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Belgrade Media Report 07 March 2023



Dacic: No need for new discussion in parliament, nothing has been signed (FoNet/Politika)


Reacting to a request of the Dveri movement, New Democratic Party of Serbia, Oathkeepers and Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia for a new parliament session to discuss the European agreement on the path to normalization between Kosovo and Serbia, Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) leader Ivica Dacic said that nothing has been signed and so that there is no need for a new discussion in the parliament. “I have repeatedly said, publicly and clearly, that it is very important that, by accepting to work on the implementation, except on what he explicitly said was unacceptable to him and Serbia, President Vucic showed great statesmanship, wisdom and determination not to bring Serbia into a position in which it would be blamed for the failure of the dialogue,” Dacic told Politika. Dacic said this is precisely what Vucic had talked about in the Serbian parliament, and added: “We absolutely support the policy of President Vucic.”


Milicevic: No need for new session on Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug)


There is no need for a new parliament session on Kosovo after the one held last month, estimated Minister without Portfolio Djordje Milicevic on Monday. The request of a group of right-wing opposition parties for the scheduling of a new session concerning the EU proposal on the normalization of the relations between Kosovo and Serbia is “yet another attempt of the opposition to get another two days so as to make a circus out of the parliament, bearing in mind that since the previous debate on Kosovo nothing new has occurred”, stated Milicevic in a written statement.


Vucevic: Serbia not selling arms to Ukraine via Turkey (TV Pink/Beta)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said the country’s defense industry does not supply munitions to parties engaged in armed conflict, especially not to Ukraine and Russia under the current circumstances. “Not a single weapon has been exported to these two countries. We are a fair country which abides by its international obligations,” Vucevic told TV Pink, noting that the allegations of Serbia selling arms to Ukraine via Turkey are “false”. The Minister said Serbia provides munitions only to the countries that are allowed to purchase them. In addition, each export contract contains a clause stipulating that munitions cannot be re-exported without Serbia’s explicit permission – which is not granted if the intended destination is a war zone, Vucevic explained.


Hill says ZSO must be formed, hopes Serbia will join NATO (Beta)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said on Monday that the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) must be formed in Kosovo in line with the Brussels agreement, signed a decade ago. Speaking at the Future of the EU and Western Balkans panel discussion at the Kopaonik Business Forum, Hill said agreements had to be honored and that the formation of the ZSO was a test of the Pristina government's understanding of what needs to be done to meet European standards. He said Serbs had lived in Kosovo for centuries and had the right to decide their own future. Ultimately, Serbia has to have strong policies and solve the Kosovo issue, which is very hard, Hill said while speaking about EU integration. He stressed that any country that valued the security of its people should want to join NATO and said he hoped that Serbia would one day become part of that alliance.


Cochard: Progress in normalization of relations with Pristina possible without crossing red line (RTV/Tanjug)


French Ambassador to Serbia Pierre Cochard assessed yesterday that it is possible to make progress in the normalization of relations with Pristina without crossing the red lines. “Together with Germany and all other EU countries and the US we are pushing for rapid progress in the dialogue. We don’t need to wait decades to reach the EU, we need to achieve progress and now there is an opportunity to achieve it without crossing the red lines line, to normalize relations in favor of the population and the Serb people in Kosovo, which will help speed up the process of EU integration,” Cochard said at the Kopaonik Business Forum.

He said at the panel “The Future of the EU and the Western Balkans”, where the Ambassadors of the US and Germany, Christopher Hill and Anke Konrad, as well as the Head of the EU delegation in Serbia Emanuele Giaufret, spoke that he is aware that today there is less support for the EU integration process, because , as he stated, there were a lot of missed chances in Serbia and the entire region. The Ambassador therefore emphasized that we should not look for what should have been, but rather look at the possibilities and what is possible today. “It is true that we now have a dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina,” Cochard said and added that it is up to the people to choose whether they will look for missed opportunities or look and strive for what is in perspective. According to him, a lot has changed in the last few months and it is necessary to speed up the EU integration process. “You can’t say that the EU is not promoting reforms and people should push in that direction themselves,” and it is important, as he says, that when it comes to Ukraine, everyone is on the same page. “We are talking about values here, we are at a crossroads and it is important that we understand the importance of that issue,” said the Ambassador and added that the media should also confirm those values, because now public opinion is on Russia’s side, and the question is how to expect that the aggressor be the winner.


Giaufret says time for region to decide its future (FoNet)


EU Ambassador Emanuel Giaufret told the Kopaonik Business Forum on Monday that the time has come for the Western Balkans to decide its future. This is the time to take decisions, look at the future of the region and act accordingly, the Head of the EU Delegation said. He added that the region has changed over the past 20 years, recalling that now the citizens of Western Balkan countries do not need visas to travel to the EU and that their economic ties are stronger.


