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Belgrade Media Report 17 August



Vucic with Chen Bo on Kosovo and Metohija and dialogue in Brussels (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic noted that he had asked Chinese Ambassador to Belgrade Chen Bo for a meeting on Wednesday to inform her of the situation in Kosovo-Metohija ahead of a Brussels meeting as part of the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. Vucic said Serbia remained committed to dialogue as the only way of finding a solution to the Kosovo and Metohija issue, and that it requested that Pristina fulfil agreements, the presidential press office said in a statement. "For nine years, they have had no intention whatsoever of forming a Community of Serb Municipalities. We expect the EU and Western partners to influence Pristina to meet its commitments in a serious and responsible manner, like Serbia has done," Vucic said, noting that Serbia would not recognize the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called Kosovo. Chen noted that China respected the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and was an advocate of finding a solution through dialogue and in line with UN SC Resolution 1244. "China understands and supports all legitimate demands of the Serbian side, including those regarding protection of the legal rights of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija," she said. Vucic noted that Serbia would always support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China. "We believe that is the only policy that is in line with international legal norms. Everything else creates global problems, instability and turmoil that no one needs," Vucic said.

Vucic and Chen also discussed ongoing and planned Sino-Serbian projects.


Vucic, Blinken adviser discuss Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke on the phone on Tuesday with Derek Cholllet, adviser to US State Secretary Antony Blinken, and the sole topic of the conversation was an upcoming Brussels meeting as part of the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

As a representative of the US administration, Chollet insisted on the need to maintain peace and stability and said that, for its part, the US would support that. Vucic said no one should have doubts about Serbia's sincere commitment to a policy of peace and stability, the presidential press office said in a statement. He said he expected the US and Western partners to take Serbia's efforts into account and encourage Pristina to approach dialogue and its commitments resulting therefrom in a serious and responsible manner. Vucic and Chollet also discussed possibilities for development of Serbia-US bilateral ties, the statement said.


Vucic, Peach discuss Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke on the phone with the UK's special envoy for the Western Balkans Stuart Peach. In the conversation, held ahead of a new round of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Vucic said peace and stability were paramount and that Serbia would do everything in its power to maintain them, but that this did not depend on one side only.

"As always, Serbia will be constructive in efforts to find a compromise solution," Vucic noted. Vucic and Peach agreed Serbia and the UK had possibilities for cooperation on maintaining peace and stability in the Western Balkans, in spite of their differing positions on the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called Kosovo, the presidential press office said in a statement.


Belgrade not giving up on finding compromise solution in Brussels (Tanjug/Politika)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said that Monday's meeting between the ambassadors of the Quint countries and the representatives of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija showed the pressure the Serbian delegation is under before the negotiations in Brussels on 18 August. Petkovic pointed out that this shows the way in which the representatives of Quint talked with the mayors, adding that our country will not give up on finding a compromise solution. We want the situation to be resolved peacefully, to find a compromise, because what is happening in Kosovo and Metohija is disturbing. Everything indicates that Albin Kurti does not want to be calm, and that Quint's messages are causing great anxiety among our residents, he said. Petkovic said that the issue of the Community of Serb Municipalities will be on the agenda of negotiations and that it will be the first thing that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will insist on, which Pristina has refused to implement for 10 years. All this would not have happened if the Community of Serbian Municipalities existed, because they would have collective security. And that would mean the implementation of all the agreements from 2013 and 2015, Petkovic pointed out, while requesting the representatives of Quint to make an effort to exert pressure to form the Community of Serbian Municipalities. The mayors of northern Mitrovica, Leposavic, Zvecan and Zubin Potok pointed out that the Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija are facing the most difficult situation in the last 20 years, and that they are experiencing constant harassment from Pristina, whose special units raid and patrol the north, follow and search people.


Selakovic: Situation tense ahead of dialogue doe to Pristina’s behavior (TV Pink/Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic has said that the situation ahead of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in Brussels was tense and marked with levity of Pristina’s officials. Speaking to TV Pink on Tuesday, Selakovic described Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti as “an unpredictable figure” of whom nothing good could be expected, but added that Serbia had “the best possible negotiator” and that “Serbia is advocating peace and stability in the region.” “The situation is very tense and burdened with levity of Pristina’s officials. It is a reason for concern. What is even more concerning is that western officials, who have recognized their separatism and have legitimized it as some quasi-statehood, have never before so blatantly been giving them the right to act so,” Selakovic stressed.


