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Belgrade Media Report 27 July 2022



Vucic and Orban: Serbia and Hungary will be supporting each other (Beta)


In a phone conversation on Tuesday, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban once again expressed sincere commitment to bilateral cooperation and readiness to contribute to boosting friendly ties between the two countries. Vucic and Orban stressed that Serbia and Hungary would be supporting each other and would be dealing with all the difficulties ahead together, according to a release from Vucic’s office. The two officials also discussed the situation in the region, migrant crisis, various issues within the EU, and burning global issues. Vucic thanked the Hungarian government for its assistance with a natural gas storage facility, which would contribute to Serbia’s energy security. Vucic also said he would be meeting with Orban soon.


Popovic: After constitutional change judicial laws up for changes, Venetian Commission to help (Beta)


Serbian Minister of Justice Maja Popovic said at a 26 July meeting with representatives of the European Council's Venetian Commission that recent constitutional reforms posed only a first step in reforms in the area of the judiciary as strengthening the independence of the judiciary, the independence of public prosecutors and the rule of law could not be achieved without quality judicial laws. “The Venetian Commission's constant participation in the process of changing the Serbian Constitution in the parts that apply to the judiciary, was not only key for the quality of the constitutional changes, but also represents proof of the successful cooperation that we have established,” Popovic was quoted as saying in a Ministry of Justice release. Popovic stressed that the example of the constitutional changes had revealed that the best approach in composing well-worded laws meant the participation of the Venetian Commission from the very beginning of the process and called on its representatives to provide comments, proposals and suggestions.


Petkovic discussed with Chinese Ambassador current situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the dialogue (Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic spoke today with the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China Chen Bo about the progress of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and the current political and security situation in the province, especially in light of the unilateral and illegal moves by Pristina regarding Serbian license plates and identity cards, which directly undermine the dialogue and they threaten to destabilize the situation on the ground. Petkovic emphasized that the daily political messages and actions of the representatives of the provisional institutions of self-government confirm that the Pristina side does not intend to sincerely participate in the creation of conditions for the normalization of political and inter-ethnic relations in the region, but to resort to moves whose main goal is to generate tensions and cause destabilization.


Open Balkans members agree on free movement of basic foodstuffs (RTS/Beta)


Marko Cadez, the President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, announced on Wednesday that the member states of the Open Balkans initiative agreed in Tirana that there would be no restrictions on the flow of basic foodstuffs between Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia. “We penned an agreement – which will be signed at the next summit, in Belgrade in September – whereby there will be no restrictions on the movement of flour, sugar and [other] basic foodstuffs within the Open Balkans. We will map the production and storage capacities of all three countries to determine our readiness for the free movement of goods,” Cadez told RTS.

He added that such an agreement will encourage producers to make longer-term contracts because the state guarantees that there will be no delays. The agreement, however, will include a ban on re-exportation to prevent possible manipulations. As for the current situation with basic foods in Serbia, the Chamber of Commerce president stated that there are no shortages and that the greatest issue at present is the price of pork.


Talks in Tirana on increase of exports of Serbian products (Tanjug)


Serbian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Branislav Nedimovic participated on Tuesday in Tirana in a meeting of the Group for Crisis Mitigation as part of the Open Balkans Initiative. Nedimovic also spoke with buyers of wheat, oil and sugar from Albania, and the meeting was held with the aim of increasing the export of Serbian products and enabling a full usage of potentials of the Open Balkans Initiative. One of the first results of the initiative is abolishing borders in the exchange of food products between Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania.


Kamberi: Pristina did not decide on whether we will participate in census (Politika/Bujanovacke)


Saip Kamberi, the representative of Albanians in the Serbian parliament, says that the census of Albanians in three municipalities in the south of Serbia is in the interest of the citizens, and denies his colleague Nagib Arifi that Pristina gave its blessing for the participation of Albanians from Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac in the census. Kamberi denies this information and claims that the reasons for the decision on the participation of Albanians in the census are completely different. “Our Albanian National Council has been holding discussions with the Ministry of Human Rights and the OSCE regarding the issue of the population census for some time. Given that the conditions are acceptable this time, we decided to participate in the census. Therefore, it is not about Pristina, but our interest in participating to see how many people we have and how many people actually live in our municipalities,” our interlocutor was decisive. According to him, the main obstacles were that in the last census in 2011, the number of enumerators was reduced, and the material was not printed in bilingual script - Albanian and Serbian. “It was not allowed to enumerate all persons in the diaspora, and that’s why we decided to boycott, that is, not to participate in the enumeration. An adequate number of Albanian instructors and enumerators are now provided, so these are the conditions accepted by the Ministry and that is why we made this decision,” he explains. Kamberi says that now the situation with the diaspora has been resolved by the fact that everyone who comes from these three municipalities and lives for more than 12 months abroad will be registered as non-residents. And what this means in practice was vividly explained during the visit to Bujanovac in May by the Ambassador of the OSCE mission in Serbia, Jan Bratu, for the Bujanovacke portal:

“No documents will be required for the census. So someone will be able to say: My son Shpetim does not currently live here, but in Germany. So Shpetim will be registered as a resident of Bujanovac or any other place, but he is not a resident.” He also added that family members, even neighbors, will be able to give enumerators information about other family members who are not at home at that moment, so that they will also be counted (enumerated).


