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Belgrade Media Report 20 January 2023



Vucic: I am certain Serbia will not join EU soon (RTS/Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday in Davos he was certain Serbia would not join the EU soon and noted that he was slightly pessimistic about EU accession and that the EU's popularity had declined in the region. I am slightly pessimistic about the possibility of Serbia and everyone else in the region joining the EU in the relatively near future, he told a World Economic Forum panel titled Widening Europe's Horizons. We are in talks, but we will see - we have views that differ from those of the EU, he added. He said Serbia had been one of the four fastest-growing economies in the past three years. The question is how to continue with similar or higher growth and do other things, Vucic noted. There are no big dreams when it comes to EU accession, he said. We are not as enthusiastic as we used to be and, in a way, the EU is not enthusiastic either as far as we are concerned, he said. The EU's popularity in the region - in North Macedonia and Serbia in particular - is on a decline, and even in Montenegro as well, Vucic noted. He said this was expected due to political pressure on Serbia and North Macedonia regarding Kosovo and Metohija and the national identity issue, respectively. When asked if Serbia would ever join the EU given its failure to align with the bloc's position on Russia and the Ukraine war, Vucic responded: "We respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but we also respect our territorial integrity." The Crimea and the Donbass are parts of Ukraine and we will not change our position, he said. Serbia respects all UN resolutions and the UN Charter, but some big powers respect neither the Charter nor UN SC Resolution 1244 when it comes to Serbia's territorial integrity, Vucic noted, adding that he believed sanctions led to no solutions as Serbia had been under sanctions for a decade.


Vucic: Davos - a club of like-minded people (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is in Davos, where he is participating in the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. Vucic told RTS from Davos that the meeting had become a club of like-minded people. He says that it is a club of like-minded people on the issue of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, and on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, where, as he says, no one wants to hear what international law says, or what resolutions exist. He emphasizes that in the region, especially in North Macedonia and Serbia, there is a decline in enthusiasm for joining the EU, primarily due to the upcoming political demands. On Friday, he says, he will have a very difficult conversation with the "big five". "They are interested in how Kosovo can be accepted into international organizations, that is the meaning, and how Serbia can renounce Kosovo," says Vucic. "Of course, the representatives of all countries spoke, plus the representative of the temporary institutions in Pristina, and what was clear is that there is a decline in enthusiasm for joining the EU in the countries of the region, especially in North Macedonia and Serbia. This is primarily due to political demands that are coming, and they concern either the national identity or the territorial issue," said Vucic.


False accusations against Serbia

He also spoke, he points out, about the "false accusations that exist in that campaign against Serbia". "They talked how Russian servants are going to attack everyone in the region from Belgrade, without anyone apologizing for this, but I also talked about Serbia's prospects, about further attracting investments, about everything that lies ahead. I tried to rationalize things, even though it's always difficult here. I'm glad that we are always represented here, but this has become a club of like-minded people. All those who are not are actually exceptions that only confirm the rule and in the matter of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, where there is no realistic and rational approach at all, it is simply ideologically based, but also regarding the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, where no one wants to hear what international law says, or what resolutions exist, but they have their interest and their power, and that's it," said Vucic. He also answered the question of whether he had the opportunity to speak with the prime minister of the temporary institutions in Pristina. "No, I deliberately let it go, because some say where they put me, they asked me to sit in the first rows, I purposely stand somewhere in a corner, and listen to them. Then I speak, so everyone has to turn and listen. I didn't have a chance, we're talking in Brussels, I don't even know what to talk about with him. I'm not allowed to say what he said because of the house rule, but would it be interesting, maybe one day it will end up in some book, so that I could at least paraphrase. But you can imagine," points out Vucic.


One of the most important talks about Kosovo is coming up

When asked what he expects from tomorrow's visit of the "big five" coming to Belgrade, among whom are the EU's special representative for dialogue Miroslav Lajcak, adviser to the French representative, the German chancellor, he answers: "A very difficult conversation, one of the most important conversations we have had in previous years and will have," said the president and added: "A very, very difficult conversation... I hope that there will be progress, and that the talks will be a little less difficult than what I expect, but that's just my empty hope. As for the people of Kosovo, I don't think that they are interested, they are interested in how Kosovo will be admitted to international organizations, that is the meaning, and how Serbia will renounce Kosovo", says Vucic. Before tomorrow's arrival of the mediator, the special envoy of Germany for the Western Balkan Manuel Sarrazin also spoke, and expressed Berlin's position that Serbia cannot become a member of the Union if it does not recognize Kosovo and that it advocates the participation of Serbs in Kosovo's institutions. Vucic then said that he is also advocating for the participation of Serbs in Kosovo's institutions and that he has been advocating for it for ten years. "They were also part of Kosovo's institutions, but the problem is that some violate the Brussels agreement, at the same time they started arresting Serbs for nothing and accusing them of terrorism... They started banning people from going to the polls, elementary democratic, human rights, to occupy the municipal election commissions by force with special units, only to cancel the same elections 12 hours later, which they also knew before. They started to ban the delivery of medicines to the hospital in Mitrovica. They started to invent tricks in order not to cause any incidents, a new provocation for both identity cards and license plates, and after all, the condition for entry into Kosovo's institutions was the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, which has not been formed for ten years. I am sure that Sarrazin knows what the conditions are, and now, he prefers to be on the other side and it is nothing unexpected, and certainly nothing new," said Vucic. Vucic also commented that the European Parliament's decision to launch an investigation against Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi is in the center of attention, and today the Freedom and Justice Party supported that decision, claiming that they pointed to problems and the attitude towards media freedom and the rule of law.  "I just heard that someone from Serbia is willing to support the investigation against Oliver Varhelyi. I'm sorry for that, I think it's extremely irresponsible. I want people to understand what it's about. Some people have gathered who everything they did, all the amendments which they conquered, are the bare anti-Serb amendments. Undisguised. The whole resolution, everything was made just to do something against Serbia. Then you found the only commissioner who was not anti-Serb oriented. I exaggerated, but one of the few, but you find someone from Serbia who want to support the action of those who are anti-Serb oriented, whom we know, starting from Von Cramon to I don't even know all the names, who support the action against Varhelyi, then there is someone in Serbia who supports the action against someone who helped Serbia and everyone else in the Western Balkans. It's really a theater of absurdity that we live in. It shows that for some, government position is everything in life and not the interests of their country," said Vucic. He points out that Oliver Varhelyi is one of the people who did nothing to harm Serbia. "If it is his sin, then he really sinned and then that investigation will give extraordinary results. When you talk about the rule of law, yesterday the government adopted those proposals for judicial laws for which we received all possible praise, both from the EU and the Venice Commission and the Council of Europe This is not news anywhere, maybe Varhelyi is also to blame for that, because no one is interested in what we achieve with the European Union," adds Vucic.


