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Belgrade Media Report 26 September



Petkovic: The incursion of members of the so-called KSF into Zubin Potok is contrary to all agreements (RTS)


The fully armed incursion of members of the so-called Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) into the north of Kosovo and Metohija, which happened on Saturday in the municipality of Zubin Potok, is contrary to all signed accords and arrangements and a direct threat to the Serbian people in the north of the province, announced the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic. The Serbian List also issued the announcement, which called on the international civil and security missions in Pristina to react preventively and prevent illegal incursions.


The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, announced that the incursion of members of the so-called Kosovo Security Forces is a direct violation of the agreement from 2013 with the Secretary General of NATO, according to which members of any military formation coming from Pristina do not have the right to be in the north of Kosovo without double approval - the commander of KFOR and four Serbian mayors from the north, who did not give such approval. "Therefore, there is no single reason or justification for Saturday's intrusion by the so-called KSF, but it is the latest in a series of moves that Aljbin Kurti is making with the aim of causing tensions, conflicts and destabilizing the situation on the ground," Petkovic assesses. The question, he adds, is whether someone and who tacitly allowed Kurti to carry out his dangerous intentions.

"That is why it is necessary that KFOR and the international missions operating in Kosovo and Metohija clearly and unequivocally decide against such a dramatic violation of the agreement and unilateral and dangerous moves," Petkovic believes. There is no doubt, he points out, that such militant moves by Albin Kurti are a continuation of his war-mongering policy, the goal of which is the silent but violent occupation of northern Kosovo, because Kurti is aware that he cannot force the Serbs to ever accept him in any other way. This is also served by the construction of illegal bases of special units in the north of Kosovo, as well as the frequent incursions of ROSU into Serbian areas from Strpce to Leposavic. "Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija are deeply disturbed by such threats and the rattling of weapons, but they are also determined not to fall for provocations, because they know that the state of Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic are with them," concluded the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.


The Serbian list objects the incursion into the north of Kosovo 


The Serbian List called on the international civil and security missions in Pristina to react preventively and prevent the further entry of members of the Kosovo security forces into the northern Serbian municipalities, without the approval of the mayors of those municipalities and the KFOR commander. "The illegal incursion of members of the Kosovo Security Forces into the territory of the municipality of Zubin Potok is a gross violation of the agreement from 2013, whose guarantor is NATO, and which guarantees that no armed formations of Pristina can intrude in to Serbian municipalities in the north without the approval of the mayors of these municipalities and commanders of KFOR", stated in the announcement of the Serbian List. The Serbian List "responsibly claims that the mayors did not approve this brutal violation of the agreement and endangering the peace in these areas", and they demand an immediate and decisive reaction of the KFOR command to this provocation. "At a time when Pristina is trying to militarize the north and occupy the municipalities in the north by rattling weapons, incidents like this are unacceptable and require the reaction of all those responsible for a safe and secure environment for all citizens, and above all KFOR, EULEX and UNMIK," said the Serbian List, without specifying other details about the presence of members of the security forces in the municipality of Zubin Potok. They assess that "it is obvious that Aljbin Kurti, at the moment when his plan on registration does not pass among the Serbs, is trying to intimidate peaceful and honest Serbian citizens in the municipalities in the north and by raising tensions to divert the public's attention from the burning problems that are piling up in Pristina". "Once again, we call on the authorities to act preventively, and to warn Kurti that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated. Irresponsible behavior in these moments for the sake of gaining cheap political points is a characteristic of incompetent politicians and manipulators who are currently at the head of the institutions in Pristina," underlines Serbian List.


Brnabic: The government and the president will not remain silent on the injustices against the Serbs (RTS)


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic visited the family of Nikola Nedeljkovic, a young man whom the so-called The Kosovo Police Service arrested during the celebration of Vidovdan in Gazimestan and announced that the Government of Serbia and the team of the President of the Republic Aleksandar Vucic will not remain silent about the injustices that are happening to the Serbs in Kosovo. "As President Vucic said in New York, some in Serbia accuse us that the more we mention Kosovo, the farther we are from the EU, but the Government of Serbia and the team of the President of the Republic will not remain silent about the injustice that is happening to the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and we will be there for Nikola and his family. We will seek justice," said Ana Brnabic after visiting the Nedeljkovic family. The Prime Minister pointed out that she came to give the family first of all human support, but also that she will do everything to get justice for Nikola.


"He was arrested on June 28 in Gazimestan, and then sentenced to eight months in prison without any evidence, with some false testimony, that he shouted some slogans that cause religious, national hatred and intolerance," said Brnabic. She added that she had come to draw attention to how the rule of law is implemented in Kosovo and Metohija, as Aljbin Kurti says, "a more democratic state than Serbia". She stated that the example of Nikola Nedeljkovic is just one in a series of examples of how, as she pointed out, there is neither the rule of law nor any kind of justice when it comes to Serbs.


"Nikola Nedeljovic is a guy who is not a criminal, he is a socially responsible person, a humanitarian. What is even more interesting is that the citizen of Montenegro Risto Jovanovic was arrested last year in a similar or almost identical way. Risto Jovanovic was arrested on the report of the same policeman who arrested Nedeljkovic this year, and based on that same testimony, he was also convicted. It is obvious what this is about," the Prime Minister pointed out. She stated that since Kurti was in power in Pristina, the number of attacks on Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, on Serbian property, increased by 50 percent, and the number of incidents increased, so that last year ended with 128 incidents. "So far, we have had close to 100 attacks on Serbs this year alone, and it goes unpunished," said Brnabic.

She pointed out that the last major incident happened on September 12, when, as she says, an attempt was made to kill a 19-year-old Serbian young man, Nemanja Mitrovic. "We will see what the outcome will be, and everything is happening in 2022, when Kurti abolished the right to vote for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, a basic human right. This is the kind of democracy we are talking about," said Brnabic. She said that on Monday the defense lawyers will file a complaint for Nikola Nedeljkovic, and that she will use that day to once again address her EU partners on the matter.


Head of the EU in Pristina: It is high time to implement the decision on the property of the Visoki Decani monastery (RTS)


The head of the Office of the European Union in Pristina, Tomas Szunyog, said that it is high time for the institutions in Pristina to implement the decision of the Constitutional Court on the legal registration of the land of the Orthodox monastery Visoki Decani. In an interview with the Albanian Post portal, Tomas Szunyog recalled that more than six years have passed since the verdict of the Constitutional Court in Pristina and almost ten years since the decision of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court which confirmed the monastery's ownership of several tens of hectares of land.


"We believe that it is high time that the Kosovo institutions quickly and fully implement the verdict of the Constitutional Court on the land of the Visoki Decani monastery", said Szunyog and assessed that the implementation of the verdict "would show Pristina's commitment to the rule of law, one of the leading principles of the European Union and the European Convention on human rights, and to contribute to the much-needed dialogue between communities in Kosovo".


