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Belgrade Media Report 14 March



Vucic to Lajcak: ZSO before normalization (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said that he had a "difficult and meaningful" talk with European Union special representative Miroslav Lajcak on March 13, and that talks on "Kosovo and Metohija and Serbia's European future" would continue on March 14. A press release issued by Vucic's cabinet reads that he and Lajcak spoke "about the European proposal, forming the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) and other needed steps in the normalization of relations between Serbs and Albanians." Vucic "stressed that Serbia was working responsibly and approaching talks with dedication with a view to reaching sustainable, compromise solutions necessary for all citizens to have normal lives and a better future, within the clearly stated limitations." He repeated that forming the ZSO was a prerequisite for normalization of relations, and for the security of Serb people in Kosovo and the protection of their rights, the statement added.


Lajcak: If there is no ZSO, there is no agreement (RTS)


The EU's special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, spoke about the prerequisites for the implementation of the European plan in an interview for the Oko RTS show, which will be broadcast tonight at 18:25 on RTS 1, and mentioned the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) as the main issue. Lajcak said that if you look at the EU proposal, it talks about normalization, not about some kind of capitulation. Lajcak repeated on several occasions that the ZSO must be formed and underlined that "if there is no ZSO, there is no agreement". The goal, says Lajcak, is not for someone to win or lose. "The goal is to look for a win-win situation and to open the European door," emphasized Lajcak. The meeting in Ohrid, he notes, aims to agree on the fulfilment of the agreement, which has such support from the EU that, as he emphasized, he does not remember in the past.


Lajcak discusses European plan for Kosovo with Serbian opposition (Euronews Serbia)


Miroslav Lajcak, the European Union's special representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, has presented the European proposal for Kosovo to representatives of Serbian pro-European opposition parties at the headquarters of the EU Delegation in Serbia, in Belgrade. According to a report on Euronews Serbia, the parties conveyed to Lajcak their disagreement with article four of the European proposal, which pertains to the admission of Kosovo into international organizations, and briefly criticized the authorities in Serbia.


Present in the meeting with Lajcak were Freedom and Justice Party president Dragan Djilas,Democratic Party president Zoran Lutovac, Free Citizens' Movement president Pavle Grbovic, Together party co-president Nebojsa Zelenovic, Don't Let Belgrade Drown movement representative Radomir Lazovic and People's Party general secretary Stefan Jovanovic.


After the meeting, Djilas said he had told Lajcak that a clear stand was expected from the EU on Serbia's admission journey and informed him that the party would adopt a Serbia in the EU by 2030 plan. Democratic Party president Zoran Lutovac said he had stated it was unacceptable that the dialogue was being conducted with only one man and that the opposition was only learning more about it from international community representatives. People's Party representative Stefan Jovanovic said he had given Lajcak the party's position that the European agreement on Kosovo violated the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and would not lead to normalization of relations, voicing concern that, if the agreement is accepted, the EU would turn a blind eye to all suppression of freedom, democracy and human rights in Serbia while the agreement was being carried out.


Albanian politicians in South of Serbia request meeting with Lajcak (Beta)


The president of the Party for Democratic Action in Presevo, Ardita Sinani, asked the European Union’s special representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, to meet with elected representatives of the Albanians in Serbia. “The last meeting with representatives of the Serb Ticket party from Serb-dominated municipalities in the north of Kosovo is understandable, given the existing tensions and a chance of them escalating, but it is hard to understand why there was no meeting with elected Albanians living in the Presevo Valley,” Sinani was quoted as saying by the Bujanovacke portal. Sinani said that the failure to meet with them could be interpreted as a wrong message to the circles promoting the destabilization of the stable security situation in the Western Balkans, and now in the north of Kosovo as well. Sinani reiterated that the Albanians in Serbia had been discriminated against and repressed for decades, and that involving their elected officials in the process would contribute to the stability, security, Europeanization and democratization of the Western Balkans.


Ursula did not want to answer one question about Serbia (Tanjug)


President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, stated that the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina is of great importance. According to her, it is crucial for the stability, security and prosperity of the region. She also pointed out that she hopes that both sides will "seize the moment" in the dialogue and be constructive in the upcoming talks. She said this during an interview organized by the European News Agency, of which Tanjug is a member, together with 16 other agencies from the EU, the Western Balkans and Ukraine.


To Tanjug's reminder that she also discussed the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina with U.S. President Joseph Biden and to the question of how important it is for the enlargement process and the stability of Europe that Belgrade and Pristina normalize relations, as well as what the consequences would be if the negotiations on March 18 in Ohrid do not bring results, von der Leyen said that this is a possibility for both sides and expressed the hope that they will be constructive.


