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Belgrade Media Report 9 March 2023



Brnabic: State has shown that it can deal with crises (RTS/RTV/Tanjug/Novosti)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said yesterday, at the closing of the Kopaonik Business Forum, that the situation in the world is increasingly complex, but that Serbia has shown that it knows how to deal with crises. Brnabic pointed out that behind this lies the hard work of the state to support citizens and develop measures to maintain employment, noting that during the coronavirus pandemic, Serbia was one of the countries where employment did not decrease, but even increased. She assessed that the state policy at the moment is the best possible for our country, yet difficult. We defend our policy with arguments, international law, the UN Charter, the international order, the things that happened to us, the aggression against the FRY, the attempt to seize part of our territory, Brnabic said and added that Serbia must be treated as a specific case. As much as some doubt that we will hold the course, we are holding it with the arguments we have. I am not sure how long we will be able to do that, but every day is important, she pointed out. She said that every day spent on the European road makes Serbia stronger and better and that the EU is our strategic priority and focus. Regardless of when we will enter the EU, we should go about our business and do things that are in the interest of our citizens, which is the European way, she emphasised, adding that from 2000 until now, 70 percent of investments in our country came from the EU, while 65 percent of our exports go to EU countries. According to data from December 2022, as she pointed out, companies from the EU directly employ 281,600 people in Serbia. She also pointed out that the government's priorities in 2023, in terms of further partnerships, are work on achieving three basic agreements on free trade with China, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. She said that the agreement on free trade with China should be reached by the end of the year and added that it will be of great importance for cooperation with that country. This is our priority at the moment and we believe that it will open up additional space for trade exchange and exchange of services, but also for the influx of new technologies into Serbia, with a special focus on artificial intelligence, she stated. Brnabic cited the fact that our exports to China have jumped as much as 153 times in the last 10 years, and that in 2022 they will reach 1.1 billion euros, which makes that country a very important partner of Serbia.


Vucic with Botsan-Kharchenko about situation in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS/RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke today with Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko. Vucic also published the details of the conversation with Botsan-Kharchenko on his Instagram profile. “A conversation with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko. We discussed all important bilateral issues, and I particularly informed His Excellency about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the position of Serbia. Serbia will continue to maintain correct relations with the Russian Federation,” wrote Vucic.


Dacic: EU enlargement policy needs to be revitalised (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Thursday the EU enlargement policy must be revitalised with the idea that countries must become members based on set criteria. Speaking at a ministerial panel of the Budapest Balkans Forum, Dacic noted that there was a crisis of EU accession criteria. He said the first promises about EU integration of the Western Balkans had been made 20 years ago. "We are aware the EU is undergoing an internal recomposition at this time, but it has made a promise that the next member state will come from the Western Balkans. We have heard a lot of talk that we are high on the priorities list, but fatigue is evident. EU member states are wondering whether new members would contribute to a strengthening of the EU, while we are wondering whether legal alignment with the EU makes sense if progress is at a standstill and does not depend on criteria set as the right criteria," Dacic said. That does not diminish our love of the EU, he said. "I do not know if we will ever get to become EU member states. What perspective are we talking about if we know that the French-German proposal - although it is known how difficult and painful it is for both Belgrade and Pristina - contains only one sentence about opening a European perspective," Dacic said. "At least say it is going to happen in the 21st century," Dacic said, recalling that French President Emmanuel Macron had said there should be no admissions of new members to the EU. Dacic cited Macedonia as an example. It changed its name for the sake of the European perspective, but nothing happened, and then a new condition emerged, he said. Dacic noted that he had signed the Brussels agreement ten years ago but that many of its provisions remained unfulfilled. "As if I had signed a napkin at this restaurant," he said. He said there was no problem with the Open Balkans initiative but that it was no substitute for EU membership. The EU can be a unifying factor in the Western Balkans but, in view of the present situation, no one in the EU can guarantee anything, Dacic said.


International community should condemn beating of Serb young men in Josanica (Tanjug/RTV)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced that the brutal and unprovoked beating of Serbian young men Djordje M. (24) and Lazar Dj. (23) in Josanica near Leposavic is a real picture of the reality in which the Serbian people are forced to live in Kosovo and Metohija.