Massrali: Work on agenda of Vucic-Kurti meeting still underway (Tanjug)


EU spokesperson Nabila Massrali said on Tuesday Brussels expected a new round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, scheduled for Thursday, 18 August, to bring a de-escalation of tensions, discussions about all open issues and progress to the benefit of the citizens of Serbia and the so-called Kosovo. Speaking at a press conference, Massrali said work on a detailed agenda of a Brussels meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the PM of the provisional Pristina authorities Albin Kurti was still underway, and declined to speculate on potential results of the discussions. For us, it is important that both sides stop hostilities as we have seen incendiary rhetoric and tensions in the past days, and that they act in a responsible manner, she said. That is the point of this dialogue - they will come and have a discussion and we will see what happens, Massrali said.


Stefanovic: I will initiate a discussion on imposing sanctions on Russia (N1)


Opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) deputy leader Borko Stefanovic said that, as the chairman of the Serbian Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee, he will initiate “at one of the first sittings” a debate, in the Committee and then in the parliament, on aligning Serbia’s foreign policy with that of the EU. This needs to be discussed, arguments of both sides need to be heard, as well as what the repercussions of our failure to align our foreign policy with that of the EU are, what this means for our economy, what turning against Europe means, Stefanovic told N1.

“All European countries have taken restrictive measures against the Russian Federation, and in this situation Serbia does not have much to think about, our future is in the EU,” said Stefanovic, who is also a deputy parliament speaker.




It is now clear that Schmidt will impose changes to Election Law because local leaders will not be able to reach an agreement (Dnevni avaz


UK national of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) origin Tarik Delic contacted the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office inquiring about UK’s stance on the use of the Bonn Powers by High Representative Christian Schmidt to impose changes to B&H Election Law. In the response, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office formally confirmed that it supports Schmidt’s intention to impose changes to B&H Election Law and Federation of B&H (FB&H) Constitution. In this way, comments the daily, one of the leading European powers and one of B&H’s main partners has sent the clear and unambiguous message that it stands firmly by OHR and all its future decisions. The daily reminds that Schmidt imposed a package of technical changes to the Election Law and gave B&H political leaders six weeks to reach an agreement on key political changes to the Election Law, announcing that he is ready to impose the changes if local political leaders fail to reach an agreement. Judging by the fact that the election campaign is already in full swing and that the public discourse is marked by radicalized rhetoric, chances of political leaders reaching an agreement are small. “However, the para-intelligence circles within SDA and (SDA leader) Bakir Izetbegovic aided by their partner Zeljko Komsic and his DF have been trying to weeks to wake up rage against Western allies among the Bosniak people and create the impression that they are preparing changes which will be detrimental to Bosniaks. This represents an extremely dangerous path for the Bosniak people and for the entire B&H”, comments the author. The author underlines that many important decisions were imposed by High Representatives, such as the decision on new state flag, uniform passports and vehicle license plates, indirect taxation or establishing of state-level Border Police. Thanks to their interventions, B&H got some of its most important institutions and made significant progress. The author further reminds that the first time Bosniak politicians rejected support of the international community was when former SB&H leader Haris Silajdzic rejected the so-called ‘April Package’ of constitutional reforms, B&H faced 15 years of stagnation and distance of the international community. The author concludes that the issue of electoral reform has been a stumbling stone for B&H and relations between Croats and Bosniaks for many years, and the problem will not disappear by maintaining the status quo or ignoring it, which is something that the international community is well aware of.


First group of German soldiers deployed within EUFOR Mission to B&H arrives in Sarajevo (ATV/O Kanal


First group of German soldiers deployed within the EUFOR Mission to B&H arrived in Sarajevo on Monday. A total of 50 soldiers will be deployed until the general elections in October. Their arrival will raise the number of countries that take part in the military mission in B&H to 20. ATV carried that EUFOR confirmed that the first soldiers of the German military contingent that will operate within the EUFOR Althea mission arrived in B&H on Monday. According to ATV, this is not happening before the general elections by chance. EUFOR spokesperson Catherine Smyth stated: “The number of personnel that will be deployed is a maximum of 50. This number of personnel is expected to participate in the work of EUFOR and the network of liaison and observation teams.” In their reactions, officials from Republika Srpska (RS) sent a message that they do not want any additional foreign soldiers in B&H. Meanwhile, the German Embassy to B&H donated cards on Tuesday to the B&H Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) and – as ATV carried – “German Christian Schmidt keeps sitting in the OHR in Sarajevo imposing decisions”.