"The war in Ukraine underlined the geostrategic importance of the enlargement process. We would like our Western Balkan partners to be as close to us as possible and as quickly as possible," Von der Leyen said. She said that, when it comes to the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, there is a European roadmap and that plan is on the table. "I think that now is a real opportunity for both sides to take advantage of the momentum. Normalization is of great importance, crucial for the stability, security and prosperity of the region. I really hope that both sides will be very constructive in the following talks," said Von der Leyen.


When asked what the consequences could be for both sides if the dialogue does not bring results, she said that we should wait for the negotiations and then see the results. "Let's negotiate first, and then we'll look at the outcome", Von der Leyen concluded.


Von Cramon hopes Vucic, Kurti will sign agreement (N1)


Viola Von Cramon MEP said she hopes Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti will sign the agreement proposed by the European Union at their coming meeting. “Hope so much that we will see both signatures by Kosovo and Serbia under the agreement at the end of next week in Ohrid. This will be a major step towards European integration for both countries” she wrote in a Twitter post. Vucic and Kurti are scheduled to meet in the North Macedonia city of Ohrid on March 18.


Vucevic: Not even the international mediators know what the agreement will look like (RTV)


The People's Movement for Serbia, whose formation was announced for the end of May or June, is supra-party in its form and was designed as a movement that should unite different political parties, but also people who are not members of the parties, said the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Serbia and the Vice President Serbian Progressive Party Milos Vucevic. Vucevic, appearing as a guest on Radio-television Vojvodina, said that the idea is to achieve unification in a broader political context, and this is not done by covert campaigns for some future extraordinary parliamentary elections, but in the context of what is happening to us because of Ukraine and Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). "In the next two years, there should be a unification of all those who see Serbia as their country. The movement's key issue is Serbia with KiM, but also our military neutrality, and our position in relation to the bloc division of the world," he said. Vucevic says that this movement is still not formally and legally defined, that it does not have strict margins and that it will progress to develop. "Let's unite in defending Serbia against all forms of pressure and blackmail," he says.


Speaking about the position of the People's Movement for Serbia towards the Franco-German proposal for KiM, Vucevic says that no one knows what will be on the negotiating table. "Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic knows more, but I don't," he says.


When asked to comment on the part of the Franco-German proposal in which it is said that both sides "will be guided by the purpose and principles established in the Charter of the United Nations", Vucevic says that according to the Charter of the United Nations, the territory of another country cannot be taken. "Mentioning the Charter of the United Nations is in Serbia's interest. They are all running away from the United Nations and Resolution 1244. They want to cancel even informing the UN Security Council about the situation in KiM," he points out. Minister Vucevic says that the goal of the foreign mediators in the negotiations with Pristina is that the so-called Kosovo becomes a member of the United Nations, and that Belgrade's goal is to make an agreement based on the UN Charter.


"You think the international mediators know what the agreement is that needs to be implemented? Well, I don't know either, and we're asked to plead for everything. Why should they be the only ones telling me all the details and opening all the cards? Anyone who wants to know the sequence of our moves should look at what we have done so far. Let them see what we did regarding the entry of the so-called of Kosovo to UNESCO, and then to Interpol, and 28 recognitions of the so-called Kosovo, and our effort to prevent the adoption of the UN resolution on the Serbs as a genocidal nation", he says and adds that there must be some level of trust and that Vucic has not signed anything.


Economy Minister wants Government to take an urgent stand on sanctions against Russia (Beta)


Serbian Economy Minister Rade Basta requested on March 13 that the government urgently take a stand on introducing sanctions against Russia over its aggression against Ukraine. "Our country is paying a high price for not imposing sanctions against Russia and it's becoming intolerable. As minister of the economy, I'm seeing how much pressure there is on Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, and I cannot accept us keeping silent. That is why I am for introducing sanctions against Russia. I stand by President Vucic in the defense of state and national interests and I have absolute trust in him," Basta said in a press release. He added that for that reason he was asking the Serbian government and all ministers individually to give their position on the matter, stating that it was necessary for the government to take a united stand on what direction the country would take. "Since the beginning of the war, we have been condemning the Russian aggression against Ukraine, while at the same time protecting national interests in relations with the Russian Federation. That is why initially we didn't join the large number of countries that introduced sanctions against the aggressor country. Yet the situation is growing more complex with each day, and Western countries are reproaching Serbia for not joining the sanctions," said Basta who is a member of United Serbia, a coalition partner of the SPS.