The announcement states that those with injuries have been hospitalised. The aforementioned young men were subjected to torture by members of the ROSU special police without any pretext or reason, and the most terrible thing is that the excessive use of force and the application of police torture is not a mere incident, but a direct order from the authorities in Pristina to mistreat and intimidate Serbs at every step. There is and cannot be any justification for this kind of brutal behaviour by the police, and that is why we expect international organisations and Brussels to clearly condemn this and similar incidents, and from Pristina to set an example for others to punish violent policemen, because otherwise every bully in a police uniform will have a blank permission to harass and beat at his own choice and discretion.


Todic: It is not easy to be a Serb in Kosovo, they hit where it hurts the most (TV Pink)


Mayor of Leposavic Municipality Zoran Todic, who has resigned, said that it is not easy to be a Serb in Kosovo and Metohija, stressing that attacks on children hurt the most, and that the Pristina authorities are "hitting" precisely there. "For more than 24 years, Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija have been facing difficulties every day. It is not easy to live and be a Serb in Kosovo. We are more the days when there are no incidents more, than those when there are," Todic told TV Pink. He recalled the last incident in the village of Josanica, when two young Serbs were beaten. "They were intercepted by the Kosovo special unit, thrown out of the car, without being ID's or taken into custody. The special forces beat them up and released them after the beating," said Todic. He added that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is tense, difficult and unpleasant and that everyone who has children knows what hurts the most. "It hurts the most when they go after the children. The question is how long the Serb people will be able to endure this. I spoke to parents of the battered young men and saw despair and anger. There is no condemnation, no reaction, attacks are an everyday occurrence, and this is just one in a series of incidents," said Todic. He recalled the beating of a young man in Kosovsko Pomoravlje and shooting people in the back on the Bistrica bridge just because they did not stop. Todic said that there has been militarization in the north of Kosovo for a year and a half, and that bases for special police units have been created and a checkpoint has been established on the Bistrica River. "We face harassment on a daily basis. Special units perform routine checks here, patrolling the villages with rifles in hand. I get it that they intend to fight criminals and smuggling. We are all in the service of fighting crime. But you can't do that every day, using combat vehicles with heavy machine guns, in the field. In this way, you are only harassing and repressing," he said. He assessed that it is high time to stop this behavior of Pristina and the Kosovo police. "I'm afraid we'll get to a point where someone takes justice into their own hands and tries to protect their family on their own in some way that can lead us in a direction that no one needs," said Todic. He stressed that Pristina is "stealing Serb property in order to build military-police bases". He said that the north is especially "problematic for Pristina" because there is unity of the Serb people there. "The construction of bases for the special unit has nothing to do with preventing smuggling, but only with intimidating the Serb people, and it is directed against a territory where there is Serb unity," Todic stressed.


Orlic: Part of opposition never requested special session on Kosovo (TV Pink/Beta)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic, said yesterday that “part of the opposition” had never requested a special session on Kosovo, and were “just talking” about it instead. In an interview with TV Pink Orlic said “no request to call such a session exists”, adding that they “haven’t sent any such request”, because, as he put it, they were unable to as much as collect the signatures for the motion. According to the speaker, those parties only wanted “a stage for themselves”. What he referred to as an “anti-government sniper coalition” includes Dveri, the Oath Keepers, the NADA coalition and the People’s Party. Orlic also said that their sole goal was to topple Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, adding that “on the eve of 7 March they pretended they were students”, which was possible to see in the photographs taken during a student protest in downtown Belgrade.


Dveri: European Parliament to stop pressure against Serbia (Beta)


Representatives of the Dveri opposition party visiting the European Parliament (EP) in Brussels requested the EU’s lawmaker to stop exerting pressure on Serbia vis-a-vis the European plan for the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo and anti-Russian sanctions, the movement said in a 8 March news release. Dveri explained in the release that during the visit to Brussels by two Dveri MPs, Tamara Milenkovic-Kerkovic and Radmila Vasic, visiting the EU institution with another twenty government and opposition MPs of Serbia, they had asked the EP to “withdraw the Franco-German agreement on Kosovo”. Dveri’s secretary for international affairs Andrej Mitic was also in the Dveri delegation, and continued talks with the Identity and Democracy (ID) Group in the European Parliament, bringing together European conservative parties. They also wanted no more pressures to introduce anti-Russian sanctions. The Dveri representatives wanted the European Parliament to switch their attention from the two themes to the rule of law in Serbia, corruption, crime, closed media and poor electoral terms, which they said were the consequences of Aleksandar Vucic’s authoritarian rule.


