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Belgrade Media Report 12 January 2023



Vucic: I will receive “big four” by 20 January (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Wednesday he would by 20 January receive international envoys for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, to whom he referred as “the big four”. Vucic was speaking to reporters after a visit to the construction site of a New Belgrade-Surcin bypass. When asked to comment on a statement by Pristina’s deputy PM Besnik Bislimi, who has announced penalties for those who fail to re-register their vehicles after 31 March, Vucic responded Bislimi had evidently not read agreements reached by someone else. “Or he is announcing a new action. I do not think they have a way of doing that because otherwise they would have removed the barricades. It is a tactic where we are supposed to remain silent when someone is supposed to become a UN member,” Vucic noted, adding that Bislimi’s words were not to be taken as true.


Dacic: No recognition of Kosovo, position on introduction of snactions unchanged (RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic assessed on Wednesday that Serbia’s relations with the USA are on the rise, but that there will be no change in the key positions of the Serbian leadership regarding the recognition of the so-called of Kosovo and the introduction of sanctions against the Russian Federation. He stated for Radio and Television of Vojvodina (RTV) that the issue of introducing sanctions is one of the two priority state issues at this time. “The decision made at the beginning of the Russian special operation in Ukraine is still in force. We consider the violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine to be wrong, but the issue of imposing sanctions is in Serbia’s national interest,” he pointed out. As he said, that position has not been started, nor is there any thought of changing it. He clarified that the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, on the one hand, and sanctions against Russia, on the other, are like merged vessels. “We are forced to do so,” Dacic added. He asked the question: Will those who seek sanctions against Russia change their attitude towards our territorial integrity? Dacic said that Serbia’s position on the territorial integrity of countries is always the same in principle, while it changes both in the West and in the East depending on the needs. When asked about the entry of the so-called of Kosovo to international organizations, Dacic replied that he thinks that Pristina essentially does not have the conditions to enter the Council of Europe, but that it has the necessary majority for that, and therefore Serbia has no possibility to prevent it if someone does not consider it necessary. “We cannot prevent entry into the Council of Europe if they have a majority. The question here is whether they want it,” he said. But, Minister Dacic noted, it would be the first outvoting in that body. He also announced that, if there is an attempt to receive the so-called Kosovo to the Council of Europe, Serbia will not participate in that. “Why would we be providing an alibi to someone, so it would turn out we agree with it,” asked Dacic.


Vucic’s meeting with Chollet

Regarding today’s meeting between President Aleksandar Vucic and US State Department official Derek Chollet, Dacic said that he will also participate in those talks as foreign minister, and cited the US assessment that relations between the two countries are on the rise. He specified that this refers to issues that are not disputed by the two countries - economic, cultural, scientific cooperation, energy. When reminded that the US envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar said figuratively that “Serbia will wake up one morning and realize that Kosovo is independent”, Minister Dacic replied, “that’s so he doesn’t have to talk about who will be more surprised when they wake up one morning”. “They will understand that Kosovo is not exactly independent,” said Dacic and added that Belgrade will hardly change its stance. “We are ready for compromises and plans...,” noted Dacic, repeating that there are red lines for us when it comes to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. “We won’t change our position on Kosovo and Metohija or on anti-Russia sanctions.” He said that the issue of imposing sanctions against Russia is one of the two priority state issues at this time. “The decision made at the beginning of the Russian special operation in Ukraine is still in force. We consider it wrong to violate the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but the question of (not) introducing sanctions is of Serbia’s state interest,” he stressed. According to him, “there is no crack in that position, nor is there any consideration of changing it”. He clarified that the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, on the one hand, and sanctions against Russia, on the other, are like “capillary action”, and asked, “Will those who seek sanctions against Russia change their attitude towards our territorial integrity?” Dacic said that Serbia’s position on the territorial integrity of countries is always the same in principle, while it changes both in the West and in the East.


Brnabic: This is a brutal threat to the safety of President Vucic's son Danilo (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic reacted on Wednesday to the details that allegedly appeared in the media from Bosnia and Herzegovina, in which the son of President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, Danilo Vucic, is mentioned. In a tweet referencing one such report, Brnabic wrote: "The most direct, brutal jeopardizing of Danilo Vucic's safety. Media from Bosnia and Herzegovina are publishing, without protecting personal data, 1) Who is escorting Danilo; 2) What they are armed with; 3) Passport number, mobile phone number; 4) Car model, registration; 5) When he will cross which border crossing." In another tweet, she added, addressing at the end the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina: "And all this while Danilo Vucic is still in Bosnia and Herzegovina! According to the data they published without any responsibility (having received it from whom?!), Danilo is returning today, now everybody knows via where, in which car, with which people. So those who would like to - are free to. How is any of this even possible @OHR_B&H?"


Dacic, Moroccan Ambassador support stronger bilateral relationship (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Morocco’s ambassador to Serbia Mohammed Amine Belhaj said in Belgrade, on Wednesday, that there’s room for strengthening bilateral ties. Dacic said during the meeting that Serbia was prepared to “continue to develop overall cooperation with Morocco, including the exchange of visits by high- and top-ranking officials”. The Foreign Ministry also said in a release that Dacic had pointed to the potential for stronger economic ties. The Minister thanked Morocco for its firm support to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia in accordance with international law, the Ministry said in the press release.


Serb List: Two faces of Nenad Rasic in the case of attempted murder of Serb youths in Strpce (Tanjug)


The Serb List claims that "Kurti's illegal minister Nenad Rasic" proved to be a man with two faces in the case of the attempted murder of Serb youths in the enclave of Strpce on Orthodox Christmas Eve, 6 January. "This unprovoked armed attack on innocent youths, on of the most joyous Christian holiday, Rasic described to the media in Serbia as an attempted murder, and immediately used the opportunity to praise his boss Albin Kurti and his police for how quickly they reacted and how dedicated they were to increased the security of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija - then the very next day Stefan Tomic (another Serb) was brutally beaten in Klokot," states the Serb List. This political organization bringing together Serbs in Kosovo and Mertohija also said that last night Rasic told an Albanian TV outlet that he had been misunderstood, and did not say that the case was an attempted murder. "Because of a a direct attempt to diminish the responsibility of the one who tried to kill Stefan and Milos (the two Serbs, aged 11 and 21), we are glad that Nenad Rasic is not able to visit them, because the question arises as to what he could say to them, considering that he changes his statements from day to day." "It is not ruled out that Stefan and Milos could tomorrow be blamed for what happened to them," the Serb List said in a statement sent to the media.


