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Belgrade Media Report 5 January 2023



Vucic announces this as his last mandate as President (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Wednesday that this would be his last presidential mandate. At the start of his annual address, Vucic stated that he "would not change the Constitution" in order to stay Serbia's President. "This is my last term in office, I will not change the Constitution. Soon, in the first half of next year, I will not be the party president, either," Vucic said. He added that the people of Serbia could be pleased with the previous year, because financial stability has been preserved, economy grew between 2.3 and 2.5 percent and the dinar exchange rate was "as solid as a rock." "We have succeeded in raising salaries and pensions, at the highest rate in Europe, as I can see. There is only one country that has done more. With this day, our public debt does not exceed 55 percent (of the GDP), which is something all citizens of Serbia can be proud of," Vucic said at the annual news conference in Palace Serbia. "My job is to be on the side of the people and every person in the country, and I will keep doing that in the best possible way, despite the hardship we are facing," he said, assessing that 2023 would be a hard year for the entire world. Commenting on Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s request for the reinforcement of NATO troops in Kosovo, Vucic asked why it was normal for more Germans but not for more Serbs to go to Kosovo. “And why are you calling NATO if you are so strong,” said Vucic, adding that the barricades in north Kosovo were in place for 20 days and the Kosovo authorities were unable to remove them.


Nine countries withdrew recognition of Kosovo’s independence (RTS)


The President says that difficult challenges are ahead of us when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija and that we have barely preserved peace and stability, “Not one single moment did we provoke anyone, except is someone thinks that provocation is the fact that we respect our Constitution and defend our citizens,” says Vucic. He says that Belgrade didn’t make one incident or unilateral move. “We will not be ashamed of our Constitution and our people,” said Vucic, adding that we cannot oppose great powers because we are small. He says that 106 countries do not recognize Kosovo’s independence, and only 84 recognize, while three countries are not clear. “We have nine countries that withdrew recognitions – Somalia, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Eswatini, Libya, Guinea, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Lucia and Maldiwi, we are waiting for the tenths,” said Vucic. “Can we oppose the Council of Europe? Difficult. Can we in UNESCO? We will fight,” said Vucic.


Brnabic replies to Trajkovic (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic responded sharply to Rada Trajkovic, an advisor to the Kosovo minister for communities and return. Trajkovic first wrote on Twitter that "Ana Brnabic is getting acquainted with the idea of political pluralism in the media, it is obviously a foreign concept to her". She soon received the prime minister's answer. "Everything is bursting with pluralism! Strangely enough, there is no way in such pluralism to mention that Aleksandar Vucic for once did something good (highway, high-speed rail, reduced unemployment, opened a factory...). No, pluralism boils down to the fact that he is attacked every day, from the right and from the left," wrote Brnabic, then added in a second tweet: "He is a warmonger, and at the same time makes too many concessions. He is a child of Russian politics, and was also brought by the West. Pluralism with a common denominator - hatred towards Vucic, i.e. classic political monism. If it wasn't so brutally obvious, it might have passed off as pluralism wrapped in those miserable shrouds."


Dacic: Western policy laid bare by Die Zeit piece (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Wednesday a Die Zeit article arguing that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic can only be "tamed" with a firm hand laid bare the German and Western policy towards Serbia. The article has been published on the website of the German daily. "Disciplining Vucic and, as they put it, taming him, because of the independent and sovereign policy he is pursuing... That also shows that they do not know Vucic because, besides economic results, what he is proud of the most is the very fact Serbia is a country with an independent and sovereign policy, which it pursues in its own interest, rather than for the sake of foreign centres of power on any side of the world," Dacic said in a statement to Tanjug. "Those power-wielders just do not realise that, more than anything, Vucic cannot stand foreign influence, pressure and blackmail. The sooner they realise that, the better for peace and stability in the region," he added. According to a report by Deutsche Welle, the article said Vucic's policy was detrimental to the EU, the region and to the Serbs themselves, and that Serbia's EU candidate status and access to EU funds must be suspended until it imposed sanctions on Russia and started serious talks with Pristina.