Stojanovic: Forming of People’s Movement for the state – one more manipulation by Vucic (Beta)


Political expert Boban Stojanovic said yesterday that the announced forming of “the People’s Movement for the State” represented a fresh case of manipulation by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and his attempt to depict himself as the sole protector of Serbia and Kosovo. Stojanovic told Beta that the forming of the movement was in preparation for the next early parliamentary elections “which will most probably be held next year, together with the local elections”. According to Stojanovic, Vucic must present himself to his voters as the sole protector of Kosovo, Serbia and the Serbs. “A percentage of Vucic’s voters openly display their dissatisfaction with the situation in Kosovo. Vucic is launching a new campaign to prove that he is not a traitor, and that he has not surrendered or signed anything. This is one more media manipulation, aimed at covering up the facts found in the accepted Franco-German agreement – that it is a de facto and de jure recognition of Kosovo as independent,” Stojanovic said, adding that 70 percent of Serbia’s citizens did not know what deal Vucic had made in Brussels.


Serbian army unit sent to peacekeeping operation mission in Lebanon (Tanjug)


The Ministry of Defence announced that a unit of the Serbian Armed Forces from the Training Command has been sent to a multinational operation in Lebanon, where they will perform tasks as part of the United Nations peacekeeping forces for the next six months. It is a force protection platoon which, in accordance with its purpose, will be engaged in the security of the United Nations base in the operation zone where the Italian contingent is located. In Lebanon, they will replace members of the Serbian Armed Forces who successfully completed the same tasks in the previous six months and are ending their engagement in this Middle Eastern country this month. The Serbian Armed Forces began participating in the United Nations peacekeeping operation in Lebanon in 2010. Currently, in addition to the force protection platoon, the Serbian Armed Forces in Lebanon also employ an infantry company, as an independent unit within the Spanish battalion, staff officers in the mission command and a group of specialist officers in charge of supporting our contingent.




Dodik: International efforts to intensify pressure to solve Balkan issues, during conflict in Ukraine, are visible (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said that, during the conflict in Ukraine, the efforts of the international community to intensify the pressure to resolve the Balkan issues are visible, because now, as he states, “they do not even have to look at the positions of Russia at the least”. Dodik emphasized that one of these issues is the issue of relations between Belgrade and Pristina and the attempt to hastily reach the results that the international community expects, which is why the international community offered a Franco-German agreement based on the ‘take it or leave it’ system. “According to their logic, when they solve this, they will return to the RS in order to once again work out, for them, a Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) as they want it. In such an atmosphere, the position of Serbia, namely President Aleksandar Vucic, is very difficult and complex. Either accept and sign what we want, or you are guilty, which means you have to be punished”, Dodik assessed. He emphasizes that in this case something new happened with the EU, which declares the unsigned agreement valid and thus exerts additional pressure. In such impossible conditions, Vucic was able to get the absolute maximum at this moment, Dodik believes. He says Vucic called for further talks, but the EU viewed this as a ‘done deal’, i.e. presented the situation as if the mentioned agreement was signed. On the other hand, Dodik says that Vucic’s tactics were carefully chosen and he said they can discuss normalization of relations but not recognition of Kosovo or its membership in the international organizations.


Dodik discusses issues of functioning and formation of authorities with Covic at working breakfast in Banja Luka (O Kanal)


RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik met with HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic at a working breakfast in Banja Luka on Wednesday morning. Dodik and Covic discussed the issue of functioning of authorities at the level of B&H, as well as the issue of harmonization of the state budget along with implementation of previously reached agreements on personnel solutions. Dodik stated after their unannounced meeting that they also discussed continuation of implementation of election results pertaining to formation of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) government. Dodik noted that Covic informed him about the situation in Croatia, while he informed Covic about the situation in Serbia.


