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Belgrade Media Report 14 July 2022



Vucic says horrible crimes in Srebrenica were committed and wonders why nobody is talking about crimes against Serbs (Tanjug/TV Pink)


In an interview to TV Pink on Wednesday evening, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that a stronger campaign and more hate towards Serb people was present this year at the commemoration in Potocari in comparison to previous years. Vucic added that the day of marking of Srebrenica anniversary is a difficult day: “A day of horrible crimes committed against Bosniaks and it is logical that it will leave such consequences even after 27 years.” Vucic reminded that he went to Potocari seven years ago and, back then, some said that it was a provocation while others said that he bowed before victims of crimes but not before those who tried to hit him with their fists, bottles and stones. “Whatever you do or say, it is never good enough because Serbia, according to some politicians, must be humiliated, brought down to its knees and it can never be so small to satisfy everyone,” Vucic said. Vucic also reminded of crimes against Serbs and wondered why nobody is talking about those: “Serb victims and tears have no parents, while someone else’s do. We must get used to that. This is partially our fault as well”. Vucic said that he did not go to Srebrenica on 11 July not because he is not welcome there, but because “they do not want to see respect for victims and they only want to hear ‘the legal formulation’ on which they would base their future political moves, i.e. abolition of Republika Srpska (RS), compensation measures and other measures against Serbia”. Vucic argued that there is lots of hypocrisy coming from abroad and he added that it is understandable why everyone is talking about Srebrenica knowing that it was a horrible crime, but he does not understand that someone refuses to come to commemoration for Jasenovac victims just because the Russian Ambassador too was there. “I do not understand it, why the European Parliament did not adopt a resolution on crimes against Serb people in Jasenovac. We will never manage to understand how you can hold lectures about territorial integrity of Ukraine, yet you violated territorial integrity of Serbia in such a horrible way. We will never be able to understand that you have been saying Kosovo happened because of Srebrenica, or must not have happened because of Srebrenica, but then how come something must not have happened because of Jasenovac, Jadovno or Prebilovci?”, Vucic noted. Vucic also argued that, under the circumstances of almost having the World War III knowing that the entire western world is in war against Russia through Ukraine, big shifts happened and the situation in the region is not simple: “It seems as if everyone in the Balkans is just waiting for the second halftime, with lots of passion, emotions and hate. We are those who need to avoid this at any cost”. Vucic said on Wednesday evening that he has not been invited to a high-level round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in Brussels on 19 July. “No one invited me. They’re trying something but I have no idea what they’re trying,” Vucic told TV Pink. He said that Serbia will respond to the dialogue but added that “does not make a lot of sense because they are preparing some operation against Serbs”. “Unfortunately, I think the mood among the Serbs is very difficult and very bad. I’m afraid and I will do everything I can and we will do everything we can to preserve the peace,” Vucic said. He said that Serbia can do a lot more in terms of convincing countries to withdraw their recognition of Kosovo. “We are working on it and will continue to work on it because they violated the Washington agreement and gave us free reign and we will be more successful than they are at this,” he said. According to him, Serbia is “fighting much greater powers that do not recognize the territorial integrity of Serbia, that do not accept international law and (UN Security Council) Resolution 1244”. The President said that Serbia was told that the door to Europe would be opened when it extradited former president Slobodan Milosevic but got nothing even after it extradited many others to the Hague Tribunal to stand trial for war crimes. Vucic said that the efforts to replace vehicle license plates issued by Serbia with Republic of Kosovo (RKS) plates was intended “to abolish the north” where four large municipalities have majority Serb populations. “It’s not a question of money or anything, this is a political provocation,” he said.


Serbia advocates for respect for international law, peaceful dispute resolution (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met with newly appointed Ambassador of Ukraine to Serbia Volodymyr Tolkach, with whom she discussed the current situation in this country and the possibilities of supporting the Ukrainian people and refugees in Serbia. She expressed deep concern and regret about the situation in Ukraine and emphasized that the two countries and peoples have traditionally good and friendly relations. According to her, Serbia is determined to respect international law, respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine and peaceful settlement of disputes, and is ready to provide all possible help and support to refugees from this country, who are currently staying in Serbia. Ambassador Tolkach thanked for the humanitarian aid that Serbia provides to endangered Ukrainian civilians, as well as for the humane conditions of the highest standards that it provides for the displaced, including residence and work permits. The Ukrainian Ambassador presented the country's recovery and reconstruction plan and called on Serbia to support these activities. Brnabic reiterated that Serbia advocates for the peaceful settlement of disputes and supports all efforts aimed at negotiations between the two sides and emphasized that Serbia will continue to monitor the situation carefully and provide support to the Ukrainian people.


Selakovic says Serbs are proud of their history, warns no imposing has ever brought anything good to anyone (TV Pink)


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nikola Selakovic commented on the announcement of Christian Schmidt, who said that he will deal with curricula and history textbooks. Selakovic said that Serbs have their history which they are proud of and added that no imposing has ever brought anything good to anyone. Selakovic added that history of Serbs is difficult, heroic and that the Serb people are proud of it. “Serbs are the people who seriously suffered in fight against Nazism, and they gave great sacrifice, survived Jasenovac. We know very well, especially in the communism, what re-tailored and twisted teaching of history brought to us,” Selakovic told TV Pink. According to Selakovic, the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) clearly prescribed competencies of the entities and he reminded that curricula of Serbia have been harmonized with those in Republika Srpska (RS). Selakovic emphasized that Serb children, regardless of where they live, should study Serb history without insulting anyone and by interpreting facts in line with history science and not in line with how politicians see it. Meanwhile, the Association of Families of Kidnapped and Murdered in Kosovo has stated that interference of "German politician" Christian Schmidt in the contents of the curriculum of the RS and the Federation of B&H is proof that crimes against Serbs are still being committed. "We justifiably doubt your desire to do good or your intention is to distort the truth, to create a "truth" that suits you. Are you stating this because the truth about the alleged genocide is slowly but surely coming to light," the Association of Families of Kidnapped and Murdered in Kosovo asked.