Dacic convenes constitutional session of Serbian parliament (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic convened the first session of the Serbian parliament, 13th Legislature, for Monday, 1 August 2022, starting at 10am. The agenda will be as follows: verification of the MPs’ terms of office; election of the speaker; election of the deputy speakers; appointment of the Secretary General; election of members of parliament’s working bodies; election of members of the standing parliamentary delegations to international institutions.


The British receive another license to dig up gold in Kosovo and Metohija (Politika)


Western Tethyan Resources (WTR), which is 75 percent owned by the British company Ariana Resources, has received another license for gold exploration in Kosovo and Metohija, in the area of the municipality of Podujevo, Pristina media are reporting. WTR has three more gold prospecting licenses in the province, pending the final approval from the Independent Mines and Minerals Commission, according to Proactiv. The new permit concerns the village of Hrtica, in the municipality of Podujevo, and covers 58 square kilometers. "The addition of a highly promising project in Hrtica to the WTR portfolio is a significant step in the development of our exploration in Kosovo," said Ariana Resources Managing Director Kerim Sener. WTR now has 297 square kilometers of land under license in Kosovo and Metohija and an additional 161 square kilometers where work has begun.


Djukanovic: Abazovic’s actions to be judged by voters, courts and history; logically, Montenegro should be first next EU member (


Interviewed by Tamara Nikcevic

Autonomija: Mr. President, Montenegro has been given a historic chance to become the first next member of the EU, both Montenegrin and Western officials have been repeating for the last few weeks. Will Montenegro take that opportunity?

Djukanovic: Yes, Montenegro got a chance to progress in the negotiation process and that is the path to EU membership.

It is logical for Montenegro to be the first next member of the EU, because in the current course of negotiations it is far ahead of all the candidate states. In addition, there are no geopolitical doubts, because it has complied its foreign and security policy with the EU for several years.

Whether we will take the given opportunity, depends on us. More precisely, it depends primarily on the performance of the Government and other state bodies of Montenegro.

The chance definitely exists and one should try to take advantage of it.

That’s why I was so critical of the Government’s maneuver to assume the issue of signing the Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) to the previously agreed priorities, which concern good pace on the European path. It was also, very hasty.

Autonomija: Before we move on to the issue of the Agreement with the Church of Serbia, allow me one more thing… So, in the event that Montenegro fails to meet the necessary conditions for continued European integration, what awaits it? What can be an alternative?

Djukanovic: The alternative is at least well known to us: even deeper lagging behind the European level of economic and democratic development and, almost certainly, frequent disruptions of regional stability.

Ignoring the earlier history due to which this part of Europe objectively waged more wars than it worked and developed, it is enough to recall only the Balkan lagging behind Europe in the decades after the World War II, when the idea of the EU was launched and developed.

In the meantime, the EU has taken under its wing more or less everyone who wanted it and who was able to qualify for a prestigious society with the quality of the reforms.

We, who even then had other priorities, today very clearly see the price of our choice.

Autonomija: You mentioned the signing of the Agreement with the Church of Serbia, which Prime Minister Abazovic insists on, despite the advice of Western diplomats not to do so. It is hard to find an example in history of someone working so diligently to overthrow his own government as Prime Minister Abazovic did. Do you have an explanation?

Djukanovic: Whoever set out to overthrow his government, he did. What are the reasons for the aforementioned turn in the Government’s choice of priorities and whether there is anything rational about it, should be discussed with the Prime Minister.

In order to help the Government to be successful in achieving the agreed goals during its one-year term, I have discussed this with Mr. Abazovic several times. The Prime Minister had his own position on that issue, which I did not understand enough. I assume that he has some goals of his own, which are not entirely consistent with mine, and that is why he does not share them with me. It’s legitimate.

But with legitimacy, it should be understood that we all have responsibility for what we do. Voters, courts, and history will judge that.

Autonomija: How do you see the assessments that Prime Minister Abazovic takes more care of the interests of the authorities in Belgrade than of the interests of the country whose Prime Minister he is?