Djuric: Strategic affairs to be discussed with “big five” (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric says a Serbian delegation headed by President Aleksandar Vucic will discuss strategic affairs important for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija at Friday's meeting with international representatives. Djuric said the delegation would inform the “big five” of Pristina's latest violations of Brussels agreements, including a ban on ambulances getting through administrative crossings, which he noted was an issue already raised by US State Department counsellor Derek Chollet. “I think it is good that the US has spoken out against Kurti's violations of the licence plate agreements,” Djuric said. He said that, however, the Quint representatives would certainly speak about their views on the situation. “And there are no particularly easy things for Serbia there. We know the US and other Quint states recognise Kosovo and Metohija as independent and that we have differing views on that issue, but I believe and I hope we will find a way to cooperate efficiently on stopping Kurti's destabilising actions and on maintaining stability, which is definitely a common interest,” Djuric said. He said he did not believe the visit by the “big five” was a D-Day for Serbia, but that this was definitely the last moment for implementing the Belgrade-Pristina agreements.


Paunovic: Serbia obliged to reject Berlin’s blackmail (Beta)


A deputy speaker of the Serbian parliament from the Socialist Party of Serbia Snezana Paunovic stated on Thursday that Germany's special envoy for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin had the right to announce Berlin's official stance and seek the recognition of Kosovo as independent, but that Serbia had "the right and obligation to reject such blackmail". "The Serbs have fought to liberate a Europe that promotes civilization values and democracy and which does not advocate fascism, and we wish to be a part of such Europe. That is how we view the European path. This cul-de-sac that Mr. Sarrazin is imposing on us on Berlin's behalf in the form of order and blackmail – we have the right and obligation to reject," Paunovic told Beta. Paunovic also said that, "if she understood correctly," Europe in the 21st century was requesting Serbia to cede a part of its territory and legalize the forced secession, and that the biggest paradox was that they said that almost in the same sentence and with the same fervor with which they spoke about the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.


Significant support of OSCE Mission to reform processes in Serbia (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke on Thursday with Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia Jan Braathu about cooperation with this international organisation. She underlined that she appreciates very much the support of the OSCE Mission to comprehensive reform processes and the expert and technical assistance, first and foremost in the fields of the rule of law, media freedoms and the judicial reform, and in the improvement of cooperation between institutions and the civil sector. Brnabic gave special thanks for expert assistance in the preparation and implementation of the Media Strategy and the Action Plan and in the preparation of media laws. Speaking about judicial reform, she said that the government has recently adopted a set of judicial bills whose aim is to enable further strengthening of the rule of law and the creation of an independent and autonomous judiciary and prosecution. Braathu stated that the OSCE will continue to give support in the process of judicial reform, as well as in other important matters. The two officials also discussed continuation of planning of activities of the OSCE Mission in Serbia and the cooperation with the competent state institutions.


EU membership remains Serbia’s strategic goal (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic underlined yesterday during the talks with Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Ambassador Emanuele Giaufret that EU membership remains our strategic priority and one of our main foreign policy priorities. On the eve of his visit to Brussels, Dacic reiterated that Serbia remains fully committed to the reform process and the improvement of all spheres of our society. He expressed Serbia's readiness to further improve regional cooperation, which directly contributes to the building of mutual trust, the reconciliation process and encourages overall development on our path to full membership in the EU. Also, Dacic expressed the hope that the EU will continue to provide support to Serbia in the field of irregular migration, in order to ensure the effective functioning of the centres, adequate support and services for migrants, as well as border protection. The Ambassador welcomed the formalisation of the support that Serbia planned to provide to the energy system of Ukraine through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. Alignment with the EU's common foreign and security policy was also discussed. The interlocutors exchanged opinions on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and agreed that continuing the dialogue is the only and right way to reach a sustainable agreement, according to a statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Obradovic: EU path clearly conditioned by Kosovo – give up on EU (Beta)


The leader of the Dveri Movement, MP Bosko Obradovic told Beta on Thursday that, after the latest statements by European officials, it was clear that Serbia's further EU integration was conditioned by the recognition of the false state of Kosovo and by giving up on a part of state territory. He said that it was time for Serbia to stop perpetuating the illusion called joining the EU and turn toward normal bilateral cooperation with the EU that would be mutually beneficial. Obradovic said he was very grateful to Germany's special envoy for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz for openly saying that Serbia's further EU path was conditioned by giving up on a part of its state territory. "Would Sarrazin consent to something like that if it were a part of Germany? Which nation and state in the world would consent to ceding its territorial integrity and sovereignty? Why is that expected of Serbia, then?" Obradovic wondered in an interview with Beta.


Orlic informs Slovenian President about current situation in Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic, currently in official bilateral visit to the Republic of Slovenia at the invitation of Slovenian parliament speaker Urska Klakocar Zupancic, met with Slovenian President Natasa Pirc Musar. The officials expressed their belief that the intense political dialogue and dynamics of bilateral visits will continue in the future. Orlic took the opportunity to thank Slovenia for the support it provides to Serbia on its European path. Orlic informed President Pirc Musar about Serbia's position regarding the current situation in Europe and the region, with a special focus on the situation in the southern Serbian province. He stressed that our country, as always, remains sincerely committed to preserving peace and stability, as well as strengthening cooperation with everyone. "The safety of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, respect for the signed agreements and the immediate formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, which we have been waiting for ten years, remain the key issues which we expect full support for from Slovenia," said Orlic. "Pristina's aspirations for membership in the EU and the Council of Europe are nothing more than seeking a reward for non-compliance with agreements, endangering peace and violating human rights, which is unimaginable in modern Europe. We see that even some of the countries that have recognised so-called "Kosovo" consider such behaviour unacceptable. It is important that all of our partners in the EU send a clear message that anti-European behaviour deserves no rewards, on the contrary”, said Orlic.In the course of the meeting, Orlic also spoke of the position and status of Serbs in the Republic of Slovenia and expressed the expectation that the authorities would keep this issue high on their agenda. President Pirc Musar expressed her interest in visiting Serbia and informed Orlic about her upcoming activities. The officials jointly noted that the two countries share not only a common history and tradition, but a common future as well.


Giaufret: Resolve the problems in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (FoNet)


The Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret said that, though not binding, the European Parliament (EP) Resolution, which requests that Serbia’s EU accession negotiations be made conditional on the introduction of sanctions against Russia, is a very important document. Giaufret said the EU continues its policy that has been framed by the EU Council and noted that a great deal of attention is paid to what the EP says. We want Serbia with us, we want it as an EU member and we are working on that through reforms, political engagement and full alignment with the EU common foreign and security policy, said Giaufret, adding that a lot more needs to be done in order to resolve the problems in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.