FB&H leadership comments on the authority formation in FB&H and on HR Schmidt’s possible intervention; Bradara: I am in favor agreement instead of any intervention (Nova BH/RTV


The reporter notes that although the deadline to form the government has begun to run, it is already clear the process will not go smoothly, i.e. HDZ B&H and ‘The Eight’ do not want to form the government with SDA, whilst SDA does not want to be in the opposition, due to which HR Schmidt’s engagement is mentioned as the most probable option. However, FB&H President Lidija Bradara said she is in favor of an agreement instead of any intervention. In an interview for RTV, Bradara said: “Any HR’s potential decision at this moment must not endanger anyone in the long term, nor it can degrade the status of Croats in the long term, because we are the least numerous people. When you take into account how the FB&H President and Vice Presidents are elected and possible combinations in that process, I think there are solutions he has already imposed and if he decides to act, he may take that direction. But I really do not want to think which direction he may take”. The reporter notes that although Bradara held a meeting with possible FB&H Prime Minister Nermin Niksic on Tuesday, FB&H Vice President Refik Lendo said the agreement on the names is yet to be reached.  In a telephone statement for Nova BH, Lendo said: “I am talking about appointment of the FB&H government that should include ministers and Prime Minister, everything we agree from SDA and DF. I am not talking about blockade. I think it would be the best if we reach an agreement. And in B&H, if the parties cannot reach the agreement, we have the HR who interprets that. I think that if he decides to get involved, he should find a long-term solution in the interest of citizens”. The reporter notes whether possible solutions are temporary or long-term solutions, SDP B&H is of view that HR Schmidt’s intervention should be in favor of civic principle, not ethnic one. In a statement for Nova BH, FB&H Vice President Igor Stojanovic said: “He should take into account that civic majority in the Parliament is respected more than that is the case now. Currently, mostly caucuses of peoples are blocking that process, whilst the civic majority is neglected in the decision-making process.” Nova BH reports that HR Schmidt said he is optimistic he will not need to react, because the parliamentary majority is stable. “Now it is up to the elected, and one message is absolutely clear – permanent blockade will no longer be possible. Everyone needs to work on that and I expect local representatives to reach the agreement”, Schmidt was quoted as saying. Bradara stated for RTV Herceg-Bosna that HR Schmidt must not impose long-term changes to the Constitution of the FB&H, because that would be devastating for the Croat people. Bradara assessed that it is not a good, lasting solution to require only the signature of the FB&H President and of one of the FB&H Vice-Presidents to appoint the FB&H Prime Minister. Bradara expressed certainty that the FB&H government will be appointed within the 30-day deadline. She concluded that she supports talks and negotiations, but that it is unlikely that HDZ B&H and ‘The Eight’ would include SDA in the process.


Sattler visits Posavina Canton (FTV)


EU Special Representative (EUSR) and Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Johann Sattler paid his first official visit to Posavina Canton (PC) on Wednesday. At a closed session, he met with representatives of the PC government and the PC Assembly, who expressed their content with the visit as well as the EU-assisted projects. PC Prime Minister Djuro Topic stated that there is a series of things with which the EU has helped and added “I believe that the same will remain in the future, and we will do all we can to make our projects acceptable for what the EU will finance in the future”, Topic added. Speaker of the PC Assembly Blaz Zuparic said he is very pleased with the EUSR’s visit to PC. “I am extremely satisfied with today's meeting, where there was talk about infrastructure projects, about the rule of law, about passing certain laws - we need to harmonize them with the EU - and about everything that is on the way in order to accept the connection as soon as possible and get the possibility of entering the EU”, Zuparic added. Sattler stated that they discussed the priorities for the canton itself in connection with EU membership, as well as the opportunities that exist in the context of available projects for implementation. As for the 14 key priorities of the EU, Sattler added cantons have an extremely important role to play. Sattler also commented on the process of formation of the FB&H government, saying that he welcomes the accelerated dynamics of the formation of the state government, authorities in RS and in some cantons, and that he expects that the FB&H government will be formed soon. "I simply cannot imagine that any responsible politician would want any blockades to possibly continue. We had a government in a technical mandate for four years, that is not something that reflects democracy," underlined the EUSR. During the visit, the EUSR also expressed his satisfaction with the formation of the government in this canton. The PC government issued a statement following the meeting with Sattler, which reads that this visit confirms the EU’s commitment to the European path of B&H. After the meeting with representatives of the cantonal authorities, a political dialogue was held at the PC Assembly Hall during which participants of the dialogue discussed the process of EU accession, strategic development of legislation and policy, as well as EU programming and financing. Sattler stated that, among other things, participants of the dialogue discussed priorities for the canton, PC, in the context of EU membership as well as opportunities in relation to projects available for realization. Sattler noted that, when it comes to the 14 priorities from the European Commission (EC)’s Opinion on B&H, cantons have an important role, and participants of the dialogue here specifically touched on issues like the energy efficiency and public administration reforms. “I am pleased to hear that there is a plan to establish a Department for the Fight against Corruption in PC, because the rule of law, including the fight against corruption, remain the top priority for the EU”, Sattler concluded.


