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Belgrade Media Report 14 October 2022



Guterres: Situation in Kosovo fragile (RTS)


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres cautioned that tensions and heated rhetoric underline the fragile environment in Kosovo, adding that calm prevailed following extensive diplomatic engagements, primarily of the US and the EU, in de-escalating the security situation. In a regular semi-annual report that will be submitted to the Security Council next month, Guterres warned of the serious escalation which, at end of July this year, brought the overall situation in Kosovo to the brink of confrontation with potentially grave consequences, Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) reported. “Tensions and heated rhetoric throughout the reporting period underlined the fragile environment on the ground. The events of 31 July in northern Kosovo in response to Kosovo government decisions on the freedom of movement marked a serious escalation, bringing the situation to the brink of confrontation with potentially grave security consequences,” reads Guterres’ report. He said “calm has prevailed following extensive diplomatic engagements,” stressing that “the importance of restraint and commitment to dialogue to resolve disagreements cannot be understated”.  At the same time, the UN Secretary-General commended the diplomatic engagement of the US and EU as being key to calming the situation, as well as the activities of KFOR and the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo, which helped to preserve calm and stability. “The developments on 31 July also highlighted the risks posed by both misinformation and disinformation in contributing to the escalatory rhetoric and tensions. All parties should ensure that communication via all channels is responsible in order to minimize the risk of renewed escalation,” says the report. In the period from March to end of August, there were nine notable incidents affecting Serbian Orthodox Church religious sites and cemeteries, including an incident of grievous theft at a Serbian Orthodox church in the village of Zivinjane, and the burning of a Serbian flag removed from an Orthodox church in Vitina, reads the document. The report on the situation in Kosovo will be presented to the ambassadors of Security Council member countries by UNMIK head Caroline Ziadeh, the RTS reported.


Patriarch Porfirije enthroned (RTS)


Serbian Patriarch Porfirije was enthroned today in the Patriarchate of Pec in Kosovo and Metohija, with a large number of believers in attendance. After saying the enthronement prayer, the Patriarch gave a sermon that was above all reconciliatory in tone. "In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Brethren Hierarchs, presbyters, monks and nuns, faithful people of God. It is due to multiple reasons that we have gathered today in this centuries-old See of Serbian Archbishops and Patriarchs, the stomping ground of theologians, writers, artists and the brightest-minded Serbs of the past. There are many motives and reasons, but there is only one that is the most important, one and only, without which any other would neither exist, nor would be possible. And the main reason is that the Most Holy Mother of God has gathered us here on the Feast of Her Protection, a Feast in which we commemorate not an event from Her life, as we usually do on other Feasts of the Theotokos, but an event from our life, the life of our Church, the event of Her miraculous apparition in Constantinople in 911, when She covered the gathered faithful with Her honorable protection, appearing immensely beautiful to them in Her splendor, in the beauty of the heavenly existence to which She leads us and for which She prays to God. That beautiful protection of miraculous weaving is a comfort and joy for Christians and all people of good will throughout the centuries and a testifying sign of the care of the Mother of God for those who invoke Her in prayer," said Patriarch Porfirije. "The celebration of the Feast of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos makes us, Orthodox Serbs as well as all other Christians, happy over and over again simply because we understand and remind ourselves again and again that we are the People of God, that we belong to God and that we have His blessing of salvation; that we are in communion with all the Saints, that we have the Home of the Father - our Church, but at the same time that we belong to the family, to our nation and society, but also to the community of all the peoples of the world. That is how the Most Holy Mother of God - the Beauty of Pec, as the people of these parts call Her after the wonderful and magnificent miracle-working icon before which we pray in this church dedicated to Her - made our today's gathering a holy Liturgy that we served for the salvation of the world, for the salvation of all creation, for the salvation of man, for the salvation of the entire humankind. Therefore, the Holy Liturgy, which is both an icon and the presence of the Kingdom of God among us, is the main reason why we are here today, it is the main reason why the Serbian Patriarch is here today: to pray together with you for all people, for the community of love, peace and good that Christ the Lord and His Most Holy Mother desire," the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) continued. "All of you gathered here, but also all who are with us in spirit, wherever they are, I invite from this holy place to pray for all people – both for our compatriots and also for everyone with whom we live here, including above all the brothers Albanians - in order for us to build peace together. We are building peace together, as Serbian families built it jointly with Albanian families, who safeguarded this holy place of Pec and the holy Monastery of Decani in good and bad times alike. Those were virtuous Albanians, regardless of the fact that they were Muslims, or precisely because they were Muslims, sincerely believing people, who knew the power of prayer, who knew that in the Orthodox shrines prayers were being offered for them and their children as well, and that God does not choose sides. I wanted to stress this right at the beginning, to underline it, to emphasize it strongly so that everyone knows, that no one subsequently attributes something else to the Serbian Church: the program of this Patriarch, the program of the Serbian Orthodox Church - while many want to impose unrest on the whole world, when the danger of the most disastrous general war and world cataclysm is increasing - is peace and only peace. That means first of all reconciliation, forgiveness and peace with the one who is in our closest vicinity, with our first neighbor - peace as the only possibility for the survival of both our children and theirs. And it should be clear to all of us in the Balkans that our children are the most important to us who live here, and that we rather than all others have the chance to enable them to live in peace. No one else can give our children such an opportunity, nor is he interested in giving it to them as we are. That is why today, from this holy place, we say to Serbs and Albanians and to all those who are living in this region – let us find strength in ourselves, let us recognize God and look after each other, because the desire for peace complies with the basic tenets of our faith, and the peace is a part of God's providence for the humanity and the entire created world. The peace that comes as a gift from God is stable and unshakable. It is at the same time the inner peace with oneself and outer peace with all people and all creatures." Patriarch Porfirije added that this is what our ancestors expect from us. "The Pec Throne is the closest throne to God that our nation has ever built, and that is why the Patriarchate of Pec is our most important and safest house," stressed the Patriarch and noted that joint prayer is the source of our community and is above any ideology.