Stano: Kosovo needs to refrain from action against owners of KM plates (Tanjug)


EU spokesperson Peter Stano said on Thursday Kosovo needed to refrain from taking action against owners of vehicles with Serbian KM licence plates and respect a status quo until the problem was resolved permanently through dialogue. Stano said this at a press briefing at the European Commission headquarters, in response to a request to comment on a statement by the so-called Kosovo's interior minister, who had accused Serbia of issuing and renewing KM licence plates. Stano said the EU had taken note of Belgrade's decision of 6 December, under which stickers for KM plates will not be renewed, and noted that vehicle insurance renewal and technical inspection had to do with vehicles rather than with plates and could not count as renewal of plates. He reiterated an EU call for respect of a 23 November decision on licence plates. He said all parties needed to respect agreements and turn to normalisation of relations. Stano noted that all questions about interpretations of what had been agreed on November 23 needed to be addressed in discussions with dialogue facilitators, rather than through uncoordinated actions on the ground that could destabilise an already fragile situation.


KFOR: Situation in Kosovo calm, but fragile and unpredictable (Beta)


KFOR Commander Angelo Michele Ristuccia stated on Thursday that the security situation in Kosovo was generally calm, but extremely fragile and unpredictable, due to unresolved and sometimes converging issues. During a meeting of chiefs of general staff of NATO member countries, Ristuccia said that KFOR continued to daily and impartially implement its UN mandate to preserve security and the freedom of movement, and that it was ready intervene if necessary. He added that KFOR continued to create conditions for the EU-facilitated Belgrade-Pristina dialogue to consolidate and move forward, KFOR tweeted. The KFOR commander thanked NATO members and partner countries for contributing and supporting the mission he is heading and informed them about its activities, KFOR stated.


Chollet: ZSO will not be like Republika Srpska (N1)


It is important to the US that the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) is formed, we believe that it is consistent with the Kosovo Constitution, but there is a big difference between Republika Srpska and the future ZSO, said US Department of State Counsellor Derek Chollet. “I want to be very clear, this is not some arrangement like Republika Srpska in Bosnia,” Chollet told N1. He declined to discuss the details regarding the possible competencies and powers of the ZSO, adding that these details have to be “ironed out” through dialogue. Asked to comment the media speculations on the so-called Franco-German proposal, which, according to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, includes some form of recognition of Kosovo’s independence, Chollet again said that he did not want to discuss the details. “The US fully supports this EU-facilitated EU-led dialogue, which is seeking a normalization rooted in mutual recognition,” said the US diplomat. Chollet said the European proposal is a very good basis for negotiations and that it is flexible. Regarding the possibility of Kosovo’s membership in the United Nations, when asked how this will be achieved since Russia and China are opposed to it, Chollet said it will be tough, but that the US will continue to push on this issue. Efforts to try to de-recognize Kosovo in the international community are a distraction and a waste of time and energy, he said. Chollet said the US was very concerned about Russia’s influence in the Balkans. “Russia has shown, over the last several months, and, frankly, over the last several years, that it is willing to use its energy resources as a tool to try to assert its influence throughout the region in negative ways, we believe, for the region,” said the US diplomat, adding that Moscow has shown its true colors, and that the entire world needs stand together against what Russia has been doing in Ukraine. Asked to comment on media freedom, Chollet said the US is always focused on this issue and that it will continue to address it, which, he said, was one of his messages during his latest visit to the region. “Media freedom is a priority for the US in all corners of the world,” said Chollet.


Ukrainian Ambassador: We are grateful to Serbs for humanitarian support (N1)


Ukrainian Ambassador to Serbia Volodimir Tolkach told N1 TV's show Behind the News that Serbia and its people have shown they are ready to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. Maybe not political, but they have provided humanitarian support and we are extremely grateful to all Serbs, said Tolkach. Regarding the issue of Kosovo, the Ambassador said that his country’s parliament recognized Serbia’s integrity back in 1999 and that this position remains unchanged. Tolkach said that all world countries have been trying to determine themselves since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, including Serbia. “What I can tell you is that it is difficult for us to live in this situation and balance between some political forces. It is difficult because today we need to determine ourselves, say where we are, on one side or the other. In this case, all states in Europe and all states in the world are trying to determine themselves, what side they will be on, one or the other, or maybe neutral. I think it’s a problem for all countries if we speak about international law,” said the Ambassador. He said it would be good if all countries supported Ukraine, which is attacked by Russia. “We highly appreciate all the countries that support us, because most European countries are on our side.” said Tolkach. He stressed that the Ukrainians find it difficult to understand why Serbia is not supporting them, adding that they would be glad if it did. This is Serbia’s problem, it must decide on its own, but we do not wish to exert any pressure on it, Tolkach said. Asked if he views Serbia as a friendly country, the Ambassador said that, historically speaking, Serbia is a Slavic state, and that they recognize it as a friendly, brotherly country. “But if one brother tries to kill another one, it is very difficult to understand why a third brother would not help us save our life,” he said. Tolkach said Serbia’s failure to impose sanctions on Russia is an ethical issue, and added that, in the war in Ukraine, it is clear who the aggressor is. I would understand Serbia better if it were to help us in this battle, he said. We have to try and build bridges between Ukraine and Serbia, we have to try to stay calm, composed and do all we can for the sake of our future, the Ambassador told N1, adding that Serbia and Ukraine have the same goal, and that is European integration.




Two-day plenary session of B&H Constitutional Court’s on Komsic and Dzaferovic’s motions starts; DF’s Zuhric: Even if B&H CC accepts motions, this decision will not be applied until after next general elections (N1)


At its two-day plenary session that commenced on Thursday, the Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will discuss a motion submitted by member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and former member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic demanding this court to establish constitutionality of amendments to the Election Law of B&H and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) Constitution imposed by High Representative Christian Schmidt on the night of the General Elections 2022. Among other things, Komsic and Dzaferovic disputed use of census of population in Schmidt’s decisions. Namely, results of the census from 1991 are used as ground for formation of executive authorities, while results of the census from 2013 are used as ground for formation of the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP). Komsic and Dzaferovic deem that this is discriminating because once again there is introduction of unequal value of vote. DF’s Albin Zuhric said that even if the B&H CC accepts motion of Komsic and Dzaferovic, their decision will not be applied until formation of the next convocation of the FB&H HoP, i.e. until after next general elections. The B&H CC will also discuss dispute in regards to concessions granted by Republika Srpska (RS) and referring to construction of hydro power plants on Drina River, i.e. failure of B&H Commission for Concessions to solve this dispute. This commission never passed a necessary decision, because there was no quorum due to illness of one member of it. Also, legitimacy of this body is disputable, because mandates of some of its members expired a long time ago. The court's decision on Komsic and Dzaferovic’s motions is expected to be published on Friday and if the motion is rejected, it means that the process of formation of the FB&H government can continue and if the court accepts the motion, many questions will be raised.