Petkovic: International law exists because of petty thugs like Albin Kurti (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic issued a statement regarding the situation there. "The only thing that determines Kosovo and Metohija in the sense of its status is international law, and the fact that Albin Kurti is persistently trying to present NATO's aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, or the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo and Metohija, as an irrevocable and binding fact, confirms that both he and his politically like-minded people are displaced from reality and believe that the might is right and stronger than the force of law. Kosovo and Metohija, in the international legal sense, has nothing to do with Kurti's understanding of reality or the wishes of the separatists in Pristina, because neither the United Nations nor most countries in the world recognize that territory as a state, but as an autonomous province in the Republic of Serbia. Therefore, both Serbia and its President Aleksandar Vucic, unlike Kurti, do not base their stance towards this key state and national issue on fantasy, but on solid and irrefutable international legal facts. International law exists so that petty thugs like Albin Kurti would not be able to start fires as they please and impose their will by force - but Kurti, having lost touch with reality and thinking that he is at the very least someone who matters a lot, is persistently refusing to understand that." Kurti may have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell every day in the media from those countries that, ignoring international law, recognized secession of a part of the territory of Serbia, but, apart from this pleasing Kurti's ego, it in no way affects the fact that Kosovo and Metohija is a part of Serbia, under temporary international administration.


US State Department: No announcements about Escobar visit to Serbia (Tanjug)


The US State Department on Wednesday said it had no announcement to make at this time about a possible visit to Serbia by special Western Balkan envoy Gabriel Escobar after Orthodox Christmas. The State Department was responding to a Tanjug query whether Escobar would travel to Belgrade next week. Earlier in the day, Tanjug was also told that the State Department's senior adviser Derek Chollet would not be travelling to the Western Balkan region for the time being. We have no announcement to make about trips at this time, the State Department said in response to a query whether Chollet would soon visit the Western Balkans. In mid-December, Chollet cancelled a trip to the Western Balkans due to a coronavirus infection, but said he would visit the region at the beginning of this year.


Botsan-Kharchenko: Serbia-Russia relations endured, but we want more, better (Tanjug)


The situation in Kosovo is an obstacle, even a threat to Serbia’s progress, said Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko. He added that there is serious caution but also hope and faith that the situation will calm down, Tanjug reported. Commenting on relations between Serbia and Russia, the Ambassador said they endured. “Regarding our relations, they endured many difficulties this year, many temptations, most serious ones in this decade, but they are stable, we have development, acceptable dynamics, because the most important thing is that Serbia did not back anti-Russia sanctions and, based on talks with the Serbian leadership, either with the President, the government or its members, I am convinced that this is a permanent and long-term position,” said Botsan-Kharchenko.


French Ambassador: Year of decisive elections in Serbia (Tanjug)


French Ambassador to Serbia Pierre Cochard told Tanjug that 2023 is a year of elections decisive for Serbia and an opportunity to overcome the conflicts that have marked the relations between Belgrade and Pristina. “I think that 2023 will be a year of opportunities and elections decisive for Serbia. It will be an opportunity for it to confirm its choice of a European path by undertaking reforms expected in areas such as media freedom and the fight against corruption. Obligations are many, but if it decides to, Serbia can implement them in 2023. It will also be an opportunity to overcome the cycle of permanent conflicts that have, unfortunately, marked the relations between Belgrade and Pristina, by choosing normalization, as we are proposing to Serbia, together with Germany and the European Union,” Cochard said.


Pristina extends detention for arrested Kosovo Serb (Tanjug)


The lawyer of Miljan Adzic, a Kosovo Serb arrested by Pristina's police, said on Thursday a basic court in Pristina had extended his client's detention by 60 days. In a statement to Tanjug, lawyer Milos Delevic said the defence would appeal the decision and request that Adzic be transferred from a detention unit in Podujevo to Mitrovica. Delevic said he believed Adzic would be cleared of all charges as the prosecutor's office had produced no concrete evidence against him and conducted no investigation. Adzic has been charged with minor offences he allegedly committed during last year's protests in Zvecan.


