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Belgrade Media Report 24 November 2022



Vucic: The situation is boiling, Serbs are fed up with terror (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed the public regarding the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina on license plates. "They did not pass a resolution, they passed recommendations. The recommendations of the European Parliament state that we must recognize Kosovo's independence, but they hid it by using the following vocabulary: they are asking us for mutual recognition," said Vucic. "Even if we impose sanctions on Russia, they would say it's nice what you did, but tomorrow they would come out with a new resolution. I'm experienced enough, I'm a political veteran. I talked to Brussels 50 times last night. I wasn't particularly upset by their recommendations", stated Vucic. "We are not interested in mutual recognition with Pristina," said Vucic. "10 days ago, when we were on the brink of conflict, they said not to talk about small things - we need peace, we don't want conflicts and wars. When you make a decision that means preserving peace - you have once again betrayed and surrendered something. What about that people? Why don't you ask what happened to Kurti's police who were ready to start collecting fines and then backed off. They had a better deal two days ago than the one yesterday. It says clearly: all previously reached agreements must be respected. And that's for us the most important thing - our people will not be mistreated. KM plates remain and survive, since the others with the denomination of Kosovo's cities and municipalities de facto do not exist, especially south of the Ibar river. KM plates, as far as new cars are concerned, there are up to 90 of them annually, and when it comes to the renewal of registration, it is proceeding normally and there are no obligations in this regard. I even said that while the negotiations are ongoing, let's stop it. People who have KM plates, about 7000 of them on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, can continue to drive cars without interference and fines. This is a small tactical victory that will lead us into an even more difficult situation and pressure, and that's why you can't see too much joy in me because I know that difficult times await us. I am satisfied that we have preserved peace for our people, because those wonderful women who went out to protest yesterday deserve peace, they deserve that their children go to school normally, I am satisfied that we did not endanger the whole of Serbia, and that this year will be a record for us in terms of foreign investments," said Vucic. "The situation with the Serbs in Kosovo is literally boiling. People are fed up with terror," said Vucic. "For 23 years, you worry every day. I am grateful to our people who endured all that terror and who, after 23 years, guard their hearths and fight. As for these plans they are talking about, I have repeatedly said what our red lines are," he said. "The European representatives were very rational, the Americans too. All this is torture. They were in a hurry to replace the Serbian representatives as soon as possible. You heard what the Serbs said, the formation of the ZSO, when it is formed, then we will move on to something else. and I won't, I can't convince the Serbs. No matter how difficult it was for them, they were not afraid of the force that threatened them, because they knew that the hearth, the sanctuary, that they were defending was greater than the threat," said Vucic. Vucic stated that he and Dodik and Cvijanovic discussed the obligations that await them in the coming period. "I have introduced Mrs. Cvijanovic and President Dodik with the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. We also talked about many important projects. This week a joint team will be formed, we will invest a lot of money in the construction of the memorial complex in Donja Gradina," said Vucic. Vucic congratulated Cvijanovic and Dodik on their success and stated that in Serbia they will always have someone they can rely on and trust. "I also want to thank the people of Republika Srpska because they are always with Serbia and take care of us," said Vucic. Cvijanovic emphasized that great challenges await them in their new positions. The Chairperson of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Zeljka Cvijanovic thanked Serbia for wanting to participate in infrastructure projects, such as the airport in Trebinje. The President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik thanked President Vucic for the support that Serbia gives to Republika Srpska. "We agreed that after 1 December, when the government is formed, a joint session will be held where we will consider all important issues related to cooperation on projects," said Dodik. Dodik said that work will be done on the integration of Republika Srpska and Serbia. "We informed President Vucic of the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was not resolved by these elections," said Dodik.


