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Belgrade Media Report 29 August



Brnabic says it will be easy to write her PM's exposé: Goals are clear, Kosovo and energy are priorities (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic will be at the helm of the 17th Serbian government since the reintroduction of a multi-party system in the country, which - if elected by the Serbian parliament - will be her third consecutive term in office as prime minister. Brnabic believes that it will be easy for her to write her keynote speech to address the parliament, adding that the most important task is to preserve peace and stability. "I believe that it will be easiest for me to write my third exposé, because the challenges are clear. Preserving peace and stability is the most important task. Kosovo and Metohija worry me the most. President Aleksandar Vucic took a large part of the work upon himself. Energy is also a priority, it is now a matter of national security. It will be easiest for me to write the exposé," the Prime Minister told RTS. She stressed that the world is on the brink of the third world war. "Agreement and compromise have become ugly words, weakness, not strength, no one is ready to listen to anyone," said Brnabic.


"I hope for a new government by the end of September"

Brnabic said that she hopes that by the end of September we will have a new government, which, as she says, requires a brave team above all. "I hope by the end of September, but talks with potential coalition partners are not easy, nothing is taken for granted and I think that's expected in politics," added Brnabic. She pointed out that she thinks what was decisive in the choice between her and Milos Vucevic as PM-designate was the fact that the times are so difficult, as well as the fact that she knows the government's system, because that is important in difficult times. However, she stressed that this is why they agreed that this government will last until 2024. "Ultimately, it is important that you have new energy and new ideas, and what I think is key and good for our country and people is that roles are not the most important thing, but results," added Brnabic. "I think that the most important thing about the agreement regarding the government is that we all realize how difficult the times are and how important it is to have a team that is brave, efficient, that is ready to sacrifice its time, because there really is no room for anything other than dedicated work," stressed Brnabic.


Who will be first deputy PM and deputy PMs

When asked if Ivica Dacic will be (first) deputy prime minister, Brnabic said that she assumes so, and that this would be natural and usual. She also said that Milos Vucevic and Sinisa Mali will probably be her deputies, and that all three will also serve as ministers. Asked whether it is true that four ministerial portfolios will go to the SPS, Brnabic said that she cannot talk like that, because this is not about simple numbers, but about who can contribute to what. "We have some ideas how the government could be even more efficient and how the portfolios could be divided, but we will see," said Brnabic. When it comes to how much support she expects in the parliament for the new government, Brnabic says she expects a "safe, stable majority."


"New government will be one of continuity"

She stressed that the new government will be a government of continuity. "Serbia began to change in an incredible way since 2014, and since then there has been a policy of continuity - fiscal responsibility, economic stability, an ever-improving framework of the investment environment, which means constant growth of salaries and pensions," said Brnabic. She pointed out that the government will insist on completion of many infrastructure projects. "Of road and railway infrastructure, but also the environment, the most practical things - sewage networks, wastewater treatment plants, but we also have some other things - to build digital roads through every village, to prevent internal migration," she added. "In addition, more investment in modern technologies is important, and the next focus is development of artificial intelligence. These are the things that we have to continue to do despite all the challenges, but as I said, the biggest focus is peace, stability, Kosovo and Metohija and energy," stressed Brnabic.


Complex situation in Kosovo

Asked why she said that a period of instability awaits us from 1 September, Brnabic replied that we have a very complex situation in Kosovo, but that the president managed to make a good agreement within the limits of what is possible when it comes to ID cards. "President Vucic managed to make it all remain the same and we (now) only have a big disclaimer that says this does not imply recognition of the so-called republic of Kosovo and that Serbia is not brought into question, and that this is in accordance with UN Resolution 1244," she said. However, she noted that what has not yet been resolved is the issue of license plates. "We haven't agreed on anything regarding the plates, Albin Kurti is not ready to compromise, the talks are still ongoing," she stated. Brnabic pointed out that Pristina will start implementing that on 1 September. "You don't know what can happen, we have seen so far that Kurti is prepared to do anything and that the only thing he doesn't want is peace, and that instability serves him as an alibi for all the other problems he can't solve," she stressed. In this sense, Brnabic added that there are constant power cuts in Kosovo and Metohija now, every day, as well as that they (Pristina) are unable to provide enough electricity, and it's only August.


Agreement on identity cards for normal life of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (TV Prva)


Candidate for the Prime Minister and current Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Sunday that Belgrade is satisfied with the agreement with Pristina on identity cards within the limits of what could be expected and that there was no room for maneuver. Appearing on TV Prva, Brnabic said that the President of the Republic stated that he is not satisfied with the agreement from 2011 and that it is not in the best interest of Serbia and the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, but that a serious state must implement international agreements. She pointed out that Vucic managed to create the best possible situation for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, to protect them and enable as normal a life as possible and the continued presence of Serbia in the province. She pointed out that from 1 September, we are entering a period of great instability because no agreement was reached on license plates, adding that Pristina refused a compromise solution with KS plates, which are status neutral. Brnabic also pointed out that it is a great honor that she was once again proposed as Prime Minister Elect and emphasized that the goal of the new government will be to further strengthen the Serbian economy despite the difficult conditions. She pointed out that the government also has results behind it, adding that Serbia has gone through difficult times, assessing that such times are yet to come. I want that, regardless of all the challenges, Serbia continues to progress, that we have a continuous increase in salaries and pensions, that the economy becomes more and more competitive, she emphasized. According to her, the government needs a brave, dedicated, efficient team, which not only loves its country, but lives for it and is ready to do its job in the best way and to make any sacrifice. Speaking about the postponement of Euro Pride, she said that all Serbia's capacities in September must be focused on Kosovo and Metohija, in order to prevent any form of violence and ensure peace, and that this is a priority. Brnabic pointed out that this September will be difficult and specific and that it is not known what kind of unilateral moves the Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija will continue, stressing that the most important thing is to ensure peace and stability.