Regarding the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, he said that "the process is co-owned by the two sides who determine the agenda, speed, content and outcome of the discussion". "The EU, as a mediator in the dialogue, works with both sides on the comprehensive normalization of relations, solving open issues, and we expect the parties to quickly fulfill their obligations in the dialogue, given the direct connection between the normalization of comprehensive relations and concrete perspectives for their aspirations in the EU," explained Szunyog. He also warned that the number of cases of inter-ethnic violence in Kosovo and Metohija is on the rise and that this problem must be solved. As an example, he cited the complaints of Serbian residents of the village of Gojbulja near Vucitrn, and that they personally conveyed their concerns to him during a visit to that village this year.


Vucic at the end of his visit to New York: We will not renounce territorial integrity, nor the European path (Tanjug)


At the end of his several-day visit to New York, President Aleksandar Vucic pointed out that the next winter will be difficult and that it is therefore important to create a larger financial buffer, which he discussed with the head of the IMF, Kristalina Georgieva. He stated that Serbia will not renounce its territorial integrity, nor the European path.


Aleksandar Vucic, in a statement to journalists, summarizing the meetings he had in New York, recalled that he attended the informal dinner of the World Economic Forum, which was attended by many leaders, from the Belgian prime minister to the foreign ministers of Ukraine, Japan, Costa Rica, Rwanda, Panama, but and the head of the IMF, Kristalina Georgieva.


"I spent a long time talking with Georgieva about creating a stand-by arrangement. It is important that we create a bigger financial buffer in order to secure ourselves for the winter. I would quote what she told me, which is that this winter will be very difficult, and the next one even more difficult", said Vucic at the end of his visit to New York, where he spoke at the UN General Assembly. He pointed out that governments have saved some money for this winter, and that it will be difficult to allocate funds for the next one, so many countries will disappear from the radar of financial stability. "We have to avoid that, to create a bigger buffer zone, to work on the growth and development of Serbia. I asked her how we should work on that and she said, work on financial buffers," the president said. Vucic said that on the last day, he had a lot of meetings with representatives of African countries, Slovenian friends, as well as with the head of Russian diplomacy, Sergey Lavrov. "We talked about bilateral issues. I thanked him for his support for our territorial integrity," underlined the President of Serbia.


We are fighting, not with Pristina, but with Western powers 


The President of Serbia, regarding the activities of the president of the temporary institutions in Pristina, Vljosa Osmani, to win additional recognition of Kosovo, pointed out that it is not about Pristina's fight, but about our fight against what the big western powers are doing. "As I see it, they will work in all possible ways and we will fight. I have already seen three Asian and three African countries that they have targeted. We will continue to work. It is not a question of Pristina, but our fight against what all the big western forces will do " said Vucic. He pointed out that these powers are now looking to exclude one Russia from the UN, that Serbia is small, but even that small will succeed and manage to fight. "We will not give up our territorial integrity and we will continue Serbia's European path, the president repeated and pointed out that he is doing everything to save Serbia. He stated that Serbia is looking to survive and it remains to be seen how and what it will do and added that the time is difficult and a great burden is ahead of us.


The global situation is getting terribly complicated 


The president stated that he had many bilateral meetings in New York, in addition to the officially announced ones, and when asked about the conversation with US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, he said that he also discussed all topics with her, as he had previously with the national security adviser of the president of the USA, Jake Sullivan. He added that it is important that Serbia has American support regarding economic reforms and the country's economic progress. On the other hand, he pointed out again that the global situation is getting terribly complicated. "The world will not be the same. No matter how much I spoke, they would say that I'm a 'drama queen', that I'm making things up... But now you feel it here, and you see that it's being said in such a way. It will be very difficult," said Vucic. In this sense, he stated that some European leaders, who requested a meeting with Lavrov, had to withdraw their consent to meet with him. "They were embarrassed, even though they were looking for him, because the ban arrived... That never happened. There was none of that," stated the President of Serbia.


He stated that he is almost certain that the Western powers will try to exclude Russia from the UN Security Council and pointed out that Serbia will not vote for it. "We will see if it will work or not," said Vucic. "Serbia will not vote for something like that, for limiting the right of veto or excluding Russia. We have no dilemma there. They need a two-thirds majority for that. They can also refer that Russia is not the legal successor of the USSR. But there is an article, I think, of Act 108, which I see they are preparing to invoke. That would be an overthrow of the international legal order. For one of those decisions, they need China to abstain. God knows what they can do. It is neither far nor impossible. For us it would be a disaster. Because of KiM of course".


Selakovic: The Serbian delegation had 100 meetings in New York and signed 12 agreements (RTS)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Selakovic, said that during the session of the UN General Assembly, there were exceptional talks, both with the representatives of the countries that recognized the self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo, and with those who confirmed their commitment to the principle of inviolability of territorial integrity and sovereignty. On the sidelines of this year's General Assembly of the United Nations, the Serbian delegation had 100 meetings and signed 12 agreements, says the head of Serbian diplomacy, Nikola Selakovic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced. One of them is the Consultation Plan of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Russia in the next two years, which was signed by Minister Sergey Lavrov and Nikola Selakovic. Selakovic stated that there were exceptional talks, both with the representatives of the countries that recognized the self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo, and with those that did not, and who thereby confirmed their commitment to the principle of inviolability of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the internationally recognized member states of the United Nations. The head of Serbian diplomacy pointed out that this year was very challenging for the United Nations.


"Multilateralism is in a kind of crisis and for Serbia it is of vital importance that multilateralism returns to the scene, that the strengthened role of the UN returns to the scene and that our fight for the protection of our state and national interests in Kosovo and Metohija, and precisely in the light of the fight for respecting the application of international law, relevant UN decisions, such as Resolution 1244, remains what we will deal with and remains something that Serbia will fight for. It is precisely this reaffirmation of the role of the UN that guarantees greater success in that struggle," said Selakovic. He pointed out that the meetings on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session were an excellent opportunity to conclude a series of agreements, protocols and memoranda with the representatives of the countries he had the opportunity to meet with.


Selakovic: Serbia does not accept the results of the referendum in Ukraine (Tanjug, RTS)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selakovic stated that Serbia cannot accept the results of the referendum in the Ukrainian regions because, as he pointed out, it would be completely contrary to our state and national interests. At the press conference, Nikola Selakovic, when asked whether Serbia will accept the results of the referendum in the Ukrainian regions, said that in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and generally accepted principles and norms of international public law, Serbia cannot accept those results.


"On the one hand, our commitment to the principles and rules of international public law, the Charter of the United Nations, is principled, and on the other hand, it would be completely contrary to our state and national interests, completely contrary to our policy of preserving territorial integrity and sovereignty and commitment to the principle of the inviolability of borders" Selakovic said.


