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Belgrade Media Report 13 December 2022



Dangerous daily provocations of temporary institutions in Pristina (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic pointed out yesterday that the provocations of Pristina and Prime Minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina Albin Kurti happen almost every day, with which they try to provoke the Serbian people and destabilize the situation. Brnabic, after putting into operation the new production line of Japan Tobacco International in Senta, pointed out that everything Pristina is doing is contrary to the Brussels agreement. She stated that today the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is the same, pointing out that it is no longer a matter of the barricades and the pressure to remove them without any understanding and consideration of the reason why the Serbs were forced to put them up, but it is that Kurti and Pristina are making provocations every day. There are even more of them in one day, they go armed to the teeth to Zubin Potok and Kosovska Mitrovica in one day, forcefully invade the municipality, try to provoke the Serbian people, to destabilise the situation and whatever happens, there is no reaction from the EU, she underlined. The EU has no reaction to the arrest of Dejan Pantic, nor to the incursion of the Kosovo police in northern Kosovska Mitrovica, nor to the illegal confiscation of private property, arrests, mistreatment, convictions of Serbs without evidence, the trial of Serbs in Pristina, as well as other provocations, she said. The situation in Kosovo and Metohija is extremely difficult and every day is the same, Brnabic emphasised and once again asked why KFOR and the EU did not speak up yesterday, when Kosovo forces illegally invaded Gazivode and tore the flag of Serbia.


Dacic: We are trying to get Pristina's EU bid disputed by non-recognisers (Tanjug)


Besides preparing for visits by a large number of foreign officials, Serbia is also working on getting Pristina's announced EU membership bid disputed by the EU member states that do not recognise the so-called Kosovo, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday.

In a statement to Tanjug, Dacic said that, besides the visits, 15 December - when Pristina could submit an EU membership request - was also important for Serbia. "We are also working on calling on all EU member states that do not recognise Kosovo to dispute that issue from the status point of view, so that there are no conditions for discussing that," Dacic said. He added that the Czech Republic, which currently holds the EU presidency, also had a role in the entire process. "We will see if the request will be rejected or put up for discussion, but that also depends on the EU chair," Dacic said, adding that discussions were also underway with Hungary, which recognises the so-called Kosovo but does not vote for it. "We are making maximum efforts to make our stances heard and to oppose double standards. If Escobar is in Kosovo, I do not really think Kurti is crazy enough to cause bigger incidents during his presence. The goal is to deescalate problems," Dacic said. Asked when notes from further countries that had derecognised the so-called Kosovo would be released to the public, Dacic responded he would discuss the timing of the move with President Aleksandar Vucic. "We will wait for Kosovo's EU application. We have complied with the Washington agreement, but the Council of Europe and EU membership bids (by Pristina) demonstrate that Kosovo does not respect it," Dacic said, adding that, at this time, the so-called Kosovo could count on the votes of 83 out of 193 UN member states.


Vucic: Government decides Thursday on sending request to KFOR for our troops to return to Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Monday that the government of Serbia will make a decision on Thursday about sending a request to KFOR to ensure the presence of Serbian forces in northern Kosovo and Metohija. "The government session is on Thursday and as things stand, the government will make a decision to send a letter to the KFOR commander," Vucic said in response to journalists' questions. He made the statement after speaking with Srdjan Petrovic, the owner of a winery from Velika Hoca, whose almost entire batch of wine was seized by the police and customs authorities from Pristina late last week. Vucic said that the government will meet on Thursday afternoon and that KFOR will afterwards receive the request. Vucic stressed that he is proud of the members of our armed forces, among whom he saw unity and determination, as well as the desire to complete every task that the state leadership sets before them, adding that the Army's ranks are filled like never before. "I want to tell all citizens that I am proud of our armed forces and members (of security forces) regarding what happened yesterday, and the fact we received it from them precisely (during the Council for National Security meeting) without any evasion or lying, in the most difficult and serious situation - says that a lot has changed in Serbia," Vucic stated according to RTS. He assessed that fuel, food and ammunition supplies are "better than ever before," but also that the Army's ranks are filled "like never before".


Greece, the Vatican not to change position on Kosovo and Metohija (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Monday received letters of credence from the new Ambassadors of Greece, Syria and the Vatican to Serbia and thanked them for their support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and not recognizing Kosovo as independent. In a meeting with new Greek Ambassador to Serbia Maria Levanti, Vucic said Serbia "greatly valued the firm position" of Athens in not recognizing the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, the Serbian President's office said in a press release. Ambassador Levanti expressed assurances that Greece would not change its position on Kosovo and recalled statements by Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the statement read. Vucic and new Syrian Ambassador to Serbia Bassem Jouman Agha agreed that ties between the two countries rested on friendship from the time of joint involvement in the Non-Aligned Movement and that there was room for bilateral relations to grow. Santo Gangemi, the new apostolic nuncio of the Vatican, told Vucic the Vatican would not change its stance on the independence of Kosovo, the press release reported.


Vucic receives Paglia (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Monday received Vincenco Paglia, a cardinal of the Holy See, and noted that he was honoured by the opportunity to meet and welcome him in Belgrade. In a post on his Instagram profile, Vucic wrote that he had informed Paglia of the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the great challenges and ordeals Serbs in the province were going through on a daily basis. "I thanked him for showing deep understanding for the problems Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are facing as the only Christian community in Europe that is fighting for fundamental rights even today, as well as for the assistance he is ready to provide to preserve the peace we are constantly fighting for," Vucic noted.