Djukanovic: I would not join the chorus of assumptions. Instead, I will say something of which I am absolutely sure: the fact that the Government, changing the European priorities that should have been a motivating platform for the homogenization of human and political resources, has put the relationship between the State and the SPC in the foreground, which has been proven countless times as an issue for deepening divisions in society and neglecting the challenges facing Montenegro today and tomorrow – is not in Montenegro’s interest.

Autonomija: Whose interest is it in?

Djukanovic: It’s in the interest of those who do not want to see Montenegro as a stable, civil, prosperous state – a member of the EU. There are plenty of such in Montenegro and in the neighborhood.

Autonomija: Since 2020, this is the second government in a row that has been systematically destroying the economic, cultural, national and state existence of Montenegro. Apart from the Church of Serbia, who “helped” all those governments in the attempt to make the country of which you are the president of appear unsustainable in every sense?

Djukanovic: Citizens helped them the most in the elections. Because, you specified well: this is not a wild Podgorica Assembly, held at a mountainside at a time when Montenegro has its own Constitution and authorities; this is the Government that gained legitimacy in the elections. And that’s why its decisions and responsibility are more difficult and far-reaching.

When it comes to helpers, they were also on other sides.

Autonomija: Where?

Djukanovic: Both in the East and in the West. But it is easy for them to do it. Namely, it costs them nothing to ruin the future of a small Balkan state. They will never apologize to us for that. On the other hand, it is something we can no longer allow. We have committed enough such suicides throughout history.

Autonomija: What exactly do you find controversial in the draft Agreement with the Church of Serbia?

Djukanovic: A lot of things. First of all, the way it was adopted – hastily, behind the backs of the public, who, justified or not, consider the issue very important. Also, historiographical falsifications, lies with which the SPC, as the most vicious instrument of Great Serbian nationalism and Russian imperialism in the Balkans, tries to help the theft of Montenegrin history. Then there are many norms of the Agreement, which are in conflict with the Constitution and systemic laws of Montenegro. Isn’t it enough?

Autonomija: Vice Prime Minister Rasko Konjevic says that this Government is practically in a technical mandate. Can the Prime Minister of such a government sign the controversial Agreement with the Church of Serbia?

Djukanovic: Yes, he can. Because the Government is not yet in its technical mandate and has the constitutional authority to sign such a national disgrace.

Autonomija: Do you also dispute Prime Minister Abazovic’s next priority – the Open Balkans?

Djukanovic: Yes, it is very controversial. It is about an alternative scenario for the future of the Western Balkans outside the EU. Which we don’t need. We need EU membership. Those who do not see our region in Europe, do not see multi-ethnic democracy in the Balkans, either. They like the idea of changing borders, ethnic and religious homogenization within enlarged states. As usual, everything starts traditionally from the Serbian side, this time in the “Serbian World”.

Autonomija: Do we know how it ends?

Djukanovic: Of course. It should end with the disappearance of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo and North Macedonia. But it is certain that it would end in war and a few more genocides.

Autonomija: Part of the public believes that your party and you are extremely tolerant towards the increasingly open destruction of the state and society carried out by part of Prime Minister Abazovic’s Government. Are you doing this only because of the intention to secure the necessary parliamentary majority for the adoption of reforms that are a condition for continued EU integration, or are there other reasons as well?

Djukanovic: I don’t care much about those statements. They are continuously repeated from the circle of those who for 30 years have been doing nothing but finding fault with the Democratic Party of Socialists, in order to reinforce the impression of their exclusive patriotism and intelligence. If you meet them somewhere, tell them that DPS has politically defended Montenegro in these two years.

Autonomija: I don’t have to tell them, Mr. President, they will read this; my interviews are read… But, if we are already mentioning EU integration, look at North Macedonia, which made almost unimaginable concessions, which is why it suffered serious internal turbulence. Are you afraid that Montenegro, by calling national interests into question, could end up being cheated by the EU? North Macedonia eventually opened negotiations, but after what a great deal of Macedonian society experienced as national humiliation.

Djukanovic: I am not afraid, because we have correctly defined the national interests on that issue. Montenegro and its citizens need a higher quality of life. It has been verified that it cannot be reached by abandoning the home track of European development. Therefore, we in Montenegro and the Western Balkans need a European system of values: a developed market economy, democracy, rule of law, respect and improvement of human rights… If this leads us to membership in the EU – great. If at some point that door closes, it does not mean that we should traditionally choose the worst substitute: Balkan, non-European political autism, which leads to further backwardness and consequently to renewed instability. Whether we end up in the EU or not – we need a European quality of life for people. And that is the task of every responsible government.

