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Belgrade Media Report 1 December 2022



Vucic thanks China for supporting Serbia's territorial integrity (Tanjug/Politika/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday received Qian Hongshan, vice minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, to discuss numerous aspects of the Sino-Serbian strategic partnership and again expressed gratitude to China, its president and the Communist Party of China for supporting Serbia's territorial integrity and independence. Vucic especially noted that Serbia supported the One China policy in all international forums in a firm and consistent manner, the presidential press office said in a statement. Vucic said Belgrade-Beijing relations were embarking on a new phase of development, in particular through plans for multi-faceted economic cooperation, advancement of trade and an inflow of fresh Chinese investments. He expressed Serbia's support to the Initiative for Global Development as a format advocating the creation of a favourable environment aiming to accelerate global development while encouraging an equal and balanced development partnership. Vucic noted that Chinese President Xi Jinping's initiatives carried special weight, being oriented towards the general well-being of humanity and focused on connectivity and cooperation, irrespective of the size and real strength of states in the international arena. Extending his congratulations on the results of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China and on Xi's re-election as party leader, Vucic said he hoped Xi would visit Serbia again soon and noted that the visit would not only be a special honour, but an opportunity for Serbia to welcome the president of China in a cordial manner and thank him for his personal engagement in building a steely friendship between the two countries. Qian said the good relationship between the two presidents and their numerous meetings represented a strong driving force for further development of Serbia-China cooperation, and added that his country was ready to further strengthen its comprehensive strategic partnership with Serbia. The meeting was also attended by Chinese Ambassador to Belgrade Chen Bo.

Dacic: Existence of OSCE becoming pointless (Tanjug/RTV)


The existence of an organisation like the OSCE is slowly becoming pointless, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said at the 29th OSCE Ministerial Council meeting in Lodz, Poland. What is the purpose of the existence of international forums such as this one when not all representatives are attending, Dacic asked, referring to Poland's decision to ban Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov from coming to the meeting. "The OSCE is not the same without all states, from Vancouver to Vladivostok. I think that we are slowly crossing the boundary when it comes to the purpose of the existence of an organisation like this one, where no one listens to anyone and where no decision is binding and where, at the end of the day, no decisions can be made because that requires a consensus. It is a complete paralysis of the work of international organisations," Dacic noted. He said he was ready to applaud statements that the Crimea and Donetsk are parts of Ukraine, and noted that Serbia respected the territorial integrity of Ukraine. "I will say that Kosovo is Serbia, but I am not sure I will get the same applause. That says enough about double standards," Dacic noted. He said the former Yugoslavia had been one of the founders of the OSCE and that a speech delivered by its former President Tito in Helsinki in 1975 would still be current today. "The main message is: detente, or relaxation. There will either be a detente or a global conflict. There is no doubt about that, and the citizens will be the biggest victims," Dacic said, noting that Serbia was trying not to take sides and "looking after its own interests".


Dacic: Rewarding Pristina counterproductive, EU demonstrating double standards (Tanjug/RTS/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Wednesday rewarding the provisional institutions in Pristina with a decision on a start of visa liberalisation would be counterproductive because the Pristina authorities were obstructing a continuation of the dialogue with Belgrade and posing a threat to peace and stability in the region due to their unilateral moves. "That is not good for the EU either because it shows that it (the EU) has no authority and that it has double standards. I do not know what kind of a message that would be for Serbia, which has been fair and a predictable partner throughout all these years, yet it constantly faces threats, pressure and conditions, unlike Pristina's representatives, who practically get rewarded for their unfairness and failure to meet their international commitments," Dacic said in a statement to Tanjug. That is not a good message to send, Dacic said in a comment on a report that EU FMs have agreed in principle to take the first step in the procedure for a joint decision to start visa liberalisation for holders of passports issued by the Pristina provisional institutions. "The Republic of Serbia has never been against citizens from our region having the right to travel to EU member countries without visas. This is about something else. A few days ago, we saw that the provisional Pristina institutions pose the main problem in implementation of the Brussels agreement and a threat to regional peace and stability," Dacic said.


