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Belgrade Media Report 27 March 2023



Vucic: "They planned a bleak fate for our people"; "We will save Serbia" (B92)


Exactly 24 years ago (On Friday, March 24) sirens announcing NATO aggression against Serbia were heard. In 11 weeks, about 2,500 civilians and 1,000 soldiers and policemen had died. In Serbia, the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of NATO Aggression was marked, and the central manifestation attended by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, took place in Sombor.

"When we tell you what the red lines are, then don't mess up with them, because then you will get an answer. Our answer is that we will not give Serbia and we will never give it to anyone. Our people will live," concluded Vucic and thanked everyone for coming in Sombor. "They planned a dark fate for our people. We should not have called this aggression. We started to raise the country. Our country is now the first in all parameters and it grows. Our country has started to remember," he added and thanked the president Republika Srpska (RS) Milorad Dodik.


He added that a difficult period is ahead of us. “We will never give them our country on a platter along with justification for all the crimes they committed,” Vucic told the gathering and recalled that Serbs died along with Albanians and Bosniaks. “We have to respect the victims of others so that others will respect ours,” he said. "I think it is our obligation to try to forgive. There will be respect for our country only when we admit that we are guilty of their killing us, when we say that Milica Rakic is collateral damage. This nation will live, and this country will live. You won't knock it down and you won't break it," emphasized Vucic. "I want to speak from the bottom of my heart, and I want to say what I think and not let it go. 24 years ago, international law finally died. Since then, nothing that happens in the world can be worse than what they did to a small country. They managed to destroy much bigger countries than Yugoslavia, and then it was the turn of that disobedient Serbia to finally suffer and get what it deserves," Vucic began.


"We experienced an inhumane and illegal aggression by the greatest force in history in the most one-sided conflict and unequal balance of forces on the battlefield ever. We must simultaneously draw strength from this collective remembrance to build a better future founded on mutual understanding, cooperation, and reconciliation", Patriarch Porfirije said.  “We should pray and fight to persevere on the path of the talks and negotiations, the path of dialogue whose goal is at least elementary understanding among people”, Patriarch said adding that everything should be done to keep the peace. "We remind ourselves and others that our people and the whole world need peace the most, the awareness that there is a place for every soul under the kingdom of heaven. While cruise missiles raced through the surrounding roads to deliver their deadly cargo, we are doing the same thing today as we did then. Even then, the people of Sombor gathered on this square, which is not coincidentally called Saint George. They sent messages of peace and prayed for the same. We do the same today, we gathered to pray for those who were suffering. We pray even more fervently today because today in Europe, a military conflict is taking place that threatens to drag the whole world into a vortex and spill innocent blood", Patriarch Porfirije said.  "Let's build and keep God's peace within us. First with our loved ones, with everyone, and then we will be harbingers of peace. We pray that our sufferings will not be repeated. Let's do our best to be the last one at the table looking for a solution that will preserve peace not only for us but for everyone around us. If the spiral of evil is started again, there is no doubt that we will all be complete losers. I gazed at the cross on which Christ was crucified, on which hundreds of millions of people from all over the world and our nation, from the holy Prince Lazar to Radovan Medic, Milica Rakic, all the victims of that fateful year 1999, were crucified. We pray for all the innocent victims, our compatriots. May God forgive their souls and give them eternal rest. Yes, in health and joy, God willing, let us welcome the feast of victory and the resurrection of Christ. May you all be alive and well," concluded Serbian Patriarch Porfirije.


General Romano: Serbia, NATO cannot forget the past, but are nevertheless moving forward (Beta)


Chief of the NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade, Brigadier General Giampiero Romano, said on March 24, the anniversary of the NATO bombing campaign against former Yugoslavia that began on March 24, 1999, that the past could not be forgotten, but that moving forward was needed. “This is what Serbia and NATO are doing as they both look forward to a better future. Our longstanding partnership is based on political dialogue and practical cooperation in many areas, and Serbia’s stated policy of military neutrality is being

fully honored,“ the general said in a release handed to the media.


“NATO remains fully committed to continuing to provide its contribution to stability across the Western Balkans region, including through our KFOR mission, which is continuing to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all people in Kosovo, under its mandate based on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999,” General Romano said. The general went on to say that NATO and Serbia were close partners and were working together to be better prepared for emergencies such as floods and forest fires. NATO is also helping Serbia reform its security forces and institutions, including the training of Serbian soldiers for peacekeeping missions, the general said. The Alliance has also invested millions of euros to help Serbia destroy hundreds of tons of obsolete ammunition, Romano said.


Stano: The first steps to start the implementation of the agreement from Ohrid in the coming days (RTS)


The spokesperson of the European Union, Peter Stano, announced that in the coming days, the EU institutions, together with Belgrade and Pristina, will start the process of operationalizing the first steps of the implementation phase of the Ohrid agreement. Peter Stano said that the history of the dialogue proved that the importance of the agreement is measured by the degree of its implementation, not by the signature. He repeated the words of the EU's high representative for foreign policy and security, Josep Borrell, that the agreement was agreed, that it must be implemented and that "there is no room to make choices". He assessed that Pristina and Belgrade could jeopardize their international reputation if they do not start implementing the agreement from the Ohrid meeting as soon as possible, adding that both sides must implement what they promised "in order to be seen as a reliable partner of the EU". At the meeting in Brussels, the European leaders called on Belgrade and Pristina to "quickly and in good faith implement their obligations arising from the meeting in Ohrid".


