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Belgrade Media Report 6 March



Formation of Community of Serb Municipalities reality after last round of negotiations in Brussels (TV Pink)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Saturday that the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) is a reality and the first item on the agenda, after the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, which was held on 27 February in Brussels. In a statement for TV Pink, Brnabic pointed out that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic did not sign anything in Brussels, recalling that our red lines are the non-recognition of "Kosovo" and that there is no membership of "Kosovo" in the United Nations. She stated that the part of the international community, which participates in the negotiations, is now even more vocal about the formation of the ZSO and assessed that the reaction of the Pristina politicians to that meeting in Brussels shows that Serbia defended its red lines, because mutual recognition, that the Pristina side insists on, is no longer mentioned. She pointed out that there is no longer talk of mutual recognition, but of the normalisation of relations, adding that the Serbian President fought for it, just as he fought for the ZSO with executive powers. According to her, he advocated for us to have an agreement that states what the executive powers are, what the statute is, how it is drawn up, what it means for the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija and how it protects Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija.


Serbia did not sell arms either to Ukraine or Russia (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on 5 March that not a single piece of Serbian weapons or munitions had been sold to either Russia or Ukraine and that anyone who said otherwise was "a liar, an informant, and should be ashamed because they are hurting Serbia". "In accordance with international law, there are so-called permitted users and Serbia can only export to these countries. We did everything in accordance with the law. We are pure as the driven snow," Vucic said in Doha, where he took part in a conference held by the United Nations. In response to claims that weapons were exported to Ukraine from Serbia via Turkey, he said Serbia had "additionally protected" itself knowing that it was possible that some of the goods could end up elsewhere. "We added that it was impossible to export the ammunition we gave to Turkey without our consent," Vucic said, adding that Serbia "never made anyone go to war". Asked about Kosovo, he reiterated that Serbia would "face pressure that is not light" at all and that "there have been innumerable lies, untruths in these few days on that count, too". "A lot of people were terribly irritable, angry, hoping that I would sign something and that they would be able to say that Serbia lost, though they were never worried about Serbia but only about their seats, whether they could get a seat and a full treasury, which they did nothing to fill," Vucic said.


Dacic: Serbia not exporting arms to Ukraine or Russia (Tanjug/RTS)


Since the outbreak of the Ukraine war, Serbia has neither exported arms or military equipment to Ukraine or Russia nor licensed such exports to either country, or any other country it believes could be a contentious export destination from the international point of view, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Friday. Addressing Ministry of Defence envoys posted to Serbian embassies worldwide, Dacic said he was familiar with the information as his ministry, too, took part in the licencing process, and added that he was talking about legal institutions that were allowed to export arms. He noted that Serbian diplomatic activities primarily focused on preservation of Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, which he said represented the main guideline for foreign policy activities. "We are witnessing enormous pressure on Serbia that is aimed at completing the project of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo and that culminated at the most recent meeting in Brussels," Dacic said. "I must once again reiterate our clear position that any attempt of solving the status of our southern province is possible only through establishment of dialogue mechanisms between Belgrade and Pristina. For that reason, correct presentation of the danger posed by Pristina's unilateral moves, which generally jeopardise establishment of dialogue, is also very important," Dacic said. He added that EU membership was a priority objective on Serbia's political agenda. "But for reasons that are very familiar, it is questionable whether full EU membership is a moving target or a real possibility. That fact must not discourage us from presenting the added value Serbia could bring by joining the EU," Dacic said. Serbia is and will remain the main point of regional stability, he also said.


Petkovic: Belgrade devoted for normalization of relations, but it will never recognize so-called Kosovo (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Sunday that the representative of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina Besnik Bislimi completely wrongly and maliciously interprets Belgrade’s readiness for dialogue with Pristina as some kind of readiness of Serbia to recognize the so-called “Kosovo”. “Belgrade is committed to the normalization of relations with Pristina and the creation of a stable environment for the economic development of the entire region, however Belgrade will never recognize the so-called “Kosovo” and its unilateral and illegal act of secession and will never agree to the membership of the so-called “Kosovo” in the UN,” pointed out Petkovic. Instead of seeking support abroad for Pristina’s separatist ambitions, Bislimi should, together with his boss Kurti, devote himself to redefining his chauvinist policy and turn to the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, and that, if their intentions were good, should be their only preoccupation,” emphasized Petkovic. He pointed out that the time has come when political leaders in Pristina no longer have space for empty tirades about democracy and independence, because even their biggest Western sponsors understand that they are unreliable and irresponsible people. Petkovic stated that Kurti and Bislimi, pleading for a change in the attitude of certain non-recognising countries, are abusing the dialogue on the normalization of relations in order to essentially further destabilize the region, but also to show how malignant and insincere their intentions are. Previously, Bislimi, in an interview with the Greek Kathimerini, assessed that Greece should take the decisive step of recognizing the so-called Kosovo by using the momentum created after the last round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina held last Monday in Brussels.