Vucic: We fought for Serbian statehood in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)


The Belgrade-Pristina agreement on IDs is a verbal agreement, the written one was reached in 2011. We fought to correct something and I think we have managed, said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. “We fought to correct something and I think we succeeded in correcting something. We cannot advocate for the Open Balkans and close all the borders. I think what has been achieved is good for us. We have recognized their documents until now, but we issued them a paper, and now a disclaimer paper will be hung that it is not a recognition, but we fought for statehood in Kosovo, that the documents of the Republic of Serbia are valid in Kosovo, especially for Serbs from Kosovo,” said Vucic. However, as the President says, the Pristina authorities are not giving up on their goals. “Albin Kurti said today that by the end of October there will be no more invalid license plates, which means that he wants further conflicts, even though they do not have a document on the basis of which they can do it. I am afraid that after this, something else will follow and that someone pushes us into conflicts,” said Vucic. Commenting on the opposition’s reaction to the agreement on personal documents, Vucic says that we need to be united, and that now the opposition is talking about something they signed back in 2011. “We didn’t sign anything. The Albanians insist on the agreement from 2011, but to delete the agreement from Brussels in 2013 and not to talk about the ZSO,” said Vucic. When asked if it was true that he refused the request of several Western countries to send its military attachés to inspect weapons and personnel in the barracks of the Serbian Army in Novi Pazar and Raska, the President said that there were such requests, but that he, as the supreme commander of the armed forces refused this in accordance with the Constitution. “Representatives of the competent state bodies of the Republic of Serbia can enter there with the approval of the supreme commander, and no other way. I was not willing to grant them entry into our garrisons and barracks. It is not their job and they have nothing to look for there,” said Vucic. As for the special parliament session on Kosovo and Metohija, Vucic says that he is always ready, as soon as the time coordinates with the obligations of the members of the parliament.


Vucic: Brnabic to be put forward as PM designate (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic proposed to the Serbian parliament Ana Brnabic as the prime minister-designate. There will be many changes in the government, he said. He says that he expects a proposal of the government to be made in the next twenty days. Milos Vucevic will be a very significant factor of the new government and the deputy prime minister of Serbia, said Vucic. “As regards Ivica Dacic I wish to say that he will have a significant and even more significant role and function in the state apparatus and this points to the trust I have towards Ana, Milos and Ivica Dacic,” said Vucic. He added that Ivica Dacic will also have, apart from the important ministerial and deputy prime minister post, the function of the coordinator of security services. “Of course, Sinisa Mali in whom I have enormous trust and who will also be one of the deputy prime ministers,” said Vucic. Vucic noted that Ana Brnabic will not the prime minister for four years, as well as that the mandate will last shorter and that there will be changes in the government in 2024.


Solution for license plates must be same as for IDs (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic emphasized today that the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija welcomed the agreement with President Aleksandar Vucic’s difficult diplomatic process with relief, which preserved Serbian identity cards for all compatriots, regardless of whether they live north or south of the Ibar. “This is significant and important news, we managed to postpone the crisis for a certain time, we made a small step forward and agreed, which is significant and important that we do not have tensions and riots on 1 September, that children can go to school normally, that Serbs in the north can live in peace and work normally,” said Pektovic. He pointed out that we still have a problem behind the door, namely the license plates, because not even a day has passed since the agreement on identity cards, and Albin Kurti is already threatening and announcing that in two months he will start implementing the decision of 29 June, which no longer allows KM plates to exist and how they must be replaced in the process of re-registration to the RKS of the fake state of Kosovo. “We do not accept that, we are looking for an agreement based on the same principle as for identity cards. If we managed to save Serbian identity cards for Kosovo and Metohija, it means that the same principle must remain for the license plates, that they remain KM or that a solution is sought for Pristina to return status-neutral plates, which UNMIK started issuing in 1999, and which we had in 2020,” said Petkovic.


Petkovic: We kept Serbian IDs, we will not give up from KM license plates (RTS)


Belgrade and Pristina reached an agreement on IDs, EU High Representative Josep Borell announced Saturday night. “We managed to agree and to receive EU guarantees, which was the most important thing for is, and which actually means we managed to keep the Serbian IDs for the Serbs who live in Kosovo and Metohija, i.e. who have residence in the region of our southern provinces,” notes the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic for RTS. He explains that Serbian IDs, and thereby the existence of the state of Serbia in the region of Kosovo and Metohija continues, as well as that the Serbs will exclusively use their documents that are issued by the Republic of Serbia. He says that this is the “first step towards normalization of relations” when it comes to the respect the agreement of the freedom of movement. “Talks on the issue of license plates awaits us, where the situation is harder, because Albin Kurti refuses to accept KM plates, taking into account that the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija will not give up KM plates issued by the Republic of Serbia,” notes Petkovic. He notes that the ‘disclaimer’ actually clearly shows that with mutual acceptance of IDs we do not recognize nor will we “ever recognize independence of Kosovo”. “What is agreed is a compromise. That is what we insist on all the time. We can move forward and agree if there is compromise,” says Petkovic. “The most important thing is that there will be no unilateral activities by Pristina on 1 September. Nothing special will be happening at the administrative crossings on 1 September. There is no issuance of entrance-exit document, we managed to keep the Serbian IDs,” says Petkovic. He concludes that there is no further progress in relations without the beginning of talks on the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities.