Nolte meets Okolic: Germany suspended financial aid for reconstruction of Doboj barracks because of rhetoric of RS politicians (Oslobodjenje


B&H Deputy Minister of Defense Mirko Okolic met on Tuesday with German Military Attache Colonel Franz-Josef Nolte. They discussed bilateral cooperation, as well as the delay in implementation of German financial aid for reconstruction of five military barracks of B&H Armed Forces in total amount of EUR 1.1 million. Okolic thanked German government for the assistance which will improve living and working conditions in facilities of B&H Armed Forces. Nolte expressed hope that the project will continue next year too, despite the fact that German Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not yet approved the funds for reconstruction of barracks in Doboj. He explained that the reason for this delay is the negative rhetoric of politicians from RS.


Russian Embassy comments arrival of German soldiers to B&H; Western countries preparing ground for B&H’s ‘NATO-ization’ (RTRS


The security situation in B&H is still peaceful and stable, which is why explanations on the necessity to expand the EUFOR’s military personnel are unfounded, including the soldiers of the Bundeswehr, reads the statement of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in B&H. The Embassy emphasizes that, sometimes, the assessments that say events in Ukraine are affecting the situation in B&H, are unacceptable. They say increasing “propaganda noisiness” on the Althea mission is not a coincidence, and only the Western countries, primarily the United States and UK, are preparing the terrain for a “’crawling’ NATO-ization of B&H”. The Russian Embassy does not exclude provocations that will prove EUFOR’s weakness and the need for their replacement with, as they say, “occupying NATO troops”. They called on officials in B&H to not be dragged into an artificially organized, and imposed game with “marked cards”, and to start dialogue on current internal political issues, without the “foreign dictate”. When it comes to Russia, it consistently follows its obligations as a guarantor of the Peace Agreement in B&H, reads the Russian Embassy’s statement. The Russian Embassy in B&H criticized ideas and calls for an urgent strengthening of the NATO contingent in B&H, and after warning on several occasions about the possible consequences of B&H’s approach to the NATO. “The growing propaganda noisiness around Althea is no accident. It seems that certain Western countries, primarily the US and Great Britain, are preparing the terrain for the crawling 'NATO-ization' of B&H. This is by no means done in the interest of strengthening internal security in B&H, which, as Westerners themselves note, is not threatened, but for the sake of geopolitical dominance, the desire to maintain its hegemony at all costs. In this sense, we do not rule out provocations that will prove the 'weakness' of EUFOR and the need to replace them with occupying NATO troops,” reads the statement of the Russian Embassy.


Turkovic comments statement of Russian Embassy regarding possible NATO presence in B&H (N1


B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic reacted to Tuesday’s comment of the Russian Embassy in B&H that said “terrain was being prepared for NATO-ization of B&H”. Turkovic called this statement a provocation, adding that it is an exact confirmation and a reason for international military presence in B&H. “The Law on the Defense of B&H prescribes that institutions of B&H, within the framework of their competencies, will implement activities necessary for the NATO accession. Every year, B&H submits the Reform Program to NATO – which fulfils the conditions for membership. Those decisions were made through a democratic procedure in the B&H Parliament, with the consent of all in B&H. None of those decisions were imposed nor were they placed out of force, on the contrary,” Turkovic emphasized.


Dodik comments arrival of German soldiers to B&H; Serbs do not decide who makes up that team (RTRS


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that Germany cannot have the trust of the Serbs and RS in B&H, bearing in mind the previously adopted resolution in the Bundestag, which says that the political system should be changed and everything should be concentrated at the level of B&H, and that the entities should be abolished. Commenting on the arrival of German soldiers in B&H as part of the Althea operation, Dodik said that the Serbs do not decide who makes up that team, they cannot do anything and can only have their own opinion. Dodik pointed out that he is against the arrival of German soldiers in B&H. Dodik expressed opposing to the arrival of German soldiers, as well as to the policy and decisions passed by the German Bundestag. Dodik said: “Not only because of historical but also current approaches to B&H, Germany absolutely cannot have the trust of us Serbs and the RS, bearing in mind the previously adopted resolution in the Bundestag where it says that the political system should be changed and everything should be concentrated on B&H and that the entities should be abolished.”