Dacic on visa liberalization for Kosovo and Metohija: Bad message for Belgrade, one can see that Pristina is their child (RTS)


The Council of Ministers of the OSCE member states begins today in Lodz (Poland). Today and tomorrow, more than 50 foreign ministers will discuss the most important political issues and challenges. It is another opportunity for the head of Serbian diplomacy Ivica Dacic to warn the world public about what is happening in Kosovo and Metohija. Namely, in the latest statement, Albin Kurti says that the dialogue with Belgrade is not his priority, denies the existence of the Brussels agreement and swears before the deputies that he will never form the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) and that he is not interested in it. “This should worry the international community much more than Belgrade, it directly spits on the integrity of the EU - the Brussels agreement was signed by Catherine Ashton and Hashim Thaci. The interest of the EU is to preserve authority,” Dacic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) in Lodz. It also indicates that the question of a selective relationship arises when it is taken into account that Pristina will be constantly rewarded for its non-constructive and unilateral moves, such as the decision on visa liberalization, or the submission of a candidacy for EU membership, while threatening those who are correct as Serbia. “These are some indicators to find out who is whose favorite. Here you can clearly see that Pristina is their child and, regardless of how much someone loves truth, justice and principles, they always seek what is their child. For us this is a very bad message because it shows that double standards are very present,” said Dacic. Dacic reminds that the OSCE, which consists of 57 member states, is one of the organizations founded by Yugoslavia and chaired by Serbia. “But the main topic is the territorial integrity of Ukraine and I am ready to applaud when Ukraine says Crimea and Donbas are Ukraine, and I hope that everyone will applaud when I say Serbia is Kosovo,” said Dacic.


By refusing to implement the agreed, Pristina paralyzes dialogue

Dacic also mentioned that he pointed out to the EU High Representative Josep Borrell the problems that Belgrade is facing - with the refusal to implement what was agreed, which completely paralyzes the possibility of progress in the dialogue. “We can’t talk about new agreements without throwing the old one in the water,” said Dacic. When asked how Serbia can prevent Pristina from applying for EU candidate status, Dacic replied that we cannot prevent something where we are not members. “We are not EU members, the member states vote for it, and five of them do not recognize Kosovo, and Hungary, which recognizes it, said that it will not vote for the admission of Kosovo,” said Dacic. The head of Serbian diplomacy also said that Pristina will go for the wording that it has nothing to do with status, but that they want to get the status of candidate, and the status will be discussed later. “If they do that, they will kill the negotiations. Because what should we negotiate about if you recognize their candidate status, it means that you have also recognized them as a state,” said Dacic.


Petkovic: Kurti’s puppet Nenad Rasic doesn’t represent Serb people (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic assessed that by appointing Nenad Rasic as Minister for Communities and the Return of provisional institutions of self-government, Albin Kurti brutally violated his own so-called constitution and once again violated the rights of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija. “Kurti’s puppet Nenad Rasic, together with Rada Trajkovic, does not represent the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, the Serbs did not vote for him in the last elections, but represents Albin Kurti and his militant policy towards everything Serbian in Kosovo,” Petkovic pointed out in a statement. Petkovic pointed out that this is also shown by the results of the last elections in Kosovo and Metohija, where the list created by Rasic won 0.173 percent of the votes, in contrast to the Serb List, which was voted for by almost 96 percent of the Serb people. “Even the internal so-called highest legal act of Pristina in Article 96, paragraph 5, stipulates that the election of the minister of provisional institutions of self-government must have the support of the majority of deputies of the Serb community, in this case of the Serb List, and Kurti would never have received such support from the deputies of the Serb List for the election of his puppet to the ministerial post,” said Petkovic, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced. Petkovic also assessed that the election of Rasic is the biggest proof of what they are warning about all the time, “that there are Kurti’s Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija who are ready to do anything for the sake of personal interest and deals with Pristina”. “That’s why the Serb List, as a bulwark of the stay and survival of the Serb people in these region, is the only one that has the support of official Belgrade and its country and will never serve the authorities in Pristina and Albin Kurti, but only its own people,” Petkovic pointed out.