Petkovic: Detention of former Kosovo policeman Dejan Pantic represents an “attempt to criminalize all Serbs” in Kosovo (Beta)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic assessed that the 30-day detention of former Kosovo policeman Dejan Pantic represents an “attempt to criminalize all Serbs” in Kosovo. “Pantic was arrested and accused of terrorism only because he lives in a multi-ethnic settlement, and if there were any evidence against him, Pristina would not hide it for three days,” he added. Petkovic also stated that “this shows enough that there is not a single piece of evidence against him”, but, as he said, Pantic is “a target of Kurti who only wants to criminalize Serbs”. He asked what kind of democracy and the rule of law it is, why Europe is silent, and “where are the fighters for human rights when one Serb is sentenced to prison and basic human rights are violated”. Petkovic believes that the detention of Pantic is “proof of the correctness of the decision of the Serbs to peacefully and dignifiedly fight for basic rights”, because, as he added, “their suffering is not heard in Pristina, nor in many western power centers”.


Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are still on the barricades in the north of the province (RTS)


Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, who are protesting against the illegal arrest by the Pristina authorities of former police officer Dejan Pantic, are still on the barricades in the north of the province. The north of Kosovo and Metohija is also blocked by the Kosovo police, and it is still impossible to cross administrative points Brnjak and Jarinje even on foot, reports RTS.

Schools in the north of Kosovo and Metohija have been closed since yesterday. Dejan Pantic, a former police officer who was arrested three days ago at Jarinje, was detained for up to 30 days yesterday. The decision made by a judge from Pristina arrived without any explanation.


Armenia is not changing position on Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic met today the non-resident Armenian Ambassador to Serbia based in Prague H.E. Ashot Hovakimyan. The officials confirmed the traditionally friendly relations between the two countries expected to be intensified by the opening of an Office of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Prague, headquartered in Belgrade, scheduled for the coming period. Orlic thanked Armenia for its principled support and non-recognition of so-called “Kosovo”, which is at the moment not recognised by more than one hundred UN member states. “During his attendance of the UN General Assembly, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was handed another note of withdrawal of recognition. Most of the countries in the world are on Serbia’s side,” said Orlic and informed the guest about the difficult situation in Kosovo and Metohija. “Kurti and Pristina are trying to completely destroy any dialogue, their only goal is to ethnically cleanse Kosovo and Metohija of Serbs. They send units with a finger on the trigger before kindergartens and hospitals, to break into houses, harass children and people in wheelchairs. People are intimidated, terrorized, people are beaten and imprisoned just because they are Serbs. They have had enough. They set up the barricades because they want peace to be preserved, terror to end and agreements to be respected. They said they respect the KFOR mission and EULEX, and seek from them protection from Kurti’s criminals. These people protest without violence and demand that, after ten years of lies, the Community of Serb Municipalities be formed. You heard President Vucic’s request, behind which we all stand - to immediately release all Serbs,” he said, adding that in these terrible conditions, Belgrade continues to insist on peace, an end to persecution and Kurti’s rampage. “According to UN Security Council Resolution 1244, we have the right to the return of military and police personnel and that is what we are asking for today. The President of Serbia demanded that the acts of international law and valid agreements be respected, without excuses or double standards, our country and our people stand behind that position,” said Orlic. Ambassador Hovakimyan confirmed that Armenia remains consistent in its position that it does not recognise so-called “Kosovo”. During the meeting, it was agreed to continue with activities aimed at further improving parliamentary cooperation and strengthening contacts between parliamentary friendship groups. Orlic was especially happy about the Armenian delegation’s participation in the 60th General Assembly of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, held last week in Belgrade, as well as the cooperation within other international parliamentary organisations.


EU Foreign Ministers agree with Borrell proposal (N1)


The EU’s Foreign Affairs Council said on Monday that most member states agree with High Representative Josep Borrell on the need to send in reinforcements and equipment for the EULEX mission if they are needed. The Council said that Borrell’s proposal was accepted because of the tensions between Serbia and Kosovo and added that barricades and armed men on the streets are unacceptable. The High Representative called both sides to return to the negotiating table and refrain from actions that could cause tension. He said that intensive efforts are being invested to calm the situation in Kosovo and added that an updated, definitive version of the EU proposal has been sent to Belgrade and Pristina. According to Borrell, that proposal has to be considered urgently. Borrell told the EU Foreign Ministers that his special envoy Miroslav Lajcak would travel to the Western Balkans and would inform the EU Council about the situation in Kosovo later this week.


Brammertz: Serbian society denying war crimes, glorifying criminals (Beta)


The UN’s chief war crimes prosecutor told the Security Council that Serbian society is denying war crimes and glorifying criminals. Serge Brammertz, chief prosecutor of the UN Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals in the Hague, said in his regular report to the UN SC that there are more than 150 murals of convicted war criminal Bosnian Serb military chief General Ratko Mladic in Belgrade alone. According to him, Serbian society has embraced an atmosphere of denial and glorification of war crimes and criminals created by politicians. He said that denial of war crimes is wide-spread in the other countries of the former Yugoslavia, adding that Croatian President Zoran Milanovic continues to question the genocide in Srebrenica and that top officials in the Republika Srpska were praising war criminals convicted by the Hague tribunal. Brammertz said that he was informed by the Croatian authorities that they consider the prosecution of Croatian nationals a question of national security which, according to him, makes justice a political issue. He added that civil societies in Croatia have warned that most of the trials against Serbs are being conducted in absentia and that no one is dealing with known crimes against Serbs. The chief prosecutor said that there are more than 3,000 suspected war criminals in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia.


Kremlin wants guarantees for Serbs, diplomatic solutions (Beta)


The Kremlin on Monday called for a diplomatic solution to the tensions between Belgrade and Pristina along with guarantees for the rights of the Kosovo Serbs. “We are in favor of the parties making peaceful efforts resolving the situation through diplomatic means,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters, adding that the Kremlin also wants all the rights of the Serbs guaranteed.