Agreement reached regarding freedom of movement and Serbian documents in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic announced on Saturday evening that, thanks to the strong diplomatic efforts of President of the Republic Aleksandar Vucic, we today managed to obtain the necessary guarantees from the EU and thus reach an agreement regarding freedom movements and Serbian documents. "With it, we managed to ensure peace and stability in the area of ​​Kosovo and Metohija and preserve Serbian identity cards for Serbs in the southern province, both north and south of the Ibar. That's why I can say that we have significant and important news. This is of crucial importance for the Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija, because despite all the obstacles and blackmails, we managed to save Serbian personal documents for our people in the province, and thus we saved the presence of the Serbian state in that area. This means that every citizen of Serbia living in Kosovo and Metohija will be able to move freely with a Serbian identity card. Every Serb south and north of the Ibar, without exception, will be able to live, work, travel and cross administrative crossings normally and without problems with their Serbian identity card. I can inform the public that in recent weeks we have been fighting a difficult diplomatic battle led by President Vucic, starting from the obligation to respect the Agreement on Freedom of Movement signed in 2011 by the former government in Belgrade, which Pristina tried to use to abolish Serbian identity cards, and consequently, to abolish the state of Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija. We did not allow that, because we managed to save the identity cards issued by the Republic of Serbia for the Serbian people who reside in Kosovo and Metohija. This afternoon we were informed that Belgrade's condition, which President Vucic spoke about this morning, has been accepted and EU guarantees have been received that the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija will be able to move freely with Serbian identity cards. Today's agreement, which accepts personal documents primarily for the mutual practical reason of freedom of movement, is accompanied by the text of the disclaimer, which will be prominently displayed everywhere, which reads: "Enabling the use of identity cards issued by Pristina (Kosovo) is done solely for practical reasons in order to facilitate the position of individuals and enable freedom of movement, in accordance with the Agreement on Freedom of Movement reached in the Dialogue in 2011, it cannot be interpreted as recognition of unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, does not prejudge the determination of the final status of Kosovo and cannot be interpreted as Belgrade's consent to deviate from United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999)". With this agreement, the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija remain on their own and will not need any paper, proof or additional document to be able to live on their hearths. With this agreement, we managed to ensure that our people who live in Kosovo and Metohija are not issued any papers with a visa regime of 90 days, because Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija will never be foreigners on their own land. In the period ahead, significant challenges await us in connection with Serbian license plates, but I can confirm that on 1 September, Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija will not have any problems with Serbian documents at administrative crossings. However, in the end, Pristina accepted the existence of personal documents issued by the Republic of Serbia for the Serbian people living in Kosovo and Metohija, according to the statement of the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.


Borrell: We have an agreement on documents; Lajcak: Thanks; "It will calm tensions" (B92/Kosovo Online)


EU High Representative for foreign policy, Josep Borrell, said that an agreement was reached on the documents in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. Borrell said on Twitter that Serbia has agreed to abolish entry-exit papers for holders of Kosovo documents, and that Kosovo has agreed not to introduce such documents for those who have Serbian identity cards. "We have a deal. Under the EU-facilitated Dialogue, Serbia agreed to abolish entry/exit documents for Kosovo ID holders and Kosovo agreed to not introduce them for Serbian ID holders". He added that "Kosovo Serbs, as well as all other citizens, will be able to travel freely between Kosovo & Serbia using their ID cards. The EU just received guarantees from PM Kurti to this end." "I am very happy that we found a European solution that facilitates travel between Kosovo and Serbia. This is in the interest of all citizens of Kosovo and Serbia. I would like to thank both leaders for making it happen, in particular President Vucic, who showed responsibility and leadership today. The last few days have also been an example of excellent practical EU-US cooperation and I would like to thank our American partners for their support to the EU-facilitated Dialogue. And I would also like to thank EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak for this excellent work he has done," Borrell concluded.


Lajcak: "It will help ease tensions"

The EU's special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, spoke up on Twitter after Borrell's announcement that an agreement had been reached. Lajcak shared the post of the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, who wrote that Belgrade and Pristina reached an agreement on identity cards. "I thank DAS Escobar and the US diplomacy for their strong engagement in support of EU facilitated dialogue," Lajcak wrote.


Selakovic with Parila: Cuba’s active support regarding Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug)


The Foreign Ministers of Serbia and Cuba, Nikola Selakovic and Bruno Rodriguez Parila, discussed a number of topics in Belgrade today, about marking the jubilee - 120 years of diplomatic relations and mutual support, when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija, i.e. the lifting of decades-old sanctions against Cuba. The Ministers expressed satisfaction with the fact that geographical distance is not an obstacle for daily strengthening of relations between Cuba and Serbia in numerous fields. “The visit is a strong impetus to the further development and deepening of not only bilateral but overall relations in accordance with general mutual interests,” Selakovic said in a joint address to journalists when he expressed satisfaction that this was his fourth meeting with Rodriguez, “the doyen among foreign ministers of the Latin of America” ​​in the last 11 months, which, according to him, testifies to the importance of the ties between Serbia and Cuba. Selakovic reminded that this is the first visit of the Cuban minister of foreign affairs since 1989, and it followed his recent fruitful visit to Havana when he met with numerous Cuban officials. He emphasized that one of the topics of the conversation is the commemoration of 120 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries, planned for 4 November, which, he says, additionally shows a clear commitment to creating even more meaningful and high-quality relations between Belgrade and Havana. Selakovic expressed his gratitude to the Minister for his principled support for the sovereignty and integrity of Serbia, principled position on non-recognition of Kosovo, and Havana’s commitment to respecting the basic principles of international law. “Cuba’s support is not only principled, but also active. In all organizations where Pristina applies for membership, Cuba comes out loudly against it,” said Selakovic, who informed Rodriguez about the efforts Serbia is investing in solving the most important political issue - Kosovo and Metohija. He emphasized that they also discussed Serbia’s support for the lifting of the decades-long embargo to which Cuba is exposed, and the Minister thanked him for that attitude. The head of Cuban diplomacy emphasized that the meetings confirm the traditional friendship and support that the two nations provided to each other in difficult days.




RS officials congratulate Brnabic for appointment as Serbian Prime Minister (RTRS


The Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic congratulated Ana Brnabic for her appointment as the Serbian Prime Minister. Cvijanovic pointed out that Brnabic is a great friend of the RS. Cvijanovic also expressed her gratitude to the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who always looked at the needs of the people of the RS with care and respect. The Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik and the RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic also congratulated Brnabic. Dodik added that it is very important for the RS that Serbia strengthens its international position, because it has become an important factor of peace and stability in the region, and especially in preserving the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), which guarantees the position and status of the RS and the Serb people in B&H, and gives the RS the right to build strong ties with Serbia.