When asked by a journalist what message Serbia is sending with the agreement he signed with the head of Russian diplomacy, Sergey Lavrov, Selakovic replied that only those who have not read it criticize the agreement and that it serves only as a sufficient excuse for an attack on our country. "That agreement has been signed since 1996 and it is a technical matter, it has no security policy connotation. It is about bilateral relations and multilateral activity. The government could have rejected such a plan, but there is nothing controversial in it, and it is criticized by those who they didn't even see it," said Selakovic.


The main topic of all meetings in New York - defence of Serbia's interests 


Selakovic also stated that together with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at the session of the UN General Assembly in New York, he had hundreds of conversations with foreign statesmen and diplomats, and that the main topic of all meetings was the defence of Serbia's state and national interests. Selakovic said that this is the most intense year for Serbia in terms of diplomatic activities in the last few years, and that he alone had 95 meetings with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and various other diplomats in New York, and that he signed 13 cooperation agreements and protocols. He pointed out that the main topics of those meetings were bilateral relations, energy, energy diversification and that they discussed the construction of solar parks, wind generators, the construction of Djerdap 3, which can only be built by the USA, interconnectors with Bulgaria and North Macedonia. He also said that two agreements each were signed with Brazil, Colombia and Senegal.


Brnabic: Serbia is under the greatest pressure since 1999 (TV Pink)


The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, stated that Serbia is facing the biggest pressures so far, which, as she stated, was a reaction to the address of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, at the UN General Assembly in New York. Brnabic told TV Pink that Serbia is currently under the greatest pressure since 1999, which was caused by the president's speech, in which, she says, he " throwed" the truth in the face of the great powers without excessive emotion. Brnabic said that the pressures were also increased due to the signing of the consultation plan between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Russia, stating that the negative reactions due to that document are unnecessary, because it is not legally binding and it has been signed for 26 years. "If any of those who criticize and attack Serbia and announce declarations against our country had looked at it, they would have seen that, unlike similar plans, this one does not mention the security aspect, nor does it mention any consultations regarding any military cooperation," said Brnabic. She added that the disproportionately violent reaction in relation to the meaning of the consultation plan is an indication that a way to react to Vucic’s speech in New York is being sought, because, she says, certain major powers could not bear the truth presented by the president. "I tried to talk to EU officials today, there is no room for conversation, they don't hear us, it's brutal blackmail, threats," said Brnabic. She stated that because of the pressures that Serbia is suffering, there are many politicians in the SNS and members of the government who want the country to change its policy so that the pressures disappear, and that the president wants us to lead an independent foreign policy, no matter how difficult it may be. "One of the basic principles of SNS is that Serbia conducts an independent foreign policy," said Brnabic.


MEPs criticise signing of Consultation Plan between Serbia and Russia (Nova S)


European Parliament members, including Vladimir Bilcik, the EP rapporteur for Serbia, condemned the signing of the Consultation Plan by the foreign affairs ministries of Russia and Serbia for the next two years. “As a keen supporter of any steps towards a European Serbia, I find the news of planned consultations between Serbia and Russia a major blow to accession process in the Western Balkans. Let’s be clear: Russia is mobilizing to attack EU candidate state Ukraine, Russia is attacking EU enlargement!” Bilcik wrote on Twitter.


EP rapporteur for Kosovo, Viola von Cramon, also reacted to the news about the agreement, saying it represents a “serious scandal”. “This is a serious scandal. In the midst of raging war, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Serbia signs the plan on future collaboration with the Russian aggressor. Or maybe it’s just a signal for us to freeze the EU accession talks as entering the EU does not go through Moscow”, she posted on Twitter.


Russia’s and Serbia’s foreign ministers, Sergey Lavrov and Nikola Selakovic, signed on Friday in New York the Plan of Consultations of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries for the next two years. Selakovic said on Sunday that this plan is being attacked by “those who have not even seen it”, and that it does not contain security policy issues, but refers to consultations at the UN regarding Kosovo, bilateral relations and multilateral activities.


US Ambassador wants explanation of Serbia-Russia document (N1)


US Ambassador Christopher Hill said that Washington wants Belgrade to explain what the Serbian and Russian Foreign Ministers signed in New York last week. No one should be signing anything with Russia at present, Hill told reporters at a regional conference on good management and anti-corruption policies. We find this hard to understand but we want to hear an explanation, he said about the 2-year plan for consultations between the two ministries signed on the margins of the UN General Assembly by Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov. He added that no one has seen the plan because it is not a public document.


According to Selakovic, the plan is a technical issue which has been in place since 1996. He explained that it includes steps to be taken in consultations on Kosovo within the UN, bilateral and multilateral activities and added that it does not include any aspect of security policy.


What did Serbia and Russia sign - a scandal or something else? (N1)


Two signatures, numerous reactions. The agreement initialled by Sergey Lavrov and Nikola Selakovic in New York on consultations between the two ministries caused sharp reactions in both Belgrade and Brussels. The representatives of the European Parliament say that it is a scandal, while the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Selakovic, says that such criticism is an attempt to undermine Serbia.


In the middle of New York, on September 23, Serbia and Russia signed an important diplomatic document. The consultation plan of the ministries of foreign affairs of the two countries for the next two years was signed by Nikola Selakovic and Sergey Lavrov on the sidelines of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly. After two days of silence, the relevant minister explains that it is a technical matter, which has been implemented since 1996.


"As far as I am personally concerned, I think that the Government is certainly in a position to reject such a plan due to such situations and relationships, but I would not see anything fundamentally objectionable in that plan, especially when it is attacked by those who have not even seen it at all, who are looking for a sufficient reason, as I said, to attack Serbia or attempts that continue in other instances to discipline Serbia," Selakovic said. The signed plan, as the minister claims, contains consultations on bilateral relations and multilateral activities, and there is no security policy in it. Such a document is still criticized by the opposition in Serbia.


By signing a plan of consultations with the Russian Foreign Ministry, Serbia was isolating itself from all those supporting following the principle of the sovereignty of the countries, the opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) emphasized on Saturday. “It is unbelievable that, in a moment when the whole world is following Moscow’s moves with fear, jeopardizing the world peace and watching for months the everyday persecution of Ukrainian people, our outgoing Minister signs a treaty on prolonged consultations with the country that directly breaches the UN Charter and intends to annex a territory of another internationally recognized country”, the announcement stated. “A special issue is that Selakovic cannot see a connection with the resolving of Kosovo issue, since the countries that have recognized Kosovo would call it a precedent and possibility to recognize our part of the territory”, SSP emphasized. The Serbian authorities thus “directly damages our position regarding Kosovo (and) enables (Russia) to come out of the blockade caused by an attack on a sovereign country and forceful change of borders”, it was added.