Autonomija: Has the West learned anything from the bloody lesson of Russian aggression against Ukraine?

Djukanovic: Yes. Much. Especially the EU. The aggression against Ukraine was correctly understood as an attack on the European system of values and the security of Europe, which is why the EU is so engaged, so united, determined and effective. It must remain such if it wants to ensure its geopolitical competitiveness on the global stage.

Autonomija: Will it remain such, what do you think?

Djukanovic: I don’t want to be an ominous prophet… I am a European. And I wish my house well. The EU must survive and complete the process of European unification. Europe must remain in the closest alliance with America, because it is an alliance based on identical values.

Autonomija: Would you dare to predict the outcome of the war?

Djukanovic: Hardly anyone can predict that. Especially the length of the war. However, some evaluations have already been performed.

Autonomija: Which ones?

Djukanovic: Russia is the big loser in this conflict. First of all, the myth of the omnipotence of the Russian army has been destroyed. Also, due to the brutal violation of international law and the UN Charter, the reputation of a permanent member of the Security Council has been destroyed. Finally, in the long run, sanctions that are only increasing will threaten the economic and social development of that country and deepen the gap with the other largest and most developed countries in the world.

Autonomija: How do you see the relations between Montenegro and Serbia? Did Prime Minister Abazovic’s “historic visit” manage to “reset” them?

Djukanovic: Are you joking?!

Autonomija: I’m just quoting the Prime Minister.

Djukanovic: Do you think that one, any visit, can reset relations contaminated for almost two centuries?!

Autonomija: In a recent interview for the Voice of America, three American ambassadors sharply criticized the West’s attitude towards Serbia, especially towards President Aleksandar Vucic. ‘One country stands out in the region because it undermines the US and the EU when it comes to the most important issue – the Russian invasion of Ukraine. That’s Serbia. Both the US and the EU are doing nothing about it… The United States praises Aleksandar Vucic even though he supports Russia by refusing to apply sanctions’, said Professor Edward Joseph. As the president of a country that has been the victim of Serbia’s brutal interference in the internal affairs of Montenegro over the past few years, how do you see the role of official Belgrade in the Western Balkans?

Djukanovic: Everyone has the right to their geopolitical positions. USA mostly. My responsibility as a partner has always been to tell them that they do not see some processes in the Western Balkans objectively, and to offer convincing arguments for my statements. This exhausts our obligations, and our responsibility to protect our national interests begins. Because even when our most powerful partners for some reason do not see or do not want to see the picture of the problem as it is, we must defend our home. And learn some important political lessons.

Autonomija: Why are the EU and the USA silent on Serbia’s constant attempts to destabilize the countries of the Western Balkans?

Djukanovic: That is not a question for me. It is only mine to observe: you reap what you sow. Today, the situation in the Western Balkans is worse than five years ago. Our region is now value-devastated by Russia’s hybrid destruction. In addition, it is seriously swayed by the reality of the foreseeable European perspective. These are the consequences that will have to be treated even after the war in Ukraine stops.

Autonomija: If you look at the damage that the Government has caused so far and that it still may cause, do you think you made a mistake when you decided to entrust the mandate for the composition of the minority Government to a person like Dritan Abazovic?

Djukanovic: No. It was the best choice at the time. The alternative to the formation of a minority government was the extension of the apostolic government, which the whole world began to mock. Of course, elections were also a possibility, but the majority of parliamentary parties did not want them, either.

Autonomija: “I know what will happen. It’s not for the media. And what will happen is great for Montenegro. I’m also waiting for that year 2023”, Prime Minister Abazovic told the Serbian media in response to a question about your alleged retirement from politics. Do you know what will happen to you in 2023?

Djukanovic: I know, of course. And I believe that this is what Prime Minister Abazovic meant as well. In 2023, the parliamentary elections will take place, during which Montenegro will once again receive a normal political government, which will continue to lead it along the path it successfully followed until 30 August 2020.




