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Belgrade Media Report 7 November 2022



Vucic: After 10 years, a tough decision to leave Kosovo institutions was made (TV Pink)


"We are talking about major political, almost tectonic changes. After 10 years, the Serbs made the decision to leave Pristina's institutions," Vucic reminded. He says that the stories that they did it "on the order of Belgrade" are meaningless, but those who say that do not want to see what the Serbs want and what kind of problems they are facing. Vucic pointed out that it is important for people to know what we went through in the previous decades and in the past few months. "In 1999, we practically lost sovereignty over Kosovo and Metohija, and in 2004, the pogrom started, and in 2008, Kosovo declared independence. He recalled the "standards before status" policy, after which the murders of Serbs followed, and then the Albanians were rewarded by the West with the recognition of unilaterally declared independence. He pointed out that we started difficult negotiations in 2012, 2013. "It is difficult to compare them with the ones in 1998 and 1999, when they were bigger and more difficult because the consequences were bigger and more difficult. But since then, these have been the biggest and the most difficult. With the Brussels agreement, we bought 10 years of peace. We have the fastest growth in region," he said.


"There could have been bloodshed"

Vucic said that the Serbs wanted to leave the institutions every time Pristina did something.

"I advised them not to do that and they listened to me, because I was always with the people. They trusted me. I prevented them at least 20 times. Then came June and the first incident. This is the first time I'm talking about it, that night could have ended with great, unprecedented bloodshed. The Albanians were preparing it, the Serbs did not want to back down," he said. As he says, he begged the Serbs to move roadblocks. "After 11 hours they told me that they will do it because I ask them, otherwise they wouldn't do it. I went to Brussels in August, I know we have to achieve something, I can't leave people having to come with visas, because there is no end to the madness in Pristina. At the same time, all this was supported by two great powers", he said. He said that there was great panic, and that it was expected that there would be chaos in 10 days. "Then came our proposal that the Albanians cannot refuse. At that moment, international representatives come to my hotel and ask if I can give then guarantees. I tell them that my word means more than someone's oath. One American and one European representative tell me that I'll see to it, and they'll make Kurti give up the plates for a year." He said that Serbs with Kosovo and Metohija had doubts after his pleas to accept an agreement with Pristina on identity documents. "That day in Berlin, in order to humiliate us, Kurti made a statement regarding the ZSO, that it would never happen. And then he said that as for license plates, it is going in phases. The representatives of Quint countries deceive the public when they say that they have the right to confiscate license plates. They are referring to the wrong article in the agreement. They know, but they are playing dumb. They must not mention it, because for them Kosovo is an independent state. Then, they replaced Nenad Djuric although they have no right to do that", he said.


Three key reasons

The President of Serbia said that three key things happened, because of which the Serbs will no longer put up with it:

- The Community of Serb Municipalities was not formed

- License plates

- Replacement of Nenad Djuric

He pointed out that the decision to leave the institutions is very difficult.


Brnabic: Government fully supports Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated on Saturday that the representatives of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, by deciding to suspend their participation in the temporary institutions of self-government in Pristina, only defended international public law and the Brussels agreement. "With this, our people in Kosovo and Metohija said that they only want peace, that they believe in the rule of law and that they believe in all those partners from the international community who participated in the achievement of various agreements during the past years – above all, the Brussels agreement as the first agreement on normalisation, and then all others, including the issue of registration plates. In their fight for peace, stability, the rule of law and respect for all signed agreements, they will always have full support of the government of Serbia. The hysteria in the political public and the media in Pristina is an example of absurdity, because it not only about provoking conflicts, but a peaceful and democratic reaction that is a response to the continuous unilateral violation of the agreement, disrespecting both the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and the European Union as the guarantor of the Brussels agreement. The parallels that the extremists in Pristina draw with Ukraine and Donbas are tasteless, inappropriate and incoherent, but they speak volumes to the whole world about those who use them. During the previous decade, Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija have shown patience and tolerance, precisely because they want peace and because they believe in the rule of law. Every year, the number of attacks on Serbs increased, their property was illegally confiscated, the rare returnees were most brutally mistreated and deported again, innocent people were arrested and sentenced contrary to the Brussels Agreement, they also experienced that their right to vote, as a basic democratic right, was denied, and did not have a single reaction that would threaten peace. Now they are simply cornered and continue to use only and exclusively democratic means in the struggle for bare survival. Once again – the only thing they want is to see the implementation of the signed agreements and nothing more. The Serbian government remains firmly committed to preserving peace and stability in the region and stands by our brave and dignified people in Kosovo and Metohija," Brnabic’s statement reads.