Dragan Markovic "Palma," president of Unified Serbia, to which Basta belongs, stated that he had several times repeated that “the imposing of sanctions to Russia would not stop the war in Ukraine, just as it was not stopped by the sanctions imposed by Western countries”. The JS “is against the imposing of sanctions to anyone and it is our standpoint that the solution to this problem is for the war in Ukraine to cease immediately and for the problems to be resolved at the negotiating table”, stated Markovic. Markovic said this was Basta's personal opinion, not the position of the party, which is against imposing sanctions on anyone.


The President of the Socialist Party of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, reiterated that the party firmly supports the position of the National Security Council, established last year, that Serbia condemns the violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity, but that it is not in favor of imposing sanctions on Russia. "The Socialist Party of Serbia firmly supports the policy that President Aleksandar Vucic publicly presents and leads, respecting that the national interest of Serbia and its future is our priority," Dacic told Tanjug. "As you know, I coordinate activities and positions with President Vucic on a daily basis and we have not discussed this topic recently, and the Socialist Party of Serbia will respect and participate in adopting the views of our state institutions and consistently apply them," said Dacic.


Socialist Movement: We expect Minister Basta to resign (Politika)


The Socialist Movement (PS) announced that it expects Economy Minister Rade Basta to resign, after declaring that Serbia must impose sanctions on Russia. "The Socialist Movement is a reliable and brave ally of the SNS, but it will never remain silent or support the new Zorana Mihajlovic, even if her name was Rade Basta. "Now that we need unity, Basta asks that the Government of Serbia be publicly divided on the issue of his support for joining the illegal sanctions against the Russian Federation," the statement said. "If the Minister of Economy is not an expert but a politician, let him go to Djilas and other DOS members who, like him, are in favor of severing economic, fraternal and friendly ties with official Moscow and the Russian people," the PS points out. It is particularly shameful, PS assesses, that Basta is hiding behind the back of the President of Serbia in order to undermine the independence and neutrality that Aleksandar Vucic defends both from foreigners and from such domestic cowards. "We expect Basta to show with his personal resignation from the Government of Serbia how much he really cares about what he is asking for, if he does not get support from other ministers for his fight against the independent and neutral libertarian policy of our Serbia," the statement says.


Zakharova: Sanctions against Russia will not stop America's pressure on Serbia (Politika)


Serbian Economy Minister Rade Basta has some strange thinking when he says that Serbia should impose sanctions on Russia, said the spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Maria Zakharova. "Some strange attitude: America is putting pressure on Serbia, and the Serbian minister is calling for a stance against Russia. Perhaps it would be better if the Serbian minister decidedly spoke out against the pressure on his country? Russia, unlike the USA, has always respected Serbia and its people. And the point is not only in the historical truth, but in the obvious fact: with the introduction of sanctions against Russia, America's pressure on Serbia will not stop, but will only increase," wrote Zakharova in a Telegram.


Peskov: Unprecedented pressure is being exerted on Serbia, we highly value Belgrade's position (Tanjug)


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that at the moment unprecedented pressure is being exerted on many countries of the world, especially on Serbia, but that Moscow expects that the most problematic issues will be resolved within the framework of a confidential and partnership dialogue with Serbian friends.


"We perfectly understand what kind of unprecedented, harsh, illegal, contrary to international law pressure is exerted on many countries, including Serbia. On Serbia in particular. And we greatly appreciate the position that Serbia has taken so far, we understand that the conditions are changing, but we expect that we will solve the most problematic issues within the framework of our confidential partnership dialogue with our Serbian friends," Peskov told reporters, RIA Novosti reports.


The newspaper Izvestia states that Peskov commented on the statement of the Minister of Economy of Serbia, who on Monday requested that the Government of Serbia urgently declare the introduction of sanctions against Russia. "Our country is already paying a high price for not imposing sanctions on Russia, and it is becoming unbearable," said Rade Basta.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Slovenian Prime Minister pays visit to BiH&, meets with Kristo; Golob: We want to be biggest ally of B&H (Nova BH)


Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob paid an official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Monday. He met with B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chair Borjana Kristo in Sarajevo. Addressing the joint press conference after the meeting, Golob said that B&H should take advantage of the changed circumstances in Brussels regarding the EU enlargement and make progress on the EU path. He stressed that this is a historical chance for B&H as in the past two decades the enlargement process has been stalled due to technical-administrative issues but it has become a political issue today. He conveyed a message that Slovenia does not want to be only a friendly country for B&H but it also wants to be B&H’s ally, offering all kinds of assistance to B&H authorities – including technical, administrative, expert and financial assistance on the EU path.