Tuesday’s protest of citizens in front of OHR ends around noon; New protest to take place on Wednesday (O Kanal/BHT1)


The protest of citizens in front of the building of the Office of the High Representative (OHR), which continued on Tuesday morning, ended before noon. Several dozen citizens stayed overnight after Monday’s protests and they were joined by a couple more on Tuesday morning. New protests were announced for Wednesday at 13:00 hours. The citizens repeated their demands toward High Representative Christian Schmidt not to impose any changes to the B&H Election Law and to address the public to explain his decisions. News portal ‘’ reported that Schmidt did not impose changes to the law on Tuesday, but he did not give up on the plan to impose them either. It was reported on Tuesday that Schmidt will meet ambassadors of the Quint to discuss the decision. During Tuesday’s protest, citizens asked the international community representatives to either help B&H or to pack their things and go home. Sanjin Sinanovic from ‘Restart B&H’ said the citizens do not wish further segregation in the country. He called on all citizens of B&H to go to the streets, raise their voices against segregation and divisions, so that they are heard and acknowledged. Sinanovic emphasized that further divisions within B&H will not be allowed. Citizens expect Schmidt to fully comply with the rulings of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). They also wish for agreements on possible changes to the Election Law to be left for the period of time after October. No comments came from the OHR on Tuesday. Citizens promised they will continue their protest until Schmidt addresses them and tells them that he does not plan to impose any decisions. Schmidt was more or less expected to come out on Tuesday and reveal whether or not he will impose changes of the Law on Elections of B&H and the FB&H Constitution but this did not happen although protests in front of the OHR continued for the second day in a row.


Several parties submit separate declarations regarding possible imposing of changes of Law on Elections, HR Schmidt declines invitation to address FB&H HoR (BHT1)


A session of the FB&H House of Representatives (FB&H HoR) was held in Sarajevo on Tuesday. The MPs discussed the changes to the Election Law. They asked High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt to attend and address the session on Tuesday, but the HR did not comply with this request. Due to earlier commitments, HR Schmidt could not attend Tuesday’s session, and will also not be able to attend its continuation on Wednesday. As he stated, he is ready for cooperation but “at some other time”. During Tuesday’s session, declarations of SDA, SDP B&H and DF – which strongly condemn possible imposition of changes to the Election Law of B&H, done by the Office of the High Representative (OHR) – were adopted. Another declaration was proposed, one by HDZ B&H, but the MPs rejected it. SDA, SDP B&H and DF commented Schmidt’s possible moves and emphasized that they strongly condemn any attempt at violating the fundamental human rights and causing further discrimination within B&H. SDA MPs pointed out that the greatest confusion lies in the information that refers to the changes that would be made to the FB&H Constitution. Other MPs stressed that changes to the Election Law would also create a situation in which five cantons – the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC), the West Herzegovina Canton (WHC), the Sarajevo Canton (SC), the Zenica-Doboj Canton (ZDC), and the Tuzla Canton (TC) – would hold over two-thirds of votes in both Houses of the FB&H parliament, which means the remaining five cantons would not have the political credibility for taking part in the work of the FB&H parliament. SDA called on full respect to the Brussels agreement and also emphasized that all issues should be resolved in the institutions of B&H. SDP B&H and DF members said they will devote their work to the fight against discrimination and divisions within B&H. “Unfortunately, today, we have something on the scene that we have not had since the aggression on B&H and the Dayton. And that is that the OHR, as the chief interpreter of the Dayton Peace Agreement, and someone that is in charge of protecting the state of B&H, and its interests, the Agreement itself, etc., has agreed to certain ethno-nationalist solutions that suit exclusively, in this case, HDZ B&H, and in some part, SNSD, in the FB&H”, stressed Head of the SDP B&H Caucus in the FB&H HoR Damir Masic. Head of the SDA Caucus in the FB&H HoR Adnan Efendic said the MPs would like Schmidt to address the parliament and to explain what his intentions are, if he plans to impose any decision, and what the content of that said decision would be. The FB&H HoR reiterated its invitation to HR Schmidt to address the FB&H parliament and explain what he intends to do regarding the Law on Elections. However, in response to this invitation, the OHR stated that HR Schmidt appreciates the invitation and respects the significance of the FB&H parliament but Schmidt will not be able to address the FB&H parliament on Wednesday due to current circumstances and his obligations.


HNS holds session (Nova BH/BHT1/FTV)


The Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) held a session in Ravno on Tuesday. Asked about possibility of High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt imposing changes of the Law on Elections of B&H, HNS President and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic refused to speculate as to what might happen in the coming few days but said that political options gathered around the HNS are prepared to come out with clearly defined stances. According to Covic, the HNS’ main task is to protect the position of Croats and he is sure the HNS will succeed in doing so. Covic claims that after more than 20 years in politics, there is hardly anything that can surprise him but the conduct of certain politicians and the media from Sarajevo, their speech and the message it conveys to the Croat people and representatives of the international community is a bit surprising. He argued that the whole situation indicates how Bosniak parties are already in the election campaign and seek solutions for the elections. He reminded that the HNS already announced it will take part in the 2022 general elections, adding that the HNS will surely achieve better result than in the 2018 elections and it intends to start with the implementation of the election results and the formation of executive and legislative authorities immediately after the 2022 elections. Covic reiterated that their goal is to protect the rights of Croat people, which also means legitimate representation in all institutions in B&H. “That is something that is our vital task of our political activities”, the HDZ B&H leader stated. He is sure they will be able to implement this in the end. Covic also said that the alleged document that needs to be imposed by High Representative Christian Schmidt tackles changes to the F&H Constitution and the B&H Election Law, including integrity of the election process and functionality of the FB&H.