Demostat: One half of the capital supports government, the other half in favor of the opposition (N1/Beta)


The Director of the Demostat research and publishing center Zoran Panovic said on Wednesday that according to a recent survey by his organization one half of Belgraders would vote for the authorities, and the other half would support the opposition, wondering though “what is the opposition.” Panovic said in an interview with the TV N1 that unlike Serbia’s ruling parties, “you can’t mechanically put the opposition parties in a single alliance that might win and pursue a coherent policy afterwards.” To illustrate the point, Panovic said that in such an alliance Don’t Let Belgrade Drown would have to work together with the Oath Takers. Panovic explained that Demostat had divided political parties in Serbia into three groups – parties in power, which would win 59 percent of the voter support, center and center-left parties that could count on 33 percent, and the rightists, who could expect 17 percent of the support. The Demostat leader added that the survey showed that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, also at the helm of the Serbian Progressive Party, was still trusted more than his party. When asked which is the strongest opposition party in Serbia, Panovic said the Freedom and Justice Party still boasted solid ratings.




‘The Eight’ denies allegations about instability and announces continuation of formation of authorities at FB&H and B&H levels (O Kanal)


‘The Eight’ held a meeting in Zenica on Wednesday and announced continuation of formation of the authorities at the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) and state levels. ‘The Eight’ denied allegations about instability within the bloc i.e. that some of its members are withdrawing from the coalition because of a rhetoric of SNSD and its leader Milorad Dodik. Namely, ‘The Eight’ reflected on the media allegations and its members SBiH and NES announced they would leave the coalition due to Dodik’s rhetoric pertaining to marking the unconstitutional Republika Srpska (RS) Day and due to adoption of the RS Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authority. In this regard, ‘The Eight’ concluded that this is not the first year that Dodik and the RS authorities celebrate the unconstitutional RS Day. ‘The Eight’ confirmed that implementation of election results was in the focus of their meeting and they intend to meet with Dodik as well as HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic in the coming days. Addressing media after the meeting, SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic stated that ‘The Eight’ and its partners will continue working on formation of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), given that the deadlines have been running since the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) officially appointed HDZ B&H’s Borjana Kristo as the Chairwoman of the B&H CoM. “Before continuing and nominating the candidates for the CoM, we need to once again talk to the signatories of the agreement with the aim to improve the ambience for realization of the agreement and principles from that agreement. We should organize the meetings as soon as possible”, Niksic specified. NES leader Nermin Ogresevic commented on Dodik’s rhetoric saying: “We do not expect that we can change people and their stance with some magic wand.” Ogresevic underlined that issues should be resolved gradually, and all signatories of the agreement need to work together on improving the ambience. Leader of ‘B&H Initiative – Kasumovic Fuad’ Fuad Kasumovic assessed that the meeting passed in a relaxed atmosphere and he expects that all issues will be resolved in such atmosphere.


Bosniak Caucus in RS CoP invokes VNI protection mechanism, following adoption of RS Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authority (BHT1)


The Bosniak Caucus in the RS Council of Peoples (CoP) has invoked the Vital National Interest (VNI) protection mechanism in relation to the RS Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authority. BHT1 reports that, at the meeting of the Bosniak Caucus held on Wednesday, the initiative was adopted with five delegates voting in its favor and three delegates from SNSD against it. The reporter notes that delegates presented diametrically opposing opinions on the disputable law, i.e. some are of view that the law does not violate vital national interests of any of the constituent peoples, whilst others are of view that B&H is the only titleholder of state property, and the issue can be discussed only by the B&H parliament in accordance with the decision of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC). Addressing the media after the meeting, delegate in the Bosniak Caucus Srebrenka Golic (SNSD) said: “This is a matter of the Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authority, i.e. as for property of any of the constituent peoples or other peoples living in B&H, this law does not violate vital national interests”. Delegate in the Bosniak Caucus Adil Osmanovic (SDA) said: “We presented our opinion that it is a matter of vital national interest of not only Bosniak people but also of Serb and Croat peoples that state property should be at the state level. That is the only adequate solution according to which all citizens on the territory of B&H are entitled to that property in full capacity”. Ahead the Bosniak Caucus’ meeting, individual media outlets speculated that SDP B&H and BH Greens delegates would vote against the initiative, however that was not the case. Addressing the media after the meeting, delegate in the Bosniak Caucus Amir Hurtic (BH Greens) said: “We need to build this state. We need to be loyal to this state, and when the interests of the state are at stake, there is no discussion.” BHT1 reports that the RS Council of Peoples’ session has been announced for January 23 or January 24 to again discuss the issue and if the agreement is not reached, the session of the joint commission of the RS Council of People and the RS parliament will take place. The reporter notes that, bearing mind the opinions presented on Wednesday, it is certain that the final decision on the RS Law on immovable property will be passed by the RS Constitutional Court. Delegate in the RS CoP Alija Tabakovic said that they expect the RS CoP to reach a decision and reject their motion for launching of protection of the VNI and their next move will be to address the RS CC. Tabakovic added that bearing in mind the previous practice, the RS CC will also reject their veto. He explained that after that, they will run out of the legal moves and only those who are authorized; i.e. the B&H Presidency, leadership of the B&H parliament or nine MPs will be able to make the next move. Tabakovic underlined: “Thus, the decision of the B&H CC will most likely be similar or the same to the previous one according to which the same law was already undermined before the B&H CC.”