Macron: Serbia-Kosovo agreement a major step forward, needs to be fully implemented right away (Beta)


French President Emmanuel Macron said on March 24 that with the latest agreement Serbia and Kosovo had made “considerable progress and it is essential that both sides demonstrate responsibility and immediately and in good faith start meeting the commitments arising from the agreement.” Shortly after a conference of EU leaders, whom EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell briefed on the new agreement between Belgrade and Pristina on normalizing ties, Macron welcomed the new deal. “We are still working on it,” the French president said. Macron underlined that “I am fully aware of the joint contribution to it by France and Germany” which, he said, would keep doing what they had been doing.


Member of European Parliament: Serb List’s refusal to run in election contravenes Feb. 27 agreement (Beta)


The European Parliament’s rapporteur for Kosovo, Viola Von Cramon, and Dutch member of the European Parliament [MEP] Thijs Reuten voiced their “deep regret” over the Serb List party’s refusal to take part in upcoming local elections in the north of Kosovo, warning that the refusal was in violation of the Agreement on the Path to Normalization of Relations between Kosovo and Serbia. Viola von Cramon, a representative of the Greens, and Reuten, a member of the Socialists and Democrats [S&D] Group, said in a joint statement on

March 24 that “the participation of all relevant actors in political life in north Kosovo and its institutions is critical to normalization between Kosovo and Serbia” and pleaded with the Serb Ticket to change its decision.


“Article 7 of the Agreement on the path to normalization between Kosovo and Serbia, agreed on Feb. 27, 2023, commits both parties to the agreement to ensure an appropriate level of self-management for the Serb community in Kosovo. Refusal to take part in local elections, necessitated by the Serb Ticket’s withdrawal from institutions, falls short of this commitment,” the two MEPs said, adding that the election scheduled for April 23 “is a critical opportunity for people in the north of Kosovo to exert self-management by exercising their democratic rights.”


“Withholding participation would deny people in the north of Kosovo their right to elect representatives who will work to build a better future for their communities. We call on the Serb List to take part in the local elections as scheduled. While the deadline for submitting tickets for the local elections in the north of Kosovo has passed, we ask the authorities of Kosovo to exercise flexibility and urge the Serb List to submit its list of candidates without delay,” Von Cramon and Reuten said in the release.


The countries of the Quinte expressed their regret that the Serbian List is not participating in the elections (RTS)


The embassies of the Quint countries in Pristina announced that they regret that the Serbian List will not participate in the local elections in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo, which are scheduled for April 23.  In a statement published on the Facebook page of the British Embassy, it is stated that the members of Quint regret "that the Serbian List did not use the democratic right to participate in the upcoming elections for the mayors of four municipalities in the north of the province".  Earlier, the Serbian list, as the reason for not participating in the elections, stated that the demands for which it left the institutions of Pristina last year were not fulfilled, namely the withdrawal of the Special Units of the Kosovo Police from the north of Kosovo and the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities.


The countries of the Quint - France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain and the USA - advocated the postponement of local elections in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo, which, since the Serbs left Pristina's institutions, were scheduled for the second half of December last year, while they now support holding of the elections. "Elections are the cornerstone of democracy. It is essential to ensure that they are held peacefully. We expect the competent authorities to behave professionally. We call on all parties to refrain and avoid violence, which can disrupt the elections," the statement said.


Jeremic: Referendum on EU Plan is only way to prevent high treason (Danas)


The French-German plan for Kosovo, which the EU has accepted, has not been signed and is not binding to anyone other than Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who committed to it verbally, stated Vuk Jeremic, president of the People’s Party (NS) and former Serbian minister of Foreign Affairs. “The referendum on this plan is the only way to prevent high treason,” Jeremic said, as reported by news agencies. “Vucic has verbally agreed to the plan, he has committed and he is the personal guarantor of the agreement’s implementation. There is no going back for him, but there is for Serbia. In a referendum the vast majority of the people will be against, and the regime will not be able to steal such results,” Jeremic said. “We have several months to stop, prevent and annul what Vucic has committed to in the past month,” Jeremic concluded.


Right-Wing supporters block traffic in front of the government for an hour (Danas)


The supporters of the parties calling themselves as state-building and patriotic opposition (Dveri, Zavetnici, DSS, POKS) blocked the traffic in front of the building of the Government on Friday for an hour in Belgrade. The participants of the protest demanded discarding of the EU proposal for Kosovo, resignation of President Aleksandar Vucic and calling of early Parliamentary elections. The participants of the rally carried the posters stating: “Serbia Remembers”, “Resign Vucic”, “No to Capitulation”, “Never into NATO”.


The leader of Dveri Movement Bosko Obradovic said that similar “warning blockades” would be set up in front of the Province Government building in Novi Sad, and in front of the city administrations in Nis, Krusevac, Cacak, Loznica and Sabac, and that the protest rallies have been held also in Vrbas, Lazarevac and Arandjelovac.