Brnabic: We stand by our position, sanctions not best solution (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Thursday Serbia believed Russia's attack on Ukraine was an aggression and a violation of international law, but noted that it stood by its position that sanctions were not the best response and the solution for that. Speaking at a press conference, Brnabic was responding to a question whether the government would consider imposing sanctions on Russia. She said the pressure on Serbia over the issue would remain and that her new government would have to address the topic. "I am certain we will have many more discussions, and that is an inevitable topic at all meetings we have with EU member states, the EU itself and the EU Delegation to Serbia," she said. She added that she had discussed the topic during a recent visit to Japan and on other occasions. "I stand by our position that sanctions on Russia are not in the best national interest of Serbia. They are also not something our people support, because they have been under sanctions in the past and we know the extent to which people suffer," Brnabic said. "Some of the countries that want us to impose sanctions on Russia do not respect the territorial integrity of Serbia," Brnabic said. "We were targeted by a brutal aggression in 1999, when 19 countries agreed, without a UN Security Council decision, to attack an internationally recognized state that had attacked no one. It was a brutal aggression that opened a Pandora's box, making it possible for all who wished to do so to repeat that precedent," Brnabic said. "We will keep fighting to protect our interests and, as regards everything else, we are one of the few countries that respect the principles of international law and the UN Charter in a non-selective manner. To us, the territorial integrity of internationally recognized states is inviolable," she said.


If this was about rule of law - and not about sanctions - we would open Cluster 3 (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Thursday the European Commission's annual progress report on Serbia was positive when it comes to rule of law and reforms, and noted that she believed Serbia would be able to open Cluster 3 in its EU accession talks if that were not being made conditional upon imposing sanctions on Russia. Brnabic was responding to a reporter's remark that, even though the new report was mostly positive, the opening of further clusters seemed to depend on whether or not Serbia would impose sanctions on Russia. "I have always been under the impression the opening of clusters depends on our reforms and how successful we are in those reforms, in particular in rule of law. We have a positive report, in particular in the field of rule of law, we have a report that is better than last year's report, and in this report, the EC reiterated what they said in last year's progress report: they called upon member states to give their consent for opening another cluster in the talks with Serbia - Cluster 3 - and we opened Cluster 4 based on such a report," Brnabic told a press conference. She said she was able to understand the situation in case not opening Cluster 3 was a political decision. "That is the reality and their decision, but it is not quite in line with the rules we have had and what we have always been hearing from the EU: that the degree of our progress and pace on the path to the EU depends solely on reforms and the success and speed of their implementation, in particular in the field of rule of law," she noted.


Bilcik: EU membership negotiations with Serbia will not be frozen (RTS)


The rapporteur of the European Parliament for Serbia Vladimir Bilcik said that negotiations with Serbia will not be frozen, but stressed the importance of aligning Belgrade's foreign policy with the EU. The Foreign Policy Committee of the European Parliament adopted a report on a new EU enlargement strategy, which, among other things, demands that negotiations with Serbia should not continue until Belgrade aligns with European sanctions against Russia. The author of the report, Croatian socialist Tonino Picula, says that the European Parliament does not demand suspension of negotiations with Serbia, but makes their continuation conditional on Serbia imposing sanctions against Russia. "The lack of harmonizing with EU foreign policy has its own political and financial price. Now it is up to Belgrade to 'read' this political signal from the European Parliament and adapt to it. One should bear in mind that on the European continent, only three countries have not imposed sanctions against Russia: Turkey, Belarus and Serbia. With such a low level of compliance with the common foreign policy, the question arises whether Serbia really wants to be a member of the EU," Picula said in Brussels. Bilcik told RTS that this is not about putting pressure on Belgrade - but that Serbia is expected to confirm its choice in favor of EU membership. Bilcik stressed that negotiations with Serbia will not be frozen and that there is a lot of work within the already opened chapters on which progress can be made, including work on Cluster 4 on energy and the environment, where the EU can help improve Serbia's air quality and energy transition of the country. "However, in order to open new chapters and clusters, very clear decisions from Serbia will be needed. In order for the negotiations on Serbia's membership to really progress, we need a clear signal that Serbia is serious when it talks about its European path, and that it is working with us. That is why alignment with (EU) foreign policy is a critical issue," Bilcik told RTS. Bilcik assessed that it is Europe that can help citizens of Serbia to achieve a more prosperous future for all, not Russia or China. "We want Serbia to make the right choice. This is the period when the history of Europe is being written. Russia is losing this war, Europe will win and we want Serbia to be on the side of the winner," Bilcik said. The report supported by the Foreign Policy Committee of the European Parliament states that "the EU should make it a priority to align the candidate countries with its foreign policy and continue negotiations with Serbia only if it aligns with EU sanctions against Russia and achieves significant progress in reforms related to the path toward the EU". The report on the new enlargement strategy calls for a change in decision-making methods and broader use of majority instead of unanimous decision-making in order to avoid unjustified process blockades. It is proposed that the candidate countries that progress faster should be "rewarded" with earlier admission to the common European market, with the use of advantages and funds that are available only to member countries. The enlargement report's final adoption in the form of a resolution of the European Parliament is expected at a plenary session in November. The resolution has no binding force, but will be sent as a recommendation to the European Commission and to member countries.