Mihajlovic: Many reasons for Kosovo Serbs to criticize Vucic’s policy (KoSSev/Beta)


Milivoje Mihajlovic, a journalist, said on Wednesday that there were many reasons for part of the Serb community in Kosovo to openly express their lack of confidence in Aleksandar Vucic’s policy on Kosovo. Mihajlovic said that this first occurred in Zubin Potok at the ceremony of lighting the yule log fire on Christmas Eve, where the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic met with loud disapproval on his arrival and while leaving the ceremony. Two days later, in Kosovska Mitrovica, a demonstration was organized against the President of Serbia and the Serb List, criticizing them for “the surrender of Kosovo”. Mihajlovic said for KosSev portal that “there are many reasons behind the discontent. On the one hand, the Serbs in Kosovo are exposed to enormous pressure by Albanian extremists, and over the past few months the pressure has become systematic and systemic. On the other hand, they are the victims of Belgrade’s policy, which is covering up concessions made to the Albanian side”. The journalist added that Kosovo Serbs had realized the authorities in Serbia proper cared only for power, and that they were “one of the levers to hang on to it”. “Then again, they always depended on Belgrade. They live in fear – afraid of violence from Albanian extremists, the authorities both in Pristina and in Belgrade, and humiliated, frightened and deceived,” Mihajlovic said.


Djedovic: Gas interconnector with Bulgaria must be finished by autumn (Tanjug/Beta/Politika)


After a meeting with Srbijagas Director Dusan Bajatovic, Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Dubravka Djedovic said a natural gas interconnection with Bulgaria was due to be completed before the start of the next heating season. "Since a Serbia-Bulgaria interconnection is of strategic significance for our country's energy security because we will diversify our gas supplies by building it, it is important to comply with the set timeframes and deadlines in order to finish the works before the next heating season," Djedovic noted. A statement from the Ministry of Mining and Energy said Bajatovic had told Djedovic he would soon visit Bulgaria to inspect works on the Bulgarian stretch of the gas pipeline to see whether their pace was keeping up with the set timeframes. The meeting also addressed the implementation of a project to build a Nis-Batajnica gas pipeline as the next stage of the interconnection with Bulgaria, and the next stages of a gas interconnection with North Macedonia were discussed as well, the statement said.


Chollet: Fruitful meetings in Pristina (Beta)


US State Department Counsellor Derek Chollet met in Pristina on Wednesday with editors-in-chief of a number of Kosovo media and commented on his meetings with Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, Prime Minister Albin Kurti and representatives of political parties, which he said were fruitful. The Pristina media that attended the meeting quoted Chollet as saying that he sees the Kosovo government’s strong will to “roll up its sleeves” in the dialogue process, which, he said, guarantees Kosovo’s integration into Euro Atlantic structures, Beta reported. Chollet reiterated that a final agreement between Kosovo and Serbia should be based on “mutual recognition”. We want to stop the cyclical stagnation, we don’t want to be in a situation of managing a crisis, like what happened during the Christmas period in the north, said Chollet, adding that Kosovo should commit to an agreement with Serbia centered on recognition. The US diplomat said the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) was an urgent matter but that the US does not support the creation of a Republika Srpska in Kosovo, and noted that, in the process of ZSO formation, the Kosovo Constitution and laws should be honored. US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar, who also visited Pristina, stressed that the ZSO was an international obligation. Escobar and Chollet described the meetings they had in Pristina as fruitful, adding they hope an agreement between Kosovo and Serbia would soon be reached.




The Eight’ and ‘Movement for the State’ representatives discuss state-level authority formation in Banja Luka (FTV)


‘The Eight’ and the ‘Movement for the State’ representatives met in Banja Luka on Wednesday to discuss the authority formation at the state level. FTV reports it was confirmed at the meeting that ‘BH Greens’ leader Sevlid Hurtic will be the candidate for the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Human Rights and Refugees on behalf of the ‘Movement for the State’. The reporter notes it is interesting to say that both Hurtic and NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic said after the meeting that Hurtic’s nomination conveys a good message that the state authority will be finally formed. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Hurtic said: “We hope that the cooperation will be good, that we will move forward and work together, especially this Ministry that is important for the people living on their territory both in Republika Srpska (RS) and the Federation of B&H (FB&H)”. He went on to say that the cooperation with the future FB&H Minister of Displaced Persons and Refugees has been agreed, as well as the cooperation with the “Director of the Agency in the RS for returnees”. Konakovic expressed his satisfaction over the nomination, saying it proves “that such compromise pays off”. Konakovic reminded of the coalition agreement with SNSD about the fourth minister from the RS, noting “a good thing has happened, the thing that already functions in the RS, i.e. the Movement for the State is a part of this ruling structure”. SNSD issued a press release on Wednesday stating “they want to unblock the B&H CoM formation”, and that SNSD proposed ‘BH Greens’ leader Sevlid Hurtic to be the candidate for the B&H Minister of Human Rights and Refugees since three Serbs were already nominated and one ministerial post belongs to Bosniaks. SNSD also said they are sorry about the situation regarding Denis Sulic, noting “it is a part of political manipulation in the public”. SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said on Wednesday Hurtic’s nomination is a compromise proposed by him and accepted by ‘The Eight’ leaders. Addressing the media on Wednesday, Dodik said: “’The Eight’, or ‘The Six’, nominated a candidate for a ministerial post from the rank of the Others. And the Law on the B&H CoM stipulates an equal number of Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats in the B&H CoM”. Dodik went on to explain, that after the nomination of the candidate from the rank of the Others, there were only two Bosniak candidates, due to which it was important to have a Bosniak from the RS, in order to have three ministers from the ranks of Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs each and one minister from the rank of the Others. “It is happening right now and will be resolved today. It is a part of a compromise”, said Dodik. Dodik explained that that this rearrangement happened because ‘The Eight’, i.e. ‘The Six’, proposed Edin Forto, who declares as a Bosnian and Herzegovinian, and not Bosniak, as a candidate for the position of the B&H Minister of Transport and Communications from rank of ‘The Others’.