Dodik: Criticism of ‘The Eight’ regarding property absolutely unfounded (O Kanal)


RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik commented on Wednesday on the criticism of certain members of ‘The Eight’ regarding adoption of the RS Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authority. Dodik said that the property belongs to the RS and that the property was not the subject of the agreement with ‘The Eight’, due to which their objections are absolutely unfounded. Dodik noted that all elements are indisputably on the side of the RS when it comes to property. “Those 49 percent are indisputably property that belongs to the RS and cannot be a subject to review by the Constitutional Court (CC) nor to the adoption of any law at the B&H level. It is definitely a finished story”, concluded Dodik. Dodik also said that internal relations within ‘The Eight’ “is their business”, and added that “some things are being fabricated now, the things they are trying to present as key (issues)’’. Dodik added that the fact that politicians in Sarajevo politicize a story about the property is their own problem. He stressed that the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H that passes political measures cannot be trusted and B&H Central Election Commission does not have constitutional stronghold to be able to decide on the how to resolve this issue. Dodik reminded that B&H CC only said that the issue of property should be regulated at the level of B&H, which practically means that “entities again get property from B&H that already belongs to them.” “However, this issue was resolved long ago in the Dayton Peace Accords, which confirmed B&H as a union of the two entities that own 49:51 percent of the territory. That 49 percent is the indisputable property that belongs to the RS”, Dodik concluded. Dodik said that he will wait for ending of the procedure after Bosniak Caucus in RS CoP invoked VNI protection, but he will not give up the property: “Christian Schmidt has no competencies or legitimacy to do anything because he is not the High Representative. RS will not accept any of his decisions, whatever he does and whatever decision he imposed.” Commenting the dissatisfaction of some members of ‘The Eight’ regarding the announced appointment of Denis Sulic to B&H Council of Ministers, Dodik said that the law is clear and that four posts in the Council belong to the Serbs, while Croats and Bosniaks have three posts each. “The claims that his vote will be deciding is absolutely not true, and it is only a political struggle in the FB&H which has the goal to destabilize The Eight and bring back SDA”, said Dodik.


Radmanovic: There is no state property, B&H CoM should focus on issues on which there is consensus (Glas Srpske)


Deputy speaker of B&H House of Representatives Nebojsa Radmanovic (SNSD) stated that the issue of the state property was raised by the international community, but RS' stance is clear – there is no state property. He underlined that according to stances of all relevant experts on constitutional law, Dayton Peace Agreement dealt with this issue and stated that the property is in the entities, but some quasi-experts showed up, encouraged by part of the IC and said that this is state property, which resulted in today’s issue. According to Radmanovic, “political Sarajevo” considers everything to be state property, including the air we breathe. Radmanovic said that he expects the new B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) to submit more legislation proposals and to leave aside the issues on which there is no consensus. Radmanovic noted that he expects the new CoM to play a much more active role, not only because of B&H's status of EU candidate, but because it is necessary to nurture the atmosphere that can produce certain results. “We expect a new energy from that new atmosphere as well. I have to remind you that there were members of the outgoing Council of Ministers who were constantly saying that they do not want something, and nothing more could be expected in such situation. How can you expect more when Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers Bisera Turkovic did not allow certain issues to be included in the agenda”, said Radmanovic. He noted that he expects new majority, regardless of being composed of more parties, not to dispute discussion on certain issues, just because they feel like it, adding that exposé of Chairperson Borjana Kristo made it clear that that focus will be on European integration and everyone in B&H agree on this issue.