Orlic and Ghanaian parliament speaker: Advancing bilateral relations on all fronts (Tanjug)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic met today in Kigali, under the auspices of the 145th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, with the speaker of the parliament of the Republic of Ghana Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin. “The two countries share long years of cooperation and friendship, striving together to advance political relations and bilateral relations in all fields. The best proof of our results is the opening of the Serbian Embassy in Accra in July this year, which is the first embassy of our country open on the African continent in four decades,” said Orlic at the beginning of the meeting. The Ghanaian parliament speaker expressed satisfaction at the long-standing mutual support and close ties between the two countries. “We have to work together and we are truly dedicated furthering cooperation,” said Kingsford Bagbin. Orlic thanked Ghana for the decision to reconsider and withdraw the recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of so-called “Kosovo”. He also expressed the expectation that Ghana would not support the acceptance of the fake state into international organization and be on Serbia’s side if the question is ever launched.


Orlic visits Rwanda (Beta)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic met in Rwanda on Thursday with the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Duarte Pacheco and discussed cooperation between the two bodies. During a meeting on the sidelines of the 145th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Kigali, Pacheco expressed gratitude for “Serbia’s commitment to the Inter-Parliamentary Union” and for “participating regularly and actively” in its work, the Serbian parliament has said in a statement. Pacheco congratulated Serbia and Belgrade on organizing the 141st Assembly of the IPU in 2019, when it was held in Europe for the first time in more than 20 years, the statement reads. Orlic said that both the Serbian delegation and the IPU advocated the honoring of the principle of international public law and honoring of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, as well as of all other countries.


Orlic and South African parliament speaker: Thank you for your principled support of Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (Tanjug)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic met on Thursday in Kigali, on the sidelines of the 145th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, with the speaker of the parliament of the Republic of South Africa, Nosiviwe Noluthando Mapisa-Nqakula. As it was pointed out at the meeting, Serbia and the Republic of South Africa share a historical friendship and the political relations between the two countries are good, without any outstanding issues. Orlic thanked the Republic of South Africa for its principled stance on Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, that is for not recognizing so-called “Kosovo”. “We consider the unilaterally declared independence a gross violation of international law,” said Orlic.


Hill on EC Report: Serbia has progressed in many areas (Beta)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said on Thursday that he saw the European Commission's report on Serbia as "a glass that is half full", because Belgrade had achieved progress in many areas, but that there were concerns about areas related to Russia. "Instead of commenting on the EU, I will say that from the US' perspective we are now trying to cooperate even more closely with Serbia than before, especially in the area of security," Hill told reporters at the Metropol Palace hotel in Belgrade, after a conference on child safety. He said that Russia had a great and negative influence on the energy situation in Serbia. "We all know about these difficulties, but my opinion is that Serbia has understood that it needs to distance itself [from Russia] and I think that we are seeing progress, that Serbia is doing what it ought to. Progress was seen in New York where Serbia joined 145 other countries in condemning Russia's attack on its neighbor," the US Ambassador stressed.


UN Resolution adopted (Tanjug/Reuters)


The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a Resolution condemning the holding of a referendum on joining Russia in four Ukrainian regions. 143 member countries of the United Nations General Assembly (out of 193), including Serbia, voted in favor of the adoption of the Resolution, the draft of which was designed by the EU. Only four countries joined Russia in voting against it - Syria, Nicaragua, North Korea and Belarus. 35 countries abstained, including China, while the rest did not vote, reports Reuters. In the adopted measure, Moscow is required to "urgently and unconditionally" give up the alleged annexations, and insists on the immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of Russian forces from the entire internationally recognized Ukrainian territory. The Resolution condemns the "attempt of illegal annexation of four partially occupied regions in Ukraine" and calls on all countries not to recognize that move.

"This is extraordinary," Ukrainian Ambassador to the UN Serhiy Kyslytsya told reporters after the vote, while US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield emphasized that the result of the vote shows that Russia cannot intimidate the world. It is also called for the strengthening of Russia's diplomatic international isolation. The document confirms the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. The Chinese Ambassador said that his country was restrained because it did not believe that the resolution would help "de-escalate the situation, continue dialogue and promote a political solution to the crisis". "Russia has invaded Ukraine. However, tomorrow the territory of another country may be attacked. What would you expect from this body," said American Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield before the vote. The Russian Ambassador to the world organization Vasiliy Nebenzya said before the vote that the resolution was "politicized and represents an open provocation" and added that it "could destroy efforts for a diplomatic solution to the crisis".




