant number of Croatian citizens killed or fleeing the fighting in Ukraine, I can only say that we know nothing about it. It is very likely that they themselves, if possible, or members of their families would contact our embassy, which is obliged to take care of Croatian citizens in Ukraine. And since that has not been the case, I can only conclude that these claims are false," said Croatian Ambassador to Ukraine Anica Djamic.


The Defence Ministry of the Russian Federation on Friday published a table with the alleged number of foreign "mercenaries" killed while fighting on the Ukrainian side against Russian attackers. Moscow claims that 74 of total of 204 Croatians have been killed. It also claims that 51 Croatians have left Ukraine and that currently, 79 Croatian nationals are fighting on the Ukrainian side.




Montenegro will remain safe haven for all exiled Ukrainians (CDM)


“More than 27,000 people from Ukraine have entered Montenegro since the beginning of the Russian aggression. Nearly 4,000 of them have requested temporary protection. Montenegro will remain a safe haven for all exiled Ukrainians, in the hope that the suffering of the Ukrainian people will disappear as soon as possible”, Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic has said on the occasion of World Refugee Day. “In the last decade, the number of displaced and internally displaced persons has doubled, and the number of internally displaced persons has tripled. The world seems to be heading towards a humanitarian downturn. It is the final moment for the division of burdens and responsibilities and sustainable solutions”, Presdent Djukanovic has tweeted.


Abazovic: I’ll invite Serbia’s prime minister to visit Montenegro as soon as appointment happens (Portal Analitika)


Prime Minister, Dritan Abazovic, reflected on the period before Montenegro joined NATO. “Having in mind how the DPS was running that campaign, we’re lucky to be in NATO today,” said the Prime Minister, adding that he took part in a debate over the membership.


It’s important to finish the Fundamental Agreement with the SPC. The government will adopt the Fundamental Agreement with the SPC anonymously, he believes. As for the Open Balkans, he says that so far, he has heard only “political speculations” about it but none relevant argument. In the end he notes that he will invite Serbia’s prime minister to pay an official visit to Montenegro as soon as they elect him/her.


Marovic: Working group on the Open Balkans soon to be formed (MINA)


The Government of Montenegro will set up a working group comprising representatives of several ministries, whose task would be to estimate whether the Open Balkan initiative is in line with the country’s goal to join the European Union (EU), the European Affairs Minister, Jovana Marovic, said. In an interview for MINA news agency, she noted that the government had decided to prepare an analysis on the afore-mentioned initiative, which would tackle it in several aspects. Marovic also said that there’re many discussions over the OB, but not much is known about it, adding that there’re two simultaneous campaigns – for and against the initiative. In her opinion, none of them has sound arguments why it’s good or bad to be in this initiative. Montenegro backs all regional initiatives and doesn’t consider whether someone’s talking about them from a political point of view: “We consider whether those initiatives contribute to our European path and good neighbourly relations, and whether they’re bringing some economic benefit to us.” Asked whether Montenegro needs another initiative, Minister Marovic said it depends on how much Montenegro is close to the EU membership.


North Macedonia 


Kovacevski after meeting with coalition partners: Parliamentary elections to be held in 2024 (Republika)


The next elections will be held in the regular term in 2024 and we are closing that issue, the Prime Minister of Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski said in a statement to the media given after Sunday’s meeting of the ruling coalition. Kovacevski stressed that the coalition partners unanimously concluded that early elections will not solve the problems of citizens, but will further deepen them and announced a focus on the economy and overcoming the consequences of the crisis. In the coming period, we will continue to respond to the crisis, by delivering a new package of anti-crisis measures, systemic reforms, non-selective fight against high corruption and harmonization of election legislation with the recommendations of the OSCE and ODIHR, said Kovacevski.