Outcome of dialogue a step forward, we will not recognise Kosovo - Spanish MFA (Tanjug/RTV)


The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Tuesday the outcome of a February 27 Belgrade-Pristina meeting was a step forward but that there was still work to be done on normalisation of relations based on an EU proposal backed by the European Council. In a written statement to Tanjug, the ministry also noted that Spain would not change its stance on the so-called Kosovo's unilaterally declared independence. Spain stands by the position that it does not recognise the independence unilaterally declared by Pristina in 2008 and we defend the need for solving the issue of the territory of “Kosovo” through dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, the statement said. It is time to make definite efforts to solve the Kosovo issue, it said. The Ministry said it supported the great engagement by EU foreign policy and security chief Josep Borrell to help conflict resolution and that it also fully supported the work of EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak. It noted that, even though it was positive that Belgrade and Pristina had agreed on the text of the proposal without any amendments made, there would be no firm agreement without a clear implementation plan for the proposal.


IMF: Fuel prices in Serbia will have to rise (Beta)


The low fuel prices in Serbia will have to go up, while the energy sector needs a transformation, Donal McGettigan, head of the International Monetary Fund's Mission to Serbia, said on Monday. Speaking at the Kopaonik Business Forum, McGettigan said Serbia had been among the first countries to aid vulnerable population segments with low fuel prices, but that it was now time for changes in the energy sector. McGettigan went on to explain that this need for change also applied to state-owned energy enterprises, especially the Electric Power Industry of Serbia, which he said should be transformed into a joint-stock company and given new management, as it was bad management that led to the national power utility's current poor condition. McGettigan believes that Serbia needs more independent public enterprises, stricter monetary policy measures, and more effort to reduce inflation, i.e. additional raising of interest rates. In his words, Serbia has had excellent results in recent years in increasing the gross domestic product per capita, the flow of direct foreign investment, employment and fiscal consolidation.


Serbia home to 124,000 migrants last year (Beta)


Slightly over 124,000 migrants have been registered in Serbia’s asylum and reception centers in 2022 and around 13,000 people have passed through the country since the beginning of the year, according to figures of the Serbian Commissariat for Refugees and Migration. The Commissariat has said to Beta that 2,249 people were living in Serbia’s asylum and reception centers at the moment. Since the clashes broke out in Ukraine, over 148,000 Ukrainians have travelled through Serbia, of whom 26,000 have reported a stay, and 1,231 have been granted a temporary protection status. An asylum office in Vranje, serving Ukrainian nationals, is currently hosting 74 persons and 19 of their children are attending school. The Commissariat is in touch with and looks after 4,500 Ukrainians staying in private accommodation.


Arrested Kosovo Serb released pending ruling – lawyer (Tanjug/Politika/Novosti)


Kosovo Serb Miljan Adzic, who was arrested by Pristina’s police on 9 December for an alleged attack on an official person, has been released pending a ruling, his lawyer Milos Delevic told Tanjug on Monday. Delevic added that Adzic, a resident of Zvecan, northern Kosovo and Metohija, had been released from a detention unit in Podujevo on a 20,000 Euros bail. His release was one of the conditions for the dismantling of barricades in northern Kosovo and Metohija late last year. Adzic is charged with allegedly attacking a police officer during an October 2021 protest. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija last week submitted government guarantees to EULEX, requesting that Adzic and another detailed Serb Sladjan Trajkovic be released pending rulings in their cases.




Statement of Reis Kavazovic sparks reactions (Dnevni avaz/ATV)