Kristo reminded that Slovenia is B&H’s important economic partner and the biggest individual beneficiary of the Slovenia’s assistance for development. Commenting on the work of B&H CoM since its formation, Kristo said that several steps were made in the field of the public administration reform, internal market, competitiveness of infrastructural projects and other steps that are necessary for the functioning of subcommittees between B&H and the EU in line with the Stabilization and the Association agreement.


Golob and Kristo also discussed the situation in the Western Balkan and effects of the war in Ukraine on this region. Following the meeting with Kristo, Golob said that significant change occurred in Slovenia’s policy and in foreign policy of this country, adding that an approach to solidarity and political cooperation has been intensified. The Slovenian Prime Minister emphasized that he wants to convey two messages, first being that atmosphere in the Brussels has changed and it created historic opportunity for B&H to make progress towards the EU membership. He stated that second message is that Slovenia wants to be biggest ally of B&H. Kristo stressed that those in B&H should do more in regards to political situation and internal dialogue within B&H. She reminded that the Constitution of B&H defines it as a country of three constituent peoples and Others. She added that in this regard, it is obligation of politicians in B&H to make limited changes of the Constitution and complete reform of electoral legislation.


Golob meets B&H Presidency members: Granting EU candidate status to B&H is important cornerstone on country’s EU path (RTRS)


Chairwoman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic and B&H Presidency members Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic met with Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob in Sarajevo on Monday. RTRS reports that participants in the meeting underscored that granting B&H the candidate status is an important cornerstone on the country’s EU path, and that Slovenia is willing to provide necessary expert and technical assistance in that regard. “Participants concluded that the bilateral relations between B&H and Slovenia are traditionally very good and friendly, and that both countries are committed to their improvement and strengthening’’, reads the statement by the B&H Presidency Public Relations Office.


Golob also met with members of the Collegiums of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) and the B&H House of Peoples (HoP). “Today, it was also emphasized that Slovenia is one of the biggest and most important economic partners of B&H and that additional work is necessary to continue to develop that cooperation in mutual interest”, reads the statement by the statement by the B&H Parliament Secretariat.


Slovenian PM Golob: It is necessary for B&H authorities to show readiness and start implementing reform and passing reform laws (BHRT)


In an interview for BHRT, Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob spoke about the European path of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) as well as the reforms that B&H should implement after obtaining candidate status. Golob said the conditions set by the European Commission (EC) still remain, but it is necessary for the authorities in B&H to show readiness and start implementing reforms and passing reform laws. Golob stated that the countries of the Western Balkans should take advantage of the historic opportunity and the fact that certain EU countries that were reserved about the enlargement policy are now looking at this test from a different perspective. He considers the role of OHR to be crucial for the stability of B&H.


Niksic: In case blockades continue, we expect High Representative to react; NES and SBiH behaviour in USC opens doors toward SDA offers (Dnevni avaz)


Speaking for the daily, SDP leader and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Prime Minister- designate, Nermin Niksic underlined the importance of swift authority formation in the FB&H, stressing that the most important thing for citizens is to get Government in its fully capacity, supported by stable parliamentary majority. “Funds from the international community for mitigating consequences of the inflation, are on hold. Our partners in the EU want cooperation with stable authority. That is not a government in the fifth year of technical mandate, without support of the Parliament, which is missing three ministers. Current Government is no longer united among itself,” said Niksic. He claims that it is devastating for the Government, run by Fadil Novalic, to remain in the technical mandate, sarcastically commenting that the nine years of Novalic’s Government will remain remembered by the fact that the Government spent more time in news reports about criminal offenses/court cases, than anything else. Niksic underlined that this Government did not answered a single crisis.


Asked is it necessary for High Representative Christian Schmidt to react as soon as possible, in order to remove blockades, Niksic said that they always wanted majority in FB&H to form the authority as soon as possible. Niksic comments that owing to lottery and ‘defectors’, which enabled SDA to have majority in Bosniak Caucus in FB&H House of Peoples, FB&H is in a current situation: “We have a Vice President from SDA, who was elected by new majority, and who guarantees that he will block forming of authority by new majority. In my opinion, this is a classic case of abuse of office. Constitutional and legal right of parliamentary majority is to form the authority. In case the minority continues to prevent majority to form the authority and with that endanger the legal order, we expect the urgent reaction of competent body, which is the High Representative.”


Niksic also commented the moves of NES and SBiH in Una Sana Canton, expressing regret over such developments. He noted that they have guarantee of partners that FB&H majority and mutual loyalty are unquestionable and they have signatures of all MPs from these parties and signed coalition agreement. “You all know that SDA offered and is still offering forming of majority. Unfortunately, it seems to me that behaviour of our partners for the first time opened the doors toward discussing this option as well. We are certainly headed toward open talks with the partners, so we will see which direction the developments will take,” said Niksic.