Vucic started consultations: With meeting with Kamberi (Tanjug/RTV)


Today, President Aleksandar Vucic started consultations on the mandate of the new government with a meeting with the leader of the Party for Democratic Action Saip Kamberi, as a representative of the Coalition of Albanians of the Valley. Kamberi came to the building of the General Secretariat of the President of the Republic a few minutes before 9:00 am, when the first meeting was scheduled. The Coalition of Albanians of the Valley will have one mandate in the future parliament. Kamberi said that by coming to the consultations, they showed their constructiveness and intention to be partners in solving the problems of the Albanians. “The key theme of the seven-point plan is economic development, the integration of Albanians into state institutions, the issue of recognition of diplomas, passivation of addresses, use of offensive expressions. These are key issues for a better life,” Kamberi said. He pointed out that it is not a priority for them to be part of the government, claiming that Albanians are not yet integrated even at the level of state institutions in the municipalities of Bujanovac, Presevo ​​and Medvedja. “Our demand is that integration should be started from below, not from the top of the government,” he added. The President of the Democratic Union of Croats in Vojvodina and representative of the “Together for Vojvodina” coalition Tomislav Zigmanov said today after consultations with President Aleksandar Vucic, that there is readiness for them to enter the future government, if, as he said, a consensus is found on “the issue of value, program and position of possible representatives of the Croatian community in that government”. “The President showed great interest when it comes to our views, he expressed certain expectations and a vision of what he thinks should be the policy of the future government, and we were encouraged by the fact that he spoke about the possibility of a future government that would include representatives of national communities in its composition,” said Zigmanov. At 10:15 consultations were scheduled with the SDA party of Sandzak - Dr. Sulejman Ugljanin, however, that party announced last night that it would not respond to the invitation of the President citing the crime in Srebrenica in 1995 as the reason. “The SDA Sandzak, which represents and protects the interests of Bosniaks in the Republic of Serbia, will not respond to the invitation of the President to consult on a candidate for Prime Minister. The leadership of the SDA Sandzak, its members and sympathizers are in mourning over the genocide committed by the Serbian armed forces against the Bosniak people in Srebrenica, in July 1995,” the announcement states.


Mihajlovic to Ukrainian Ambassador: We know how hard it is to be in a war (Beta)


Serbian Mining and Energy Minister Zorana Mihajlovic discussed with Ukrainian Ambassador Volodymyr Tolkach Serbia’s assistance to Ukrainian refugees, overall economic relations between the two countries and enhancement of cooperation in the energy sector. “Serbia and Ukraine have traditionally good and friendly relations based on mutual respect of territorial integrity and sovereignty. I hope that the war will end as soon as possible, for the sake of the Ukrainian people and all of us in Europe,” a press release from Mihajlovic’s office quoted her as saying. Mihajlovic said that Serbia has accepted refugees from Ukraine, that it is providing them with assistance and support, with residence and work permits, all because it wants them to feel at home. “Unfortunately we in Serbia know how hard it is to be in a war and how demanding it is to rebuild the country after war conflicts, while the energy sector is hit the most,” Mihajlovic said. She said the energy situation is not a simple one anywhere in Europe, that Serbia is trying to secure enough energy sources for its market and that it is open to enhancing cooperation in the energy sector with Ukraine. “Thank you for the opportunity to discuss our cooperation in the particularly difficult situation that we are in, given Russia’s aggression, which has disrupted our plans and intentions, especially when it comes to enhancing economic relations with other countries. I especially thank you for your help to our people who have found salvation from the war at the reception center in Vranje but also everywhere in Serbia, I know that many are trying to continue their business or schooling here,” said Ambassador Tolkach.


Russian Ambassador says no problems with gas supplies to Serbia (FoNet/Russia 24 TV)


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko said on Wednesday that Moscow hopes there won’t be any problems with natural gas supplies to Serbia via Bulgaria. He told Russia 24 TV that there are no indications that the situation could deteriorate. “It would be wrong to say that the situation with Bulgaria, with our relations, isn’t causing some anxiety and concern but the transit of gas continues…. There is nothing to indicate that the transit could be interrupted suddenly,” he said and recalled the gas transits Bulgaria on the way to both Serbia and Hungary. “That is transit to the European Union… If Sofia cut the transit in that direction it would cause huge problems would mean that Bulgaria is not meeting its obligations not only towards Serbia, Russia but also within the EU… We are counting on the transit continuing and the gas supplies remaining stable with the contracted amounts,” the Ambassador said.


Grenell: Europeans, Kurti are the problem (FoNet)


Former US presidential envoy Richard Grenell said on Wednesday that the Europeans and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti are the main problems in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

Speaking at a lecture for political sciences students in Belgrade, he said that the current American administration is determined to have the European lead the process but that they have not solved anything during what he said were thousands of meetings which were a waste of time. According to him, the question that should have been raised at meeting in Brussels was how the lives of ordinary people can be improved. He said there is no leadership in the process, adding that the US should be in charge because the dialogue is not a priority for Europe. Grenell said that the partition of Kosovo was never discussed at meetings attended by himself of former president Donald Trump, adding that the idea never had European support. The former US Ambassador said that KFOR should not be in Kosovo nor should US troops be there under the UN flag because that creates the impression of a conflict region. He recalled that the Washington agreements were meant to help improve the economy and focus on everyday life. He expressed frustration that Lufthansa has not established flights between Belgrade and Pristina as agreed.


Survey: Young people turning to the East, critical of sanctions against Russia (Beta)


The National Youth Council of Serbia (KOMS), a ceiling organization of Serbian youth, has published some of the results of a large-scale survey exploring the views of Serbian youth, which showed that the number of young people who opposed the introduction of mandatory military service was only slightly higher than before, that they preferred the East to the West, and did not condemn Russia’s role in the war with Ukraine. The 2022 Alternative Report on the position and needs of young people in Serbia shows that an initiative to reintroduce mandatory military service for men has been supported by 44 percent of young people, while 46 percent are against it, similarly to last year’s findings – 46 percent supported the move, and 43 were against it. The rest of the respondents had no opinion on the matter. When asked what foreign policy course Serbia should take, 43 percent believed that Serbia should maintain an equilibrium between the East and the West. If they were able to choose, they seem to be more inclined to the East this year (57 percent as opposed to last year’s 52 percent). According to the survey, 43 percent of youth are pro-Western. When asked about the war in Ukraine, more than half (55 percent) said that Serbia should not condemn Russia, or introduce sanctions against Russia. Only 19 percent of young people said that Serbia should join the international sanctions against Russia if the consequences of not doing so are too severe. Eighteen percent said that Serbia should condemn Russia officially, but not introduce sanctions against it.