Brnabic: Gratitude to Aliyev for support to Serbia’s territorial integrity (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke yesterday with President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev about the development of bilateral relations, the improvement of practical cooperation in several areas, especially agriculture, energy, infrastructure and transport. Brnabic expressed her gratitude to Aliyev for the support that his country provides to the territorial integrity of Serbia, as well as for the cooperation within the Non-Aligned Movement. Speaking about the expansion of commodity exchange, she pointed out that it is necessary to invest additional efforts in order to increase it, considering the fact that there are significantly greater potentials than those currently being used. In this sense, Brnabic said that in 2021, a record volume of goods exchange was achieved in the past 10 years. She pointed out that Serbia sees special potential in this regard in the field of agriculture. Brnabic and Aliyev agreed that one of the biggest challenges today is the secure supply of energy and that therefore it is extremely important to form an interstate working group for energy that will deal with concrete arrangements for the supply of energy from Azerbaijan to Serbia. President Aliyev said that he was satisfied with the signing of a series of agreements on cooperation in several fields between Azerbaijan and Serbia, which will significantly improve bilateral relations. According to him, Azerbaijan remains firmly on the point of view that double standards are inadmissible in international relations when it comes to the territorial integrity of any state. Brnabic and Aliyev also exchanged opinions on the current international situation and ways to overcome current problems.


Petkovic: There is no punitive policy (B92)


The agreement between Belgrade and Pristina means that there is no punitive policy of Kurti towards Serbs who drive cars with KM plates, said Petar Petkovic. The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija says that with this agreement we have preserved peace and stability. "With this agreement, from 8 o'clock tomorrow, there are no fines of 150 Euros, there is no penalty policy in all the other stages that were part of Albin Kurti's decision regarding the re-registration process," said Petkovic. "With this agreement, we managed to save our people in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. With this agreement, KM plates remain, which are legal, issued by Serbia. They will continue to be in use. The only aspect that we will stop is the fact that we will stop with the issuance of completely new KM plates and that until the moment we come to an agreement and find a final solution regarding the license plates, and they have not been issued for the last three years. Tonight, Kurti accepted everything he refused all the previous days. We managed to preserve peace and stability. I say to the Serbian people so they can sleep, we saved our Serbian KM plates," he said.


Borrell statement confirms agreement to avoid escalation (N1)


EU High Representative Josep Borrell said in a statement late on Wednesday night that negotiators from Belgrade and Pristina agreed measures to avoid further escalation. “Under the EU Facilitation, the Parties have agreed on measures to avoid further escalation and to fully concentrate, as a matter of urgency, on the proposal on the normalisation of their relations, as presented this September by the EU Facilitator and supported by France and Germany,” the statement said adding that this means that Serbia will stop issuing licence plates with Kosovo cities’ denominations, and that Kosovo will cease any further actions related to re-registration of vehicles. Borrel said that the EU will ensure that key issues and principles related to normalisation will be addressed in the context of the proposal. “The Parties understand that all past Dialogue agreements must be implemented,” he said. The EU’s top diplomat said he would invite Belgrade and Pristina to discuss the next steps within the framework of the proposal in order to present results by the next Special Group on Normalisation with Kosovo and the next update on Chapter 35 for Serbia. “In case of obstruction by either Party, the EU Facilitator may terminate the process,” he warned. “I and EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak will continue to facilitate the process of normalisation of relations and update the EU Member States and partners regularly about the progress achieved by the Parties,” he said. “This is an important achievement,” Borrel said.


Drecun: Important that this crisis is stopped, but the problem is not resolved (RTS)


