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Belgrade Media Report 20 October 2022



Vucic: Serbia committed to dialogue, agreements must be implemented (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with US deputy assistant secretary of state and Washington's special Western Balkans envoy Gabriel Escobar on Thursday to discuss current developments in the process of normalization of relations with Pristina and possibilities for continuing the dialogue and finding sustainable solutions. Vucic once again noted Serbia's full commitment to continuing the dialogue process and resolving open issues between Belgrade and Pristina, with emphasis on full implementation of agreements signed in Brussels to date and on respect of international law, the Presidential press office said in a statement. Escobar expressed the expectation that the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue on all open issues and comprehensive normalization of relations would be continued in a dynamic and constructive manner - which he noted was significant for citizens, as well as for overall peace, stability and progress in the region - and that the talks would be concluded soon.


Commitment to further development of bilateral relations with Montenegro (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke on Wednesday with spokesperson of the parliament of Montenegro Danijela Djurovic about bilateral relations between the two countries, European integration and cooperation in the region. Brnabic assessed that Serbia is committed to the further development of bilateral relations with Montenegro, based, above all, on traditional friendship and close relations, which is essential for further progress and economic development of the region. She pointed out that she is extremely satisfied with the intensification of the political dialogue between the two countries, recalling the recent visit of Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic to Serbia. She expressed her belief that Montenegro will join the regional initiative "Open Balkans", which aims, above all, to improve the lives of the citizens of the region. She also stated that the focus of the future government will be on infrastructure, especially rail connections in the region. Djurovic assessed that the intensification of cooperation and support within the region are particularly important at the present moment, when we are facing major global challenges. She pointed out that Serbia showed exceptional commitment to good neighborly relations and that it provided support during the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, donating vaccines to the citizens of Montenegro, when it was most needed. She expressed her willingness to improve cooperation in the field of finance, payment transactions, but also in other important areas. The officials expressed their belief that the officials of our countries will work dedicatedly to improve the political dialogue, parliamentary and bilateral cooperation.


Orlic meets with Djurovic (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic spoke with Montenegrin counterpart Danijela Djurovic on Wednesday about parliamentary cooperation, as well as about the European paths of Serbia and Montenegro. Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Orlic said it was known that Serbia and Montenegro had embarked on a stage of good relations, and added that Djurovic's visit to Belgrade was a proof of that. "Bilateral relations are an important topic that we discussed today, but we did not only talk about bilateral relations but also about all topics that are important for both Serbia and Montenegro and for the people living in those countries," Orlic said. He added that there was "serious space" in which the two countries could cooperate in the future, and noted that the history and the tradition of Serbia-Montenegro relations were a fact. "Our discussions today were very useful and dealt with possibilities for further cooperation in the economy. Our overall trade this year is good and it is 35 percent higher relative to last year," Orlic said. He said they had also discussed the possibility of completing a motorway from Belgrade to the Southern Adriatic and finishing the modernization of a Belgrade-Bar rail line. "We are working together on our European perspective. Both Serbia and Montenegro are countries on the European path that have been identified by European partners as leaders of this region. It is important that we support each other on that path," Orlic said. He said he expected the parliaments of Serbia and Montenegro to have even more intensive cooperation in the future and establish friendship groups. Djurovic said she was particularly pleased to be on her first official visit to Belgrade. "I believe this is a good foundation for building our brotherly and friendly relations and strengthening the relations between our two countries. Formal political relations between Serbia and Montenegro must keep up with the extremely good relations we have between our two peoples and we must do everything to strengthen those formal relations," Djurovic said. She added that she had extended an invitation to Orlic to visit Montenegro in the near future. She noted that Serbia and Montenegro shared common strategic priorities. "Primarily, it is the matter of future EU membership. As a frontrunner in the European integration process, Montenegro is confident that the European perspective of all Western Balkan countries is a guarantee of stability, security and prosperity of this region," Djurovic said, adding that she believed Serbia and Montenegro would head in that direction together.