NS’s Arnaut says he personally would not support Hurtic’s appointment because such appointment would provide SNSD and HDZ B&H with blockade mechanisms in B&H CoM (N1)


RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik confirmed on Wednesday that Sevlid Hurtic is candidate for the position of B&H Minister for Human Rights and Refugees. Hurtic’s possible appointment to the B&H CoM caused a number of reactions. Senior official of Our Party (NS) Damir Arnaut said that he personally would not support Hurtic’s appointment because such an appointment would provide SNSD and HDZ B&H with blockade mechanisms in the B&H CoM itself in cases when there is no general consensus on certain issues. Arnaut stressed that his warnings that there is danger were not accepted. “All argumentations went in the direction of this is not Dodik’s man. But, when you look at everything on paper, his political history, the fact that he is now a Minister of Tourism in SNSD’s, i.e. in the RS Government, that he announced that he would enable Dodik to have the fourth delegate, I absolutely cannot rely on those assurances,” Arnaut underlined. However, Hurtic has rejected Arnaut's claims that he is Dodik's man, or Dodik’s Bosniak.


PDP: Hurtic is former member of the RB&H Army who wrote anti-Serb pamphlets (Nova BH)


Commenting on Sevlid Hurtic who a candidate for the position of B&H Minister of Human Rights and Refugees, PDP made a harsh statement, saying that this is about a member of the RB&H Army who wrote anti-Serb pamphlets. PDP said that the ‘Movement for the State’ is in coalition with the movement against the state, as they call SNSD, and that both of them have in common that they only care about their own interests and not the people, the state or entities. After they looked at biographies of other candidates, PDP claimed that they are bad too. “’Patriots’ from SNSD made a special gift to the people for RS Day: only a day after the thunderous Serb cheering subsided, they propose that the minister in the (B&H) Council of Ministers from the quota belonging to the RS be a member of the ‘Movement for the State’, a sniper of the so-called Army of (Republic of) B&H (RB&H) who wrote anti-Serb pamphlets, Sevlid Hurtic”, said RS PDP representative Milanko Mihajlica in his reaction to Hurtic’s candidacy for post of the B&H Minister of Human Rights and Refugees. Such a move has not been recorded in our political history, just as it is unimaginable that someone from Sarajevo would nominate a fighter of the RS Army as a minister, Mihajlica pointed out. “In the land of absurdity, the greatest traitors are sold for the greatest patriots, and only here can it happen that the ‘Movement for the State’ forms a coalition with the ‘Movement against the State’ as, due to its voting body, everyone from political Sarajevo characterizes SNSD. In reality, none of them cares about the state, entity, or any nation, but only about their seats and the ability to take as much as possible from the budget, without asking which (budget)”, Mihajlica stated.


Kristo confirms she received names of all candidates for ministers and their deputies in new convocation of B&H CoM (FTV)


Newly appointed B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chair-designate Borjana Kristo has confirmed she received the names of all candidates for ministers and their deputies in the B&H CoM new convocation. In a telephone statement for FTV on Wednesday, Kristo said: “I have received it from ‘The Eight’ this morning. Naturally, all these proposals were not accompanied with forms – some of the ministers have not yet filled them in. I expect that they will complete their documentation, which we, from the CoM level, will refer it to the relevant institutions for vetting procedure”. Kristo reminded that the deadline to finalize the vetting procedure is 30 days, “and I hope they will finalize it sooner. I do not believe that there will be delays. There is more than enough time”. Kristo and all candidates for ministerial posts will undergo the vetting procedure and assuming they are all cleared, their appointment will have to be confirmed in the parliament of B&H.


Komsic and Niksic exchange strong words in relation to authority formation at level of B&H and concessions to HDZ B&H and SNSD (FTV)


DF leader Zeljko Komsic and SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic have exchanged strong words following Komsic criticizing Niksic for his “permissive attitude’’ towards SNSD and HDZ B&H. In an interview for FTV, Komsic said that ‘The Eight’ has the right to form authority with whomever they want, “but do not try to convince me it is a program-based coalition. What is the program you can agree on with (SNSD leader Milorad) Dodik’s policies?”. Komsic also said he earlier spoke with Niksic and said “I do not understand him in relation to signing of the agreement, especially when they signed it in Laktasi. How did they agree to eliminating everything which - I also believe - is important to them? Like NATO, or anything else. Why did they even sign that damn document?.” Niksic responded to this via social media, saying he does not talk gladly about his conversation with Komsic, but he is doing that because Komsic is “knowingly and shamelessly” lying. “Of course, he did not ask me for the agreement in Laktasi, because the agreement was signed in the B&H parliament. It is true that he did not say we delivered anyone to HDZ and SNSD, instead he asked why we did not take something in return for what we allegedly gave. He did not even mention NATO, and why would he because they already took us to NATO, so we could not even spoil that. When I asked him what we gave, he said the B&H Election Law. Of course, I explained to him carefully what is written in the agreement. I even asked him was not he the one to say he prefers me to be in authority to (SDA leader) Bakir (Izetbegovic), because he suspects that Bakir would now agree to everything, and he knows I will not succumb. He answered affirmative in front of a witness, and to illustrate that, he said his motion against the High Representative’s decision before the B&H Constitutional Court is blocked by SDA to whom that decision suits the least’’, wrote Niksic, among others on his Facebook account.


Inaugural session of FB&H HoR ends with appointment of working bodies (N1)