Defense Minister says Kosovo events high risk for Serbia (Beta)


Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said on Monday that events in Kosovo pose high security risks for Serbia. He told TV Prva that Serbia will be under even more pressure as the war in Ukraine progresses and added that “we have to be calm, brave and wise”. “What they, I mean the West, opened in 1999 and in 2008 with Kosovo is a Pandora’s box and we don’t how it will be used… depending on the situation which is why there is pressure on Serbia to unravel the Kosovo knot and, they think, resolve it once and for all,” Vucevic said. According to the Defense Minister, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti won’t form the Community of Serb Municipalities (CSM) based on the principles in the Brussels Agreement but only as an empty shell. “What has to be the content was defined in the Brussels Agreement with guarantees from the European Union,” he said.


Office for KiM: Serbs are not legitimate targets, greater protection is necessary (RTS)


Representatives of the municipalities of Lipljan and Gracanica will visit and talk with the Slavic family, whose home in Lepina, near Lipljan in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), was broken into for the fifth time last night, the Office for KiM announced. The Office for KiM points out that the robbery of the house of the Slavic family brought unrest and fear to the Serbs living in the central part of KiM, but that the robbers did not manage to cause major material damage. "Frequent attacks on Serbian property in this part of KiM once again showed the necessity of greater protection of the Serbian community in central KiM and adequate response and sanctioning of the perpetrators," the Office announced. They emphasize that Serbs are not legitimate targets on any single basis and that any attack on any Serbian family must be treated with the utmost care. The house of the Slavic family was broken into and robbed five times. Last time in 2019. During the past period, there were several robberies and break-ins of houses in the territory of the municipality of Gracanica.


Vucic meets with Hungarian Prime Minister in Belgrade (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto in Belgrade on March 25 and discussed geopolitical developments, assessments and plans. "With Viktor Orban and Peter Szijjarto on geopolitical developments, assessments, plans, new projects and cooperation, on the future," read a caption to a photo of the meeting posted on Vucic's Instagram account. He posted that "friendships are built over time and with care, and gain strength and solidity in hard times," and that true friendship "is precious because it is extremely rare, especially in politics and especially today." Orban posted on his English-language Twitter account that relations between the two countries were at an "all-time high," along with a photo of him and Vucic playing pool. "After Brussels a breath of fresh air in Belgrade. Hungarian-Serbian relations at an all-time high. Thank you for the game and the friendship," Orban Tweeted.


Serbia opens a consulate in Minsk - honorary consul Zivorad Smiljkovic (RTS)


The Government of Serbia decided to open a consulate in the capital of Belarus - Minsk and appointed Zivorad Smiljkovic as an honorary consul. In the decisions published in the Official Gazette, it is stated that the consular area of the new representation of Serbia is to cover Brest Region, Vitebsk and Grodno in addition to the Minsk region. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for the implementation of decisions.


Declaration on cooperation of green parties of W. Balkans signed in Sarajevo (N1)


A declaration on establishing a Platform for cooperation between the Green political organizations of the Western Balkans was signed today in Sarajevo. One of the signatories is the party Zajedno from Serbia led by Nebojsa Zelenovic. Below is the full text of the Declaration:


„Taking into account our common challenges regarding the climate crisis, environmental pollution and biodiversity destruction; Acknowledging the necessity for Green Just transition from fossil to renewable energy; Recognizing the corruption and organized crime, which like the pollution exceed the borders of our respected countries, as one of the biggest threats to democracy and the well-being of our citizens; Firmly committed to respecting and promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms as an essential element of every modern democracy and prosperous society; Acknowledging the need to maintain peace, stability, security and cooperation in the region; Highlighting the necessity for accelerated integration of the region into the EU, We the undersigned Green political organizations from the Western Balkan region hereto agree:


  1. To establish an operational and functional Platform for cooperation to communicate our individual and joint challenges concerning issues of the domestic and regional Western Balkan policies, as well as to seize the opportunity to accelerate the process of European integration of the region;
  2. To organize joint actions along with other activists aimed at protecting the environment, natural resources and human rights of all our citizens across the region to secure and safeguard clean air, water, and land;
  3. To educate our citizens and find solutions to reduce poverty and ensure decent life through adequate wages and pension insurance;
  4. To help strengthen the model of local self-governance to have more direct influence on the environment and the protection of basic human rights of our citizens;
  5. Undertake responsibility to further discuss models and structure of this platform that should be established in the following 6 (six) months and the process should result in formation of realistic, but ambitious goals for joint action, structure of this Green platform and written and adopted procedures which should define our further path towards greener, fairer and safer future for the region;To invite other Green participants from the neighbouring countries of the region, who are willing to jointly discuss and seek the solutions for the issues of mutual concern.”


The Declaration was signed by: Indrit Abdiaj, Albanian Green Party from Albania, Amna Popovac, Hocemo from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zorislav Antun Petrovic, ORAH from Croatia, Milijana Vukotic-Jelusic, URA from Montenegro, Maja Moracanin, DOM from North Macedonia, Nebojsa Zelenovic, Zajedno from Serbia and Marijana Sumpor, Independent List from Zagreb – Croatia.