Dacic: Masks should fall and to see whether the Brussels agreement exists or not (RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that he signed the Brussels agreement when he was the prime minister. “We have to see, after nine years of refusing to form the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), whether anyone is thinking of implementing the Brussels agreement, because that's why we signed it,” Dacic said in a guest appearance on Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS). According to him, Serbia is not a party to the conflict, Serbia is fighting for the protection of the Brussels agreement. When asked if the West will be able to put pressure on Pristina, Dacic says that he doesn’t know if they can put pressure on Pristina, but that no one in Serbia believes that they can’t. “If the US and EU cannot deal with Kurti, then it’s either their impotence, or their tacit consent,” pointed out Dacic. He told the EU that it is their obligation to form the ZSO. “I say to the EU that it is also their obligation to form the ZSO, no only Kurti’s. Catherine Ashton signed it, if it doesn’t stand, then you tricked me too,” Dacic noted. Commenting on the departure of Serbs from Kosovo institutions, Dacic said that this is a historic decision, and that he supports it. “We should not justify whether the decision was made with Belgrade or not. The entire world brings decisions on Kosovo and Metohija, and Belgrade can’t. This is the decision of the Serbs with Kosovo and Metohija,” said Dacic. He added that Pristina thinks that they have anesthetized the Serbs and that they almost did accept independence.


We’ll do everything to preserve peace

Speaking about the removal of uniforms by the policemen in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, he says that in the institutions in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, no one has ever been from Pristina, neither policemen, nor judges, nor prosecutors, and that the agreement is that they should be Serbs, but if there is a ZSO, if it does not exist , the Serbs must look for another way of organizing. “We would like this situation to last as short as possible. We will do everything to preserve the peace, to protest peacefully, this is a kind of resistance because Pristina does not form the ZSO,” explained Dacic. He noted that it is necessary to respect Resolution 1244. “There is no more wriggling, either they will act in accordance with Resolution 1244 or they will say openly that they are on the side of Pristina, these are the times when they will have to say it clearly. The historical pendulum is turning around. All forms of resistance to the Serbian government that the Albanians had, now the Serbs have to the Albanian government,” noted Dacic. He asked Pristina why they need the Serbs in the institutions if it did not want to cooperate with them. “They say Ukraine, Spain ... have rights on the entire territory, only Serbia does not have those rights. If you do not have an explanation, do not irritate the Serb people. In order for the Serbs to return to the institutions, we know what Pristina and the EU need to do,” said Dacic. Commenting on the possibility of Pristina applying for EU membership, he said that they can apply for EU membership. “They want to force the EU to vote for them. It is a move that has no chance of succeeding because five EU countries do not recognize Kosovo’s independence,” Dacic said, but added that he is taking the issue seriously, so he has scheduled several meetings on to this question.


Petkovic: Serbs clearly said – they are leaving institutions in Pristina until formation of ZSO begins (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that leaving the institutions of Pristina is the most responsible move by Serbs from Kosovo in the systemic persecution of our people and the trampling of all agreements by ljbin Kurti. This way, the Serbs want to defend the Brussels agreement and that after ten years, the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) would be formed, which would realize the collective rights of the Serbs, which are trampled on in all fields. “It is about the peaceful and democratic response of the Serb people who want to defend the Brussels agreement and the ZSO this way,” said Petkovic. He reminds that there is not a day without an attack on Serbs, that the legal system is abused to persecute Serbs, and that ROSU illegally invades the north of Kosovo. “We are here to preserve peace and stability, to be with our people, the most responsible for this situation is Albin Kurti, who systematically tramples on agreements,” said Petkovic. According to Petkovic, the reaction of Brussels and the call to Pristina to urgently approach the formation of the ZSO is late. “Did all this have to happen in order for Brussels to react and they are the guarantors for the implementation of the Brussels agreement and the fact that today we do not have the ZSO. Why could it not have happened earlier,” wonders Petkovic. “This is a forced reaction of the Serb people, leaving the provisional institutions is a democratic response, because the people have had enough. The Serbs have clearly said that they are leaving all the institutions until the formation of the ZSO begins and until Kurti cancels the violent decision on the re-registration of vehicles,” said Petkovic.