The inaugural session of the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) ended on Wednesday, a month and a half after it started. The FB&H HoR’s inaugural session ended with the appointment of working bodies, and now regular sessions of the FB&H HoR can be scheduled. It was agreed that the proposal of the FB&H budget for 2023 which was adopted by the Collegium will be discussed in fourteen days in an urgent procedure. People and Justice (NiP) MP in the FB&H Parliament Elmedin Konakovic said that the FB&H government, which has been in technical mandate for years, is frivolous because “it delivers materials that should be discussed for at least two months in ridiculously short deadlines”. However, FB&H Prime Minister Fadil Novalic pointed out that according to the law, the FB&H government is obliged to submit the budget proposal by the new year. “And we have fulfilled our legal obligation. The rest is up to the parliament,” Novalic underlined. N1 stressed that it is still not quite clear how the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) will work according to High Representative Christian Schmidt's set of measures. SDP B&H MP in the FB&H parliament Damir Masic said that he does not know what SDA or anyone else wants to achieve. “They are behaving as if with time, they will succeed in begging to be part of the authorities,” Masic said. N1 stressed that all coalition partners of ‘The Eight’ are expected to be part of the new authorities at the FB&H level. SB&H MP in the FB&H HoR Admir Cavalic said that SBiH and NES are part of the current majority at the FB&H level and are reliable partners to the rest of ‘The Eight’. N1 noted that ‘The Eight’ is stable, but that the appointment of the new FB&H government remains uncertain. At the moment, SDA has 13 hands in the Bosniak Caucus of the FB&H HoP. N1 reminded that the delegates in the caucuses of the FB&H HoP propose candidates for the President and Vice-Presidents of the FB&H who then confirm the appointment of the FB&H government. Before formation of the working bodies, several MPs expressed dissatisfaction over the choices made, i.e. some presidents and members of the commissions. Masic said he would not comment certain matters until the B&H House of Peoples’ (B&H HoP) inaugural session is held. He said the priority is to adopt the budget, which cannot happen until the B&H HoP session is completed, and executive authorities are formed. HDZ B&H Caucus MP Lidija Bradara hopes that the FB&H government could be formed soon. DF Caucus MP Denis Gratz noted that ‘The Eight’ said they can form the authorities, and other parties just need to wait and see if this is true. He emphasized that DF is “not party of this story” and “we see this as a farce”.


SDA to propose Sefik Dzaferovic and Safet Softic as candidates for Bosniak delegates in B&H HoP and Refik Lendo as candidate for FB&H Vice President (Nova BH)


SDA Presidency held a meeting and discussed personnel matters. They also proposed candidates for the FB&H parliament and the B&H parliament. Refik Lendo was proposed as a candidate for the FB&H President and the FB&H Vice President. Muamer Zukic was proposed as the Head of the Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP). Aida Obuca was proposed in a leadership position in the FB&H HoP, noted the presenter. SDA also made decisions regarding the B&H HoP. The Vice President of SDA Safet Softic said that, in an agreement and cooperation with DF, SDA will give up one seat to DF. Softic said that it will probably be Dzenan Djonlagic, who will be supported by three delegates. SDA will have two other candidates for the list, which will include Softic himself and Sefik Dzaferovic. After the session of the SDA Presidency, it was stated that SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic will not be a delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and will not occupy any position in the institutions. "Considering that SDA has 12 delegates in total in the Bosniak Caucus of the FB&H HoP, we have decided in agreement and cooperation with DF that SDA will cede one seat to DF and it will probably be Mr. Dzenan Djonlagic. He will be supported by four, that is three delegates in this case, given that they have one delegate in the Bosniak Caucus. The other two candidates who will be nominated on behalf of SDA are me and Mr. Sefik Dzaferovic," Softic pointed out. SDA warned, in its conclusions, High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt that when he speaks of formation of the executive authorities that he does not need to make any “one-time solutions”, or to impose any type of decisions. SDA said Schmidt’s decisions, imposed on election night, were aimed at helping HDZ B&H, which is why any new decisions would probably go in the same direction, taking the state of B&H deeper into anarchy and destabilization.


Dodik: RS is republic that will not give up on its elements and insignia (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik and member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic attended a ceremony marking Orthodox Christmas held in premises of military barracks ‘Kozara’ and organized by the Third Infantry Regiment of B&H Armed Forces (AF). Among other things, Dodik said that the RS is stable and does not want to give up on its elements and insignia. He expressed content with the fact marking of all recent holidays passed in peace. Cvijanovic stated that the Third Infantry Regiment of B&H AF resumes to promote tradition of the RS Army. Cvijanovic went on to saying that the RS Army defended lives and freedom of all people in the RS. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that the RS institutions will resume to support the tradition. Deputy Minister of Defense of B&H Mirko Okolic underlined that the RS wants peace and rights that belong to it. He emphasized that B&H AF - where Serbs from the RS make significant part – have long tradition and customs and one of them is marking of Orthodox Christmas. Religious service held on this occasion was held by Bihac-Petrovac Episcope Sergije.


Dodik: Russia is most honest guarantor of DPA; This was reason to award Putin; Dodik announced that he will offer the medal also to the leaders of other DPA guarantors (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik assessed that Russia turned out to be most honest guarantors of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), one that respects territorial integrity of B&H. He added that this was reason to award Russian President Vladimir Putin, underlining that it has nothing to do with Ukraine. Dodik reminded that for years he has been having excellent relations with Putin. RS President emphasized that during talks with him Putin always insisted on peace and territorial integrity. “Please, we can support only your rights within the DPA and that is our policy”, Dodik quoted President of Russia. Dodik announced that in the upcoming years, he will offer the medal also to the leaders of other Dayton Peace Agreement guarantors – USA, France, UK and Germany. “In this way, RS wishes to thank all those who are in position to protect the Dayton Agreement. It is an honour for RS that Russian President expressed his will to accept the medal”, said Dodik.


Ambassador Kalabukhov: Russia is guarantor of Dayton agreement; We request that RS is not threatened (Dnevni list)


Russian Ambassador Igor Kalabukhov has stated that the decision of RS President Milorad Dodik to award medal to Russian President Vladimir Putin represents confirmation of brotherly relations in all areas. Ambassador Kalabukhov further stated that reactions of the EU, the OHR and the US Embassy to Dodik’s decision to award Putin are unfounded because it is a sovereign decision of the RS leadership, which should not be commented by anyone. The Ambassador went on to say that the reactions are aimed at demonizing Russia and Putin, adding that Russia is grateful to the RS leadership’s position, which is shared by China, that Christian Schmidt has no legitimacy as the High Representative. Ambassador Kalabukhov further stated that Russia, as a guarantor of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), requests that the DPA is respected, that everything that is written (in the DPA) is achieved, and that nobody gets threatened, including the RS. Kalabukhov further stated that the OHR has turned the role of the High Representative not into an instrument that has its mandate, but into an instrument of denial of the DPA. He added by saying the OHR does not have the role to set the course B&H will take nor to set B&H’s foreign policy goals.