Petkovic: Kurti right – dialogue is not his priority, but causing tensions (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic assessed yesterday that Albin Kurti is right when he says that dialogue is neither his first nor his second priority, because, as he said, his priority is to cause tensions, crises and escalation of the situation, not only on north of Kosovo and Metohija, but also in the area of the entire Western Balkans. “It is crystal clear to the whole world that instead of talks to resolve all open issues between Belgrade and Pristina, Kurti wants conflicts and riots, because that is his only policy,” Petkovic said in a statement. He assessed that this is undoubtedly Kurti’s first priority, and that high on the list of his priorities is the mistreatment and disenfranchisement of Serbs, the abolition of their basic human and civil rights, as well as the brutal violation of all agreements and agreements reached in Brussels. “This certainly includes the refusal to form the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) after 10 years, which guarantees the collective rights of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, while at the same time committedly violating all other agreements reached under the EU auspices,” Petkovic pointed out. He pointed out that the Brussels agreement is not a buffet table from which Kurti can take what suits him, but it is necessary that he must respect the signed agreements, and the very foundation of the Brussels agreement, as he said, is precisely the ZSO. “Pristina committed to that during the last round of negotiations in Brussels, accepting that all previous agreements must be implemented,” Petkovic pointed out.


Petrides: Cypriot position on Kosovo and Metohija unchanged, ties with Serbia strong (RTS)


Cyprus's position of non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo is unchanged and the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity are inalienable and unquestionable for us, Cypriot Defence Minister Charalambos Petrides said at the end of a two-day visit to Serbia. In an interview for RTS, Petrides said Cyprus's position on the Kosovo and Metohija issue was clear. "We, of course, support integrity and always abide by the rules and regulations of EU member states: international law and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) - maritime law. We support Serbia on Kosovo and Metohija," he said, noting that Serbia supported Nicosia on the Cyprus issue. He said bilateral relations with Serbia were characterised by stability, a high degree of mutual understanding and trust. "We are countries that think alike. We have had excellent and strong ties for a long time.

Besides areas such as culture and religion, we also have very good cooperation in the field of military equipment," Petrides said, noting that Cyprus had recently purchased a Serbian-made Nora artillery system.


Green transition permanent commitment of Serbia (Tanjug/Novosti)


Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Dubravka Djedovic spoke yesterday with Director of the Energy Community Secretariat Artur Lorkowski about the process of energy transition, reforms in the energy sector and further improvement of the legislative framework in the field of energy. Djedovic pointed out that the green transition is Serbia's permanent commitment and highlighted the importance of cooperation with the Energy Community in planning and implementing activities that will result in a greater participation of renewable energy sources in the energy mix and a reduction in harmful gas emissions. She stated that, apart from ensuring a safe supply of energy and energy products in the conditions of the energy crisis, one of the priorities is reforming the energy sector, including more efficient functioning of energy companies. The fact that Serbia has opened Cluster 4, which refers to the Green Agenda and sustainable connectivity, is an incentive to continue to work even more effectively on harmonising our legislation with EU requirements and regulations. Several regulations on network rules were adopted in the previous period, and in the following period we will continue to work on additional harmonisation with European legislation, Djedovic said. Lorkowski expressed satisfaction at seeing Serbia's commitment to the path of energy transition and said that on that path it can count on the full support of the Secretariat of the Energy Community.


NATO is ‘helping’ B&H by attacking RS (Novosti, by S. Misljenovic)