Delegations of SNSD and HDZ B&H hold meeting at SNSD headquarters in Banja Luka (BHT1)


A meeting of the delegations of SNSD and HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) was held at the SNSD headquarters in Banja Luka on Monday. BHT1 stressed that Monday's meeting between the representatives of SNSD and HDZ B&H practically marked the end of the first round of negotiations on the formation of the authorities at the B&H level. The parties of 'The Eight' previously held meetings with both HDZ B&H and SNSD. According to the announcements of the leaders of SNSD and HDZ B&H, a meeting between the representatives of the parties of 'The Eight', HDZ B&H and SNSD will take place in Sarajevo on Thursday when the composition of the new B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) is expected to be agreed upon. SNSD leader Milorad Dodik announced that SNSD will support HDZ B&H Deputy President Borjana Kristo's candidacy for the position of the Chair of the B&H CoM. "We are now in the process of finalization, which includes this final bilateral meeting of HDZ B&H and SNSD in an agreement to hold a tripartite meeting at the end of the week, most likely on Thursday in Sarajevo, where we would definitively specify all the elements of our joint participation in the formation of the CoM and other authority structures at the joint level. But the key issue is the joint level and we intend to support Mrs. Kristo for the Chair of the CoM. That procedure is already underway and it will be unstoppable from the point of view of the support provided by SNSD, and I believe the parties of 'The Eight' of course and the parent party HDZ B&H," Dodik pointed out. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic announced that he and partners from 'The Eight' will bring to an end the story about the formation of authorities at the Federation of B&H (FB&H) level during the next week. Covic said that Dodik and he talked about everything they had been doing and arranging lately. "I believe that we will finish that story on Thursday in Sarajevo," Covic said, adding that the goal is to form the authorities at the B&H level as soon as possible. "There can be absolutely no slowdown due to the relations that exist today in the FB&H," Covic emphasized. Covic said he expects the process will be finalized on Thursday in Sarajevo in terms “of working bodies of the three representatives agreeing on the structure of the B&H CoM and everything that needs to be done by the end of the year. I think that a document will be signed in line with the desire to focus our attention until the end of the year on the key projects important for Republika Srpska (RS) and the whole territory”. HDZ B&H and SNSD representatives also commented on the information that B&H will be granted the EU candidate status this week. Covic said: “I am certain that something will happen, especially since we have affirmative approach to the authority formation. According to the talks I have – and tomorrow we will have final talks about that in Sarajevo – with representatives who are in contact with HDZ from the Republic of Croatia, that will happen on Thursday”. Dodik said he welcomes the possibility of B&H being granted the EU candidate status, noting “many things will remain unclear to me. The first one being is the position of foreigners in the institutions of B&H. Every time we talked, even with the Venice Commission, it was said that the candidate status automatically means elimination of the High Representatives whatever he is like – even this false one – and elimination of foreign judges from the B&H Constitutional Court”.


HNS Presidency: Urgent formation authorities at all levels is crucial priority (O Kanal)


It was concluded during the session of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) Presidency that urgent formation authorities at all levels is a crucial priority. On Monday, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic announced the continuation of the struggle to amend the B&H Election Law that would secure him the post in the B&H Presidency, commenting it will be interesting to see what ‘The Eight’ thinks about that. Hayat reports that, after its session held on Monday, the HNS issues a statement that reads, among others: “The continuation of talks on amendments to the B&H Election Law must ensure legitimate representation of constituent peoples in the B&H Presidency also, that has been again grossly usurped by imposing illegitimate Croat member of the B&H Presidency”. At its session, HNS concluded that HNS is “absolute winner and legitimate representative of Croat people in all communities Croats live in”. The reporter notes that HNS, “the non-governmental organization led by Dragan Covic”, called for urgent formation of authority based on the principles contained in the document ‘Guidelines, Principles and Goals in Executive and Legislative Branches for the period 2022-2026’.


SDP B&H calls on DF to support proposal of 'The Eight' for new FB&H Vice-President from rank of Bosniak people, reminding it that SDP B&H supported DF's Dunovic back in 2015 (BHT1)


BHT1 carries that after 'The Eight' was left without a majority in the Bosniak Caucus of the House of Peoples of the FB&H, SDP B&H called on DF to support the proposal of 'The Eight' for the new FB&H Vice-President from the rank of Bosniak people. SDP B&H asked DF to remember that this party supported current FB&H Vice-President Milan Dunovic (DF) when SDP B&H did not have the majority. "We hereby call on DF, which has one delegate in the FB&H HoP, to act responsibly, as SDP B&H did at the beginning of 2015 when SDA and DF had the majority. Namely, at that time SDP B&H, the current member of the new majority, had the possibility of blocking the formation of the authorities in the FB&H through the Serbs Caucus in the FB&H HoP. Although SDP B&H had the so-called control package in this caucus, it did not block the establishment of the majority... We expect DF to respond reciprocally and vote for the proposal of 'The Eight' for the new Vice-President of the FB&H from among the Bosniak people, given that 'The Eight' is part of the new entity majority," SDP B&H said in a statement. However, as BHT1 stated, it seems that nothing will come of this, which raises the question of whether DF now has the key for the potential unblocking during the formation of the authorities in the FB&H. DF MPs have compared calls for help from the SDP B&H to comic characters from jokes. DF MP in the FB&H Parliament Mahir Mesalic pointed out that DF owes nothing to anyone. "I can note in response to these name-callings of SDP B&H that DF owes SDP B&H absolutely nothing. That was SDP B&H's choice, i.e. the choice of SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic, to support (Dunovic) in the Serb Caucus," Mesalic underlined. At the same time, SDA is convinced that the SDA-SDP B&H-DF triangle is the only solution for the formation of the authorities. BHT1 stressed that the public is wondering who will have the courage to cut the Gordian knot in the formation of the authorities in the FB&H, or perhaps it will be left to High Representative Christian Schmidt, who believes that the time of blockades is over in B&H.