Arrival of group of German soldiers in B&H as part of EUFOR Mission and Turkovic correspondence with NATO’s Stoltenberg causes mutual accusations between ruling structures and opposition in RS (RTRS


Due to another diplomatic incident of B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic, SDS leader Mirko Sarovic reacted and started making accusations against Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic. He claims Dodik’s “expiration date has run out”, and says Cvijanovic is not a leader but someone that follows orders of party leader and executes his decisions. Adviser to the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Radovan Kovacevic says that the people have been making it clear for ten election cycles that Dodik is their choice, while Sarovic has only been losing for years. Sarovic uses the media exclusively to place accusations against the current authorities. And while he reproaches the authorities for building their campaign on the criticism of the opposition, criticism has become the main pre-election weapon for Sarovic, say SNSD members. As many times before, Sarovic compares SNSD with SDA and HDZ B&H. “Bisera Turkovic, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the (B&H) Council of Ministers, who was brought to this post by SNSD with its votes in the B&H Parliamentary Assembly, wrote to NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, and he replied that ‘NATO is developing a set of measures, specially tailored for B&H, according to your needs’,” Sarovic’s was quoted as saying. Sarovic failed to say that the B&H Council of Ministers is being formed and that Bosniak ministers are not chosen by the RS. “We have no coalition cooperation with SDA. We are the choice of the people and citizens of RS and as such we cooperate with those who are the choice of the Bosniak and the choice of the Croat people. We know very well how Bisera Turkovic behaves, we know that it is in contradiction with everything we stand for and do. We know that Milorad Dodik even leaves the sessions of the Presidency when Bisera Turkovic comes as a reporter and that we told the whole world that she does not speak on behalf of B&H but on behalf of SDA,” Kovacevic said in a statement for RTRS. Commenting Sarovic’s criticism regarding Dodik and his work, Kovacevic said: “I have to remind Mister Sarovic that, unlike him, for whom the people have been saying for ten election cycles that they do not want him, that the people are showing that they want Milorad Dodik and that he is their first choice. Why? Because Milorad Dodik leads the kind of politics that the people and citizens of RS want.” Although Dodik persistently repeats that he is against the strengthening of EUFOR in B&H, Sarovic blames Dodik for, allegedly, giving the ‘green light’ for the arrival of German soldiers. Sarovic is also bothered by Cvijanovic, whom he claims is not a policy maker but an executor. It is true that I am the decision-maker and executor, but within the framework of the institutions of the RS, unlike Sarovic, who implements the decisions of the international factor in B&H and Sarajevo's political parties, answers the RS President.


B&H joins global initiative of US against apprehension and deportation of persons on territory of Ukraine under control of Russian Federation (FTV/RTRS


B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic confirmed on Tuesday that B&H has joined the global initiative of the United States against the apprehension and deportation of persons on the territory of Ukraine under the control of the Russian Federation, at the invitation of US Secretary of the State Antony Blinken. She said that B&H joins the condemnation of the so-called filtration operation for the detention and forced deportation of Ukrainian civilians to Russia, explaining that the filtration process involves temporary detention, data collection, interrogation and, in some cases, abuse of detainees. Turkovic reminded that since the start of Russia's war in Ukraine, it is estimated that the so-called filtration operations have been identified in at least 18 possible locations in eastern Ukraine and western Russia. RTRS reports on another diplomatic incident of B&H FM Turkovic and comments that B&H arbitrarily joined the US global initiative condemning the alleged detention and forced deportation of Ukrainian civilians to Russia. In this way, Turkovic continues to pursue exclusively the interests of SDA in foreign policy and usurps the constitutional authority of the B&H Presidency - warn the officials of RS. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik clearly said that there is none, and will not be any agreement in the Presidency for any accession of B&H to initiatives that go in the direction of condemning Russia. The state is me – that is how Bisera Turkovic behaves. She arbitrarily determines the foreign-political direction of B&H, even though it is the job of the Presidency. She does not even care about the stances of the B&H Parliament or the B&H Council of Ministers. Uncritically, blindly following the instructions of the American patrons, she includes B&H, and thus the RS and the Serbs, to another in a series of anti-Russian initiatives. “We join the condemnation of the so-called filtration operation for the detention and forced deportation of Ukrainian civilians to Russia,” Turkovic’s was quoted as saying. Bisera Turkovic's statement shows how much B&H is a divided country and that its institutions are not functioning, said Dodik and added that Bosniaks are actually destroying B&H, which they swear by, with such actions. “She is unauthorized, foreign political issues are strictly within the competence of the Presidency. That is her personal opinion, nothing else. There is a story made that if she says something, then that it is the position of B&H, and that is not true. There is no formal decision that B&H has joined the sanctions against Russia, so it will not join this one either,” Dodik underlined. In their comment on another diplomatic scandal that revolves around Turkovic, RS politicians say that she is violating the Constitution of B&H, and that she, due to her SDA membership and close relationship with the Izetbegovic family, cannot allow herself to believe she is above the opinions of the state Parliament and the Presidency. “Bisera Turkovic continues to act independently and act in international institutions, which is not good. B&H must maintain neutrality regarding the conflict in Ukraine. Condemning some moves, whether by the Russian or Ukrainian sides, leads to new divisions in B&H. We simply must stop Bisera Turkovic,” assessed deputy speaker of the RS parliament Milan Petkovic. DNS MP in the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Nenad Nesic says that Turkovic cannot be called a state minister as her behavior does not prove she knows her official responsibilities and duties. He adds that Turkovic’s behavior, unfortunately, goes unpunished. “Apparently, she thinks she is above the Parliament, above the Presidency and answers to her party boss (SDA leader) Bakir Izetbegovic”, Nesic stated. RS SP MP Davor Sesic said that because of such situations, consensus of all political entities in the RS on the most important national issues is needed. "Foreign policy is the responsibility of the B&H Presidency, not Turkovic and her party, which is doing everything to humiliate the institutions of the RS and B&H, and her shameful actions must be stopped," Sesic underlined.