Dnevni avaz comments reactions to statements of the Head of Islamic Community (IZ) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Husein Kavazovic showed that his statements were used at ground for undermining of relations and diverting of the attention from key life issues. Daily reminded that in his interview to MTV Igman, Kavazovic said: “We have to show that we are in all ways, ready to defend institutions of B&H and if they fell, and we had that in 1992, we have to be ready to defend this country with the weapons as well.” Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated the silence that ensued in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) after Kavazovic’s statement “is perhaps more dangerous than his rattling arms”. “Maintaining tensions, the colonial status, managing crises that are produced are only part of the mosaic created for B&H, outside B&H, in which Kavazovic has excellently fitted in. That is why everyone remains silent, the Reis is doing their dirty job, even against his own people”, wrote Dodik on his Twitter account. Dodik also stated that Kavazovic is successful in replacing “the stumbled” leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic who has prepared weapons for every political problem in B&H. Dodik recommended to Kavazovic to go out of the political field and to use love, tolerance and nice words as weapons. Dodik stated that some politicians in the FB&H understand that statements of Kavazovic can be dangerous but they remain silent because they know that sooner or later, they will run in elections and in case of Muslims, “the support of a mosque was always crucial”. Dodik wrote on Twitter that silence in the FB&H and in diplomatic representation offices in Sarajevo after the statement of Kavazovic may be more dangerous that his threat with weapons. B&H Presidency Chairwoman Zeljka Cvijanovic called Kavazovic’s statement scandalous, stressing that she cannot believe that someone who is a representative of a religious community can use such words. “What do you think would have happened if someone from another religious community had said that? The whole world would be buzzing about it today. I am appalled,” Cvijanovic said. “Joint Institutions are not property of Reis and do not belong to single, but to all peoples in B&H. For as long as this fact is ignored in Sarajevo and survival of institutions defended by threats, B&H will have no perspective whatsoever.” Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic said that there are several people, including SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and Reis Husein Kavazovic, who want “war at any cost.” “They think that they cannot achieve their goals through political means, that they are politically rejected by the people, and they are trying to provoke a war in order to achieve their goals. This is the worst thing for B&H. The only thing worse than that is the silence of the international community, the false High Representative, and Ambassadors of the Quint," Stevandic emphasized. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic reacted to the statements of Kavazovic saying that these statements are very dangerous for peace and stability in B&H. In his opinion, Kazazovic crossed the red line which is why he expects from the Islamic Community in B&H to distance itself from harsh words of Kavazovic and apologize to citizens and the public. B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic asked from who Bosniaks should defend and which force attacked B&H. Nesic said that B&H is a country of Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks and it can be (organized) modelled by everyone’s wish and not by dictate or supremacy of one against others. Nesic also stated that whoever wants a war, he wishes them a war in their home. Representatives of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) have also condemned Kavazovic’s statements. HNS representatives called on Bosniak political representatives to unequivocally distance themselves and condemn Kavazovic’s statement. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said that this is pressure to try to keep certain things in the status quo. “It is impossible to keep anything in the status quo anymore. We must move forward and give B&H a chance. All those who are left somewhere on the trail of reflection from the past, I have said it many times, let them roll in that mud,” Covic said. The HNS called on the international community (IC) to condemn this statement which, as they say, calls for an armed conflict. The HNS B&H also believes that the Islamic Community must issue an apology after this. Covic said, “we need peace in B&H and the rule of law”. He emphasized that the HNS B&H condemned such warmongering statements in the past as well, especially during the past year. NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic stated that the Islamic Community and its head are the most important institutions for all Bosniak believers, and that it is their duty to protect and preserve them as such. “As long as there are policies glorifying war crimes and criminals committed against our people, the Bosniaks, in our region, we must not lose the reflex to defend ourselves again. I did not find anything warmongering in the statements of Kavazovic. Our willingness to coexist and compromise is not our weakness, it is the immense strength of our people,” Konakovic was quoted as saying. SDA stated that they see nothing controversial in Kavazovic’s statement and emphasized that with unacceptable attacks on the Islamic Community, one is trying to silence those who defend B&H. "The campaign that the authorities of the entity of the RS and HNS are conducting against the Islamic Community and Bosniaks is irresistibly reminiscent of the campaign that was conducted in the early 1990s, which was a prelude to a brutal aggression against B&H, ethnic cleansing and systemic mass crimes that culminated in genocide. It is particularly indicative that followers of policies that have been convicted of genocide and ethnic cleansing are participating in the synchronized attack," SDA said in a statement. SDA expressed support to everything that Kavazovic said by saying that only those who want to attack, divide or undermine the state and its institutions can interpret the statement that someone will defend his own country as a threat. SDA also stated that Dodik and the HNS will not introduce auto-censure within these attacks or undermine patriots who are ready to preserve their own country. According to SDA, RS President Milorad Dodik and the HNS cannot hide their responsibility for undermining of the state. The Office of the High Representative (OHR) expressed respect to Head of the Islamic Community in B&H Reis Husein Kavazovic and said that there is nothing that could connect the situation in 2023 with horrible circumstances in 1992. The OHR stated: “Institutions of B&H are places for political discussions. There is no need to defend them by weapons. There is strong and sustainable commitment at the international and at the domestic level in terms of functioning of institutions. All issues and discussions should be solved via concrete democratic measures and within the framework of the Dayton Peace Accords.” On the occasion of the statement of Head of the Islamic Community in B&H Kavazovic in which he talks about the defense of the institutions of B&H, if necessary, the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H stated that persons in responsible positions in B&H should lead efforts to calm tensions and build trust for the benefit of all citizens in B&H, as well as B&H's progress towards EU membership. The EUD to B&H called on social, political and religious leaders to focus on a constructive dialogue and improvement of the political atmosphere in B&H. “The European Union expects all social, political and religious leaders in B&H to act in a way that promotes the creation of an environment conducive to reconciliation,” the EUD to B&H said in a statement. The US Embassy in B&H urged today’s leaders of B&H not to gamble with peace a second time. “The attacks on the institutions of B&H are also coming from within, by political leaders and parties who are more interested in leading and managing these institutions for their own political and financial profit.  We are not certain if the Reis was referring to this as well, but if he was, he was right. There is nothing remotely pro-B&H about politicizing security institutions, about corrupting prosecutors and judges to secure personal protection, or about securing seats in legislative bodies in underhanded, anti-democratic ways. Genuinely pro-B&H political leaders and parties would seek to provide the institutions they lead with efficient, effective, and accountable governance. They would safeguard the integrity of these hard-won bodies for their children and grandchildren. The call and response that dominates political discourse in B&H is deeply destructive to the country and its social fabric. The United States has condemned it for years, and we continue to condemn it, whether the words come from political or religious leaders,” the US Embassy in B&H said in a statement. The US Embassy said Kavazovic is right when it comes to the undermining of the institutions of B&H. These attacks are coming from within by political leaders, such as Milorad Dodik, who frequently attacks the state in word and deed, often calling B&H itself into question, the Embassy said.  The UK Embassy in B&H stated that religious leaders in B&H should not use rhetoric that leads to divisions and escalation. The UK Embassy in B&H emphasized that all religious leaders have an important role in building mutual understanding and promoting reconciliation and coexistence throughout B&H. The Russian Embassy to B&H stated that deepening inter-religious conflict is not in interest of peoples in B&H and the main task should be to establish peace and prosperity for each citizen of B&H. The Russian Embassy to B&H called for dialogue and noted that only in this way, reconciliation and coexistence can be established. The Russian Embassy to B&H said: “Deepening religious divisions is not in the interest of the peoples in B&H. The main task should be establishing peace and prosperity for every citizen”. Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman commented on statement of Kavazovic by saying he was surprised with Reis Kavazovic’s narrative, arguing that Kavazovic and other representatives of religious communities should work on building reconciliation. “What I am certain of is that there are no reasons to be concerned nor there is danger for B&H. We know that weapons only bring evil, we have the latest example in Ukraine. What B&H needs is functional solutions and acceleration of the European path”, said Grlic Radman. Reis Kavazovic commented all the reactions to his statements and stressed that he is the last man to call for conflicts with anyone and he is the first one to defend the country. “With the journalist I talked about memories of the war and in that speech I underlined importance of state institutions, comparing this with year 1992, when the state had to be defended with the weapon from the armed thugs. I said that today we have peace and that institutions need to do their job. Everything else are insinuations, but I expect nothing else from those who are used to attack the Muslims by supporting the war crimes. We will courageously fight for B&H and all its people. This was never an issue for us. Those who are honest and who believe in this country and its people, know this,” said Reis Kavazovic in his reaction.