Izetbegovic: There cannot be stable parliamentary majority without SDA (Nova BH)


A session of SDA Presidency was held on Monday. Following this session, leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic addressed media. Among other things, Izetbegovic said that SDA is a winner of last elections. Talking about formation of future authorities at the B&H and Federation of B&H (FB&H) level, the SDA leader said that it is possible to form new authorities without SDA, but parliamentary majorities will not be stable if this scenario occurs. Izetbegovic went on to saying that formation of a strong pro-Bosnian bloc is the best option for a new mandate, because all other options open door to political forces that are not working in interest of B&H and its citizens. He also emphasized that ‘The Eight’ coalition started too early with negotiations on formation of new authorities with SNSD and HDZ B&H. Izetbegovic underlined that they expect swift formation of the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) and election of a President and Vice Presidents of the FB&H so that the process of formation of the new FB&H government can start as soon as possible. Asked whether SDA will be blocking abovementioned processes, Izetbegovic said that SDA will not be blocking anything, adding that it will be done by those who want to use legal and political violence by failing to respect will of Bosniaks in the FB&H HoP. Reporter noted that the leader of SDA criticized a part of the international community. Namely, he stated that ‘The Eight’ was encouraged by acting of the IC that has been focused more to divide the pro-Bosnian bloc and not to forces acting against interests of B&H. He emphasized that the part of the international community enabled HDZ B&H to decide that DF cannot participate in authorities or decide about new authorities. Izetbegovic stated that if ‘The Eight’ forms new authorities with HDZ B&H and SNSD, it is clear that SNSD and HDZ B&H will be dominant. He claims that the plan is to make people angry with SDA by presenting this party as a subject blocking processes, while presenting leaders of HDZ B&H and SNSD as good guys. Izetbegovic said that formation of strong pro-Bosniak bloc in majority of cantons has no alternative and that can ensure security for whole of B&H. Izetbegovic also said that elected pro-Bosnian representatives have “over 60 per cent of hands” in the B&H Parliament and “80 per cent in the FB&H and that opportunity should not be missed”; Hayat reports that Izetbegovic also said it is noticeable that the IC interfered with electoral process in BiH both before and after elections, especially evident in formation of ‘The Eight’. “We are of view that such activities by ‘The Eight’ are encouraged, and that there would not be those activities if there had not been the part of the IC doing that, that did not even address the weakening of powers that caused blockades in the last mandate, (powers) directly linked to Russia’s influence that blocked the work of state institutions, appointment of the FB&H Constitutional Court, etc. Moreover, they helped to some of them, and left others alone”, said Izetbegovic. The SDA Presidency also welcomed the announcement of granting the EU candidate status for B&H. The SDA presidency called for all resources to be engaged in order to remediate damages in flooded areas of the Una-Sana Canton (USC). Izetbegovic claimed that he also held meetings with representatives of ‘The Eight’. Because there were no official meetings, he did not want to reveal their names. Izetbegovic believes that ‘The Eight’ should explain why they chose HDZ B&H and not SDA, because SDA also has the control package in the Bosniak Caucus. Izetbegovic also request an explanation from the Eight about what they precisely agreed on with HDZ B&H and SNSD, i.e. which of their conditions did they accept. Izetbegovic stated: “Why did they strive to create divisions in the pro-Bosnian bloc, in such a way as to exclude two very referential and strong parties - the victorious SDA and the very strong, supported party DF? What did they accept and thus achieved goodwill of HDZ and SNSD? What did they promise? What changes regarding the amendment of the Constitution, the election law, the NATO path of B&H, gasification projects, projects for the construction of the Buk Bijela hydroelectric plant on the Drina, the construction of the airport in Trebinje, then the reform of the public RTV service?”


B&H CEC confirms election results and assignment of mandates for RS CoP (ATV)


On Monday, at the 95th session, the CEC of B&H passed a decision on confirmation of the results of the intermediate elections and the assignment of mandates to the RS Council of Peoples (RS CoP). The aforementioned decision enters into force on the day of publication in the Official Gazette of B&H, and will also be published in the Official Gazette of the RS, Official Gazette of the Federation of B&H, Official Gazette of Brcko District and on the website of the B&H CEC.


Stevandic meets Powers: RS will have new government as soon as RS CoP is inaugurated (Nezavisne)


RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic met on Monday with Head of US Embassy’s Branch Office in Banja Luka Brianna Powers. Stevandic stated that the RS is working fast on formation of the new authorities in line with the election results, and respecting all legal and constitutional norms and deadlines. He explained that the RS could get the new government as soon as the RS Council of Peoples is inaugurated. Powers congratulated Stevandic for taking the office of RS parliament speaker, and wished him good luck and success.


Murphy comments on importance of B&H’s NATO path: US’ support to B&H’s Euro-Atlantic path has never been stronger (Hayat)


US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy has commented on importance of B&H’s NATO path, reminding that B&H committed to that in the past and that the US has not changed its policy in that regard. In a statement for Hayat, Murphy said: “The policy of B&H has been clear for some time. It was agreed at the state level that B&H will pursue the Euro-Atlantic integration which also includes NATO. Nothing that has been happening over the last few days has changed that in any way. My country’s support to B&H’s Euro-Atlantic path has never been stronger. Only last week we announced additional assistance for the Armed Forces of B&H to support that path. I again underscore that nothing that has been happening over the last few days has influenced any change with regards to the US’ policy. Many things have been happening over the last days so that someone gains some political points from all that. That does not help. It is a distraction from real problems and should not be happening.”