Djilas: The party’s mission – Serbia’s membership in the EU (N1)


The leader of the Serbian opposition Freedom and Justice Party, Dragan Djilas, stated that the goal and mission of that party is Serbia's membership in the European Union by 2030. It is not a battle to enter that community, it is a fight for democracy because there is no place for authoritarianism in the EU. Membership in the EU is an obligation towards future generations, said Djilas at the party’s Main Board session in Belgrade. This nation is constantly being asked to endure something, and for decades political mistakes and government failures have been explained by the consequences of world conspiracies, not by bad government, he noted. For a bad government, only a people who suffer is good, a people who hope that someday they will be well, because hope is the only thing such a government can offer in the absence of a system, Djilas added, who is convinced that citizens can live much better. Some solutions, Djilas stated, were given to us by Zoran Djindjic – namely that the EU is not perfect, but it is the best we have and that membership in the Union must not be a Serbian society’s pipe dream, but a reality and the only guarantee that one can live normally.


Vucic: Major changes in global politics will change the dynamics of Serbia's relations with the EU (RTS)


Serbia managed to withstand pressure from the West and not impose sanctions on Russia, said President Aleksandar Vucic. As early as June, he expects major changes in global politics and that Ukraine will gain great momentum on the European road with the possibility of entering the European Union through the queue - which, he says, will also change the dynamics of Serbia's relations with Brussels. He announced that a summit between Serbia and Hungary will be held at the highest level in May. The President invited the citizens to come to the airport in Batajnica on April 22 and attend the review of military equipment, stressing that it will be the biggest presentation of everything the Serbian Army has.


President Aleksandar Vucic told TV Pink that what is happening in global politics, and above all in Europe, will change the dynamics of our relationship with the EU. According to him, Ukraine may already gain a big boost on its European path in June, with the possibility of a quick and out-of-order entry into the EU, while the process of creating a separate bloc in Europe under the influence of the USA is taking place in parallel, which could become the strongest.


"It will change the dynamics of our relationship with Europe. I would like to hope that it is in a positive light, but there are limiting factors for us, namely the sanctions and Kosovo and Metohija," the president notes. He believes there is much more to come, citing the deflationary act of US President Joe Biden's administration, which has forced many European companies to move to the US. According to his opinion, an agreement with Europe will follow, but with the requirement that in the future they must implement measures against China, such as the USA implements. "It is interesting what happened at the session of the European Council, the change in the attitude towards China was visible. Until now, it was – number one China is an economic partner, number two China is a competitor, and number three China is a strategic rival," said Vucic adding that this is changing now. In this sense, he mentioned Ursula Von der Leyen's statement and the meeting of the European Council held last week, which, he believes, indicated a shift in relations towards China. As he said, for the first time Ursula Von der Leyen used the phrase strategic rival, which is an American term.

"America will be dominant in a never clearer form in the West, and there will be the same attitude of Europe and the USA towards China, which they see as a key strategic rival. That is why the visit to China by Ursula Von der Leyen and Macron will be interesting. We have to look at ourselves to see how we will position ourselves, protect the land and investments," said Vucic.


Dacic: Sanctions against Russia possible if economy, citizens start suffering (Kurir)


Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said Sunday that Serbia has left open the possibility that the decision to impose sanctions on Russia due to their attack on Ukraine will be changed if the Serbian economy and citizens begin to suffer irreparable damage. “Since the decision (of the National Security Council) is still in force, it means that we don’t have that case yet,” Dacic told Kurir, adding that it is in Serbia’s interest not to impose sanctions on Russia, but to monitor how that decision is reflected on the Serbian economy. According to him, apart from the pressure on Serbia due to the non-introduction of sanctions, the foreign trade exchange between the two countries has also decreased, while „in some Western countries that have imposed sanctions on Russia, it has increased.”


Commenting on the statements of Economy Minister Rade Basta, a member of the United Serbia party, which is in coalition with Dacic’s Socialist Party of Serbia, that Serbia should introduce sanctions against Russia, Dacic reiterated that his party and all their government members stand behind the decision of the Council for National Security and State Policy. “As long as our decision and our policy regarding sanctions is in force, we will consistently respect it,” he said.


In the same interview Dacic said that the People’s Movement, whose founding has been announced by Aleksandar Vucic, the president of Serbia and president of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), could be a new and even higher phase of cooperation between the two parties. Dacic said that he supported the idea of creating the movement and that he would accept that for of cooperation “because important decisions require an alliance that will bring together people who are not in politics and who support and fight for Serbia.” “There is no mention of any merger of one with the other – that is what our opponent are talking about, but I will have to disappoint them,” Dacic concluded.




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Milanovic attends ceremony marking 31st anniversary of formation of 103rd brigade of Croat Defense Council Derventa (O kanal)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic participated in the marking of the 31st anniversary of the formation of the 103rd brigade of the Croat Defense Council (HVO) Derventa, which he decorated with the medal of the order of Nikola Subic Zrinski. Milanovic stated that the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) is still important, and that Croatia will defend it. Milanovic believes that DPA is important because it guards and guarantees balance in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), as well as the status of Croats. Milanovic stated: “So we know what is ours. We do not reach for someone else's, but we know what needs to be defended. The Croat people went through all sorts of things after the war and during the war. The Dayton Agreement calmed some and deeply disappointed others, like you. But it could not turn out any other way”. Milanovic added that it is important for the sake of Croat harmony, in general, to underline some things. In Croatia, when Posavina is mentioned, most people, especially those who have nothing to do with it, will say that it was treason and that it could have been defended. Milanovic said that he does not see it that way at all and that it is a wonder that Posavina and Derventa defended themselves for several months.