B&H prosecution to process criminal report against RS officials for celebration of RS Day on 9 January (AJB)


The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H stated that it will process criminal report submitted by associations from the FB&H against high-ranking officials of the RS due to marking of the RS Day on 9 January. Al Jazeera Balkans reminds that the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H declared this holiday unconstitutional. In regard to similar criminal report submitted in 2022, B&H Prosecutor’s Office decided not to conduct investigation because abovementioned ruling of B&H CC was implemented after it was published in official gazette. The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H stated that regular procedure implies that B&H CC’s concludes that its decision was not implemented and then upon its official duty submits criminal report with the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H. It was added that B&H CC has not conducted such activities in abovementioned case.


Another omission by services of B&H which provided certain media in Sarajevo with confidential information regarding Danilo Vucic’s visit to RS; Dodik asks how is it possible that internal letter of Embassy of Serbia in B&H sent to B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs ended up in media (RTRS)


RTRS carries that there has been another omission by the services of B&H, which provided certain media in Sarajevo with confidential information regarding the visit of the son of the President of Serbia, Danilo Vucic, to RS and the personal security detail. RS President Milorad Dodik said that it is not the first time that the B&H institutions act in an irresponsible and security-risky way. Dodik asked how is it possible that the internal letter of the Embassy of Serbia in B&H sent to the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs ended up in the media, “and in the media that are probably close to outgoing B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic.” “In this way, B&H disqualified itself as a potential partner for anyone in its environment, and even beyond, and turned people - to which it should be a good host - into potential targets,” Dodik was quoted as saying. Dodik warned that this practice and such abuses of joint institutions will have to be stopped and this will be demanded of the new ministers in the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). The authorities in Serbia have reacted to the media reports about the arrival of the son of President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, Danilo Vucic, in Istocno Sarajevo and Banja Luka. Vucic criticized the services in B&H for publishing confidential data. Vucic said that the paper that was published is typical and not controversial, because Boris Tadic used something similar when he was president, but he believes that his family was attacked again for no reason because Danilo Vucic went according to his wish, and as the son of the president, he has the right to security. “Here on this paper it says – we inform you that a member of the family of the President of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Danilo Vucic, will be visiting B&H, Banja Luka and Jahorina in the period from 8 to 11 January. And you published mobile phone numbers, gun numbers, when members of the security will enter and exit. What service in the world does that? Why did you do that? Did you want to kill him? What did you want? Why did you do it?” Vucic asked. Vucic asked if his son had committed a criminal offense by going to the RS Day celebration for the eighth time, and stated that Danilo was not part of any delegation and that certain media from the region lied about it.


Knezevic: US Ambassador asks three parliamentary majority leaders not to be part of Lekic’s government (A Plus TV/CdM)


One of the DF leaders Milan Knezevic has said that at least three leaders of the parliamentary majority were with the American Ambassador where, according to him, “she had a conversation with them and asked them not to be part of Miodrag Lekic’s government.” He recalls that they organized a meeting on 4 January 2023. Knezevic says that at the time he had the impression “that some colleagues woke up from a coma and had no idea what happened in December, November, October”. “I think it was a combination of pressure from the international community and evident blackmail that a part of certain political parties that were supposed to form the parliamentary majority were involved in serious cigarette smuggling and serious abuses. We have investigative procedures against Rade Milosevic, and it seems to me that the investigative procedure will continue, where there will be further orders on the investigation”, says Knezevic on the A Plus TV show. According to him, certain embassies with significant influence “briefed parts of the parliamentary majority that was never formed”.


US Embassy disappointed: Presence of ministers at RS Day celebration contrary to Montenegro position (VoA/CdM)


The US Embassy in Montenegro has announced that it is “very disappointed” by the decision of two Montenegrin ministers to attend the recent ceremony marking the “Day of the Serb Republic”, which was declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court of B&H in 2015. “This move shows great disrespect for the institutions of B&H”, the embassy says in response to Voice of America’s request for comment. Ministers of Justice and Finance Marko Kovac and Aleksandar Damjanovic, respectively, attended the ceremony in Banja Luka on 8 January, at which Entity President Milorad Dodik awarded the medal to Russian President Vladimir Putin. “The presence of Montenegrin government officials at the event, which also honoured Russian President Vladimir Putin – whose unprovoked war in Ukraine caused heavy destruction and human suffering – is in stark contrast to Montenegro’s position as a NATO ally and aspirants for membership in the European Union, and with the principles and values shared by members of the Euro-Atlantic community”, the US Embassy in Podgorica points out.


Jokovic: Kovac didn’t receive thanks for his presence in Potocari, we respect wholeness and integrity of B&H, but we certainly respect RS (CdM)


Deputy Prime Minister in the technical mandate and SNP leader Valdimir Jokovic sees nothing controversial in the fact that finance and justice ministers Aleksandar Damjanovic and Marko Kovac, respectively, attended the ceremonial academy on the occasion of the unconstitutional Serb Republic Day and added that he “supports what they said”. At the press conference, Jokovic has said that SNP still wants to form the 44th government. He claims that he is not familiar with the messages that the leaders of some Montenegrin municipalities presented at the session of the Serbian parliament in December last year. “The position of SNP is that for all those who declare themselves Serbs in SNP, there is always a place with the Serbian people anywhere in the world. RS is a fact, it is a product of the Dayton Agreement. It is a completely equal entity. We respect the wholeness and integrity of B&H, but we certainly respect RS”, he has added. Almost none of those who most attacked the presence of ministers in Banja Luka spoke about the wounding of young men in Kosovo, Jokovic says. “Why do some people have different standards when it comes to festivities, except for everyone to raise their voice that they are against injuring children”, he adds. He has pointed out that Kovac was the first minister of justice who attended the commemoration in Potocari. “He didn’t receive a barrage of enthusiasm and gratitude, but if there is a small mistake according to someone’s understanding, SNP will be attacked. We may bother some people because we approach everything in the most honest way”, he has added. Jokovic has said that he is not familiar with the messages that the leaders of certain Montenegrin municipalities presented at the session of the Serbian Parliament in December last year. “If they were against the interests of Montenegro, I do not agree with that. SNP speaks most affirmatively about Montenegro”, he has stressed.