HR Schmidt meets Sarrazin; OHR: HR expressed his appreciation for Germany’s continued support to B&H’s efforts on European integration path (Dnevni avaz)


High Representative Christian Schmidt met with German Government Special Representative for the Countries of the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin on Wednesday. “Good exchange on current political developments and challenges in B&H. High Representative expressed his appreciation for Germany’s continued support to B&H’s efforts on European integration path. He also thanked for the support he and OHR receive from German government”, the OHR stated on Twitter.


Sarazzin meets with Becirovic; Sarazzin says goal of his visit to B&H is to get information on how Germany can help B&H fulfil its obligations in continuation of European path (BHT1)


German Special Envoy for Western Balkans Manuel Sarazzin met with B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic in Sarajevo on Wednesday. Sarazzin said that the goal of his visit to B&H is to get information on how Germany can help B&H fulfil its obligations in the continuation of the European path, after obtaining a candidate status. Becirovic emphasized that after obtaining the candidate status, all institutions, authorities and politicians in B&H are on the move to speed up the European path, adding that the support of Germany is also expected in this. Becirovic stated that it is very important for B&H that the Berlin Process be continued and that Germany be significantly involved in it. On behalf of the other two members of the B&H Presidency, the meeting with Sarazzin was attended by their advisors. Sarrazin and Becirovic also spoke of economic matters and emphasized that Germany is one of the most significant foreign trade partners of B&H. Trade exchange between the two countries is on a constant rise for the past few years, and it was over BAM 5 billion in 2022.


Kristo and Sarrazin discuss how to speed up Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H (FTV)


German Special Envoy for Western Balkans Manuel Sarazzin met with Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Borjana Kristo in Sarajevo on Wednesday.  Kristo and Sarrazin discussed how to speed up the Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H. They also discussed the current political and economic situation in B&H. Kristo pointed out that help of friends is very significant in stabilizing the political situation in the country, but she underlined that permanent peace and stability should be built from within, through agreement of the legitimate political representatives of peoples on all administrative and political levels, as well as through implementation of the highest European standards in the electoral legislation system.


Ambassador Murphy: Our reaction to Reis Kavazovic was not personal; Rhetoric in the country is horrible (Dnevni avaz)