Djilas: Acceptance of the European plan “inevitable” (Beta/Politika)


Speaking of the EU proposal, Dragan Djilas, leader of the Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP), said on Saturday that its acceptance is inevitable because the public in Serbia learned of its content only after Vucic had agreed on it in principle. “We were given a paper which cannot be discussed. It could have been different, but the plan has been accepted and it is an inevitability and it is pointless to talk about it,” he said. “Is the plan good for Serbia? It isn’t. Could it have been different? Yes, it could. Has such a plan been accepted? Yes, it has. Is it inevitable now? Yes, it is. Is it pointless to talk about it now? Yes, it is,” he continued. The EU proposal is not good for Serbia, but it is not good to reject such a proposal that has been accepted, Djilas said. “The most problematic part of the plan, for the SSP, is that Serbia will not oppose Kosovo’s membership in international organizations,” he added. On the other hand, “Serbia must be in the EU. There is no prosperity if we do not head down that path” also because the country cannot risk agitate its relations with the Union,” Djilas said. “This time no one would bomb us, but we would have an economic ‘bombing’ with catastrophic consequences. This would additionally increase the otherwise great exodus of the population and in 30 years there be no more than two million of us. Serbia would become deserted,” he said, adding that the state policies are based “on pragmatism and reality, not on emotions.” “And the reality is that the Albanians do not want to be part of the constitutional order of Serbia and that can only be changed by war. All those who say that they are in favor of that, but are not in favor of war, but to achieve that using peaceful means, are lying to their people, because they too are well aware that this is impossible. And war is something that must never happen to us again. Not to mention that it would be a war against NATO which we cannot win. Serbia’s policy must never again be war with anyone, anywhere,” Djilas said.


Opposition divided over an initiative for another parliament session on Kosovo (Beta)


An initiative of the same group of right-wing parliamentary parties to convene an extraordinary session of the parliament on the EU proposal was supported only by the People's Party (NS), it was confirmed on Sunday. Dveri, Zavetnici, New DSS and the Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia (POKS) launched an initiative to convene another extraordinary session of the parliament, in addition to one recently held, but their proposal was rejected by the ruling coalition parties as well as part of the liberal opposition around the Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP), the Democratic Party (DS), the Green-Left Club and We Must, and all independent MPs except two of them. In the explanation of the request for convening an extraordinary session, the leader of the movement Dveri Bosko Obradovic assessed that it was “particularly dramatic” that Vucic would continue the talks with Kurti in Ohrid without first explaining to the MPs what he accepted at the last week’s meeting in Brussels. “Parliament in the new convocation never authorized the president to negotiate, accept or sign anything when it comes to Kosovo, nor are these his constitutional powers, and no negotiating platform on Kosovo was adopted that every government would have to adhere to,” Obradovic said.


Jovanovic: West won’t allow early parliamentary elections, they need Vucic (Beta)


Opposition MP Aleksandar “Cuta” Jovanovic said that the West will not allow the holding of early parliamentary elections in Serbia because they need Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to remain in power. Jovanovic said that, following the acceptance of the Agreement on the path to normalization between Kosovo and Serbia and the increasingly frequent announcements on lithium mining, Serbia needs early elections, but added that they most probably will not be held. “The Western countries that brought Vucic to power will not allow the calling of early parliamentary elections. The West expects Vucic to realize what he promised them earlier, and that is the recognition of Kosovo’s independence and lithium mining in Western Serbia,” said Jovanovic. Early elections are possible only if the people exert pressure. “If the people rebel and take to the streets, there will be elections for sure. I think it would be very important to first have election for the Belgrade City Assembly, and then for the Serbian parliament,” said the MP.


Serb NGOs from Kosovo write to Patriarch (Beta/Danas)


The heads of three NGOs from Kosovo sent a letter to Serbian Patriarch Porfirije, again asking him to answer the question “why is the church silent on the increasingly difficult position of the Kosovo Serbs”, Beta reported. “It is becoming normal that Serbs who left Kosovo moved their families, dig up the bones of their ancestors and resettle them somewhere far from the holy Serbian land. (…) And everyone stays silent, and the church stays silent," said the letter, the third of which the same signatories sent to the patriarch. “Since we are convinced that is not the will of the Serbs and that it is not the will of their church, then nothing is right. Therefore, it is not right that our church is so thunderously silent”, the letter said.


Giaufret: EU proposal historic opportunity, will bring investments to Kosovo, Serbia (Kurir/Beta)


Emanuele Giaufret, Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, has called the European proposal for Kosovo a "historic opportunity", saying that it is "excellent news" that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti "agreed that no further discussion of the EU proposal is necessary". "Success, however, comes with the actual implementation of the agreement. The EU high representative stressed after the meeting that all agreements from the dialogue to date remain valid and binding, including, of course, the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities and we will continue to insist on that urgent matter," Giaufret told Kurir in an interview published on 5 March. He said it was "necessary to see the positive in this new agreement", because it could bring new economic opportunities through greater financial aid, business cooperation and new investments in Kosovo and Serbia. "It will also be a turning point in Serbia's EU integration process," Giaufret stressed. According to him, the EU special representative Miroslav Lajcak will continue his diplomatic efforts in Belgrade and in Pristina in March in preparation for the next high-level encounter. "We must all work together to ensure the implementation of all agreements," Giaufret said.


Pristina denies liaison officer's request to visit Serb detainees (Tanjug)


The provisional authorities in Pristina have denied a request by Belgrade's liaison officer Dejan Pavicevic to visit two Serb detainees in a Podujevo prison to see the conditions they are being held in and verify that their rights are respected, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said on Friday. In a statement, it said that, since the arrests of Sladjan Trajkovic and Miljan Adzic, Pavicevic had submitted several requests to visit them, most recently on 23 February, through their lawyer. However, the acting judges banned Pavicevic from visiting the detainees and said "his status was unclear" and that the request was unjustified. Pristina has thus once again violated the Brussels agreements and flagrantly deprived Trajkovic and Adzic of their rights, the Office said. "Visits to Serb detainees in Kosovo-Metohija are in line with Pavicevic's authority defined by the Brussels agreement on the liaison officer and are a practice that had been ongoing for years," it said. The Office said it had also sent a protest letter to Miroslav Lajcak, an EU facilitator in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, insisting that he use his authority and position to ensure respect of the agreement and demand from Pristina that it allow the liaison officer to visit the detainees.