Escobar: As long as the Western Balkans meet the conditions, we will continue to provide support (Republika)


The candidate status itself creates great benefits for the people. To European friends in the public – the Western Balkans is part of this project, the Western Balkans is geographically, economically, culturally and historically European. You share those values, you have solid partners in NATO, and you are excellent bilateral partners with the United States, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs and Western Balkans Special Representative, Gabriel Escobar, told a session on “Western Balkans: navigating in turbulent times” held as part of the Prespa Forum Dialogue 2022 in Ohrid.


Although people, as Escobar pointed out, focus on a specific process within a specific political framework, there is a lot of progress that is happening elsewhere through trade, bilateral channels, multilateral channels and in all of them, as he said, the Western Balkans is succeeding. The policy of the United States, as he stressed, is to encourage, support all initiatives that bring us closer to Europe and bring the region closer. As long as the Western Balkans meet the conditions – rule of law, open and transparent markets and inclusiveness, we will continue to provide support, Escobar said.


VMRO-DPMNE: The French proposal is blackmail and total fiasco (Republika)


The Bulgarian government has fallen, the government of Kovacevski in Macedonia should also fall. The French proposal from what was reported in the media is a complete fiasco and the realization of all Bulgarian demands without any guarantees for Macedonia, reacted the opposition VMRO-DPMNE. Instead of being silent, Kovacevski should immediately come out and reject the proposal that was presented by the media. Why silence and whether the silence means consent of SDSM and Kovacevski with the capitulation that is being prepared for Macedonia. Will SDSM accept silent Bulgarianization or complete rejection of Macedonia from the European integration process? SDSM makes an identity blow on the existence of the people, the state and the identity. The French proposal is blackmail and total fiasco of Kovacevski, because of which he should resign immediately, said VMRO-DPMNE.


MP Antonio Milososki posted on Facebook parts of the French proposal that the government and Kovacevski claimed they had not seen. The proposal is dated today and is already circulating in Brussels. It clearly shows that the Bulgarian demands are fully incorporated during the negotiations. First the country will have to include the Bulgarians in the Constitution. The Stabilization and Association Process, which has been separated so far, will become an integral part of the negotiating framework with the EU and through it new requirements and conditions related to the Framework Declaration of Bulgaria from 2019 will be inserted. This confirms that the French proposal is entirely on the side of Bulgaria leaving Macedonia no option.


Dimitrov: French proposal is debacle of Macedonian diplomacy; government puts our fate entirely in Bulgaria’s hands (Republika)


Abandoned red lines and diplomatic debacle, accuses former Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov after the French proposal on overcoming the Bulgarian-Macedonian dispute and open negotiations with the EU was released. I do not know what is worst, to trust our people that they do not have the proposal or not to trust them. If they are not up to date with a proposal regarding the Macedonian troubles with Bulgaria, then it is a recognition that they have not done their job on the most important issue for the nation. If they have it, and they say they do not have it, they are playing with the public’s trust, Dimitrov told DW.


The proposal of the French presidency, according to the ex-minister, brings us further and not closer to EU membership. The key question is whether through such an agreement we are closer to the goal – EU membership. For me, there are no dilemmas. With such a framework, the EU is further from today, when we have not yet started negotiations, says Dimitrov. He explains that proposals for resolving a problem between two sides always come first to the stakeholders, but the fact that such a proposal “has fallen on the table at all is already a debacle for Macedonian diplomacy.” The inclusion of the Bulgarian demands in the negotiation process, in the most important part – the Fundamentals cluster, puts our destiny entirely in the hands of Sofia. If it is not satisfied with anything (not only the inclusion of the Bulgarians in the Constitution), we will stand in place or they will take us back, says Dimitrov.


Mickoski on French proposal: VMRO-DPMNE will not accept any agreement that is detrimental to Macedonian interests (Republika)


To be clear, it is nothing but capitulation without delay. Or as one would say Bulgarianization of Macedonia in instalments or diplomatic knockout, said the leader of VMRO DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski at Saturday’s protest in front of the government building regarding the French proposal to include the Bulgarian demands in the negotiating framework for EU accession.