Stevandic on meeting of ‘The Eight’: SDA and Islamic Community are trying to break coalition apart (Nezavisne


Leaders of 'The Eight' met in Zenica on Wednesday to discuss future cooperation after NES announced the possibility of leaving the coalition because of latest moves and statements of SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. Leaders of the parties concluded that they need to continue negotiating with Dodik about formation of state authorities despite the fact that he initiated the adoption of the RS Law on Immovable Property. Commenting the meeting, ‘United Srpska’ leader and RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic stated that the real reasons behind the new stances of ‘The Eight’ leaders are SDA, Islamic Community and a lot of funds invested in breaking the coalition apart. He noted that this preserves the position of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic as the main factor of crisis, tensions and denial of the RS. “For 20 years, they won elections based on that policy, they made huge amount of money and kept the FB&H under water. How that the FB&H has resurfaced from the water a little bit and expanded its horizons, of course SDA will invest a little into pulling them back to the bottom”, said Stevandic.


Becirovic: State property can only belong to B&H (FTV)


Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic commented on Wednesday the issue of state property, in the context of the adoption of the RS Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authority.  Becirovic said that the state property can only belong to B&H and it primarily serves all people in this state. Becirovic told the entity officials from the RS that they should know that the general principles of international law are an integral part of the legal organization of the state of B&H and the entities, and that B&H is obliged to respect the ratified Agreement on succession issues. “As a member of the B&H Presidency, I will act decisively and promptly on any attempt at unconstitutional and illegal action by the entities and lower levels of authority in B&H. Only the state of B&H has the exclusive competence to regulate all issues related to state property through the decisions of competent state bodies”, the Presidency member noted. He concluded that, according to the provisions of the Constitution of B&H, the state of B&H continued the international legal subjectivity of the Republic of B&H and it is thus the owner of all state property.


HR Schmidt warns RS officials in letter that 9 January celebration is unconstitutional and does not symbolize multi-ethnicity (FTV)


High Representative Christian Schmidt sent a letter on Wednesday to RS President Milorad Dodik, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic and speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic on the occasion of the announced marking of the unconstitutional RS Day. The letter also reached the address of the B&H Presidency. In the letter he sent, Schmidt stated that the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H found with a series of decisions that the declaration of 9 January as the Day of the RS is unconstitutional and added that the decisions of that body are final and binding and must be respected. The HR also wrote that "respect for the country's constitutional order is contribution to society based on European values”, while denying the decisions of the CC threatens the rule of law. HR Schmidt said that all public authorities and officials in B&H must stick to the constitutional order. According to the HR Schmidt, marking of 9 January does not symbolize collective, joint remembrance that contributes to strengthening of a collective identity as value of special importance in a multi-ethnic society based on respect for differences. HR Schmidt underlined that this not only jeopardizes the rule of the law, but also building of trust and this is not in line with European values of inclusion, tolerance, justice, solidarity and non-discrimination. “Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic are convicted war criminals and perpetrators of genocide. Therefore, they are called criminals, not heroes. I ask all public officials to respect this and turn to a common future,” Schmidt stated in the letter.


Dodik: No contestation of 9 January celebration from FB&H, nor politically motivated decisions will challenge sovereignty of RS and its right to decide on marking of important dates (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik has called on the citizens of the RS to celebrate the Day of the RS “magnificently” in Istocno Sarajevo on 9 January. Dodik pointed out that no contestation of the celebration from the FB&H, nor politically motivated decisions will challenge the sovereignty of the RS and its right to decide on the marking of important dates. Dodik noted that those who attempt to intervene in the celebration will face the laws of the RS. “To them, it is not only 9 January that is disputed, the existence of the RS is disputed to them,” Dodik said. Dodik stressed that the RS is sovereign in entirety of its territory and can pass decisions it wants. Dodik emphasized that any attempt of intervention will face laws of the RS. “Those in their Sarajevo can protest as much as they want”, concluded Dodik. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic pointed out that celebration of the Day of the RS sends messages of peace and tolerance. “With the celebration of the Day of the RS, we send messages of peace, love and tolerance and we send a message that the RS is a safe destination,” Viskovic underlined. In response to the Bosniak associations that called on the FB&H and Sarajevo Canton (SC) police to forbid the passage through Sarajevo to anyone going to the celebration in Istocno Sarajevo, veterans from the Sarajevo-Romanija region stated that Serbs celebrate the Day of the RS in the RS and not in the FB&H. Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic said that the RS officials are acting as if they have not received Schmidt’s letter. “March 1 is not in the Law on Holidays of B&H, but it is being celebrated in the FB&H, and I do not remember anyone sending letters to them. As for 9 January, it is the birth date of the RS, it cannot be changed. The RS will outlive Mr. Schmidt,” Stevandic underlined.