Milanovic first paid his respects to the fallen members of the 103rd HVO brigade at the memorial, after which he also paid his respects to the fallen members of the Bosniak ethnicity at the city cemetery. The visit ended by awarding the 103rd HVO brigade because, as he said, they deserved it. Milanovic stated: “I awarded the 103rd HVO brigade because they deserve it, because it was long DPA calmed some after the war, but it deeply disappointed others, as was the case in Derventa. He said, it could not turn out any other way, and that today it must be respected. “The Dayton Agreement is still important, regardless of Posavina and Derventa. He preserves and guarantees equilibrium, balance in B&H and the status of Croats in the first place because I am the president of the Croatian state, which is the state of the Croat people, Serbs and Bosniaks. Whoever touches it and whoever gets carried away and amuses himself with the idea of tinkering something about it, is not on our side and we will oppose him”, said Milanovic. Milanovic stated that he came to Posavina for the first time during his mandate, while he had previously visited Herzegovina and Central Bosnia.


RS officials criticise Croatian president’s visit (N1)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic's visit to Derventa, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Saturday, where he decorated the Croatian Defence Council's (HVO) 103rd Brigade for its war efforts, has been condemned by officials of the Bosnian Serb entity of Republika Srpska (RS).


RS President Milorad Dodik commented on marking of the anniversary of formation of the 103rd Brigade of the Croat Defense Council (HVO) that took place in Derventa on Saturday. Dodik said that before and after the visit of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic to Derventa, the city was in the RS while the Croatian Army was certainly marked as a loser in the RS. Dodik added: “The history of Serbs and Croats is difficult, and it will take years of effort to overcome differences and solve issues that tear us apart.” B&H Presidency Chair Zeljka Cvijanovic said the decoration was “a provocation and an insult” and that the HVO’s 103rd Brigade was “infamous.” RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic used almost the same words, adding that Milanovic’s visit to Derventa did not contribute to better understanding and respect in the region. The opposition accused the RS authorities of tacitly allowing the visit, thereby “sticking a knife in the back of their own people,” as said by Party of Democratic Progress MP Igor Crnadak. Serb Democratic Party president Milan Milicevic was unhappy that Milanovic briefly met with Bosanski Brod municipal head Zoran Vidic, a member of this opposition party. “That was inconsiderate of (Vidic) and an insult to the fighters killed in the homeland war.” Associations of Bosnian Serb army personnel said the RS police should not have provided security for Milanovic during his visit and should be therefore held to account.


Dodik’s Cabinet: NATO’s annual report is unilateral (ATV)


The Cabinet of the Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated on Friday that the NATO's latest annual report is again unilateral and that once more, there is presentation of stances contrary to the Program of Reforms of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). According to the statement, this kind of behavior of the NATO alliance “may lead to reconsideration of the RS’ participation in reform processes defined by the Reform Program and its withdrawal.” Dodik stated that the NATO again tendentiously ignores stances of the RS. According to the statement, the NATO has unilateral views about B&H and it ignores bombing of the Serb people which is a historic fact. Dodik stated that thus, the NATO takes one side – the one against Serbs - when it comes to conflicts in the former Yugoslavia.


The statement also reads: “Views of the RS are ignored in an extremely tendentious and uncharitable manner, without whose consent there is no membership in the Alliance, and the RS’ position on neutrality in conflicts of any kind is not respected.” Dodik said that the political Sarajevo wants membership in the NATO adding that their biggest problem is the fact that they know that Serbs will never accept that, no matter of the cost which is why the RS again reminds that B&H is a country which does not participate in the Membership Action Plan (MAP).


Head of the SNSD Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives Sanja Vulic said that Bosniaks and Croats want to join the NATO but there is no decision about this without the Serb votes. She underlined that the current political structure in the RS will never accept to become part of the “notorious NATO alliance that does nothing but hates Serbs”.


Analysts argued that all this is a result of a global conflict between NATO and Russia, arguing that although the Program of Reforms clearly mentions cooperation without membership, the NATO wants to additionally pressure the RS in this way. Professor of geo-policy Srdjan Perisic assessed that the RS has been successfully blocking B&H’s joining to the NATO for already 13 years. ATV reported that in its reports over the last three and a half years, NATO has not claimed that B&H is in the form of the membership. According to experts, the NATO remembered this several days ago, but the real situation denied it and because of this, the RS may even withdraw from cooperation.


Dodik: March 26 of every year is a difficult, sad and painful date for all Serbs (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik has stressed that Sijekovac and Sarajevo are the places where the first crimes against the Serb people were committed in March 1992, before the armed conflicts, which also marked the beginning of the bloody civil war and the realization of the plan to eliminate and ethnically clean Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Dodik reminded that immediately after the referendum on the breakaway of B&H from the former Yugoslavia, in which the Serbs were eliminated as a constituent people, a monstrous murder of a Serb wedding party guest took place in Sarajevo's Bascarsija district, and then Sijekovac became the site of the first massacre of civilians. “All this represented an obvious prelude to the bloody civil war in B&H with the aim of creating a Muslim B&H”, said Dodik. He emphasized that March 26 of every year is a difficult, sad and painful date for all Serbs, and especially for the Zecevic and Milosevic families from Sijekovac, who suffered the most in this massacre. For this terrible crime, Dodik reminded, only Zemir Kovacevic was held accountable, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison, while Nijaz Causevic, the commander of the intervention squad that supported the forces that entered Sijekovac, was never held responsible, but all the time until 2007 spent in the Croatian army when he retired. “It is clear that there is no justice for the innocent Serb victims killed on their doorstep, before the start of armed conflicts in B&H, just as there is no justice for many other Serbs killed in numerous killing fields throughout RS. But one truth is that it will never disappear, and it must come to light at some point. We may not live to see it, but I believe that our descendants will, because the truth is always on the side of the righteous”, Dodik stated.