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with Foreign Ministers of member countries on Tuesday, on which occasion he said that the war in Ukraine showed that it is important to deliver assistance in a timely fashion and support all partner countries that are exposed to pressures and influence of Russia. “B&H is important for the stability in the Western Balkans, as well as for the NATO which helped stop the blood-shedding war”, Stoltenberg said and added that the NATO still wants to cooperate with B&H. “The NATO is committed to providing support to B&H through its program of strengthening of the capacities and assisting of strengthening of the security institutions”, Stoltenberg noted. Representatives of the RS assessed that the NATO has been applying the same pattern that was seen after the elections four years ago, with the goal to exert pressures on the RS institutions in the process of formation of authorities at the level of B&H in order to bring NATO players to key positions, primarily from the opposition bloc in the RS while kicking out Milorad Dodik’s SNSD. Professor Srdjan Perisic told the daily that the NATO is aware of the fact that it can no longer strengthen any military capacities in B&H, so they turned towards political games: “They are sending signals between the lines that they can make an influence on formation of authorities and that only those who support the admission to B&H are suitable for them, which is the opposition bloc from the RS and not those who won the elections. Because of this, blackmailing pressures on the RS institutions will again be exerted. Unlike four years ago, now we also have the factor of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The NATO intends to make a stricter stance on B&H in an attempt to drag this country into the Alliance. The perfect moment for this is the formation of authorities.” The daily noted that its collocutors warned there is a scenario in B&H similar to the one in Montenegro, which became the NATO member without referendum knowing that it was politicians who decided on the membership instead of citizens although more than 80% of population was against it. “When he says that the RS is under the Russian influence and that it represents a Russian stronghold, the NATO must know that the RS is a Serb stronghold in B&H,” Perisic concluded. Dean of the Faculty of Security in Banja Luka Slobodan Zupljanin told the daily that the NATO “wants to place its paw on every spot of the globe for which it assesses would be in its interest and B&H is obviously in its interest”. Zupljanin argued that, if it wants to remove anyone’s foreign influence on B&H, then the NATO should be the first one to step aside. “The RS clearly told them that it does not want to join the NATO. Cooperation and partnership are not a problem. The NATO’s thesis that they want to have a stronger influence on B&H in order to prevent alleged Russia’s influence is nonsense. There are no Russians here. All threats that exist in B&H are coming from the NATO, which created a climate of divisions – first they create a crisis and then they want to manage it,” Zupljanin said.




Stoltenberg: Best way to decrease Russian influence in B&H is stable government and strong institutions (FTV)


The summit of foreign ministers of NATO countries was held in Bucharest, Romania. Among other things, participants expressed strengthened support to BiH, Georgia and Moldavia. Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg said that this support to three important partner countries of NATO that have been facing Russian pressure includes building of security capacities, reform and training to improve security and defense institutions. He underlined that the lesson from Ukraine was learnt, adding that it is that abovementioned countries need to get support immediately. Stoltenberg stressed that since these countries are facing influence and pressure of Russia, it is better to support them now and not when the situation develops in a wrong direction. Reporter noted that participants of the abovementioned summit adopted a joint statement consisting of five items, including one referring to B&H. The reporter noted that B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic attended the meeting of representatives of NATO countries and representatives of Georgia and Moldavia that had the political and security situation in the Western Balkans as one of discussed topics. Turkovic underlined that B&H is concerned for future because it is undergoing the post-election process of formation of authorities, while pro-Russian actors are or were part of authorities. “Division in my country is deep and we hope we will manage to overcome it”, explained Turkovic. She stressed that the presence of NATO is very important for B&H, because it is a guarantor of security of this country. Minister Turkovic said that they did not discuss NATO membership of B&H but approaching of B&H to NATO. Turkovic emphasized that the situation in BiH is the most stable compared to Moldova and Georgia, which, like B&H, were designated as countries under Russian pressure. Stoltenberg said that the best way to decrease Russian influence in B&H is a stable government and strong institutions. After the meeting of foreign ministers in Bucharest, Stoltenberg said that B&H is important for the entire region of the Western Balkans. Stoltenberg pointed out that NATO helped end the war in B&H and that it is still present in B&H. Stoltenberg was quoted as saying: “In order to resist the attempts of Russian interference and influence in B&H, one of the most important things that needs to be done is the formation of the authorities after the elections and to understand that the stronger the institution of the state, the greater the resistance against any foreign influence. NATO is committed to further support B&H through our defense capacity program and NATO headquarters in Sarajevo, and to help strengthen defense and security institutions, including the implementation of democratic reforms”. Turkovic said that B&H received praise for progress from Stoltenberg and the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Turkovic said that B&H has made progress in fulfilling the Reform Program for 2021 and 2022, and that there are no major problems in B&H. The elections have passed and the authorities are currently being formed. According to Turkovic, everyone is in favor of giving B&H further help and incentive, as well as significant financial help for organizing the B&H Armed Forces, i.e. for equipment and professional training.