EUD/EUSR Refrain from moves contrary to B&H CC decisions (Dnevni avaz)


Spokesperson of the EU Delegation and EU Special Representative (EUSR) Ferdinand Koenig stated that Constitutional Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has key role in securing of the rule of law in B&H and decisions of this institution are final and obligatory. This, Koenig noted, refers to provisional measure on putting out of force the Law on Immovable Property of Republika Srpska (RS). Spokesperson underlined that solving of issue of state and military property is key element of ‘5+2’ Program, which needs to implemented to distance from international supervision in B&H. “Which is also of great importance for B&H path toward the EU. Issues of state and military property have to be solved fully in line with decisions of Constitutional Court of B&H, which implies adoption of the law at the state level which will regulate them. We call on authorities in B&H to refrain from the moves that are contrary to decisions of B&H CC and to use opportunities that are offered by the momentum emerging from awarding of status of EU candidate and establishing of new coalition at state level, in order to make progress in key reforms, including the issue regarding the state property,” said Koenig.


30-day deadline for formation of FB&H government starts running (FTV)


FTV carried that 30 days of the fight for appointment of the future Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) government is ahead. This deadline started running after the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H confirmed indirect election of the FB&H leadership and distributed the posts according to which Lidija Bradara (HDZ B&H) has been elected FB&H President, and Refik Lendo (SDA) and Igor Stojanovic (SDP B&H) as the FB&H Vice-Presidents. At the very beginning, Lendo stated that he will not give his consent for appointment of the FB&H Prime Minister if SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic is the candidate fort the post. Lendo said that he is not concerned by the deadlines but rather about a quality agreement in which SDA would obtain its position in the government. “They have been calling on the High Representative (Christian Schmidt) to react. I think that the international community should not interfere”, he added. Meanwhile, the Eight finds Lendo the biggest obstacle to formation of the FB&H government. Stojanovic presented an opinion that the appointment of the future FB&H Prime Minister will not pass as smoothly as expected. Stojanovic sees the problem exclusively in Lendo’s stance and considers that the final solution is in Schmidt's move. "Now, according to the Constitution, it is necessary to consult with the candidate for Prime Minister and together with the president and two vice-presidents, that candidate will coordinate and propose the FB&H government. We have a problem - we all expect that Lendo will not agree to the proposed composition of the government proposed by the Eight with the HDZ B&H, and after that we could enter into a blockade of the government", added Stojanovic. Speaker of the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) Mirjana Marinkovic-Lepic (Our Party – NS) warned that the lack of Lendo's signature could lead to a stalemate in the appointment of the future FB&H government. Marinkovic-Lepic said: "The greatest danger of blocking the government is Mr. Lendo if he does not join the rest of the leadership in forming the government. It is not defined what to do in these cases. Something will have to be resolved, whether it will be the intervention of Mr. Schmidt or something else.” Reporter noted that the most rumoured option is Schmidt's move to impose a one-time decision according to which, in this election cycle, the signatures of the president and both vice-presidents of the FB&H would not be required for the election of a new government.


Covic: FB&H government most likely to be formed in next 30 days (O Kanal)


Addressing media in Ravno Municipality on Friday, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic stated that the FB&H government will most likely be formed in the next 30 days. Asked by media whether FB&H Vice-President Refik Lendo (SDA) has the right to demand for SDA to become part of the future FB&H government due to the position he has as the VP, Covic replied that today anyone can ask for “all kinds of things”. Covic added: “Let us move on, the sooner the better. You have seen how the Council of Ministers (CoM) is working intensively, and I believe that at the B&H level, in the next month, we will solve all outstanding issues that have been outstanding for the past four years. In the FB&H, the situation and dynamics are somewhat different, and our involvement in that Government will be realized with many projects of our joint cooperation with Croatia.” Covic noted that he will not pay attention to the allegations that Lendo will not endorse appointment of the future FB&H Prime Minister. Covic expressed optimism that the FB&H Government will be formed within the next 30 days.


HR Schmidt expects officials in FB&H to reach a solution on new government on their own, noting they committed to EU to do that (FTV)


The reporter notes that the time limitation to form the new FB&H government has begun to run, which again brought into focus High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt’s potential new interventions after FB&H Vice President Refik Lendo (SDA) clearly said he will not give consent for the new government. At the same time, Schmidt said that officials in the FB&H must reach an agreement on their own. FTV reports that Schmidt said that after the local officials made a commitment to the EU, and he expects them to find a solution and added “the discrimination in this country has to end, because there is no more time for political charades that block this country’s way forward’’. “If there is a will, there is a way. Respecting the essence of democracy is to respect the results of elections and to ensure that governments are in place after each elections. Blockage of the institutions is not an option. Keeping what’s left of a government elected eight years ago and not having the support of parliament is not an option either. We have seen how quickly the Council of Ministers was formed. There is no reason why an agreement cannot be reached for the new FB&H Government. The parliament plays a crucial role, and the President and Vice Presidents have the task to make constructive proposals. They owe this to B&H citizens”, Schmidt was quoted as saying.


New blockades of EU path to be carried out by Dodik, because of his stances on Kosovo (Dnevni avaz)


Dnevni avaz daily reads that leaders of the Western Balkans met in Berlin on 4 November 2022 at the ‘Western Balkans Summit’, which is part of Berlin Process and signed three regional agreements about mobility which are expected to enable: free movement of citizens in the region only with the IDs, recognizing of university diplomas and of professional qualifications for doctors of medicine, stomatology and architects. Daily goes on and reminds that the agreements were signed by representatives of Albania, B&H, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia, and Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) worked on coordination of these agreements with all sides. On occasion of signing of these agreements, President of European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen stated that this is an event of key importance for developing of joint regional market, but also integration of Western Balkans into EU’s single market. However, article comments, due to stances of RS President Milorad Dodik these projects could be stopped in B&H, being that he directly said that he will reject agreements that would mean that Kosovo citizens can travel to B&H only with the IDs. Couple of days ago, Dodik stated that Council of Ministers will not apply this agreement and he explained that last year Special Representative of German government for Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin came to Banja Luka, during the preparations for the Berlin Summit and he asked for allowing Kosovo citizens to travel to B&H only with the IDs and at the same time Kosovo will not be recognized. “What is this if not some form of recognition,” Dodik stated. Daily noted that CoM should have discussed this agreement on its session on February 23th, but discussion on this matter was postponed due to SNSD’s stance. Author comments that at the same time, governments of Albania, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo discussed these agreements and signed it, sarcastically noting that it would seem that Dodik became bigger fighter for Kosovo than Serbia is. “Just as he recently protested against B&H’s voting in favor of UN resolution calling on Russia to withdraw from Ukraine, which Serbia supported,” comments the author.