Consultations on amendments to B&H Election Law under baton of OHR continue (BHT1


Consultations on amendments to the B&H Election Law under the baton of the OHR continued in Sarajevo on Friday. After representatives of SDP B&H, People and Justice (NiP) and SBB B&H, it was the turn of Our Party (NS) representatives to come to the consultations at the OHR. According to NS officials, integrity of the electoral process and functionality of the Federation of B&H were the main topics during Friday's consultations on amendments to the B&H Election Law. NS MP in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Damir Arnaut and NS leader Edin Forto, who attended the consultations on behalf of their party, stressed that the OHR is going against the will of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H for the first time, and that the story of deepening ethnic divisions is being pushed, something that NS is explicitly against. "As Mr. Forto said, we reiterated our stances regarding the need to completely avoid further ethnicization of the political life in B&H, but we also stressed that we believe that it would be really necessary for both the OHR and the international community to return the public's attention to the biggest problem of this country, which is corruption," Arnaut underlined. Forto said "of course, an agreement is possible." "What is being offered and talked about today is the result of a ten-year international campaign by HDZ B&H. And now you have a high-ranking official who says that HDZ B&H is an extreme party, she calls HDZ B&H an extreme party and they are in the strongest coalition after Dayton," Forto said. BHT1 noted that Forto is speaking about the move of B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic (SDA) who addressed the G7 countries and members of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), as well as the US Secretary of State. Turkovic said that if the High Representative imposes changes to the B&H Election Law in favor of HDZ B&H, as she stated, discrimination against minorities in B&H would be cemented. Turkovic also asked US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to meet her so that she could explain stances on changes to the Election Law of B&H in person and she assessed that the current proposals on changes to the Election Law additionally discriminate minorities, favor the leading Croat party in B&H – HDZ B&H and also argued that Croatia is exerting pressures on the EU member countries so that High Representative Christian Schmidt would make interventions related to the Election Law of B&H. In response, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Josip Brkic also wrote a letter to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and reminded that the SDA-HDZ B&H agreement on the election in Mostar was signed a year ago but SDA clearly had no intentions to implement the part of the agreement related to the electoral reform. The letter further reads: “Using both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and state resources as an instrument of the political party to which Minister Bisera Turkovic belongs (SDA) in the election campaign is an unprofessional, unacceptable and immoral act,”. HDZ B&H leader and President of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) Dragan Covic informed the most important countries in the world that Minister of Foreign Affairs Turkovic presented stances of the Bosniak side, and not of the state of B&H. Covic said that Turkovic has not been representing BiH for a long time now and added that, instead, she is representing stances of her “family or party”. Covic confirmed that he informed international officials that the stance of Turkovic does not represent an official stance of B&H. “She is presenting stances of the party which appointed her. Sometimes she presents it as a part of family practice in the work and sometimes as a representative of Bosniak people. This has been dominantly defined in an institutional manner on behalf of SDA. This is a wrong policy”, Covic added and said that the practice of abuse of state institutions will have to stop after the October elections. B&H Minister of Finances Vjekoslav Bevanda sent a letter to G7 and PIC member countries as well, saying that the opinion presented by Turkovic is not the opinion of B&H institutions but the opinion of her own party. Bevanda emphasized that Turkovic has been misusing state institutions and conveying false statements and ungrounded accusations against the only legitimate political option of Croats in B&H. "Unfortunately, it is evident that the position has been abused in the harshest possible way and that these exclusively personal observations of Minister Turkovic undoubtedly correspond with the views of the extreme right-wing B&H Islamic party SDA," Bevanda wrote in his letter. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that she is not surprised by the last, self-initiated letter of Turkovic to international officials in which Turkovic attacked the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) in B&H and the Croatian government. What is surprising, Cvijanovic noted, is the fact that Turkovic is falsely representing herself in the letters. The RS President explained that in all these letters Turkovic is signed as ‘the Deputy Prime Minister of B&H’, which is not true. Cvijanovic underlined that B&H does not have a prime minister, but it has the Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) and his two deputies – and Turkovic is one of them. Cvijanovic added that many things could be uncovered if one just analysed the actions and words of Minister Turkovic. She spoke about Turkovic’s past and moves she made before, contacts she still maintains and the “role she had in raising riots in B&H during the past”.


HNV encourages HR Schmidt to focus his decisions on preventing abuses and blockades during implementation of election process, as well as election results, despite political pressure from different sides (Nova BH


The Croat National Council (HNV) of B&H said on Saturday that it encourages High Representative Christian Schmidt to focus his decisions on preventing abuses and blockades during the implementation of the election process, as well as the election results, despite political pressure from different sides. HNV stated that the High Representative has started consultations with political parties on amendments to the B&H Election Law, which should regulate the election of delegates to the House of Peoples (HoP) of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) from the cantonal assemblies. "According to reports from some media, there is also discussion about the option of introducing a threshold during those elections, which would delegitimize the Croats of the entire central Bosnia, under the pretext of ensuring their legitimate representation. Croats from Tuzla, Gradacac, Usora and Zepce to Jajce, Bugojno, Gornji Vakuf, Fojnica and Kresevo would not be adequately represented in the highest legislative body of the FB&H. Also, the Croats of Bihac Krajina would be completely excluded," HNV concluded. “We, members of the HNV B&H Governing Board, encourage the HR in B&H to, despite political pressures from different sides, direct his decision towards preventing abuses and blockades of the implementation of electoral process and election results,” reads the statement by HNV B&H.


Izetbegovic: There will be no imposing of election law (Oslobodjenje


Addressing the academy, held on occasion of 32nd anniversary since forming of SDA, party leader Bakir Izetbegovic noted that in the last couple of days the High Representative (Christian Schmidt) is carrying out consultations on changes to Election Law and people are afraid of imposing of the Law and provisions which would take B&H back. “Here, I dare to say that this will not happen. We will try to help the High Representative, to help him not to make the mistake,” said Izetbegovic. He concluded that for him, “legitimate representative” is everyone who defended B&H and did no harm to other peoples. Izetbegovic also called neighboring countries to solve border issues with B&H: “It is high time neighbors solved outstanding issues with us, primarily those related to borders. Their waiting is in vain. Those borders have existed for 1,000 years and those will continue to exist.”