OSA B&H: A hybrid war is being led against B&H institutions (N1


The Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) of B&H stated that a “hybrid war is being led against the institutions of B&H”, especially against the OSA B&H. “Unfortunately, the attacks on the Agency and its leadership are getting more frequent in the last few months, and the goal is to destabilize this institution. They disturb us but they do not stop our functioning,” reads the OSA B&H statement. The OSA B&H representatives completely reject all claims that try to connect the Agency and its leadership with crime suspects, and they ask all media to publish news on the Agency and its leadership which are based on the truth and the facts – working in an objective and impartial way – and not trying to scare the public in B&H. They also add that integrity of the Agency and the lives of its employees must not be endangered by placing fake news in the media. According to the OSA, these well-planned attacks hinder work but not functioning of the OSA. The OSA reacted on Tuesday and fully dismissed all allegations that leadership and the OSA connect with suspects for crimes. The OSA also urged media to report about the OSA and its leadership based on facts and in an objective way in order not to disturb the public in B&H and jeopardize integrity of the OSA and lives of its employees.


Schmidt: It is not about majority and minority in B&H, but about the country which has three communities and three constituent peoples (Vecernji list


Vecernji list carries an interview with High Representative Christian Schmidt. Asked what he is going to do with FB&H President Marinko Cavara, the HR said: “Mister Cavara should be let to do his job now. However, I have not seen that he does it in a constructive manner. In upcoming weeks, we shall be able to talk with each other. I do not care “to knock somebody’s head” now. As a matter of fact, I want that these heads begin to work. This is what they are paid for and not to make blockades. Everyone has got a chance. Mister Cavara has got it as well.” Journalist noted that politicians do not do their job despite of the fact that the HR has given them six weeks to complete their task with regard to the B&H election reform. Commenting on this the HR said: “You see that they say that the HR cannot do it. However, those gentlemen were asked to do their job and reply to certain questions. When we had talks, I was a little bit loud, that is true, but in any case, I am interested to see what will happen, what their ideas will be like and what kind of solutions they will offer.” Asked what he actually intends to do with regard to this, the HR said: “It is true that we must resolve blockades, especially in the FB&H. I believe that it will be talked about the approaching the EU after the elections, since another visit to Brussels will be paid at that time as it was agreed with President of the European Council Charles Michel. Those things must be resolved. To make it completely clear – destructive kind of behavior is not a part of the political game … Also, another equally important part of that is the fact that it is not only three constituent peoples who decide about B&H and what will happen there. There are “Others” as well. This is one very important issue. I have an impression that three leading political parties from all three national communities make bigger differences among themselves than people create them.” Asked how to help Croats in B&H, the HR said: “The number of Croats keeps reducing. In some way this is a consequence of the success of the Republic of Croatia. If somebody does not have job in Mostar, he will go to work in Dubrovnik… What I would like to criticize in some way here in B&H is the political and social issue. And that is how to achieve that people, regardless if they are Serbs, Croats or Bosniaks, see their future here, in this country… The number of Croats is a lot of smaller than members of other communities, but according to the DPA, which is the ground of my work, this community as well has the right to political responsibility and representation. For this reason, all we can do is to make that a little bit uncomfortable step or the take the uncomfortable path, to make difference between expectations and reality. To make difference between claims and reality and simply take the path of an agreement.” Commenting on this reply of the HR, reporter said that the HR speaks in a diplomatic way now, to which Schmidt said that “we have reached the point where we actually should be” and that is a constructive way of thinking exactly and he expects the same from politicians. Asked if a message can be sent to Croats that they do should not be in fear when filling of the FB&H House of Peoples is in question, the HR said: “All Croats in B&H, in the whole country, rightfully have their right to their place in the country and institutions and it should be made possible for them to practice that right.” Asked what he will do after six weeks expire and if he will impose his decision then, the HR said: “First of all, these six weeks do not mean that something will happen immediately after this period of time expires… We are yet to see what exactly this will be like. It all depends on what will be going on in the upcoming period. I was accused that I deal with Ljubic case only. It is natural that all other verdicts must be implemented as well. However, I believe that this must be made based on the joint strength of politically responsible