Stoltenberg to MEPs: NATO is closely monitoring the situation in Western Balkans (N1)


NATO is closely working together with the European Union in the Western Balkans, including in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said, adding that the alliance is concerned about Russian influence in the region. “We are working together with the European Union in the Western Balkans. It is extremely important, NATO has a history there. We helped to end two brutal ethnic wars, B&H and Kosovo. We have a military presence there, we work together with European Union’s Althea in B&H and we are closely monitoring the situation in the Western Balkans in general,” Stoltenberg told members of the European Parliament. Stoltenberg said he met with the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama earlier on Wednesday and that NATO “follows the situation very closely.” He added that NATO is “concerned about the presence of Russia and China” in the region. Stoltenberg said that “there are serious challenges” in B&H. “We are trying to help them strengthen their democratic institutions,” he said.


British parliament remembers Srebrenica genocide; Johnson: We will continue to combat war crime deniers, both in B&H and elsewhere (O Kanal)


During a regular session of the British parliament, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) Ian Blackford remembered Srebrenica genocide and vowed never to allow such a crime to happen again. Johnson said their fight against those denying the crime in B&H and across the world will continue. Many Parliament members also wore the Srebrenica Flower on their lapel. “Mister Chairman, this week we commemorate the genocide in Srebrenica. And the victims of those terrible events. We must learn the lessons of history. We must do everything in our power to prevent such things from ever happening again. We will continue the fight against those who deny war crimes both in B&H and elsewhere”, Johnson said during his speech. B&H Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic attended the commemoration on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of genocide in Srebrenica in the building of the UK parliament. Dzaferovic said that in the past year, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has been the most active and open supporter of a normal B&H. "The United Kingdom is a great friend of B&H, and it provides strong support to B&H. This is especially expressed in the past year since the emergence of serious internal problems in the country. The United Kingdom firmly stands by B&H, by the functionality of its institutions. It stood in the protection of all the reforms that we have implemented in B&H, and it stood by the European and NATO path of B&H," Dzaferovic underlined. Addressing the commemoration of genocide victims that took place in the UK Parliament, Dzaferovic underscored that the lessons of the war in B&H, and especially the mistakes of the UN in Srebrenica, must be an eternal guide for the international community “especially today, when we are witnessing the aggression against Ukraine, followed by a criminal campaign”. He added: “One of the reasons that led to the genocide in Srebrenica was the unjust introduction of an embargo on the import of weapons, which deprived B&H of the right to self-defense.” Blackford also remembered the genocide in Srebrenica and said: "We should all take time this week on the 27th anniversary of genocide that happened there to reflect on the circumstances and the shame that we were unable to stop the murders of so many innocent boys and men, and the rape of so many women. We must learn lessons from that because now of course we are thinking of those in Ukraine who are facing war criminals and we must do everything to make those responsible ultimately answer for crimes against humanity," Blackford said during the Prime Minister's Questions at the House of Commons in London.


Dzaferovic meets with Hoyle, Peach and All-Parliamentary Group for B&H and thanks UK for continued support in fight for truth and justice (Hayat)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic met in London on Wednesday with Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Lindsay Hoyle and the All-Parliamentary Group for B&H. On this occasion, Dzaferovic thanked the Parliament of the UK for organizing the commemoration on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica, as well as the continued support of the UK in the fight for truth and justice. Dzaferovic pointed out that the UK stands out among other countries by organizing a state program to commemorate the genocide in Srebrenica, and by carrying out a wide range of activities to preserve the memory of the victims of the genocide. Another topic of discussion at the meeting with Hoyle and the All-Parliamentary Group for B&H was the impact of Russian aggression against Ukraine on the political and security situation in B&H and the Western Balkans. The Presidency Chairman pointed out that the UK institutions have shown B&H that it has friends it can count on.


Dodik comments on Sattler’s statement: This confirms Sattler supports Muslim side for some time already, his claim proves B&H is dysfunctional (RTRS)


Many officials in the RS and Serbia condemned the stance of Head of the EU Delegation Johann Sattler – following the commemoration in Potocari – that the word “reconciliation” is insulting for the victims and that setting photos of Serb victims is a provocation. The reporter reminded that Sattler presented the aforementioned stance in his blog. Serb member of the B&H Presidency and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik said that this confirms that Sattler supports the Muslim side for some time already and his claim proves that B&H is dysfunctional. Dodik said: “It is difficult to secure reconciliation due to the history that we have but it is possible to provide understanding.” Dodik added that Sattler would definitely not say that if he visited a Serb cemetery like the one in Zalazje where people lost their lives in the same way. Dodik added: “Of course, a big and a grave crime happened in Srebrenica. This is undisputable but politicizing of all that – coming from Sattler and his (people) – is unacceptable. Somehow, this confirms that all their efforts were unnecessary and illusionary and that they are responsible for the fact that B&H is dysfunctional and that if there is no reconciliation, B&H cannot exist.” Dodik also stated that Sattler’s statement is another proof the international community divides victims based on their names, and that they do not count, nor recognize Serb victims. Addressing the media, Dodik said: “He is the one to say that displayed photographs are provocation. It is primarily an insult for us, and he is right - how to achieve reconciliation here in B&H with people like him? What reconciliation? The maximum we can do is to live one next to another in peace and that Europe guarantees that.” Dodik also said that "due to the history we have", it is difficult to ensure reconciliation, but that it is possible to ensure understanding. "It is necessary to move in that direction," Dodik underlined.


Other politicians from RS ruling coalition condemn stance of Sattler (RTRS)


Many officials in the RS and Serbia condemned the stance of Head of the EU Delegation Johann Sattler – following the commemoration in Potocari – that the word “reconciliation” is insulting for the victims and that setting photos of Serb victims is a provocation.  The reporter noted that speaker of the B&H House of Peoples Nikola Spiric (SNSD) and B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Nebojsa Radmanovic (SNSD) also condemned Sattler. Radmanovic said over phone that Sattler does not accept that Serbs were also victims in B&H and that he does not accept a big number of people from the rank of the Serb people who were killed. Radmanovic argued that in the second part of his statement, Sattler demonstrated anti-civilizational approach that says that an apology is not accepted, and that the apology is insulting. He said: “This is a medieval approach and not an approach of the 21st century. This is unworthy of an ambassador.”