SB&H prepares lawsuit against EU, Schmidt and Republic of Croatia (N1


At the session of the Main Board of the Party for B&H (SB&H), the text of the lawsuit that will be filed on behalf of the citizens of B&H against the EU, the Republic of Croatia, and the Office of the High Representative Christian Schmidt was adopted. The lawsuit will be sent to the European Court of Justice. The explanation stated, among other things, that in the period 2020-2022, the Republic of Croatia carried out a continuous political and diplomatic campaign in order to impose changes to the B&H Election Law and thereby change its constitutional structure. When it comes to the Schmidt, the SB&H emphasized that he committed a ‘violation in the announcement’. “The High Representative has no mandate to make changes to the constitutional structure of B&H by introducing a three percent census into the election process, thereby excluding from this process all members of other ethnic groups and all citizens. By implication, the EU bears responsibility for the violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement and international law by one of its members, the Republic of Croatia.” SB&H leader Semir Efendic stated that Croatia has been trying for years to impose the legitimate representation principle in B&H, and that, in case the document on introducing threshold is authentic, HR Schmidt is introducing the third entity “through the backdoor”. “Croatia’s activities in that regard have has gone too far, through the NATO even. They are trying to condition Sweden and Finland joining NATO with amendments to the B&H Election Law. On the other hand, the HR is something else, i.e. he announced he will pass amendments to the B&H Election Law. I also need to say that the EU finances the OHR in B&H with 47 per cent, and these are all the reasons for which we are of view that the European Court of Justice (ECJ) can and should address the issues of how the EU member state, Croatia, is acting as well as the HR whose work is financed by the EU.”


HDZ B&H urges FB&H VPs not to block appointment of FB&H CC judges (Nova BH


HDZ B&H issued a statement on Friday and urged the FB&H Vice Presidents Melika Mahmutbegovic and Milan Dunovic to abide by the FB&H Constitution and not block the appointment of judges of the FB&H Constitutional Court (CC). HDZ B&H also called on SDA to not block the appointment of the Director of the FB&H Police Administration and the adoption of changes of the Law on Elections of B&H. HDZ B&H claims that SDA’s concerns about ethnic balance in the FB&H CC are false and a blockade would be an attempt to turn the FB&H CC into SDA’s branch office. HDZ B&H commented the reactions after FB&H President Marinko Cavara appointed four judges to the FB&H Constitutional Court (FB&H CC). They stressed that the FB&H Constitution was not violated and the FB&H President appoints the judges with the support of FB&H Vice Presidents. HDZ B&H called on the FB&H Vice Presidents to respect the Constitution and competences, and to stop the appointment process. The Office of the High Representative (OHR) issued an answer to the letter of FB&H Vice Presidents sent on Thursday in which they objected to Cavara’s appointment of judges, explaining that the FB&H President appoints judges into the FB&H CC with the approval of FB&H Vice Presidents and they expect Cavara to coordinate his activities with FB&H Vice Presidents closely so that the appointment is conducted in accordance with the FB&H Constitution.


Murphy: USA, EU and NATO will not leave B&H to Russia; Russia does not decide on your EU or NATO accession (RFE/Dnevni avaz


In an interview to RFE, US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy underlined that US, EU and NATO will not allow Russia to take over control over B&H, stressing that they all on several occasions, underlined that they support sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. “When EUFOR perceived possible problems here, they increased number of their soldiers. This was a right decision to make and we supported it. I think that you could see answers from the USA and EU and this should be a signal that we will not leave B&H to Russia,” said Murphy. He especially underlined that Russia is not the one who will be making decisions about B&H accession to NATO. “The same goes for your path to the EU. These decisions are sovereign right of B&H. It is rather clear that citizens, as well as politicians in this country, set progress and accession to these Euro-Atlantic integration as a goal. We support these goals. This is what people in B&H support. So, when I look at what is Russia doing in this country, I think that it is opposite to interests of B&H citizens. They do not want prosperous B&H,” said Ambassador. Asked whether he shares concern of international officials because of current situation in B&H, Murphy said that it is no secret that for some time now, B&H has not been moving in the right direction. “There is no day to pass without some horrible rhetoric to appear, coming from political leaders here, threats with secession, threats with territorial reorganization of the country, or warmongering rhetoric. This is a horrible, irresponsible way to lead this country,” said Murphy. As the second problem, Ambassador underlined that there is no progress when it comes to reforms, EU accession or issues that the country is currently facing, such as inflation and possible shortage of energy sources in the future. He deems that citizens are expressing their stances by leaving the country: “This is their voting”. Murphy promised the US assistance to persistent fight against the corruption, through support to offices for fighting the corruption, support to changes of the law, supporting the prosecutors and police, research journalists who will have courage and dedication to exterminate this issue”.  “Yes, some of the leaders at on the black lists, and yes some of them run in elections and they should not. However, the voters have an opportunity to evaluate why they did so far,” said Murphy. When it comes to engagement of the High Representative Christian Schmidt on the electoral reform, Murphy reminded of his country long-term support to the OHR, Bonn powers and using them. Speaking about examples, Murphy reminded of financing of elections which politicians failed to do.


Dodik welcomes statement of Ambassador Murphy on NATO path (ATV


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said on Saturday that he is glad about the statement of US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy, who said that B&H will make its own decision on NATO membership. Dodik said that this counters the claims of other B&H officials who say that the decision on the NATO membership of B&H was already made. He added that all those who make these claims have endless trust in the US Embassy and he is glad that an answer was offered from this institution. Dodik also said that he is not very glad that Murphy is acting patronizing towards B&H. “The US Ambassador is patronizing B&H too much” whilst criticizing that some others are doing it as well. “We want neither Russians nor Americans to interfere with our decisions and lives. We want to sovereignly decide on all issues relevant to our lives. What we want the least is that conflicts in other parts of the world are transferred to B&H under excuse of care for its future”, Dodik was quoted as saying.


Russian Embassy in B&H; Russia has its national interests that it defends, but unlike Western countries, trained in hypocritical rhetoric, it prefers open and friendly dialogue with its partners in B&H (FTV


The Russian Embassy to B&H reacted to the US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy’s statement in which he said that the US will keep B&H safe from Russia. The Russian Embassy to B&H ironically stated that the world had seen how the US defended Afghanistan. The Russian Embassy issued a statement which reads: “Mr. Ambassador's reasoning clearly shows the discrepancy between Washington's words and actions. The whole world saw how they recently defended Afghanistan, and earlier Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia. Now the US is actively defending Europe, slowly but surely, we would say in a refined way, bringing it to a state of not only political, but also economic impotence. All this only confirms that the US, whose foundation is split in half and the cracks are deepening, does not organically accept states with real sovereignty, capable of standing up for themselves. In fact, Washington only confirms the famous saying ‘God save me from proven friends’.” The Russian Embassy also stated that the citizens of B&H – Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats – are strong and confident people who passed through difficult challenges and are thus capable of defending themselves. The Russian Embassy noted that B&H citizens are also capable of negotiating on their own, “without fake High Representatives, without offensive external tutorship of numerous special representative”. The statement also reads that Murphy “speaks eloquently about respecting the sovereignty of B&H and immediately after that he declares without hesitation that the US will not hand over B&H to Russia, as if B&H does not have its sovereignty, as if it is a weak child that needs to be protected”. The Russian Embassy pointed out Russia has its national interests that it defends, but unlike Western countries, trained in hypocritical rhetoric, it prefers an open and friendly dialogue with its partners in B&H.