KM license plates will remain in use and it will be possible to extend the registration, but no new ones will be issued. It is a temporary solution because the problem has not been solved, as for the plates, the issue of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) remains, without the establishment of which the Serbs will not return to the institutions, Milovan Drecun, the Chair of the parliamentary committee for Kosovo and Metohija, told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS). “Borrell said that we should return to the normalization of the relationship, which is obviously understood differently in the world centers. It seems that Pristina, in agreement with some countries, deliberately created a problem with the plates in order to force us to talk about that topic. It is not a problem to talk, but the initial basis for discussing the recognition of the fake state of Kosovo is initially wrong and will not be accepted by us,” said Drecun. He says that we need to see actions, not just words when it comes to the formation of the ZSO. “Germany obviously has its own proposal and view of what it should look like. The difference is in the competences that the ZSO should have. We will not agree that the ZSO has no importance as Pristina wants,” says Drecun. According to him, it is important that this crisis is stopped from further escalation, because we already have the accumulation of Pristina police forces in the north of Kosovo. “Our side would have to insist on the withdrawal of all special parapolice forces from the north of Kosovo. Without the approval of the commander of KFOR and the presidents of the four municipalities from the north, they have nothing to look for there. All this creates a dangerous environment for the Serb people,” said Drecun. Commenting on the role of the US in reaching an agreement on the tables, Drecun says that the influence of the US has always been crucial when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija. He believes that the bigger problem is the German position. “The US has a more flexible position and is politically more rational, but that does not mean that they will give up Kosovo’s independence. Our proposal was sent to Brussels, it clearly states that we will not accept the fake state of Kosovo and that we will not allow it to be admitted to the UN and other international organizations. It remains to be seen what steps Borrell will take, he has announced new meetings with the delegations of Belgrade and Pristina. If Kurti continues to insist on talks on recognition, it will lead to further escalation and tensions,” said Drecun. Speaking about yesterday’s gatherings of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, Drecun said that they sent a clear message that they will resist further terror from Pristina. “Protests have great political weight and neither Pristina nor the international community can ignore them. It cannot be ignored that there is an entire people there that is completely disenfranchised and oppressed by Pristina,” Milovan Drecun told RTS.


US Ambassador: Solve more important issues, postpone license plates (FoNet)


US Ambassador Christopher Hill said on Wednesday that the Kosovo license plates issue should be postponed for at least a year so that more important issues could be resolved. The region needs to see passions eased, Hill is reported to have said. He said that problems need to resolved long-term to allow the Kosovo Serbs to see what their lives will be like. The ambassador is reported to have added that Kosovo needs to have a perspective of its international position.


US welcomes Belgrade-Pristina agreement (N1)


Washington welcomed the agreement reached by negotiators from Belgrade and Pristina and called them to urgently normalize relations. “The United States welcomes the agreement reached between Kosovo and Serbia on measures to avoid further escalation of tensions.  We further commend the two countries’ agreement to concentrate fully and urgently on normalizing relations under the auspices of the European Union-facilitated dialogue,” State Department spokesman Ned Price said in a press statement. Price said that the US administration supports the EU-facilitated dialogue as the best path to advance Serbia’s and Kosovo’s European future. “We welcome the decision by the parties to put the interests of all their people at the forefront of their decision making and take steps to improve the everyday lives of their citizens.  The two parties took a giant step forward today, with EU facilitation, towards assuring peace and stability throughout the region,” he said adding that the US encourages further progress towards normalization of relations.


Serbia’s commitment to European integration unquestionable (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Minister for European Integration Tanja Miscevic said last night that the resolution on the EU enlargement, which was adopted yesterday in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, is not legally binding and that there will be no freezing of EU funds for Serbia. In a statement to Tanjug, she explained that it is a document that does not imply any reactions from any other EU institution, adding that it is about the position of members of the European Parliament, of the most diverse political groups, from the far left to the far right, some of whom are big supporters of the Union enlargement process and some who are absolutely against it. Commenting on the fact that the resolution did cause some damage to Serbia, she stated that this document is actually the result of a wrong perception of our country in the EU, because it is only focused on harmonisation in percentages with the foreign policy positions of the Union, specifically with regard to sanctions against the Russian Federation. According to her, Serbia made a large number of joint moves with the EU in the United Nations, voting for resolutions that refer to the condemnation of aggression and the non-recognition of the referendum in the Ukrainian regions on joining Russia. She also pointed to the fact that just a few days after 24 February, Serbia fully supported the territorial integrity and political independence of Ukraine as such, offering help. Our appeal is – count on progress in the common foreign security policy, taking into account all these elements, and not just the percentage of alignment with the EU foreign policy positions, Miscevic said.