Dnevni avaz daily carried a lengthy interview with US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy. Author noted that the US Embassy reacted to the statement of Head of Islamic Community in B&H Reis Husein Kavazovic who said that if necessary B&H will be defended by weapons as well, the Embassy’s statement that it is defeating for any leader to threaten with the violence and adds that some interpreted this as an attack on the Islamic Community in B&H. “Our reaction was not at the personal level, this is an honest assessment of the situation, as we see it and we hope, for the sake of better future, that change will occur. I do not refer only to exchange of opinions between Dodik and Reis Kavazovic, but the rhetoric that is on the scene in this country is horrible. Such speech is coming from all sides. Many people use the words in an irresponsible manner and believe they will not face consequences. Maybe there will be no consequences on Tuesday, or by Friday, but with time, this kind of rhetoric erodes the tissue of the state,” said Murphy. Author noted that for the first time we are facing the situation within the Bosniak people, where we have politicians saying that USA and the West are enemies and that Bosniaks should consider a possibility to turn toward Russia, China and Iran and these statements are coming from parties that refuse to hand over the authority. Ambassador noted that it is natural they are concerned about increase in anti-Western rhetoric, but he believes that this is nothing more than political opportunism. He stressed that certain individuals in politics, who are scared for their positions, are trying to create issues, but he also underlined that people, both from the FB&H and RS are turned toward the West and they do their business there, they send their children to schools there and they take they vacations there. “Nobody is going to Russia, China or Iran. Politicians who are doing this, are doing it because of narrow, selfish political reasons,” said Murphy. Asked about RS President Milorad Dodik and whether he is concerned by the support he provides to Russia, continuation of anti-Dayton activities and another unilateral attempt to take state property, Ambassador said that they looked favourably on swift forming of B&H Council of Ministers and positive indicators regarding formation of FB&H government, but it is necessary to start working. “We have to see what will politicians do in regard of Euro-Atlantic path and reforms. We were very clear what will happen if they continue to follow the same path as they did before. We will hold them accountable. We already undertook concrete measures because of anti-Dayton activities and we will do so again if necessary,” said Murphy. Asked about priorities of the US Embassy in B&H, Ambassador Murphy noted that they are trying to assist in rule of the law sector, they are working in financial sector with competent institutions. They are assisting with fight against corruption, which is a huge problem and they assisted forming of the Anti-Corruption and Quality Control Office of Sarajevo Canton, they are focused on economy and developing of private sector. Ambassador stressed that private sector is driving engine in every other economic in Euro-Atlantic community. He underlined importance of improving of business environment and underlined that this also concerns the issue of corruption and attracting of foreign investments. Murphy underlined investments in tourism and importance of B&H Armed Forces and security institutions, stressing that NATO path is also very important for the country. Ambassador Murphy expressed his love toward B&H, toward the country and the people. He noted that the level of assistance of his country to B&H and success of B&H people in diaspora, he can say that he is an optimist. Asked about announcements of FB&H Vice President Refik Lendo that he will not support a new FB&H government without SDA and his statement that they have answer to blockades, the Ambassador stressed that the FB&H has to be a driving engine that will lead B&H toward the Euro-Atlantic integration. Expressing hope that parties that constitute majority in the FB&H will form the government as soon as possible, the Ambassador noted that there was no government for four years and this has to change. “We carefully monitor the events and for every form of blockade we will consider responsible those political leaders to whom their personal wellbeing is more important than the wellbeing of their voters. However, I will not speculate about what we will do or will not do,” said Murphy. To author’s question whether they possess mechanisms against the blockades, the Ambassador said: “I think that the USA are ready to use all tools, all mechanisms, regardless whether it is development aid, diplomatic assistance, sanctions or something else. I think that behavior of these political leaders more says about them alone than about citizens of this country. It is very damaging that the blockades in the FB&H come from the people who have been complaining about the blockades for a long time.”


Dodik announces new law on non-governmental organizations identical to US law that labels NGO members as foreign agents (Nova BH)


The reporter comments that the dust after the Draft Law on Amendments to the RS Criminal Code has not even settled, there is already a new initiative that has already sparked reactions. Nova BH reports that RS President Milorad Dodik announced on Wednesday a new law on activities of non-governmental organization (NGOs) and similar organizations that will be identical to such law in the US. This time, Dodik said, he will remain persistent in effort to treat NGOs members as foreign agents and will copy the law from the US. Addressing the media, Dodik said: “In its law, the US calls foreign NGOs, or those financed by foreigners, foreign agents on the territory of the US. We will take over that terminology and offer the law, i.e. instead of the US, it will state the RS, instead of the US Department of Justice, it will state the RS Ministry of Justice, and we will see what the Americans will say to that. And that implies that you report every transaction and all activities”. Dodik said that this is fair if one wants transparency and he does not see why that would be a problem for someone. Dodik also said that the ‘Soros Foundation’ intends to move its seat for the Balkans, which was in Tirana, to Sarajevo. “There is an obvious intention to act according to principle they learned in order to destabilize the society. Of course, we will protect ourselves from that. ‘Soros’ is unacceptable here, it is not a benevolent organization, but a destructive one that wants to carry out its destructive campaigns, which we have seen in a number of countries in the world”, Dodik pointed out.