Lendo: Whatever HR or someone else decides when it comes to imposing new decisions regarding formation of FB&H government will be considered rape of democracy (Hayat)


FB&H Vice-President Refik Lendo said that whatever the High Representative Christian Schmidt or someone else decides when it comes to imposing new decisions regarding the formation of the FB&H government will be considered a rape of democracy. Lendo repeated that he will not sign the appointment of SDP leader Nermin Niksic as the FB&H Prime Minister, if this is proposed by FB&H President Lidija Bradara.  Lendo said that the SDA has absolutely no problems with that if a decision is made to vote on the FB&H leadership in the future based on the principle two to one, but only if it will be a permanent solution and not a temporary one in order to throw the SDA out of power. Lendo argued that the current situation implies talks because SDA, SDP B&H and HDZ B&H cannot run from things “the way they are”.


Bijedic: HR Schmidt is playing for Covic and HDZ B&H (Hayat)


President of the Social Democrats of B&H Enver Bijedic, asked whether SDA is the only ethnic party in B&H, because SDP and Our Party (NS) said that they will never enter a coalition with ethnic parties, however, they entered a coalition with SNSD and HDZ B&H, Bijedic pointed out the decision of the SDP main board which prohibited coalitions with ethnic parties, and it was pointed out that those parties are HDZ B&H, SNSD and SDA. Bijedic said that it seems that civic B&H can only exist in Sarajevo, Zenica and Tuzla. He said that the RS and the so-called Croat community Herceg-Bosna can be ethnic, no one is bothered by that and the foreigners tolerate that. Bijedic said that foreigners are only in favor of creating a civic state in the part of B&H where Bosniaks live. Bijedic said that this is not clear to anyone except for those who have good connections with international officials and the High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt, who cooperate with them. Bijedic said that it is certain that they cooperate well, considering what Schmidt did on the night of the elections, referring to the changes to B&H Election Law imposed by Schmidt. Bijedic said that Schmidt is ‘playing’ for HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and HDZ B&H. Bijedic claimed that it seems not everyone in B&H is equally dear to the international community. When asked about those politicians in BiH who perform high functions despite the fact that they are blacklisted by the US, Bijedic commented that this is another example how not everyone is equal in B&H, particularly before the B&H Prosecutor’s Office. When it comes to the formation of the FB&H government, and whether or not the FB&H Vice President Refik Lendo will block the appointment of the FB&H Prime Minister, Bijedic commented that he cannot speculate about what will Lendo do, but he believes that the FB&H President Lidija Bradara would not sign the appointment either if the situation was reversed. Bijedic thinks that the best, but probably impossible solution, is for the three parties that have their own FB&H President and two FB&H Vice Presidents should form a government and that would calm the situation, and there would be no blockade.