Dodik: B&H CC political decisions have no importance too us (Oslobodjenje)


RS President Milorad Dodik posted on his Instagram and stated that the RS is stable and gets stronger with each day. “The last week showed us that they in the FB&H still live in delusion that with assistance of the international community, they can decide about the property that belongs to RS. I once again underlined that such political decisions of the Constitutional Court have no importance for us,” Dodik wrote. Dodik added that even stronger fight for interests of the RS will continue.  Dodik also wrote on his Instagram profile that he is proud to be able to respond with clear statistic data to all speculations and attempts to present the situation in the RS as bad. “Those data say that we have a constant growth of the average salary, which amounted to EUR 622 in January this year, the credit rating of the RS is stable B plus, and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2022 was nominally higher by 13.5% in comparison to 2021, and the coverage of import with export in January this year was excellent 97.28%”, Dodik noted. Dodik reminded that he had the pleasure to be the host for students of the Faculty of Law of the University of Pristina with a temporary seat in Kosovska Mitrovica. Dodik also said that the RS and Serbia are always together in everything and that this is confirmed by projects which they carry out jointly, which is something he discussed with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Dodik reminded that he attended a reception in Belgrade held on the occasion of the RS Day and 31st anniversary of adoption of the first Constitution of the RS: “I am happy that the most important dates for the RS and our people are being marked in Serbia”. Dodik noted that he met with Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler, attended the 1st International Conference of Craftsmanship and Entrepreneurship and he also had an online meeting with representatives of Chinese ‘SMES’ Corporation to discuss possible investments in infrastructural projects in the RS.


RS parliament to discuss Draft Law on amendments to RS Criminal Code that introduce insult and defamation as criminal offenses; RS authorities justify Law, say law will be subjected to public debate (RTRS)


At its session held on Friday, the Collegium of the RS parliament adopted agenda for the RS parliament regular session scheduled for March 14, that includes the Draft Amendments to the RS Criminal Code adopted by the RS government on Thursday. The reporter reminds that amendments introduce insult and defamation as criminal offenses, noting that although the Draft Law has not yet been referred to parliamentary procedure, some are already criticizing it. Addressing the press conference on Friday, RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic that such law “exists in the European legislation’’, noting that experts, the media and representatives in the RS parliament will be able to present their opinions on amendments. “There is also room for public discussions and I do not see anything disputable in that”, said Stevandic. The reporter notes that the opposition has already taken its position, i.e. they are against criminalization of insult and defamation, and goes on to say that whilst the RS Ministry of Justice argues that similar laws exist in the region and the EU, individual representatives are convinced the law is directed against them. “In a way to suppress any attempt of opposition activity and any attempt of the media freedom’’, said RS SDS representative Vukota Govedarica. Addressing the press conference, RS Minister of Justice Milos Bukejlovic said: “One in two countries in the EU has defamation, i.e. criminal offenses against reputation and honor’’. He went on to say that laws in Serbia and Croatia envisage prison sentence for such criminal offenses, whilst the law in Montenegro envisages fines like the law in the RS. Commenting on the issue, former President of the Serbian Association of Journalists Vladimir Radomirovic said for RTRS that amendments to the RS Criminal Code and the Serbian Criminal Code are very similar. “As I said, defamation was eliminated from the Serbian Criminal Code some ten years ago, however provisions related to insult are quite similar, with exceptions that fines in Serbia are significantly lower”. RTRS reports that envisaged fines range between BAM 5,000 and BAM 50,000 depending on whether the insult is made in the media, at a public gathering or in another way. Envisaged fines for defamation range between BAM 8,000 and BAM 30,000, whilst the fine for religious or racial insult may reach up to BAM 100,000. Commenting on the issue, RS Association of Journalist Mira Kostovic said the Association is of view that a clear distinction between insult and defamation must be made and how much serious criminal offense the insult is. Lawyer Boris Novkovic said the public discussion will be held, noting that the Bar Association will actively participate in the process and will present their objections and suggestions aimed at reaching the best possible legal solution “that would not violate freedom of speech and freedom of expression”. Lawyer Milos Stevanovic said that the Draft Law envisages exemptions “that enable public opinion and criticism that will not be sanctioned. Therefore, I am of view that the freedom of speech will not be endangered in any way”. Meanwhile, the association of journalists of B&H ‘BH Journalists’ reacted on Friday to the announcement of the RS government on changing of the RS Criminal Code. Namely, the association called on the international community for a reaction arguing that changes represent the process of criminalization of slander by authorities of the RS, as well as undermining of freedom of media and independency of journalism in the RS. The RS parliament is set to discuss changes to the RS Criminal Code on March 14 that refer to stricter sanctions for slander. “The Steering Committee of BH Journalists warns that the process of criminalizing defamation, initiated by the authorities in RS, represents an open stifling of media freedom and independent, investigative journalism in that entity. The fact that the authorities of the RS have decided through changes to the existing law to define even the amount of fines for defamation, and that the stipulated fines are significantly higher than the amounts that the courts in B&H have so far decided on defamation lawsuits, is nothing more than an institutional attempt at intimidation of journalists and the media, especially those who write critically about the moves of the government, the suppression of media freedom and the introduction of (self)censorship. The journalistic community in B&H, including around 700 members of BH Journalists Association from all over the country, is united in the opinion that such processes must be stopped. We now need the support of the international community, especially the OHR, the Delegation of the EU, the Council of Europe and the OSCE in B&H, which must act concretely to prevent the criminalization of defamation! Their previous silence and opportune behaviour gave Milorad Dodik and his advisers the wind to carry out their plans to criminalize defamation and shut down independent media in our country,” reads the statement. The Association reminded that guarantee of freedom of expression, freedom of media and protection of journalists is one of fundamental conditions on EU path.