MP from We Must – Together block Djordje Miketic asked on Sunday from Selakovic to urgently explain “what he actually signed” with Lavrov before the Parliamentary board for foreign policy. “On whose behalf did he sign this and under whose orders? Is this his personal act, is this signed at the order of the Serbian President or Russian President or did the outgoing Government reach a decision that Serbia should give up on its road to join the EU, which it has no right to do”, Miketic asked. Serbian must urgently introduce sanctions against Russia, not just due to alignment of its foreign policy with the EU, but also “inhuman” threat of Vladimir Putin with usage of nuclear weapons, he said. “This threat is jeopardizing every human being on this planet as well as the future peace in the world. Serbia must urgently determine its stand towards these imperial moves of the regime in Moscow”, Miketic stated.


Signing of the treaty was also condemned by League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina (LSV), whose spokesman Aleksandar Marton said that it was “scandalous”. “Serbia with the mentioned plan, put itself directly under the control of Putin, who continued his criminal operation in Ukraine. Serbian Progressive Party (SNS)- controlled Serbia has chosen to be on the wrong side in history, together with criminal regimes in Moscow, Damascus, Pyongyang, Tehran and Minsk”, Marton said.


On the other side, the leader of the conservative, anti-EU orientated New Democratic Party of Serbia (Novi DSS) Milos Jovanovic said that “every cooperation with Russia and any stronger cooperation, not only at the political level, but also economic and military-technical is a good thing for Serbia”. “If you are making a plan of regular consultations for a period of two years, I think this is more supportive to the view that there will be no sanctions against Russia than it will. I think this is a right view”, Jovanovic said for Danas daily.


The leader of Healthy Serbia, Ukrainian Embassy exchange accusations (VIP)


The leader of Healthy Serbia (ZS) party Milan Stamatovic, who supported organization of sham referendums in the Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine last week, accused on Saturday Ukrainian Embassy in Belgrade of “denouncing” after it proclaimed him “a Russian mercenary presenting himself as Serbian politician”. Stamatovic “not only attempts to worsen bilateral relations between Ukraine and Serbia, but actively works on undermining territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia”, it was announced on Friday by Ukrainian Embassy in Belgrade after it was announced that he supported organization of staged “referendums” during his visit to Moscow. “We are certain that Serbian leadership and authorities would secure an appropriate, including the public assessment of subversive activity of the Moscow’s mercenary who presents himself as a Serbian politician”, the announcement stated.


Stamatovic’s reply soon followed, in which Ukrainian Embassy was accused of dealing with “denouncing and making lists of those citizens of Serbia who publicly expressed their view, not liked by the anti-Russian camarilla in Kyiv”. “I suggest Ukrainian Embassy to ask themselves what kind of mercenary I am of ‘Russian fascist regime’ when the representatives of our, Serbian authorities, just five years ago, accused me of being a ‘Ukrainian spy’”, Stamatovic stated in a written statement.


Serbian Right leader is an observer at the separatist referendum in Ukraine (N1)


The leader of the Serbian Right, Misa Vacic, is in Volgograd as an international observer for the referendum on joining Russia that is being held in occupied Ukrainian regions. Vacic is in Volgograd at the invitation of the administration of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and he visited the polling stations located in the refugee camps on the territory of the Volgograd region, the Serbian Right said. The camps currently house residents from the separatist regions of Ukraine who can exercise their right to vote in the referendum on joining Russia.

In a statement to the Russian media, Vacic expressed support for the separatist referendums, as well as Putin’s decision on partial mobilization, and he presented the assistant governor of the Volgograd region, Boris Sergejevich Isakov, with a T-shirt with the image of Ratko Mladic, who was sentenced by the Hague Tribunal to life imprisonment for genocide and war crimes committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina.




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


RS Government plans to propose new law on immovable property (ATV)


The Republika Srpska (RS) Government issued a statement on Sunday announcing that it will define and propose to the RS National Assembly (RSNA) a new law on immovable property that is used for the functioning of the public authority of RS, after the Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) made “a politically motivated and unconstitutional decision invalidating the current law”. "With the aim of protecting the property of the RS and determined to preserve the legal security of all citizens and institutions of the RS, which has been severely damaged by this decision of the CC of B&H, the RS will adopt a new law on immovable property with an aim of protecting the property of the RS”, reads the statement. The RS Government condemns the decision of the CC on annulling the law on immovable property used for the functioning of the public authority of the RS and assesses that in this way the Dayton organization and the Constitution of B&H itself are directly violated. The RS Government stressed that by adopting a new law, the property of the RS will remain the property of the RS as it was decisively and unequivocally determined by the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), and there is not a single court that can dispute the right of the RS to be the owner of its property. Meanwhile, Serb Member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik announced that a new law with the same content would be proposed at the first opportunity, and that they would pass a new law every time if it is abolished.


SNSD: Schmidt has contacts with RS opposition and not with RS authorities; Dodik: RS authorities do not recognize Schmidt as HR, Trivic meets with Schmidt in Banja Luka (ATV)


ATV carried that German citizen (High Representative) Christian Schmidt stated that he has contacts with the authorities in Republika Srpska (RS), which sparked reactions in SNSD. According to SNSD, Schmidt has contacts with the opposition in the RS but not with the authorities of the RS. Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated that a day will come when Schmidt will leave B&H and that is when he will leave behind the period when Germany tried to occupy Serbs again. Dodik noted that it is known with whom Schmidt has contacts, and he added that, for instance, he is contacting the Banja Luka authorities with Mayor Drasko Stanivukovic from PDP at helm, the candidates for the elections, but he is not in contact with the RS authorities. Dodik denied Schmidt’s statement as false and said that the RS authorities do not recognize Schmidt as the HR. “While I meet with Putin three times in 10 months, in Banja Luka, candidates like (PDP’s candidate for RS President Jelena) Trivic meets with Schmidt. There they are, they have contact, that is true, but they have no contact with us because we do not recognize him. He is telling a lie”, noted the SNSD leader. The SNSD leader added that he used to think Germans were “serious people who stick to their dignity”, and added: “Now I see that, if I conclude based on him, they are pranksters.” SNSD Presidency member Stasa Kosarac noted for ATV that the RS institutions and its representatives do not recognize Schmidt as the HR, and this stance will remain unchanged. Kosarac said that Schmidt interfered in the pre-election race in the RS and stood in Trivic’s protection, inventing stories that he met with authorities in the RS. “No one from the authorities of the RS recognizes Schmidt. They do not meet or communicate with him. Schmidt said that he does not want to talk about his relations with Dodik. Of course, he does not want to do that because such relations do not exist. He only meets PDP’s Trivic and Stanivukovic”, he concluded.