Stefanovic submits draft resolution on imposing sanctions on Russia (FoNet)


Serbian parliament deputy speaker Borko Stefanovic said that he submitted to the Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee a draft resolution on aligning Serbia’s foreign policy with that of the EU, which envisages the introduction of a package of sanctions against Russia that the government would have to implement immediately. Stefanovic said Serbia is the only EU membership candidate that has not imposed restrictive measures on Russia. “We are putting ourselves in real danger of being isolated again,” Stefanovic, who is also opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) deputy leader, told media in the parliament. He said the country is in real danger of more than 10,000 companies finding themselves in a difficult situation, that 300,000 workers employed in EU companies could face problems regarding their jobs and that trade with the EU, which accounts for 60 percent of the country’s total foreign trade, could also be thrown into question. Stefanovic stressed that Serbia must not find itself “on the other side of the virtual Berlin Wall that is being rebuilt”.




Dodik grants RS PM-Designate Viskovic mandate to form new RS government (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik granted on Wednesday a mandate to Radovan Viskovic to form a new RS government. This decision to pronounce Viskovic the RS Prime Minister-Designate was sent to the RS parliament for confirmation. It was passed after consultations with parliamentary parties during which it was confirmed Viskovic will have support of two-third majority in the RS parliament. Viskovic said that economic and political stability of the RS has been preserved in the previous period, adding that this will also be priority of the new RS government. He emphasized that goals of new authorities will be reduction of unemployment, increase of salaries, pensions and social allowances as well as increase of budget revenues and investments. Socially more just and demographically sustainable society are also at the list of priorities. Viskovic stressed that he expects new ministers to fully commit to their jobs. He emphasized that all those failing to meet their obligations will be removed. RS President Dodik stressed that ability to preserve economic activity and jobs in the RS during the challenging period of pandemic were main reasons why Viskovic will be at a helm of the RS government for the second time. Also, Dodik presented demands and expectations from the new convocation of the RS government. Some of demands refer to strengthening of the RS institutions, successful dealing with significant political challenges “because we believe they will be present in the upcoming period”, providing answers to economic and social problems, providing social and energy stability and safety and providing openness of the RS. Viskovic did not wish to comment on names of ministers that will sit in the new government. He said all this will be revealed in his expose. We need to ensure balance in the government, says Dodik. Most of the parties participating in the authorities, he says, are trying to propose Serbs as ministers, who can hold eight of the 16 ministries in the government. He says that there is a majority in the RS parliament for the election of a new government that will be formed by Viskovic. “There are 56 (MPs), so this government will have a two-thirds majority, which only speaks of the trust gathered here, and of course we understand the interests and all this, but I think that the RS Prime Minister-designate should be given space to carry out consultations”, Dodik pointed out. “I will hold meetings with all the political parties that currently form the parliamentary majority and support the government, and until the expose, as far as I am concerned, I will not announce the names of the ministers to the public”, Viskovic stated. Dodik stated that he has already sent the decision on the appointment of Radovan Viskovic to the address of the parliament. The formation of the new government is expected already in the first week of December.


Representatives of opposition in RS comment on Viskovic's appointment (BNTV)


