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Belgrade Media Report 18 January 2023



Vucic meets with Sanchez in Davos (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos on Tuesday. "As always, an important meeting with great friend Pedro Sanchez after his speech at the WEF, and an excellent opportunity for an exchange about the topics of this year's forum. I am glad about Spain's economic success Pedro Sanchez spoke about, and we continue to strengthen Serbia-Spain relations," Vucic wrote in a post on Instagram profile. Earlier, Vucic also met with Affinity Partners founder and CEO Jared Kushner, with whom he had "an excellent discussion about Serbia's potentials for major and long-term investments in a safe and attractive business environment". Noting that Kushner was a top global player in the domain of major investments, Vucic added that he was proud to have had an opportunity to give him a detailed presentation of some of the opportunities for investing in Serbia. Vucic said the seriousness of a state was measured by the stature of investors interested in doing business in it.


Serbia committed to continued improvement of cooperation with UK (Politika/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked yesterday with Special Envoy of the UK for the Western Balkans Stuart Peach about the improvement of bilateral relations and the situation in the region and the world. She expressed the determination of the Republic of Serbia to continue improving cooperation with the United Kingdom. She particularly emphasized the importance of economic cooperation, pointing out that trade in services in 2022 exceeded €1.100 billion in total value. Special Envoy Peach confirmed the determination of the UK to work on intensifying bilateral contacts between the two sides. The interlocutors agreed that particularly important areas for the improvement of bilateral cooperation are energy and science and technology, while Peach emphasised the additional readiness of the UK to actively contribute to the development of infrastructure connectivity in the Western Balkans. When it comes to relations with Pristina, she reiterated that dialogue, while fulfilling the previously made agreements, is the only way to overcome open issues and achieve a mutually acceptable solution. Brnabic additionally emphasised that the preservation of peace and stability is the main priority of Belgrade. Peach reiterated the UK's determination to preserve peace and progress in the region, as well as that London, in this context, supports both the Berlin process, the EU-sponsored dialogue process, and all other initiatives that contribute to the improvement of concrete cooperation in the region. Brnabic informed the interlocutor about the progress that Serbia has achieved in the area of the rule of law through intensive work on harmonising legislation with the acquis of the EU, primarily in the area of the judiciary. She also congratulated Special Envoy Peach on his appointment to the House of Lords.


Dacic, Peach discuss bilateral ties, Kosovo and Metohija, Ukraine war (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met with the UK's special Western Balkans envoy Stuart Peach in Belgrade on Tuesday to discuss bilateral relations, advancement of economic and energy cooperation, Kosovo and Metohija, the Ukraine war and other current international affairs. The two officials expressed interest in advancement of political dialogue at high and the highest levels in the period to come, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement. They welcomed a continuation of consultations between Serbian foreign ministry and defence ministry officials and their UK counterparts on the security policy and defence, scheduled for 23 January in London. They agreed there were additional possibilities for boosting the cooperation between the two countries, the statement adds.


Belgrade remains committed to constructive dialogue, compromise on Kosovo issue (RTS/Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic talked yesterday with Special Envoy of the UK for the Western Balkans Stuart Peach, whom he informed about efforts of Belgrade in maintaining peace in Kosovo and Metohija and the entire region. Petkovic made his interlocutor familiar with the difficult position of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, especially after the latest unilateral and illegal moves by Pristina. The Office Head underlined that the attacks on Serbs, their property, monasteries and churches take place almost every day, and especially highlighted the attacks on three Serbian boys which occurred on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. He also pointed to the decision by Pristina on the expropriation of Serbian land in the municipality of Leposavic, whereby the authorities in Pristina continue to generate crises with unilateral moves and legal violence, especially bearing in mind that previous expropriations were aimed at building illegal special police bases in Serbian areas in the north of the province. Petkovic assured Peach that Belgrade will continue to preserve peace and stability, as it has done so far, and that Pristina is fully responsible for the new situation in the province. Belgrade has fulfilled all the obligations taken up to date from the Brussels agreement, while Pristina has been refusing to start the process of forming the Community of Serb Municipalities for almost ten years, which is a key issue for us, said Petkovic. Petkovic concluded that Belgrade, despite serious problems on the ground, remains committed to constructive dialogue and compromise, as the only means through which conditions for permanent stability and prosperity can be created in Kosovo and Metohija and the Western Balkans, as a whole.


Petkovic with Botsan-Kharchenko about the latest moves by Pristina (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic spoke with Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharcenko, whom he informed about the development of the situation in the province, especially in the light of recent unilateral and illegal moves by Pristina, as well as threats to the security of the Serb people. Pointing to, as stated in the statement of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, a series of ethnically motivated incidents directed at the Serb people, arrests, usurpation of property, desecration of Serbian churches and monasteries, which are a daily occurrence in Kosovo and Metohija, Petkovic specifically referred to the attacks on Serbian children, which happened during the Christmas holidays. In this sense, Petkovic pointed out that since the arrival of Albin Kurti to power, 282 ethnically motivated incidents have been recorded, but it is of particular concern the fact that the international missions in Kosovo and Metohija, whose task is to help establish the conditions for a peaceful and normal life and rule for all residents of Kosovo and Metohija, did not provide an adequate reaction and condemnation of the attack. Petkovic pointed out that until now the Serbian side has always shown constructiveness and willingness to resolve all open issues within the framework of dialogue. Belgrade has fulfilled all its obligations, while the Pristina side has refused to fulfill agreements on the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, as well as numerous other agreements, for almost ten years, Petkovic said. He thanked the Russian Ambassador for his principled stance and support for territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as for respecting Resolution 1244.