Petkovic: Serbs will demonstrate resistance to Kurti's unilateral decisions in a democratic, peaceful way (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Friday that Prime Minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina Albin Kurti with his statements in Berlin about the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) and the dismissal of director of the Regional Police Directorate North Nenad Djuric gave a deadly blow to the Brussels dialogue. At an extraordinary press conference in the government of Serbia, Petkovic pointed out that by declaring that Pristina is not interested in the formation of the ZSO, Kurti eliminated any possibility of normalising relations. He said that this kind of behaviour is a drop in the bucket, with which he humiliated the EU, but also Serbia and the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, stating that we have had no reaction from the West to the aforementioned statements for 24 hours. According to him, in this way he once again caused anxiety among Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, which is why President Aleksandar Vucic spoke with the political representatives of our people in the province last night. He added that the Serbs said that they will do everything to defend their right to exist in Kosovo and Metohija and that they will show full resistance to the illegal and unilateral decisions of Albin Kurti in a democratic and peaceful way, but also that they will fight with all means if they are attacked. Also, as he explained, Kurti violated item 9 of the Brussels agreement by dismissing Djuric, because the mayors of four municipalities with a majority Serb population in the north of the province are responsible for his appointment and removal. Petkovic emphasised that the behaviour of Albin Kurti is unacceptable and that he is in charge of destroying everything Serbian in Kosovo and Metohija, with the ultimate goal of expelling Serbia and the Serb people from our southern province.


Extraordinary overall relations between Serbia, China (RTS/RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic pointed out yesterday, in a meeting with the special representative in the Secretariat of China - Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC) Jiang Yu, the importance that Serbia and China attach to cooperation in within this mechanism. On that occasion, an agreement was reached on the further strengthening of cooperation within the framework of the mechanism China - CEEC, which Serbia sees as an integral part of the global initiative "Belt and Road" and to which it attaches great importance. At the meeting, mutual satisfaction was expressed due to the upward trend in economic relations between the two countries, and the existence of significant potential for their further enrichment was pointed out. The officials estimated that the agreement on free trade, initiated in the conversation between the presidents of the two countries in February of this year, will be agreed upon and signed in the shortest period, which will further improve the excellent bilateral relations and steely friendship that unites us. Ambassador Jiang Yu expressed her satisfaction with the outstanding overall relations between Serbia and China, as well as her willingness to further comprehensively strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership and strengthen the steely friendship between our two nations. According to her, China sees Serbia as one of the most reliable partners in this part of the world, and this was contributed to by the determination of the Serbian leadership to improve Serbian-Chinese cooperation in areas of mutual interest, both on the bilateral level and through the China-CEEC cooperation mechanism. Dacic once again thanked China for its principled stance on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, and confirmed Serbia's consistent support for the "one China" policy and the "one country, two systems" principle, as well as the country's fight against separatism.


Dacic: Time for EU to declare whether there is Brussels agreement or not (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and the Foreign Minister of Maldives Abdulla Shahid signed yesterday the Plan of political consultations of the line ministries, which is a prelude to greater cooperation between the two countries. At a joint press conference with Shahid, Dacic stated that the two countries had good relations at the time of the Non-Aligned Movement, but that they were a little neglected. He stated that during today's meeting they discussed agreements on cooperation in the field of sports and education, as well as the visa regime. Shahid informed Dacic that 5,000 citizens of Serbia visit that country annually and that they receive visas at the airport. However, when someone from the Maldives needs to come to Serbia, they have to go to our embassy in India, which is a four-hour flight. Our visa policy must be harmonised with the EU, but I do not believe that the Maldives with 500,000 inhabitants is a problem for the EU, Dacic said. Dacic emphasised that the Maldives respect the universal principle of territorial integrity, which is why our friendship is particularly important. Answering the journalists' questions, Dacic pointed out that the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, by leaving the institutions of Pristina, are fighting for their interests and for the Brussels agreement, which Albin Kurti destroyed. He pointed out that it is time for the EU to declare whether there is a Brussels agreement or not, adding that this is not only about Kosovo and Metohija, but about the principle of respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, which supposedly everyone welcomes, but which does not apply to Serbia. According to him, the Serbs with Kosovo and Metohija did not say that they will leave those institutions permanently, but that they will be outside them until the Community of Serb Municipalities is formed, and Europe, if it could wait nine and a half years, can wait for the formation as well. As for Belgrade, Dacic emphasised, the basic message is not to take a single step that would prevent dialogue, but that Serbia must defend its people. Shahid pointed out that today's meeting is a big step in the improvement of diplomatic relations between the two countries and that it will give a new impetus to mutual cooperation, while he expressed his satisfaction with the fact that Serbia is progressing in all areas of social and economic life.