Dodik: Russia remains dedicated to DPA and is not ready to withdraw from it; Putin is friend of all peace-loving people (Oslobodjenje)


Speaking for Australian MIS TV, member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that Republika Spska (RS) is energetically stable and the only one in the region that has surplus of electricity. He added that surplus of electricity that the RS has enables it to keep low electricity prices. “Electricity price is higher in the Federation of B&H (FB&H). Our balance sheets are always positive. With Russian partners we have the agreed investments, which are two gas power plants and gas pipeline. ‘Zarubeznjeft’ will construct one gas power plant of 100 megawatts,” said Dodik.


Dodik stated on Sunday that during his latest visit to Russia it was important for him to ensure gas supply for the RS, as well as the implementation of investments such as gas pipeline and gas-power plant within the agreed arrangement. He also said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic gave a statesmen and patriotic speech at the latest session of the UN General Assembly in New York, in which he made clear that different standards cannot be used in similar situations.


Dodik said that Russia remains dedicated to the Dayton Peace Agreement and it is not prepared to withdraw from it, regardless of the fact that westerners are trying to throw it out. “Russia gets very actively involved when it comes to the issues that come from B&H in UN Security Council,” said Dodik. He added that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a friend of peace, stability, acknowledgement and policy of non-interference which aims to secure long term stability and peace, which is what the RS advocates. Dodik stressed that the fact that he talked to Putin three times in ten months, is a proof of good relations between the RS and Russia. “Putin is without a doubt a friend of all peace-loving people in the world and those who want to cooperate with Russia and acknowledge it. Our people is without a doubt one of those,” said Dodik. He added that dedication to the DPA is an additional reason to trust in Russia, to respect international law and not the will of some minister of the western administration.


FM Lavrov speaks about problems in B&H and Kosovo at UN General Assembly (Dnevni list)


Daily reads that everyone is aware that the Western Balkans is an area where the world powers have always crossed swords, which will be the case in the future too. According to author, the Balkans pot is boiling even without outside interferences, and in cases when different sides get a wink from the outside, they get additionally active, which is exactly what has been happening in last few years and which culminated with the start of brutal Russian aggression of Ukraine. Daily further reads that all six Western Balkans countries have many problems and are far from being stable, stressing that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Kosovo are the easiest targets. To substantiate its claim, daily reads that in his address to the UN General Assembly, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov directly commented about B&H and Kosovo during his half an hour speech. “We are concerned with the situation in Kosovo and B&H. The US and the EU are stubbornly working on destroying the international legal order based on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and the Dayton agreement”, said Lavrov. This triggered the daily to say that, unfortunately, things have not moved forward considerably, and that as long as status quo is in place, B&H is facing realistic danger of additional instability. Concluding the article, author writes that given B&H is part of Europe and since citizens strongly support the country’s path to the EU, one has to be hopeful that we will soon find solutions to burning issues in B&H with the help from Brussels and Washington and finally move towards better future. “Everything else means uncertain future”, author concluded.


Kristo: B&H Constitution needs to ensure equality of all three peoples; B&H Election Law needs to be changed (HRT1


Candidate of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)) Borjana Kristo, asked about the importance of this years’ general elections, said that they are significant for B&H and the Croat people in B&H. She stressed that the B&H Constitution defines B&H as a country of three peoples with the constituent status and the division into two entities is unfair. Kristo said that one entity is dominated by Bosniaks and the other by Serbs. She said that discrimination of one people is constitutional based on this, while the rights of Croats are undermined since the political representatives of Croats are elected by Bosniaks. Kristo said that only equality of all three peoples defined in the Constitution and through election of legitimate representatives can ensure the preservation of B&H, as well as its European future.


Asked about the mobilization of voters for such significant elections, Kristo said that it is clear for B&H citizens and politicians in what kind of political moments B&H is in and that the country is stagnating. She stressed that it is important to reconcile Bosniaks and Croats. Kristo said that she travelled through the entire Federation of B&H where Croats live and she is convinced that the people will show their strength and unity. Asked about her statement that she loves B&H because Croats live in it, Kristo said that her key political message is that B&H is her homeland and the homeland of the Croat people and she loves it. She stressed that everyone in B&H needs to understand that Croats are not a minority or a small people and they are integral for B&H and its Constitution. Asked about the claims that real issues of citizens are being ignored, Kristo said that HDZ B&H is a responsible party that is appearing at elections with a program and they base it on the analysis of the political situation and the ongoing crises. She believes that they did not sideline other issues during the campaign, but political issues are a priority in B&H. Asked whether she will give up on changes to the B&H Election law if she wins, Kristo said that this will not happen and the B&H Election Law needs to be changed.




PM Plenkovic: Those in B&H who believe it is late for the Bonn powers want status quo (Dnevni list)


Croatian Prime Minister (PM) Andrej Plenkovic stated there are people on the political scene in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) who claim it is too late for the High Representative’s (HR) intervention into the Election Law and who want to maintain the ‘status quo’ after ‘pretending to be negotiating’ for two years. In his speech before the UN General Assembly, PM Plenkovic called on HR Christian Schmidt to use his powers and enact electoral reform that would secure equality to the Croats in the forthcoming elections. The PM further stated he believes it is not too late for that, which is a narrative used by people who want to have status quo. According to the daily, PM Plenkovic was referring to statement of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, who publicly said that he was “pretending to be negotiating and doing everything not to have progress during the talks”. Answering a question if Schmidt will listen to calls from Croatia regarding use of the Bonn powers, Plenkovic said it is all down to Schmidt.


Milanovic says Plenkovic’s call to Schmidt to carry out electoral reform in B&H comes too late, adds he is starting to like idea of having Croatia participate in ‘Althea’ Mission to B&H (Dnevni list)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented on the speech of Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic before the UN General Assembly (UN GA), on which occasion he urged High Representative Christian Schmidt to use his power to carry out an electoral reform that would secure legitimate representation of Croats in the political bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Milanovic said that the call came too late knowing that the elections in B&H will take place in couple of weeks (Milanovic was referring to October 2 general elections) and he reminded that he had been talking about the said issue for a year. Milanovic added that he talked about electoral reform in B&H even when it was not appropriate, such as the NATO summit, and couple of weeks after his speech Schmidt “scrambled some kind of porridge of reform” and delivered it to a public discussion, which was a mistake. “Well, you either have the powers, or you do not have them. If you have the powers, you do not refer it to public discussion, instead you act as a sovereign with specific powers”, Milanovic said and argued that Schmidt, by making such move, gave enough time to noise-makers to get organized and go out to streets. “5,000 organized noisemakers go to the streets in Sarajevo, you get scared and go to Germany. Let us see if 2,000 Serbs or Croats from Mostar come to Sarajevo, so that we see how it will go”, Milanovic added.