Kukic: Foreign judges in B&H CC will most likely take HR’s side; Iseric: Source of all problems in B&H is DPA (O Kanal)


The CC of B&H begun its two-day-long session on Thursday. The CC of B&H discussed motions of former member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic. Dzaferovic and Komsic filed motions for constitutional review of decisions that High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt imposed related to the FB&H Constitution and the B&H Election Law. In December 2022, the CC of B&H rejected a request for imposing of a temporary measure in this case. Experts assessed that in case of adoption of the motions, the requests will not have any special consequences because MPs already assumed their mandates. Academician Slavo Kukic assessed that foreign judges in the CC of B&H will most likely take the side of the HR in this case which will certainly spark number reactions. On the other hand, legal experts assessed that no matter how the CC decides, this will certainly improve the process of formation of authorities in the FB&H and in the state. Professor at the Regent’s University London Neven Andjelic argued that politicians in B&H are not familiar with the basic concept and that is dialogue, discussion and compromise and the only time when some progress was reached was actually when foreign, external factors reacted. According to Andjelic, this is the main problem but in his opinion, the fact that Komsic and Dzaferovic are using institutions of the system for political changes is still positive. Legal experts assessed that if the CC of B&H rejects the motions, the process of formation of authorities will continue in line with procedures and decisions of the HR. Legal expert Enver Iseric said that if the CC of B&H accepts the motion and puts the decisions of the HR or parts of the decisions out of force, then the CC of B&H must also define legal consequences of their decision. Iseric stated that the CC of B&H also has the option to give the HR a deadline to harmonize the disputable decisions that are not in line with the Constitution. According to Iseric, the source of all problems in B&H is the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), i.e. the Annex IV of the DPA or the Constitution of B&H that contains discrimination, disrespect for human rights and dysfunctionality of institutions of B&H. O Kanal reported that while we wait for the CC of B&H to decide, we should remember that only local actors and not the HR are competent to change the B&H Constitution.


HR Schmidt allegedly pressures judges to dismiss motions (Hayat)


The B&H CC started on Thursday a two-day plenary session on motions filed by B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic and former B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic in relation to amendments to the B&H Election Law and the FB&H Constitution imposed by High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt in the election night. Hayat reports that all decisions of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in B&H must be in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights and the B&H Constitution, otherwise such decisions can be challenged before the B&H CC and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), and provides an overview of the argumentation presented in Komsic and Dzaferovic’s motions. The first presented argument reads: “The HR imposed amendments contrary to the decision from 2015, related to election of the President and Vice President of both entities. Method of election of the entity presidents and vice presidents has been disputed because people from the rank of the Others cannot run for aforementioned offices”. The second argument reads: “Earlier achieved rights have been reduced for citizens from the rank of the Others referred to in the previous argumentation, which is unacceptable and legally impossible”. The third argument reads: “Legal uncertainty has been caused by amending the FB&H Constitution and the B&H Election Law. It was imposed that the legislative branch in the B&H is formed based on the 2013 Census, and that the executive branch is formed based on the 1991 Census. Such decision informally declares finalization of Annex 7 - Agreement on Refugees and Displaced Persons”. The fourth argument reads: “Votes of the citizens in accordance with their place of residence are not equal. Value of the vote depends on the place in which citizens live. Additional discrimination has been introduced”. Hayat reports that Constitutional Law Professor Sedad Dedic earlier said that HR Schmidt acted contrary to the legal certainty principle, especially the principle of legitimate expectation arising from the fundamental legal and constitutional principle of legal certainty. “Many activities - including drawing up candidate lists, nominating candidates – could not be implemented under the new regulations, which directly and clearly violated the right of citizens and legal entities to constitutional principle of legal certainty related to equal and balanced implementation of election rules”, said Dedic via video link. Hayat reports that HR Schmidt allegedly exerted pressure on the B&H CC judges, i.e. specialist service and the Judge Rapporteur have prepared a new draft of the decision recommending that the B&H CC dismisses Komsic and Dzaferovic’s motions. On October 2, 2022, HR Schmidt imposed provisions of the FB&H Constitution, for which the B&H CC in the case 14/12 established they are not in accordance with the B&H Constitution and the European Convention of Human Rights, i.e. changes related only to the number of necessary votes within constituent peoples’ caucuses with exclusion of the Others as potential candidates for the aforementioned offices.


Several municipalities in FB&H have registered state property as municipal property, including Trnovo, Neum, Grude (AJB)


A number of municipalities in the FB&H, referring to various laws, have launched the process of registration of the state property as municipal property, regardless of a series of decisions of the CC of B&H banning the lower levels of authority from the state property disposal. Also, due to political disputes on state property in B&H, High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt has imposed a law banning the state property disposal until adoption of the state-level law on state property. Neum Municipality for instance, has registered the entire B&H’s part of the Adriatic coast and its maritime property as the municipal property in the period 2018-2020 referring to the FB&H law on waters, under explanation that Neum Municipality is integral part of B&H, so the only B&H’s access to the sea is no longer owned by the state of B&H. In May 2022, FB&H Vice President Milan Dunovic requested from the Office of Attorney General of B&H to investigate such activities of municipalities and to inform him about the case, but he has not received any answer to his request to date. Dunovic told AJB that he came in possession of information that there are several municipalities who have registered the state property as municipal property, including Trnovo, Neum, Grude, etc. AJB has reported earlier on a number of cases of sale of the state property in Grude and adapting it for use in a different purpose. AJB learns from the land registry office in Ljubuski that intention was to keep this practice even after the HR has imposed the law banning the state property disposal, but that the cadaster now refuses to register the property as municipal property. In Trnovo Municipality, the ownership of a number of plots was changed to the detriment of state and then they were expropriated while hectares of forest land were cleared, all with the purpose of building of private estates that are mainly registered as business facilities. This was done based on the FB&H law on real rights, the Sarajevo Canton law on spatial planning, the Sarajevo City regulatory plan and decisions passed before the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the latest Sarajevo Canton spatial plan, according to which the sold area is defined as a construction land. According to SDP B&H’s Irfan Cengic, these activities are unconstitutional and referring to the FB&H laws is groundless because the FB&H laws cannot have primacy over state-level laws. He stressed that reaction of the HR is necessary, especially because judicial bodies ignore such unconstitutional activities. Commenting on the issue, the Office of the High Representative (OHR) stated that all actions against provisions of the state property disposal ban will be considered legally void, adding that the HR will continue to keep an eye on this issue in line with his mandate within the DPA.