Dodik: B&H is a divided country; Sarovic was silent when international community and B&H CC made interventions regarding RS, now calls on OHR not to intervene (RTRS)


Leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic stated that it is totally unacceptable that anyone, including Schmidt in this case, changes the law arguing that everyone, especially parties in the FBIH, should reach an agreement about the B&H Election Law. Serb member of the B&H Presidency and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik said that Sarovic’s reaction to events in the FB&H is concerning because he remained silent while Schmidt and the Constitutional Court of B&H put decisions of the RS parliament out of force. Dodik said that B&H is a divided country and that there is nothing that would unite it which is why stories on divisions that would be present in case of a decision of the OHR sound like a caricature.


SNSD Sarajevo: Monday’s protests show real image of relations in B&H (O Kanal)


The Sarajevo Canton (SC) SNSD Board stated on Tuesday that Monday’s protests in front of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) are showing the real image of the situation in B&H. They said that many supported foreign interventions in B&H for years and the political elite of Sarajevo decided to oppose this when changes to the B&H Election Law were announced. They reminded that SNSD advocates the protection of Serbs by implementing a mechanism based on the 1991 census for 20 years. SNSD Sarajevo also said that the census of 3% is not a solution. President of the Cantonal Board Dragomir Kovac reminded that out of 500,000 Serbs in the FB&H only 50,000 remain and out of 150,000 Serbs in Sarajevo only 5,000 remain. He said that there is no chance to have representatives in the institutions even if the census were 1%. Kovac said that this is why they demand a protective mechanism for Serbs in the FB&H, like the one for Bosniaks in the RS regarding representation in legislative and executive powers.


Washington stands behind Schmidt (VoA/Avaz)


Announcements that the High Representative Christian Schmidt will impose changes to the Election Law of B&H, have provoked many reactions. Voice of America reported that the Office of the High Representative (OHR) issued no official confirmation about this issue, and even Quint countries (USA, UK, Italy, France and Germany) have not presented any official stance. In regard to this silence, US Department of State gave a statement to the VoA presenting the official stance of the US authorities. “Decisions on use of Bonn powers are given exclusively to the High Representative. He will choose whether, when and how to use them,” Department of State’s spokesperson told VoA, adding that the USA will support “any decision that the High Representative reaches”. The spokesperson refused to comment the details of the possible reforms: “In this moment we will not comment the potential reforms which are mentioned in the media. We repeat, decision on use of Bonn powers is exclusive competence of the OHR.”


Schmidt meets UK Ambassador Reilly (Avaz)


High Representative Christian Schmidt met on Tuesday with the new UK Ambassador to B&H, Julian Reilly. OHR noted that HR had a courtesy to meet the newly appointed UK Ambassador. “Support to progress of sovereign, stable and inclusive democracy. UK continues to fully support the High Representative and key role of the OHR,” the UK Embassy stated.


Plenkovic: Protest in Sarajevo and threats to HR Schmidt horrible and unacceptable (Nova BH/N1)


Commenting on the possibility of High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt imposing changes of the Law on Elections of B&H and protests in front of the building of the Office of High Representative (OHR) in Sarajevo, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Tuesday that protests in Sarajevo and threats to HR Schmidt were horrible and unacceptable. Plenkovic added that these protests showed how the Peljesac Bridge is not a luxury but necessity for Croatia. N1 reported that Plenkovic connected on Tuesday the protests in Sarajevo and the Peljesac Bridge on the day of its official opening for traffic. Plenkovic said that once again, it was shown that the bridge is not a luxury for Croatia but a necessity. According to Plenkovic, yesterday’s events in Sarajevo are really unacceptable. He characterized the protests as horrible and threats to Schmidt show that “the bridge is necessary for us”.


Sanctions again all who undermine stability of B&H (Srna)


US Congress members Ann Wagner and Susan Wild presented the proposal of the Upholding the Dayton Peace Agreement through Sanctions Act. This bill stipulates that USA must impose sanctions against any local or international actors who violate the Dayton Peace Agreement or undermine the stability of B&H in any way. Wagner and Wild underlined that this legislation will send a clear deterrent signal before B&H October elections. “The destabilizing and anti-democratic behavior of some officials in B&H as well as Russia’s destructive influence threaten to undermine the legacy of US leadership in brokering the Dayton Peace Agreement and supporting the country’s stability”, Wagner stated. Wild emphasized that the US must support the efforts of the people of B&H to protect their hard-won peace and build a unified, stronger, and more representative democracy. “Among other critical provisions, this bill calls on B&H to implement the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights, which require an end to the ethnic and religious requirements on holding high-ranking political office”, stated Wild.