persons here. There where we can provide assistance, we shall do it… I am not the person who succumbs to pressures and gives in. But I will not be a part of the election campaign… I am a little bit disappointed that the topics which are being imposed are also being reduced. So far, I have not heard anyone who for instance says let’s reach an agreement in the FB&H in order to move things forward. In these six weeks I want to take them to that point exactly to get a reply to this question and not that after one of such meetings anyone leaves the meeting and says I have won or lost. It is not about this at all.” The HR also stressed that importance of the existence of the DPA and he also expressed opinion that Dayton II is necessary. He added: “I rather think that we need change of the Constitution coming from people. For many years the EU had a problem to accept that B&H is not like other countries… The current situation in B&H is simply an unknown for the EU.” The HR also reminded of his talk with Otto von Habsburg in 1993 saying that at that time they talked about the fact that in B&H it is not about majority and minority, but about the situation that there are three communities in the country, three constituent peoples and that this is the question which is much more complex than when you have majority and minority or protection of minority’s rights. The HR believes that the job in B&H should be finished with the assistance of the European spirit adding that this does not mean that he will not use his powers. The HR added: “I will certainly use them before we reach that point.” As for the those who criticized him for the fact that he did not pass the whole Election Law, the HR said that this is truly the task of elected officials. As for the possibility that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik recognizes him s as the legitimate HR, Schmidt said that in any case he remains open for any talks, but Dodik should not think at all that any attempt to abandon the Dayton B&H will pass without the HR’s reaction. The HR added that it does not seem to him that Dodik does not acknowledge when he recommends him something. The HR also said that he will accept Dodik’s offer to drink brandy together only when Dodik finishes his job. As for the influence of the war in Ukraine on B&H, Schmidt sad that they will not allow creating of some unstable area here adding that currently there is a discussion on the role of NATO here. He believes that citizens in B&H fell security when they know that NATO keeps their back.


Croatian man who fought for Ukraine pleads not guilty in pro-Russian court (HRT


A Croatian man has pled not guilty to charges of fighting as a mercenary for Ukraine in a court in the Russian-backed self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, in the Donbass region. Vjekoslav Prebeg is being tried along with four other foreign fighters taken prisoner in early May in the Mariupol area. The others have also pled not guilty to the charges. Three of the five, Prebeg included, face the possibility of a death sentence. Asked by the judge if he knew the other defendants, the 40-year-old Prebeg said he did not. He told the judge that had been serving in the Ukrainian Navy where he was tasked with monitoring enemy movements and had not participated in any direct combat. Croatia has said that it rejects all the charges and does not consider them justified or legal, and that this goes against international laws and conventions on the treatment of both civilian prisoners and prisoners of war. "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reacted immediately, sending several messages. We believe these types of trials are absolutely unacceptable," said Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. Since the beginning of the war, Moscow has claimed that hundreds of thousands of foreign mercenaries have been committing war crimes while fighting on the Ukrainian side. Croatian military analyst Igor Tabak says Russia's claim should be taken with a grain of salt. "Claims about foreigners in the Ukrainian ranks, whom Russia claims there are many, have not proven true because the number of foreigners wounded or killed has amounted to only a handful - so few that they can be identified by name,” says Tabak. “The trials Russia is staging are being intentionally held in these unrecognized separatist entities in an effort to bolster their self-proclaimed sovereignty. That's a problem for all of the countries whose nationals are in this predicament. Croatia's hands are tied. It must be careful not to unintentionally give these entities legitimacy. In Croatia's view, this was and remains Ukrainian territory," Tabak adds. With respect to the charges against Prebeg, Tabak underscores that the man served in Ukraine's regular army and was arrested while forces were withdrawing, around 100 km outside of Mariupol, in a different oblast. He was not a mercenary and received a regular Ukrainian army salary, says Tabak, describing this as a show trial. "Given the nature of this politically motivated process, I would not be at all surprised that he is given a death sentence - anything is possible when the trial is rigged,” he says and adds, “It is an entirely different matter how Croatia or Ukraine, a country in whose army he serving and where he was seeking citizenship, could help him by possibly arranging a prisoner exchange.” Tabak says once a verdict is in, it may be possible to open a diplomatic channel to negotiate a prisoner exchange.