Strong support for Kosovo on the European path (HRT)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and met with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora of the Republic of Kosovo Donika Gervalla-Schwarz, who is on an official visit to the Republic of Croatia. Expressing his welcome, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic highlighted the good and friendly relations between Croatia and Kosovo and emphasized the support that Croatia provides to Kosovo in all forums, with an emphasis on membership in international organizations, especially the EU and the Council of Europe. He welcomed the submission of Kosovo's application for EU membership and reiterated his support for visa liberalization with Kosovo. Regarding bilateral relations, he emphasized the potential for further improvement of economic cooperation after the recent Croatian-Kosovo business forum held in Pristina and emphasized Croatia's constant care and concern regarding the position of the Croatian community in Kosovo.


Vuksanovic Stankovic to submit SDP’s initiative: Fundamental Agreement with SPC to be assessed for constitutionality (CdM)


Draginja Vuksanovic Stankovic, MP and candidate for president of the Social Democratic Party, is to hand over to the Constitutional Court the SDP’s initiative to assess the constitutionality and legality of the Fundamental Agreement signed by PM Dritan Abazovic with the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) in August last year, CdM has learned. The submission of the initiative was awaited until the formation of the Constitutional Court. The initiative, as stated, refers only to the formal legal aspect, that is, norms that are clearly and directly in conflict with the Constitution and laws of Montenegro. The initiative does not deal with the parts of the Agreement which evidently gave SPC significantly greater rights compared to other religious communities, or with the open issues between SPC and the Montenegrin Orthodox Church. SDP unofficially says that they are sure that the Constitutional Court cannot ignore the obvious and clear contradictions with the Constitution and the law, and that they believe that with the court’s decision and the confirmation of legal inconsistency, they will also reveal the true intentions of Abazovic’s puppet procedure – to stop the European integrations of Montenegro and open the Balkan ones, all in line with the instructions of the leaders of Serbia and Albania.


Picula head of EP mission at presidential elections in Montenegro (CdM


Tonino Picula, as the rapporteur of the European Parliament for Montenegro, will also be the head of the EP delegation that will observe the implementation of the presidential elections in Montenegro on 19 March this year. The seven-member mission of the European Parliament will arrive in Montenegro on Thursday, 16 March. In Podgorica, he will hold meetings with the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for European Security and Cooperation OSCE/ODIHR, the permanent representative of the EU in Montenegro Oana Cristina Popa, as well as with the ambassadors of the member states of the EU accredited in Montenegro, and other international organizations in Montenegro, such as the mission of the Council of Europe, Picula’s office says. Picula and members of the mission will hold a meeting with representatives of local and international organizations on the topics of electoral legislation and monitoring the implementation of the electoral process, with whom they will analyse candidate campaigns, as well as media coverage of the election. He will also meet with the candidates for president of Montenegro.


Strengthening judiciary at all levels in North Macedonia a top priority, says US Ambassador Aggeler (MIA)


Strengthening the judiciary in the country, at all levels, is a top priority for the US Embassy, for me personally and for Washington, said US Ambassador to North Macedonia Angela Aggeler on Wednesday during her visit to the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office in Skopje. On her visit to the Investigative Center at the Prosecutor’s Office, which received a donation of computer equipment and technical equipment from the US Embassy, Aggeler said that this is a good system and expressed her conviction that interoperability will lead to an improvement in efficiency. “I’ve been here since November and corruption has been present in the country for a long time. This is not an issue that can be solved in a couple of months and there are already systems that require inspection. Which is why today’s visit is good, to see how the investigations are being led,” said Aggeler. We want to be partners with this country, stressed Aggeler, so we will demonstrate that this system is here for your citizens. “This takes time. It is not something that a single computer system can solve, but it is a priority and if I have a single goal as an ambassador to this country, it is to make sure that I am doing everything that I can, together with my team, to strengthen the Macedonian citizens’ trust in the judiciary,” said Aggeler. The President of the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office – Skopje, Gavril Bubevski, expressed his gratitude for the donation, which he said will help with the daily affairs of the institution, with the end goal of enabling the citizens’ trust in the institutions, the system and in receiving justice. “This is a serious donation which will help with the daily work of the institution, and we will be able to work with certain evidence much faster,” said Bubevski. We hope, said Bubevski that the cooperation with the US Embassy will continue through courses and further assistance.