Drecun meets with Ukrainian Ambassador to Serbia (Tanjug)


The Head of the parliamentary Friendship Group with Ukraine MP Milovan Drecun met yesterday with Ukrainian Ambassador to Serbia Volodymyr Tolkach. Drecun opined that the traditionally good and friendly bilateral relations are also characterised by both countries’ constant commitment to respecting international law, territorial integrity and sovereignty of all UN members. He thanked Ukraine for respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. He informed the Ambassador that the new parliamentary legislature’s Friendship Group with Ukraine boasts 28 members, and the procedure to confirm the membership of other interested MPs is underway. He expressed hope that the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada’s Friendship Group with Serbia would soon elect its leader, which would contribute to establish cooperation at the level of friendship groups. Tolkach stressed that Ukraine will continue to support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia. He too expressed the hope that the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada’s Friendship Group with Serbia would soon elect its leader, which would give additional impulse to the cooperation between the Serbian parliament and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The officials expressed mutual willingness to further engage in the improvement of interparliamentary cooperation in the coming period.


EP requests suspension of further progress in negotiations with Serbia (N1)


Messages are again coming from the European Parliament (EP) that Serbia must align with the EU foreign and security policy. The EP has for the second time requested that the EU suspend any further progress in negotiations with Serbia until it fulfills several key conditions, the most important of which is the full alignment of Serbia’s foreign and security policy with that of the EU. The EP particularly stressed the importance of fully aligning with the policy of sanctions against third countries. It regrets the continued low level of Serbia’s alignment with the EU common foreign and security policy, especially in regard to Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine. The EP said new negotiation chapters should be opened only once Serbia strengthens its commitment to reforms in the field of democracy and rule of law and demonstrates that it has fully aligned with the EU common foreign and security policy. The EP report reads that, as a country striving for European integration, Serbia must abide by the common values. The EP is to vote on the report on Wednesday, which is expected to be adopted by a large majority of votes, said N1 reporter.


Wagner founder denies the group’s presence in Serbia (FoNet/Sputnik/VoA)


The private Russian military company Wagner has never been in Serbia and has never had any contacts with Serbia, said Wagner founder Yevgeny Prigozhin. “As far as we know, the Serbs are coping very well with their problems on their own and they do not need our help. I wish them happiness and prosperity,” replied Prigozhin when asked if members of his group were at the barricades in north Kosovo in December 2022. According to Sputnik, Prigozhin said this on his official Telegram channel in reply to the question posed by the Voice of America. “There are no Serbian nationals in the military company Wagner at this time, and there haven’t been any for quite a while. Therefore, all rumors on cooperation between the Wagner group and Serbia are unfounded,” Prigozhin added. The Wagner founder added that, if a conflict breaks out in the territory of the United States of America, his company “will gladly take part in it”.


Set of judiciary bills for implementation of constitutional changes adopted (RTS/RTV/Tanjug)


The Serbian government adopted yesterday a set of judiciary bills for implementation of changes to the Constitution in the part related to the organisation and arrangement of judicial bodies, with the aim of strengthening the rule of law and increasing legal certainty through a more independent judiciary and independent public prosecution and fulfilling obligations taken over in the process of European integration. The government has adopted the Bill on judges, which refers to the issues of independence of judges, conditions for their election, permanence, intransferability, immunity, as well as the incompatibility of work with the function of a judge. The most important change regarding the election of judges is that judges are no longer elected by the parliament but by the High Council of the Judiciary, while the most important novelty in the provisions governing the work of lay judges is that the entire process is also led by the High Council of the Judiciary, instead of the Ministry of Justice until now. The Bill on the High Council of the Judiciary prescribes the position, competence, organisation and way of working of that council, the conditions and procedure for the election of an elective member, the duration of the mandate and the termination of his office. The Council is an independent state body that ensures and guarantees the independence of the court, the judge, the president of the court and the jury judge. The members of the government also adopted the Bill on the Public Prosecutor's Office, which aims to strengthen the independence of the holders of the public prosecutor's office and the permanence of that office. The new legal solutions regulate precisely the organisation and jurisdiction of the public prosecutor's office, conditions, procedure for election and termination of office, rights and duties, evaluation of their work, disciplinary responsibility and others. At the session, the Bill on the organisation of courts was adopted, which determines the establishment, abolition, types, scope and actual jurisdiction of the court, internal organisation, court administration and staff, judicial administration, provision of the court and funds for the work of the courts. Also, the principles of judicial power and its operationalisation through the courts as state bodies with a clearly defined role and place in the system of division of power are regulated. The Bill on the High Prosecutorial Council, which determines the position, jurisdiction, organisation and way of working of the High Prosecutorial Council, as well as the conditions and procedure for electing an elective member of the Council. The seat of the Council is in Belgrade, it has a total of 11 members - five public prosecutors elected by the holders of the public prosecutor's office, four prominent lawyers elected by the parliament and the supreme public prosecutor and the minister responsible for justice, as well as ex officio members.




FB&H HoP holds inaugural session, elects leadership (FTV)