Cvijanovic refuses to approve B&H Ambassador to UN Alkalaj’s address re MICT report (RTRS)


B&H Ambassador to the UN Sven Alkalaj has not got the approval from the B&H Presidency to address a session of the UN Security Council in New York regarding the report of the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT). The Office of the Serb member of B&H Presidency and B&H Presidency Chairwoman Zeljka Cvijanovic stated on Monday that Alkalaj’s speech is “inacceptable and manipulative” because it does not reflect the realistic situation factually nor terminologically, stressing that his speech represents the perception of only one people on war events and processes within the Dayton-based B&H.


Cvijanovic: Greece gives great support for granting EU candidate status to B&H (RTRS)


Serb member of B&H Presidency and B&H Presidency Chairwoman Zeljka Cvijanovic is paying a two-day visit to Greece. She met on Monday with President of Greece Katerina Sakellaropoulou and Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis, in separate meetings. Cvijanovic informed the Greek officials on the EU path of B&H, stressing that Brussels’ requirements towards B&H that are beyond the constitutional framework will not be realized, but that the Western Balkan regional is strategically important for the EU. She stated that she expects that B&H will be granted the EU candidate status in the next couple of days. However, Cvijanovic emphasized that there is a red line for RS and that any conditions leading to forced centralization of B&H will not be accepted. Cvijanovic also discussed with Greek officials the relations between B&H and Greece and how to improve them. Focus was put on the cooperation in the field of economic and energy. They stressed that there are no open issues between the two countries and that their friendly relations will continue. The Greek officials said that Athens understands the position of B&H and it will continue to advocate the EU enlargement on the Western Balkan countries. Mitsotakis told Cvijanovic that Brussels’ decision on the EU candidate status for B&H is not a condition for development of bilateral relations between B&H and Greece. Cvijanovic told RTRS in Athens that she expects positive news for B&H from Brussels in the next couple of days, but that the EU candidate status should have been granted to B&H few years ago. She stated that partner talks on how to overcome certain tasks and obstacles without stepping out of the constitutional framework should be held in B&H. According to Cvijanovic, all the problems that have been present in the post-war B&H in the past decades were actually related to forced centralization imposed by the high representatives through their interventions. She said that the EU should have more credible attitude towards all countries of the Western Balkans than it was the case before, expressing hope that the EU will change its attitude when it comes to the Western Balkan countries for the sake of these countries and the EU itself. During the meeting with the President of Greece, the process of European integration of B&H was also discussed, as well as obtaining the candidate status for membership in the EU, for which Greece also provided great support. Cvijanovic invited the President of Greece to an official visit to B&H, expressing the hope that friendly relations between the two sides will be further deepened in the coming period. Cvijanovic and Mitsotakis pointed out at the meeting the need to strengthen economic cooperation, with an emphasis on energy sector. Cvijanovic informed him about the current political situation in B&H, expressing the hope that the process of implementing the election results will be completed quickly and efficiently at all levels of authority. Cvijanovic stated: “I will say my position that I believe that candidate status should have been given to B&H several years ago. Of course, we understand that the current acceleration on that path is happening due to certain complex geopolitical circumstances, from a global perspective of course, and that in this sense they view the Western Balkans as a place that needs to be provided with space and bind it in a different way than was the case with the EU so far. It should always be kept in mind that the EU has its autonomous right to make a political decision and that any progress of a country is linked to such a political decision”.


Plenkovic: B&H has full support of Croatia when grating EU candidate status is in question (HRT1)


Guest of HRT central news was Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. Asked what the EU expects from Croatia after it enters Schengen in regards to protection of external Schengen borders, Plenkovic said that Croatia will protect these borders well, adding that border police from southern and northern border crossings will be deployed to border crossings with Serbia, B&H and Montenegro. He reminded that almost one year and half ago Croatia created independent mechanism on control of its borders, adding that this mechanism enabled Croatia to enter Schengen. Prime Minister also talked about measures Croatian government employed to mitigate consequences of COVID-19 and economic crisis for citizens and economy of Croatia. He reiterated that Croatian government clearly condemned aggression of Russia against Ukraine and has been providing assistance to Ukraine. Plenkovic emphasized that military assistance, if approved by the parliament, would be in form of education and training of Ukrainian soldiers, adding that it would represent only small percent of Croatia’s total assistance to Ukraine.  Asked about whether B&H will be granted status of the EU candidate country in this week, Plenkovic said that B&H has full support of Croatia in this regard. Plenkovic stressed that he and Prime Minister of Greece signed a letter demanding the European Council to grant this status to B&H. He expressed content with announcement new authorities in B&H will be formed soon. Plenkovic underlined that they advocate renewal of trust and dialogue between Croats and Bosniaks, because it is of key importance for functioning of the Federation of B&H. He concluded that the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) is cooperating with the Eight now and will attempt to make with them what they could not do with SDA.


Law on President passed again (CdM)


At the fourth parliamentary session, amendments to the Law on the President of Montenegro were voted again. Members of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), Social Democrats (SD), Social Democratic Party (SDP), Liberal Party (LP) were not in the hall during the voting. A total of 41 MPs voted for the amendments to the Law, while 3 were against. We remind you that at the end of last week, the Venice Commission recommended not to vote on changes to the Law on the President in this form. Earlier yesterday, at the previous session, the members of the parliament of Montenegro did not vote on the proposed candidates for judges of the Constitutional Court because they did not receive the required three-fifths majority. Parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic said that the Constitutional Committee would publish a new public advertisement for the selection of judges of the Constitutional Court. MPs of the parliamentary majority and FORCA MP Genci Nimanbegu voted for the election of proposed candidates for judges of the Constitutional Court. The vote was preceded by a polemic between the speaker of parliament and the opposition parties SDP, LP and the Bosniak Party, who demanded the postponement of the vote on the candidates. This concluded the third regular parliamentary session.