Dodik: No one is targeting journalists with draft law on defamation; Public discussion procedure to eliminate media community’s fears (ATV)


Addressing media in Banja Luka on Sunday, RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik commented on the introduction of the criminal offense of defamation into the RS Criminal Code, which has been defined by the RS Government’s draft amendments. In his comment, Dodik said that no one is targeting journalists and added that all fears that the media community has will be eliminated in the public discussion procedure. According to Dodik, this law will reach the level of best practices in Europe. “In the public discussion, we will eliminate all the fears that the media community and the media have, we will explain that this should be our joint story. If you want to preserve the part involving professional attitude towards what you do, then you should also renounce those who speculate in public space on behalf of all media," said Dodik. The RS President stated that a solution should be sought and added that he is taking it upon himself not only to talk to all responsible editors, but also to talk to all journalists about the fears that exist there. "But I am also ready to tell you why I think it is necessary. I am not against you as much as some of you are against me, but it is in my duty as a president to make sure that the public space is freed from speculation that is so harmful, and even to the point that we have cases of suicides and many other things”, noted the RS President. He emphasized that it is true that media freedom must be absolute within the framework of what protects the freedom of others. Dodik also stated that the RS is about to adopt this regulation despite of opposing of journalists, NGOs and attorney. Dodik underlined that final text of abovementioned amendments to the Criminal Code will be harmonized with journalists’ associations and NGOs. “I will be brutally honest. You surprise me. From what I hear, I can see that you have been defending defamation and lying. No one telling truth should have problem with this, and no one should be concerned this will be misused”, explained the leader of SNSD. He stressed that public space has been polluted with untruths, adding that journalists did little not to allow it. Dodik said that no one is attacking journalists and that all those who say the truth should not have any problems with that.

Commenting the draft amendments to RS Criminal Code criminalizing defamation, the RS Ministry of Justice stated that defamation is a criminal offense in the legal norms of all countries of the EU and the region, and in some countries, defamation is punishable by prison sentence. The Ministry described negative reactions coming from individuals and different associations as irresponsible towards the citizens and general public. According to the Ministry, it is irresponsible to use imprecise and superficial political phrases to discuss such an important issue.


OSCE representatives consider that criminalization of defamation in RS is step backwards in already fragile media freedom environment in RS entity (O Kanal)


OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Teresa Ribeiro, and Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H, Ambassador Brian Aggeler issued a statement in relation to the RS government’s decision to criminalize defamation in the RS, stating that in 2001, B&H was the first country in the region to decriminalize defamation across its entire territory and in that context, they see a decision as a step backwards in an already fragile media freedom environment in the entity of the RS where only a handful of free and independent outlets are operating today. “This worrying development is unfolding despite recent assurances by the RS Ministry of Justice that the government was not aiming to work on amendments to the RS Criminal Code as first announced by RS President Milorad Dodik in late 2022. Once again, we reiterate that such moves go against international standards and best practices and will further erode the overall media freedom situation in the RS”, Ribeiro and Aggeler warned. “The RS authorities have a responsibility to ensure an inclusive, constructive and transparent public debate on any amendments that may impact media freedom in the entity’’, reads the statement by Ribeiro and Aggeler.


EUD: Criminalization of defamation in RS would represent setback in terms of guarantees of freedom of expression as fundamental human right (Hayat)


The EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H issued a statement with regard to the draft amendments to the RS Criminal Code introducing the criminal offense of defamation, noting that criminalization of defamation would represent a setback in terms of guarantees of freedom of expression as a fundamental human right. The EUD emphasized that the qualification of defamation as a criminal act is an outdated approach, and the decriminalization of defamation in B&H in 2002 was a significant achievement for B&H. "Freedom of expression is a fundamental right. In a key priority from the European Commission (EC)'s Opinion on B&H's request for EU membership, B&H is called upon to take concrete steps to guarantee freedom of expression and freedom of the media and protect journalists”, reads the statement. It was concluded that, when the EC made a recommendation for granting candidate status to B&H, it was done with the expectation that certain reforms would be implemented without further delay and one of them is the strengthening of freedom of expression and media freedom.


US Embassy: Criminalization of defamation in RS would threaten freedom of expression as basic human right and would have direct impact on journalists’ ability to report truthfully (Hayat)


The US Embassy to B&H issued a statement, commenting the draft amendments to the RS Criminal Code introducing the criminal offense of defamation, stating that criminalizing defamation would threaten freedom of expression as a basic human right and would have a direct impact on journalists' ability to report truthfully. According to the US Embassy, the free and independent media are the cornerstone of healthy democracies. “The US believes that accurate information is a public good that helps people understand events and empowers citizens to engage meaningfully in their communities. We believe that it is important that the authorities are open to criticism, even when it is not pleasant. Steps must be taken to counter disinformation, but we must always be vigilant when it comes to measures that give the authorities too broad powers to criminalize, censor, or abolish freedom of expression”, noted the Embassy. The comment concludes that instead of criminal defamation laws, institutions of authorities must take measures to create a safe and stimulating environment for free and independent media.