At its inaugural session held on Tuesday, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) House of Peoples (HoP) elected its leadership, i.e. Tomislav Martinovic (HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)) was appointed the FB&H HoP speaker from the rank of Croat People, Sladjan Ilic (SDP B&H) was appointed the FB&H HoP deputy speaker from the rank of Serb people and Izen Hajdarevic (NiP) was appointed the FB&H HoP deputy speaker from the rank of Bosniak people, and their appointment was followed by a strong discussion on legitimate representation. FTV reports that the Bosniak Caucus with the majority composed of SDA and DF nominated Aida Obuca, however, due to general majority composed of ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H, the delegates endorsed Hajdarevic. During the discussion, SDA delegates said, among others, that HDZ B&H no longer has the basis to use legitimate representation as argumentation. Addressing the press conference after the session, delegate in the FB&H HoP Haris Zahiragic (SDA) said that the formal proposal of the Bosniak Caucus being “suspended by the will of other delegates” from the Serb and Croat Caucuses is an unprecedented situation in the FB&H HoP, i.e. “this suspended the will of the Bosniak Caucus that is the indirect political will of Bosniaks”. Referring to SDA objecting the Bosniak not being allowed to have legitimate representatives, Head of the Croat Caucus in the FB&H HoP Damir Dzeba (HDZ B&H) briefly reminded of Zeljko Komsic being again elected in the B&H Presidency. Head of Serb Caucus in the FB&H HoP Igor Stojanovic (SDP B&H) said that every time a political party does not have majority agreement within the HoPs, it does not have the necessary support for its nomination, reminding that SDP B&H was in such situations over the years. FTV reports that the FB&H HoP did not discuss the candidates for the B&H HoP, instead the Caucuses were tasked to submit their lists to the B&H Central Election Commission by 1200hrs on Wednesday. Currently, SDA’s Safet Softic, Sefik Dzaferovic and DF’s Dzenan Djonlagic are confirmed candidates for the Bosniak Caucus in the B&H HoP. It is speculated in the FB&H HoP that the remaining two candidates will be NiP’s Kemal Ademovic and SBiH’s Dzevad Smajic. The reporter notes this could be another test for ‘The Eight’, because in addition to SDP B&H and NiP’s lists of candidates, it is speculated that SBiH also prepared its own list of candidates for the Bosniak Caucus in the B&H HoP. HDZ B&H and HDZ 1990 have four candidates for the Croat Caucus in the B&H HoP, and the fifth candidate may be SDP B&H’s Jugoslav Brdar. FTV reports that the Croat Caucus in the FB&H HoP led by HDZ B&H officially confirmed on Tuesday that Lidija Bradara is their candidate for the FB&H President. SDA earlier informed that their candidate for the FB&H Vice President from the rank of Bosniak people is Refik Lendo. At the same time, ‘The Eight’ did not officially present their candidate, however it is speculated that their candidate may be Mladen Lonic. The reporter notes that the appointment of the FB&H President and Vice Presidents (VPs) may come after the decision of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) on the motion filed by Komsic. Addressing the press conference after the session, delegate in the FB&H HoP Irfan Cengic (SDP B&H) said he believes the FB&H President and VPs will be elected, because the FB&H HoP was formed on Tuesday, and added that in case there was delay in its formation “other options could be discussed”, noting it is certain that the candidate from the rank of Serb people will come from SDP B&H. Delegate in the FB&H HoP Albin Zuhric (DF) said if the inaugural session of the FB&H HoP was held after the B&H CC’s decision, potentially in favour of Komsic, the situation would probably be different. “Perhaps that was the reason why HDZ insisted to hold the session today, to confirm the mandates. It is now not likely that the Court’s decision will change that”, said Zuhric. Head of the Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H HoP Muamer Zukic (SDA) said that SDA will definitely have the FB&H VP. The reporter notes that all appointments will need to wait since the procedures are different under the amendments to the B&H Election Law imposed by High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt. Addressing the press conference on Tuesday, Speaker of the FB&H HoP Tomislav Martinovic (HDZ B&H) said that candidates for the B&H HoP need to be verified by the B&H CEC, which will require time. The reporter notes that the FB&H HoP has always reflected functioning of the authorities in the FB&H with many legal solutions being blocked in the FB&H HoP, and concludes by saying it will be interesting to observe “the power ration” during delegates’ voting on items on the agenda.


Zukic: SDA and DF are only ones with capacity to nominate Bosniak candidate for President or Vice President of FB&H (Hayat)


Hayat Central News guests were Head of Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) Muamer Zukic (SDA) and delegate in Serb Caucus in the FB&H HoP Zarko Vujovic (DF) who talked about inaugural session of the FB&H HoP held on Tuesday and on formation of the FB&H authorities. Zukic said that majority in the FB&H HoP elected the leadership of this House of the FB&H Parliament. He explained that when it comes to election of a Deputy Speaker of the FB&H HoP from the rank of Bosniaks, majority decided to elect a candidate nominated by an individual delegate and not the one nominated by the Bosniak Caucus. “This is disqualification of the will of the Bosniak Caucus and election will of citizens, although rules of procedures enable this scenario”, explained Zukic. Talking about nomination of candidates for the position of the President or Vice Presidents of the FB&H, Zukic explained that the nomination of the candidate for abovementioned positions requires support of at least 11 delegates in any Caucus of any constituent people. He went on to saying that SDA and DF have 13 delegates in the Bosniak Caucus and are only ones who can nominate the Bosniak candidate for the President or Vice President of the FB&H. He explained that abovementioned 13 delegates nominated Refik Lendo (SDA) for a member of the FB&H leadership. Zukic explained that the FB&H President and Vice Presidents appoint the FB&H Prime Minister-Designate, adding that it is almost certain Lendo will be elected the President or Vice President and without him it will not be possible to appoint the FB&H Prime Minister-Designate. He also explained there are several levels of majority in the FB&H parliament, underlining that first one is majority in Caucuses and second one is majority in the FB&H leadership. Zukic stressed that since SDA and DF candidate will be part of majority in the FB&H leadership, these parties cannot be avoided in the process of formation of the FB&H government. He went on to saying that some hope the High Representative will intervene and enable formation of new authorities. He wondered whether it is possible someone will change the FB&H Constitution just to enable certain parties to form new authorities. Asked to comment whether it will be possible to form the new FB&H authorities without SDA and DF, Vujovic expressed hope there will be no intervention in a legal system of B&H just to enable it. He stressed that ‘The Eight’ coalition expects the High Representative to impose a solution that will enable outvoting in the Presidency of the FB&H. “If this happens, we should suspend parliamentary life and appoint the High Representative supreme authority”, said Vujovic in a rather sarcastic manner. Vujovic added that interventions of High Representatives in the previous period inflicted damage to the parliamentary life in B&H. Zukic-Ligata reminded that in two days the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H will pass a decision concerning a motion filed by member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic demanding this court to assess constitutionality of decisions imposed by High Representative Christian Schmidt on the night of the General Elections 2022. Vujovic stressed that he only hopes the B&H CC will act in line with the Constitution and will not succumb to any pressures. He added that any decision of the B&H CC will come too late because the process of formation of authorities in line with the new legislation imposed by Schmidt has already started. Vujovic deems that the B&H CC should have imposed temporary measure before passing the decision concerning Komsic’s motion. Asked whether competences of the FB&H HoP should be reduced, Vujovic replied positively.