'The Eight' and HDZ B&H signed agreement on distribution of positions in FB&H Government, names of candidates for ministers to be submitted by March 28 (O kanal)


Representatives of expanded 'Troika' coalition met on Friday in Mostar with delegation of HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Following this meeting, leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic said that they signed agreement on distribution of positions in new convocation of the Government. He added that on behalf of parties making coalition at the Federation of B&H (FB&H) level, HDZ B&H and SDP should submit names of candidates for ministers in the FB&H Government by March 28, adding that one day later FB&H President Lidija Bradara (HDZ B&H) should pass the decision on appointment of the FB&H Government.


Leader of SDP Nermin Niksic said that they talked about programs future convocation of the FB&H Government should implement. Reporter noted that deadline to appoint the FB&H Government is April 6. Covic said that HDZ B&H-led coalition will get ministries of justice, finances, transport and communications, healthcare, spatial planning and culture in new the FB&H Government. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Covic said that coalition partners are expected to present their candidates for ministerial posts by March 28 so that Bradara “on March 29 and in accordance with the (FB&H Constitution) appoints the FB&H Government’’.


Asked whether they are planning to avoid FB&H Vice President Refik Lendo (SDA) in process of formation of the FB&H Government, leader of SDP Nermin Niksic stated that they did not plan it. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Niksic said everyone wanted for the government to be formed much sooner. “Unfortunately, we are all aware of limiting factors and what caused. We do not want to deal with and go back to that”, said Niksic.


The reporter notes it is still not certain if the FBiH Government will be appointed as agreed in Mostar due to Lendo who said that the signed agreement can only be a basis for further negotiations. The reporter notes that, based on their statements, the only exit for ‘The Eight’ is intervention by the international community (IC) in case Lendo refuses to sign the new government appointment. Niksic expressed hope that both FB&H Vice Presidents will sign the appointment, however if that does not happen, the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) session will be convened within the deadline prescribed by the FB&H Constitution, where “(we) will again show that we have majority and request to enable that majority to form the government. We are not children. We know who in B&H currently has the authority to unblock (the process) if it is blocked”.


The reporter reminds that April 6 is the deadline to form the FB&H Government and concludes by saying that following that “everyone will wait for a signal from the OHR”.


Lendo on agreement of HDZ B&H and 'The Eight': Signatories obviously plan to ignore FB&H Constitution (O kanal)


Leaders of HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and parties of 'The Eight' coalition signed an agreement on formation of Federation of B&H (FB&H) Government at a meeting held in Mostar on Friday. Commenting the agreement, FB&H Vice President Refik Lendo (SDA) stated that signatories of the agreement obviously plan to ignore the FB&H Constitution, and underlined that consequently, they obstruct process of formation of executive the FB&H authorities.


“The agreement signed today in Mostar by HDZ B&H and political parties gathered around The Troika, by which they distribute ministries in the new FB&H Government convocation, shows those political parties’ intention to ignore the FBiH Constitution, and thus obstruct and block the finalization of the FB&H executive authority formation process”, Lendo was quoted as saying. Lendo said he cannot be ignored in this process, because by doing so, HDZ B&H and SDP B&H are violating the FB&H Constitution and ignoring the will of Bosniak voters. Lendo explained that the FB&H Constitution stipulates that the FB&H President and both Vice-Presidents need to approve the decision on formation of the new FB&H Government. As long as these rules are in place, we must follow them, Lendo emphasized. Lendo said the Friday’s agreements can be a basis for further talks on this subject, but he underlined that will of the Bosniak voters, as well as the parties which form the Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H HoP, cannot be ignored. “If we reach an agreement down the line, then I will immediately sign the Government formation decision”, Lendo stated. Lendo emphasized that SDA will support amendments to the FB&H Constitution that enable appointment of the FB&H Government by majority in the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR), if the Eight reaches agreement on it.


Niksic: I believe HR Schmidt will react in case FB&H VP Lendo (SDA) decides not to sign decision on appointment of FB&H Government (Face TV)


Guest of Face TV was SDP Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Nermin Niksic, who discussed formation of the future Federation of B&H (FB&H) Government. Namely, Niksic confirmed that parties gathered around the Troika, which includes SDP B&H, and HDZ B&H signed in HDZ B&H headquarters in Mostar on Friday the agreement on formation of the future FB&H Government.