Three foreigners fighting alongside Ukrainian forces against Russian-backed troops near Mariupol were sentenced to death in June by the same court.


Knezevic announced: The DF will submit an initiative on the dismissal of Djurovic and no confidence in the government of Abazovic (CdM


One of the leaders of the Democratic Front Milan Knezevic announced at the parliamentary session that the DF initiative for the dismissal of parliament spealer Danijela Djurovic will be submitted to the procedure tomorrow (Wednesday), as well as the initiative for a vote of no confidence in the government of Dritan Abazovic. "On the part of DF and colleagues who are ready to support it, I expect Democratic Montenegro to do the same. Then we will have another session", said Knezevic. He says that he thinks Abazovic's government will not survive on 19 August. "Survived or not, I don't think it will, because it is more than certain that political death awaits it, no one can negotiate with the DF on models for getting out of the crisis if they do not calculate the satisfaction of the interests of the citizens of Zeta. This fight has just begun and we will not lose in it," Knezevic pointed out.


Nikolic: This government has fallen, there is no longer political legitimacy in terms of support (CdM


This government has fallen, said Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) MP Andrija Nikolic, commenting on the announcement by DF MP Milan Knezevic that he will submit an initiative of no confidence in the government of Dritan Abazovic. At the parliamentary session, Nikolic pointed out that DPS, by supporting the minority government and by its dignified behavior in the opposition during the previous two years, set an example of how one can be responsible towards national interests even when you are not a direct actor of the government. "Here, too, trust in the current government will be reconsidered very soon," he added. Referring to the announcement by DF member of parliament Milan Knezevic that tomorrow (Wednesday) he will submit a motion of no confidence in the government of Abazovic, which, according to Nikolic, suggests that "this government has fallen". "There is absolutely no longer any political legitimacy with this government in terms of the support it should provide in the parliament of Montenegro," emphasized the DPS deputy. He said that in the 100 days of the government's work, "from big promises and obligations to unblocking of the European road" they came to a situation, he points out, that today of the 46 MPs who gave their support, 36 of them cancelled that support. "And most of the opposition, which could have been expected to stand by this government because of some priorities, has cancelled that support. We are in a serious political problem. The country is seriously politically destabilized, and this will require common answers in this House," Nikolic assessed.


Abazovic is waiting for Friday completely relaxed, he will announce some interesting things in the parliament (CdM


Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic said that he is waiting for 19 August, when the vote of confidence in his government will take place, completely relaxed. "We are here to do good things for Montenegro and we have already done it. Who wants to go back – they are free to do so. Anyone who wants to move forward is welcome. Whoever wants to annul the Fundamental Agreement, return to divisions, quarrels, hatred - let him choose that path. Who wants progress - let's invest in healthcare, education, infrastructure, continue the highway, the Plav-Decani Road, we have a choice, I think it's very simple. There is no need to negotiate much. Here it is a matter of rational and irrational. Irrationality often prevails in Montenegro," said Abazovic. He is convinced, however, that citizens want to move forward. "On 19 August, I will go to the parliament, I will announce some things, I think they will be very interesting," said Abazovic. The vice-president of the SNP answered the question of whether his party will be part of the new government, if it falls. "It depends on other moments. As a minister in front of the SNP and vice-president of the SNP, I can say that we contributed to the functioning of this government in the best possible way, we achieved some of the goals we planned. It is in our great interest to continue the fight against crime and corruption. That road must not be stopped. It seems to me that certain people do not think in that direction, they even help certain criminal structures to survive. I believe that this government will continue in full capacity. Any changes are possible, we don't mind it," pointed out Dragoslav Scekic. He adds that he cannot predict how the political situation will develop. "But as the Prime Minister announced, we are completely relaxed because we know that we worked humanely and responsibly and in the interest of the citizens," says Scekic.