Pristina to show constructiveness by forming of ZSO (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said yesterday that Serbia was pleased to receive the message from the provisional Pristina institutions that they are ready to intensify the dialogue with Belgrade and said that the constructiveness of Pristina could best be seen in the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), which has been waiting for 3,470 days. “We were pleased to receive the message from Albin Kurti and Vjosa Osmani that Pristina is ready to intensify the dialogue. How constructive Pristina has been in this is best illustrated by the fact that for 3470 days it refuses to form the ZSO. Start the intensification from there! Give results instead of hate speech!” wrote is Petkovic


Dveri, Oath-Keepers, NADA Coalition form parliamentary coalition for preserving Kosovo (Beta/Politika)


The parliamentary caucuses of the Dveri (Doors) Movement, the Oath-Keepers and the NADA Coalition formed the "coalition for the preservation of Kosovo and Metohija" within Serbia in the Serbian parliament on Wednesday. While declaring that the "coalition" consisted of 31 members of parliament, who won 14 percent of votes at the April elections, the President of Dveri Bosko Obradovic assessed that this was "a new political force" rallied around the recently presented "Declaration on the reintegration of Kosovo and Metohija into the constitutional and legal order of Serbia". The President of the New Democratic Party of Serbia and one of the leaders of the NADA Coalition Milos Jovanovic has assessed that Serbia needed a "fundamental" change of policy towards Kosovo. The President of the Oath-Keepers Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski has assessed that the "statehood-guarding opposition formed today a particular line of defense of Serbia's constitutional order".


NGO: Citizens not to be hostages to Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Beta)


Albanian and Serbian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Kosovo said in a joint statement on Wednesday that the European Union’s recent reports and developments in the field might be giving rise to concerns that a lack of progress in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue affected local communities in Serbia and Kosovo alike. “Tensions and distrust cause great distress for the citizens. All sides need to give up inflammatory rhetoric that threatens and harms relations within and between communities. Transparency and responsibility need to be employed to resolve ambiguities. All the citizens must be clear as to what has been agreed, and the dialogue process needs to be closer to the citizens affected by it,” reads a statement signed by 40 non-governmental organizations. The statement went on to say that “a warm welcome to Serbian Patriarch Porfirije in Prizren sends a positive message of mutual respect and peaceful coexistence.” The NGOs added that all parties involved in the event were “constructive,” particularly Mayor of Pec Gazmenda Muhadzerija, who attended the inauguration of the Serbian Patriarch at the Pec Patriarchate. “We also urge tangible progress in many other areas as well. There is a substantial lack of dialogue and cooperation in elected institutions in Kosovo,” the NGOs said, explaining that “the Serb List MPs cannot represent the needs of the Serbs in Kosovo, because they are usually absent from the sessions of the Kosovo Assembly.


Lajcak: Petkovic's visit to Kosovo and Metohija should have been approved (Novosti)


In a letter to Serbia's Office for the Coordination of Affairs in the Process of Negotiations with the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Pristina, the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said a visit to Kosovo and Metohija by the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija should have been approved by the Pristina authorities, the Novosti reports. The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic was scheduled to attend last week's enthronement of Patriarch Porfirije of the Serbian Orthodox Church at the Patriarchate of Pec in Kosovo and Metohija. After the Pristina authorities banned the visit without providing an explanation, Petkovic informed Lajcak of the violation of agreements between Belgrade and Pristina. In the letter, Lajcak said the visit should have been allowed to take place as it had been announced in line with all agreements, diplomatic sources told the paper. According to the sources, Lajcak said he fully understood the ceremony had been exceptionally important for both the Serbian Orthodox Church and Petkovic personally. He added that he would raise the issue with the Pristina authorities as well and note that "agreements on official visits must be respected, as is the case with all other agreements in the dialogue", the report said.




B&H CEC orders another control recount of votes from 14 polling stations (BHT1/ATV/O Kanal)


The Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H issued a new order on Wednesday for control count of ballots from 14 polling stations, i.e. for the B&H Presidency, the B&H parliament, the RS parliament, the FB&H parliament and cantonal assemblies. BHT1 reports that, according to the B&H CEC’s order, ballot bags will be opened for polling stations where the number of ballots was higher than the number of voters. O Kanal reports that the B&H CEC established more ballots than the number of signatures at the disputable polling stations. According to ATV, there was confusion at the Main Vote Counting Center in Sarajevo on Wednesday because the control recount of votes for elections was being carried out in parallel with the counting of votes that arrived from abroad. Deputy Director of the Main Vote Counting Center in Sarajevo Adi Agic denied the allegations that some bags with the ballots from Prijedor were lost in the center, and he added that the bags just need to be transported from the warehouses with the materials.