Dodik: Candidate status and European path are impossible with High Representative and foreign judges in B&H Constitutional Court (Dnevni list)


RS President Milorad Dodik was commenting the B&H getting the status of EU candidate, saying the fact the country still has the OHR and foreign judges in the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H smears it (candidate status). According to Dodik, Europe is literally breaking its own rules of behaviour by granting the candidate status to a country that is under protectorate. He further said that “realistically speaking, you cannot be against it” and went on to say that granting the status was more about the EU’s ‘late conscience’ because they had granted the candidate status to Ukraine, Moldova and other countries, which did not undergo any adaptation period, whilst B&H was omitted in mid-2022. Dodik underlined that the candidate status and the EU path are impossible with the High Representative (HR), especially the fake one, and with foreign judges in the B&H CC. In this context Dodik said that the very Europe, which requests that the 14 priorities by abided by, stated in the priorities that B&H, if it wants to get the candidate status,” has to resolve the alleged High Representative and judges in the Constitutional Court”.


Covic: Future FB&H and HNC governments will have many new faces, we have to use opportunities in 2023 regarding B&H’s EU path (Vecernji list)


Vecernji list carried an interview with HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic who was first asked to comment on the year 2022 and the year ahead of us to which he replied that 2022 was challenging in all segments, from global to local level, and that 2022 was marked by failure to agree on changes to the Election Law and limited changes to the Constitution despite numerous meetings with the EU and the US representatives. According to Covic, the Russian aggression (of Ukraine) was catalyst of many processes, including processes in B&H. Asked if 2023 will see a more relaxed situation, Covic said “it depends about what issue” and went on to say that authorities at all levels cannot be formed without representatives of HDZ B&H and HNS and that it was again confirmed that Bosniaks can elect Croat member of the Presidency of B&H, which should be the motivation to complete the process (electoral reform) in the next few months. In the meantime, continued Covic, we can go ahead with formation of a new B&H Council of Ministers in line with a new concept, after which we will go ahead with appointment of the FB&H authorities. Asked to comment on getting the EU candidate status, Covic said it was one of main features in 2022 and that activities that led to granting of the candidate status were led by representatives of the Croat people and HDZ. Covic added by saying that 2022 had its turbulences and challenges, as well as opportunities, “and we hope we will know how to use them this year”. Asked when B&H could open the EU accession talks, Covic said, among other issues that “this year we have to prove in practice that everything we got as a gift was not given without a reason”. “All those condition set before us we should meet in first half of the year (…) The presented opportunity must be used”, said HDZ B&H leader. Asked if the electoral reform, which is one of biggest tasks, can be agreed upon with ‘The Eight’, Covic replied by saying he is sure it can be agreed upon and that the coalition agreement reads the job will be done within six months. Asked if it can be done without SDA, which is acting like opposition that is not constructive, Covic said SDA will use all the tools at its disposal and will contest processes. Asked to comment on the daily’s remark that he (Covic) insists on legitimate representation of peoples, whilst at the same time SDA and DF claim they have the legitimacy with 13 delegates in the Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H House of Peoples, Covic said that one first has to understand what the legitimacy means. Namely, Covic argues that the Bosniaks have elected Croat member of the Presidency of B&H on four occasions, which is why he is not legitimate representative of Croats. At the same time, continued Covic, all 23 delegates in the Bosniak Caucus have been elected by the Bosniaks, and not by Serbs or Croats, which means those are completely different issues. Asked if SDA could block the formation of the FB&H authorities via the Bosniak Caucus, Covic said “I do not wish to speculate what SDA will do”. Asked what will be the response if the blockade does happen, Covic said “responses could be different, depending on what concept SDA takes”. Asked if High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt should react, Covic said “I do not think he should” and went on to say that Mr. Schmidt did his part of the job and now it is down to us to complete the processes. “How the High Representative will behave, I did not speculate before and will not speculate now”, added the HDZ B&H leader. Asked to comment on the daily’s remark that the US and the European administration expect from the authorities in B&H to tackle corruption, Covic said he thinks that no foreign administration should be telling us how we should deal with it. According to him, in order to fight all forms of crimes, there must be rule of law in B&H and that the rule of law and equality before law should be everyone’s priority, especially to the judiciary. Asked to comment on the daily’s remark that many people were surprised when the heard that HDZ B&H will nominate new people to the CoM, namely Dubravka Bosnjak as Minister of Civil Affairs of B&H and Davor Bunoza as the Justice Minister of B&H, Covic replied by saying the names are product of discussions, ideas and reflections and that the idea is to refresh the authorities. For example, anyone who was been a Minister or Prime Minister in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton Government for eight years, will not remain on the Government, not because they were good or bad but in order to give opportunity to new people. As for the FB&H Government, Covic said he thinks almost all new Ministers will be young people, plus one more experienced Minister so he/she can coordinate issues.