Control recount of votes for RS President and Vice-Presidents begins; Arnautovic: This is technical issue, has nothing to do with politics (BNTV)


The control recount of votes in the elections for the President and Vice-Presidents of the RS started at the Main Vote Counting Center in Sarajevo on Thursday. The counting of votes will be carried out in three shifts, but the duration of the process has not been specified. The Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H rejected the accusations that they issued an illegal order on a recount of votes for the elections of RS President and the Vice-Presidents. Chairman of the CEC Suad Arnautovic stated that this is a control recount, which is allowed based on the High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt’s decision from 3 August, when he imposed amendments to the Election Law of B&H. Arnautovic stressed that the CEC ordered a control recount ex officio, in line with the amendments that expanded the Article 6, paragraph 7, of the Election Law. Spokesperson for the CEC Maksida Piric explained that all illogicalities will be removed upon completion of the control recount. “That is when it will be revealed what is in the bags and whether the unmarked and unused ballots were put in other bags by mistake”, Piric noted. According to Piric, the forms submitted by the polling station committees are lacking in some materials. Director of the Main Vote Counting Center Goran Miskovic stated that the center has enough members who will conduct the control recount but he did not want to present any details about when the process might be completed. “The details can be announced once we see what is in the bags”, Miskovic said. Arnautovic denied the allegations, especially those of SNSD leader and candidate for RS President Milorad Dodik, that the CEC’s decision on the recount is illegal. Arnautovic stressed that the CEC did not pass a political or illegal decision. “That was an entirely normal activity. We are not interested in the results of elections. We are interested in the indications about burning and tearing up the ballots, as well as marking or changing the results, or irregular packing of sensitive election materials, lack of bags with unused ballots, and so on. We want to establish all the facts here at the main center, before the public, and then pass adequate decisions in line with the established facts”, the CEC Chairman explained. Arnautovic stated that recounting is just technical operation and has nothing to do with politics nor there are any illegal activities. Also, B&H CEC ordered the Main Counting Center HQs to open all bags with voting materials in order to find forms for general results in electorate Banja Luka for B&H House of Representatives (HoR), the RS parliament and B&H Presidency. There are also claims that High Representative Schmidt asked the B&H CEC to adopt by 2 November a directive on method of filling in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) in line with recently imposed amendments to the Election Law of B&H.


Paleksic denies Arnautovic’s claims about missing bags with unused ballots from Doboj (BNTV)


Addressing a press conference on Thursday, President of the City Election Commission in Doboj Nenad Paleksic denied the claims of Chairman of the B&H CEC Suad Arnautovic that bags with unused ballots are missing from 61 polling stations in Doboj. Paleksic said that the CEC took all of the bags with ballots to Sarajevo and they should look for them if they are missing. Paleksic added that there is an attempt to create an affair out of the election process in Doboj. The rest of this report referred to personal dispute between Paleksic and an election observer who claims the Chairman of the City Election Commission threatened him, while Paleksic claims the observer took his words out of context.


Jerinic sends open letter to Arnautovic in which he warns about collective lawsuit (ATV)


Mayor of Doboj Boris Jerinic sent an open letter to the President of the B&H CEC Suad Arnautovic in which he mentions a collective lawsuit, protests in front of B&H CEC and a petition for Arnautovic's dismissal if Arnautovic cancels the elections in Doboj before the votes are counted. Jerinic said that Arnautovic told an avalanche of lies and accusations against Doboj citizens. ATV carried an excerpt from Jerinic’s letter which reads: “You ignored the fact that the Doboj City Election Commission did everything according to your instructions. During the handover of the materials, everything was stated, and you consciously and deliberately remained silent until the day of the count. If the CEC does not count Doboj first today, but the elections in Doboj are annulled, as I heard was agreed with (High Representative to BiH) Christian Schmidt, Arnautovic can expect the following answer: Petition of 20,000 Doboj citizens to the B&H parliament for your dismissal and A collective lawsuit of 20,000 Doboj citizens against Suad Arnautovic. We will also go to Strasbourg. I will not give the honor of my citizens. Protest of 20,000 Doboj citizens in front of the CEC.” If Doboj citizens are not allowed to enter Sarajevo, a city where all citizens of B&H should have the same rights, Jerinic pointed out to Arnautovic that then it is clear that they are deliberately and knowingly undermining the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). Jerinic’s letter reads: “You will not scare us with anything because the people of Doboj have done their civic duty honorably and honestly. According to your official data, the entire opposition has 3,629 votes in Doboj and you believe that minority, a statistical error, that Doboj is a city of fraud? You know that it is not. You know but you must not tell the one who gives you orders. I will refrain from bad words, though, you do not deserve any respect. I am warning you for the last time, get off the back of the citizens of Doboj. You, Suad Arnautovic, are stopping the economic development of Doboj, you are putting a stain on Doboj, you are destroying one of the largest cities in the RS. While I was the Deputy Minister of Defense, I heard stories in Sarajevo about Suad Arnautovic. And that, while he was the Head of the Cabinet of the FBiH Minister of Interior, that every morning, first thing he opened the mail, read, copied, then he returned everything, glued it and only then brought it to the minister. He delivered copies to the parallel structure of the Bosniak secret police. Now, I am thinking, has Suad Arnautovic already opened the bags from Doboj? And if so, to whom did you forward the material?”.