Zivkovic: Constitutional coup carried out in parliament, everything that happens in following days will be responsibility of parliamentary majority (CdM)


The anti-European and putschist majority again voted for the unconstitutional Law on the President. This is a constitutional coup in the parliament, the head of the DPS caucus Danijel Zivkovic has stated at a press conference. He has added that everything that happens in the coming days will be the responsibility of the parliamentary majority. “The parliamentary majority is diverting Montenegro from the European system of values. Such a move distances Montenegro from EU membership”, he points out. According to him, political hypocrisy has reached its peak today through the narrative and re-voting on the candidates for judges of the Constitutional Court. “We had a correct offer to resolve the crisis, to agree on the election date, not to vote on the unconstitutional Law on the President and to elect a judge of the Constitutional Court. Everything that follows in the coming days is the responsibility of the parliamentary majority. We will provide an answer to all that is happening outside the institutions,” Zivkovic has said. He emphasizes that DPS is not behind any unrest. DPS calls on citizens to demonstrate a form of protest through the blockade of roads. “All this is an expression of revolted citizens. The decision they adopted today is scandalous. It’s a circus. Such as the scandalous amendments to the law on the president, which aim to destroy the state and the constitutional order. It is known who the ordering party is. It seems that everything is possible here because there is no constitutional order. There is a putschist majority here that wants to come to power by force and keep it by force”, Zivkovic has concluded.


Nikolic: By supporting coup law, URA definitely choses anti-EU platform (CdM)


Manipulation after manipulation of the URA Civic Movement. There is a clear intention to desperately try to find an alibi for the passing of the Law on the President, which was imposed by the Democratic Front, says Milos Nikolic, DPS spokesman and MP. “The Venice Commission and the European Commission have clearly communicated their position, with today’s support for the coup law, URA has definitely chosen an anti-European platform”, Nikolic has tweeted.


Popa: Amendments to the President Law should be withdrawn (CdM)


All political actors must take urgent actions to ensure functioning of the Constitutional Court and must withdraw the amendments to the President Law, the Head of the EU Delegation to Montenegro Oana Cristina Popa noted. According to her, it’s of paramount importance that everyone in Montenegro refrains from further provocative actions. She tweeted that Montenegro missed another chance to appoint judges of the Constitutional Court and thus terminate the long-year institutional crisis. “The fully operational Constitutional Court in Montenegro, comprising competent members, is crucial for the state so that it may protect the rights of its citizens and make progress on the road to the EU.” Popa believes that it’s necessary to announce another call for the candidates for judges of the Constitutional Court without further ado and carry out the selection process in a right way. “Voting for the amendments to the President Law is in defiance of the Venice Commission opinion suggesting that it shouldn’t be adopted until the Constitutional Court is operational and, in a position, to assess its constitutionality after the adoption.”


Air Serbia leased half of Air Montenegro’s fleet (Pobjeda)


Air Serbia took a three-month lease of one of the two planes from the Air Montenegro fleet, which is why the Montenegrin airline reduced the planned traffic intensity and won’t establish regular routes to Western Europe during the winter, writes Pobjeda daily, referring to unnamed sources from the state-owned national airline. The lease starts today and will last until the end of March next year. It’s a wet lease, which means the lessor includes maintenance, insurance and crew members. Current management of Air Montenegro agreed a lease rate of €1.900 per block hour, adding that they expect 500 block hours to be realized, which means that the national carrier would earn €900.000 for three months. However, it’s unclear how much Air Montenegro would profit from this arrangement with Air Serbia and how much they would earn if they chose to fly to the Western Europe. The arrangement was made based on a short-term lease contract with Air Serbia from last year, which is being extended with annexes. The current annex is valid until 15 September 2024. Right now, Air Montenegro is having flights only to three destinations – Belgrade, Istanbul and Ljubljana.


Pendarovski: North Macedonia supports Belgrade-Pristina dialogue with EU, US mediation (MIA)


North Macedonia supports the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue to find a comprehensive solution with EU and United States mediation, President Stevo Pendarovski told Monday’s meeting with Kosovo’s parliament speaker Glauk Konjufca, who is paying a visit to the country. Talks focused on the overall bilateral relations, particularly parliamentary cooperation. Participants in the meeting expressed satisfaction with the dynamics and cooperation between North Macedonia and Kosovo, marked by positive and constructive relations with open dialogue at all levels and no outstanding issues, the President’s office said in a press release. “Interlocutors also discussed latest developments in Kosovo, and President Pendarovski called for normalization of relations which will guarantee peace, stability, security and progress, both of the neighbors and of the entire region,” reads the press release. In this context, President Pendarovski reaffirmed the position that the Republic of North Macedonia supports the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue to find a comprehensive solution, with EU and U.S. mediation. Participants in the meeting also exchanged views and information on the situation in the region, noting that in the context of the new geopolitical challenges caused by the war in Ukraine, peaceful resolution to open issues in the Western Balkans should be an absolute imperative for all, adds the press release.