NATO official: Skopje under sustained hybrid attack (MIA)


NATO’s Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges James Appathurai said during a 8 March visit to Skopje that North Macedonia “is facing a sustained and cynical hybrid attack,” promising additional support by the Alliance in strengthening cyber security. “We are here because North Macedonia is facing sustained and very cynical bomb threats. But as a NATO member, it is not facing this challenge on its own, but as part of a family of democracies that stand together and support one another,” Appathurai said, welcoming the substantial steps taken by North Macedonia’s government to defend and build resilience against hybrid attacks. The NATO official addressed journalists after his meetings with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski, the ministers of defense and the interior, and a minister in charge of the IT society. According to Appathurai, steps to build North Macedonia’s cyber security and strengthen mechanisms for effective government actions were also discussed during his visit to Skopje.


Skopje signs agreement with Bechtel Enka to build roads to Albania, Greece (MIA)


An agreement was signed in the government of North Macedonia on 8 March with the US-Turkish consortium Bechtel ENKA, on the construction of the Pan-European Corridor VIII Albania-Bulgaria in the part toward Albania, and Pan-European Corridor X D toward Greece. It was stated that 1.3 billion euros had been designated for the construction of four segments with the total length of 100 kilometers. This agreement covers the construction of four routes: Tetovo-Gostivar, Gostivar-Bukojcani, Trebeniste-StrugaCafasan and the Prilep-Bitola highway, said the director of the public enterprise for state roads Ejup Rustemi. “The construction of these routes is extremely important for raising the quality level of road infrastructure and traffic. With Corridor VIII and Corridor X D, North Macedonia is becoming an even more important regional and international transportation route and even more visible on the world investors’ map,” said the prime minister of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovacevski.


Nikolla-La Russa: Albania, a model partner that generates stability and security in the region (Radio Tirana)


Following the official visit to Rome, the speaker of the Assembly Lindita Nikolla and the delegation of the Assembly consisting of Vice-Speaker Felaj, Vice-Speaker Gjerkmarkaj, Chairman of the Pellumbi Friendship Group and Ambassador Bitri Lani, met this evening with the President of the Italian Senate Ignazio La Russa. President Nikola thanked the President of the Senate, La Russa for Italy's all-round support for Albania, strategic partnership and excellent bilateral cooperation, especially for the strong support of the European journey of Albania and the countries of the region. "The high-level visits and exchanges between the two countries prove the climate of excellent political relations, cooperation between the two countries and friendship between our two peoples. Economic cooperation is intensive and can be relied on to make better use of the position and geographical proximity of our countries, generating new development and cooperation programs. Albania appreciates the policies for the preservation of Albanian traditions and the learning of the Albanian language in Italy and has created the conditions for learning the Italian language in the pre-university education system in Albania. The very good bilateral cooperation can be deepened in other areas as well", said Nikolla. La Russa, after evaluating the excellent cooperation between the two countries, underlined that the friendship between Italians and Albanians is natural and the cultural neighborhood is a bridge of friendship between the two countries. Italy cooperates with Albania as a partner that generates stability and contribution to peace and security. Italy is also proud of the healthy relations, the diverse relations between the two countries and the strong friendship with Albania and the Albanians.


Kim on administrative elections: The state guarantees the right to choose freely and in secret (Radio Tirana)


"As Albania prepares for local elections on May 14, the ambassador of the United States of America in Tirana Yuri Kim met with leaders of the Socialist Party, the Democratic Party and the Freedom Party to underline the importance of conducting activities in an honest manner, transparent and regular, in accordance with Albanian law and international standards," the US Embassy in Tirana announced. The US Embassy adds that, “it reminded them of the observations and recommendations of previous ODIHR reports. For example, in the final report on the April 2021 parliamentary elections, ODIHR's recommendations included the following:  The state must guarantee the right to choose freely and in secret. Any form of pressure to find out if and how people voted, should be prevented. Law enforcement agencies must intensify efforts to identify, investigate and prosecute cases of vote buying. Citizens should be encouraged to report and provide evidence of any vote buying or pressure. Albania must guarantee the security of citizens' personal data. The relevant institutions must thoroughly investigate and punish any violation that affects public confidence in the electoral process. The legislation should be amended to ensure that the media are able to independently cover the activities of the contestants in the elections with the aim of limiting the use in the news of material produced by the parties". "Party leaders also confirmed that they will review the respective candidates to ensure that they meet the requirements of the law as well as the expectations of Albanian voters for clean candidates," concludes the announcement of the US Embassy.