Human Rights Action sent proposals for amendments to Fundamental Agreement to Djukanovic and Abazovic (CdM)


The NGO Human Rights Action (HRA) has sent to the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic and Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic proposals for the amendment to the provisions of the Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church, which, as they recalled, the government of Montenegro, had adopted under the title ‘Fundamental Agreement between Montenegro and the Serbian Orthodox Church’ on 8 July. In order to prepare for participation in the working group, the HRA drew up the proposals with the help of their legal advisors: Tatjana Gogic, lawyer Veselin Radulovic and Prof. Vesna Rakic Vodinelic. They also remind that, in signing agreements, the government is limited by the Constitution of Montenegro and laws, in line with Article 11 paragraph 3 of the Constitution.


Abazovic: Ambassador Weber contributed significantly to democracy promotion in Montenegro (


Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Montenegro Robert Weber paid a farewell visit to Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic. The Prime Minister said that Ambassador Weber contributed significantly to democracy promotion in Montenegro. Ambassador Weber stated that he enjoyed the beauty of our country and the friendliness of people, adding that the experience gained in Montenegro will be very helpful in his future career. Speaking about the importance of regional cooperation and maintaining good neighborly relations, Ambassador Weber emphasized that a stable Balkans is Germany's national interest. Noting that our country wants to become an EU member as soon as possible, the Prime Minister pointed out that Montenegro and the Federal Republic of Germany are two partner countries with common foreign policy interests. Prime Minister Abazovic stated that Montenegro has shown that it is a credible partner and that Germany represents one of the most important foreign policy allies of our country. Speaking about the internal political situation in the country, the Prime Minister expressed optimism about Montenegro's European future. Furthermore, Prime Minister Abazovic and Ambassador Weber discussed the importance of key judicial appointments, as the most important segment within the process of closing chapters 23 and 24.


Osmani interferes in the content of the referendum question (Republika)


Portugal will continue to provide full political and technical support to Macedonia in the entire European integration process of the country and does not expect further bilateral blockades from Bulgaria during the negotiations with the EU, this was the message sent yesterday from Skopje by the head of Portuguese diplomacy, Joao Gomes Cravinho. According to him, Macedonia’s accession to the Union is essential not only for the country and the region, but also for the EU itself. Gomes Cravinho does not expect that during the country’s negotiations with the EU, there will be a bilateral blockade from Bulgaria again, which for him is a closed issue. In response to a journalist’s question in which part was the Portuguese proposal improved, he assessed that “in politics the goal is not to achieve everything, but what is possible”. We put a lot of effort during our presidency to put together a proposal that we wanted to be accepted. What makes the French proposal better? In politics the goal is not to achieve everything, but what is possible. If you look over the horizon, and not concentrate only on current events. That is why I give credit to the Macedonian leadership for overcoming the difficulties and moving the process forward. A very important step forward has been made. We believe that the agreement that has been reached is an agreement that allows the beginning of the screening process which is quite intensive and technically has two phases. The first is an explanatory screening, the EC explains the different phases, i.e. aspects of the legislation, then follows the bilateral screening when the gaps in the legislative framework of Macedonia are determined, says Gomes Cravinho, adding that the second intergovernmental conference will be held as soon as the screening is finished and as soon as the constitutional amendments are completed, assessing that all countries have difficult moments during the negotiations, but in the case of Macedonia, he sees no reason that there will be bilateral blockades. Regarding the unilateral statement, Osmani believes that they managed to have all three elements despite the fact that the proposal from the German to the French presidency was only to state that it is an official language codified in 1945. The visit comes at an extremely important moment for the EU enlargement process. We turned the long-standing disappointments, obstacles and blockages into an additional challenge that allowed us to reach a solution for starting membership negotiations with arguments, perseverance and faith in good neighborly relations. We agreed that the opening of the accession negotiations will bring multiple benefits – for Macedonia, for the region, but also for the credibility of the EU in the direction of completing the process of European unification, Osmani emphasized at the press conference with Gomes Cravinho. According to him, the protocol with Bulgaria, the agreement was signed in good faith, and therefore the provisions in the part of monitoring hate speech should be viewed from that perspective, reminding that hate speech is also monitored in Bulgaria. In response to the question whether the results of that referendum would be respected, Osmani said that this is defined by the Constitution and the laws. It is not a question that I have to answer with yes or no, it will be done as the Constitution and laws say. But I think that really that question of the referendum should be said in which part. This means that you should either ask if you are for the Eurasian Union or if you are against the EU and against the Macedonian language in the EU. I don’t see any other reason for a referendum. And if there are such reasons for a referendum, that’s already another debate where we should sit down and everyone explain their position. If someone is in favor of stopping the accession process, if they are for a new alternative, that is legitimate, let them open that issue, the citizens will express their opinion. There is no other reason for a referendum, said Osmani.