Dodik: Order of B&H CEC to change the will of voters is obvious (BNTV/RTRS)


SNSD’s candidate for RS President Milorad Dodik stated in Budapest on Thursday that the decision of the B&H CEC on recount of votes for elections for the RS President is an attempt to destabilize the RS and that it is done with the aim to dispute the election process. Dodik noted that he feels like a great election winner and added that he has no need to defend himself from anything. Dodik said that SNSD won in the elections, underlining that this can be seen from the number of votes this political party won at all levels. Dodik argued that the order of the CEC to change the will of voters is obvious and the opposition, international factor in B&H and foreign embassies take part in all this. According to Dodik, they aim to destabilize the RS. Dodik also said that the RS opposition wants to destroy the RS, together with the B&H CEC, and with the help of other countries like Germany. Dodik also commented the latest statement of the President of B&H CEC Suad Arnautovic in connection with the alleged invalid ballots. Dodik said he received information that bags with ballots had been in four places, and anything can happen in four places. Dodik commented: “Let them do what they want. The will of the people is very clear. The RS has elected and confirmed the old government and we will continue. That Arnautovic, whatever he means, or whatever he thinks of himself, cannot tear down one RS and one Serb people. Nor can he tear down me. We cannot allow some commission in Sarajevo, knocked together in the manner in which it was knocked together, to decide the fate of the RS. This cannot be allowed.” Dodik commented: “They deliberately stole the elections from us. What does some commission in Sarajevo have to do with the election for the (RS) parliament and the RS President? That is a matter for the RS and we will return it in the coming period.”

“What came usually comes from the British Embassy, which has meddled into the internal affairs and internal elections. And it also comes from embassies that support the British Embassy. I can say that with guarantee”, Dodik told reporters.


Cvijanovic: PDP contaminated B&H CEC because B&H CEC had to issue illegal orders (ATV)


The RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that PDP contaminated B&H CEC because B&H CEC had to issue illegal orders. It is about a newly invented, legally unknown category of repeated control counting that takes place in chaos, which was supplemented by last night's visit of the High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt to the premises of the B&H CEC. Cvijanovic was quoted as saying: “How many times have we already heard from the duo (PDP leader Branislav) Borenovic-Jelena Trivic that the election process was contaminated? According to everything seen, including the correspondence in the PDP Viber group, made famous by Smiljana Babic Moravac, it is clear that PDP is primarily contaminated and that that party contaminated the CEC with its contamination, so it had to issue illegal and contaminated orders based on shocking media headlines instead of the law and facts.”


PDP claims that recount of votes for RS President will show how legitimate the election process really was (Nova BH)


PDP claims that the recount of votes for the RS President will show how legitimate the election process really was. PDP officials stated that the information regarding the unused ballots from 61 polling stations in Doboj is another confirmation of suspicion of electoral theft and manipulation of the entire process. "Does that confirm what we were seeing these days? That someone ripped, burned, canceled and then added new votes from those unused ones. That is terrible, it is a terrible crime," PDPD leader Branislav Borenovic said.


Sarovic: SDS expects that recount of votes for RS President will establish violation of election process (BNTV)


SDS leader Mirko Sarovic stated on Thursday that SDS expects that the recount of votes for RS President will establish that the election process was violated, which would confirm the suspicion that electoral theft was committed to detriment of Jelena Trivic, a candidate of SDS and PDP for the RS President, happened. Sarovic noted that theft of electoral will of the citizens happened across the RS, especially in major cities. “Also, I expect that Trivic’s victory will be confirmed. However, if huge irregularities are established, which we suspect happened, and here I mean irregularities of a large scale and even with features of a criminal offense, we expect the elections to be repeated on the entire territory of the RS. This is, of course, in the hands of the B&H CEC,” said Sarovic.


NATO Defense Ministers and Members of Ukraine Contact Group meet in Brussels (Nezavisne)


Ministers of Defense of NATO member states and members of the Contact Group for Ukraine are meeting Brussels. On the second day of the meeting, they concluded that Ukraine and Western Balkans are crucial regions for security of Europe. B&H is represented by B&H Defense Minister Sifet Podzic. The ministers agreed that it is necessary to continue providing support to Ukraine. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that it will be necessary to focus on protection of critical infrastructure in Europe. He welcomed the most recent decisions of the UN, noting that Russia is increasingly isolated, and emphasized that escalation of conflict is dangerous because a nuclear war cannot be won. Speaking about the Western Balkans, Stoltenberg stated that NATO officials talked to EU High Representative for Security and Foreign Policy Josep Borrell about deepening the cooperation of the EU and NATO. He emphasized that NATO is energetically working on renewal of the EUFOR Althea mission mandate. Stoltenberg also said that B&H is on the path to NATO membership, but the final decision on this matter will have to be made by B&H itself. Borrell stated that the EU will talk to NATO not only about the support to Ukraine, but also about EU military missions in B&H and Kosovo. Borrell added that NATO and EU must cooperate closely in the Western Balkans in order to secure stability of the region.