NES to make coalition with SDA and DF in USC (BHT1)


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, DF leader Zeljko Komsic and NES leader Nermin Ogresevic signed in the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency building in Sarajevo on Monday evening the agreement on formation of authorities in Una-Sana Canton (USC). SBiH leader Semir Efendic is also planned to sign this agreement. In this regard, these four parties will have the majority of 20 out of 30 representatives in the Una-Sana Canton (USC) Assembly. Representative in the USC Assembly Agan Bunic (NES) said that Our Party (NS) and People and Justice (NiP) have been making “certain blocs, all to eliminate NES from the authorities”. Bunic added that this agreement is a response to such events. Bunic confirmed that the distribution of posts has been agreed in principle, and NES’ Mustafa Ruznic will remain the USC Prime Minister. Bunic also specified that NES will obtain the ministries of healthcare, agriculture as well as physical planning and civil engineering, SDA will obtain the ministries of justice, finance and veterans, DF the ministries of education and interior, while SBiH is left with the ministry of economy. Representative in the USC Assembly Jasmin Music (SDA) noted that, in the last mandate, a two-third majority that existed in the USC Assembly was the most quality thing for the life in USC and functioning of executive authorities. “Talks were very intensive, and I think that we will complete this work somewhere around mid-week”, Music added. The USC Assembly is scheduled to hold a session on Wednesday, which is when the new majority should be confirmed. Bunic emphasized that according to reached agreement, Speaker of USC Assembly should be candidate of SDA, while NES will nominate candidate for position of USC Prime Minister. Coalition partners should meet on Tuesday to complete process of distribution of ministerial positions in USC Government.


DF’s Zuhric: We are close to forming authority in USC, we would probably not implement Schmidt’s new decision for FB&H (Dnevni list)


Representative in the Una-Sana Canton (USC) Assembly Albin Zuhric (DF) stated that DF, SDA, NES and SBiH are close to reaching agreement on formation of new USC authorities. Asked if DF will take part in new Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Government, Zuhric said that nobody knows the answer to that question and that DF is of opinion that parties with representatives in the FB&H leadership must sit down and talk first. According to him, it would be pointless to form (FB&H) authorities without SDP as well.


Speaking for ‘N1’ about possibility that the High Representative (HR) enacts changes to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and the FB&H Constitution, Zuhric said HR Christian Schmidt will be held accountable for his moves if he takes decision to bypass SDA from the FB&H authorities. “I would rationally say that he will adopt nothing, but he did not adopt rational decisions before, instead on couple of occasions he adopted very foolish decisions. I do not know what to expect from the man”, said Zuhric adding that they probably would not implement Schmidt’s decision.


RS Government tasks all executive branch institutions to consistently implement RSNA’s decisions related to anti-Dayton activities by B&H CC (AJB)


The Republika Srpska (RS) Government held a special session on Monday and adopted the information on anti-Dayton activities of the Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). According to the RS Government, decisions of the CC of B&H that undermine competences of the RS and existential basis of its existence are unacceptable. The RS Government tasked all executive institutions of the RS – when working on meeting their competences - to respect and stick to conclusions of the RS National Assembly related to the aforementioned information. The RS Government recommended to the RS Attorney General Office and the RS Administration for Geodetic and Property-Legal Affairs (RUGIP) that, in all proceedings regarding administrative matters related to building land, agricultural land, forests or forestland, where parties to the proceedings are holders of public right, settle disputable issues by mutual agreement. RTRS reports that the Information on protection of rights and interests of the RS with regards to the B&H CC’s activities will be prepared and referred to the RS National Assembly (RSNA) for consideration. The RS Government held the emergency session regarding the actions of RS President Milorad Dodik on the RS Law on State Property and the Constitutional Court of B&H.


Dodik said robbing the RS of its property would mean the end of it and the end of the Serb people on this territory, noting that will not be allowed because the B&H CC’s decisions are unconstitutional and make no sense. Addressing the press conference on Monday in Istocno Sarajevo, Dodik said: “They can talk about secession how much they want, the RS will not be in B&H in which it is robbed of its property’’. He also said: “Why do you think we should love B&H? I do not respect B&H as much as they do not respect the RS. And that is constitutional behaviour? We need to go back to the Constitution if you want. If you do not want that, this will take us nowhere”. Dodik believes that Bosniaks have the right not to love the RS which they openly say when they call it “the smaller entity” but he added that the RS is big enough and it outgrew them and B&H.