The reporter noted that we could also hear criticism from Head of SNSD Caucus in the B&H HoR Snezana Novakovic- Bursac and Head of SNSD Caucus in the RS National Assembly Igor Zunic. Novakovic- Bursac assessed that the engagement of Sattler was reduced to revision of the history. Leader of the United Srpska Nenad Stevandic added that insulting Serb victims is a disgrace for the entire international community. Members of SP reacted by saying that recognizing all victims is a condition for reconciliation. Stevandic said insulting Serb victims is not only Sattler’s, but the disgrace of the international community as a whole, reminding that Srebrenica is a tragedy of armed conflicts, “clashes of armies”, whilst the Bratunac region is a tragedy of “breaking into unarmed Serb villages”, where people who did not participate in the war were slaughtered and killed. Stevandic said: “Sattler should first talk with Radojka Filipovic, or with Brano, whose house they broke into, killed his mother and underage brother, and took him, who was nine years old and wounded at the time, to Srebrenica and kept him in a camp. Those are only some of the examples. Then, Sattler would have a chance to understand what was happening in Srebrenica.” Novakovic-Bursac pointed out that crime and criminals must be adequately punished without hesitation or reservation, the victims must be remembered with dignity, and reconciliation, "which has no alternative", must be built on establishing and accepting the truth. "In this process, there is no room for double messages and standards, superficial peacemakers, especially not for bad diplomats and politicians," Novakovic-Bursac underlined. Zunic said that the crime in Srebrenica, no matter how many contradictions there are in connection with it, was condemned by all Serb officials, and that on the other hand, no one condemned the terrible crimes against the Serb people. "Who condemned the murders of children in Bratunac, the camps in Konjic or the suffering and imprisonment of Serbs in the Sarajevo casemates? Has Mr. Sattler heard about the murders of civilians at Cardak near Derventa, the camps for Serbs at Rabic, Sijekovac and hundreds of Serb execution sites?," Zunic asked. RS SP MP Srdjan Todorovic believes that it is necessary to recognize all victims in BiH, that this is condition for reconciliation, and not to promote policy in which victims in the past war were only on one side. DEMOS Deputy President Spomenka Stevanovic stressed that it is unbelievable that Sattler thought that the word reconciliation could sound like that. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic criticized on Wednesday the text of Sattler, who shared his reflections on Srebrenica. Sarovic stated: “I think that Sattler should not be dealing with those issues. He came to B&H due to another purpose. I think that there is no way he can help with a very complex situation and that it is best that he deals with the 14 priorities (from the European Commission’s Opinion on B&H’s EU Membership Application) and progress of B&H towards the EU.” Sarovic added that he thinks that dealing with B&H’s progress on the EU path is his primary task and he added that he would not want to comment on Sattler’s “personal statement”. PDP Vice-President and RS representative Jelena Trivic reacted on Wednesday to the text of Sattler. In her reaction, Trivic stated that Sattler’s text is absolutely reprehensible and that she expects an apology to the Serb people. Trivic was quoted as saying: “It is hard to believe that anyone would say that the word reconciliation is offensive to anyone, and it is especially bewildering that an official of the EU would say that. Trivic noted that Sattler's text is full of insults towards victims and added that it only contributes to deepening the division between the peoples of B&H. DNS leader Nenad Nesic said the biggest threat to B&H is the West’s support to Bosniak political elite, but also the fact that Bosniaks do not want one anyone else to exist in B&H apart from them. Nesic said: “I need to disappoint both Sattler and Bosniak political elite - we Serbs also exist. Finally, we created B&H, our tears exist, our dead exist, our struggle and our right to this country exist, as well as the extended hand for reconciliation. What you, Mr. Sattler, want, is bowed head. We will not give you that, Serbs will not bow their heads.” Serbia condemned the stance of Head of the EU Delegation Johann Sattler – following the commemoration in Potocari – that the word “reconciliation” is insulting for the victims and that setting photos of Serb victims is a provocation. The reporter notes that questions for Sattler came from Serbia as well and Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic expressed hope that what Sattler wrote was a mistake. “Someone who represents the EU states the reconciliation would be an insult for the victims. This is truly horrifying, and I really hope a mistake has been made here,” Brnabic was quoted as saying.


Russian Defense Ministry says 158 B&H nationals are currently fighting on Ukrainian side (Glas Srpske)


The Russian Defense Ministry has stated that of the Balkan countries, most foreign mercenaries in the Ukrainian army come from Romania, Croatia, B&H and from the area of "self-proclaimed Kosovo." According to those data, 158 B&H nationals are currently fighting on the Ukrainian side and 262 Romanians are currently with them. Also, 123 Romanian mercenaries were killed in the fighting, and 119 left Ukraine. There are currently 204 mercenaries from Croatia in the Ukrainian army, and no information on their losses has been published. There are 156 Albanian mercenaries from "self-proclaimed" Kosovo in Ukraine, and 150 mercenaries from Albania. At the same time, no arrival of mercenaries from Serbia fighting on the Ukrainian side was recorded.


RS CC will decide about laws on protection of language of Serb people, Cyrillic letter, law on elementary education (BHT1/RTRS)


At its session held on Wednesday, the joint commission of the RS parliament and the RS Council of Peoples for harmonization of laws, regulations and other acts failed to reach consent on texts of laws on protection, preservation and use of language of the Serb people and the Cyrillic letter and the law on elementary education. Bosniaks invoked protection of the Vital National Interests in these two cases. The Council for protection of national interest of the RS Constitutional Court (CC) will establish constitutionality of the acts. BHT1 explains that Bosniaks deem that this law is discriminating and will demand the RS CC to assess its constitutionality. If this court fails to put a disputable law out of force, they will submit a motion with the B&H) CC in regards to abovementioned law. Member of joint commission of the RS parliament and RS CoP Senad Bratic said that this law is unconstitutional because it favors language of one out of three constituent peoples. President of the RS Council of Peoples and Chair of the joint commission Nada Tesanovic reminded that the Law on Cyrillic Alphabet was sent to the RS Constitutional Court already and it was established that there is no discrimination related to matters brought up now by Bosniak representatives. “We are practically repeating something, and we are preventing the law from coming to force, which is not alright”, Tesanovic added. Tesanovic also stated that there is nothing disputable about St. Sava Award because it is up to schools to propose who should get the award and winners may or may not accept it.


Medved presents Ukrainian Ambassador with translations of laws on veterans (Hina)


Croatian Minister for Veterans' Affairs Tomo Medved presented Ukrainian Ambassador Vasyly Kyrylych on Wednesday with Ukrainian translations of Croatian laws and programs relating to care for veterans and civilian victims of the 1991-95 Homeland War so that Ukraine can use solutions that best suit its needs. The laws in question concern Croatian Homeland War veterans and their families, civilian victims of the Homeland War, missing persons from the Homeland War, the Croatian Veterans Fund, as well as programs for psychosocial and health care and for self-employment, according to a press release from the Ministry of Veterans’ Affairs. This form of assistance had been requested by Ukraine’s Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Yulia Laputina during an online meeting with Medved in late May, when they agreed an exchange of experience and further cooperation. The two countries began cooperation in this area in 2016 based on Croatia’s experience in providing for veterans of its 1991-1995 war of independence. Ambassador Kyrylych thanked Croatia and its institutions for supporting Ukraine and its defenders. The meeting was also attended by Croatia’s Minister for Foreign and European Affairs, Gordan Grlic-Radman.