Lekic: There’ll be no governement, some forces defeated in 2020 will rejoice (CdM)


PM-designate Miodrag Lekic’s negotiations with the leaders of the parliamentary majority on the formation of the government failed. DF, Democrats, United Montenegro, Real Montenegro and Labour Party brought signatures for convening an extraordinary session of the parliament of Montenegro at which the government would be elected, but SNP, URA and CIVIS announced that they were not ready for that. After the failed negotiations, Lekic said that he tried to create a serious dialogue and an atmosphere of trust. “I managed to maintain the dignity that the government is decided in Montenegro and nowhere else. There will be no government. Let the citizens interpret who was serious and who was not. Montenegro is at a crossroads. Some forces defeated in 2020 will rejoice. This is the outcome”, he has told reporters. Lekic has pointed out that he does not want to speculate whether it is about some international influences or attempts to ensure the duration of the current government. Answering the question whether it is true that he met with the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Porfirije, Lekic has said that he read “that scholastic stupidity” but that it was not true.


Black on White: We can’t agree to ultimatums, we asked before session scheduling for agreed principles in writing (CdM)


At yesterday’s meeting of the old-new electoral majority, which followed a series of meetings in August and September of this year, and on the occasion of the formation of a new government, there were differences in the concept and perception of certain facts, the Black on White coalition has announced. “In fact, we asked for agreed principles in writing before scheduling the session based on which the new government should be formed; we know in principle who the candidates for ministers are and who the candidate for the parliament speaker is. However, at today’s meeting, the mentioned issues were not considered, but there was an ultimatum regarding the scheduling of the Parliament session, with the aim of agreeing on the above-mentioned issues on the fly”, they have emphasized in the announcement. The Black on White coalition has stated that the formation of this government, like any other, “had to go through gradually defined and decisive conclusions, and not risky and adventurous moves that would precede the parliament session for the election of a new government, as a ceremonial act in that procedure”. “Also, we proposed that the time period until the formation of the new government be used at the same time for the completion of the Constitutional Court, as an issue of the greatest importance for our country. Unfortunately, Black on White can’t agree to anyone’s ultimatums based on the principle of “are you for Black on White”.  We are in favor of a form of agreement, ‘black on white’,” they have concluded in the announcement.


No Lekic’s government; DF claims: URA, SNP and CIVIS undermined negotiations, presidential and parliamentary elections should be held in one day (CdM)