Ibrahimovic apologizes for attendance of Montenegro ministers to celebration of RS Day (AJB)


Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro Ervin Ibrahimovic paid visit to B&H on Wednesday. Ibrahimovic apologized to citizens of B&H for participation of Montenegro Ministers Marko Kovac and Aleksandar Damjanovic in celebration of RS Day. Ibrahimovic stressed that abovementioned ministers do not represent majority of Montenegro. Oslobodjenje noted that Ibrahimovic met on Wednesday with B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic.


Niksic Mayor Kovacevic: Presence of Montenegrin ministers at RS Day celebration does not require any reaction, it is natural that their stances on civil war in B&H are close to stances of RS (CdM)


Mayor of Montenegrin city of Niksic Marko Kovacevic stated that the reactions of outgoing B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic to the fact that two Montenegrin Ministers were present at the celebration of the RS Day is a result of the civil war in B&H and different views. However, he emphasized, there was no reason for any action. “We are all aware of the negative consequences of the civil war that took place in B&H, and we have different sentiments about that matter depending on which side we come from. It is logical for ministers from Montenegro to be closer to the stances of RS than to the stance of people coming from Sarajevo, so I do not think that any tectonic shifts occurred or that there is something so unusual that it requires a reaction”, said Kovacevic who is currently visiting Bijeljina. He added that this issue is an internal dispute of B&H that cannot be resolved at the expense of Montenegrin ministers.


Kovacevski – Chollet: Strategic partnership has never been stronger, we will deal with all challenges together (Republika)


Macedonian Prime Minister, Dimitar Kovacevski, accompanied by the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of good governance policies, Slavica Grkovska and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Bujar Osmani, Minister of Defense, Slavjanka Petrovska, Minister of Internal Affairs, Oliver Spasovski and Minister of Economy, Kreshnik Bekteshi met with Derek Chollet, Counselor of the United States Department of State, accompanied by the Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy in Skopje, Eric Meyer, and representatives from the Embassy. The great support from the United States of America in the further progress of the Republic of Macedonia was emphasized at the meeting. It has been assessed that the traditional, sincere and long-standing friendship with the US has great significance in the development of the democratic, reform and integration processes of the Republic of Macedonia. It has been confirmed that the strategic partnership of Macedonia with the US is strong support for all important processes for the democratic future of the country and for the improvement of the quality of life of the citizens. The meeting discussed current issues of importance for the country’s European integration, dealing with the economic and energy crisis, and the situation in the regional context. In that direction, the clear support from the US for the progress in the European integration of the Republic of Macedonia was emphasized, as a matter of importance for European perspectives, stability and security in the region as well, which proved especially necessary after the war in Ukraine. Prime Minister Kovacevski thanked for the great friendship and strategic partnership with the US, in bilateral relations and within the framework of the NATO Alliance. Kovacevski considered that this is a very important meeting, with a significant representative from the US, at which there is an opportunity to discuss the most current topics related to maintaining the reform course of the state and the necessary decisions that should be made during 2023, in order for Macedonia to continue the negotiations with the EU without interruption. In that direction, Kovacevski indicated the necessary constructiveness in the parliament for the adoption of constitutional amendments, with the aim of advancing the European path. At the meeting, Kovacevski pointed out the importance of the constant cooperation that Macedonia has with the United States in the fight against corruption and the rule of law, in order to improve the rule of law and strengthen the fight against corruption. As one of the topics, our country’s OSCE chairmanship was highlighted, with Kovacevski pointing to the preparations of Minister Osmani for the presentation of the priorities of the Macedonian presidency with the OSCE during the coming days in Vienna. Special attention was paid to the part about dealing with the energy crisis, to which the government is strongly committed, and it also has the support of our partners from the United States. After the meeting, which passed in an extremely positive atmosphere, a new meeting was agreed in the part of the strategic dialogue that the Republic of Macedonia has with the US, which is scheduled to take place in the first half of this year 2023.


What was in the State Department counsellor’s black folder? (Republika)


The visit to Skopje by the counsellor of the State Department, Derek Chollet, comes at a crucial moment for the region and for Europe. This is yesterday’s assessment after the meeting of Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski with Chollet. The Prime Minister believes that our strong strategic partnership with the US is of great importance in the year ahead, which is filled with challenges both here and globally. Despite the fact that Chollet and Kovacevski discussed the fight against corruption, the “blacklist” of the US for sanctions was not mentioned at the meeting in the government building. At the meeting, the great support from the US in the further progress of Macedonia was emphasized and it was assessed that the traditional, sincere and long-standing friendship with the US has great significance in the development of the country’s democratic, reform and integration processes. It was also affirmed that the strategic partnership of Macedonia with the US is strong support for all important processes for the democratic future of the country and for the improvement of the quality of life of the citizens. At the meeting, Kovacevski and Chollet discussed the progress that has been made in the past years in terms of the fight against corruption and the challenges of the state to achieve the goal of a supreme rule of law at the EU level as an aspirant for membership in the Union in 2030. With Chollet, they also discussed the European path of the state, the great importance of political stability in the country and the implementation of all reforms, the making of decisions that mean the integration of the state into the EU and the constitutional amendments. According to the Prime Minister, from the very beginning of our independence, the United States has always supported us in making all such decisions – with the start of negotiations with the EU, membership in NATO, and with the smooth progress of negotiations with the EU. Among the key topics discussed with the counsellor of the State Department is the handling of the economic and energy crisis during the implementation of all measures, but also during the provision of everything necessary for the uninterrupted supply of electricity with subsidized purposes. The list of sanctions or the so-called “blacklist” was not the topic of the meeting. Yesterday, during the visit to the Pekabesko company, the Prime Minister clarified that this is an activity carried out by the United States within the framework of its Strategy for the fight against corruption published by the American President, which precisely states the activities that are undertaken in relation to the rule of law and the fight against corruption both in the United States and in countries that are their partners, such as Macedonia.


Chollet: North Macedonia – vital partner in Western Balkans (MIA)


North Macedonia is a vital partner in the Western Balkans assuming an important leadership role in shaping the security and stability both in the region and throughout Europe, at an unprecedented time, said US State Department Counselor Derek Chollet at Wednesday’s meeting with North Macedonia’s key government leaders. Counselor Chollet congratulated the government on North Macedonia’s OSCE chairpersonship and underscored the significance of the undertaking during a pivotal moment in European security, the U.S. Embassy said in a press release. “The path forward for North Macedonia, like that of the rest of Europe, requires hard work and sacrifice. The United States is a partner in meeting those challenges. We are grateful to North Macedonia for its steadfast support as a partner and trusted NATO Ally in challenging Russian aggression in Ukraine and assisting with relocation of Afghan evacuees,” said Chollet. After meeting with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and other key ministers in the Government of North Macedonia, Counsellor Chollet departed for Kosovo.