Germany’s Sarrazin: We want more civic society in B&H, it is all subject to talks; Dodik: Germany is taking side of Muslims in B&H (Dnevni list, O kanal)


German Government’s Special Representative for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin stated that two entities are the reality in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and that the entities have special rights. According to Sarrazin, it is in essence a very complex federal system. “We want more civic society, we want to get closer to ‘one man one vote’ model, but getting closer does not mean all this will happen from today until tomorrow. I admit that, as things look right now, it is not an option now. But it all must be subject to negotiations and talks, and Republika Srpska (RS) must have its place in the talks”, said Sarrazin.


RS President Milorad Dodik stated that Germany is taking side of Muslims in B&H and supporting their narrative. “Their liberal or green projects they have in Germany cannot be applied here, and especially that story on one man-one vote is absolutely unacceptable. It is unconstitutional category. There are electorates and there is one man one vote principle there. If someone in Dayton had thought it should be applied in B&H, the DPA would have never been signed”, explained Dodik. Dodik conveyed a clear message that policies of the RS will not change regardless of their partners from the Federation of B&H (FB&H). “They say that new authorities at B&H level were formed and all policies will change. Maybe theirs, but ours will not be changed”, stated Dodik. Dodik added that he is prepared for an agreement, while partners are only prepared for “the same as Sarrazin wants”, namely B&H with one President and reform of police they still have not given up onto. Dodik concluded that no matter how much it makes them angry, they live the RS as country and will resume to do it.




Montenegro Opposition Criticises Ambassador’s Condemnation of ‘Fascist’ Election Violence (BIRN)


Opposition parties on Monday criticised French ambassador Christian Thimonier after he deemed Friday's attack on presidential candidate Jakov Milatovic an act of 'fascist aggression'. Montenegrin opposition parties on Monday criticized French ambassador Christian Thimonier after he deemed Friday’s attack on presidential candidate Jakov Milatovic in Cetinje an act of “fascist aggression against European values”.


On Sunday, Thimonier told the daily Vijesti: “This kind of fascist aggression is against not only European values but also basic human values. Attention should be paid at all levels in all parties to prevent hate speech that opens up space for such unacceptable behaviour.” He spoke out after on Friday a group of pro-Montenegrin protesters in Cetinje attacked Milatovic, trying to prevent him from attending an electoral convention in the old royal capital. Police questioned eight persons for the attack on the candidate. However, the ambassador’s comments were criticized by the mayor of Cetinje Nikola Djuraskovic and by state president Milo Djukanovics’s office, who accused him of insulting the citizens of Cetinje.


The opposition pro-Montenegrin Social Democratic Party, the Social Democrats and Liberal Party called on Thimonier to be more careful with his public statements. “With these comments, Thimonier went beyond the framework of generally accepted diplomatic rhetoric. In any country, this kind of impropriate comments would put the ambassador in an unenviable position, or he would be interviewed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the host country,” tthe opposition Democratic Party of Socialists MP Andrija Nikolic said on Monday.


The US and UK ambassadors in Montenegro, Judy Rising Reinke and Karen Maddocks, on Saturday urged the authorities to secure the safety of all presidential candidates, while EU delegation ambassador Oana Cristina Popa said violence should not be tolerated in the electoral process.


Responding to the critics, Thimonier said he was not commenting on the citizens of Cetinje but “defending democratic principles of public gatherings and freedom which are valid everywhere in the world”.


On Sunday, a small group of pro-Montenegrin supporters also organized a protest against Milatovic’s convention in the town of Niksic, but police reported no incidents. At both gatherings, protesters held banners in which they accused Milatovic of “serving the interests of the Serbian Orthodox Church”. After the incident in Cetinje, all political parties called for an easing of tensions, stressing that violence should not be tolerated. Presidential elections will be held in Montenegro on March 19, with seven candidates running for the office including the incumbent Milo Djukanovic.


Maddocks: New elections an opportunity to strongly return Montenegro to constitutional foundations (MINA)


New elections in Montenegro would be the most reasonable step and an opportunity for a new political beginning and return to the constitutional foundations, assessed the UK Ambassador, Karen Maddocks. In an interview for MINA news agency, Ms Maddocks said that it was up to MPs to make a decision on the formation of a new government or the people, through elections. “More than 6 months ago, those MPs voted for the change of government and prime minister, but still haven’t agreed on the new one”. She added that any new government, set up on the basis of the law of suspicious constitutionality, that is, the amended President Law, most likely wouldn’t be stable. “It implies that new elections would be the most reasonable option.” In addition, the Ambassador noted that the UK shared concerns over Russia’s activities not only in Montenegro but the entire region.