Reacting to the news that Radovan Viskovic is the RS Prime Minister-designate, representatives of the opposition in the RS stated that RS President Milorad Dodik continues with his ill-favored policy. Head of the RS PDP Caucus Igor Crnadak said that Viskovic's appointment will be discussed in the RS parliament. "We will then go into details to explain to the people why this is disastrous. To this, I can only say that it seemed like a kind of cheap, low-budget show. Mr. Dodik told a joke today (Wednesday) at the press conference and said that Viskovic will select the ministers. Therefore, perhaps that is the most interesting thing," Crnadak said. Head of the RS Caucus of the ‘List for Justice and Order’ Nebojsa Vukanovic stated that even before, Viskovic was just a puppet, and it is known who is the center of power that decides everything. "Two ministries are key which Dodik will never give to anyone and those are the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Interior. These will always be his most trusted people. The rest in the play will be from DEMOS, NPS, i.e. from these satellite parties, but in reality he will control all ministries," Vukanovic underlined. Vukanovic reminded that 10 December is the deadline by which the RS parliament has to declare on conclusions regarding the formation of army and border police of the RS. "We expect the new Prime Minister-designate, in accordance with pre-election promises, to submit a proposal of laws to the RS parliament by 10 December... If they do not do it, then the cowards should come to the RS parliament and say that they manipulated the public and promised border police and army of the RS and return to the original Dayton, but we are cowards who bluffed and manipulated you," Vukanovic said.


Biden extends best wishes to B&H Presidency members, B&H citizens for B&H Statehood Day (FTV)


US President Joe Biden wrote a letter to the newly elected members of B&H Presidency, Zeljka Cvijanovic, Zeljko Komsic and Denis Becirovic, on the occasion of B&H Statehood Day – 25 November. Biden extended his best wishes to B&H Presidency members and to B&H citizens on the occasion of the celebration of B&H Statehood Day. He called on B&H leaders to put aside their differences and work to build a better future for the people they represent, including quickly forming authority at all levels and enacting the reforms necessary to secure B&H's place in the Euro-Atlantic community of nations. Biden further stated that in the year ahead, he looks forward to strengthening the friendship between citizens of the two countries and deepening mutual cooperation – including security, energy diversification and the fight against corruption. “The United States will continue to support peace, security and prosperity in B&H for all its citizens”, Biden concluded in his letter.


Cvijanovic comments Biden’s letter congratulating Statehood Day, says this is not holiday in entire B&H (Srna)


The Office of the Serb member and Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic told Srna it is looking forward to continuing cooperation with the US and believe it can be better and more intense. When asked by Srna to comment on the letter by US President Joseph Biden to the members of the B&H Presidency in which he sent “best wishes over Statehood Day – 25 November”, the Office emphasized that they are obliged to note that B&H has no law on holidays, and that 25 November, which is celebrated in the FB&H as the so-called “B&H Statehood Day” is not a holiday in the entire B&H. “We previously tried to explain this to foreign countries, but since it did not work, it additionally obliges us to keep informing our partners outside B&H about it”, said the Office.


Komsic, Becirovic meet with UK Special Envoy Peach (Nezavisne)


B&H Presidency members Zeljko Komsic and Denis Zvizdic received UK Special Envoy for Western Balkans Stuart Peach who is currently visiting B&H. Komsic and Becirovic expressed gratitude for the UK’s support in the past, as well as for future continuation of political, economic, security and other forms of support. They emphasized that the UK, as a strong advocate for B&H’s Euro-Atlantic perspective, initiated the EU’s more open approach to B&H. Peach stated that the UK will continue providing support to B&H’s Euro-Atlantic path, reform processes and the rule of law. He highlighted the UK’s interest in strengthening the stability and security of the Western Balkan region and B&H. Peach confirmed that the UK plans to invest in B&H’s infrastructure, and support B&H’s energy independence as well as higher employment, expansion of production capacities and better competitiveness through technology transfer. B&H Presidency announced that Becirovic, Komsic and Peach also discussed cooperation in defense. Peach stated that the UK will continue supporting B&H Armed Forces as a symbol of unity in order to strengthen stability and security in B&H. B&H Presidency Chair Zeljka Cvijanovic who was blacklisted by the UK did not attend the meeting.