B&H’s future is in the EU (Avaz, by Helena Javor Ibrahimbegovic)


Announcing the interview with Head of EU Delegation to B&H and EU Special Representative, Johann Sattler, the daily reminded that the European Commission recommended granting of the EU candidate status for BiH and notes that diplomats in Brussels have been working hard on this matter, underlining that especially important is Sattler’s engagement. Sattler told the daily that EC’s decision represents an important turning point for B&H on its path to the EU: “This is a positive signal and a clear message to citizens of this country that future of B&H is in the EU side by side with other member states.” Sattler underlined that this decision was welcomed at the higher EC levels, including the President Ursula von der Leyen, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell and European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi. “When we say that B&H belongs in the EU, then we think just that. The recommendation for the status of the candidate was given for benefit of citizens of this country. We expect that this decision will create a new momentum for encouraging of reforms, which will support higher life standard, stronger rule of law, functioning of institutions and better economic outcomes,” said Sattler. Asked about set conditions and whether it is realistic to expect B&H to fulfil them by December, when the decision on the status of the EU candidate should be made by European Council, Sattler stated that even though EC’s decision was unconditional there are clear expectations how B&H authorities need to proceed. “It is possible to achieve these conditions with the political will. They include, as priority, adoption of amendments to current Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, which regard integrity, adoption of new Law on HJPC, law on courts in B&H and law on prevention of conflict of interest. It is also expected for B&H authorities to undertake decisive steps on strengthening of prevention and fight against corruption and organized crime, improving of work on coordination of managing the border and capacities for managing the migration, securing of asylum system, but also to establish state preventive mechanism against torture and abuse. Actions that will follow should include stronger guarantees of freedom of expression and media freedoms, but also protection of journalists. There should be adequate judicial monitoring of cases of threats and violence against journalists and media workers. Besides, it will be important to develop national program for adoption of EU acquis communautaire in order to secure results in functioning of coordination with EU,” said Sattler. The Ambassador noted that these are not new issues nor something where authorities will start from zero, adding that significant efforts have already been made to improve these reforms. “I see the recommendation of the status of the candidate as a positive step which would give new energy to authorities which can and should fulfill these expectations,” said Sattler.


Abazovic meets Popa: This year's Report is better than last year's (


Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic met with EU Ambassador to Montenegro Oana Cristina Popa. Ambassador Popa presented EU Commission's 2022 annual Report on Montenegro to the Prime Minister. We can conclude that the Report is better than last year. It remains for the parliament to complete its part of the work regarding judicial appointments. Those who overthrew the government bear responsibility for slowing down the process. Regardless of everything, we call on the Parliament to elect judges of the Constitutional Court, said the Prime Minister. PM Abazovic said that the Report is better than last year, adding that he was particularly pleased with the fact that the Report recognizes the fight against high-level corruption and organized crime, as well as Montenegro's full alignment with EU's foreign, security and defense policy. He added that he was pleased that the focus of public attention has shifted to the rule of law and the fight against crime, which is the result of the policy implemented by the Government of Montenegro. Abazovic said that Varhelyi's yesterday's statement that Montenegro's Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church did not affect the EC's Report broke the propaganda machine that has been trying for months to present the signing of the Agreement as an obstacle to progress in European integration process. Abazovic said that removing a topic that burdened a society from the agenda, in accordance with the Constitution and the law, contributes to stability and reconciliation in Montenegro, which is additionally confirmed by the fact that its signing did not cause any further tensions or divisions in the society.


Popa: It’s regrettable that national authorities lost reform agenda focus (Pobjeda)


The Head of the Delegation of the European Union in Montenegro Oana Cristina Popa has recalled in an interview for Pobjeda that in this year’s EC Report on Montenegro, it’s indicated that the signing of the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church had an impact on the political environment and raised tensions. “It is regrettable that the national authorities have lost focus on the reform agenda concerning the EU and key reforms of the rule of law”, says Popa. She also adds that the most worrying thing in Montenegro today is that some of the key institutions responsible for preserving the rule of law are blocked or do not function at full capacity. “Montenegro needs stable, functional and capable institutions to implement key European reforms that will enable the country to progress on the EU path. It is particularly urgent that the parliament elect judges to the vacant positions in the Constitutional Court”, Popa has stressed.


About 350,000 citizens have right to vote in 23 October elections (MINA)


In the local elections in Podgorica and 13 municipalities, to be held on 23 October, about 350,000 citizens have the right to vote, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MUP) has stated today.

The largest number of voters are in the capital – 143,523. It’s followed by Bar – 39,854, Bijelo Polje – 39,469, Pljevlja – 24,592, and Rozaje – 22,806. There are 18,783 voters in Budva, 13,179 in Danilovgrad, 12,524 in Zeta, 11,993 in Tivat, 9,364 in Plav, and 6,097 in Kolasin. A total of 3,031 citizens have the right to vote in Zabljak, 2,382 in Pluzine and 1,968 in Savnik.


EC report rates opposition worse than Government due to Parliament blockade: PM (Telma/MRT/360 Stepeni/Fokus/RFE/Makpress)


If you look at all areas in the European Commission Progress Report, North Macedonia has made progress over the past year that has resulted in the start of the EU accession negotiations, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Thursday. PM Kovachevski told a press conference this is the first EC report that rates the opposition worse than the government. “This is because of the blockade in the Parliament. It is not functional not because of the government but the opposition. This is noted in the report itself,” said Kovachevski. The PM added that he urged all political parties and lawmakers at the recent Q&A session in parliament for unity, so that the energy and economic crisis is tackled better and EU accession comes sooner. “The government will invest all of its capacities but other stakeholders in society should do that as well. All reforms on the EU path will be shared with the National Euro-Integration Council, which is chaired by the opposition,” said Kovachevski. He underlined that the Macedonian people deserve to become part of a union that prides itself on social justice, economic prosperity and democracy.