North Macedonia


Bujar Osmani announces the replacement of Kovacevski with Albanian Prime Minister (TV21)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bujar Osmani, from the DUI party gathering in Cair, asked the residents of this region to remember a little about what position the Albanians were in and where they are today, reports TV21. Starting with the president, he said that he leads the army with a stamp in the Albanian language. He continued with the Parliament, adding that there are three parliaments in the region that are led by Albanians.


In the meantime, he reminded the residents that an Albanian is expected to head the government for several months. Let’s remember a little, we were out of schools, out of universities, out of hospitals, out of counters… We had an ethnic policeman who was training new policemen on the back of the Albanian. It is no coincidence that this local council is called “November 6th”. We were a nation without a language, without a flag, without dignity and proud of what we were, and let’s go back to where we are now and make a difference and start from the up – down. Let’s start with the president of the state who is consensual and leads the army with a stamp that is in the Albanian language. Today we have a Parliament that has been led by Albanians for the last six years. In fact, we have three parliaments in the region that are now conducted in the Albanian language. We have the government which is waiting for the first Albanian prime minister in a few months, said Osmani, adding that there are 18 ministers, 9 of which are Albanians.


Kovachevski-Nephew: Continued U.S. strategic partnership support in building efficient system to counter corruption (MIA)


Fight against corruption and the Government's measures and activities in finding systemic solutions to counter corruption at all levels, including high-level one, were in the focus of the

meeting of Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski with Coordinator on Global Anti-Corruption for the U.S. State Department, Richard Nephew. Interlocutors agreed that efforts invested in the fight against corruption are the fundamental tool in building citizens' trust in institutions. In this regard, capacity building in the field of rule of law and good governance is key, the Government said in a press release. PM Kovachevski thanked the U.S. for the comprehensive support and cooperation that is realized as a result of the bilateral Strategic Partnership, noting that support is crucial in establishing an efficient system for elimination of conflict of interest and prevention of corruption.


Petrovska: Discussions on more specific cooperation with a NATO member-state over hybrid threats (MIA)


A NATO representative has come to scan the situation and the capacities of institutions involved in the fight against hybrid threats. Discussions are ongoing on which NATO member-state we would have specific cooperation with on addressing this issue, said Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska. "A NATO representative arrived a few days ago to scan the situation and the capacities of institutions involved in the fight against hybrid threats. Allies are here to support and help each other, and therefore discussions are ongoing on which NATO member-state we would have specific cooperation with on addressing this issue," Minister Petrovska told reporters. She added that state institutions, including the Ministry of Defense, are undertaking all activities to solve the problem. "I am aware there is huge public interest in the matter and this is justified, but believe me when I say that institutions, including the MoD, are undertaking all efforts to swiftly resolve this problem," said Petrovska.




EU Commission for Foreign Affairs welcomes Albania's steadfast commitment to EU integration (Radio Tirana)


The Commission for Foreign Affairs of the European Union welcomed Albania's steadfast commitment to EU integration. In the project report of the Commission for Albania for 2022, reported by the reporter Isabel Santos, it is said that the EU welcomes Albania's steadfast commitment to EU integration, which reflects the consensus among political parties and the overwhelming support among citizens.


Commitment to EU accession:


  1. Welcomes Albania’s steadfast commitment to EU integration, reflecting the consensus

among political parties and overwhelming support among citizens; commends its solidarity and consistent, full alignment with the EU’s foreign and security policy, including its clear-cut response to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine;

  1. Encourages its policymakers to accelerate the reforms that enabled the first long overdue intergovernmental conference and a successful start to the screening process, and to demonstrate steady progress in guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights; urges decision-makers to work jointly towards meeting the membership criteria by 2030; stresses the need to strengthen the transparency,

accountability and inclusiveness of the accession process, including its parliamentary dimension;

Democracy and the rule of law

  1. Recalls that the rule of law and institutional integrity are the backbone of democratic transformation, societal resilience and socioeconomic cohesion;
  2. Commends Albania’s commitment to completing its comprehensive justice reform; encourages the country to intensify steps aimed at finalising the vetting process and ensuring universal justice through cross-cutting measures;
  3. Deplores political confrontation and disruptive actions and underlines a joint political and social responsibility for reforms; invites political actors to step up their commitment to dialogue and to strengthen democratic institutions and procedures through constructive engagement, inclusive consultations and transparent decision-making; recalls the need to strengthen parliamentary oversight;
  4. Calls on the Albanian authorities to address the outstanding electoral and party financing recommendations well ahead of the 2025 parliamentary elections;
  5. Insists on adequate funding for and the effective and impartial functioning of independent bodies and agencies; recognises the contribution of independent civil society and the media in the fight against corruption;
  6. Notes the ongoing progress and looks forward to systematic improvements in the prevention, proactive investigation and prosecution of and non-selective final convictions for cases involving corruption and organised crime; calls for further progress in establishing a comprehensive, efficient, soundly coordinated and accountable public administration;
  7. Expresses its concern with the aspects of the draft law on fiscal amnesty and the proposed citizenship by investment scheme that are incompatible with EU norms and its visa policy;
  8. Calls for continued action to reduce unfounded asylum claims by Albanian nationals, while tackling criminal trafficking networks and increasing cooperation with the EU’s justice and home affairs agencies; welcomes successful international investigations and