Members of Doboj City Election Commission announce collective resignation (RTRS)


RTRS carries that members of the Doboj City Election Commission have announced a collective resignation due to the fact that they are suffering media lynching, pressure and threats by the opposition. Members of the Doboj City Election Commission stated that all of this is a consequence of the decisions and work of the B&H CEC and their connection with the opposition in the RS, especially PDP. Members of the Doboj City Election Commission added that numerous lies at the expense of the City Election Commission are unbearable, stressing that pressures are turning into threats. President of the Doboj City Election Commission Nenad Paleksic said that one such threat ended with a report to the police. Paleksic pointed out that because of everything that is happening, members of the Doboj City Election Commission have decided to offer a collective resignation to the Doboj City Assembly. "I do not want to take part in Serb-Serb conflicts because what is being done is chaos, anarchy especially having in mind that the Central Election Commission of B&H is taking part in it," Paleksic underlined. RTRS stressed that only a day ahead of the recount of votes from Doboj, B&H CEC President Suad Arnautovic shocked the public with the claim that 61 ballot bags from Doboj are missing, without providing an explanation. Paleksic stressed that although it turned out that these claims were untrue, information was presented on purpose with the aim of causing chaos.


SNSD files to B&H Prosecutor’s Office supplemental crime report against B&H CEC members for abuse of office or power (BHT1/RTRS)


SNSD has filed to the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H a supplemental criminal report against President of the B&H CEC Suad Arnautovic and B&H CEC members Zeljko Bakalar, Irena Hadziabdic, Ahmet Santic, Jovan Kalaba and Vanja Bjelica-Prutina for abuse of office or power. BHT1 reports that the report states that during his appearance in FTV ‘Rezime’ on 18 October, Arnautovic announced that the decision to repeat the election for the RS President will be discussed, and that ballot count is still underway. According to SNSD, all that proves the B&H CEC’s intention to favor one political entity. RTRS pointed out that it seems that Arnautovic already knows whether the elections for the level of the President and Vice Presidents of the RS will be annulled and new ones called. Due to abuse of office and Arnautovic's statement that repeat elections are possible, SNSD supplemented the criminal complaint against Arnautovic and members of the B&H CEC, except for Vlado Rogic.


FB&H House of Peoples confirms appointment of three judges for FB&H Constitutional Court (BHT1/FTV)


At its extraordinary session held on Wednesday, the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) confirmed appointment of three judges in the FB&H Constitutional Court (CC), i.e. Ajisa Softic from the rank of Bosniak people, Mirko Bjelicevic from the rank of Croat people, and Branimir Orasananin from the rank of Serb people, following strong discussion on the issue. BHT1 reports that the decision enables formation and functionality of the Council for Protection of Vital National Interest. Commenting on this, FB&H President Marinko Cavara said for BHT1 that, under High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt’s most recent decision “that is done by the (FB&H) CC, not the (FB&H) HoP as it was the case in the past. And, with today’s confirmation of the FB&H CC judges, we have the possibility to have the Council and the FB&H CC to have a quorum for work”. Cavara went on to say that one of the FB&H CC judges will retire soon, noting that “regardless of that, we will have the capacity”. FTV reports that, during the session, delegates in the FB&H HoP also raised the issue why it took three years to adopt such decision, and why the FB&H CC’s work was prevented that could not consider appeals by the Council for Protection of Vital National Interest. Addressing the press conference after the session, delegate in the FB&H HoP Elmedin Konakovic said the most important information provided during the session was Cavara officially admitting “he proposed one list after which he was subjected to political pressures, due to which he proposed a list that can be adopted. We are talking about appointment of the CC judges, one of the umbrella institutions in the judicial system, where SDA and HDZ publicly admit their choice is political”.


FB&H House of Peoples fails to agree on appointment of fourth judge in FB&H Constitutional Court (Nova BH)


The delegates in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) were supposed to elect the fourth judge in the FB&H Constitutional Court (CC), on which the FB&H President Marinko Cavara and the FB&H Vice Presidents did not reach an agreement. However, there was a problem with the appointment because the FB&H HoP session was adjourned after the break, as there was no necessary quorum for further holding of the session. Before the session was adjourned, the speaker of FB&H HoP Tomislav Martinovic had a heated discussion with certain delegates from the opposition about what should be the procedure for FB&H HoP to appoint the fourth judge, because there was no concrete proposal from Cavara. Delegates from the Croat Caucus in FB&H HoP claimed that that everything is very clearly prescribed by the High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt's amendments, in which the fourth judge is appointed from the list of the B&H High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) from 2019 and 2021, by choosing the best-ranked candidate.