  1. Macedonia and Kosovo maintaining intensive bilateral relations without open issues (Telma)


North Macedonia and Kosovo continue to maintain constructive and intensive bilateral relations, without open issues and with cooperation in numerous areas of common interest, it was concluded at Monday’s meeting of the parliament speakers of North Macedonia and Kosovo, Talat Xhaferi and Glauk Konjufca respectively. At a joint press conference with Konjufca, Xhaferi said that North Macedonia supports the holding of the second intergovernmental conference between the two countries. “I informed him that Parliament has ratified the tourism cooperation agreement, while the laws on cooperation regarding the diaspora, on the status of the members of our Army and the Kosovo Security Force while stationed in the territories of the two countries, and on the partnership regarding the technical support grant agreements as part of IPA are currently under parliamentary procedure,” said Xhaferi. He offered North Macedonia’s assistance based on the experience the country has in the context of achieving its Euro-Atlantic aspirations. “North Macedonia firmly supports visa liberalization for Kosovo and we welcome the decision by EU member states’ ambassadors to approve visa liberalization negotiations. We support Kosovo’s efforts to join all regional initiatives and multilateral organizations, because we believe that these forums contribute to the development of the region and maintaining peace and stability in the region and beyond,” said the speaker. Regarding the Pristina – Belgrade dialogue, Xhaferi added that North Macedonia’s position remains unchanged, the country fully supports a final agreement, which would be acceptable for both sides and guarantee the peace, stability, security and progress of both countries and the entire region. “Of course, the EU-mediated agreement on car plates will reduce the tensions in the north of Kosovo and is a positive sign that contributes to the continuation of negotiations until the relations between the two countries are normalized. In the context of economic cooperation as an additional incentive for further improvement of bilateral relations, we support it fully,” said Xhaferi. Kosovo’s Konjufca also stressed that the goal of his visit is the intensification of the friendship and cooperation which exist between the two countries. “The relations between Kosovo and North Macedonia are a suitable example of good neighborliness. Thirteen years have passed since North Macedonia recognized Kosovo’s independence and since then it has continued to reaffirm its commitment regarding recognition and good neighbourliness in all areas,” said Konjufca. Kosovo, he added, strives towards the same goal as North Macedonia – full-fledged EU membership. “The values we have oriented ourselves towards, are clear. We share the same geopolitical position regarding the Russian aggression on Ukraine and we are fighting for freedom and justice for the Ukrainian people. However, our region is not entirely immune to Russia’s influence either. This is especially evident recently through Serbia’s actions in Kosovo. These actions are unacceptable and they aim to destabilize Kosovo and divide the country,” said Konjufca, adding that as a nation they stand united in condemning Serbia’s actions and defending democracy in Kosovo. He added that they firmly condemn the hate speech, violence and the barricades that are being deliberately set up on the territory of Kosovo. “A normalization of the relations between Kosovo and Serbia, and good neighbourly relations, will be possible once Serbia recognizes the independence of Kosovo,” said Konjufca.


Selmani: The situation in the north of Kosovo can also be reflected in the region (Alsat M)


The situation in the north of Kosovo can also be reflected in the region due to the fact that Russia has invested a lot in extending its influence through Serbia, security experts say. According to Bashkim Selmani, the current psychological war between Kosovo and Serbia can quickly turn into aggression, but according to him, international community must be vigilant and not allow the situation to escalate. “The whole region is worried because this resembles the situation before the Russia-Ukraine conflict and continuously, the security and insecurity are a moment where Kosovo and Serbia currently, apart from diplomatic part, have also declared a psychological war, which mighty result with many severe consequences and this is constantly disturbing the general opinion and there is very little information about what can happen next. At this moment, there is a lot of space to use propaganda and disinformation. All these created situations come from a center that made large investments and they are now only waiting for collision of situations,” said Selmani, security expert.


PM Kovachevski says he expects statesmanlike behavior from MPs when deciding on 

constitutional changes (MIA)


The EU screening is going according to plan, and now the Macedonian Parliament and its 120 MPs are faced with the constitutional changes. I understand that it won’t be an easy decision, but I expect statesmanlike behaviour, Kovachevski said in an interview with MIA. “It’s clear that they have a choice to keep everything the same and leave the country in stagnation and uncertainty, but I sincerely believe and am confident that they will be up to the task, and reach a decision that will provide a better future for us and our children. MPs are still representatives of citizens above all, and the citizens want to live in an EU member state. They want us to have full membership. Not only for the sake of membership per se, but for the sake of a better standard of living, for the sake of a better rule of law, better infrastructure, better services for citizens, for the sake of economic progress, social justice, and the rule of democracy. Citizens want a better life according to European standards, because they want their children to stay at home and build their future here,” he stated. Kovachevski reiterated that “we have no other choice but EU membership, and that road will not be easy, but it must be travelled.” “Look at all the member states that were in our shoes many years ago. They experienced serious growth and development after joining the EU. Their path was not easy, and their transformation was gradual and difficult, but today their citizens have a chance to live in countries with a better standard, to become richer, to live as Europeans and to be free. Whether we will also achieve this depends only on us. We mustn’t miss this chance that we’ve been given,” Kovachevski told MIA.


Marichikj: Procedure for constitutional changes to begin once 80 MPs give support (Kanal 5)


Constitutional changes cannot happen overnight and once a platform is there that can ensure the support of 80 MPs, the procedure will begin in the Parliament, says Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj and expects this to happen in the first half of 2023. Deputy PM Marichikj told Kanal 5 TV that the prior process of constitutional revision lasted a year, adding that a two-thirds majority is not possible without the support of VMRO DPMNE lawmakers. “For the first time on record, the blockade is in our hands, instead of Sofia, Athens, and Paris. It is up to us whether we stop after the screening or resume with the chapters. We are communicating with all MP groups and lawmakers. I am certain that through assistance by international partners and our own engagement we will come to 80 MPs because it is unthinkable that we block ourselves. There is already interest from the German Chancellor, the French President and others to help us in any way possible,” says Marichikj. He adds the Council conclusions read that once the Constitution is changed by incorporating three more communities in it, the second Intergovernmental Conference will take place without delay and without any new decisions. “We insist on this in order to eliminate the opposition’s rhetoric of further demands. We also insisted on removing all those issues related to bilateral aspects to be placed in the bilateral protocol with Bulgaria. Regarding the language, it was not our goal to convince Bulgaria of something when we started the discussion, our goal was that the EU does not accept the Bulgarian position so that we can sign the Frontex agreement in Macedonian language,” says Marichikj and adds that Bulgaria had sent notes about the language everywhere, including the UN, whereas the rumours “are circulated by people who did not deliver because they were afraid for their political careers.” On the Bulgarian clubs in North Macedonia, the Deputy PM says the Law on Associations was changed in order to prevent further spreading of the “tense opening of clubs”. “In principle, no one is against the opening of Bulgarian cultural centers, seen through the recent public opening of such a center in the attendance of the countries’ culture ministers. This is not the problem. The problem lies in the names and titles of the clubs. The important thing is to consider the form, so that we are not sued or we lose in Strasbourg for something that we have never done. We know well that people can freely associate in our country. We do not want to give Bulgaria any arguments that some kind of repression is taking place here. Nevertheless, I assure you that the process will be legally framed and put under control, without allowing a club to raise tensions,” adds Marichikj.