police operations to combat the trafficking of people, narcotics and firearms, and online fraud;

  1. Stresses the authorities’ obligation to ensure transparency and competition in public procurement, government contracts, privatisation, State aid and concession procedures; highlights the need to strengthen safeguards, transparency and conditionality under a

strategic foreign investment screening process, and to prosecute incidents of fraud, abuse of office and money laundering, while simultaneously countering tax evasion and the circumvention of sanctions;

  1. Condemns malign foreign interference and hybrid attacks, including disinformation, espionage, incitement to all forms of radicalisation and cyberattacks against Albanian citizens and critical infrastructure; invites the authorities to prevent data leaks by

considerably strengthening cybersecurity; Fundamental freedoms and human rights

  1. Notes the legal steps taken to eliminate discrimination against minorities, and calls for practical steps in order to ensure their inclusion, namely the inclusion of LGBTI+, Roma and Egyptian minorities; recalls the need to combat gender-based violence, step up child protection, adopt and implement legislation on minority rights, strengthen property rights and conduct a population census; underlines the importance of removing barriers to the socioeconomic inclusion of persons with disabilities;
  2. Expresses its concern with the lack of progress on achieving institutional transparency, freedom of expression and media freedom and stresses the role of political leaders in creating an enabling environment for the pursuit of these freedoms; condemns attempts to discredit reporters and arbitrarily withhold public information, as well as the failure to ensure the safety of journalists; urges the authorities to take immediate action against political and economic interference in the media and intimidation against reporters; welcomes the withdrawal of the draft anti-defamation legislation; urges the government to ensure the independence of the public broadcaster and media regulator and the

transparency of media ownership, financing and public advertising;

  1. Urges the authorities to counter disinformation and manipulative narratives by promoting media literacy and improving the working conditions of journalists;
  2. Underlines the importance of an inclusive framework for meaningful civil society engagement in decision-making processes; Reconciliation and good neighbourly relations
  3. Commends Albania’s constructive engagement in inclusive regional and cross-border cooperation initiatives; welcomes the tangible progress reached in the context of the Berlin Process and the EU–Western Balkans summit in Tirana;
  4. Recalls the need to complete the process of declassifying communist-era files and making them accessible to researchers and the wider public in order to advance justice and reconciliation;

Socioeconomic reforms

  1. Urges the authorities to continue structural reforms that enable sustainable recovery and inclusive growth through improved governance, rule of law, digitalisation and accessibility, reduced social exclusion, formalisation of the economy, education, upskilling, improved labour conditions and social dialogue;
  2. Underlines the transformative nature of the substantial EU assistance provided under the IPA III and the Western Balkans Investment Framework, including the Youth Guarantee in the Western Balkans; recalls that, in line with IPA III conditionality,

funding must be reduced or suspended in cases of backtracking or unjustified delays in the reform process; Energy, the environment, sustainable development and connectivity

  1. Welcomes steps in accelerating the energy transition and energy diversification towards wind and solar power; applauds, in this regard, the EU energy support package for the Western Balkans and calls on the authorities to make the best use of this assistance in order to build a resilient and environmentally friendly energy market;
  2. Calls for thoroughly planned measures on biodiversity, water, air, climate, regional waste management and industrial pollution; stresses the need to strengthen the country’s resilience to the impacts of climate change; notes the initial steps taken to establish a

Vjosa National Park;

  1. Calls for improved transparency, conduct, enforcement and monitoring of environmental and strategic environmental impact assessments, especially on projects with large environmental and socioeconomic repercussions; expresses concern with the economic and environmental impact of non-competitive foreign-funded development projects; calls on the authorities to take urgent action to fight environmental crime;
  2. Welcomes Albania’s full adherence to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism;
  3. Calls for the swift adoption of the national transport strategy, including its action plan;
  4. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the President of the European Council, the Council, the Commission, the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the governments and parliaments of the Member States and the President, Government and Parliament of the Republic of Albania.