Germany harshly reacts to failure of B&H Presidency to accept accreditation of new German Ambassador (N1


Germany demanded from the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs to urgently clarify the reasons why the B&H Presidency did not provide the formal approval, agrement, for appointment of the new German ambassador to B&H, Thomas Fitschen. Germany warned that this country will otherwise reconsider its continued support to B&H. Representatives of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs held an urgent meeting with B&H diplomats in Berlin and warned that such practice is unprecedented in European countries, and it happened after 30 years of bilateral cooperation of the two countries. N1 reports that there was another harsh performance by German officials against B&H. Namely, after the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik voted against granting the agrement to the new German Ambassador to B&H Thomas Fitschen, the Germans even threatened to reconsider support for B&H’s European path. The B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs hastily responded expressing regret for the unpleasant situation, with the hope that everything will be resolved already at the next session of the B&H Presidency. Judging by Dodik's statements, the agrement will remain pending for a long time, noted the presenter. Fitschen will not arrive at the headquarters of the German Embassy in Sarajevo for some time, despite the dramatic letter of the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs, added the reporter. The Germans were unpleasantly surprised, disappointed, and said that the behavior of the B&H Presidency is unacceptable. They did not even hesitate to threaten, at least that is what was stated in the urgent letter to B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic from the B&H Embassy in Berlin, noted the reporter. “If they do not receive a clear explanation in the short term, the German side will reconsider its further behavior and support for B&H in achieving the proclaimed foreign policy priorities, and first of all joining the family of European states, i.e. obtaining candidate status.” It is interesting that the Germans, although they are very well aware of the political situation in B&H, have generalized this time, pointing out that everyone is responsible, and not just one man, Dodik, added the reporter. Therefore, they requested an urgent statement from the B&H Presidency. Instead, they received a response from the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which asked for understanding, with the clarification that certain political actors are trying to undermine the long-standing bilateral cooperation between the two countries, and that they will do everything to prevent negative forces from succeeding in their intention. However, Dodik is determined. Dodik was quoted as saying: “Germany does not wish RS well. We will not give agrement to a man who carries a sabre to cut off our heads.” Dodik stated: “And I am not stupid to not understand that their new ambassador is coming to realize their policies, and their policy is the Bundestag Resolution. Right? So, they send us soldiers, then they send us that illegal guy who rages on television, right? He shows how the Germans do it when they are angry, and now I have to wait for his rage again, or someone (has) to wait here for when he rages, what he will do in his rage? Then they lead the policy of demonizing the Serbs, and then they tell us you cannot do this, you cannot do that. Then they tell us, you will not even exist. And now we should triumphantly, like Muslims do, wait for him in Istocno Sarajevo and throw ourselves headfirst of the bridge into the Miljacka that has no water? And break our spine, right?.” The B&H Presidency should discuss this issue at the next session, which has not yet been scheduled. The new German ambassador could receive agrement with the votes of the Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic, if Dodik does not raise the issue of protecting Vital National Interest (VNI), which is very certain, noted the reporter. In that case, in order to justify his move, Dodik must get the support of two thirds of the representatives in the RS parliament. From the moment of the vote at the B&H Presidency session, Dodik will have 48 hours to raise the issue of protecting the VNI, if he maintains his position of not approving the agrement to Fitschen. If Dodik does that, things will get complicated before the elections, added the reporter. In the current convocation of the RS parliament, Dodik would have to attract the votes of the RS opposition, otherwise all his efforts are in vain, concluded the reporter.


B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs requests meeting with Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany to clarify situation related to rejection of agrement for future Ambassador of Germany to B&H (BHT1


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H through the Embassy of B&H in Berlin requested a meeting with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany to clarify the situation related to the rejection of the agrement for the future Ambassador of Germany to B&H. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H expressed its deep regret for such an unplanned development of events and once again expressed its unequivocal commitment to maintaining and strengthening the achieved bilateral relations with the Republic of Germany, a proven partner of B&H. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H explained that during the granting of the agrement, B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik was against it, while the other two members of the B&H Presidency voted for the granting of the agrement.


Dodik: I am not concerned about announcements from Germany (N1/ATV


B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik withheld support for the granting of the agrement to the new German Ambassador to B&H Thomas Fitschen. The German authorities reacted to this. This news very unpleasantly surprised the official Berlin, which threatened that it could deny support to B&H, among other things, in obtaining a candidate status for membership in the EU, and they are demanding an explanation within 48 hours about the denial of an agrement to their ambassador. On Friday, Dodik said that he will again go to the B&H Presidency session and vote against this decision. He added that he will clearly explain why he believes this ambassador should not come to B&H. “Why would we give that (approval) for a man that carries a sabre for us, to cut our heads off, to give him consent for killing us? We will not do that. For him to defend the ‘Deutsche Bank’, all this that he has, to defend (Christian) Schmidt – who does not have the legitimacy of the UN, and they send us the message for us to fight for the rule of law. What rule of law”, Dodik asked. Dodik said that there is nothing more that can be said about B&H. He said if the foreign officials want unity in B&H then they should not try and build it by using force. Dodik reminded that Serbs survived the German occupation during World War II, and they will fight against such occupation today. He also said Germany is trying to exert pressure onto Serbs in Kosovo today, and their only goal is to obtain the coal in Kosovo so that Europe could have energy during the coming winter. He noted that Germany speaks of respect for the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but when the same is asked by Serbia, Germany simply ignores this fact. Dodik concluded by saying Germany wants to change the B&H Constitution and its political arrangement, but he promises Serbs in B&H will not allow this. Dodik said that Germany has no right to interfere in the internal issues of B&H, and he noted that it advocates organizing B&H as a civic state. According to Dodik, this would imply organizing B&H without entities and constituent peoples. Dodik was quoted saying: “I am not stupid to not understand that their new ambassador is coming to implement their evil policies, which is a resolution of the Bundestag.” The Serb member of the Presidency announced that, when this issue comes up again in the session of the Presidency, he will vote against it again. The Serb member added that, after the elections, the RS parliament should decide on everything in this regard. “Now their aspirations for dominance here are visible. We do not want to be enslaved, they were killing us in the last century, they killed us as much as they could together with Muslims and Croats in the Second World War, and you will not kill us in this way now. You will not. That is why I cannot accept that the German ambassador is coming here to implement that rigid German policy in this area, I have the right to that stance. I was elected by the people and as long as I make decisions, it will be like that," Dodik noted. During a press conference on Friday, Dodik said Germany’s policy towards B&H was correct and fair when Angela Merkel was the German Chancellor. He said Germany then did not have the aspirations towards B&H which that country has now, and Dodik believes that Germany now wants to “dominate” B&H.