Bosniak nationalists organized via SDA are not stopping threats against ‘The Eight’ and HR Schmidt (Dnevni list)


Dnevni list daily reads that the Bosniak nationalists organized via SDA and led by (SDA leader) Bakir Izetbegovic are not stopping with threats against leaders of ‘The Eight’, as well as with threats against High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt and his political backing i.e. the US, the UK and the EU. According to the daily, the Bosniak nationalists are aggressively mobilizing nationalistic forces “in saving endangered Bosniak people”. Daily further reads that ‘dress rehearsal’ took place in front of the OHR last year after the HR imposed small changes to the FB&H Constitution, which led the daily to say that the SDA leadership is continuing to announce disturbing moves, which could drag BiH into an uncontrolled adventure. Article further reads, among other issues, that senior SDA officials such as Izetbegovic, Edin Ramic, Haris Zahiragic and Faruk Kapidzic, have openly announced street rebellion in front of the OHR, empty mosques and restaurants, adding that their latest threat was call to ‘resistance’, which could mean anything even if it means shutting down of the OHR. Concluding the article, daily reads that ‘patriot-nationalists’ were advocating staying of the OHR and its strengthening until now and were resolutely rejecting departure of foreign judges from the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), however nowadays the situation has changed and they are prepared to turn towards Turkey, Russia and China, which is a dangerous adventure.


Grlic Radman welcomes interventions HR on the election night and repeats well-known views on the need to amend B&H Election Law (FTV)


Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia Gordan Grlic Radman Monday paid a visit to central B&H. After meeting with representatives of associations in Tomislavgrad and Bugojno, Grlic Radman spoke with representatives of the Croat people and the authorities of central Bosnia in Vitez. Grlic Radman pointed out that Croatia does not interfere in the internal affairs of B&H, but, like most European countries, strongly supports it on its European path. Grlic Radman also expressed expectations that the new authorities in B&H will be formed as soon as possible, so that B&H would be prosperous. Grlic Radman welcomed the interventions of the High Representative on election night and repeated the well-known views on the need to amend the B&H Election Law so that the Croats in B&H would have a legitimate representative in the Presidency of B&H. “B&H has shown that Croatia is an important country precisely as its first neighbour and member of the EU, and of course the entire path of B&H to the EU will go through Croatia,” Grlic Radman underlined.


Prosecutor’s Office of B&H forms case against Dodik for genocide denial (BHT1/ATV)


The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H confirmed on Monday that it has formed a case against RS President Milorad Dodik on charges of committing genocide denial. According to the amendments that former High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko imposed banning denial of genocide, perpetrators of this criminal offense could face between three months and three years in prison. N1 reminded that the last time Dodik denied the genocide was at a press conference in Banja Luka on 21 February. SNSD spokesperson Radovan Kovacevic said that SNSD is not surprised by the B&H Prosecutor’s Office once again opening a case against Dodik, “because that is a judicial institution that has never missed an opportunity to prosecute him”. Kovacevic also underscored it is important to know that Dodik has never, in any of his statement, insulted any victim of the crime in Srebrenica, nor has he insulted the families, or intended that. “We will never give up on truth and our right to freely and clearly express the truth and our opinions”, Kovacevic was quoted as saying. Kovacevic said that people in the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H and all those who are trying to persecute them because they tell the truth should understand that they will never be stopped from telling the truth and from defending their right to the truth and other rights that they enjoy in the Dayton B&H. President of the Social Democrats of B&H Enver Bijedic.  Bijedic was asked to comment on the fact that the B&H Prosecutor’s Office formed a case against Dodik due to his genocide denial. Bijedic said that he thinks Dodik’s case was formed just to calm down the public to some extent. According to Bijedic, it seems that not everyone is equal in B&H because only some people seem to have a right to say and do many things.