Vucic discusses situation in Kosovo with Russia, Chinese Ambassador (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met in Belgrade on Saturday with the Ambassadors of Russia and China, Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko and Chen Bo, to brief the two diplomats on the security situation in Kosovo. President Vucic informed the Russian Ambassador on the security situation and the pressures that Serbia and the Serbs had been exposed to, reiterating gratitude for Russia’s firm stance and support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, the Presidency of Serbia has said. The Russian diplomat promised to share the report with top-ranking officials in Moscow. His Chinese counterpart Chen Bo described China’s position on Kosovo as consistent. “We appreciate the efforts made by Serbia and you personally to find a peaceful solution in the negotiations. We support the legitimate demands of the Serbian side, related to the security of Serbian citizens in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as those with regard to reaching an agreement within the framework of the U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244. China is opposed to unilateral actions that contribute to escalation and undermining stability,” Ambassador Chen said.


Vucevic: KFOR not to allow Pristina sending of Albanian police to north of Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic stated that the situation is tense in Kosovo and Metohija, but that he hopes that there will be no escalation, stressing that KFOR is now an important factor, which should not allow Albin Kurti to send Albanian police officers to the north of Kosovo and Metohija, to replace Serbian, and practically carry out the occupation of four municipalities in the north of the province. When asked what the security assessments are, Minister Vucevic told Tanjug that all moves by Pristina, which, contrary to the Brussels agreement, are building bases for special police units on the territory of four municipalities in the north, with a Serbian majority, are being carefully monitored and evaluated. Now, when the Serbian policemen have the police force, a security vacuum has been created and the situation is additionally risky and complicated, because the question arises - who will now carry out these regular, everyday police activities, Vucevic pointed out. “I hope that KFOR and EULEX will assume that role, because it would be very dangerous if Pristina decides to send members of the police of Albanian nationality, from other parts of Kosovo and Metohija, to the north, to enter the majority Serb municipalities,” the Defense Minister pointed out. He stated that Serbia has no problems with KFOR bases, because they are in accordance with the Kumanovo Agreement and Resolution 1244, but cannot accept that ROSU or some other units build bases and demonstrate force every day in Jarinje, Brnjak, Gazivode... “I hope that there will be no trigger for escalation, but if I could rule it out for you - it would be irresponsible and frivolous. I really don’t know what else can happen, what else Kurti can think of,” said Vucevic. He also pointed out that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic talks with all relevant political actors of the international community, while the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Milan Mojsilovic is in daily contact with the KFOR commander, and that communication exists. Asked whether KFOR is aware of the sensitivity of the situation on the ground, and whether they will try to prevent it, Vucevic said that those on the ground have a good overview of the situation, but that the reaction is also a question of political instructions from NATO and the people who make decisions. “I cannot say that it is only a question of the military assessment of the one in command on the ground, but it seems that the commander of KFOR, an Italian, understands what is happening. But that does not mean that I idealize him and that he supports the decisions of the Serbs. They have a restrained, a military attitude, but I hope that they will not think of allowing the Kosovo police to begin the occupation of four municipalities,” repeated Vucevic. In response to the statement that there was information that the army was grouping at administrative crossings, Vucevic said that the Serbian Army moves sovereignly and freely throughout the territory of the country, which is under our control, is allowed to leave the barracks, conduct exercises and maneuvers. He reminded that on 26 October, the President, commander-in-chief issued an order on the increased level of combat readiness of the army, in the context of the events in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as that there are constant attempts to spy and monitor our army, its units, deployments, recording of military facilities and barracks. “Since I have been the Defense Minister, it has been a constant, that they are trying to fly over and record military facilities with drones, looking for our units. We come to the conclusion that they are interested in the deployment of units of Serbian Army,” stated Vucevic.


Hill asks Vucic that Serbia act responsibly (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had a telephone conversation on Saturday with US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill, who asked him that Serbia behave responsibly and seriously, and to not, in any way, participate in jeopardizing regional peace and stability, the Serbian Presidency has said in a press release. The press release states that Vucic explained the position of Serbia to the US Ambassador during a "long and meaningful" telephone conversation. According to the statement, Vucic said, "Serbia is committed to following international law and all of the signed agreements, but the Serbs in northern Kosovo and Metohija are horrified by the sacking of the director of the Regional Police Directorate for the North region Nenad Djuric, and all issues related to vehicle license plates, and shocked by statements, reiterated for the 100th time, that for them there is no international law, Brussels agreement or Community of Serb Municipalities.