B&H CEC concludes that all candidates for B&H CoM passed vetting process; SIPA to complete vetting procedure for seven candidates (RTRS)


At its session held on Thursday, the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) unanimously adopted a report reading that all 19 candidates for ministers and deputy ministers in the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) passed the vetting procedure, i.e. that they meet conditions to be appointed as ministers and deputy ministers in a new convocation of the B&H CoM. The State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of B&H still has not completed the vetting procedure for seven candidates.  Spokesperson for the SIPA Jelena Miovcic said that this process should be completed by the beginning of the next week. Reporter noted that if all candidates successfully pass the vetting procedure of the SIPA, the process of formation of the new convocation of the B&H CoM will be resumed in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) where SNSD, HDZ B&H and ‘The Six’ coalition have necessary majority to appoint the new B&H CoM.  Speaker of the B&H HoR Nebojsa Radmanovic (SNSD) stated that an urgent session of the B&H HoR when the new convocation of the B&H CoM will be confirmed should be held during next week. Reporter noted that there will be six Serbs, seven Croats and five Bosniaks in the new convocation of the B&H CoM. One candidate is from rank of Others and ethnic affiliation of one candidate is unknown. The B&H CEC confirmed that it will send official confirmation to B&H CoM Chairwoman Borjana Kristo, while files of all candidates will be forwarded to the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption of B&H for further vetting.


Izetbegovic: FB&H government cannot be formed without SDA; ‘The Eight’ no longer exists (FTV)


Leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic, asked about the current status of SDA, i.e. will this party become part of new authorities at the state level and at the level of the FB&H, Izetbegovic said that he is not sure about the state level as chances are 50:50. In his opinion, the FB&H government cannot be formed without SDA. He stated: "For now, we will remain in this composition, and it will not be changed until reaching of a normal agreement in which the will of the voters will be respected. We need the winners to come to an agreement, those who won the most votes, those who won the most seats of MPs, delegates in the House of Peoples (HoP), those who have a President and a Vice-President (VP) of the FB&H. The will of the voters should be respected. SDA is almost twice as strong as the next party in the elections.”

In his opinion, ‘The Eight’ no longer exists. According to Izetbegovic, it all comes to ‘The Three’ plus one or two smaller parties and when summarizing everything, they have less seats than SDA and DF together. Izetbegovic argued that when it comes to the B&H HoP, ‘The Eight’ will not even have a VP in the Serb Caucus without SNSD and HDZ B&H. Izetbegovic assessed: “"There are 30 times less Serbs in the FB&H than Bosniaks. Thus, SDA and DF have 13 hands in the Bosniak Caucus. They do not even manage in that Serb Caucus to reach a majority on their own. Maybe SNSD, HDZ B&H will help them but of course, under some conditions, some of which they have already fulfilled by giving the fourth position to SNSD. They will probably try to give the fourth position to HDZ B&H and thus, leave the majority in the HoP at the state level, which is a disaster, all because of some selfish reasons and one pointless fight against SDA." According to Izetbegovic, SDA already negotiated with some parties, but they were asked to keep the details from the public. Izetbegovic argued that basically, he communicated with everyone except for the NiP and NS. Asked whom foreigners want to remove, Izetbegovic said: “Why Bakir Izetbegovic? There is one Bakir Izetbegovic. They find the entire SDA interesting. I won one or two percent votes more than in the elections when I run for the Presidency. This time, 11 of them joined their forces against me. SDA is somewhere at the same position, maybe one or two percent less than in the past elections . This is pretty much the same compared to the situation before and SDA is holding itself. Why foreigners went for SDA, and did they really go for SDA? I will say that they did not, while everyone else claims that they did. We see this in statements of leaders of ‘The Eight’; that they support them, that they consult them, that they basically push them in this direction. Why they did nothing against those who block and make problems in B&H primarily against the side led by Dodik? Why they did not deal with them at all? They will say they did not do it and I think they are actually changing the paradigm, some relations where they can. And then they go, not only in B&H, in the Balkans, in Montenegro, in Kosovo, to the side that needs them and where they can do something. In B&H, it is the Bosniak side and I think that it is a completely wrong path that they have taken and I do not think that they will even have the way out that they planned. SDA will stay." According to Izetbegovic, the international community is not B&H’s enemy. He assessed: “"It helped B&H a lot. It made mistakes that cost us a lot, but in general, when you take all these pluses and minuses, of course it is a plus. I think some ambassadors do some things without enough consultations with their governments. They do some experiments, they make some paradigm changes and I think they have messed up. SDA will certainly not withdraw." Speaking about the new convocation of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), Izetbegovic stated that he does not know will the new convocation be formed next week. In his opinion, there is discontent present with selection of staff and leaders of some parties like leader of the NIP Elmedin Konakovic rushed to assume the post while leaving a reserve position for himself in the HoP. In his opinion, the selection of candidates for the B&H HoP is quite weak and most of them are missing professional expertise. According to Izetbegovic, SDA will give its vote to NES and to SB&H if they asked them to for the appointment of delegates in the B&H HoP. He underlined: “I believe that things can go in this direction. We (SDA) were in a coalition with SNSD and HDZ B&H and at the same time, we fought against their policies.” Asked why Sevlid Hurtic is not a good candidate for a minister in the B&H CoM and why SDA disputed his nomination, Izetbegovic explained that the ‘Movement for the State’ practically terminated as the people from the coalition supported leader of SNSD Dodik. In his opinion, Hurtic accepted to become a minister because of Dodik which implies that now, he has some obligations towards Dodik. According to Izetbegovic, SDA used to make the same moves but the situation was different and there is a huge difference. In this regard, he said that attacks on the state have never been this open and big as nowadays which is why a strong, pro-Bosnian front with 80 percent Bosniaks should be formed with the multi-ethnic component in it. He argued that the strong, patriotic union of SDA and DF was rejected so that ‘The Eight’ can get closer to Dodik and Covic and they should not have done this under these circumstances. In his opinion, this is not just a mistake but a sin towards B&H and they did everything for what they used to criticize SDA, they betrayed all of their principles and they will totally ruin the multi-ethnic component. Izetbegovic assessed a call of leader of SDP B&H Nermin Niksic for a reaction of High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt because “DF favours SDA” as pointless. Izetbegovic also said: “I ruined personal relations with (HDZ B&H leader Dragan) Covic because I could not allow some things; to ‘do’ the B&H Election Law in a wrong way. Finally, Schmidt did this. I was expected to do what Schmidt did and even more. This is why maybe some foreigners are against me.” Izetbegovic said that he does not know what ‘The Eight’ promised to SNSD and HDZ B&H in their coalition agreement, adding that the solution is certainly not in constant verbal conflict with Dodik and Covic but bearing in mind their policies, they should not be servile, they should confront them without meeting their requests like ‘The Eight’ is doing. According to Izetbegovic, SDA can hardly be the opposition under the current circumstances and they will strongly fight to defend the country and its future as they have the obligation and people tasked them to do this. In his opinion, the announcement of SDA’s Edin Ramic that SDA will lead people’s rebellion if necessary are not dangerous. He added that SDA will never do anything detrimental for the state or something illegal adding that protests happen every day. In his opinion, if ‘The Eight’ continues with this servile attitude, SDA will surely lead protests to stop that. He argued that ‘The Eight’ already damaged the state of B&H by handing over the fourth delegate to SNSD, while they prepare to do the same with HDZ B&H, they are also ready to change the convocation of the B&H Central Election Commission and they already promised something to Covic when it comes to the B&H Election Law and when it comes to property. Speaking about formation of the FB&H authorities, he argued that SDA’s Refik Lendo will get the support for the seat of a Vice President of the FB&H. At the same time, he announced that Lendo will not support leader of SDP BIH Nermin Niksic as a FB&H Prime Minister-Designate but someone who got way bigger number of votes in the elections. According to leader of SDA, the party demands to respect the will of voters. Commenting on motions for constitutional review of decisions of the HR, he assessed that the CC of B&H should accept the motion even though it is detrimental for the position of SDA. In his opinion, it is unfair and undemocratic what the HR Schmidt did in the night of the elections. He concluded by saying: “Therefore, I am not sure yet how the CC will decide. We will see.”