ICG issues report on Western Balkans, parts focus on situation in B&H (Vecernji list)


The daily reads that Brussels-seated International Crisis Group (ICG) has prepared a report about the Western Balkans, and that part of the report contains assessments about the situation in B&H, with a clear assessment that HDZ B&H and two or three Bosniak parties agreed to compromise changes to the Law on Elections of B&H, however SDA made a move that stopped resolving the issue of electoral legislation. According to the daily, this message clearly speaks who is at fault for failure of the electoral reform talks and a clear signal that Brussels is realizing what the real causes of the political crisis in B&H are, albeit at the level of NGO sector. According to the ICG, it is clear that the rivalry among the parties that are fighting for the Bosniak votes is the reason behind the electoral reform talks failure, adding that some leaders are not keen on making compromises prior to the coming pre-election campaign. The ICG’s report also reads that the EU will at one point continue with the efforts to change the electoral legislation in line with the offered proposal and that HDZ B&H made moves that cannot be assessed as positive. The daily further reads that the ICG’s clearly underlines that Croat representatives in the authorities were elected owing to the Bosniak votes. “Unlike Bosniaks and Serbs, Croats do not form a majority in any entity and thus lack entity-based protections; that is why the House of Peoples, and the Presidency are vital for them. On three occasions, Zeljko Komsic, an ethnic Croat whose support comes mostly from the Bosniak majority, won election to the three-person Presidency – nominally to represent the Croats – but with minimal support from Croat voters”, stresses the report. According to the daily, the report also warns that the election dispute poisons relations at the national level as well as in the Federation of B&H (FB&H), but more immediately, it undercuts any hope that the Croats and Bosniaks might present a united front against Serb separatism. Daily further reads that the ICG’s report also speaks about the assessment of the situation in B&H after the Russian aggression of Ukraine. The report also reads, among other issues, that Serbs reacted furiously to (former HR Valentin) Inzko’s law on ban of genocide denial, with the main Serb-majority parties denouncing it and boycotting B&H state institution.


Vucic congratulated Djukanovic on the occasion of Montenegro's Statehood Day (CdM)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic sent a congratulatory message to the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, on the occasion of July 13 - Montenegro's Statehood Day.

"Your Excellency, respected Mr. President, on the occasion of the Statehood Day of Montenegro, I send you, on behalf of the citizens of the Republic of Serbia and on my own behalf, my hearty congratulations and best wishes for the further prosperity of your country and the well-being of all its citizens," Vucic's congratulatory message states.


Blinken congratulates Montenegro’s Statehood Day (CdM)


American Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, on behalf of the United States of America, has congratulated the citizens of Montenegro on their Statehood Day. “Our countries are united in their love for freedom and unwavering commitment to democracy. While the Americans are working to strengthen democracy at home and abroad, we are watching how the multi-ethnic democracy of Montenegro is developing, becoming stronger, more inclusive and more participatory”, says Blinken. This year, he has recalled, we are celebrating the 5th anniversary of Montenegro’s membership in NATO.


The Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral: Djukanovic should lead his politics beyond church issues (TVCG)


It would be better if the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic conducts his politics without church issues, said the Metropolis of Montenegro and the Littoral in response to last night's interview of the President on the TVCG. "We ask ourselves, in front of the domestic and international public, whether the President of the State of Montenegro can and does manage politics, make plans and analyses, without taking the Church into his mouth? Since this is a declared atheist and a man who has repeatedly shown that he does not know and understand the church order or the role of the Church in society and history, would it not be better for him to be consistent with such worldviews and to conduct his politics outside of church topics", they stated in the statement. In the MCP, they believe that "his dealings with the Church tired Montenegrin citizens and did not bring anything good to anyone". "If it were about the personal spiritual and intellectual wanderings of one man, it would never be the subject of the church's public announcements. Because there are such wanderings and wanderings everywhere and in many lives. But since this is a politician who influences the lives and decisions of a certain number of citizens in various ways, and since this is an institution that should be the guarantor of preserving democratic standards, we cannot keep silent about his statements filled with intolerance and lies", they said from MCP and added: "From the first communist convictions, the most radical elements of which he has not fundamentally renounced to this day, to the imposition of Christmas holidays and the kissing of crosses, then through the open disparagement of the most sacred church gatherings and insults at the expense of church rituals; and then again to the recent designation of the Church as "mother" and then the simultaneous statements of shameless lies about the alleged participation of the clergy in war crimes in the wars of the 90s", announced the MCP. According to them, history does not remember such a change of mood and beliefs towards one and the same institution. "And President Djukanovic uttered these lies, which cannot be proven or explained by anything, in the same show in which he repeatedly said that he needed a lot of evidence to believe the prosecution's accusations against people who are already in prison! And he lies about the clergy without batting an eyelid. It is as if the priests do not have morals, dignity and family reputation - and all those human qualities that he subtly cares about when it comes to the newest detainees of the Spu prison. "He who has lightly decided to question the moral character of public officials, without sufficiently justified suspicion, cannot count on continuing to do his job in the future... and such behavior deserves criminal responsibility." All this was said by Djukanovic last night, overlooking that he described himself quite haphazardly when he connected the clergy of the Church with political projects and war crimes in a shocking way without a single proof", concluded the MCP.