Kovachevski on Tirana meeting: Every conversation aimed at maintaining EU integration course is positive (MIA


I welcome and consider as positive every conversation between a proven friend and Euro-Atlantic, and politicians from North Macedonia, that is aimed at building friendship, good

neighbourliness and maintaining the course of EU integration of a region in which two different concepts for the future exist, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Wednesday. Kovachevski was quizzed by reporters over yesterday’s meeting of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama with representatives of parties of ethnic Albanians in North Macedonia. Kovachevski said one of the concepts in the region is led by himself, Rama and other prime ministers, and is aimed at the European integration of the entire region, while the other concept is led by politicians who believe that the region should not be integrated within the EU. Rama and I, the PM said, view that concept as wrong and believe that the politicians behind it have failed to offer an alternative. “These politicians have never provided an alternative nor proof that such a thing can work and bring a better living standard to the region,” said the PM. This is why, he said, the messages from the meeting in Tirana are in favor of the EU integration processes. “This is why I believe that the messages sent after the meeting in Tirana move precisely in that direction, in the direction of a smooth European integration for North Macedonia and Albania,” said Kovachevski. Rama, he added, is a proven friend of our country and a proven Euro-Atlanticist, who has always been guided by the principle of integration of the entire Balkan region, and especially the Western Balkans, into NATO and the EU. “All of his public statements move in this direction. The second thing we should note is that PM Rama and I are members of the Party of European Socialists in Brussels. Rama had my full support when he was elected Vice-President of the Socialist International. I consider his success to be the success of the entire region. In turn, PM Rama’s party provided its full support in electing Radmila Shekjerinska Vice-President of the Party of European Socialists,” said Kovachevski. Edi Rama’s informal dinner on Tuesday in Tirana was attended by Ali Ahmeti from DUI, Arben Taravari from the Alliance for Albanians, Meduh Thaci from DPA and Afrim Gashi from Alternative. Out of all invited leaders, only BESA’s Bilall Kasami did not attend the meeting. At the meeting, Rama was accompanied by Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka, the Socialist Party’s whip Taulant Balla, as well as the party’s secretary general Damian Gjiknuri. According to the statements of the leaders of the Albanian political parties from North Macedonia the dinner with the Albanian prime minister Edi Rama in Tirana was constructive meeting on which they shared the joint interests of both countries and the Albanian people, in the context of the EU integration and further cooperation, as well as the challenges on this road for both countries. DUI leader Ali Ahmeti in the statement also said that the absence of BESA’s leader Bilal Kasami was immature, to which Kasami replied that the Ahmeti comment only proves the strength of BESA party. For VMRO-DPMNE the meeting in Tirana is only proof that Kovacevski is trying to save his career. “The panic and fear of SDSM and DUI for the survival of their Government is evident, because they are rapidly losing the trust of the citizens”, said the opposition party. There was no detailed report or press release from the host Rama, only a photo and a short caption for happy new year to all the Albanian people, media reported. On the activities in the Albanian block, Alsat M is still keeping the topic about the developments in DUI active. As they reported, the battle seems to be heating up every day between the so-called "Fiery group" and the rest of DUI. Both have scheduled meetings with voters in different parts of the country.


DUI leader Ahmeti meets Albania’s President Begaj (MIA)


Democratic Union for Integration leader Ali Ahmeti, accompanied by DUI member and current First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System and Inter-Community Relations Artan Grubi, DUI general secretary Faton Ahmeti and DUI vice-president and the head of DUI’s parliamentary group Arbër Ademi, met Wednesday in Tirana with Albania’s President Bajram Begaj. “Bilateral relations were assessed as traditionally good, contributing to deepening cooperation. It was stressed there were no open disputes between the two countries,” a DUI press release said. Meeting participants highlighted the mutual support and commitment in the process of European integration of the two countries. They also discussed developments in the north of Kosovo and the immediate need for reaching a peace agreement to stabilize the Balkans, according to the release. “The meeting also discussed important projects such as Corridor 8, a road and rail junction starting from the ports in Bulgaria, passing through North Macedonia and the Republic of Albania and ending in Brindisi, Italy,” the release said. Other topics of conversation included projects between the two countries for ports in Durres and Struga, as part of the Cooperation Agreement between the two governments for the development of infrastructure projects.


Ukraine is the top priority of the presidency of North Macedonia with the OSCE (Telma)


The top priority of the Presidency of North Macedonia will be the war in Ukraine. But the OSCE is also facing an identity crisis, after Russia vetoed the continuation of the monitoring mission in Ukraine and it ended after eight years, Telma TV reports from Vienna. This military crisis is a challenge for the functionality of the OSCE both from a political and administrative point of view and because of the impossibility to reach a consensus, but also to pass the budget for this year, not only because of the veto from Russia, but also because of the frozen conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan which fail to comply for certain budget items. At the briefings held at the headquarters in Vienna, a diplomat from the US Embassy in the OSCE said that, however, creative ways are being sought to help, implement projects, and document everything that happens. According to the Ukrainian representative, dialogue with Russia is currently impossible. North Macedonia as Chair will have to find a way to return the Organization to Ukraine. Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani has already said that, if Russia wants a substantive dialogue, it will have to respect the principles of the OSCE. Among the priorities of the Presidency of North Macedonia will be frozen conflicts and the prevention of their escalation, border security, cyber security, energy security and food and water security, which as a result of the war are imposed as topics on the OSCE agenda. Osmani will present these priorities today, at a session of the Permanent Council of the OSCE, an organization in which 57 countries from three continents are members. The focus of the Presidency on North Macedonia will be on the economy, the environment, digitalization, climate change, human rights and freedoms.