Milanovic: Croatia has powerful instruments at its disposal, Dayton Agreement must be respected (Dnevni list


Meeting with Croatian diplomats on Friday, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic stated that Croatia’s position today is stronger than ever, and that Croatia needs to use it. He underlined that Croatia has powerful instruments at its disposal, and that it needs to act accordingly. Milanovic discussed the key issues of Croatian foreign policy, with focus on B&H. Talking about Croatia’s relations with B&H, Milanovic emphasized the key importance of the Dayton Peace Agreement as a contract on distribution of authorities and power which must be respected.


Abazovic welcomed the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina: Dialogue is the solution to overcome any crisis (CdM


The government of Montenegro in its technical mandate welcomes the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, with the support of the EU, announced outgoing Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic. According to him, dialogue is the only possible "solution for overcoming every crisis". "We want peace, stability and prosperity in the Western Balkans. We cannot change the past, but we can change the future. I welcome the desire for understanding of the leaders of the two neighboring states and the efforts of EU and US representatives to reach an agreement," Abazovic announced on Twitter. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro also congratulated the agreement reached between Kosovo and Serbia on the reciprocal recognition of permits. "We congratulate the success of the EU and other Euro-Atlantic partners who helped reach an agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Kosovo in the interest of the citizens of both countries," the MFA announced.


Sehovic: We don’t need new experiments, rather elections and govt to prepare them (Pobjeda


In an interview for Pobjeda daily, the Leader of Social Democrats of Montenegro Damir Sehovic has said that an interim cabinet, whose task would be to prepare elections, should be set up as soon as possible. “In that sense, we need a government which would be able to prepare elections in a quality manner. It’s why a kind of an interim government is not only a likely option but the only logical one, having in mind that the time is running out. And time and efficiency are most important to us,” he said. Sehovic also adds that he advocates for dismissal of the parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic, noting that he’s going to vote for it on 2 September in parliament. “Since the very beginning, Social Democrats were telling that it was not natural that a representative of the party which opposes NATO integrations is a parliament speaker, and she’s also a member of the Defense and Security Council. In addition, it’s not natural that parliament is run by a person appointed by the previous, non-existent parliamentary majority, as it’d make another mockery of democracy and we had it enough over the past two years. I believe it would know how to deal with that fact.”


Montenegro exposed to new series of organized cyber-attacks on government’s servers (CdM


Montenegro has been exposed to a new series of organized cyber-attacks on the government’s IT infrastructure. As the Minister of Public Administration Maras Dukaj announced on Twitter, the primary target is the structure of state bodies. “The Ministry experts took timely defensive measures. Although certain services are currently temporarily disabled for security reasons, the security of accounts of citizens and business entities and their data are not threatened in any way. Montenegro has informed its allies about the details of the attacks, which are very similar to those of 2015 and 2016”, Dukaj points out. Montenegro is in a hybrid war. Coordinated Russian services are behind the cyber-attacks, the National Security Agency (ANB) has said. “This kind of attack has been launched on Montenegro for the first time. It has been prepared for a long period of time. A critical infrastructure has been attacked”, ANB says, adding that the attack methodology is characteristic of Russian services. Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic has stated that the cyber-attacks on the government’s IT infrastructure is politically motivated. Abazovic has announced that the cyber-attacks are aimed at Montenegrin institutions and that they are not harmless at all. After the session of the National Security Council, he said that an operational team would be formed that would be engaged 24 hours a day, as well as that he would seek expert help from international partners. “The attacks started late at night on Friday, and since then they have been ongoing. We will also invite people from business and academia to help create protection. We will also seek international assistance for the return of data and prevention of future attacks”, he said. Abazovic has told all institutions to increase cyber security, adding that he will do everything to get part of the vital system (Police Administration, National Security Agency…) back online as soon as possible. DPS MP and former minister of defense Predrag Boskovic says that the previous government was warning a long time ago that the Russian hybrid influence did not stop and that it only changed forms. He believes that the most responsible for this situation is the outgoing Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, who willingly or unwillingly implements Russian policy in Montenegro by pandering to the DF staff, as well as that institutions, which the Apostolic Government (headed by Zdravko Krivokapic) completely destroyed, need to be urgently created so that we could resist the attacks. Boskovic points out that continuous attacks on critical infrastructures in Montenegro have not stopped since 2014. We warned, adds Boskovic, that the organization of the regional center for the fight against cyber and hybrid threats, which should be led by the main Russian architect in Montenegro, could put Montenegro in a big problem. He believes that Montenegro can count on the help of partners who certainly have significantly greater resources to resist such threats, which the previous government also used abundantly during such attacks in the period from 2014 to 2020. NATO is aware of reports of cyber-attacks in Montenegro and is ready to help the Montenegrin authorities, it was announced from the Alliance, on the occasion of frequent hacker attacks on the government's IT structure. "NATO is an important platform for consultation among allies, including the exchange of information on malicious cyber activities. We have seen reports of cyber-attacks on Montenegrin government servers. Our experts are in contact with the Montenegrin authorities and we are ready to provide them with support, if necessary," an unnamed NATO official told VOA. He also assessed that there are daily battles in cyberspace. "We see cyber-attacks on a daily basis and NATO and our allies are responding to that reality, including by strengthening our capacities to detect, prevent and respond to malicious cyber activities," the Alliance official said. The Prime Minister of Montenegro in technical mandate, Dritan Abazovic, convened an emergency meeting of the National Security Council on Friday regarding the hacker attacks, which he called politically motivated, while local media reported that Russian services were behind the attacks.