New convocation of B&H Presidency holds first session, unanimously adopts all items on agenda (N1/RTRS)


At its first session held on Wednesday, a new convocation of the B&H Presidency unanimously adopted all items on the agenda. The reporter notes that the media were informed that none of the B&H Presidency members would give statements after the session, commenting that the reason for that is perhaps the scheduled meetings in the B&H Presidency or desire to lower tensions present at the political scene in B&H in the past several years. N1 reports that, at the session, the B&H Presidency accepted the invitation for participation in the EU-Western Balkans summit in Tirana that will take place on Tuesday, where Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic will represent B&H. The B&H Presidency also agreed that Cvijanovic will send a letter on behalf of the B&H Presidency to President of the European Council Charles Michel and in relation to the decision on granting B&H the EU candidate status, expected to be made in December. The reporter notes it seems that “new winds are blowing”, because the B&H Presidency also approved several memorandums, including two-year cooperation agreement with the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe and the grant agreement for the Port of Brcko between B&H and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The B&H Presidency also adopted the report on execution of the budget of institutions of B&H and international obligations of B&H for 2021 that will be referred to the B&H parliament, and approved signing a partnership agreement between the B&H Ministry of Civil Affairs (MoCA) and the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD). RTRS reports that the B&H Presidency tasked the B&H Mine Action Center (BHMAC) to include the RS Civil Protection Administration (RSUCZ) and the FB&H Civil Protection Administration (FUCZ) in the agreement implementation, and to coordinate activities with the two institutions.


Komsic and Becirovic discuss Euro-Atlantic path with HR Schmidt, Cvijanovic fails to attend the meeting (Hayat)


Following the session of the B&H Presidency held on Wednesday, several meetings were held in the building of the B&H Presidency. High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt visited the B&H Presidency and he met members of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Denis Becirovic but not with Serb member of the Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic. The officials discussed reforms for the Euro-Atlantic path of B&H. The HR Schmidt expressed support to the B&H Presidency and he wished them good work and that he would like that they discuss topics related to better relations of the B&H Presidency with the Office of the High Representative at the next meetings. Schmidt also said that he supports all democratic changes that will lead B&H towards the EU.


Cvijanovic holds meeting with Sattler about current issues and EU candidate status (BHT1/RTRS)


After the session of the B&H Presidency, the Chairperson and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic held a meeting with the Head of the EU Delegation in B&H (EUD) Johann Sattler. They exchanged opinions on current political circumstances, the process of the EU integration with special reference to the perspective of obtaining the EU candidate status by the end of 2022. Cvijanovic expressed hope that the EU will show pragmatic approach to B&H in the further EU accession process, respecting its decentralized structure and constitutional competences of different authority levels. It was also emphasized at the meeting that authorities at all levels in B&H should be formed as soon as possible with the aim to efficiently implement reforms related to the European integration process, and improve of socio-economic situation in the FB&H and the RS.


B&H CEC: Fifth Bosniak delegate from TC is Sisic, Banovic from Croat ranks (Hayat)


The B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) carried on Wednesday election by drawing of the lots for the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP). According to the election, the fifth Bosniak delegate from the Tuzla Canton (TC) will be Damir Sisic from SDA while Silva Banovic from the NiP will be a Croat delegate. When it comes to the TC, the SDA will have the biggest number of delegates in the FB&H HoP from the TC, i.e. two, while the NIP and SDP B&H have one candidate each and the list also includes independent candidate Senad Alic, a former member of PDA. Hayat reminded that election by drawing of the lots is being carried out in case that candidates from the constituent peoples or from the rank of the ‘Others’ have the same number of votes. The B&H CEC dismissed on Wednesday allegations that they work in a slow mode and that they are late with procedures for implementation of indirect elections which is why sessions of some institutions must be cancelled. The B&H CEC said that the fact that some institution schedules sessions before conditions for implementation of indirect elections are met, is not responsibility of the B&H CEC but this institution.