HR Schmidt meets with newly appointed members of FB&H HoR Collegium, wishes them good luck in swift completion of government formation (FTV)


High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt met on Tuesday with newly appointed FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) Speaker Mirjana Marinkovic-Lepic and deputy speakers Edina Gabela and Mladen Boskovic. On the occasion, Schmidt congratulated them on their appointment and wished them good luck in the swift completion of government formation. “Priorities are clear to all: economic development, firm stance against corruption in all areas, EU integration, and efforts to ensure greater inclusion in decision-making’’, it was written on the OHR’s Twitter account after the meeting.


B&H CEC: Members of CEC cannot be recalled before their tenure expires (Glas Srpske)


Members of B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) issued a statement reacting to the speculations that they might be removed, as well as the statement of former CEC member Vehid Sehic who stated that the mandate of the CEC members can end before it expires through process of recall defined by law. B&H CEC noted that the possibility of recall of B&H CEC members does not exist in B&H Election Law or any other law. “Recall as process of removal of public officials which is carried out before the period of time for which they were appointed must be defined by the Constitution and laws, and reserved only for extraordinary situations”, reads the statement of B&H CEC. The statement also reminds that B&H laws allow only recalling of elected representatives of executive authorities. B&H CEC also noted that the Commission is aware of the fact that some political subjects and officials are leading an intense campaign against Commission members. However, this should not be the reason for those who appear in public as independent political analysts to promote legally non-existent constructs. B&H CEC concluded that the only regulator of CEC’s work is the Court of B&H.


Becirovic meets with Quint ambassadors to NATO: NATO membership of B&H is interest of B&H citizens (Hayat/FTV)


Following his meeting with a Secretary General of NATO in Brussels on Monday, member of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic held on Tuesday a working meeting with Quint countries’ ambassadors at NATO. Among other things, Becirovic said on this occasion that laws adopted in B&H, especially the Law on Defense and harmonized decisions oblige authorities in B&H to work on NATO integration of this country. Participants of the meeting stressed that NATO membership of B&H is interest of citizens of this country, but also in interest of abovementioned military alliance. Becirovic warned that B&H is a target of a dangerous Russian policy. He emphasized that decorations given to Russian President by RS President Milorad Dodik represents civilization shame. FTV reported on the meeting and added that after the meeting Becirovic underscored, he will do everything in line with his constitutional competences that B&H becomes a NATO member as soon as possible. In a video message after the meeting, Becirovic said: “I underscored that the state of B&H belongs to free and democratic part of the world and that I will fight equally for every well-intentioned person in our country. Exactly because of that, I clearly said that decoration awarded by RS President Milorad Dodik to Russian President Vladimir Putin is an anti-civilizational act that appalled the whole democratic word.” Referring to the statement issued by the Office of the B&H Presidency Chairwoman Zeljka Cvijanovic regarding his visit to Brussels, Becirovic said: “Today, I would like to remind again that my visit is in the capacity of the B&H Presidency member, and that it is not a private visit. This is a visit at the highest level with the top officials, and that is a clear message to us in B&H also.”


Dodik: Becirovic does not have mandate to speak on behalf of majority of B&H because he is only Bosniak member of B&H Presidency (RTRS/FTV)


RTRS carried reactions from RS to the visit of Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic to NATO headquarters (HQ) in Brussels during which he said that he will do everything in accordance with his constitutional powers for B&H to become a member of NATO as soon as possible. Officials from the RS authorities are united in stance that as long as the RS participates in the decision-making, B&H will not join NATO. According to RS officials, Becirovic’s visit to Brussels is of private nature and does not reflect the stances of B&H as it has not been agreed in the Presidency. The RS officials adhere to the RS parliament’s decision on military neutrality, which they consider to be a decision that blocks the B&H’s path to NATO membership and without a tripartite approval and the RSNA decision, B&H cannot join NATO. RS President Milorad Dodik said that Becirovic does not have a mandate to speak on behalf of the majority of B&H, because he is only a Bosniak member of the Presidency and represents one third of the political will in B&H, and added that 49 percent of B&H advocates a neutral approach to the conflict in Ukraine. Dodik stated: “Instead of fighting for his own political expression, Becirovic chooses to join the anti-Russian hysteria at a time when the US admits that it injected 80 million in B&H to suppress the so-called Russian influence. I wonder what the US is doing and why the Bosniak political elite persistently turns a blind eye to the daily American interference in the internal affairs of B&H, as well as issues related to its foreign policy.” FTV reports that Dodik denied B&H’s NATO membership, noting that “for as long as the RS has a say, there will be no membership”. Dodik also responded to criticism directed towards the policy he pursues in the RS and B&H, saying that Denis Becirovic is the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency and “because of that he cannot speak on behalf of the people”. “Disputable decoration for Putin was not awarded on behalf of the state, but it was a sign of appreciation from the RS for Russia’s principled policy towards the Dayton (Peace) Accords”, Dodik was quoted as saying. Dodik pointed out that the RS, not B&H, awarded Putin and that he does not know why anyone, including Becirovic, would distance themselves from it. Dodik told the daily that it is very worrisome that NATO officials accepted such format of meetings with Becirovic, ignoring the fact that one B&H Presidency member cannot represent stances of that institution or stances of B&H if there is no consensus on the matter. He emphasized that Becirovic's statements are false because no roadmaps for NATO integration have been adopted by the Presidency.


Cvijanovic: Becirovic ignores the fact that work of institutions, as well as decisions made by these institutions, do not depend on the will of one politician (RTRS)


RTRS carried reactions from RS to the visit of Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic to NATO headquarters (HQ) in Brussels during which he said that he will do everything in accordance with his constitutional powers for B&H to become a member of NATO as soon as possible. Chairwoman and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that Becirovic ignores the fact that the work of institutions, as well as the decisions made by these institutions, do not depend on the will of one politician, neither in the B&H Presidency, nor in any other joint institution. “Therefore, it is not only Becirovic who can say what is best for all citizens of B&H, but there are also all those elected by the citizens to important positions”, added Cvijanovic. Cvijanovic also reacted by saying it is too ambitious to appropriate the right to speak in the name of, as Becirovic said, the majority and democratic B&H, while functioning within a collective institution such as the B&H Presidency, where all three members have the same rights. Cvijanovic said that the cooperation with NATO is not disputable but, for as long as the RS opposes the membership in NATO, B&H cannot become a NATO member.