Speaking about the ‘Althea’ Mission to B&H, Milanovic said that Croatia is not in the mission because someone does not like it, and that he is now starting to like it. “I started to like the idea of being there and having this right if we want it, maybe we will not send anyone there”, Milanovic said and assessed that there is an organized resistance of several countries with Germany at the helm to this idea. Milanovic argued that he cannot understand that anyone sees Croatia as a danger for B&H while, at the same time, Bosniak officers are attending trainings in Croatia. Milanovic also reminded that even Turkey is a part of the ‘Althea’ mission, although Turkish President (Recep Tayyip Erdogan) recently said in Zagreb that “the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) must be abolished”. “Therefore, his army is allowed to go to B&H, yet we cannot go there even theoretically speaking. Some very unusual, very dumb and stupid things are happening and we will not be able to do anything without a joint approach of the Government, diplomacy as a tool of foreign policy and myself”, Milanovic concluded.


Croatian PM Plenkovic says he expects large number of Croats to vote in general elections in B&H and support legitimate Croat parties, with goal to ensure legitimate representation of Croats at all levels of authorities in B&H (HRT1)


In an interview to HRT, Croatia’s Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic spoke about his impressions made in New York at the UN General Assembly (UNGA), the most important global issues and the upcoming elections in Bosni and Herzegovina (B&H). He said that last week’s meetings of world leaders on the sidelines of the UNGA session were marked by Russian aggression in Ukraine and attempts of the international community, the UN and other organization that condemn Russian activities to continue with strong support to Ukraine. Commenting on the energy crisis at the global level and his remarks given in his interviews to the US media, Plenkovic said that the food and energy crisis and inflationary pressures are among the consequences of the Russian aggression in Ukraine. He added that all countries, including Croatia, are forced to adjust their policies, programs and activities to moderate effects of Moscow’s actions against Ukraine which led to enormous rise in prices of energy sources. He also spoke about further activities in Croatia on this plan.


Asked to comment on the upcoming general elections in B&H and the fact that Croats in B&H are dissatisfied with their status, Plenkovic stated that he expects that large number of Croats will vote in the general elections in B&H scheduled for October 2 and support legitimate Croat parties, with an aim to ensure the legitimate representation of Croats at all levels of authorities in B&H. He assessed that it is difficult for B&H to function in a proper and quality manner, realize reform goals and make progress on the EU path without equality of the three constituent peoples in B&H. Plenkovic reminded that Croatia has supported the electoral reform talks based on the 2020 Mostar Agreement and an intention to return trust between Croats and Bosniaks and make progress that will ensure better functioning of B&H and quality representation of the constituent peoples. However, he said that this has not been achieved so far through agreement between political parties, so there is a possibility for High Representative Christian Schmidt to use his powers and impose amendments to the Election Law of B&H. Plenkovic added that the former HRs have change certain provisions of the Election Law of B&H to the detriment of the Croat people in B&H, but Schmidt now has a chance to correct injustice and make possible the formation of government institutions in fair manner that will meet and ensure adequate participation of all constituent peoples in B&H, particularly Croats as the least numerous constituent people.


Croatia will not act on Serbia's request to deliver summons to pilots charged with war crimes (Hina)


Croatia will not act on a Serbian request to its Justice Ministry to deliver summons to appear at a hearing to four Croatian pilots charged with war crimes in August 1995, according to a press release issued in Zagreb on Sept. 23. The Croatian Ministry of Justice and Administration said in the press release that it had received the request from the Higher Court in Belgrade via the Justice Ministry asking that the summons for a Oct. 14, 2022 hearing be delivered to the four members of the Croatian Air Force charged with bombing a refugee column at the Petrovacka Cesta road near Bosanski Petrovac in August 1995. The press release notes that the Croatian ministry did not receive any indictment or other information on the actions taken in these proceedings, other than that Serbia was charging the pilots based on a March 31, 2022 indictment brought by the War Crimes Prosecutor's Office for the co commission of war crimes against civilians. The Croatian ministry further noted that the system of judicial cooperation needed to lie upon the principle of mutual trust, i.e. the confidence of one state that legal order in the other is of sufficient quality to ensure the impartial, just and effective running of criminal proceedings in that state. "The course of the proceedings in Serbia to date indicates gross violations of the right to a fair trial as established by international law," the press release read.




Djukanovic submitted an amended proposal for a decision to shorten the mandate to the Assembly (CDM)


President Milo Djukanovic submitted an amended proposal for a decision to shorten the mandate of the Assembly, after President Danijela Djurovic informed him that his earlier request for convening an extraordinary session of that body "is not in order and does not meet the conditions prescribed by the Constitution and Rules of Procedure." In the initial proposal, Djukanovic explained the reasons why he would not give a mandate to Lekic, after which he proposed shortening the mandate of the Assembly, thus creating the conditions for early parliamentary elections.


In the amended proposal for shortening the mandate of the Parliament, which Djukanovic submitted and which was published on the parliament's website, the president requests an extraordinary session of the parliament on September 30, which was his earlier proposal. In his explanation, Djukanovic stated that after the consultations on the mandate for the composition of the government, he did not "get the impression that there is a clear majority that would be able to form a government that would offer solutions to very difficult problems on the financial, economic, legal, institutional and political level." "Especially in terms of security, bearing in mind the current crisis in Europe caused by Russia's aggression against Ukraine, which has undoubted implications for the security of the Western Balkans," said Djukanovic.


The President informed Djurovic that he had consulted with representatives of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), the Social Democratic Party (SDP), the Social Democrats of Montenegro (SD), the Bosniak Party (BS), the Albanian Alternative (AA), Force, and the Democratic Union of Albanians (DUA), Democratic Party (DP) and Liberal Party (LP). As he stated, the representatives of the old parliamentary majority did not respond to the call.


Krivokapic: Crisis should be solved through elections, Montenegro a hot spot in Balkans (CDM)


“Montenegro can get out of the current political crisis by holding elections and by the democratic decision of the citizens who, I believe, will choose the best solution as in 2006”, says Minister of Foreign Affairs Ranko Krivokapic for Voice of America. He is participating in the 77th session of the UN General Assembly. Krivokapic also warns of escalating Russian interference in Montenegro, which, in his opinion, could potentially be a hot spot in the Balkans.


“In Montenegro, our Euro-Atlantic friends see this very clearly now, and the escalation that is happening in Ukraine has a direct impact, through those channels, on Montenegro as well”, he explains.


“I have been saying for decades that Montenegro is best defended by democracy. It will be defended by democratic elections, by a democratically elected government that is committed to what is written in the Constitution. Let’s not forget – our Constitution states, in the preamble, that Montenegro has a Euro-Atlantic orientation. I certainly think that the decision of the President of the state was completely correct. The President of the country does not have to give a mandate if he sees someone in front of him who does not protect the basic constitutional provisions of the strategic orientation of Montenegro, and we have heard from our allies that the (Democratic) Front does not protect them”, Krivokapic says.