Borrell urges Pristina to respect obligations, Serbs to return to institutions (RTS)


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell Saturday evening called on the Pristina authorities to immediately extend the deadline for vehicle re-registration, stop any kind of punishment of drivers and also immediately start the formation of the Association of Serb Municipalities. “The Kosovo Assembly has ratified the Brussels agreement and Kosovo’s Constitutional Court ruled that the Association/Community needs to be established. Therefore, its establishment is a binding legal obligation for Kosovo. Continued failure to implement this obligation undermines the principle of Rule of Law and damages Kosovo’s reputation and credibility,” Borrell wrote on Twitter. “The recent developments in the relations of Kosovo and Serbia have put years of hard work and achievements reached under the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina at risk and hamper the security situation in the region and beyond. The EU calls on both sides to refrain from any unilateral actions, which might lead to further tensions,” Borrell added. Borrell called on Serbia and the representatives of the Kosovo Serbs to “respect their Dialogue obligations and return to the Kosovo institutions to fulfil their duties” and the Kosovo authorities to “immediately extend the process of re-registration of vehicles”. Borrell noted that the withdrawal of Kosovo Serbs from Kosovo institutions is not a solution to the current disputes and has the potential to further escalate the tensions on the ground.




SDA Collegium calls on pro-Bosnian parties gathered around 'Movement for State' in RS to join forces with them in interest of state of B&H (BHT1)


The SDA Collegium called on the pro-Bosnian parties gathered around the 'Movement for the State' in the RS on Sunday, to join forces with them in the interest of the state of B&H. The SDA Collegium stated that at the B&H level, SNSD acted in coordination with HDZ B&H, which, on the other hand, did not allow the formation of the authorities in the FB&H, using blockades as a blackmail mechanism for changes to the Constitution and the Election Law. SDA believes that "the current situation can easily and simply be turned in our favor." "Let us unite in the interest of the state of B&H and let us create a wide program coalition that will stabilize the situation and that will play a dominant role in relation to all forces that have opposite political goals," SDA said in a statement.


Konakovic: SDA is excluded from all combinations on authority formation (Avaz)


Speaking for the daily, NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic said that after Central Election Commission of B&H (B&H CEC) confirmed the election results, negotiations on authority formation have started and eight parties already reached an agreement. He argues that there is no dilemma and SDA is excluded from all combinations on authority formation. “Spins of SDA and regime media, show how much they truly are aware they are losing the power. Agreement of the parties which verified the agreement, which the SB&H will do on Wednesday, is in fact finalization of new coalition,” said Konakovic. He argues that there are two parallel processes on the ground, first one being the transparent and democratic where parties reach agreements, agree platforms and programs. “Second one, is the tycoon-mafia one, which uses money filled bags and different forms of pressures to stop a clean, parliamentary political will. Regardless of the fact that they are doing this with plenty of experience, that these are sly thieves and criminals, this time I do not see an option how they can stop parliamentary majorities or forming of majorities in Bosniak, Serb caucuses, which are conditions for future forming of authority,” said Konakovic. He argues that thing that is happening now is introducing of confusion and spins in order to open opportunity for individuals to “cash out” their mandate and become “extended hand of SDA”. Konakovic argues that this happened in Tuzla Canton, but added that this time SDA has a serious rival and they will not allow such things to jeopardize future of this country. “This country will not be led by people who are buying mandates in bars, it will be led by those who formed transparent and democratic coalitions based on won votes,” ends Konakovic.


RS government submits supplement to its 28th Report for UN SC (ATV)


The RS government has submitted a supplement to its 28th Report for the United Nations Security Council (UN SC). The supplement to the report reads, among others, that none of the ethnic groups, nor political parties in B&H accepts the Office of the High Representative (OHR) illegally imposing its will as a law, “therefore, it is high time that the international community also gives up on this fraud”. The supplement continues: “Legally, the OHR has no authority, even under the Dayton (Peace) Accords or under any other legal source, to pass laws contrary to B&H’s democratic, constitutional procedures.” ATV reports that the report points out that the Bosniak political parties have always expressed great support to the OHR’s “appropriated dictatorial powers’’, because the OHR always acts in accordance with their political agenda. “Enraged and unruly reaction of Bosniak political parties to the information that (High Representative Christian) Schmidt is planning to pass a decision on amendments to the B&H Election Law aimed at protecting Croats’ political rights guaranteed under the Dayton Accords reveals lack of legitimacy of OHR’s appropriated dictatorial powers and unprincipled hypocrisy of Bosniak political parties and their international helpers,” reads the supplement. “In order for B&H to succeed, Bosniak political leadership must finally stop rejecting the Dayton compromise, because persistent refusal of the Dayton causes political crises in B&H one after another,” reads the supplement and reminds that SDA made it clear its goal is to achieve the war-time objectives of the RB&H Army “like the Dayton Accords has never been signed”. The supplement pointed out that SDA is taking control over all key levers of powers at the level of B&H in order to unilaterally govern B&H contrary to the provisions of the Constitution related to distribution of power, and such steps are destabilizing B&H. “Among others, SDA is achieving dominance in the more numerous entity of B&H, the FB&H, through the method of electing delegates in the FB&H House of Peoples. That method allows the areas - where Bosniaks are more numerous – to elect majority of ‘Serb’ delegates and at least one third of ‘Croat’ delegates,” reads the supplement to the report.