HR’s statement about 9 January sparks reactions in the RS (Glas Srpske/ATV)


The daily reports that RS has faced a lot of criticism and threats because of marking of the RS Day on 9 January, and reminds that the RS law defining this date as a holiday has been declared unconstitutional twice by B&H Constitutional Court. The latest attack came from High Representative Christian Schmidt (referred to by the daily as “German diplomat”) who stated that he expects the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate and review the speeches made at the celebration of the RS Day. “I have said that civil servants have nothing to do there, and this is why I am starting from the assumption that the events there will be carefully analysed and investigated. We now have to distance ourselves from January 9th 2023 and look at the future. It needs to be said that January 9th 2024, in this framework and in this way, will not happen. Therefore, both state and entity holidays can be celebrated, but this can be done differently and nobody will lose a crown from their head because of that”, sad Schmidt.

Commenting Schmidt's statement, RS President Milorad Dodik stated that Schnidt is illegal High Representative, and everything he says is irrelevant and does not apply to the RS. Dodik stated that many are bothered by the date of the RS Day because it proves that the RS was created in peace, and not in war. The Speaker of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) Nenad Stevandic said that the only thing in question is whether Schmidt will be in B&H next year. Stevandic commented: “The motives of his dealing with that topic in general are questionable. And that is the only questionable thing, and that the RS will celebrate January 9, if there are more disputes and more criticism, it will be celebrated even more, let us say, grandiosely”. The Head of the SNSD Caucus in B&H parliament Sanja Vulic said that Schmidt is an illegal tourist in B&H who once again pollutes the public space by sowing hatred towards the Serb people. Vulic added that 9 January is the day on which Serbs do not offend anyone or anything. Vulic sent a message to Schmidt that he is redundant and inspired by the ideas of Islamic B&H and the declaration of Alija Izetbegovic, which he can take home as a souvenir when he leaves B&H. Vulic stated: “What we can see is that he is threatening us, that he is inspired by those Nazi ideas that he will persecute Serbs in 2024, because otherwise he will not prevent us from celebrating 9 January unless he commits absolute persecution and bloodshed over the Serb people, and since that will not happen, I wish him a happy journey to his destination, where he came from, and let him stop threatening us and stop encroaching on what is sacred to the Serb people, which is the RS”. Acting President of SDS Milan Milicevic said that there is no need for any kind of “special stories” on 9 January because the RS Day is a historical date which the RS citizens view as their holiday. Milicevic added that the marking of the RS Day will continue: “No prohibition by anyone or from any level will change the stance on 9 January as the RS Day in a concrete and emotional context, regardless of who is at the helm of the RS.” The daily noted that Schmidt’s statement does not indicate that Schmidt is against the RS Day itself, but he was bothered with the way in which it was celebrated. Milicevic admitted that everyone has different opinions on how the RS Day should be marked in a dignified way and he added: “Personally speaking, if I had a chance, I would have probably marked it in a completely different way than it was done. It would have been done in a dignified way in terms of holding an adequate academy session”. Milicevic assessed that everything else is irritating and disgusting, including parades in which even sports clubs or mailmen participate. Milicevic noted that he did not have a chance to read Schmidt’s original statement but he added that, if Schmidt said that he will not allow 9 January to be marked in the same way in future, then this means that he does recognize this date. “However, it is not important for us to see who recognizes it because it is important that we, i.e. those who created the RS, recognize it”, Milicevic added. Spokesperson for SNSD and RS President’s Advisor Radovan Kovacevic said that only the RS institutions will be in charge of deciding how the RS Day will be celebrated and he added that it will not be up to “some kind of Schmidt or Smurf” to decide on it. “We had a chance to see that Mr. Schmidt said that only Russia did not accept his appointment. This is not in line with the truth. First of all, his appointment was not approved by the UN Security Council (UN SC). There is no need to discuss on who in the UN SC did not allow a relevant resolution to be adopted for him to become the High Representative, because currently he is not one. But, if we really need to talk about it, then it is important to say that two out of five permanent members of the UN SC were against it. Apart from this, it is very important to know that not even B&H supported the appointment of Christian Schmidt as the High Representative because the RS did not in any way accept that Christian Schmidt is the High Representative. He was not appointed in line with the Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and procedures stipulated for someone to be able to be the High Representative”, Kovacevic told the daily. Vice President of PDP Igor Crnadak said that he does not take Schmidt seriously because “his statements and public appearances have neither the start nor beginning, and those have no credibility. We heard some statements that mean nothing and this is yet another of such statements”, Crnadak said.


UK to monitor politicians in B&H and consider sanctions; Reactions of RS politicians (ATV)