Nikolla: The Serbian authorities should not escalate the situation (Radio Tirana)


The speaker of the Assembly Lindita Nikolla reacted to the developments in the North of Kosovo. Nikolla condemned the violence against the Kosovo police and EULEX and called for prudence between the two countries. She emphasized that Pristina's moderation should be followed by Belgrade's moderation. "The developments in the north of Kosovo are worrying. Violence against the Kosovo police and EULEX is reprehensible. Kosovo authorities are showing responsibility and prudence. But these attitudes must be followed by the content of the Serbian authorities, so that the latter also show responsibility and contribute to preventing the escalation of the situation", writes Nikolla.


Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia, agreement on the largest cross-border park in Europe (Radio Tirana)


Korab-Koritnik Nature Park in Albania, Sharri National Park in Kosovo and Mavrova National Park and Sharri Mountains National Park in North Macedonia will soon be part of a cross-border park, the largest of its kind in Europe with an area over 242 thousand hectares. On the occasion of International Mountain Day, the interministerial meeting "Nature without borders" was held in Tirana between the Minister of Environment and Tourism Mirela Kumbaro, the Minister of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure of Kosovo Liburn Aliu and the Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning of North Macedonia Nasser Nuredini.  “We see protected areas as providing benefits across borders – beyond their borders on a map, beyond the borders of nation states – between the societies and generations that live in these areas. These mountain ranges serve as an ecological corridor, which houses a large number of important species of plants and animals, not only at the regional level but also at the European and international level, such as the European green belt. Regarding tourism, we see the protected areas as a very good opportunity for the development of ecotourism in all its forms", said Minister Kumbaro. According to the Minister of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure of Kosovo, Liburn Aliu, this project will offer a new perspective for the development of the Sharri Mountain area. "We have these borders in the middle and we have desires for profit from various companies that want to penetrate and build in that area. Our task is to establish rules taking into account the past in order to both develop and use it, but also to protect what is quite valuable. In 2013, we increased the territory of the Sharri National Park to 53,469 hectares," said Minister Aliu. Minister Aliu said that in addition to the tourist destination of Brezovica, there is a spatial plan to develop other areas of mountain tourism, both winter and summer, in accordance with the criteria of nature protection. The Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning of North Macedonia, Naser Nuredini, spoke about a vision that protects the natural values of protected areas, but on the other hand ensures sustainable management by not turning them into museums of nature, but creating new opportunities for socio-economic development of local communities. "The natural cross-border connection of the protected areas of the Korab-Koritnik Nature Park in Albania, the Mavrova National Park and the Sharri Mountains National Park in North Macedonia, as well as the Sharri National Park in Kosovo, opens new opportunities for greater protection of flora and fauna, better dealing with illegal actions, better monitoring, greater opportunities for the development of ecotourism and alternative forms of tourism", said the Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning Naser Nuredini. This project between the three countries aims at joint cross-border development of nature-friendly tourism, joint cross-border management of the region, joint promotion of special natural and cultural heritage across borders, etc. The meeting was also attended by representatives of UNEP, the United Nations Environmental Program that will support this project. On the other hand, Daniel Pirushi, Director of the National Agency of Protected Areas, explained that within three months, the management committee of the protected area will be established and will start work on this project.


Albania and North Macedonia cooperation agreement for infrastructure projects (Radio Tirana)


Albania and North Macedonia signed on Monday the cooperation agreement for the development of infrastructure projects, logistics security and the efficiency of the transport of goods between the two countries. The agreement was signed in Tirana by the Deputy Prime Minister Belinda Balluku, at the same time the Minister of Infrastructure and Energy as well as the Deputy Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Artan Grubi, at the ceremony held for the presentation of the project of the commercial port of Durres, in Porto Romano. Part of the agreement signed between Balluku and Grubi, is the construction of a dry port in the city of Struga that will contribute to the commercial exchange between the two countries. Deputy Prime Minister Grubi has described this project as an integral part of the construction of the New Port of Durres.


Rama: The company that will undertake the construction of Porto Romano port must be from a pro-NATO country (Radio Tirana)


The company that will take over the constructions in the port of Porto Romano, must be a company that must come from a NATO friendly country. This is what Prime Minister Edi Rama said during his speech at the presentation of the new project for the construction of Porto Romano. ″We need any company that will take over the operation of the port not only to have all the standards, but also to be a company that comes from a country that is not opposed to the Euro-Atlantic alliance. Finally, we also do what they have done before, turn the old port into an asset of high economic value, removing coal, goods, pollution from the heart of the city and giving the heart of the city a fantastic development. In the first decade, it will bring about 8 billion euros to our economy. The Dutch are better for doing these jobs as they also have the most successful status of merchants. He will be happy that we welcome companies from the Netherlands to enter the competition of the Port of Durres. In January a transparent forum will be held to explain the entire project to the companies and to receive their suggestions so that the document is a completely transparent since it is the most important port project in Europe,” Rama said.