Osmani: EC report validates our work, a motive to continue at same pace next year (All media)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani highlighted Thursday the progress of the country in terms of foreign policy, which was confirmed with the highest rating in the European Commission report. “The highest score – very good progress – in the EC report made in foreign policy, the start of negotiations with the EU as a historic moment that marks a new stage in the country’s accession process, full compliance with the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy, a reliable partner and strategically oriented towards the basic principles and values of the EU, a significant contribution to regional relations and initiatives,” says FM OSmani in a Facebook post. He stresses this result validates their work, which is a motive to continue at the same pace next year, when the country assumes the OSCE Presidency, the Presidency of the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP), as well as the Presidency with the US-Adriatic Charter – A5.


Marichikj-Geer: EC report notes good level of country’s preparation (All media)


As a country negotiating for full-fledged membership in the European Union and part of the screening process, North Macedonia has received a positive European Commission Report, the first after opening the negotiations this July, Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj told a joint press conference with EU Ambassador David Geer on Thursday. “First of all, the European Commission welcomes the start of the negotiating process, reaffirmed yesterday by Commissioner Varhelyi. It recognizes the continued commitment of North Macedonia and its achievements in the implementation of reforms, especially in the Fundamentals cluster and the progress made in the judiciary field,” said Marichikj. The Deputy PM and the EU Ambassador highlighted the work of the parliament in their assessment. 2 “There is a clear criticism over the delay in the adoption of legislation due to the blocks by the opposition. The report accentuates the need for the parliament to represent a forum for constructive political dialogue, particularly on the EU reform agenda, but also to work together with the Government on the legislative agenda and give priority to the constitutional changes,” said Marichikj. Ambassador Geer said all political parties should invest efforts into enhancing the Parliament’s role. The Deputy PM said the overall assessment of the country in 2022 is “good level of preparation, with improvements noted in 23 out of 43 fields and chapters, along with limited or less progress in the remaining 20 areas. From the aspect of readiness, there is moderate or good preparation in about 90 percent of fields. “This demonstrates that despite all internal but also external challenges we are facing, we have stable continuity in the general readiness of the country, and this should be an added incentive for all of us. North Macedonia has unequivocally confirmed its strategic commitment to the Union, amid a new geopolitical context, being the first country in the region to join the condemnation, sanctions and restrictions related to the Russian aggression in Ukraine, resulting in 100-percent alignment with the EU common foreign and security policy,” said Marichikj. He also referred to the Commission’s assessment that the screening process has been unhindered and the country has demonstrated a high degree of commitment. “This process must be inclusive and transparent, and by involving the civil society and experts in the negotiating process, along with the European funds at disposal, we see a new opportunity for more reforms and faster reforms,” said Marichikj. The Secretariat for European Affairs is set to host a series of panel-discussions, the first to take place together with the civil society on Friday, focusing on the clusters Fundamentals and External Relations. “All recommendations in the report will be discussed together and will serve as a foundation for updating the National Program for adoption of the EU Acquis that is being presented at the explanatory screening meetings. This document will be revised by the end of 2022 and support the country’s negotiating positions,” underlined Marichikj.


Kovachevski: No discussions over AfA joining government (Alsat-M/TV21)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said on Thursday that he has not yet scheduled an official meeting with the leadership of the Alliance for Albanians (AfA) when asked by reporters whether negotiations are underway for this party to join the government. “I only met with AA MP Elmi Aziri, who was part of the Economic Council, discussing economic measures,” said PM Kovachevski. Recent days have suggested that AA will join the government but representatives of the party’s leadership denied such claims. AfA acting president Arben Taravari said that for now, they do not have an offer to join the government. “We have not discussed the topic of whether to enter or leave, we were neither part of the government nor did we think about it. We will consider the option if there is such a proposal, but as of now there is nothing like that,” Taravari said. AfA MP and member of the party leadership Surija Rashidi, on the other hand, said that rumors about the party’s entry into the government is just speculation. “This topic was not presented at any meeting. The Alliance for Albanians is a serious political entity, which does not make decisions based on speculation, but based on what is real and objective,” said Rashidi.


Progress- report 2022/ Xhacka meets Hohmann: Albania has made progress on the road to European integration (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka received in a meeting Ambassador of the European delegation in Albania Christiane Hohmann, who handed over the Enlargement Package for 2022 and the Progress Report for Albania, underlining that she feels proud that the 2022 Report recognizes the fact that despite challenges and difficulties, "Albania has progressed on its way towards European integration". The head of Albanian diplomacy has assured Ambassador Hohmann about Albania's commitment to work closely together to address all concerns. "Albania's future is in the EU. Albania is committed to delivering concrete results in this new phase of the integration process after the first Intergovernmental Conference," Xhacka writes on her social network. The progress report of the European Commission is appreciated by the Albanian government as a working document on the areas where joint engagement with the EU will be determined in the following weeks and months. "Albania has continued to fulfill all the conditions defined in the Council Conclusions of March 2020. The report assesses that the Government did not lose focus on the EU agenda, despite various challenges. Albania has achieved significant progress in the adoption of the EU acquis in recent years", said Xhacka.