Viskovic meets with SNSD delegation within ongoing consultations on new RS government (RTRS)


RS Prime Minister-designate Radovan Viskovic met on Wednesday with SNSD delegation led by Milorad Dodik within ongoing consultations on new RS government. RTRS reports in the light of announced increase in bread price, SNSD requested that new government convocation finds a model for freezing staple food prices in the upcoming period. Addressing the media after the meeting, Dodik said that production costs have increased, “however, we left the lowest electricity price in Europe for the producers, which means that companies that produce bread pay the guaranteed low price. We will also talk with them to perhaps keep that price and that they keep the (current) price (of their products). But that means that the budget must find funds to potentially subsidize increased production costs”. RTRS reports that the new government’s program includes quick response to challenges like inflation and maintaining stability of the RS, something SNSD, as a leader of the coalition based on the election result, advocates. According to the number of ministers, SNSD will bear the biggest responsibility, and according to Dodik, SNSD will have ten ministerial posts in the new government. “You have the exact distribution of representatives of each political party in the RS parliament, which was the basis to calculate percentage. The percentage directly reflects on the number of potential ministers, and that will be respected. Based on the calculation, SNSD should have 9.7, i.e. ten ministers,” said Dodik.


Bakir is lying everything he says, people does not want him (Avaz, by Alen Bajramovic)


NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic gave a statement to the daily commenting latest statements of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic who argues that SDA has majority in Bosniak Caucus of FB&H House of Peoples. Konakovic said that Izetbegovic is failing to understand the message that nobody wants to form coalition with SDA even if he does have necessary number of “hands”. Konakovic underlined that Izetbegovic is in fact conveying a message that he will block the processes if he is not made part of the coalition. “This is a main message, but he has to understand that nobody wants to be with him. Because of everything he did so far, because of all the evil he did, because of the lies he spread everywhere he went,” said Konakovic. He called on SDA and DFF to recount in all caucuses in House of Peoples and see how far they are from the majority and he reminds that SDA does not have majority in House of Representatives or in the HoP, nobody wants them for their partners and they are trying to block the entire process with the attempts to buy the delegates in order to obtain majority in HoP. Konakovic added that their members from Tuzla, Krajina, Zenica report each day that “SDA tycoons are contacting them”: “This is a true face of SDA and politics of Bakir Izetbegovic. I am telling him not to waste time, money and not to harass people because he will not succeed.” Konakovic said that ‘The Eight’ parties have ten delegates in Bosniak Caucus in FB&H HoP even without Posavina and Canton 10 which will be drawing lots.


Scekic: Government should be reshuffled, DF and Democrats should enter it (CdM)


Minister of Health and SNP deputy leader Dragoslav Scekic has announced at yesterday’s press conference that he believes that this government should be reshuffled. “Given that four ministers are no longer there… we believe that this government should be reshuffled, that entities from Democrats and DF should join it and that the reshuffled government should move forward”, Scekic has said. He believes that “Lekic should be respected and the government reshuffled”. “Considering that the Constitution was violated and that (Miodrag) Lekic did not receive approval from the President of the State, I personally believe on behalf of the opposition that Mr. Lekic should be respected, that the government should be reshuffled in this way and ministers from political entities should be proposed (those winning on 30 August 2020) and that the future candidate on behalf of the government be the presidential candidate… In this form, led by Abazovic, we should continue with agreements, reshuffling and in full capacity until 2024. I believe we can do it”, Scekic has stressed.


Vucurovic: If there’s no majority supporting Law on President, we’ll organize elections (CdM)


DF MP Jovan Vucurovic believes that it is a very bad idea to carry out the reshuffle of the Government that has already been overthrown in the parliament. “Actually, we from DF have already announced several times that a political corpse cannot be revived, because that would be a compromise not only for those who are in the government and perform their duties until a new one is elected, but also for those who would join that government”, Vucurovic has said in a statement delivered to the media. On 12 December, the parliament’s agenda includes the Law on the President of Montenegro. “We firmly believe that the unity of those who won on 30 August 2020 will be shown in action, which will be a good basis for the formation of a new government. And if by some strange chance there is not a majority for voting on the Law on the President, then I believe that elections in the shortest possible time are the best solution and I have no doubt that DF will be the winner”, Vucurovic has concluded.