Kristo, regional leaders attend panel discussion within Davos Forum: New B&H CoM will work on improvement of relations in region and intensifying of cooperation with EU (FTV)


Leaders of the Western Balkans region attended a panel at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos titled ‘Diplomatic Dialogue on Western Balkans’ on Thursday. All leaders of the Western Balkans agreed that cooperation is necessary but according to FTV, it is obvious that some open issues will remain unsolved. Reporter said that bearing in mind that Croatia prefers the role of a regional energy supplier via the gas terminal on the Krk island and the oil pipeline ANAF that goes from Rijeka to Pancevo, this interest is totally understandable at the time of avoiding the Russian oil and gas. Croatian Prime Minister (PM) Andrej Plenkovic said that meetings with leaders of the region are very useful adding that the meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was good. President of the North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski underlined the need to maintain stability, create conditions to incite economic progress of countries of the region and the need to solve “frozen disputes” which is according to reporter, hardly likely to happen. Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Borjana Kristo attended abovementioned panel. On this occasion, she said that that B&H chooses cooperation and openness as a response to global crisis. She noted that the new CoM will work on improving of relations in the region and intensifying of cooperation with the EU. Kristo underlined that B&H remains committed to Berlin Process as ground mechanism enabling a path to stable and competitive European societies. She emphasized that the response to the current social crisis of trust and solidarity in the Western Balkans countries is better cooperation with the EU and its institutions.


Kristo and Plenkovic discuss improving of relations and B&H's path to EU in Davos (Nova BH)


Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers Borjana Kristo met with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Thursday. "Together we are working to strengthen good-neighborly relations and strengthen B&H's path towards the EU", Plenkovic stated on Twitter. Kristo thanked Plenkovic for his strong political engagement regarding the European future of B&H, stressing importance of key reforms, including urgent reform to the Election Law of B&H and strengthening of rule of law and socio-economic reforms. It was confirmed that once new CoM is confirmed, Kristo will pick Croatia as her first official visit.


Kristo and Vucic discuss B&H-Serbia cooperation on sidelines Davos Forum (Hayat)


The reporter comments that B&H has once again proved to be unique, i.e. incumbent B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chair Zoran Tegeltija and future B&H CoM Chair Borjana Kristo have both frequently issued public statements over the past period. The reporter goes on to say that Kristo still does not have her convocation of the B&H CoM, but that did not prevent her from participating in the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting in Davos in the capacity of the B&H CoM Chair. Hayat reports that Kristo and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic held a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the WEF Annual Meeting, and it was stated that they discussed economic situation and all others issues related to cooperation between B&H and Serbia. Kristo and Vucic also discussed issues related to the EU integration and the necessary steps that B&H and Serbia should make on this road. Kristo and Vucic agreed that it is of the highest interest for both countries to develop strong cooperation, because this is best path to future for all citizens. She invited Vucic to attend Mostar Economic Fair.


Kristo meets Abazovic, Kovacevic on sidelines of World Economic Forum (Nezavisne)


B&H Council of Ministers Chair Borjana Kristo met with Montenegrin Prime Minster Dritan Abazovic on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos. Following the meeting with Abazovic, Kristo stated that B&H and Montenegro have very good relations and they share the same goals of regional cooperation and EU integration. Abazovic congratulated B&H on the status of EU candidate and emphasized that Montenegro supports the integrity and sovereignty of B&H. Kristo also met with Macedonian Prime Minister Dmitar Kovacevic.


Plenkovic and Vucic meet: We will make additional efforts to resolve open issues (HRT)


It is the fourth day of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Croatia is represented by Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic who, in addition to a series of panels, is also holding meetings with businessmen and world leaders. After meeting with the Prime Minister of Kosovo day before yesterday, he met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic yesterday morning. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic emphasized that additional efforts are necessary to resolve open issues between the two neighboring countries. “During the World Economic Forum in Davos, I spoke with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, about bilateral relations and the European path of neighboring countries,” announced Plenkovic on Twitter with a photo with Vucic. Croatia and Serbia are burdened by numerous open issues, from 1,832 missing persons to compensation for inmates and the prosecution of war criminals. “In addition to the policy of dialogue and calming tensions, it is necessary to make additional efforts to resolve open issues,” Plenkovic emphasized. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Thursday that he had a very fair conversation with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic about the relations between Serbia and Croatia and that he is convinced that political relations between the two countries will improve in the future,” reported the Tanjug news agency. “A very fair conversation with Andrej Plenkovic about Serbian-Croatian relations. I believe that in the period ahead of us we will be able to achieve progress, both in terms of the economy and in terms of political relations,” announced Vucic on his profile, on Instagram. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic assessed on Thursday in Davos that the meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was good and that they discussed further relations between the two countries and all issues that are obstacles to better relations. “The meeting with President Vucic was good, we put further relations between Croatia and Serbia on the table, and I would still say the ongoing process of normalization, all those issues which are a legacy of the past and which in a certain way are an obstacle to a better relationship between Croatia and Serbia was on the agenda, as well as further economic relations,” said Plenkovic in a press statement at the World Economic Forum in Davos. He said that the fact that in the Croatian Government Anja Simpraga is the Deputy Prime Minister and Tomislav Zigmanov is a Minister in the Government of Serbia provides a new situation that will enable better protection of the position of Croats as a minority in Serbia and Serbs as a minority in Croatia. Plenkovic also met with the chairwoman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Borjana Kristo, and invited her to an official visit to Croatia. “We are working together to strengthen good neighborly relations and support B&H’s European path,” Plenkovic announced on Twitter. He also referred to the meeting with Borjana Kristo, saying that he was very glad that she, as the future chairperson of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, was in Davos, and he expressed his satisfaction that she is now in a position to initiate reforms at the level of B&H after her candidacy status, so that the entire country can continue and progress. “This is very good news and we want to help them both on the reform path and on the European path,” said Plenkovic, adding that all such meetings are good in terms of improving relations and communication.