There were numerous reactions to the statement of the European Parliament's rapporteur Tonino Picula that, as Picula said, the apprentices of the Russian President Vladimir Putin should be sanctioned and that the RS President Milorad Dodik should be sanctioned politically and financially for commemorating January 9 as the RS Day. The UK is especially in favour of sanctions, noted the presenter. The UK Embassy to B&H said that they retain the possibility of sanctions for those who undermine sovereignty, territorial integrity or constitutional order of B&H or those who obstruct the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). If anyone repeatedly referred to the constitution and DPA, it was the RS, commented the presenter. The UK Embassy to B&H also said that they will continue to monitor activities of politicians and they will consider, as they said, the application of their regime for those who limit the functionality of B&H. ATV reminded that the Federation of B&H (FB&H) has not yet formed authorities for several years. While they swear by freedom, it bothers the UK who the RS authorities are meeting with. A thorn in the side of the UK Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the fact that B&H did not impose sanctions against Russia because of the RS, added the reporter. ATV carried a statement from the Office of the UK Secretary for Foreign Affairs which reads: “We have seen no evidence that the RS is offering practical support to Russia in Ukraine. However, Milorad Dodik and other politicians in the RS blocked B&H from implementing sanctions against Russia for its aggression against Ukraine”. The UK reacted harshly to the decoration that Dodik awarded to the Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Advisor to the RS President Ana Trisic Babic commented: “Great Britain, under the influence of Bosniak politics, from Sarajevo, not only from Sarajevo but also from the territory of the former Yugoslavia, is constantly bothered by the RS as an entity within B&H. They would be happiest if it did not exist. They are bothered by the ties that the RS has with the Russian Federation”. The RS Minister for European Integration and International Cooperation Zlatan Klokic said: “When we talk about the sanctions themselves, they never gave the results that were expected and never solved the problems. And those who decide on those sanctions above all, I think they should look in the mirror and see the main culprit when it comes to internal relations in B&H.” Nobody wants to hear the message that that nobody talks about secession, but about respect for the Constitution and the DPA, commented the reporter. For the RS opposition, sanctions are just a tactic by which the RS authorities profit. Vice President of PDP Igor Crnadak commented that sanctions are a hollow story that needs to serve someone somewhere. Crnadak asked what does it mean if sanctions are supposed to seize someone’s property when you know that the sanctioned person does not have property there. Crnadak said that they cannot have sanctions that can actually hurt someone. The message from the RS is that new sanctions are certainly not a reflection of the power of one country, but an attempt to dominate, concluded the reporter. Advisor to the RS President (Milorad Dodik) Radovan Kovacevic said on Tuesday that claims that “one small RS in any way helps Russia in the conflict in Ukraine” can only be referred to as “a simple pile of nonsense”. Kovacevic also emphasized that the RS does not have any secession on the agenda, adding: “However, it certainly has the right to resolutely protect its rights guaranteed by the Constitution and rights that are also guaranteed by the International Peace Agreement, of which, among other things, the UK is also a guarantor. We will not give up on that and we are asking for support from UK and all other representatives of the international community in this.” The RS President’s Advisor pointed out that the RS is neutral regarding the conflict in Ukraine and that it was clearly stated that both the Russian and Ukrainian people are Serb people’s brotherly and friendly nations. He pointed out that any threats of sanctions to the RS or its leaders because they will not give up on protecting their guaranteed rights will certainly not contribute to solving the crisis in B&H, but will only deepen it. Kovacevic also stated that the RS has long been accustomed to not expecting anything good from Great Britain. Kovacevic stated: “Do not make us choose sides in a conflict of ‘ours’, because we will not do it.”


European Parliament discusses report mentioning B&H (N1)


The European Parliament (EP) discussed a report, which mentions B&H, in Strasbourg on Tuesday and the voting is set to take place on Wednesday. According to N1, the report is expected to be adopted with votes of a vast majority of the MEPs. The EU’s decision to grant the EU candidate status to B&H encountered positive comments in the EP. In the report on implementation of EU’s military policy, B&H’s readiness to continue implementing reforms has been welcomed but the report also mentions a series of tasks that B&H needs to fulfil before opening of negotiations. Implementation of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruling in the case Sejdic-Finci vs. B&H and prevention of return of nationalist policies from the past have been singled out as important requirements that B&H authorities should fulfil. The EP once again called on the EU to introduce individual sanctions against destabilizing actors in B&H, including those who threaten its sovereignty and territorial integrity and especially RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. The EP urged all EU countries to enable those sanctions. The EP is concerned over the manner in which High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt imposed amendments to the Election Law of B&H and the Constitution of the Federation of B&H on the day of the general elections. The report reads that such manner of imposing amendments could threaten democratic legitimacy and affirm ethno-nationalism. While 10 items of the report deal with Western Balkans, the majority of the report is about the war in Ukraine.


We expect to win in presidential election, says Nikolic (RTCG)


The public will be informed about the DPS’ presidential nomination timely and I’m sure our candidate will win, the DPS spokesperson Milos Nikolic has told Radio Montenegro. URA, on the other hand, says that even though they still haven’t decided whether they’re going to have their own candidate or are going support a joint one, the presidential elections are going to show that the rule of the DPS has become the past. Political observers expect Milo Djukanovic to run for the country’s presidency. Montenegro nationals with residence in their home country are to elect the president of their country on 19 March. It’s still unknown whether the current president and dominant public figure over the past three decades, Milo Djukanovic, is going to take part in it. The spokesperson of the DPS, Milos Nikolic, says he’s sure the DPS’ candidate is going to win in the election. Contrary to the DPS, the Civic Movement URA believes that the forthcoming presidential election is definitely going to demonstrate the declining strength of Djukanovic’s party. Political observer Mirko Milicic expects the leader of the DPS to run for the country’s presidency candidate, because, as he assesses, the DPS doesn’t have another representative candidate. As reported earlier, the Democratic Front (DF) stated they would have their own candidate, while the Leader of the SNP, Vladimir Jokovic, called on the parliamentary majority set up after the 2020 election to back a joint candidate, whom he expected to beat a DPS candidate in the first round.


Bajramspahic: Government triggered the EU’s ultimatum (Pobjeda)


The European Union (EU) has crossed its limitations when it comes to the current situation in Montenegro and how bad it is. This government has managed what the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) didn’t manage to do – trigger the ultimatum of the international community, the civic activist Dina Bajramspahic told Pobjeda daily. She commented on the reiterated warning of the Slovenia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Tanja Fajon that Montenegro risks halting the accession negotiations if the sixth attempt of the election of judges of the Constitutional Court doesn’t succeed. Bajramspahic agrees that the situation with the Constitutional Court is alarming, pointing out that it’s important to elect them, primarily because of citizens, functionality of the justice system and the most important project – Montenegro’s EU membership. “However, the ruling majority turns their head away from everything, treating the entire public as an uneducated mob, making fun of them with the attitude “do you believe us or your own eyes”. According to her, there are no signs that the political elite is ready for some serious talks and to identify four quality candidates who would be acceptable for all. However, she hopes that MPs will reach an agreement over it. “If it doesn’t happen, it will mean that the government announces they cancel EU membership until further notice.”