US Embassy to B&H: US regrets that B&H abstained from voting on UNGA’s Third Committee session resolution on Iran's human rights situation (FTV)


The US Embassy to B&H stated on Wednesday that the US regrets that B&H abstained from voting at a session of the UN General Assembly's Third Committee on 16 November on resolution on Iran's human rights situation urging Iran to cease the use of excessive force against peaceful protesters, including women and children. The US Embassy to B&H stressed that it expects greater support from B&H for the basic human rights of the Iranian people, as well as continued alignment with the positions of the EU on B&H's path to Euro-Atlantic integration.


EU Delegation criticizes B&H for abstaining for vote on UN resolution on human rights in Iran (Nezavisne)


B&H abstained from voting on the draft resolution condemning violence in Iran at the session of the UN General Assembly’s 3rd Committee. This has caused numerous negative reactions. Spokesperson to EU Delegation to B&H Ferdinand Koenig told the daily that the EU condemns the continuous and disproportionate use of force against peaceful protesters in Iran. He reminded that the EU called on Iran to stop with the violent oppression, release the detained persons and allow free flow of information. Koenig reminded that the UN General Assembly’s 3rd Committee adopted the resolution on situation in the area of human rights in Iran. “The EU Delegation expresses regrets because B&H abstained from voting on this resolution. The EU expects countries which aspire to become EU members to completely align with the EU foreign and security policy. The latest report of the European Commission on B&H, as well as the recommendation for status of candidate, positively assessed the progress in B&H’s alignment with the EU’s foreign and security policy,” Koenig stated.


Dritan Abazovic’s diplomatic purge (Pobjeda)


Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic, who at the same time assumed the role of coordinator in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has issued resolutions recalling four Montenegrin diplomats who, in September of this year, were appointed to diplomatic positions by the now former minister Ranko Krivokapic. According to Pobjeda, on 7 November, Abazovic sent the chargé d’affaires – Bojan Sarkic in London, Veljko Milonjic in Washington, Mirsad Bibovic in Pristina, and Ivana Pajevic, the Ambassador at the Mission of Montenegro to the United Nations in New York – decisions about immediate return to the country, inclusive of 21 November, although they came to office only a few weeks ago. At the beginning of September, when the Minister of Foreign Affairs was Ranko Krivokapic, it was decided to temporarily send Montenegrin diplomats to Washington, London, the Vatican, New York, Budapest, Tirana, Vienna and Warsaw, mostly chargé d’affaires, with a mandate of up to one year. “It was a forced decision to, at least in this way, ‘patch up’ the Montenegrin diplomatic network, which during the 17 months of the mandate of the Government of Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic and Minister Djordje Radulovic was completely torn, and for almost two years Montenegro has had no ambassadors in most of our diplomatic missions”, Pobjeda reports. Sarkic, Milonjic, Bibovic and Pajovic were invited to return urgently due to “activities and the need to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Podgorica”.


Jokovic: I believe that this government will sign accession to OB (CdM)


I believe that this government will sign the accession to the Open Balkans, says the leader of the Socialist People’s Party, DPM and Minister of Agriculture Vladimir Jokovic. At the press conference, he has emphasized that the Law on the Census will be adopted by the majority of votes in the parliament. “Everyone on that list is looking at how they will declare themselves, whether some declare themselves as Serbs or Montenegrins, whether some believe in one or another church. It is crucial as well, but there are also many other issues important for the development strategy of Montenegro – births, number of households, emigration, number of children enrolled in school. We will advocate for a census to be held in Montenegro every 10 years”, Jokovic has stated. He has also said that the Law on the Origin of Property will be presented to the MPs. Jokovic has stressed that the issue of the Open Balkans is also being worked on, and that it will be discussed at the cabinet meeting. “We are discussing it, looking at all the advantages and disadvantages. I think and believe that it will also be completed, because we keep our promises. There are some people, especially from Montenegro, who fiercely oppose this. Charles Michel told us that it was an extraordinary idea, that it complemented the Berlin process. The American envoy for Southeast Europe, Gabriel Escobar, said that the Open Balkans was the third pillar of American policy in the Balkans. I believe that Montenegro will sign the accession to the Open Balkans. And Oliver Varhelyi said that Montenegro should join that initiative, that it was extraordinary”, Jokovic has stated. “Everyone is talking about the elections, and the closest elections that will be held are presidential elections. In five to six months, the mandate of the current President Milo Djukanovic is to expire. Parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic will call for those elections in January or February 2023”, Jokovic says.