“I am one of those who deeply believe, as in the 1990s when the Liberal Alliance and the Social Democratic Party were the only ones in favor of independence, that the citizens will choose the best solution. They made the right decision in 2006 and I am quite sure that they will do it this year in the snap elections, and that it will bring stability, and very soon that government will be able, with the results, to bring membership in the European Union”, Krivokapic says.


Abazovic: I think that we should back the initiative for Djukanovic’s dismissal (CDM)


I think that we should back the initiative for dismissal of the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, in parliament as that would send a strong political message, and it’s a question for lawyers whether it could be carried out due to the entire situation with the Constitutional Court, the outgoing Prime Minister, Dritan Abazovic, noted. In an interview for Voice of America, after his first address to the UN General Assembly, Mr Abazovic reiterated that he would guarantee that Montenegro wouldn’t change its foreign policy course and he himself repeated it to international partners. As he said, he talked to the US officials about the intelligence report suggesting that Russia secretly funded the Democratic Front back in 2016 and most likely in 2018, adding that it’d be further investigated.


Bogdanovic: This is not only institutional, but also existential threat to state (CDM)


Secretary general of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), Aleksandar Bogdanovic, has given an interview to CdM.


CdM: Do you think that the Parliament mandate will be shortened? What if it doesn’t happen? 


Bogdanovic: What I know for sure is that it is not just a vote on returning the mandate to the citizens, but a path to ending the institutional agony in which our country has been for a long time. (…) In the event that they “take over” the powers that only belong to the Constitutional Court, then without a doubt we will be able to talk about a coup, the corruption of institutions and the complete Constitution trampling. (…) Therefore, the potential continuation of this destruction of the system and actions against national interests would be the most obvious desperate move of the loser – and it would have a strong negative impact on the entire society. (…) Finally, it is obvious that the matter is absolutely clear and that President Djukanovic did absolutely everything as the Constitution requires, that is, that he made the only correct solution.


CdM: Parliament Speaker Danijela Djurovic returned to the President of the State Milo Djukanovic the proposal on shortening the mandate for amendment. In your opinion, was it necessary? 


Bogdanovic: Of course, it was not necessary, but it was expected. Because it is to be expected that entities under the influence of third parties will look for the slightest reason to further destabilize the state and undermine national interests. (…) President Djukanovic again sent the initiative and, no matter how much they avoid it, it is inevitable that they will have to make a statement about it. And then, as I have already said, they will also send a message to our credible Western partners whether they are for European values or the agenda of those who are characterized as Russian mercenaries.


CdM: 41 MPs of the old majority signed the initiative for the dismissal of President Djukanovic. Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic says it is a good move. How do you comment on that? 


Bogdanovic: If you followed Dritan Abazovic’s visit to the USA, along with a series of cartoonish moments, you could have noticed his statement that the USA has the right to its views on the pro-Russian DF, but also that “we have the right to regulate things in our country”. Everything is clear here, and we warned before – in order to simply stay in power, he completely deviated from the European path and sided with the pro-Russian rightists. (…) As for the initiative itself, I guess it is clear to everyone that it is a continuation of the aspirations for the institutional and even existential collapse of the state.


CdM: After everything, do you think it was a mistake to give the mandate to Abazovic? 


Bogdanovic: Considering how devotedly he has worked to bring down his own government, which issues he advocated in the moments when Montenegro had an open passage to the EU, one would say that it might have been a mistake. However, in my opinion, such a conclusion should not be made – because everything in April seemed like a better option than what had happened until then. In addition, we had clear promises from the constituents of the then newly established majority that European integration would be a priority, and we can remember well where the Government of Zdravko Krivokapic took us in that regard. (…) But then, when we understood where everything was going – first, when the aggressive campaign on the Open Balkans was unnecessarily launched, and then the Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church was concluded without consultation and respect for proven legal experts – it was clear that a good part of that government had completely different priorities.


CdM: When do you expect the snap elections to be held? 


Bogdanovic: As far as we are concerned, we would like it the most if they were on the same day as the local ones. Of course, this is not possible due to legal deadlines, but the continuation of obstructions is to be expected. Because, until now, our opponents have convinced both the domestic and international public that they are ready for anything except going to the polls.


CdM: What do you expect from the local elections that will be held in several municipalities and the capital? 


Bogdanovic: First of all, I expect victories in key local self-government units – that is, those with the largest number of voters. I can say that all the data from Podgorica show that we are on an excellent path, that we have an excellent reaction to the work of the city administration and to the unification of civic parties into a single coalition. Certainly, we are preparing extensively for the new cycle of state management, because it is absolutely certain that after the next parliamentary elections, DPS will once again be the backbone of the government. From the experiments that have lasted for the past two years, we have seen how the state can be threatened and therefore we must do everything to preserve national interests.


North Macedonia 


Kovacevski – Chollet: We are focused on deepening bilateral partnership (Republika)


On the sidelines of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski met Friday Derek Chollet, an American foreign policy adviser and author, currently serving as the Counsellor of the United States Department of State.


At the meeting attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bujar Osmani, the strategic partnership between the US and Macedonia was confirmed. It was emphasized that Macedonia progressed from a country that aspired to become a member of NATO, to a reliable, equal, and capable ally. At the meeting, Kovacevski and Chollet discussed the current energy transition projects and the environment. Both countries reiterated their commitment amid the world energy crisis to increase energy diversification. The United States and Macedonia highlight their commitment to strengthening the partnership in transit and the production of renewable energy sources.


They also discussed the importance of the United States and Macedonia expanding cooperation in the field of educational, cultural, and professional exchanges that encourage mutual understanding between the people of the two nations and reflect common values, aspirations, and goals. Prime Minister Kovacevski thanked the United States for its continued support, which since 2019 has invested almost 60 million dollars in industry, infrastructure, and innovation.


Osmani meets Cavusoglu in New York (Republika)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani met with Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu at the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York on Friday, discussing the Russian invasion in Ukraine and its effects in Europe, as well as the efforts of Macedonia and Turkey in the management of the crisis. The interlocutors also discussed regional cooperation and challenges, as well as the Euro-Atlantic perspective of the countries of the region and, in that direction, they discussed the next engagements of Macedonia in the process of accession negotiations and screening, which has formally already started. Opinions were exchanged regarding bilateral relations, political and economic dialogue, considering the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. Our country’s chairmanship of the OSCE 2023 was also an essential part of the talks, during which Cavusoglu was informed about the priorities and the activities and preparations undertaken so far, which we realized as a member country of the OSCE Troika.


Kovacevski meets American Jewish Committee delegation (Republika)


On the sidelines of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski met Friday with a delegation of the American Jewish Committee, led by President Michael Tichnor and Executive Director David Harris. At the meeting, as the government press service informed, satisfaction was expressed for the successful cooperation between the Republic of Macedonia and the American Jewish Committee, and once again the commitment to include the Jewish community in the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia was repeated. They also discussed the significance of the strategic partnership between the Republic of Macedonia and the US, and they emphasized that the country remains a stable strategic partner and a proven ally of the US. At the meeting, it was assessed that bilateral relations between the Republic of Macedonia and Israel are at a high level and that there is great potential for deepening cooperation in the areas of security, economy, trade, but also in energy, agriculture, strata and technology.