Milanovic: Ukraine war will be resolved between Moscow and Washington (Hina)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic reiterated his position on Thursday that the war in Ukraine is actually the consequence of settling of accounts between Moscow and Washington at the expense of Kyiv and the war would be resolved between Moscow and Washington. “In my mind, all that is happening there is disastrous and detrimental  both for Ukraine and for global peace,” Milanovic said in the coastal city of Zadar today, criticising the ongoing meeting between western allies and Ukraine in Ramstein, Germany, on more military support to Kyiv. “They are talking about how to further participate in the war by not participating and to ensure that none of ours is killed. Everything else is being done by NATO, while Russia is settling accounts with the Americans via Ukraine,” said Milanovic. “This will not be settled either in Berlin or in Paris, let alone in Brussels, where totally irrelevant and non-elected people sit. This will be settled between Moscow and Washington. That’s how it started in the first place,” Milanovic said. On Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said he viewed as ‘honest’ Milanovic’s recent statement that NATO is engaged in a proxy war against Russia. “Just recently Croatian President Milanovic said that it is NATO’s war against Russia. Frankly and honestly,” Lavrov said while speaking at his annual press conference about the results of Russian diplomacy in 2022. During his visit to Zadar, Milanovic was asked by the press to comment on Lavrov’s statement. Milanovic replied that he was not interested in and did not know what Lavrov intended to achieve with that statement. “I met him only once and we talked for half an hour. I was detached in that conversation, as always in relations with the Russians, because one should be cautious,” Milanovic said. He criticised Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic-Radman for meeting with Lavrov in Moscow on 17 January 2022, just before the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. Milanovic said that on that occasion Grlic-Radman had extended an invitation for Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit Croatia, underscoring that in his capacity as the President of Croatia he had not given approval for that invitation.


HNS rejects SDA’s accusations regarding election of FB&H HoP leadership (Vecernji list)


Vecernji list notes that the election of FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) leadership was used by SDA and its satellites to launch attack on Croat People’s Assembly parties and HDZ B&H, accusing them of abolishing the legitimate representation of people by endorsing NiP’s candidate for FB&H HoP Deputy Speaker. Daily reminds that NiP’s Izen Hajdarovic was elected FB&H HoP Deputy Speaker and not SDA’s Aida Obuca. HNS reacted by rejecting SDA’s manipulative statements, concluding that SDA referring to the legitimate representation is hypocrisy. The HNS’ press release reads that Bosniaks, and not Croats, elected Bosniak delegates in the FB&H HoP, whilst on the other side, for decades members of other peoples have been electing representatives of Croats and the best example of this is the fact that an illegitimate member of the B&H Presidency has been elected for the fourth time, the one that SDA closely cooperates with. The HNS also reminded that for six years SDA has been systematically boycotting an agreement with legitimate Croat representatives about implementation of the decision of the Constitutional Court of B&H in ‘Ljubic’ case. The HNS added that SDA signs the agreements that it does not abide to afterwards. The HNS further noted that SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic has on several occasions publicly stated that he was not negotiating with the Croat leaders and the international community in good faith, instead he was buying time. The HNS concluded that by systematic rejecting of the legitimate representation, SDA has decided to act as a source of instability between Bosniaks and Croats. It was added: “The cooperation of the HNS and SDA at the state and entity levels is impossible as long as SDA has the leadership which promotes the policies contrary to those of the EU, including closer and closer foreign policy cooperation with the regime in Iran and other non-European actors, who systematically violate human rights and promote instability.”


Vukovic: I’m sure that DPS candidate will be the first man of Montenegro; Knezevic: Our and DPS candidate to run in the second round; Milatovic: Candidate to be either from Europe Now or non-partisan (CdM/TVCG)


One of the DF leaders Milan Knezevic says that their position has not changed and that they will have a presidential candidate from within that party, and that they know who it will be. On the other hand, DPS deputy leader Ivan Vukovic says that he is sure that the candidate they propose “will be the first man of Montenegro in the next 5 years”. One of the Europe Now Movement leaders Jakov Milatovic says that it is to be expected that the candidate supported by that movement will be the next president of the country. “I think DF is the only political alliance that knows the name of its presidential candidate. I will not announce it tonight”, says Knezevic in the TVCG talk-show. Knezevic believes that there will be a second round of presidential elections. “The DF candidate and the bloc gathered around DPS will be in that second round”, he adds. He also says that the Parliament Speaker, Danijela Djurovic, called presidential elections without consultation and “in a fraudulent manner” and thus denied the possibility of “having unified presidential and parliamentary elections.” When asked whether the current president of the country, Milo Djukanovic, will run in the presidential elections, DPS deputy leader Ivan Vukovic replies that he will decide that within party bodies and in communication with party partners“When the conditions are created, we will come out with the name publicly and officially. I am sure that the candidate we propose will be the first man of Montenegro in the next 5 years as well, just as I am sure that the backbone of the future government after the early parliamentary elections will be DPS”, says Vukovic, adding that all this that “we watch and experience in Montenegro has lost its meaning lately”. One of the Europe Now Movement leaders Jakov Milatovic says that it is important for Montenegro to get a president who will be the common denominator and who “will know how to unite and not divide citizens”. According to him, it is to be expected that the candidate they support will be the next president of the country. “Whether it will be a candidate from Europe Now or a non-party candidate, I think it will be crystallized in the coming period”, he adds. Milatovic believes that Ivan Vukovic will not be a DPS candidate for president, taking into account the result of that party in the local elections in Podgorica. When asked whether the European Now might cooperate with DPS in the future, Milatovic says that it is “impossible in this context”. Vukovic says that when it comes to parliamentary elections, DPS finds acceptable anyone “who will work in the interest of Montenegro based on the principles they stand for”.


Sehovic: Pro-European parties should have a common presidential candidate; state, not narrow-party interests should prevail (CdM)


“Parties that inherit civil, secular, anti-fascist, European and Euro-Atlantic values would have to be guided by state and not narrow-party interests when making a decision on how to perform in the presidential elections scheduled for 19 March, and I have no doubt that the most important interest of the state is currently, but also the precondition of protecting the fundamental values on which it rests, to appear with a unique, common candidate for president, who as such would have the best chance of winning”, says the president of the Social Democrats of Montenegro (SD) Damir Sehovic. “Montenegro is going through the biggest political and social crisis, which is seriously threatening our European and civil foundations, but it also distances us quite a bit from the value framework characteristic of the modern democratic world, which is why opposition parties that are recognized both for state-building and for politics which correctly set the value framework and brought our country closer to the advanced and civilized Euro-Atlantic family, has a greater responsibility to preserve it with a state-responsible approach to the presidential elections”, Sehovic has pointed out. Any other behaviour, which in this more than challenging time that we live in, would give primacy to the narrow party in relation to the national interest, would, in his words, “be not only an indicator of irresponsibility, but also of political immaturity, which we have no right to, especially not now because of the importance of the political environment in which the presidential elections are organized and the historical turning point at which Montenegro unfortunately has found itself again”. “That is why it is necessary to show the necessary amount of political maturity, to rally around a candidate who has a real chance of winning, so that victory marks the beginning of a turnaround in relation to the policy of the outgoing parliamentary majority, which is characterized by the deliberate endangerment of the European perspective of this country and its value and every other stumble”, Sehovic has stressed. In the event that such an approach is absent, SD will very quickly make a decision on the way to participate in these elections in accordance with a consistent, state-responsible policy, which “since its establishment, and especially in the past two and a half years, we have had the opportunity to, as the only true opposition, demonstrate to the current and previous government”, Sehovic has concluded.