Schmidt expects remaining vacant seat in FB&H CC to be filled as soon as possible (BHT1)


BHT1 carries that HR in B&H Christian Schmidt reacted to appointment of the three judges in the FB&H Constitutional Court (CC), stating he expects a remaining vacant seat in FB&H CC to be filled as soon as possible, and added that the FB&H needs “fully functional institutions and swift implementation of election results to tackle key issues such as corruption and the outflow of youth”.


Deny support to Schmidt and close OHR (Srna)


‘United Srpska’ leader Nenad Stevandic asked Croatian member of European Parliament and Vice Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) Zeljana Zovko to deny support to High Representative Christian Schmidt and to request urgent closing of the OHR because of violation of international law and democratic principles. In his letter to Zovko, Stevandic wrote that the High Representative has no right to change the Constitution of an entity, to remove democratically elected and appointed officials, or to interfere with direct competences of the state and entities. Commenting the fact that AFET invited Schmidt to explain his decision to impose changes to B&H Election Law and FB&H Constitution, Stevandic noted that according to the Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement, the High Representatives can only be appointed by a resolution of the UN. He reminded that Schmidt was not appointed in this manner, and he therefore cannot be considered High Representative.


Karamatic: HNS to dispute Komsic’s mandate before B&H CC (Avaz)


President of HSS and member of Presidency of Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) Mario Karamatic stated that parties gathered around HNS will file a motion before Constitutional Court of B&H for disputing of mandate of Zeljko Komsic. “Komsic has legality of elections, but he does not have legitimacy of the electorate. He has legitimacy of Bosniak electorate,” said Karamatic. Karamatic said that Croat parties will use all available legal means to contest the post which has been usurped by Komsic in the incomplete Presidency. He also said that he expects Bosniak politicians to start speaking about secession soon. “You will beg us to secede, but you will not be able to do that. B&H will remain integral until we and people from the international community decide otherwise”, said Karamatic. He also stated that HDZ B&H’s Borjana Kristo is the legitimate Croat member of B&H Presidency.


European Parliament discusses reports on progress of countries of Western Balkans (N1)


The European Parliament discussed the reports on the progress of the countries of the Western Balkans presented by the European Commission last week at its plenary session held in Strasbourg on Wednesday. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) warned "if we do not speed up, we will leave the Western Balkans to Russia and China". Certain MEPs underlined that accession of the countries of the Western Balkans is a priority of the EU because Russian influence is strong in the region. Addressing the session of the European Parliament on the Western Balkans, European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi said that conditional candidate status was given to B&H because of its citizens and that it is up to the politicians in B&H to ensure that all requirements of the European Commission are met. "Following general elections on 2 October we expect the legislatures and governments at state, entity and cantonal levels to be swiftly set up in order to focus on EU reforms. It will be for the European Council to take the final decision, possibly in December. The Commission also continues to monitor and report on the implementation of the 14 key priorities based on progress on the ground," Commissioner Varhelyi underlined.


Djukanovic: It’s true when they say – if you don’t vote for DF, vote for URA, it’s all the same (CdM)


The pre-election campaign for local elections in 13 municipalities and the City of Podgorica is entering its final stage. The messages are clear, but so are the intentions of the political actors. After two years have passed since the change of government, and Montenegro had two governments, the picture is much clearer as to who stands for what, who protects the national interests of Montenegro and who has other political priorities. In political terms – the masks have fallen, and in sports terms – it is clear who wears whose jerseys. The message that the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic sent from Budva during the final convention of the election list “The right thing, United for Budva – Dragana Mitrovic” coalition partners DPS, SDP, SD, 21 May, LP, brought to mind the messages from the campaign before the parliamentary elections in August 2020. Djukanovic recalled his speech in Budva after 30 August 2020, when, as he said, he very explicitly claimed that every vote given to URA was actually a vote that would end up with Greater Serbian nationalism. “That’s what happened. So today, two years later, we really shouldn’t allow ourselves to make that catastrophic mistake. We have information that today the activists of our political competitors are roaming around Budva and explaining to their potential supporters that: ‘If you don’t vote for the Democratic Front, then vote for URA, it’s the same’. And right, it is the same. Believe me, even as far as I’m concerned, it isn’t the same, but if by any chance I lost my mind and came to the risk of making such a decision, I would rather always decide for DF than for URA. Because, you know, honest beliefs should be valued, these people are sincerely Serbian nationalists, these people are sincerely on the opposite side of Montenegro, and these others are the most common fixers and traders”, said President Djukanovic.