Kovachevski says Steinmeier visit significant, N.Macedonia and Germany linked in all aspects (All media)


The visit of German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier to North Macedonia is exceptionally significant. Who could have imagined that a German President would quote Blazhe Koneski and Petre M. Andreevski in the parliament? He clearly said that Macedonian language and identity are welcome to enrich the European family, the European culture and the European identity, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Wednesday. PM Kovachevski said North Macedonia and Germany enjoy links in all aspects. “The visit is significant considering Germany’s importance in EU and as one of the strongest economies. If you look at our economy, it is mostly linked to the German one. In addition, many of our fellow citizens live and work in Germany,” added Kovachevski. According to him, Steinmeier’s message to the lawmakers was strong by saying that “we should not make our own obstacles on the road to full-fledged EU membership.” “All MPs owe this to the citizens, not only to this generations but future generations as well, because they deserve to live in a European country, their own European country, not abroad. My message is that all political parties, all deputies have an obligation before the citizens to make the decisions that ensure sooner EU accession,” Kovachevski told reporters.


VMRO-DPMNE will not vote for constitutional changes despite Steinmeir’s call (Alsat-M)


There is no change in VMRO-DPMNE’s position on the constitutional changes, after Tuesday’s messages sent by German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier from the parliament floor. Asked if the party sees Steinmeier's speech at the parliament as part of the international pressure to change the Constitution, MP Bojan Stojanovski replied that VMRO-DPMNE is not a party that succumbs to pressure. “He expressed his personal stance yesterday. VMRO-DPMNE is a people’s party, and it articulates its positions according to the people’s opinion, and we will always remain at the disposal of people of the Republic of Macedonia, because this is the essence of our operation. At this moment, as well as in the moments ahead of us, there will be no change of position and VMRO-DPMNE will not support constitutional changes under these conditions,” said MP Stojanovski. On the other hand, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said that Steinmeir has sent an important message, and called on all MPs, as he says, to look forward. According to him, no one in the state benefits from personal and political agendas, and he believes that the opposition has no reason to block the process. “Once again, as the German president said, we must not hinder ourselves on the way to EU membership. All MPs in the parliament owe this to the citizens,” said Kovachevski. During his visit to the country, the German President emphasized that the process of constitutional changes is much more than a topic for scoring political points, and that it is not time to fall into nationalist calls. Steinmeier appealed to include the Bulgarians in the constitution, so that the negotiations for EU membership could continue without obstacles.


Osmani: Euro-Atlantic integration of Western Balkan countries key to long-term regional stability (MIA)


Support to Ukraine, NATO’s open door policy, strengthening the Alliance’s eastern flank, as well as the importance of the Black Sea region for the overall transatlantic security were in the focus of Wednesday’s discussions as part of the NATO ministerial meeting in Bucharest, also attended by Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani. Participants in the meeting, including the Foreign Ministers of Finland, Sweden, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia and Moldova, expressed support for Ukraine, and discussed threats and challenges from authoritarian actors and NATO’s strategic competitors in several regions, including the Western Balkans, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. Osmani stressed that North Macedonia as part of the Western Balkans and as the newest NATO member, knows the transformative power of European and Euro-Atlantic integration and that is why it strongly supports the merit-based open door policy of the Alliance and the enlargement process of the European Union. According to him, at a time of war on the European continent, the European and Euro-Atlantic integrations of the Western Balkan countries are crucial to maintaining long-term regional and European stability. “Today, together with the Foreign Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia and Moldova, as countries most affected by the war in Ukraine, we have the opportunity to exchange views on how to further strengthen their resilience and develop their capacities, supporting their political independence. The Western Balkans and the Black Sea remain regions of strategic importance for 4 the Alliance. Our partnership is key in dealing with common threats and challenges,” Osmani added. After Bucharest, Osmani is traveling to the city of Lodz in Poland to participate in the 29th OSCE Ministerial Council, whereupon North Macedonia takes over the OSCE Chair.


Spasovski meets with new OSCE Mission Head Kilian Wahl (MIA)


Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski held Wednesday a working meeting with the newly appointed Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje, Ambassador Kilian Wahl, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in a press release. Minister Spasovski congratulated Ambassador Wahl on his new post, wishing him success and partnership in joint projects during his term. He also pointed out the high level of cooperation between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the OSCE Mission to Skopje in three ongoing projects related to professionalization, democratic policing, and transnational threats. During the meeting, they discussed past achievements, including the increased public trust in the police and the transparency of the Ministry. Ambassador Wahl voiced his commitment to continuing joint activities toward building a positive public perception of the police.