President Pendarovski meets new Head of OSCE Mission in Skopje (


President Stevo Pendarovski met Wednesday with Ambassador Kilian Wahl, new Head of OSCE Mission in Skopje. They discussed the organization’s overall activities in North Macedonia, current affairs in the country, the European integrations processes, as well as Ambassador Wahl’s future plans, according to the President’s Office. Pendarovski expressed his expectations for successful cooperation to continue for the upcoming North Macedonia’s 2023 OSCE Chairmanship, highlighting the country’s preparedness to contribute to the promotion of the organization’s values, in times when the European continent is facing numerous challenges. President Pendarovski wished Ambassador Wahl a success in his future assignments.


Xhaferi-Wahl: Challenging times ahead, need for larger mutual cooperation (MakPress/VecerPress/24 info/Press 24/Nova Makedonija/MIA)


Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi met Wednesday with Ambassador Kilian Wahl, new Head of OSCE Mission in Skopje, agreeing that challenging times are coming and highlighted the need for mutual cooperation, so that North Macedonia can make progress on its European path, and overcome economic and energy hardships. Speaker Xhaferi thanked Ambassador Wahl for OSCE’s support to the strengthening of parliamentary independence, oversight function, democratic role and promotion of gender equality, as well as enhancement of youth policies in the country. In addition, OSCE supports the network of offices for communication with citizens in election districts and assists the activities in amending the Rules of Procedures from a gender perspective, the Parliament said in a press release. Ambassador Wahl expressed satisfaction from prior cooperation and noted that OSCE’s cooperation with the Parliament is the mission’s top priority. Wahl added that North Macedonia would receive assistance and support during its OSCE Chairmanship in 2023, reads the press release.


Meeting with the Minister of Justice, Kim: The fight against corruption, an essential interest of national security (Radio Tirana)


The US Ambassador Yuri Kim had a meeting with the Minister of Justice Ulsi Manja about the progress of the Reform in Justice. Kim again emphasizes the fight against corruption, which is considered a threat to security and economic equality. Yuri Kim met with the Minister of Justice Ulsi Manja to review the progress in the implementation of the reform in justice and its importance for Albania's aspirations in the EU. The Ambassador again emphasized that President Biden in June 2021 identified the fight against corruption as an essential interest of national security because it threatens security, economic equality, development and democracy. The meeting precedes Minister Manja's participation in the 20th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) in Washington, DC, December 6-10," the US embassy announced on Twitter. A day ago, Kim had a message about the elections for the new head of SPAK, saying that the process should be transparent and without manipulation by those who want to influence justice. The three candidates for the head of SPAK are Edvin Kondili, Adnan Xholi, Altin Dumani who, according to KLP, meet the conditions to enter the race. The new head of SPAK is elected at a time when not only the international community but also the public demands results, arrests of high officials implicated in corruption and members of organized crime gangs.


King-Smith meeting with Begaj: Support to Albania for cyber defense (Radio Tirana)


The Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Tirana Alastair King-Smith held a meeting with President Bajram Begaj, where they discussed cooperation for the 100th anniversary of bilateral relations between the two countries. During the meeting, they also discussed close cooperation on common challenges, including foreign policy issues and illegal immigration.

Ambassador King-Smith said that "I thanked the President for Albania's steadfast support to our joint efforts to stand with Ukraine and support those who are still under threat in Afghanistan." Ambassador King-Smith also offered the UK's support for cyber defence, to ensure that citizens' data is kept secure and to rebuild trust in state institutions and operational cooperation.