Sarrazin: I am very worried about the prolongation of the political and constitutional crisis, a serious threat to the accession of Montenegro to the EU (CdM)


The special envoy of the German government for the countries of the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin, who is visiting Montenegro, said that he is very concerned about the prolongation of the political and constitutional crisis and the difficulties that political actors have in overcoming it. "My visit to Montenegro aims to look into the future together. That's why I want to enter into an intensive dialogue directly with MPs, political parties and decision-makers, and also with experts from civil society", said Sarrazin. As he pointed out, in these geopolitically and economically demanding times, Germany, as a member of the EU, remains committed to the determination of Montenegro to join the EU and strongly supports the Euro-Atlantic orientation of Montenegro. "However, at the same time, I remain very concerned about the prolongation of the political and constitutional crisis and the difficulties that political actors have in overcoming it," says Sarrazin. He reiterates that a functional Constitutional Court is extremely important for democracy and the rule of law in Montenegro. "It is up to the parliament of Montenegro to restore the functionality of that court as soon as possible by electing judges for the positions for which the competition has been announced in order to ensure an efficient judiciary. Without a functional Constitutional Court, the judiciary of Montenegro remains paralyzed, and the rule of law deeply weakened. That is why I urgently call on all parties represented in the Assembly to demonstrate political maturity and to constructively approach the establishment of an agreement by the beginning of February 2023 at the latest," Sarrazin said. As he emphasized, political parties in Montenegro should now, for the benefit of the future of Montenegro, put aside their daily political interests and personal ambitions and overcome this crisis. "The success or failure of the development of Montenegro and its democracy depends on their actions. The vast majority of citizens of Montenegro want their homeland to join the European Union. The current political and constitutional crisis represents a serious threat to the achievement of that goal", Sarrazin said.


Picula: Abazovic's laconic comments (CdM)


The laconic comments of Prime Minister in the technical mandate Dritan Abazovic about increasingly open warnings from the EU certainly do not remove the growing uncertainty, although this was probably his goal, the European Parliament's rapporteur for Montenegro and former Croatian Foreign Minister Tonino Picula said in an interview for CdM. Let's note that after the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia Tanja Fajon, Abazovic told reporters that he had not heard any negative news regarding the termination of negotiations with the EU. "I have not heard that we have a negative situation regarding the halting of the European road", said Abazovic, despite the fact that Fajon pointed out on the same day that there is a threat to stop the accession negotiations if the crisis in Montenegro is not resolved. The interlocutor of CdM warns that with contradictory moves and inconsistent policies, the authorities managed to shake the good will, support and conscientious work of all those who continuously support the success and European prosperity of Montenegro. "However, the main question is why is this coalition in power persistently trying to bring Montenegro closer to those who are destabilizing the Western Balkans region at the time of Putin's adventure in Ukraine?" emphasizes Picula. When asked by the CdM what consequences would arise for Montenegro if the negotiation process on EU accession were stopped, Picula emphasizes that he hopes that Montenegro will not come close to such a situation, but warns that the consequences would be many times more severe. "The suspension of negotiations would have a dramatic effect on the economic situation in the country. It is only necessary to remind about the continuous economic and financial support that the EU provides to Montenegro", he states. He underlines that for some time the concern of the EU institutions has been growing due to the long-term blocking of key institutions of the political system as a result of deep polarization on the party scene and a visible deviation from the policy that positioned Montenegro as the leader of the enlargement policy in the region. "Especially the dysfunctionality of the Constitutional Court threatens the legal order and the rule of law. The election of Constitutional Court judges will not be possible without an agreement between the government and the opposition," says Picula. According to him, the process of rapprochement with the European Union is a historic opportunity for Montenegro, but all those responsible must enable the unblocking of institutions crucial for the normal functioning of the state. "The democratic part of the international community, i.e. the western partners of Podgorica, are united in this. If an agreement is not reached soon, the current structures of the Montenegrin government will be responsible for the betrayed trust, first of all, of the vast majority of its citizens, and then also of external allies," concluded Picula in an interview for CdM.


Pendarovski warns at Davos forum that Westerns Balkans is vulnerable point of European security (MIA)


During the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023 in Davos on Tuesday, President of the North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski warned attendees of a panel that the Western Balkans is a vulnerable point of the European security. In his opinion, the EU and the NATO should pay attention to that. He warned that the Western Balkans is exposed to potential campaigns of influence of Russia. According to Pendarovski, there are two sensitive points in the region and those are RS and the northern part of Kosovo and there are attempts to undermined integrity of these countries. Pendarovski pointed out that the US should pay more attention to the situation in the region. Pendarovski said that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been trying for years, even before the war in Ukraine began, to provoke people into endangering the integrity of those two countries. He said that despite the war in Ukraine, challenges and the crisis, it was encouraging that solidarity was shown not just at the European level but also in the area of transatlantic solidarity and that the last time that this happened was years ago. He added that after the war, European and transatlantic solidarity needed to be kept and that if everyone turned to their own national interests it would be difficult to sustain it.


Osmani meets Stefanchuk in Ukraine (Republika)


OSCE Chairman-in-Office Bujar Osmani has met with Ruslan Stefanchuk, Chairman of Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada, and reaffirmed the position that Russia is violating the UN Charter and the fundamental principles of international law and human rights with its aggression in Ukraine. Osmani reaffirmed the position that Russia, with its military aggression against Ukraine, violates the UN Charter, the fundamental principles of international law and human rights, and that Macedonia will maintain this position as a country holding the OSCE Chairmanship, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. We took over the OSCE Chairmanship during the worst security and geopolitical crisis since World War II. However, we will devote ourselves to finding diplomatic solutions, regardless of how complicated the situation on the ground is, Osmani said, adding that as OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, he will intensify communications with all Ukrainian authorities regarding the possibility of returning the OSCE mission to Ukraine.