One of the leaders of the Democratic Front Andrija Mandic has announced after the meeting between PM-designate Miodrag Lekic and the leaders of the parliamentary majority on the formation of a new government that DF, Democrats, United Montenegro, Real Montenegro and Labour Party brought signatures for convening an extraordinary session of the parliament of Montenegro at which the government would be elected, but SNP, URA and CIVIS have announced that they are not ready for that. DF will initiate a political dialogue to bring about the unification of the parliamentary and presidential elections to be held in one day. “We did not succeed in what we started on 1 September, that SNP, CIVIS and URA should have ten ministries, Democrats and DF 10 ministries, and PM the golden vote. This was previously agreed upon during the negotiations. We recognize the same handwriting as in 2020. There are 20 DF’s MPs. We showed solidarity with those who have one, two, three or five MPs. We expressed our willingness to give them more than democratic standards predict. We never had an agreement with DPS. Today, DPS is a ruined party”, Mandic has told reporters after the negotiations. He adds that new challenges are ahead of them, the unblocking of the Constitutional Court, the election of the Supreme State Prosecutor and DF will actively participate in it. He has told parliament Speaker Danijela Djurovic and the President of the State Milo Djukanovic to make an agreement to call parliamentary and presidential elections on the same day.


DPS: Precious time lost, we call for dialogue on Constitutional Court and snap elections (CdM)


The meeting of the parties that, by adopting the Law on the President, overturned the constitutional order in order to unconstitutionally form the government, and then could not agree on it due to party interests, has showed that everything that has happened since September in Montenegro was a waste of precious time and a needless collapse of the international image of our country, the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) has announced. “Once again it has been proven that we were right and that the parliamentary majority does not exist. This has been made official as of today thanks to who knows which in a series of unsuccessful meetings that ended without an agreement and with mutual insults and accusations of crime and corruption”, DPS has stressed at the press release. DPS says that Montenegro has no more time to waste. “The two-year chaos that society as a whole is going through must be ended. That is why we call for a dialogue and an urgent agreement regarding the election of judges of the Constitutional Court and the date of snap elections”, DPS has concluded in its statement.


SNP: What’s the rush to form government by 19 January, coalition agreement signing first, then parliament session (CdM)


The Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro (SNP) has invited the representatives of all alliances having won on 30 August 2020 to continue the dialogue on the formation of the new government of Montenegro. SNP asks “those who are in a hurry” why “the government has to be formed by 19 January”, demanding that the coalition agreement on the formation of the government be signed first, then followed by the parliament session at which it would be elected. “We remind all citizens of Montenegro that the representatives of all parties agreed before the start of the talks on the new government that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. At the meeting, many things were not specified, and that is why we propose to continue the talks in good faith in order to reach an agreement on the new government as soon as possible”, SNP has stated. SNP has recalled the experience with the formation of Zdravko Krivokapic’s government, stressing that “they will never repeat such a mistake”. SNP has once again urged all participants in the discussions on the formation of the government to be principled and responsible.


Euro-integration is an irreversible process (Focus weekly)


The Prime Minister of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovacevski has stated that his country's European integration was an irreversible, national process and an obligation towards the citizens who wanted it. In an interview to the Jan. 4 issue of the Focus weekly, he stressed that all 120 members of parliament had the responsibility and obligation to facilitate European integration for a better life of the present and future generations. "That is not a process of one man or party, but a national process. Our children deserve to live in a European country; not in some European country abroad, but in North Macedonia, an EU member where, like in other EU countries, there is economic prosperity, excellent democracy and social justice," Kovacevski has stated. In order to accomplish that, he emphasized, a great and difficult decision has been made, which enabled North Macedonia in July last year to open the path to EU membership. "It was a matter of long negotiations with France, the EU presiding country, and Bulgaria, and we have reached a compromise that protected our identity. We have started the EU negotiations in pure Macedonian language, as Macedonians. Undoubtedly, the country must move forward. The citizens want to join the EU and our task as politicians is to fulfil that," Kovacevski stated in the interview.


"We are NATO", US Embassy in Tirana: 30 countries share the mission to protect freedom (Radio Tirana)


"We are NATO" is the motto with which the US Embassy in Tirana shared on social networks an informative video about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The US Embassy states that "since 1949, NATO has protected its members from foreign invasion". “Thirty countries in North America and Europe share a mission to protect the freedom and security of our allies, to ensure their peace and prosperity, and to preserve a common future that praises our common humanity. We are NATO!" says the post of the US Embassy in Tirana. NATO is an organization founded in 1949 on the basis of the North Atlantic Treaty, which was signed in Washington on April 4, 1949. NATO's headquarters are in Brussels, Belgium. This organization plays a role in resolving political crises and all its member states contribute with their forces and military equipment. Albania joined NATO on 1 April 2009.