Asked about SDA’s possible participation in formation of the FB&H Government, Niksic dismissed SDA’s participation and noted: “I am aware that being in the opposition is something new for SDA, but they need to adapt to that role.” Niksic underlined that the reason why SDA will not be included in formation of the FB&H Government is in the need to reach a turning point and change on the political scene in B&H, including the FB&H, and added: “We have shown in Mostar that we want to form the authorities in a different way, not just based on mathematical calculations. Today we practically supplemented the previous agreement and agreed on distribution of ministries in the FB&H Government. We also agreed on some things that the future government should work on.” In this regard, Niksic made a remark saying he was being offered “different positions and huge amounts of money” from people in SDA – but not from SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic personally – to leave everything and to change political party. “This came from those same people in SDA who were buying off delegates”, the SDP B&H leader underlined.


Elaborating on the newly signed agreement, the SDP B&H leader, who should be the FB&H Prime Minister-designate, said that the plan is to prepare a list of candidates for future ministers in the FB&H Government by Tuesday and submit it to FB&H President Lidija Bradara (HDZ BiH) to pass a decision on the appointment. Given that both Vice Presidents of the FB&H – Igor Stojanovic (SDP B&H) and Refik Lendo (SDA) need to sign this decision, the SDP B&H leader reminded that Lendo announced he will not sign this decision. Asked what the procedure will imply in that case, Niksic specified that the decision on appointment of the FB&H Government would then be submitted in parliamentary procedure without Lendo’s signature, and that the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) will most likely hold the session on April 5. Considering the fact that the appointment cannot be carried out without both Vice-Presidents’ signature, Niksic stressed that the parliamentary majority in the FB&H HoR would then pass a conclusion that there is a blockade and demand from the international community (IC) to ensure that the will of parliamentary majority is respected.


According to Niksic, despite good intentions in passing them, High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt’s amendments related to the FB&H Constitution and the Election Law of B&H “made the situation more complicated”. Still, Niksic expresed confidence that Schmidt will intervene in case of the need to remove blockades. Niksic stressed that Schmidt did not reassure him that he will impose a decision in case Lendo decides to block the process of formation of the FB&H Government, but he expects that this decision will be imposed “since Schmidt has been reiterating that he will not allow blockades to happen”. He added: “I believe Schmidt will react.”


Asked if SDP B&H “gives too much to HDZ B&H”, Niksic replied that the situation is no ideal, but the authorities will continue functioning based on mutual respect. Specifying some of the details of the agreement on formation of the FB&H Government, Niksic said that People and Justice (NiP) obtained one ministerial post, while SBiH, NES, and PDA obtained four ministries – the Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Trade, and the Ministry for Veterans’ Issues. Niksic inferred from this that SBiH, NES and PDA have been shown they are considered “equal partners” in formation of authorities. He concluded: “Clear measures and program of work of the government and ministries has been agreed. Everything will depend on the atmosphere of work of the government.”


EUD: EU calls on RS to withdraw draft amendments to RS Criminal Code (Dnevni list)


The EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) issued a statement commenting the adoption of draft amendments to Republika Srpska (RS) Criminal Code which criminalizes defamation. The EU Delegation to B&H assessed that these legislative changes would impose unnecessary and disproportionate restrictions on independent media and civil society. The EU Delegation to B&H reminded that the European Council granted the candidate status for B&H in December 2022. “The candidate status comes with high expectations. In its recommendation for granting candidate status, the Commission has defined steps that B&H needs to address. One of these was strengthening freedom of expression and freedom of the media”, the EU Delegation to B&H noted. The EU Delegation to B&H added that the decision is a clear step in the wrong direction and has a chilling effect on media freedom in the RS while, at the same time, it also brings into question the strategic commitment of the ruling parties in the RS to B&H’s accession to the European Union. “If the law is finally adopted, it will severely impact the environment for civil society (key priority 11) and the freedom of expression and of the media (key priority 12) in RS. It will mean a regrettable and undeniable major step backwards in the protection of fundamental rights”, the EU Delegation to B&H warned. The EU Delegation to B&H noted that the EU urges the RS entity to withdraw the amendments and to ensure full protection of freedom of expression and of the media. “Fulfilling the key priorities set out in the Commission Opinion is a precondition for B&H to open EU accession negotiations. The EU expects all authorities to work constructively to address the 14 key priorities, for the benefit of all citizens of B&H”, the EU Delegation to B&H concluded.


Varhelyi calls RSNA’s decision step in wrong direction (BN TV)


The Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) adopted the Draft Law on Amendments to the Criminal Code of the RS, by which defamation and insult are considered a criminal offense. EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi condemned this move. “This is a step in the wrong direction. The EU urges RS to withdraw the amendment to ensure freedom of expression and media”, Varhelyi wrote on Twitter.


Dodik says RS Government was forced to pass decision to terminate cooperation with US and UK diplomats in B&H as “they were imposing problems on RS for 20 years” (ATV)


The Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said that the decision on breaking off relations with the diplomats of the US and UK embassies in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) was made, because they have been imposing problems to the RS for 20 years, and now they touched on the issue of property, which is forbidden. Dodik explained that the decision concerns the staff of the US and UK Embassies and their special envoys, because they are, as Dodik said, evil. Dodik was quoted as saying: “Everything we do and what we suffered was for the sake of peace, the safety of our people, but sometimes the line is crossed like now”. Dodik added that the US Embassy reported as it wanted, but to the detriment of the RS. “Americans and the British are absolutely negative and hostile to Serbs. They say ‘we are for the RS’, and that is a lie. They only say they are for the RS, and they do everything to undermine it so that it disappears”, Dodik emphasized. The RS Government has announced that the RS ministers, the RS Prime Minister, the heads of municipalities in the RS and all the RS representatives at the level of B&H have an obligation to respect the RS Government’s decision.