NO, NO, NO! – Thousands of citizens on the streets across Skopje against the French proposal (Republika)


NO, NO, NO! – Thousands of citizens on the streets across Skopje against the French proposal

Thousands of citizens came out to protest tonight under the slogan “Ultimatum, no thanks”. This is the tenth protest in a row against the French proposal. The protest march started in front of the government building through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the parliament building. The people showed unity and determination last night. Macedonia is not for sale, even if the information passes in the parliament, the constitutional amendments must not pass. Ultimatum, NO thanks! said the organizers of the protest. Yes, I know exactly what it says, is the precise answer of the leader of VMRO-DPMNE to the reporter’s question whether he saw exactly what is written in the French proposal. Yes, I know exactly what it says. If you want me to tell you there are two documents there, one is General Conditions. One is practically the part where the negotiating framework is located, and the other is the document that should be accepted now by our government. In article 11 of the second document, it is clearly stated that Macedonia will not start negotiations until the Constitution is changed, and in point 14 the European Commission welcomes the protocol of the second intergovernmental conference between Macedonia and Bulgaria. Just so you know what it is, it is part of the bilateral agreement between Macedonia and Bulgaria, Article 12 of that Agreement where the state undertakes to hold an intergovernmental conference once a year and a protocol is signed at that intergovernmental conference. This protocol, the second, contains history, revision of the textbooks, erasure of the monuments. We need to erase from our monuments that we were under fascist occupation by the Bulgarians, that is, the allies of fascist Germany here in Macedonia. More than 7,200 Jews were deported from Macedonia to Treblinka during World War II. We need to erase that this nation, a libertarian nation, fought for an independent state against the fascist occupier. This will be the modified proposal and that is why we are against it, because we will not talk about the rule of law, we will not talk about a better economy, we will not talk about the fight against crime and corruption, we will not talk about stronger institutions. We will talk about whether Goce Delcev was Bulgarian or Macedonian, whether the Ilinden Uprising was Macedonian or Bulgarian, whether we erased that monument, we didn’t erase the other monument, etc. That is the essence, that is why we are against it. And we are the only country, the only country that has such conditions in its negotiating framework, in addition to the Copenhagen conditions and in addition to the conditions defined by the stabilization and association process. That’s why we are against it.


Mogherini came for the name, Von der Leyen for the French proposal: EU following the same scenario for Macedonia (Republika)


The European Union’s behavior with the French proposal is mirrored by the events following the 2016 election and name change. The actors are different, but the script is the same. For tomorrow, when Macron’s proposal is planned to be voted on, it has been announced that the president of the European Commission, President Ursula Von der Leyen, will pay a visit to Macedonia. She will attend the parliamentary session while the proposal is being voted on in case things go in the wrong direction and one of the MPs does not vote. The EU does not want to leave anything to chance, and therefore all diplomatic forces are focused on passing the proposal, which everyone knows does not mean a date for the start of negotiations. The EU desperately needs to show some success with Macedonia, even if it is with a solution that means negotiations until the end. Anyway, the future of the region will be in some kind of “second league” of the EU, in which Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo and Bosnia will enter. Only maybe Montenegro will be pushed into membership in the next ten years and that’s it. The previous composition of the European Commission wanted to show similar success with Macedonia. Then the EU supported the then opposition led by Zoran Zaev with all its might. Instead of von der Leyen in the main role was the high representative Federica Mogherini. She came to Macedonia to convince the then president to give Zaev the mandate to form a government even though he was defeated in the elections. Moreover, Mogherini, as now Von der Leyen, appeared in Nivici at the signing of the Prespa Agreement, which changed the constitutional name of Macedonia.


Kovacevski: I expect the MPs to think statesmanlike, as representatives of the people, not just the parties (Libertas)