OHR: Proposed changes to the RS Criminal Code warrant additional public debate and consideration (O Kanal)


The Office of the High Representative (OHR) reacted to the RS government’s announcement on defamation being included in the amendments to the Criminal Code of the RS. “Although countering disinformation and hate-speech is a worthy effort, the reintroduction of criminalization of defamation and insult should be carefully weighed against the risk of hampering dissent and democratic debate”, reads the OHR’s statement. The OHR’s statement also reads: “If these provisions are adopted, as announced, it would represent a clear disregard for the democratic principles that every society should adhere to. The OHR calls on the authorities of the RS to open a constructive and transparent public debate with all interested parties involved in this process and to resolve this issue without jeopardizing the democratic capacity of society”.


Dodik, Cvijanovic: No one is targeting journalists; All fears that media community has will be eliminated in public discussion procedure (BHT1)


Regarding the RS government’s announcement on defamation being included in the amendments to the Criminal Code of the RS, RS President Milorad Dodik said that no one is targeting journalists and added that all fears that the media community has will be eliminated in the public discussion procedure. According to Dodik, this law will reach the level of best practices in Europe. Dodik also said that those who present the truth have nothing to worry about. “We are not attacking journalistic community, but public space is contaminated with untruths and you made no effort to change it”, Dodik said. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic commented on reactions to amendments to the RS Criminal Code that introduce defamation as a criminal offense. Cvijanovic said: “When we talk about freedom of the media and freedom of speech, there should be freedom. At the same time, we also pointed out – and I really do not want this to be interpreted in a wrong way – there cannot be unlimited freedom if you want to harm someone, their privacy and their family, or do something else without any accountability, because we are all human beings. I think we should talk and organize quality public discussion.” Cvijanovic reminded that many European countries already addressed this topic and stipulated sanctions because of protection of privacy. She advocated a high-quality public discussion on this issue along with participation of media community, institutions and the RS government and RS MPs.


Cvijanovic: EU integration is B&H’s strategic goal, but B&H first needs to demonstrate it can manage processes on its own; Foreign judges must be removed from B&H Constitutional Court (Nezavisne)


B&H Presidency member Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that EU integration is B&H’s strategic goal, but B&H need to display its ability to manage processes on its own first. Talking to the press about the EU integration process in Banja Luka on Monday, Cvijanovic said that her priority in B&H Presidency is preservation of peace and stability. She noted that the other two members of B&H Presidency should advocate the same. “RS wants peace and stability because that is the precondition for development. We are not poking anyone in the eye, and on the other hand we do not want anyone to do that to us”, said Cvijanovic. She reminded that the 14 Key priorities defined by the European Commission have not been fulfilled yet. She underlined that it is necessary to examine B&H’s obligations and focus on sustainability of B&H as a state that can manage its own processes, protect its sovereignty and protect its significance. “When I say this, I mean that we need to remove foreign judges from B&H Constitutional Court”, Cvijanovic emphasized. Speaking about Croatia’s plans to build a radioactive waste disposal site in Trgovska Gora near B&H border, Cvijanovic said that B&H Presidency will do its part of the job to prevent that, but noted that the relevant Ministries are responsible for the operative part of the job.


Cvijanovic conditions holding of planned military exercise of Armed Forces of B&H with NATO on holding of same exercise with Serbian Army (FTV)


FTV carries that a new problem has arisen in the B&H Presidency, but in the background, there is an old topic and familiar practice. FTV stressed that NATO is again a stumbling block, noting that a series of items on further activities of the B&H Armed Forces were withdrawn from the agenda of the B&H Presidency session. Afterwards, B&H Presidency Chairwoman Zeljka Cvijanovic conditioned the holding of a planned military exercise of the Armed Forces of B&H with NATO on the holding of the same exercise with the Serbian Army. “In principle, I think that in this period we should not hold any military exercises of this type, but of course it does not mean that the members of the Armed Forces of B&H are deprived of carrying out their exercises and being capacitated and ready for what their challenges are. I think that the times are evil and that everything can send wrong messages,” Cvijanovic said. FTV pointed out that Cvijanovic did not specify what is wrong in all of this, but the message for the B&H public is clear – this move is blackmail, but also the continuation of the policy of her predecessor and party boss Milorad Dodik. However, as FTV stressed, consequences are inevitable. FTV pointed out that if she cannot stop, Cvijanovic can slow down B&H on the path towards membership in NATO precisely by challenging the cooperation of the Armed Forces of B&H with this military alliance, which until now was at a high level and an important link between B&H and NATO.


Plenkovic and Frederiksen tour works on the Rijeka Gateway project Domagoj Ferencic (HRT)


The Rijeka Gateway Terminal is one of the biggest projects in Rijeka's history, and should position Rijeka as the leading container port on the northern Adriatic, making it a strategic location and the most important maritime outlet for Central and South-eastern Europe.