Borenovic, Trivic send messages of support for Serbs in Kosovo (BNTV)


PDP leader Branislav Borenovic and PDP Vice President Jelena Trivic sent messages of support for Serbs in Kosovo. Borenovic was quoted as saying: “We in the RS know perfectly well what injustice and disrespect for the rights of the Serb people are, and therefore we fully understand our brothers in Kosovo and Metohija, whom we support in their just demands. The interim authorities in Pristina, as well as the international community, must understand that nothing will be solved by force and unilateral moves, but only through talks and negotiations”. Trivic was quoted as saying: “The same people who used all their might to give legitimacy to the stolen elections in the RS are now muddying the waters in Serbia as well. The leaders of Germany and France further fuel the hatred with which Albin Kurti attacks Serbs throughout Kosovo and Metohija”. Trivic expressed her support to the leadership of Serbia to persevere in responsible politics despite all the trials and pressures, and to resolve this crisis through dialogue and negotiations. Trivic was quoted as saying: “All sincere patriots of the RS are with you, because there is no going back from here.”


Dodik’s Cabinet condemns voting of B&H Mission in UN against Russian resolution on fight against glorification of Nazism (RTRS)


The Cabinet of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik condemned arbitrary voting - contrary to the stance of the B&H Presidency - of representatives of a B&H Mission with the UN against the Russian resolution on the fight against glorification of Nazism, at a session of the Committee of the General Assembly. Dodik’s adviser Ana Trisic-Babic stated for RTRS that the Russian resolution condemns glorification of the Nazism, xenophobia and all other phenomenon that led to horrible crimes in the World War II (WWII). She added that B&H was always in favor of the resolution but now, B&H along with 52 other countries, voted against the resolution. Trisic-Babic also announced that Dodik’s Cabinet will demand from the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs the information on who instructed representatives of the B&H Mission in the UN in New York to vote against a draft of the resolution on glorification of the Nazism and crimes committed during the WWII. Trisic-Babic said that they will request to sanction them and to consider their further work in institutions of B&H.


Djukanovic met Bilcik: Dialogue and compromise are necessary among political actors that share European values (CdM)


There’s a need for dialogue and compromise among political actors that share European values, it was concluded after today’s meeting of the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic, and the member of the European Parliament Vladimir Bilcik.“Another very open conversation and exchange of opinions with Vladimir Bilcik about how to find solutions for institutional and political crisis in Montenegro. A clear message of support to pro-European politics in Montenegro is necessary for establishment of political stability and functional country,” President Djukanovic tweeted. European parents, the Presidents said, “closely” follow all developments in Montenegro that require “clear and immediate response”.


Jovanovic: Supreme state prosecutor to be elected without political calculations (MINA)


Supreme state prosecutor should be elected solely based on professional results and their determination to continue the fight against all forms of crime, assessed the Acting Supreme State Prosecutor Maja Jovanovic, adding that political calculations wouldn’t encourage professionals from the justice system. In an interview for MINA, Jovanovic said that only credible prosecutors may contribute to getting an adequate and determined institutional response to crimes, and that’s why it’s important to have such a person as a supreme state prosecutor. She also says she wishes to believe the prosecutor would be elected in such a way, adding that everybody from the prosecutor’s office advocate for the selection process where he/she would be elected solely based on their professional results, dedication and consistency in the application of norms. Asked about the unstable political situation, that is, how it affects the work of the Supreme State Prosecutor’s Office, Jovanovic said that they’re a unique and independent body that functions in line with that principle regardless of the political situation. She reiterated that it was expected from state prosecutors to have results in line with European standards even thought the conditions in which they worked were far from the European. “It’s never been an excuse for the lack of results, but I have to mention that as it makes our work harder.” On possible political pressures on the prosecutor’s office, Jovanovic noted that its independence means that all affairs which fall under its competency must not be performed under anyone’s influence, and that no one must impact the prosecutor’s office in performing its affairs. Commenting on the latest EC Report on Montenegro, she said that the Supreme State Prosecutor’s Office had achieved significant results. A part of those results, she concluded, was recognized in the EC Report. “There’s a clear confirmation of our results in the fight against organized crime, which is definitely encouraging for us.”