Regarding the decision in the parliament, I expect a fruitful and substantial discussion, I expect that the deputies will be at the level of the task that is before them and that they will think statesmanlike and soberly, as befits them, as representatives of the people, and not only of the political parties, said in an interview for MIA Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski, regarding the expectations from the session in the parliament, on the agenda of which is the French proposal. Kovacevski emphasized that a discussion will first be opened in the parliament, and then the conclusions will be adopted, with which the government will be obliged to act in accordance with certain principles from which it will not be allowed to deviate, and all with the aim of protecting the positions, which, as said, they are the most important to us as a country in this whole process. This way, SDSM is making efforts to come to a proposal of conclusions that would be acceptable to all parties, and which will pave the way for the acceptance of the proposal and will enable the start of negotiations, Kovacevski stressed. When asked why such conclusions at all, if they have no influence on the proposal, Kovacevski says that the conclusions that will be adopted will practically oblige the government of the Republic of North Macedonia, in the process of negotiations, to take exceptional care of our red lines, that is to commit to protection of national identity and all our specificities to be preserved and protected. We know who we are, and no one can ever change that. We are Macedonians, we speak the Macedonian language, and we have specific cultural features, traditions, and customs that we cherish and respect every day. And with that thought and, in that way, we are taking the first step towards the EU, that's how we will enter the EU, as Macedonians with our Macedonian language and identity, said Kovacevski in the interview for MIA. To the question of whether the Macedonian language is really being protected and the fears that there are pitfalls, especially with the unilateral statement, Kovacevski answers that with the start of the negotiations, the entire EU legislation will be translated into the Macedonian language. Every spoken or written word will be spoken and written in the Macedonian language. There is no greater confirmation and protection for an important identity issue than this. This closes the issue of identity once and for all, he adds. Regarding the protocol, whether it is harmonized, whether he has seen it and when it will be available to the public, Kovacevski answers: "First of all, I want it to be crystal clear - the protocol is actually a record of a meeting between the ministries of foreign affairs, a bilateral document that does not condition the negotiation framework. In fact, the protocol is not even mentioned in the negotiating framework. Even more, the protocol confirms that it is not connected and does not condition the start of negotiations. For that reason, I appeal not to speculate about the content and importance of this document." The Prime Minister says that what is important to know about the protocol is that it is done on the basis of reciprocity. We insist on that. This means that the obligations or tasks that we and Bulgaria will set ourselves as two countries, bilaterally, are valid for both sides. No one has the mandate to accept unilateral requests, nor can they act on them. Reciprocity as a principle is the basis for everything that is done, Kovacevski added. In the interview, Kovacevski refers to the protests, the possibility of rapprochement of views with the opposition, the stability of the government coalition, but also economic topics at a time when the budget rebalancing is being brought to the parliament, and appropriate responses to the economic crisis are expected. We hear strong encouragement these days from high representatives of the EU and the USA for accepting the French proposal. German Prime Minister Scholz came out with an emotional message that the EU wants to see us inside, and that difficult compromises always lead to progress. By definition, negotiations are a compromise, just like the entry into the EU itself is a compromise. To be inside the European family or outside the EU? North Macedonia has great friends in the European Union and the United States. They are our strategic partners with whom we have had strong cooperation and unequivocal support for the realization of our goals as a country since independence until now. From that position, they know how important it is to start negotiations with the EU that will mean a new era of accelerated development, accelerated and sustainable economic growth and a secure future for the next generations. All our great and historic decisions were based on compromise solutions, they lead forward, but also require leadership and courage, wisdom as well as responsibility. I personally believe and am convinced that we will come out of this process as stronger, more stable and we will rapidly move towards a common, more promising future. We are a country that wants to become a member of the EU. At the moment, when our positions are expressed from the outside, only as a candidate country, without negotiating status, the table position is not equal, the balance is completely different. When North Macedonia sits at the same table with Germany, France, Czech Republic, things will be able to be presented more clearly, louder and from the same level. We will then be equal and from that position and we will defend our positions stronger and more effectively. We get the opportunity from the position of a country negotiating with the EU to promote our positions at a higher level, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the start of negotiations. Prime Minister, where is the compromise for North Macedonia with the French proposal, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs constantly harmonizes and negotiates, and what is Sofia's compromise? It is interesting that Edi Rama, Aleksandar Vucic do not hide that something is gained, something is lost, do we have any information about the negotiation framework for Albania, for example. Does Albania's bilateral disagreements with Greece, which is also a member of the EU, come into play there, or is this a special relationship of Brussels only for North Macedonia and is there a deadline by which Skopje has to declare itself on the proposal? Each negotiating framework is specific to itself and suits the circumstances of each country individually. What is good for us, and what we have negotiated in the past period and agreed to be in our favor, that is, for which the Bulgarian side gave way, is for example the clear position on the language. If you remember, the Bulgarian side did not want to have any indication of the Macedonian language in any form. Today we have pure Macedonian language in the negotiation framework. And that is not a small thing, but it is essential for us as a country. We managed from an unfavorable position, knowing that these are our red lines, to reach a solution that is absolutely positive for our people. In addition, Bulgaria, even in the draft proposal that we rejected in Brussels, was of the opinion that the Constitution should be changed in order to include the Bulgarians before the start of the negotiations, that without that change, the negotiations cannot start for us. The official proposal of the European Union now foresees the most urgent start of the negotiations, we managed to find a solution, that is, the constitutional change should happen after the opening of the negotiations, after the screening phase, and before the opening of the chapters. Also, the working version of the French proposal, which I publicly rejected in Brussels, provided for the protocol to be fully mentioned, that is, it was intended to be placed in the negotiation framework. Regarding the opening of the chapters, it was left to be decided again and additionally, that is, it was foreseen that the chapters would not be opened automatically. This was not acceptable for us and through dialogue and negotiations, we managed to protect our positions. The protocol is not in the negotiation framework, the opening of the chapters is guaranteed automatically with the first intergovernmental conference, and after the changes in the Constitution, without new political decisions and without delay. The French proposal is now before the deputies, there were remarks from the opposition that the documents are not completed, the materials were sent yesterday. First, it was a problem why the gshould decide, and not the people, that is, the MPs, now it is in the Assembly and they are saying that it should be returned. What are your expectations from the parliamentary session? The opposition, unfortunately, simply does not have the capacity for statesmanship. They are not at all interested in a substantive discussion of the European proposal, which offers us the beginning of negotiations. They wanted to change four positions in the proposal that were actually already incorporated. Their statements and demands are pure manipulation. Look at their recent statements, reject the proposal, and we will withdraw from the demand for early elections and unblock the parliament. It says only one thing, that their only goal is power, that's all they talk about, that's all their demands. They are not at all interested in the future of the country and the opportunities that open before us. The same is happening with the hysteria about Bulgarianization and assimilation. No Bulgarianization or assimilation is happening or will happen. For the simple reason that no one can do anything to us without our will. Until now, throughout history, no one has succeeded in assimilating us, nor has assimilated us, nor will they assimilate us. We know who we are, and no one can ever change that. We are Macedonians, we speak the Macedonian language, and we have specific cultural features, traditions, and customs that we cherish and respect every day. And with that thought and, in that way, we are taking the first step towards the EU, that's how we will enter the EU, as Macedonians with our Macedonian language and identity. The fact that the opposition uses platitudes like Bulgarianization and assimilation only shows lack of ideas and fear that when the country moves forward, with the start of negotiations for membership in the EU, for them, for all those who do not have a single visionary cell in them, there will be no opportunity to pull it again. There will be no way to sow lies that we will disappear, because exactly contrary to the claims, our Macedonian language and identity will be protected. With the start of the negotiations, the entire EU legislation will be translated into the Macedonian language. Every spoken or written word will be spoken and written in the Macedonian language. There is no greater confirmation and protection for an important identity issue than this. This closes the topic of identity once and for all. Regarding the decision in the parliament, I expect a fruitful and substantial discussion. I expect that the MPs will be up to the task before them and that they will think statefully and soberly, as befits them, as representatives of the people, and not only of political parties. You had a meeting with the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski, the views that he presents to the public regarding the proposal, in short "No", as well as the slogans of the protests that are held, are known. According to Mickoski, the proposal leads to endless negotiations and assimilation at Bulgarian dictation. Did he offer you, did you discuss an alternative, not only for "No", but what is "Yes" for North Macedonia? The question very realistically shows the approach of the opposition in this historical process. The opposition, I say again unfortunately, has no idea what our alternative is, that is, some of them turn their eyes to the east. That is why they are always against, not for. I said before, their only desire is power, their alleged fight for Macedonian interests is a fight for supremacy. And here there is no other idea. All their statements and actions are in that direction and based on that principle. They tried now, in 2022, to stage a bloody scenario that reminded us all of the bloody 27 April, all with a single goal, just like when they wanted to retain power with such a scenario, and now with the goal of coming to power. State interests are completely unimportant to them. I responsibly claim that our only alternative is the European Union and that should be clear to all of us. The EU is our largest trade partner, as much as 80 percent of our trade is with the countries of the European Union, more than 80 percent of direct investments in the country are from EU member states. Our legislation is already 45 percent harmonized with EU legislation. We are simply naturally connected to Europe and the European Union. And I will say again, the Agreement does not lead to any assimilation and Bulgarianization. While our citizens are threatening them with alleged "Bulgarianization" and that "from tomorrow we will no longer be Macedonians", they have in their ranks dozens of prominent officials with Bulgarian passports who long ago, when receiving those documents, declared that they have Bulgarian self-awareness. The hypocrisy of VMRO-DPMNE knows no boundaries. Your smaller coalition partners also have reservations about the proposal, not to allow all Bulgarian demands to be included in the negotiation framework. Is the government coalition stable? You perceive it as blackmail, especially because a constituency was previously promised, but nothing materialized. You don't believe it? We live in a democracy, our political views may differ, but what is most important is to keep in mind the welfare of the citizens and the prosperity of the state. The coalition is absolutely stable, the majority is stable and there should be no doubt about that. In the last proposal, our Macedonian demands are inserted. As I said, I am guided by the interest of the citizens and the progress of the country. I don't see it that way, blackmail or something similar, I think it became clear to everyone that blackmail does not work with me, I have a different approach. The protests continue, they have no official organizer, but are supported by VMRO-DPMNE and Leftists. These days pass peacefully, at certain days there were incidents and clashes. The president of the state stated that third parties, specifically Russia, are using them for their geopolitics, the Russian Embassy denied. What is your current knowledge of the possible impacts on the protests? The right to protest is a guaranteed civil and constitutional right in a democracy like ours. We have all participated in protests, and it was always primarily because we wanted substantial changes in the country. It should be clear to all of us that these protests, first of all, are not civic protests as the opposition wants to portray them, they are organized by VMRO-DPMNE and Leftist and are absolutely unrelated to the European proposal, although at first glance it seemed that way. I have pointed out before, these protests are a bare struggle for power. It is impermissible to abuse protests for violence and violation, to injure people. In just a few short days, we have about 50 injured members of the police, some of them with severe and serious injuries. The legitimate right to protest must not in any case be turned into violence, and all for the purpose of satisfying personal interests or interests of third parties, who are not sitting on the sidelines of all this. We unfortunately have a parliamentary party that is financed from outside and it really does not surprise me that they are so eager to threaten the stability and security of our country. I sincerely hope that VMRO-DPMNE and the Left will gather strength and find the capacity to express their views institutionally and in forums where they have the obligation to do so, such as the parliament. If they really have serious concerns as they represent, and the protests are not initiated only and solely for the sake of a struggle to get to power, they should express their opinion first of all on a platform. From 2017 onwards, we have a democratic government and a real democratic administration. All the tools are made available to them, something that was not the case or practiced at all before. It is perfectly clear to me why the opposition is confused and does not know how to behave democratically, but really, they had enough years to build a democratic capacity. They had enough time to resolve at least one essential issue, at least one decision to make which will not be easy but will be significant for the future of the country. But they didn't. It’s time for them to start really talking about the core problems and engage in a real discussion about the strategic goals of the state. Open Balkans is an alternative to the EU friendship or just facilitating the economic communication of the neighbors. How much that "openness" can or should grow beyond the economic customs barriers, especially if the EU continues to have a special, we would say complicating rather than facilitating process and especially since the EU when we started 17 years ago and today's are a different provocation and security? Open Balkans is economic cooperation and Europeanization at the same time. Two huge benefits that are a serious need for the entire region and for all citizens of the countries of the region. But Open Balkans should not be presented or interpreted as an alternative to any other political or economic initiative, least of all as an alternative to the EU. An open Balkan is compatible with the integration process, and this was confirmed by the European leaders with their statements. It is a practical implementation of the four European freedoms and is a way to connect more closely with the countries of the region and ensure accelerated economic growth and development. Therefore, we can consider Open Balkans as an accelerator of our European integration through which the countries of the Balkans implement the freedom of flow of people, goods and services more quickly. An open Balkan is also attractive for the EU member states because our three countries are an important crossroads between the Black Sea and the Adriatic, but also between the port of Thessaloniki and the Baltic. This way of connecting and integrating is extremely important to us. North Macedonia also needs the EU and the Open Balkans and NATO and all other alliances and initiatives that move the region forward.