The second man of the Russian Church in a visit to Skopje (MIA)


Congratulations on Christmas and on the name day of His Holiness Stefan was the reason for the first visit of the Russian Metropolitan Anthony to the MOC-OA. The director of the international relations department of the Russian Orthodox Church came to MOC-OA to convey the congratulations and fraternal greetings from the Russian Patriarch to the head HH Stefan. Metropolitan Anthony was accompanied by his deputy Nikolai Balashov and the Russian ambassador to the country Sergei Bazdnikin, and was welcomed by members of the Synod of the MOC-OA. The spokesman of the MOC-OA Synod, Bishop Timotej, said that this was not a special meeting and the Metropolitan was here for a friendly conversation and to convey congratulations, and the visit was not hidden. It is planned HH Stefan and Metropolitan Anthony, to concelebrate together with the bishop's liturgy in the Lesnovo monastery.


NATO in the Balkans, engagement will continue (ADN/European Western Balkans)


The recent security developments in Europe have had a strong influence on the Western Balkans as well and NATO has been devoting more attention to the region in its strategic documents. NATO has been present in the Western Balkans for a long time now, it recognizes security challenges countries in the region are facing and has been active in addressing the security major issues in the Western Balkans. The conference Balkan and Black Sea Perspectives 2022: Supporting the transition organized by NATO Foundation on 7 December once again reaffirmed the interest of the Alliance for this region. European Western Balkans talked to Ambassador Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo, President of the NATO Foundation and a former Deputy Secretary General and acting Secretary General of NATO, who shared his insight about the topics discussed at the conference, such as regional integration perspectives, the role of international community in addressing the grey areas in the region and consolidation of fragile democracies.


European Western Balkans: NATO Strategic Concept 2022 recognized the Western Balkans as a region of strategic importance, which is a message we’ve also heard from the Bucharest Summit of NATO Foreign Ministers. What does that mean in practice? Do you expect NATO to get more engaged in the Western Balkans due to the war in Ukraine? 

The new Strategic Concept of NATO recognizes the Western Balkans by name. It may look like new language. As a matter of fact, the active presence of the Atlantic Alliance in region dates back to the mid-nineties. We cannot easily forget the interventions in Bosnia, Kosovo, North Macedonia. Without the engagement of the Alliance the Dayton agreement would not have been possible. As a matter of fact, it has been decisive to end the civil war in Yugoslavia. The KFOR operation in Kosovo is still underway. It is easy to say that this historic engagement of the Alliance will go on in the future.


One of the topics of the conference is addressing grey areas in the region. Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the three partner countries NATO increased its support to since the war in Ukraine started. How important is NATO support in ensuring stability and resilience of Bosnia and Herzegovina and how do you see the development of the relationship between the country and NATO considering polarized attitudes of ethnic groups towards NATO? 

Bosnia Herzegovina is a fragile state since the beginning and the reasons are well known. The present agreements are not perfect and the situation is often uncertain and remains delicate. We have to keep in mind that it is very difficult to do change the present balance. Everybody should realize that, and work for keeping peace and advancing statehood. In the end the destiny of the country is to join the Euro-Atlantic institutions.


Another grey area discussed at the conference is Kosovo, where we recently once again saw rising tensions and what some called a security vacuum due to Serbs from the North leaving the Kosovo institutions, including the police. While KFOR is ensuring a safe and secure environment on the ground, how do you see NATO contributing to a long-term solution of the Serbia-Kosovo dispute? 

Kosovo is an independent state and it is there to remain. Of course, we understand the emotions coming from past history that explain the recurrent states of tension. We respect the feelings of everybody. However, the spirit of compromise should prevail recognizing the political reality and giving to the Serb minority the right to keep their cultural identity. The Alliance is there since a long time to preserve peace and to guarantee a continued attention. KFOR works in good faith and with discipline to accompany the consolidation of good practices. Italy has shown a special interest towards Kosovo and also to safeguard cultural heritage. There is every reason to think that this effort will continue in the future.


The Strategic Concept 2022 mentions authoritarianism for the first time as a challenge to the Alliance. The global trend of democracy erosion impacted the Western Balkans as well. Fragile democracies are another issue on the agenda of today’s conference, as they threaten regional stability. What are the biggest security challenges stemming from unconsolidated state of Western Balkans democracies? 

There is little democratic tradition in the Balkans, in the current way of referring to it. Many national actors have no historic state consolidation. Fragmentation encourages localism and a distorted meaning of national identity. It is therefore important to follow the lines and rules already existing in Europe and in European institutions, even if it takes time. Authoritarianism is completely out of place in today’s Europe and democracy is clearly a priority, a system to be adopted. We see a slow progress in this direction.


NATO seems to be increasingly concerned by China, judging by the recent statements, but also strategic documents. Do you expect the influence of China to be increasing in the Western Balkans and what would that mean in terms of security? 

The Indo-Pacific is now indicated in basic documents of the Atlantic Alliance. They show China as a competitor more than an adversary and there should be no misunderstanding. This a new chapter in the evolution of NATO where there is not yet a clear direction to be followed. In a way we have a sort of placeholder for the future which is not a defined strategy. China has an influence in some countries of the region and we worry that this influence might become a sort of conditionality for those countries. However, I cannot say that the Balkans represent a priority for China at this time.


Another actor with strong influence in the region is Russia, especially in Serbia, which has received much criticism from the EU for not aligning with sanctions. What can NATO do to contain the Russian influence in the region and to present itself as a viable alternative to both Serbian authorities and public, given the negative perception that exists since 1999? 

Russia has a historic presence in the region. For cultural and political reasons, especially in Serbia, that have their roots in the past. Russia has often presented itself as a protector against other influences like the Ottoman empire in the 19th century. On the other hand, Serbia is an important actor, it has a solid national tradition and we have all the good reasons to convince its people that their future is to become part of the European family. I think that, with time, this will be a successful story. And NATO is not hostile to Serbia, a reality that will be recognized with the Serbians looking at their real long-time interest.


In 2022, NATO published a document called “Human Security: Approach and Guiding Principles.” Do you see this commitment to human security and protection of civilians as a shift in NATO’s approach towards a more comprehensive concept of security and how do you expect that to look in practice? 

It is good for the Atlantic Alliance to have a comprehensive approach to security. An issue that has been discussed several times inside the Alliance. Human security is fundamental and it has to be a serious objective to address. In the past NATO has been often identified with hard security and I agree that this image should change. A comprehensive approach to crisis management cannot address only the military part of the crisis, but also the other phases, equally important. We have already the experience, in various ways , that such an approach should prevail.