Mickoski: We’ll wait to see how things go in government, and then we’ll discuss inclusion in EU process (All media)


VMRO-DPMNE will wait to see how things will go in the government, and then make a decision whether to lend a hand to the government for the European integration process, leader of the opposition party Hristijan Mickoski said Wednesday, adding that they don’t trust “the interlocutor on the other side” and that the government is three years late with its intentions. “I don’t see a serious interlocutor on the other side whom I could rely on and whom I could be confident about. That’s why I say to wait and see how things will develop in the government, and only then to see what interlocutors we can cooperate with. This interlocutor turned out to be one that unfortunately we cannot rely on,” Mickoski said. According to him, the government, as usual, is two or three years late in its intentions and again something is offered for which there is no clear concept. “Let’s wait and see how things will develop there, and only then we will be able to talk about some plans in the future. But what I can conclude in answer to this question is that they are late and instead of that haughty refusal when we shook hands, they should have considered that VMRO-DPMNE is needed, because they cannot survive without VMRO-DPMNE. And you can see that, without the support of VMRO DPMNE they are unsuccessful, and this way they are even more unsuccessful,” said Mickoski. According to him, cooperation with VMRO-DPMNE should have been offered before signing, what he called, “capitulation agreements”. “I called for us to make five teams, sit down, make a strategy and act based on that strategy. You see, one of the teams is already effective, the one that helps in the economy and in energy despite the fact that they arrogantly refused then, I would say irresponsibly and immaturely,” said Mickoski, who accused that the government allowed the violation of the Declaration by the parliament and “the beginning of assimilation and Bulgarization of the Macedonian people”.


VMRO-DPMNE filed no-confidence motion against Committee on Election and appointment Chairperson, Marija Georgievska (Alsat-M/Sitel)


The election of new constitutional judges deepened even more the ‘war’ between the government and the opposition in the parliament, reported the media. VMRO-DPMNE submitted no-confidence motion for SDSM MP Marija Georgievska, chairing the Committee on Election and Appointment Issues, accusing her that she submitted the two Constitutional Court nominations to the parliament speaker before the session of the Committee was over. According to VMRO-DPMNE MP Antonio Miloshoski, Georgievska has violated the parliament’s Rules of Procedure. “Contrary to the Rules of Procedure and the Constitution, for items on the unfinished agenda and unfinished session of the Committee, she submitted a partial report to the despot of the parliament Talat Xhaferri for the Constitutional Court judges. They submitted the names of judges for voting, without finishing the discussion process in the session first... This is contrary to Article 126 of the Rules of Procedure, which states that the working body holds a session and when the session is over, it prepares a report and minutes on what was decided at the working body,” said Milloshoski. The Chairperson of the Committee on Election and Appointment Issues, Marija Georgievska, said she submitted the partial report to the parliament speaker based on her assessment. She accuses the opposition of blocking the work of the parliament. "As a chairperson, I acted based on my assessment of what happens in the parliament. I submitted a partial report which is not complete, but one thing should be clear that I did not submit the report in full because our Committee on Elections and Appointment Issues does not submit a report, it brings decisions and forwards them as a proposal to the plenum, which must further undertake decision,” said Georgievska, SDSM MP. The Committee on Election and Appointment Issues has only submitted the nominations of Fatmir Skender and Tatjana Vasikj Bozaxhieva to the plenary session for voting because the proposal for the election of Lubomir Joveski has not been passed by the Committee yet. The Committee rejected all six nominations proposed by the opposition, while the majority is determined to approve the name of current chief prosecutor, Lubomir Joveski, as the next Constitutional Court judge. The Constitutional Court operates with only five out of nine members.