Stoltenberg press conference with Rama: I welcome Albania's support to Ukraine and its commitment to humanitarian aid (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama held a press conference together with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels. Both of them focused on the Russian threat posed to the alliance as well as the war in Ukraine. During his speech, the head of NATO thanked Albania for the rapid ratification of the membership protocols of Finland and Sweden. This, according to Stoltenberg, will strengthen NATO and increase security for these countries. "I congratulate Albania for ratifying the membership protocols very quickly and for that I thank you. This shows that NATO's door remains open. Welcoming Finland and Sweden into the alliance makes NATO stronger and those countries safer. NATO stands with Ukraine in its war against Russia. I welcome Albania's support to Ukraine and its commitment to humanitarian aid. So, Prime Minister Rama, thank you for Albania's contribution in this direction", said Stoltenberg. During his speech, Rama requested the speedy approach of Kosovo in the direction of the alliance.

In his speech, Stoltenberg stated that the fact that Albania approved in the Parliament the ratification of the protocols of the membership of Finland and Sweden in NATO shows that the door of NATO remains open. "I'm glad to see you again. Albania is a highly valued ally. Albania contributes to the multinational NATO forces in Latvia and Bulgaria. You also help prevent any aggression against NATO allied countries and the Western Balkans is of strategic importance to NATO. At the NATO summit in Madrid, we took decisions with quite substantial effects to strengthen the alliance. A new strategic concept. We agreed to invite Finland and Sweden to join NATO and I thank Albania for ratifying the membership protocols for both countries. This proves that NATO's door remains open," said Stoltenberg. While Prime Minister Rama in his speech expressed his pride that Albania was one of the first NATO countries to approve the protocol for the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO. He also reiterated his support for Ukraine. He emphasized the need for a permanent dialogue between NATO and the countries of the Western Balkans, including Serbia. "It is a pleasure and an honor to return here and have the opportunity to share with you some opinions after the Madrid summit, which was a historic moment for the transatlantic alliance. I am proud that our parliament became the first of the allied countries to approve the protocol for the accession of Finland and Sweden. We stand in full solidarity with Ukraine and it is indisputable for the territorial integrity of Ukraine. It is important to continue the conversation regarding the situation and the obligations we have in Western Balkans to prevent any escalation and to prevent any bad influence from turning into problems for our region. In our capacity we will play our traditional role in support of regional peace, stability. The new strategic concept emphasizes the strategic role of the Western Balkans for NATO. I think it is important to continue a permanent dialogue with the countries of the Western Balkans, including Serbia, which is not part of our alliance, but is still part of our region," said Rama, while he emphasizing the need to consider the inclusion of Kosovo in the partnership for peace. The Partnership for Peace is a program of practical bilateral cooperation between the Euro-Atlantic partner states and NATO, established in 1994, allowing the states to choose their own priorities for cooperation. "I had the chance to tell you what I mentioned at the summit, the need to consider the inclusion of Kosovo in the partnership for peace. We know there are political constraints from some allies and this is a consensual body. In the times we live in, in my humble opinion, it is wise to reconsider it. I greatly appreciate your availability to present to you our ambition to add value to the infrastructure and logistics of our alliance by making available to NATO a state-of-the-art naval base that will be a place we can build with the challenges of our time from climate change and everything else," he said.