Covic meets with Minister Butkovic; Head of Municipality of Ravno Simunovic and Croatian Minister Butkovic sign agreement on construction of road Zavala-Orahov do- Croatian border (HRT1)


The Croatian Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Oleg Butkovic signed an agreement with the Head of Ravno Municipality Andrija Simunovic, on the co-financing of the construction of the Zavala-Orahov Do regional road, which will connect Ravno Municipality with future Adriatic roads. A total of 10 kilometers of the road should be built in two years, and the value of the works is EUR 7.3 Million. The value of the preparation of technical documentation is about BAM 154,000, which will be financed by the Government of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC), which will also participate in the costs of expropriation of private land plots that will be found on the route itself. This road is a strategically important project for the south of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), because the connection with Croatia enables access to the sea via the Ravno border crossing. Simunovic said that this project will be reflected in the future regarding positive demographic processes, especially in rural areas, which are difficult to initiate. In mid-February in Dubrovnik, a contract was signed between the delegations of B&H and Croatia on the execution of works from the direction of Croatia, where work on three kilometres of road began. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic talked about the importance of this project due to ambitions in tourism, agriculture and economy. “With that, Ravno municipality would gain a new dimension and become an ideal place to live”, said Covic. At the meeting, which was held in the HDZ B&H building in Mostar before the signing in Ravno, a number of projects that have been implemented jointly by B&H and Croatia in the last few years were discussed. They discussed the Svilaj and Gradiska bridges, as well as the implementation of projects concerning the 5C corridor through B&H and the establishment of the Zagreb-Mostar airline. Butkovic who arrived in Ravno accompanied by Covic after they held a coordination meeting in Mostar, said that Croatia will provide assistance in this project. Butkovic as well as Simunovic agreed that this project is of huge importance from the aspect of tourism. “That will make our relations firmer and secure a safer transport connection”, Butkovic noted. Butkovic said that Croatia is resolutely supporting the Corridor 5c project, which he referred to as “the most important infrastructure project in both countries”. Simunovic stressed that new possibilities are created for Ravno Municipality with this road. Simunovic specified that these new possibilities are economic, tourist, and demographic. “It should revitalize this area”, Simunovic noted. Covic stated that a joint session of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) and the Croatian Government is in plan and it should cover the infrastructure projects, as well.


Plenkovic survives opposition motion for his recall (HRT)


In parliament on Friday the opposition failed in its first attempt to topple Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. The vote of no-confidence comes after a series of previous unsuccessful attempts to take out individual ministers or the cabinet as a whole. Ultimately, 56 deputies voted against the prime minister, one abstained, while the parliamentary majority, an HDZ-led coalition of 77 mandates, supported Plenkovic. The vote was initiated by the Homeland Movement Party, and in spite of the fact that the outcome was clear even before the vote, it did provide the opposition with an opportunity to once again warn about the endless series of corruption cases being linked to Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and his HDZ. Homeland Movement Party president Ivan Penava: “Our goal was to, together with our colleagues from the opposition, show the Croatian public that the wrong man is leading Croatia, and that the governing coalition is implementing policies that are detrimental to Croatia's strategic interests.” The opposition agreed that the core problem is political corruption, nepotism, a declining living standard, the painfully slow earthquake reconstruction effort, and the complete lack of reforms. The parliamentary majority however, rejected these criticisms out of hand. HDZ MP Zeljko Reiner: “This is yet another failure of the opposition, on the basis of a pathetic and unconvincing presentation. The citizens have had the opportunity to see how the opposition has embarrassed itself in calling for Andrej Plenkovic's removal, without a single argument. What they really want is to topple institutions, and yet on the other hand they are literally prostituting themselves to become members of various bodies.” This comment evoked a response from Penava: “Perhaps the score is twenty or twenty-two nothing, but when we look at the day-to-day, each one of those attempts resulted to a very high degree in leading officials and ministers stepping down. And I am certain that in the future this will be Andrej Plenkovic, for whom it is entirely clear now to everyone that he is at the helm of this structure, as its boss, the same phrase used in all mafia structures.” Social Democrat MP Davorko Vidovic had this to say about the manner in which Plenkovic and his inner circle runs the HDZ and the government: “They have proven themselves skilled to a certain extent in corrupting a part of the electorate, by handing out subsidies and one off aid measures. But, the thing that was supposed to offer a more stable existential situation, did not get done.” SDP Party President Pedja Grbin added: “It is completely normal that the infamous Andrej Plenkovic doesn't have time to concern himself with issues of importance to Croatian citizens, because he is far too busy dealing with issues such as logs from the Croatian forest management company, or influence decision on who will be appointed intern in the hunting society.”


Grlic Radman: By helping Ukraine we defend our own security (Hina)


Participating in the Raisina Dialogue 2023 conference in New Delhi, focusing on the Russian aggression against Ukraine, Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said that by helping Ukraine the world was defending its own security. “The security of Central and Eastern Europe is an integral part of the European Union’s security architecture and of the broader rules-based international order. From the European perspective, opposition to the Russian aggression includes support to freedom and democracy in Ukraine but it also constitutes the defence of the European as well as the global security architecture. The Russian aggression has resulted in many other threats such as inflation and disruptions in energy and food supply. There is no doubt that by helping Ukraine we are defending our own security,” the minister said at a panel debate on Friday, according to a press release from the Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. Noting that Croatia fully understands what an unprovoked aggression and the use of force mean, Grlic Radman said that Croatia has been helping Ukraine economically, diplomatically and by sharing its experience regarding the war and post-war recovery, demining and confidence-building. The importance of preserving democratic values in the EU’s neighbourhood through the European integration process has never been clearer. The values that people in those societies aspire to are a cornerstone of our common resilience, he said. The Croatian minister also held a bilateral meeting with his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, who visited Croatia in September 2022. The two ministers signed a memorandum on defence cooperation and discussed ways to strengthen the two countries’ economic ties, with Minister Grlic Radman pointing to Croatia’s growing attractiveness as a member of the EU’s Schengen area of passport-free movement and the euro area, and its favourable geographic position between Central and South-eastern Europe.