Begaj: The judicial reform brought positive developments for the Constitutional Court (Radio Tirana)


President Bajram Begaj is participating in the international conference "Role of Constitutional Courts in New Democracies", organized on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Constitutional Court of Albania. In his speech, Begaj assessed that the Constitutional Court is a cornerstone for building the rule of law and guaranteeing basic human rights and freedoms. "Since 1992, the Constitutional Court has been confirmed as a balanced and determined institution in the road towards the best standards. Legal changes in these 30 years have put the Constitutional Court in front of different challenges, affecting aspects of organization, competences and normal functioning", said the President. According to him, "the judicial reform, strongly supported by our European and American partners, has brought positive developments for the Constitutional Court and access to constitutional justice". "The regulations regarding appointment of judges of the Court, the inclusion of several constitutional bodies, with detailed powers, has enabled a selection based on professional merit and separation from political influence", he said. "Allowing an individual appeal against any act of the Public Power or Judicial decisions increases the control over the constitutionality of the acts and provides greater protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution". Laying stress on transparency remains essential to maintain public trust in the Constitutional Court and to ensure an easy and quality access of citizens to justice. "Independence and impartiality require appropriate financial support and budget autonomy, to enable functionality, self-regulatory ability and avoidance of overlapping among power branches," said President Begaj.


EU Ambassador: Reform in Justice, success in the journey towards the EU! Not perfect, but its legitimacy has always been confirmed (Radio Tirana)


EU Ambassador Cristiane Hohmann, in her speech on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Constitutional Court, stated that the Reform of Justice in the journey in the EU. "The cruelty of rule by law may come quickly. The inclusion of the Constitutional right or the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary became the foundations of modern constitutions in Europe. The Reform in Justice reconceptualized the Justice system. It represented a success for Albania's journey to the EU and strengthened the independence of the judiciary. It has not been easy nor perfect, but the legitimacy of the Reform has always been confirmed. The Constitutional Court has gone through difficult situations and should be composed of the best legal professionals, where their reputation should not be discussed. I hope the Constitutional Court has 9 members. This court plays a very important role. This is one of the biggest achievements for the integration of Albania in the EU. We remind you that we also undertook the First Conference with the EU and justice is one of the main priorities. The EU will monitor the process for an independent judiciary,' said the EU Ambassador.


Kim: Stop threats against the courts (Radio Tirana)


American Ambassador Yuri Kim gave strong messages in the speech given at the ceremony for the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Constitutional Court. The ambassador expressed the pride of the USA for the support given to the Constitutional Court. Focusing on the justice reform, Kim said that it is giving real results, while she did not mention those who strongly oppose the progress of the reform. Kim has given the clear message that those who threaten to expose dark secrets from the past and fill the pockets of family members, is finished. "The US is proud to have supported the transitions of this Court, from the vetting process and the selection of qualified judges. We look forward to the court having qualified judges. Justice reform is not easy or quick, but it is making progress and giving results. Those who oppose this progress would like to return Albania to the past, when prosecutors and judges could be threatened. At a time when Albanian citizens did not believe that justice existed in the courts, but they did not have the power, the money, the connections. For a long time, the old times have continued, for those who want to bring Albania back, bring it back but it causes suffering and I say Stop! Time to make phone calls to send emissaries, gifts, threats, threatening to expose dark secrets from a past, form the basis for another dark secret. This time is over. You have enjoyed these privileges, you have filled your pockets, you have filled the pockets of your children. Stop, your time is up," Kim said. The American Ambassador emphasized that the time has come for Albanian citizens to believe that justice exists and that people who commit crimes will face the law. "It is time for normal people, Albanian citizens, to believe that there is justice in Albania, that it is worth it for them and their children to stay, that there is a future that is brighter and that there is punishment for those who commit crimes, that everyone is equal before the law. This should be done by this court, every court, every prosecutor should do it. Stop receiving these calls, stop being afraid of these threats, do your job, allow the Albanian citizens to trust you", Yuri Kim was quoted as saying.


Kodheli: Albania must find pragmatic solutions for what is to come (Radio Tirana)


In a global development that appears more and more complex, Albania can and should find pragmatic solutions. Chairwoman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Assembly of Albania, at the same time deputy chairwoman of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Mimi Kodheli picks up economic optics, when it comes to Albania's actions in the increasingly complicated global situation. At the end of the day, everything is economy, Kodheli quoted, deciding on a solution to an already announced crisis. In the same financial terms, Kodheli also addressed the Spanish ambassador's interest in whether a European defense separated from NATO would be valid or not. On the other hand, Kodheli appraises the Open Balkans and other cooperation opportunities with emphasis on economic benefits. According to Kodheli, Albania's challenge in any case remains taking sides with powers sharing democratic values.