Begaj with the German counterpart: The opening of negotiations is a historic achievement! Integration, our responsibility! (Radio Tirana)


German President Frank Walter Steinmeier and President Bajram Begaj, after the meeting in the Presidency, held a joint press conference, the focus of which was the process of Albania's integration into the EU, the EU-Western Balkans summit that will be held on December 6 in Tirana and Kosovo-Serbia dialogue. President Begaj stated that the process of negotiations for EU membership is long. The opening of negotiations is a historic achievement for the Albanians and of course for the road ahead. "In order to be ahead, we must have cooperation within the country and the support we have had from our friends and partners. Germany is Albania's trusted partner. It has cooperated to provide unsparing assistance in justice reform and other integration processes. The help that Germany will provide in the negotiation process with various experts in the negotiation phase would be welcome", said Begaj. As for the summit that will be held on 6 December, where Tirana will host the leaders of the EU and the Western Balkans, the President assessed it as a historic event. "It is a historical event for Albania. The responsibility is also very big for our country. Expectations are high. Albania is the country where, according to all surveys, the highest percentage of the population wants to be part of the European Union as soon as possible. The EU membership process has no set deadline. Each aspiring country must do its homework. Without meeting the criteria, the country must work to realize the adaptation process and the adaptation of the negotiations to become a member. There is no time that I determine. The timing depends on the task and work of each country seeking to accede to become part of the EU. This is a process of merit and there is no 'pro bono' process for anyone", said Begaj. Regarding the "Open Balkans", Begaj said that "it is an integral process and if it will be comprehensive and will focus on mobility and economic cooperation, it is well accepted". According to him, "Albania has been part of the dialogue and regional mechanisms and any regional cooperation is in the interest of the well-being of the people". While speaking about the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Begaj said that "the Franco-German or Brussels proposal is welcome". "Every effort for dialogue and finding a solution between Kosovo and Serbia is welcomed by us." "We have always been for this dialogue", said the President.


Steinmeier reiterates Berlin's support: Albania's EU membership is in the common interest (Radio Tirana)


German President Frank Walter Steinmeier in the joint press conference with President Bajram Begaj said that Germany will continue to support Albania in its European journey. While emphasizing the intensification of cooperation between the two countries, Steinmeier declared that Albania will never lack Germany's support. "Albania is an important partner and we will increase cooperation. Within NATO, Albania strengthens regional security in the Western Balkans. Albania makes an important contribution within European cohesion. Germany accompanied Albania in its entry into the EU, I promise continued support", said Steinmeier. "I have the utmost respect for the commitment as a member of the Security Council, within the UN, in a difficult period. Germany has accompanied Albania from the beginning in its alignment with the EU and has contributed within its possibilities to the strengthening of relations and their expansion. It was very important for me to travel as soon as possible after the start of the talks to Albania, and I promise you that in the context of the reforms in the membership process, we will continue to support you. And a very important step was taken on 19 July with the opening of membership talks. I hope that very soon Albania will become part of the EU, even in its formal dimension", declared the German President. According to Steinmeier, the road to the first intergovernmental conference was associated with considerable efforts, which, he said, have in turn also brought steps forward. "This progress is also reflected in the EC's 2022 Enlargement Package", he said. As for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, he appreciated the role of the European Union representative for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak. "Any contribution that reduces the escalation of conflicts is welcome. Respect for my colleague and friend, Lajcak, who has made it his mission to normalize the dialogue", said Steinmeier.


NATO summit / Xhacka: Albania was reconfirmed as a key factor in the stability of the region (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka participated in the meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers held in Bucharest. This ministerial discussed ways to strengthen the stability, develop the capabilities and preserve the political independence of NATO allies, who are more exposed to the threat from the east. "We underlined that the security of these partner countries is of direct importance to NATO and reaffirmed our commitment to the open door policy of the Atlantic Alliance. We also approved the NATO Report on the Western Balkans and we believe that it properly emphasizes the strategic importance of our region for the Alliance. Albania was reconfirmed in this ministerial not only as a worthy member of the alliance but a key factor in the stability of the region and all allied countries in these troubled times for the whole globe", said Minister Xhacka after the meeting. The ministerial led by the Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg took place in the Palace of the parliament of Romania, in Bucharest.