World must continue to help Ukraine, hold Russia accountable, Albania says at U.N. Security Council (Tirana Times)


Albania was among U.N. Security Council members on Thursday to condemn Russia for escalating its war in Ukraine. Representing Albania at the U.N. Security Council meeting in New York on Thursday, Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka said the international community must continue to help Ukraine and hold Russia accountable. “We reiterate that Russia’s flagrant attempt to annex parts of Ukraine is not only a violation of international law. It is also a reflection of a totalitarian mindset reminiscent of the dark days of fascism and Stalinism,” Xhacka said.


Albania currently holds its first ever two-year term as a non-permanent member the U.N. Security Council. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama is also in New York to address the U.N. General Assembly’s gathering, the first in full schedule since the pandemic started more than two years ago.  Albania and its NATO allies also criticized the mobilization of more troops and President Vladimir Putin’s threat to use nuclear weapons.


“Every council member should send a clear message that these reckless nuclear threats must stop immediately,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken told a special session of the council’s foreign ministers held on the sidelines of the General Assembly’s annual gathering.

Putin announced Wednesday that he is calling up 300,000 more troops for his “special military operation” in Ukraine. “This is a war of annexation. A war of conquest,” Britain’s new Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said, “to which President Putin now wants to send even more of Russia’s young men and women, making peace even less likely.”


The Russian president has also announced plans to hold referenda in four occupied parts of Ukraine in an apparent attempt to annex them. “It is an attempt to change internationally recognized borders by use of force — and no sham referendums can change that basic fact,” Ireland’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Minister Simon Coveney said. “It cannot be allowed to stand.” Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the council that the latest developments are “dangerous and disturbing.” “The idea of nuclear conflict, once unthinkable, has become a subject of debate,” he said. “This in itself is totally unacceptable.” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov did not listen to the criticism of his counterparts, leaving his deputy and a junior ambassador to fill his seat during most of the three-hour meeting. He showed up only to deliver his remarks.


Rama speaks at the UN Assembly: Dick Marty's report is a failure! Accept the request for a new report (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama delivered his speech at the General Assembly of the United Nations, reiterating that Albania's request for a new follow-up report, which opposes Dick Marty's should be accepted. Rama considered Dick Marty's report "a national failure", as he added that it became a key factor for the establishment of specialized chambers, even though his claims about organ trafficking by the Kosovo army were not based on any facts or evidence. While admitting that the damage has already been done, based on this report, Rama said that it is important to have a follow-up report, in order to restore the credibility of the Council of Europe. "Not a single bit of evidence or indication was found anywhere in Kosovo and no other country. We think the Assembly will accept Albania's request to have a follow-up report while the damage is done and help restore the credibility of such an important organization," said Rama.


The head of the Albanian government has once again called on the countries of the Western Balkans to join the "Open Balkans" regional initiative, inviting Greece and Turkey as well.

"We have realized that the way to move forward is to succeed together. A joint venture as part of a common framework. This brought us together with Macedonia and Serbia for Open Balkan. A platform for the Balkans, for Montenegro, Kosovo, Bosnia, Turkey but also for Greece. Let's leave the past behind and find good reasons to resolve disagreements," said Rama.


Rama also focused on Iran's cyber-attacks, which Albania faced, where he asked the UN Assembly to turn its attention to cyber security. "The world today is inseparable from technology. Albania suffered an attack aimed at paralyzing systems in July. An investigation carried out with the best expertise has confirmed that the attack was an aggression orchestrated by Iran. The Albanian government cut off diplomatic ties with Iran. We call on the UN to focus more seriously on cyber security to help prevent it," said the Prime Minister.


Regarding the war in Ukraine, Rama emphasized that it is an attack against international law, asking for solidarity with Ukraine. "This year our hopes and beliefs have been shattered by the cruel aggression of Russia. The war is not only against Ukraine, but an attack against international law," Rama was quoted as saying.


Xhacka: Albania has made huge steps in foreign policy (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhacka, participated in the meeting of Foreign Ministers of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) that was held in New York. After important international meetings in the Security Council and the UN General Assembly, the foreign minister announced steps to strengthen Albania's international vision in the interest of Albanian citizens. In a video on the social network Facebook, the minister states that in 9 months after taking over the mandate in the Security Council, our country has made extraordinary steps in foreign policy, while saying that we will translate these steps into concrete results and tangible for Albanian citizens.


The minister is proud that Albania is a country whose voice is heard and respected today. She says the country's voice is heard and respected as a contributor with ideas even in the big debates about the food crisis, about Russian aggression in Ukraine, and even the reform of the UN.


"The high-level week of the UN General Assembly is always a special event, with a lot of intensity. In this session of the 77th, we had a truly unprecedented commitment, also due to the fact that Albania is a member of the Security Council. But not only that. What I can say with great pride, but which I do believe should also make Albanian citizens proud, is that our country already enjoys a serious and respected image in the international arena, Albania is a country whose voice is heard and respected today. We are not just a spectator in the big global arena, but a contributor with ideas in the big debates about the food crisis, about Russian aggression in Ukraine, up to the reform of the UN. We also signed an agreement on visa-free movement with Kazakhstan on the sidelines of the Assembly, and through a series of bilateral meetings, we established important communication bridges with many countries with which the time has come to invest in intensifying relations and exchanges. We have a lot of work ahead to take advantage of these opportunities and to take advantage of this very good moment for our diplomacy, but what I can say without any hesitation is that 9 months after receiving the mandate in the Security Council, our country has made extraordinary steps in foreign policy that we are determined to translate into concrete and tangible results for Albanian citizens", says Minister Xhacka.


The South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) aims to strengthen good neighbourly relations between all participants from South East Europe and transform this region into an area of ​​peace, security, stability and cooperation, with the main aim of its full integration in European and Euro-Atlantic structures.


Minister Xhacka at the SEECP meeting: Regional cooperation, key for our European future (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhacka, participated in the meeting of Foreign Ministers of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) that was held in New York. Minister Xhacka congratulated Montenegro for organizing this meeting, which according to her comes in the middle of an unprecedented crisis caused by Russia's illegal war against Ukraine. The Albanian chief diplomat expressed gratitude to Greece for the successful chairmanship of the SEECP, advancing the European perspective of the region.

According to her, it is time for our region to come together and cooperate for the benefit of the people and the European perspective. The South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) aims to strengthen good neighbourly relations between all participants from South East Europe and transform this region into an area of ​​peace, security, stability and cooperation, with the main aim of its full integration in European and Euro-Atlantic structures.