According to her, the Commission attaches great importance to the 2022 enlargement package, as well as to the geopolitical challenges created by Russian aggression in Ukraine.


Xhacka on the EC report: It recognizes the great work done and confirms the progress made (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka, in a press release, said today that the European Commission's progress report recognizes the great work that has been done and confirms Albania's progress. According to her, the report is a working document on the areas where joint commitment with the EU will be determined in the coming weeks and months. "The publication of the European Commission's Report on Albania has been an important moment for years, not only for the government and the political class, but also for the entire Albanian society. For the government and the political class, of course, this is a moment when we get an objective technical evaluation of the work we have done, regarding the integration reforms, but also a guide for the work we still need to do. For Albanian society, as a society that believes in the objective of European integration with unimaginable unanimity for many other countries, this is a moment to see how much progress Albania has made in this modernizing and Europeanizing journey", she said. Xhacka added that "after receiving the report, we can all feel good, because this report, the first after membership negotiations opening on 19 July 2022, recognizes the great work that has been done and confirms Albania's progress". "More specifically, the report speaks, "on a recognition of the sustainable commitment, achievements of reforms and stability of Albania to move forward on her path towards the EU". Quoting the said report Xhacka wrote that Albanian government did not lose focus on the EU agenda, despite a triple challenge with the earthquake, the pandemics and the war in Ukraine, the public administration remained committed despite the challenges and the country has achieved significant progress in adopting the EU acquis in recent years, despite the long waiting period. Xhacka considered positive European Commission’s stance as a clear expression of the geopolitical and strategic dimension of enlargement, which is undoubtedly in line with Albania's long-standing position that enlargement policy is the best geopolitical instrument of the European Union to keep its neighborhood safe and motivated and to keep the European security sphere intact and stable.  Xhacka underlined some of the findings of the European Commission's report on Albania 2022 from the fields of foreign policy, security and defense, which have finally received the importance they deserve in the evaluation of candidate countries. "In the field of foreign policy, security and defense, Albania has a good level of preparation; in the field of foreign relations, Albania has made some progress; meanwhile, in foreign, security and defense policy, Albania has made good progress", the Minister quoted the report. According to her, "the very good progress is based on 'Albania's full alignment with the common foreign and security policy of the EU, giving a strong signal of its strategic choice of EU membership'.” "I also feel really good about the high evaluation received in the report of Albania's work in the UN Security Council, underlining the commitment in fulfilling our priorities to represent ourselves, our region, our continent and all those who believe in the principles and values of the multilateral international order in the exercise of foreign policy.” According to her, these are assessments, in the light of which Albania appears very clearly as an active and reliable partner of the European Union, with a foreign policy that is based on European values and fully aligned with the statements and restrictive decisions of the EU in respect to the common foreign and security policy. Xhacka also emphasized that the progress report is a working document that, after identifying achievements, defines the areas where joint work and dialogue with the European Commission will be focused in the coming weeks and months.


Begaj meets with the speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the parliament of Canada (Radio Tirana)


Albanian President Begaj received in a meeting the speaker of the House of Common Anthony Rota. President Begaj assessed speaker Rota's visit as an important moment for bilateral relations between Albania and Canada. It coincides with the celebrations of the 35th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Underlining the very good and friendly relations consolidated even more in the last two decades, President Begaj praised the progress of the political dialogue as well as the close partnership within the NATO alliance. President Begaj made a special assessment for the support that Canada has given to the integration and preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of the Albanian community that lives and works in this country, considering it as a bridge of friendship and cooperation. As an added value in this aspect, President Begaj appreciated the bilateral agreement for mutual recognition of social security. The Head of State also appreciated the cooperation between the parliaments of the two countries and expressed the belief that speaker Rota and other Canadian MPs will provide their assistance in further advancing the representative diplomatic relations in the respective capitals. For his part, the speaker of the House of Common, Anthony Rota, appreciated the progress made by Albania and assured President Begaj of his and the Deputies' support for the further advancement of bilateral relations.


The sixth meeting of the Contact Group, Peleshi: We will continue to aid Ukraine (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi participated in the sixth meeting of the Defense Contact Group for Ukraine. In the meeting called by the US Secretary of the Defense Department Lloyd Austin and the US Chief of the Joint Staff, General Mark Milley, at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, participated representatives of nearly 50 countries, NATO allies and partners. The purpose of the meeting was to address Ukraine's requests for military and non-military capabilities necessary for the continuation of the response to Russia's unprovoked attack. Unity in support of Ukraine was confirmed in the discussions of the high representatives of the allied states. During his speech, Albanian Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi strongly condemned the so-called Russian referendums on the annexation of Ukrainian regions, expressing Albania's position to never recognize said referendums. Minister Peleshi emphasized that Albania recognizes and respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. Minister Peleshi also mentioned the contribution of Albanian government until at present in support of Ukraine and stated that efforts are being made to provide military and humanitarian assistance. Chief of General Staff of Albanian Armed Forces, Brigadier General Arben Kingji was also present in the meeting. The sixth meeting of the Defense Contact Group for Ukraine was held before the two-day meeting of NATO defense ministers.