Abazovic & Aliyev: Montenegro interested in bringing natural gas to PoB (CdM)


After the energy crisis that hit Europe, Montenegro is interested in bringing natural gas to the Port of Bar, outgoing PM Dritan Abazovic has said during the meeting with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at the World Economic Forum in Davos. They have stated that the relations between the two countries are friendly and good, based above all on intensive economic cooperation and with a tendency to intensify political dialogue, as well as to improve bilateral cooperation in all segments of mutual importance. Abazovic has welcomed the recent signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on strategic cooperation in the field of energy between Azerbaijan and the European Commission, which intends for Azerbaijan to double gas deliveries to Europe by 2027, the route of which is also planned through Montenegro. “The implementation of the Adriatic-Ionian gas pipeline project will make a great contribution to the stability and diversification of energy sources”, Abazovic has stated, adding that Montenegro and neighboring countries, through the development of this project, “will be a kind of bridge between the Caspian region and Western Europe”.


Davos Forum/ Pendarovski: Balkans in danger from Russian influences, NATO and EU should pay attention to the region (MIA)


"Russia poses a danger to the stability of the Balkan region", said the president of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, during his speech at the Economic Forum in Davos. Pendarovski said that NATO and the EU should pay more attention to the region. "There are two sensitive points in the region, the Republika Srpska and the north in the Republic of Kosovo, where there is an attempt to violate the integrity of these countries, so NATO and the European Union should pay attention to them. I am not worried if we will have transatlantic and pan-European unity and solidarity again this year, but I wonder if it will be preserved when the war in Ukraine ends, and this is the key for democracy to prevail over autocracy," said Pendarovski. Pendarovski said that Europe should have complete unity even after the war in Ukraine, where democracy should prevail for a better world. "If democracies do not stand together, respecting the same values and fighting for them sometimes literally, then autocracies will prevail. We saw last year when the war started in Ukraine and before that in Belarus that the basic dilemma and struggle is between democracy or autocracy, that is, dictatorship as it is today in Russia. Therefore, we must have full unity and solidarity even after the war in Ukraine. We need a better world," said Pendarovski.


Pendarovski met with his friend Alexander Soros in Davos (Libertas)


President Stevo Pendarovski, as part of his participation in the World Economic Forum in Davos, participated in the diplomatic dialogue dedicated to the Western Balkans. The participants of the session, as informed by Pendarovski's Cabinet, discussed the challenges faced by the countries of the Western Balkans and pointed out the need to maintain stability, create conditions to encourage the economic growth of the states, and the necessity to resolve the frozen disputes. Taking into account the new geopolitical context, the leaders of the session presented their views on the role of the European Union in the Western Balkans and exchanged opinions on the possibilities of finding new platforms to promote dialogue and strengthen international partnerships. As the president shared, during the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos he had the opportunity to meet and greet old and new friends - King Philip of Belgium, Polish President Andrzej Duda, Moldovan President Maia Sandu, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Montenegrin Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, businessman Alexander Soros, historian Neil Ferguson.


Rama criticizes EU regarding WB integration process (ADN)


Prime Minister Edi Rama was invited to the World Economic Forum in Davos, where during his speech he expressed his dissatisfaction with the European Union regarding the integration process. Rama also added that the French are not enthusiastic about the integration of our country into the EU. "Everyone wants to be part of the European Union, the French are not enthusiastic about us actually", Rama said. Rama declared that the states of the Western Balkans are at the center of Europe and have no intention of going anywhere else. "The integration process has completely changed, it has become neurotic and unfair, which is good for us as we train our nerves. But if they did the same as they are doing to us, many EU countries could not have been able to enter on their own. And I'm not talking about communist countries, but also from the founders. Belive me. This is the reality", said the prime minister, among other things.


Hohmann: Representatives of all political parties should make EU-related reforms their top priority (Radio Tirana)


The Ambassador of the European Union in Tirana, Christiane Hohmann, received at the House of Europe the deputies of the European Integration Commission and the EU-Albania Parliamentary Committee for Stabilization-Association. Hohmann said members of parliament play a key role in the EU accession process. "Representatives of all political parties should make EU-related reforms their top priority. The EU Delegation will continue to be there to support Albania in this difficult task," said the EU Ambassador. EU Christiane Hohmann in a social media post.


Kim, optimistic about Albania: You are on the right track to travel visa-free to the USA (Radio Tirana)


The US Ambassador Yuri Kim has stated that Albania is on the right track to enter the US without visas. Invited to "Real Story", she said that such a thing could happen very soon. "It depends on what happens in Albania. But I can say this. When we decide to give ten-year visas, the meaning is that we are optimistic about the next ten years. I cannot predict when exactly we will be able to travel without visas at all, but I can say that we are in the right direction. One of these indicators is trade, business between the United States and Albania," said Kim.


Albania's exports record in 2022, 25% increase in agriculture through Open Balkans (Radio Tirana)


The easing of trade barriers between the countries of the region, through "Open Balkan", encouraged the increase of trade exchanges in the field of Agriculture. In the statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture, it is noted that in 2022, the trade volume in the field of agriculture with the countries of the "open Balkans", RMV and Serbia, increased to the level of 25%.  Albanian agricultural exports with Serbia increased by 58.2% in value and by 13.6% in quantity. With North Macedonia, they recorded an increase of 37.2% in value and 32% more in quantity. Agricultural imports with Serbia decreased by 9% and with North Macedonia decreased by 22%, as far as regional cooperation initiatives are concerned, Albania tops the list of CEFTA countries for using the system and saving export processing time and waiting for trucks at borders. 86% of the phytosanitary certificates of the entire EU pilot project originate from Albania. Meanwhile, costs and time at the border of economic operators from Kosovo have been reduced. If in 2021 at the border it took 30 minutes to 7 days to complete 10 procedural and documentary steps. In 2022, only the self-delivery of documents is carried out, spending a maximum of 5-10 minutes, which has resulted in the saving of over 6,600 hours of waiting at the border and a 73% increase in exports. According to INSTAT, for the year 2022, Albania reached the highest historical level of agricultural exports in the record figure of 51.7 billion ALL in quantity, exporting 389,805 tons of products, or 42,284 tons more, where the "Greens" chapter leads, with 5,746 tons with many exports and the "Fruits" chapter with 17,766 tons more.