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen is in Croatia for an official two-day visit. She was received by Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic in Rijeka on Monday, where they toured works on the Rijeka Gateway project. Valued at some €480 million one of the projects key partners is the Danish container shipping company MAERSK in cooperation with ENNA Logic. The terminal is expected to come online in 2025. Deputy Prime Minister and Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure Minister Oleg Butkovic: “We have a respectable concessionaire, APM Terminals, for whom this is the 76th terminal they will manage, in cooperation with ENNA Logic, which is one of the most respectable companies in the region with regard to logistics and transport companies.” The Mayor of the City of Rijeka Marko Filipovic: “I hope that all these projects will be completed on time. It is up to us to push for them to be completed within the deadline and to enable those companies, as announced, to open new jobs in Rijeka.” “This is the biggest project in the history of the Rijeka Port. We all learned in school that Rijeka is drawn into the European mainland, but without large infrastructure investments, that is just a story. This project is how we will really get to where we belong,” added the director of the Rijeka Port Authority Denis Vukorepa. Among some of the key works that are ongoing is the demolition of existing buildings close to the wharf, construction works on D 403 road, which will be the primary transport route to and from the terminal, should be completed by June of this year. With the preparation and equipping of the terminal already underway, the concession over the terminal has been granted to the Danish-Croatian consortium for a period of 50 years, and with the investments that will be made in the coming years, the plan is to employ more than 1 000 people. The executive director of the Rijeka Gateway project, Koen Benders: “In total, together with MAERSK and ENA, will invest over 480 million euros in the coming years in Rijeka and the region, and we will be creating over eleven hundred direct jobs in the region. Bringing us in 2025 to a live terminal.” “The important thing is that the depth of the waters at our terminal is more than 20 meters, and that is a very rare occurrence for European terminals. This depth means that the largest sea-going vessels can dock here and conduct all necessary logistical activities,” added the financial director of the Rijeka Gateway project Tomislav Zunic.


Bastijancic and Picula: The best way to end the crisis is to hold early parliamentary elections (CdM)


Advisor to the President of Montenegro for the constitutional system and legal issues Boris Bastijancic is on an official visit to the European Parliament in Brussels. In Brussels, Bastijancic met with the permanent rapporteur of the European Parliament for Montenegro and the president of the Working Group for the Western Balkans Tonino Picula, who said that the crisis in Montenegro "is best ended by holding early parliamentary elections".

As announced by the Cabinet of the President of Montenegro, in an open and substantive conversation with Picula, Bastijancic, referring to the extremely high percentage of Montenegrin citizens' support for EU membership, indicated that the European agenda must be one of the most important issues of any future political, legislative and executive government, which, as he said, faces the demanding task of successfully removing a serious setback in the progress of our country on the European integration path in the near future. He expressed his belief that there is still a real opportunity to achieve the desired progress in European integration based on merit and delivered results and pointed out the importance of establishing the full functionality of the Montenegrin judiciary. Picula pointed out the importance of the presence of the EU in the Western Balkans, as well as the commitment of European institutions and member states to the enlargement policy. "Montenegro's membership should not be questioned, especially if we take into account the expectations of its citizens, European partners, but also the newly emerging geopolitical circumstances, so political responsibility is dominantly addressed to the Montenegrin authorities," said Picula. He apostrophized that the best way to end the institutional, political and legal crisis is to hold early parliamentary elections, "after which a government would be formed by political parties that have verified the trust of the citizens and won it during the legitimate election process". The interlocutors also discussed other current legal and political issues.


Kovachevski-Peach: North Macedonia continues to serve as factor of stability in region (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski met Monday with Sir Stuart Peach, the United Kingdom's Special Envoy to the Western Balkans, accompanied by UK Ambassador Matthew Lawson, with the PM highlighting the UK's engagement in the area and the close bilateral ties between the NATO allies. Kovachevski thanked Peach for UK's support to North Macedonia's integration and reform processes, the government said in a press release. Interlocutors saw the EU integration process as key in stimulating positive progress for other open issues in the region. In this regard, they highlighted the need for constructive approach of all political entities in the country as the expense of blockades and destructiveness. The UK is also supporting North Macedonia's OSCE Chairpersonship amid this difficult security period for Europe. In this regard, the government's policies as a factor of security in the region but also Europe have been saluted, along with the country's foreign policy that is fully aligned with that of European countries in regard to the situation in Ukraine and its contribution to regional stability, reads the press release.


Pendarovski meets Peach (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski met Monday with Stuart Peach, the UK Special Envoy to the Western Balkans, reaffirming the long-term friendship and partnership between North Macedonia and the United Kingdom, reflected through the constant British support for key issues since the country's independence and the bilateral relations that are characterized by a dynamic high-level political dialogue. Pendarovski and Peach exchanged opinions and information about current related connected to North Macedonia's EU integration, cooperation of both countries within NATO, the security situation in the region and Europe in the context of the war in Ukraine, as well as bilateral issues of mutual interest, the President's Office said in a press release.