Abazovic hosts dinner for Patriarch Porfirije (CdM


Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic hosted a dinner for the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Porfirije in Herceg Novi. “In addition to the Prime Minister and the Patriarch, the evening was attended by Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral Joanikije, Bishop Nikodim of Dalmatia, Bishop Nikodim of Zahumlje-Herzegovina, Minister of Justice Marko Kovac, Minister of Finance Aleksandar Damjanovic, State Secretary at the Ministry of Justice Bojan Bozovic and Advisor to the Prime Minister for Legal Affairs Ivo Soc”, Abazovic has posted on Telegram.


Maricic is pushing for the opening of the Constitution (Kanal 5


In parallel with the EU screening process, the country can also meet the obligation of changing the Constitution by adding more communities — such as the Croats, Montenegrins and Bulgarians — in the Preamble and in another Article in the Constitution where specific communities are named, according to Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European affairs Bojan Maricic in a Kanal 5 TV appearance on Friday. From our point of view, content-wise, there is no obstacle to doing that, I think that our concept of the Constitution and our environment has always been inclusive for all communities. We will open a dialogue with all political parties, such as the government, but also with all MPs. We believe that there will be an opportunity for the deputies to decide clearly whether they are in favor of continuing the European path, whether they are in favor of Macedonia’s membership in the EU. Or are they for a standstill, going back and deviating from that path, said Deputy Prime Minister Maricic.


Osmani visiting Macedonian minority in Albania (Republika


Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani is on a working visit to Albania. On Sunday he met with several representatives of the Macedonian minority and representatives of local governments. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister Osmani held meetings in Trebishte, Golobrdo and Pustec. In Pustec, he met with the Macedonian Alliance for European Integration party leader Vasil Sterjovski as well as with the Municipality of Pustec Mayor Pali Kolefski. The Foreign Minister announced his visit to the Macedonians in Albania yesterday at a press conference in response to a reporter asking about recent claims made by the Macedonian community in Albania that they were facing pressure to declare themselves Bulgarians in the upcoming October census. Osmani said he would talk to the citizens in the course of the day to see what can be done to help.


Osmani: French proposal pulled country out from Balkans’ whirlpool at the last moment (Republika


Good neighborly relations, the country’s EU path, the partnership with the US, multilateral cooperation, and economic diplomacy have been the five main priorities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs led by Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani since he first came into office, he told a news conference held Saturday to highlight foreign policy achievements since 2020. We managed to pull the country out from the Balkans’ whirlpool at the last moment, said Osmani. He understands that opinions are divided about the French proposal, but he believes that time will show that they made a good decision. Regarding Greece, he says that relations have deepened, two new border crossings have been opened, and Greece is a country that supports Macedonia. Osmani stated that relations with Serbia and Albania have been improved with Open Balkans, the dispute with the church has been resolved, and there was also Ilinden celebration at the Prohor Pcinski monastery. Many bilateral agreements have been concluded with Kosovo. Osmani said that regarding the war in Ukraine, we had aligned views with the EU.


Kosovo-Serbia agreement/Rama: Good news, the solution to the issue of free movement through dialogue; President Begaj: The agreement is in the best interest of all citizens (Radio Tirana


The reaching of the agreement between Kosovo and Serbia on identification documents was been welcomed by the Prime Minister Edi Rama. Through a comment on social networks, the head of the Albanian government appreciates this agreement as "good news", which was made possible thanks to the dialogue. Rama wishes both sides that this development will take the dialogue to a new level. "Good news, the solution to the issue of free movement between Serbia and Kosovo through dialogue, and with congratulations to both parties, I hope that this development will take the dialogue to a new level, so as not to waste endless time and energy in achieving of things as simply logical as this today," writes Prime Minister Rama. The President of Albania Bajram Begaj has commented on the reaching of the agreement between Kosovo and Serbia, regarding the identification documents. President Begaj says that the agreement is in the best interest of all citizens. "I was pleased to hear the news about the agreement, which facilitates travel between Kosovo and Serbia. This is in the best interest of all citizens. Gratitude for the dialogue that leads to concrete results and grateful for the support of the EU and the USA," writes President Begaj. Even the Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka has commented on the agreement reached between Kosovo and Serbia, on the issue of identification documents. She considers it good news for the entire region. "A very good news for the region. Kosovo and Serbia have an agreement that both Albanians and Serbs benefit. Dialogue is always the way out. Congratulations to the two leaders and gratitude to the EU for facilitating the dialogue," Xhacka writes on Twitter.


Rama at the press conference with Bettel: The negotiation process is for ourselves, not for the EU. It helps us to fulfil criteria (Radio Tirana


Albania is not seeking to speed up the process of joining the European Union, "taking advantage" of the situation created in Ukraine. This is what Prime Minister Edi Rama expressed during a press conference with the Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel where he emphasized that the negotiation process is a process for ourselves, which will help Albania in fulfilling the criteria, and that we are not doing it for Europe. "I stand by the fact that we did all our homework and got rejection after rejection. We are not looking to become members of the EU, but to open negotiations. The negotiation process is one we have to do for ourselves, not for Luxembourg. It will help us to fulfil all the criteria. Let us build the European state in our country and be part of the European family as a European country. We have no reason to seek artificial acceleration because of the war in Ukraine. I also said in Kiev that I hope that the Ukrainians do not take the candidate status as an introduction to the EU, as it takes a long time, but I think that because of this situation, I think that together we should speed up the process of political rapprochement, with what Macron calls it a new political cooperation. We have ideas, we are also working with the Dutch government on a proposal on how this deepening can be done, this is a process that can be accelerated if not by membership. We do our homework for ourselves. When we do them, we will say we are ready", said Rama. Bettel, for his part, said that the negotiations of Albania and North Macedonia with the EU were not accelerated because of the war in Ukraine, but because the two countries met the criteria. We can work more closely, but for the sake of the situation we must not go beyond the Copenhagen criteria. "Albania and North Macedonia are not opening negotiations because of the war in Ukraine, but because they met and respected the criteria," he said.