Bulatovic from Podgorica blew himself up with a bomb in Basic Court, several people injured (CdM)


Mladen Bulatovic (40) from Podgorica got killed during the activation of a hand grenade in the Basic Court in Podgorica. On that occasion, several people were injured, including lawyer Branimir Vukcevic, 2 court workers and 3 citizens. The Basic Court building has been evacuated. Eight people have been admitted to the Clinical Center of Montenegro and 4 have been detained for treatment. The president of the court, Zeljka Jovovic, who visited the injured at KCCG says that the Court has been pointing out for years that the security in that institution is at an unsatisfactory level. Bulatovic was a repeat offender who was arrested and prosecuted several times. The issue of security in courts, state prosecutor’s offices and in general in state institutions must be resolved as soon as possible, says the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry has strongly condemned the bomb attack on the Basic Court in Podgorica. It wishes a speedy recovery to colleagues employed in the Basic Court, as well as to the citizens injured in that attack. “Unfortunately, that tragic event reminded us once again that the issue of security in courts, state prosecutor’s offices, and in general, in state institutions must be resolved as soon as possible”, the Ministry points out. It adds that this year there have been several meetings with the heads of judicial instances regarding this problem. The Ministry says it has initiated activities that require additional financial resources, in terms of the organization of a quality service that will deal with the protection of judicial and prosecution facilities, in order to finally solve that problem. The outgoing Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, alongside Interior Minister Filip Adzic, visited the injured in the bomb attack that happened in the Podgorica Basic Court. He announced that they would discs the security of institutions at the government’s extraordinary sessions and the session of the National Security Council in order to find a model for strengthening security of both institutions and citizens. “What’s the most important thing right now is that all patients are in a good condition. After yesterday’s tragic event, it’s good that we have no more victims,” Abazovic said following his visit to the Clinical Centre of Montenegro. According to him, the event cannot be connected with several previous events when bomb threats happened. “This is an independent case, it’s about a man who had certain issues and other institutions should have dealt with it”.


Montenegrin European Alliance – A platform for the future (CdM)


The Montenegrin Movement has invited NGOs, Montenegrin national institutions, citizens’ associations, expatriate associations and prominent individuals to organize the Montenegrin European Alliance (CES) – a political platform. Here are some segments of the public call: “For years, all the values on which modern Montenegro rests – state authority, civil peace, inter-religious and inter-ethnic relations, special Montenegrin culture and national peculiarities, achievements of the anti-fascist struggle and the society of social justice – have been called into question. They are characterized by usurpation of all kinds, the theft of public goods and the misuse of government instruments for personal gain. Ethnic Montenegrins are deprived of their religious, cultural, and all other civil rights, sacred heritage and cultural heritage that has been transferred to the ownership of Serbia. The shaping of state and national identity is in the hands of the Serbian Church and Belgrade’s scientific and cultural institutions. With the support of Moscow and an agreement with Banja Luka, Serbia aims to annex the Republika Srpska and threatens to annex Montenegro in order to access the ports of the Adriatic Sea. The government, in the interests of Serbia and the Serbian Orthodox Church, through manipulations and populism, is rapidly undermining the foundations of our country. It threatens state sovereignty, and with warmongering rhetoric threatens the civil character of society and invokes the evil spirits of the past. Our country has deep roots. Its antiquity dates back to the time of the Illyrian kingdom and the Dokley kingdom. The religions that existed in Montenegro are Catholic, Orthodox and Islamic. They have been instilled in the people since ancient times. Therefore, the struggle for the preservation of state sovereignty, a civil society in which all nations are equal, peace and love among religions and nations is the duty of all who are considered worthy of their ancestors”. The Alliance adds that the public will be informed about the place and date of the constituent meeting in a timely manner.


Over 7,000 companies set up, more than half belongs to Russians (RTCG)


In Montenegro last year, foreigners founded over 7,000 companies, more than half of which are owned by Russian citizens. RTCG’s interviewees say that a year is a short period to be able to see the true motives, whether it is a desire to invest, or the companies are opened as one of the easiest ways to get a temporary residence permit. The war in Ukraine and the economic sanctions imposed on Russia by America and the European Union have forced many Western companies to leave Moscow, but also many Russians to move their businesses to other countries. The fact that Montenegro is among them is confirmed by data from the Revenue and Customs Administration. Out of 7,000 companies founded by foreigners last year, Russian citizens are the founders of almost 4,000 of them, which is 7 times more than last year. The growing trend of Russian interest in our country is not a surprise for economic experts. According to Boban Stanic, an economic analyst, there are some comparative advantages that they see here which they can use as an environment that is more favourable to them than elsewhere. Foreigners, as well as our citizens, can set up a company in Montenegro for just €1 of capital and up to a maximum of €1,500 in registration costs, and all this in 7 days, after which they receive a temporary residence permit. It is precisely in these conditions that the Union of Employers sees the main reasons why foreigners choose our country for business. Filip Lazovic from the Union of Employers says that setting up a company is a way for a foreign citizen to obtain a permit for temporary residence and work. This all leads to the main question – how much benefit can the state budget and citizens have from the fact that Montenegro is an increasingly attractive destination for foreigners’ businesses.