VMRO-DPMNE: The government lied, historical issues are subject to agreements (Republika


PM Dmitar Kovacevski’s government shamelessly lied to the citizens that historical issues and topics are not part of Macedonia’s accession process to the EU. And like many things, they lied about this as well without batting an eye, said VMRO-DPMNE. The party points out that first Kovacevski was assuring on 30 June that “Historical issues are not part of the negotiating framework and this is contained in the French proposal”. After him, Minister Osmani also lied on 2 July, “It is a lie that historical and bilateral issues are included in the French proposal.” But the truth is that it was these two who lied, and after them all the other officials from SDSM and DUI. They lied until the day came to find out the truth, unfortunately painful and difficult for Macedonia. Historical issues are unfortunately the subject of negotiations and this government is unfortunately the party that sells out historical figures and events. It quickly turned out that VMRO-DPMNE was right when it said that Kovacevski and the government accepted a harmful proposal in which the obligations from the Protocol and the historical commission would lead the state to face either eternal negotiations or assimilation by Bulgarian dictate, said the opposition party.


Petrovska: Tanks to Ukraine transported, donation does not affect army’s combat readiness (Sitel TV


The tanks that are part of the three decisions to donate military aid and arms to Ukraine have been transported and donation does not affect the army’s combat readiness, Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska said on Tuesday. In an interview with Sitel TV, she stated that since the beginning of the aggression against Ukraine, the Ministry has made three political decisions in the government that are still classified due to security issues, but very soon, at the proposal of the Minister, they will be declassified and in an appropriate form will be communicated to the public about exactly what we have donated. Petrovska said that it is a third generation unpromising equipment, which would have to be destroyed in a short time.


President Begaj praises Kosovo's stance regarding tensions in North (ADN


President of Albania Bajram Begaj spoke this evening in Kosovo about the clashes in the north of Kosovo, evaluating the position of the Kosovo government during the tensions created on 31 July. Begaj said that at this point Serbia does not promote peace and acts as if it is neutral. He emphasized that in this clash, the war in Kosovo should be taken into account to understand that the step should be thought twice before producing a new conflict. "There was no idea of certain thoughts about a nation an attitude. Nationwide approach was discussed. We must have the same attitudes on certain issues. There is always room for cooperation. I will propose the issues related to the position of the president of the republic. The crisis situation of 31 July was really serious. I thank the state of Kosovo for the prudence shown in resolving this conflict. The decision-making of the Kosovo government showed prudence on its part. I believe that with the support of those we have strategic allies, the USA and the EU will guarantee that the status of Kosovo is inalienable. We are on the side of Kosovo and I believe that the right path is dialogue with Serbia to achieve permanent peace," said Begaj. Begaj also spoke about the Open Balkans initiative. "We should not analyze rhetoric about national issues. We are in the time of modernism. Violence will not be accepted under any circumstances. Violence brings misery. The messages will be clear to ensure that anyone promoting violence will be punished. Serbia does not promote peace but is removed and looks like it is neutral but promotes instability in the north of Kosovo. I think he should be taught a lesson that the signed agreements should be implemented. The right path is towards advancement with the mutual recognition of the two countries. We must be patient. We must fight to keep the peace. Peace has no price. Serbia knows very well what it means to open a new conflict front. The events in Ukraine should make us think twice in case of a new conflict. If the Open Balkans will be an initiative in the comprehensive plan and with the participation of the 6 countries of the Western Balkans that will make possible the free exchange of goods, I say that it is very appropriate. I know that Kosovo and Albania have different positions on this matter, but this brings diversity." Begaj also commented on the non-liberalization of Kosovo, which he says is a delayed process. According to him, this is a right that has been denied to the citizens of Kosovo.


President Begaj responds to Osmani's request for joint Defense Treaty (ADN


The President of Albania Bajram Begaj spoke on Monday about the proposal made by Kosovar counterpart Vjosa Osmani regarding the creation of a Defense Treaty between Albania and Kosovo. Begaj said that such an initiative should be handled very carefully by the institutions of the two countries. He added that it is the respective Assemblies of the two countries that should decide on such an agreement. "The President of Albania has a constitutional mission that is based on the preamble of the Constitution regarding national unity. My coming here and meeting with the leaders of Kosovo is to convey the message that we must do the best for our nation. The Defense Treaty is an idea put forward by the president of Kosovo, which means an initial idea, which should be handled very carefully by the law-enforcement and legislative institutions, namely the respective Assemblies. I understand President Osmani and I will work intensively based on the legal window that covers us to move forward with the possibility of achieving such a thing. I think that the respective Assemblies are the ones who will decide on such an agreement. As far as I know, it is a declaration of cooperation in force between the two republics. I think that in the current security conditions, giving this opinion for a treaty requires that Albania's support is necessary in such situations," said Begaj.