The National Plan for European Integration 2023-2025 is approved (Radio Tirana)


The National Plan for European Integration 2023-2025 is approved. The decision of the Council of Ministers for the Approval of the National Plan for European Integration, 2023-2025 as proposed by the Minister of State and Chief Negotiator, has officially entered into force today. The plan, which is announced by RTSH foresees that the Minister of State and Chief Negotiator is tasked with coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the 2023-2025 PKIE with the ministers and/or heads of the institutions responsible for chairing the inter-institutional working groups for European integration (GNPIE), as well as the responsible negotiator of each chapter, of the EU acquis. The document emphasizes that the negotiator responsible for the chapter of the EU acquis, appointed according to the decision of the Council of Ministers, "On the composition, rules of operation and financial treatment of the negotiating group and the duties of the Chief Negotiator for the development of the accession negotiations of of the Republic of Albania in the European Union", reports every week, to the Minister of State and Chief Negotiator, on the progress of the implementation of the 2023-2025 National Plan for European Integration. The Minister of State and Chief Negotiator is tasked to report, every 3 (three) months, to the Council of Ministers on the progress of the implementation of the 2023-2025 National Plan for European Integration. It will be the Ministry of Finance and Economy, which, in cooperation with the Minister of State and Chief Negotiator, will monitor the inclusion by ministries and other central institutions, in the medium-term budget program, of the financial needs for the implementation of the short-term and medium-term priorities, foreseen in National Plan for European Integration 2023–2025.


Rama with the Danish Prime Minister: The visit has geopolitical importance! Frederiksen: You are the strongest voice in Europe for the integration of the Balkans (Radio Tirana


The Prime Minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen started the official visit to our country, at the invitation of Prime Minister Edi Rama. Prime Minister Edi Rama held a joint press conference with his Danish counterpart Mette Frederiksen. Rama considered the visit of special geo-political importance between Europe and the Balkans, while he appreciated the role of "Denmark in supporting Albania in all integration processes". "There is a history of very good diplomatic relations between Albania and Denmark. Denmark has been present throughout the country's transformation process, whether through its aid agency, but above all politically and diplomatically, supporting Albania and the Western Balkans in the EU integration process. The Prime Minister's visit here is of special importance for Europe's geopolitical relations with the Balkans," said Rama. On the other hand, the Danish Prime Minister praised Prime Minister Rama for "his strong voice for European values and the full integration of the Balkans in the EU". "I think you are one of the strongest voices in Europe when it comes to the full integration of the Balkans with the EU. Albania is a highly valued partner for Denmark and a trusted NATO ally. We will build an even stronger partnership", said Frederiksen. The Prime Minister of Denmark, Frederiksen, said at the media conference in Tirana that she feels honoured for visiting our country. She said that Albania is a reliable ally for Denmark. During her speech, Frederiksen did not spare the congratulations for Prime Minister Edi Rama, whom she described as a powerful voice in support and defense of European values. "I am very honoured to be the first Danish prime minister to visit Albania, you are one of the strongest voices in Europe when it comes to a full integration of the Western Balkans into the rest of Europe. Albania is a reliable partner for Denmark. You are such a strong voice for European values," she said. Rama was asked at the media conference about the help that Denmark has given to Albania on the European path, while he made this comment: "No one is doing enough, neither Denmark for us, nor Albania for Denmark. There is always more to do, I think Denmark has been very fair to us and we have a special relationship. It's not about rushing to become a member, it's about doing your homework properly, it's about benefiting from this knowledge. No compromise on standards, but rather being open to help us increase our opportunities," he said.


Rama commemorates the 25th anniversary of the KLA epic (Radio Tirana


Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama commemorated the 25th anniversary of the Epic of the Kosovo Liberation Army. In a post on social networks, Rama shared a photo of the Jashari family. "Legendries. The 25th anniversary of the KLA Epic," writes Rama. On 5, 6 and 7 March 1998, in Prekaz of Skenderaj, in Kosovo, the houses of the Jashari family were attacked by Serbian forces, killing more than 50 members of this family. With the act of the fall of the legendary commander Adem Jashari, his family and other Jasharis, Kosovo killed fear, opening the paths to freedom and the future. And not by chance, in Prekaz, in the neighborhood of Jashari, the biggest monument of the fight for freedom, independence and democracy has been erected, and these days and dates, precisely 5, 6 and 7 March, for every year, the attention of the entire Albanian nation turns to the legendary Prekaz, which gave Kosovo a lot for centuries and years. The history of the Jashari family is found in the Museum of the Epic of the Kosovo Liberation Army.