Osmani: Non-party consensus lays out path to European relations between Skopje and Sofia (MIA)


The inclusion of the Bulgarian minority in the Constitution is important for two reasons, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said. “First, because it gives a direction as to how Macedonian-Bulgarian relations will be set up in the long term in the future. While the Republic of Bulgaria tried to put those relations in a historical context, we found a solution that those relations will be set in a way of communication between two communities, the majority Macedonian people and the minority Bulgarian community, who live in a normal coexistence in Republic of North Macedonia. This is how the path of relations between the two countries, of the two peoples, will be laid out, emphasizes Minister Osmani in an interview with Solving this issue in this way, Osmani noted, is important for the second reason, and that is to continue the EU accession negotiation process. “We will have to reach a non-party consensus, leave aside the interests of daily politics, sit down and analyze all aspects of the constitutional amendments. I assure you that both at the expert and political level, and at any other level, arguments "for" will dominate for the constitutional amendments because they are in our interest,” FM Osmani added. In the interview, he referred to the culture of dialogue and compromise, through which the European idea can be spread in the region. “Our culture of compromise, culture of dialogue, which, unfortunately, is becoming increasingly rare not only in the region, but also in the world, makes North Macedonia a reference for how the European idea can be spread in the region,” Osmani said. According to him, the fact that there has been serious progress now in Brussels (in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue), the fact that this progress can take its final form precisely in Ohrid has its own symbolism. “First of all, because of the successes of the Ohrid Framework Agreement, offering a model of how ethnic issues are resolved, and it is a recognition of North Macedonia as an important factor in the region, i.e., as a contributor to stability and security in the region, thus reflecting our functional inter-ethnic democracy,” Osmani pointed out. In the interview, Minister Osmani said that "there are two potential weak links, weak points in the region. One is the Kosovo-Serbia dispute and the second is Bosnia and Herzegovina and the difficulties in the functioning of the Dayton Agreement" and that "the closure of one of these two issues will be a significant step towards its stabilization, reconciliation and further Euro-Atlantic consolidation of the Western Balkans.”


Kovacevski: Constitutional amendments through broad social consensus (TV24)


“There will be no leaders meeting for constitutional amendments for the time being, but the government will initiate talks with all political parties, the academic community and the nongovernmental sector in order to build a broad consensus for changing the Constitution,” Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said. The debate on constitutional amendments, according to him, must start at the expert level, and the constitutional amendments will be prepared by experts from the Ministry of Justice, university professors and party representatives. The vice-president of SDSM, Stefan Bogoev, announced in during a TV interview that the procedure would begin in May, but the prime minister did not specify a specific deadline. “Constitutional amendments are not pushed or pushed through, but are voted on in the Parliament. They are one of the decisions that require a two-thirds majority until our full membership in the EU. With a two-thirds majority, changes will have to be made in the prosecution and judicial sphere, decentralization, and therefore we need to build a broad, national, political and social consensus that these issues are for the future of the state,” Kovachevski said.


Mickoski: Constitutional changes not a priority for citizens (MIA)


The constitutional changes are not in the citizens' heads, they are only in the heads of several politicians and even they don't believe this is a good thing, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski on Friday. Mickoski was asked to comment the proposal of First Deputy PM Artan Grubi that the opposition party first supports the constitutional revision and then to hold early elections. "I would not comment neither the proposal nor the person who presented it. We had a proposal of our own - to hold elections without a caretaker government in place, let's change the law and go to elections at once. Let's not waste time," said Mickoski. According to him, the constitutional changes are not a priority for the citizens and aren't even mentioned. "If you ask the citizens about their priorities, they will list at least 15 and will not even mention the constitutional changes if you don't bring them up," said Mickoski. He said the constitutional changes exist only in the heads of several politicians "and even they don't believe this is a good thing". "They believe that if they push the process of constitutional changes it will save their political careers. Every politician and lawmaker should know that the constitutional changes are not there to incorporate a part of the Bulgarian people in the Constitution preamble but to save the political careers of Artan Grubi, Ali Ahmeti, Dimitar Kovachevski, Bojan Marichikj and others. This has nothing to do with Europe but with crime and money they steal from the people," added Mickoski.


Opposition holds an anti-government protest in front of the Prime Minister's Office (Radio Tirana)


The Albanian opposition held a protest in front of the Prime Minister's Office. The head of the Re-establishment DP, Sali Berisha, and the citizens started the march from the DP headquarters to the Prime Minister's Office, where the protest is taking place. Shortly after Berisha and the citizens started the march, the Chairman of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta, joined the protest. In a statement to the media, Meta said that Albanians should be made aware that the Rama government is escalating and attacking the country's Constitution. According to the sources, it was reported that Sali Berisha has ordered the protestors that the gathering should be peaceful. Also, with a post on the Facebook social network, Berisha describes today's protest as the hurricane of freedom. Meanwhile, the Police has taken measures to guarantee order and security before, during and after the protest. The police forces have been placed on alert. With placards in their hands and calls against the government and Prime Minister Edi Rama, hundreds of citizens joined the peaceful protest called by the Democratic Party of Reestablishment group in front of the Prime Minister’s office. With the same scenario as in the other protests, allies Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta spoke in front of the protesters, reiterating their determination to remove Rama from power "at all costs". From the improvised podium in front of the government building, considering the action of the opposition as a "revolution", Berisha said that they will not stop. Berisha also gave a comment regarding the "battle" that is taking place in the Court of Appeal regarding the officiality of the Democratic Party of Albania, as he accused Rama that his aim is to exclude them from the May 14 administrative elections. With the same language, Meta also emphasized that they will not stop until Rama’s resignation, while he also accused the latter of seeking to take over the leadership of the Democratic Party. Beside Berisha, the candidate for mayor of Elbasan, Luciano Boci, and the deputy of Reestablishment were also in the protest. The opposition has previously held protests over what they considered the democratic revolution, where Berisha has declared that Democratic Party is an invincible political force, and it will not stop until the overthrow of Prime Minister Edi Rama. There were no major incidents recorded during the protest.