Geer: Becoming EU member depends on the speed with which reforms are implemented (TV Kanal 5)


It is good news that the European Union launched the membership negotiations with Macedonia and Albania last week. This is excellent news, a milestone for these countries but also for the EU. The screening process was launched on the same day, which means that the countdown to Macedonia’s EU membership has begun, says EU Ambassador David Geer. You have absolutely started the negotiations with the European Union and that is good news, Geer said in an interview with TV Kanal 5. Regarding the differences in the documents for Macedonia and Albania, Geer said it is relatively normal for there to be differences between each accession process to some extent. In this case it comes down to the following, we had what is called an intergovernmental conference last week which started the process. We have now started the screening process. At the end of that process, Macedonia will have the second intergovernmental conference, and in order to hold it, Macedonia needs to fulfill the obligation it made to Bulgaria, to change the Constitution in order to have an explicit definition for persons and citizens who identify as Bulgarians, in the protection of the Constitution itself, Geer clarifies. However, says the EU Ambassador, since this condition is in the hands of Macedonia, it should in no way result in delays or serve as an obstacle to the process, because, according to him, there is not a single party or state that would prevent the holding of this second intergovernmental meeting. conference. Regarding the change of the Macedonian Constitution and what if it does not happen, the EU ambassador emphasized that then the most likely scenario would be that the process would stop there. Becoming a member of the EU, as he added, depends on the speed with which the reforms are implemented. I am very confident. We have started negotiations, the country has reason to be optimistic and to be confident in its identity and its European perspective. I think the process is moving forward with a positive dynamic, but there is a lot of work, a lot of reforms before the country becomes a full-fledged member of the EU, Geer said in an interview with Kanal 5.


Zoran Popov’s nomination confirmed by parliamentary committee to be new Ambassador to US (Republika)


The nomination of Zoran Popov to be Macedonia’s newly appointed ambassador to the United States was confirmed Tuesday by the Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee. He presented his theses on the diplomatic mission in the United States before the Foreign Affairs Committee, behind closed doors, due to the confidential nature of the information, as a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed out. His presentation could be followed only by MPs who have security clearances.


Open Balkans/ Albania will supply Serbia and North Macedonia with coal, in return it will receive wheat, corn, oil (Radio Tirana)


The 'Open Balkans' initiative is bearing fruit between Albania, Serbia and North Macedonia. In a joint meeting of the working teams in Tirana, it has been agreed that Albania will supply coal to Serbia and North Macedonia so that they can produce electricity within the region in the conditions of the energy crisis, while they will remove the restrictions to supply Albania with wheat, corn and oil provided that these products are not resold in another market. "Albania and Serbia agreed on the possibility of using coal reserves in order to supply raw materials to Serbia's thermal plants. North Macedonia expresses interest in investing directly in the Vlora LNG terminal. Each side commits to eliminate any supply barriers for goods related to food security, as North Macedonia has banned the export of wheat and it has been agreed to lift that restriction in the near future. A mechanism will be set up where the limited sale and purchase of goods will be allowed with the condition of prohibiting the resale of the same goods in another market. At the next summit on 1 September, all parties will be ready to sign the protocol of agreements for the interconnection of schemes for electronic identification and free access to the labor market," said Ahmetaj. While the Minister of Agriculture Frida Krifca said that the export ceilings to Albania for the supply of wheat, corn and oil will be eliminated. "During this meeting, we decided to commit to eliminate any quota imposed on the supply of goods related to food safety, the Macedonian side commits to remove the blockade imposed on food export products last week, and the Serbian side to eliminate export ceilings to Albania for wheat and corn products decided by the decision of the Council of Ministers, this memorandum will be signed in Serbia at the beginning of September. Also, economic operators are free to sign supply contracts with any commodity, including products related to food safety, on the condition that products related to food safety such as wheat, corn, sugar or vegetable oil are prohibited from resale," said Krifca.

These decisions of the working teams will be materialized in the agreement at the meeting of governments on 1 September, which will take place in Belgrade, where the next Open Balkans summit will be held.