Savnik: DPS-SD coalition beats opposition in Bijela, voting at two polling stations next Sunday (CdM)


The local elections in Savnik did not end even for the third time. The DPS-SD coalition won 59 votes, thus defeating the opposition coalitions For the Future of Savnik and Let’s Go, People, which received a total of 54 votes at the polling station in Bijela during the Savnik elections. The elections in Savnik were repeated for the third time, and voting was interrupted earlier in the day at two polling stations. At Krusevice, where 58 voters are registered, and at the polling station at the Savnik city hall, where 483 voters have the right to vote, voting will be repeated next week.


Iotova: Skopje needs to complete the process of constitutional changes as soon as possible (Alsat-M)


In an interview for TV Alsat-M, Bulgarian vice president Iliana Iotova commenting on the inclusion of Bulgarians in the Macedonian constitution, stated: “I will only remind you of the decision of the European institutions - the real start of the negotiation process will be given when the Bulgarian community, the Bulgarians, are registered as a state-building nation in the Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia. Until this condition is met, in practice there can be no step forward. For this reason, we expect our colleagues in the Republic of North Macedonia to speed up this process and, of course, at the same time, the work of the Historical Commission.” Asked to comment the position of opposition party VMRO-DPMNE, which would not support the inclusion of Bulgarians in the constitution under the current circumstances, Iotova answered: “These are internal political issues in the Republic of North Macedonia, a sovereign state with sovereign institutions that must solve these internal problems themselves. I cannot give instructions to either the opposition or the government. As a EU member state for fifteen years, we have gone through a very difficult path in our negotiation process and we are ready to help our colleagues from Republic of North Macedonia at any moment when they face difficulties. When the conditions set by Europe are met, for us it is a serious step on the way to membership, but something must be very clear - where human rights begin to be violated, that is where Europe ends.”


Bulgarian MFA: Amendments to laws on associations and political parties restrict rights of Bulgarians in North Macedonia (All media)


The Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed concerns over the passed amendments to the laws on associations and foundations and on political parties in the Macedonian parliament. According to the Ministry, the amendments aim at “discrimination and restriction of the right of association of Bulgarians in North Macedonia”, because there is a “one-sided interpretation of historical facts.” “The legitimate desire to oppose all forms of extremism and hatred cannot be instrumentalized to deliberately restrict the rights of certain groups. Restrictions of this kind have already been imposed on Bulgarians in North Macedonia in the past. With similar arguments, in 2001 the organization ‘Radko’, which is the pseudonym of Ivan Mihailov, was banned. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has already made a decision on this issue,” the Bulgarian MFA said in a press release. According to the Ministry, “the mechanism according to which the consultative body in Skopje issues a positive opinion, in order to allow the use of a given name, surname, nickname, pseudonym, abbreviation or initials of a historical figure, raises the question of imposing an approach in the interpretation of historical figures and events to be the dominant official interpretation that North Macedonia has”. A specific problem, it adds, is the decision of the parliament of North Macedonia not to include communism at all, as a totalitarian and repressive ideology, in the application of the adopted changes. There is still no legislative measure or mechanism for the rehabilitation and compensation of those killed and those who suffered during the communist regime in the former Socialist Republic of Macedonia, persecuted and repressed solely because of Bulgarian self-awareness. According to the Ministry, this type of legislative measures hinders the full fulfillment of the Treaty of Good neighborliness. “We expect the authorities in the Republic of North Macedonia to guarantee equal rights and freedoms to all their citizens, including those who self-determine as Bulgarians. It also refers to the free expression of their historical views and convictions in the conditions of a pluralistic society, as well as to the possibility of creating political parties, associations and cultural centers. In the spirit of the strategy ‘One society for all’, the authorities in North Macedonia should provide the necessary conditions for the members of the ethnic communities to develop their culture, to preserve the basic elements of their identity, traditions and cultural heritage. The right to free association, peaceful assembly, freedom of speech and freedom of belief should be guaranteed for all citizens of the country,” states the Bulgarian MFA. The amendments to the Law on Associations and Foundations, submitted by VMRO-DPMNE, and to the Law on Political Parties, submitted by SDSM, which prohibit associations and parties from bearing fascist names, were unanimously adopted in the parliament past Tuesday. The amendments to both laws envisage the rejection of fascism, Nazism and national-socialism in all social forms of association. With the adopted amendments, all associations and foundations established so far, as well as political parties, have a deadline of three months to comply with the new legal amendments.