Davos Forum, Rama: Cyber-attacks are worse than pandemics, protection is vital and requires investment (Radio Tirana)


Cyber protection was in the focus of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama speech at the World Economic Forum of Davos, which is being held in Switzerland. The emphasis on this topic by the head of the government was triggered by the cyber-attack that Iran undertook against Albania. Rama expressed to those present at the Forum that Albania managed to withstand the attack, considering that the goal of the criminals was to completely destroy the digital services system of Albania. "We know very well that the capacity of those who carry out these attacks is very large. I do not know a country that has not experienced such a situation, and sometimes with great damage. Talking about liability is very easy, but we will address the problem in the sophistication of protection. I think we resisted very well, compared to the target that the attackers had. Their goal was to completely 'wipe' our digital system and return us to the 'paper age'. That didn't happen and we made it." underlined the Prime Minister. The head of government has also provided a picture of Albania's efforts towards digitization, calling this "a success story". According to him, Albania found digitization a great blessing, as its possibility to change is very necessary for developing countries. "Today we are a country that has 95% of public services online. We don't have the marriage online yet, fingerprints or something else, but we do almost everything by the (smart) phone. But this has exposed us a lot. Last year we were attacked very badly by Iran. We carefully took 'notes' at every step of the investigation. Of course, we were very careful when we arrived at this accusation about Iran, and we have proven it. We are still under attack. Practically every day. We also saw the other side of this blessing of technology, which is the 'curse' of technology. This attack was one of the heaviest ever carried out in the whole world. However, we managed to avoid losing all data,” Rama said. According to him, the construction of the cyber shield takes time and, above all, a lot of funds, but it is necessary, since this cyber-attack could exceed the costs of the US and Chinese economies. "If by 2025 this cyber-attack was around, this cost would be more than 10 trillion. So how do we deal with this? I recall that it is a very simple thing when you invest. It's not like preventing someone to break the house, but it's living with a risk you are not aware of. It is like a disease inside your body and you are not aware of it. They stay there for years and wake up at a moment when you are most vulnerable. It is even worse than the pandemic," Rama emphasized.


President Begaj: Britain cannot hide their failure by blaming Albanians (ADN)


The President of the Republic Bajram Begaj has commented on the statements of the British Minister of Emigration about the Albanians, saying that no one can hide the failures by blaming Albania and the Albanians. In commemoration of the 555th anniversary of the death of our national hero, Gjergj Kastriot Skanderbeg, Begaj said that to generalize Albanians with their opposite, which the history has cold-bloodedly shown, is deceit, is malice. "To generalize Albanians is fraud, it is malice. We must remind some of our history and the history of Europe. They really must solve their daily despair by blaming Albanians. No one, even foreign politicians, can hide their failures by anathemaing Albania and Albanians. The history of Skanderbeg proves our early European value", said Begaj from Lezha. The British minister, Robert Jenrick, through a post on Twitter said that they are working to remove the illegal Albanian immigrants. "We are working around the clock to remove illegal Albanian immigrants and violators of foreign citizens. Yesterday I visited an immigration center to see our weekly flights to Albania and to thank the staff for their crucial work to enforce our borders and keep us safe. Find the Albanians, stop them, take them to the airport and return them to Tirana. Not only these illegal immigrants but also dangerous criminals who have been convicted of drugs", he said in a video published on 13 January.


Xhacka, Albania, closer than ever to returning to the European family (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka commemorated the 555th anniversary of the passing of Albanian National Hero Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg. Xhacka said that Albania is closer than ever to returning to the European family, part of which Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg enderbeu always saw Albania. "555 years ago, our National Hero, Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg, passed away, who, as Ismail Kadare says, "was the first to process Albania's path with an iron mind and a magnificent vision," said Xhacka in a post on social networks. "555 years later, as we remember with honour and respect this great figure of our and Europe's history, we are proud that our country is closer than ever to returning to the European family, of which he always saw Albania as a part of," emphasized Xhacka.


Albania's first group of analytic chapters reviewed by EU (ADN)


Delegation of the EU in Albania has revealed that the process of analytically reviewing first group of chapters that focus on the fundamental rights of the EU has been completed. In a social media reaction, the delegation reported that the bilateral meetings of the analytical review of the second group of chapters, where the four basic freedoms of the common market are dealt with, have started in Brussels. "Albania's EU membership negotiation process is moving forward! Yesterday, the analytical review process of the first group of chapters, which mainly focus on EU fundamental rights, the rule of law, public administration reform and economic criteria, was completed. Today in Brussels, the bilateral meetings of the analytical review of the second group of chapters started, where the four basic freedoms of the EU common market are addressed: the free movement of people, services, goods and capital, alongside competition policy, intellectual property and company law, financial services, consumer and health protection. Congratulations to the Albanian representatives involved so far and keep up the good work. The EU will continue to stand by you in this process", said the EU delegation.


China and Albania sign visa-free travel agreement (ADN)


Albania and China have signed Tuesday an agreement on mutual visa exemption for officials and citizens alike. The agreement was signed by Chinese Ambassador to Albania Zhou Ding and Albania's Deputy Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Megi Fino. According to it, no matter what kind of passport they hold, citizens of both China and Albania can enter each other's country without a visa. In 2018 and 2019, Albania implemented a visa-free policy for Chinese citizens who arrived in the country for short visits during the busy tourist seasons. The following year, Albania allowed short-term visit for Chinese citizens without a visa. The news was made public by the Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama. "After 30 days, China opens visa-free for Albanians", he wrote on his Facebook account. "The agreement has been proposed by the Chinese side and will have a positive effect on facilitating movement and increasing contacts between the citizens of both countries, as well as serve as a further incentive for strengthening bilateral relations in all areas of common interest", it was said, among other things, in the announcement of the Ministry. With the entry into force of the agreement, Albanians can stay visa-free in China for up to 180 days. Chinese citizens have had this opportunity to enter Albania with tourist visas since 2019. According to the data of the Institute of Statistics in Albania (INSTAT) for the month of December last year, China is ranked among the main trade partners of Albania: Italy (24 percent), Switzerland (11.1 percent), Turkey (7.7 percent) and China (7.3 percent). Imports from China have recorded a continuous increase, from 53 million ALL (over 45 million euros) in 2018 to 77 million ALL (over 66 million euros) in 2022. Previously, Prime Minister Rama stated that Albania expects more investments from China, while Chinese investors have shown interest in energy and infrastructure investments. On the other hand, the United States and the EU have raised concerns about Chinese investments in the Balkan region, mainly in Montenegro and North Macedonia.