Let me explain in a few sentences what is written in that proposal. First of all, there is no date for the start of negotiations in that proposal, but there is a condition, if you want to start, open the Constitution and meet the requirements of Sofia. Secondly, they lied that they do not negotiate about language, that they do not negotiate about identity. Thirdly, what was our issue with official Sofia until yesterday, in this proposal becomes our issue with official Brussels and the whole European Union. Either to be more precise assimilation, Bulgarianization and then Europeanization or we will never be part of Europe, Mickoski emphasized.


Mickoski also said that there are constantly new demands and rigid blackmails against Macedonia! Constant inflation of attacks on the Macedonian people and extremely unreasonable pressures.


He also called on Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski to not listen to his mentor and his coalition partner and find the courage to reject the proposal. In the end, he concluded that VMRO-DPMNE will not accept any humiliating agreement to the detriment of national interests. And if the Government decides to pass it out of the Parliament or by force in the Parliament, then the future Government of VMRO-DPMNE will not respect and apply any point of this agreement, and that should be clear to everyone.


Saturday’s opposition protest in Skopje, which took place under the motto It’s Too Much. According to the news portal, thousands of Macedonians gathered downtown Skopje and that the opposition is demanding early parliamentary elections. VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, pointing out that the protest was attended by about 80 thousand Macedonian citizens.


Kovacevski: The Macedonian language must be pure in the negotiation framework (Libertas)


The Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski, regarding the French proposal, answering a journalist question, said that experienced experts and diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs analyse the draft documents according to their competencies, access to information, but we will not comment on it and it will not be normally discussed, because is not yet a proposal agreed by all 26 EU member states, including France.


"We follow the developments in Bulgaria and if this proposal is adopted there and when it will be adopted and when it will be officially submitted to the Republic of Northern Macedonia, then it will be subject to detailed analysis and share them with the institutions in the country in accordance with our provisions in the legislation," Kovacevski said.

Regarding the issue of the Macedonian language in the negotiations, the Prime Minister stressed that the Macedonian language must be a pure Macedonian language in the negotiating framework.


Serbian Patriarch Porfirij to visit Ohrid (Republika)


A delegation of the Serbian Orthodox Church headed by Serbian Patriarch Porfirij is set to arrive at the Monastery of the Nativity of Holy Mother of God – Kalista today, where a worship service will be held, informs the Eparchy of Debar and Kicevo. Porfirij, will also visit the Church of St. Bogorodica – Perivlepta, the Gallery of Icons as well as other churches and cultural and historical monuments in Ohrid and the Monastery of St. Naum of Ohrid, reads the statement.




Rama: Open Balkan is not an instrument for Serbia! The agreement for the Port of Durres was postponed by Kosovo (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama, from Kosovo, has shown that the Open Balkans is an initiative for the benefit of the entire region and not an instrument that serves only Serbia. Responding to the critics of "Open Balkan" where Kosovo does not prefer to be part due to disputes with Serbia, Rama emphasizes once again that this initiative serves the economy of the Western Balkan countries where everyone will get what they deserve after creating space for all economic operators in the region.


The Prime Minister also revealed that at the joint meeting of the two governments, Albania and Kosovo, the signing of the agreement for the port of Durres was postponed, which would allow Kosovo to have access to the port trade of economic operators without restrictions. Rama said that this agreement was postponed by the Kosovo government, but he hopes that it will be reached as soon as possible.


"There are many companies that use the port of Durres intensively. We want to have an agreement with the government of Kosovo as we have in the Open Balkans to have green corridors of authorized economic operators, which pass without any stops. For this too we need to have an agreement. This had to be signed tomorrow and I do not know for what reason it was postponed by the Kosovo government. Despite this we have to do this as soon as possible. "We have brought with us the new project of the port of Durres, which is conceived as a common port that must either be regional of key importance or we lose a great potential as we have lost it for decades,” said Rama.