The American Ambassador to the UN meets President Begaj; Topics revealed (Radio Tirana)


Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, representative of the United States of America in the United Nations and the UN Security Council, was received today in a meeting by the President of the Republic of Albania Bajram Begaj. President Begaj called Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield's visit to Tirana very significant in the context of the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. President Begaj emphasized that the United States is the main strategic partner of Albania and the Albanians, and in this context he appreciated the common will to further strengthen and deepen the dialogue between the two countries. "Cooperation in the fields of defense, cyber security, energy and transport, but not only, have given these relations a very significant substance for the next 100 years," said President Begaj. The Head of State appreciated the unsparing support that Ambassador Greenfield and her associates are giving to the Albanian Mission in the UN Security Council. Welcoming the trust of the United States in Albania, as a loyal and stable ally, both within the United Nations and the Security Council, as well as within the Western Balkans region, President Begaj underlined that "we feel honored and appreciated when the United States looks at Albania as an important point of reference in the Western Balkan region". President Begaj also expressed his gratitude for the great help that the United States has given to Albania for the construction and consolidation of the rule of law and democratic institutions, help that has culminated in the deep reform of the justice system and institutions. "Thanks to the all-round and significant support of the United States, today we have a new justice system, which is starting to function and is crucial for the country's European integration process," said President Begaj. Then President Begaj focused on the latest developments in the Western Balkans region, where he particularly appreciated the commitment and irreplaceable role of the United States for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, as a very important contribution to peace and security in region. In this context, President Begaj welcomed the position of the United States and the personal role of Ambassador Greenfield for the comprehensive review of the role and status of UNMIK in Kosovo. "It is very important for the UN to recognize the extraordinary progress of Kosovo in building a legal and democratic state, but also for its contribution to peace and stability in the region of South-East Europe, already accepted by more than half of the member countries of organization," underlined the Head of State. President Begaj also expressed gratitude for the help given in overcoming the consequences of cyber attacks by actors connected to Iranian state agencies. Referring to the consequences of these attacks, as well as the measures taken by Albanian institutions, the Head of State expressed Albania's determination to always stand by the United States in the fight against international terrorism and violent extremism.


Begaj telephone conversation with Osmani: Continue dialogue with Serbia; Important to preserve peace and territorial integrity of Kosovo (Radio Tirana)


After the tensions in Kosovo, President Bajram Begaj had a telephone conversation with his counterpart Vjosa Osmani. Begaj writes that it is important to continue the dialogue with Serbia, keeping in mind the preservation of peace, as well as the territorial integrity of Kosovo. "Today, I had a telephone conversation with my counterpart Vjosa Osmani, President of the Republic of Kosovo. During the conversation, I was informed about the tense situation in the North of Kosovo and we mainly focused on the resignation of the representatives of the Serbian List in Kosovo from the state institutions and the blocking of their functioning. I expressed my concern to President Osmani and at the same time encouraged the continuation of the dialogue between the parties, bearing in mind the preservation of peace and stability as well as the territorial integrity of Kosovo guaranteed by NATO. The interest of the Euro-Atlantic integration of Kosovo and the entire Western Balkans region remains important," Begaj writes.


Tensions in Kosovo/ Xhacka: This is not the moment to give up and boycott; Dialogue is needed more than ever (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka has reacted regarding the tense situation in the north of Kosovo, after the departure of the Serbian List from the institutions. In a post on Twitter, Xhacka considers the action of the Serbian List as an "act of escalation", as she emphasizes that what is needed is dialogue and cooperation. "Concerned about the developments in the north of Kosovo. The withdrawal from Kosovo's institutions is an act of escalation at a time when cooperation and constructive dialogue is needed. This is not the moment to give up and boycott. This is a moment when dialogue is needed more than ever", writes Xhacka. The situation in the north of Kosovo has become tense, due to the departure of the Serbian List from the institutions. On Saturday, in disagreement with the government's decisions on license plates, the chairman and 10 other deputies of the Serbian List resigned.