US, UK Embassies: Decision to terminate contact with US and UK diplomats is one more step down dangerous path Dodik has chosen (N1)


The US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) stated on Thursday that the Republika Srpska (RS) Government’s decision to stop contact with official representatives of the United States and the United Kingdom is one more step down the dangerous path that RS President Milorad Dodik has chosen – a path of isolation and authoritarian rule. “The United States has longstanding working relationships with the RS institutions, and we will continue providing assistance to the people of the RS as we have been doing all these years. We will not help a regime that uses authoritarian tactics against its own people or that uses well-intended foreign assistance to support unconstitutional or anti-Dayton activities”, the US Embassy to B&H said in a statement. In response to another attempt to equalize entity with state, the UK Embassy underlined that only state of B&H has competence to pass decisions on diplomatic relations. It was stressed that the UK Embassy will resume to work on providing welfare for all citizens of B&H.


Becirovic: It is high time for Putin’s vassal to get united response of West (FTV)


The Republika Srpska (RS) Government adopted decision to interrupt cooperation with the US and the UK embassies in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). According to FTV, this is new radical measure initiated by RS President Milorad Dodik. According to Dodik, abovementioned decision of the RS Government is grounded on anti-Dayton acting of the US and the UK embassies and on their meddling in internal issues of B&H. Reporter noted that abovementioned decision means that state ministers from the RS and representatives from the RS in BiH Parliament will refuse to cooperate with employees of the US and the UK embassies in line with order of the RS Government. Dodik explained that the RS authorities decided to pass decision to interrupt all contacts with staff at the US and the UK embassies in B&H.


Member of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic reacted to abovementioned decisions of the RS authorities. Becirovic stressed that the decision of the RS Government is tragicomic. He added that Dodik’s threats should be taken seriously. “After latest scandalous decision of Dodik’s regime in the RS entity, state of B&H will resume with more intensive cooperation with the West. It is high time for political vassal of Putin’s regimes Milorad Dodik to get united response of the West”, emphasized Becirovic. Becirovic said that the decision represents an attempt of the entity to interfere with the affairs of the stat. He underlined that UK and USA are great friends of B&H, and he underlined that after the RS’s decision, B&H’s cooperation with the two countries will intensify even more. Becirovic called on EU member states, and especially Germany and France, as well as other democratic states, to show unity with UK and USA. He reminded that the EU still has not imposed any sanctions against RS leadership for violating Dayton Peace Agreement and B&H Constitution. Becirovic also said that Dodik’s threats to peace and stability of B&H and the region should not be underestimated.


Dodik, Russian Embassy comment on Becirovic’s statement regarding RS’ decision to break off relations with US, UK diplomats (ATV)


Commenting on the Bosniak member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Denis Becirovic’s statement that the Republika Srpska (RS) Government, as Becirovic said, interferes without authorization in the foreign policy of B&H and makes tragicomic decisions about breaking off relations with the diplomats of the US and UK, the RS President Milorad Dodik replied that Becirovic should not worry about the RS and he should do what he thinks he should in the entity where Becirovic was elected. Becirovic made a statement on the decision of the RS Government, although no one asked him anything, nor is his opinion important, commented the reporter. Becirovic called on the EU members to support the US and UK by resorting to sanctions just like those two countries. He asked for a joint response to Dodik, whom he called the Russian President Vladimir Putin's vassal. Dodik commented by saying that Becirovic was not elected on the territory of the RS and Dodik does not know what Becirovic has to do with the decisions made by the RS. Dodik was quoted as saying: “The only political evil that has befallen B&H is precisely unitarism, which is based on political Islam, and which is encouraged by the US and UK, and whoever is elected from the Muslims has an obligation to behave accordingly, including Becirovic”.


The response to Becirovic also came from the Russian Embassy to B&H. The Russian Embassy said that Becirovic’s expressions are disgusting, and his statement looks more like a small hint and flattery to, as they said, his Western mentors. They asked Becirovic whose vassal is he when he talks about the pro-Atlantic topic, about which there is no agreement either in the B&H Presidency or throughout B&H. The Russian Federation Embassy commented that since Becirovic says decision of the RS Government is tragicomic, one can wonder how to describe his decision to interrupt contact with Russian Embassy in B&H. “Does he really think it is principled decision? Whose vassal is he”, wondered Russian Embassy.


Becirovic’s cabinet reminded Russian Embassy that it is in territory of independent and sovereign B&H and that this type of statements violate frameworks of diplomatic acting.


Members of RS ruling coalition support decision on termination of contacts with US and UK diplomats (ATV)


Serb representatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) institutions commented on the decision of Republika Srpska (RS) to cut off relations with the US and UK embassies. It was said that the RS has been long under pressure of these embassies, which have always favored only Bosniaks and any help for Serbs was tied to blackmail. The Head of the SNSD Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Sanja Vulic said that only people appointed by SDA work in those embassies, that their goal is Islamization of B&H, and that they ignore when Serbs and Croats are humiliated. Mayor of Prijedor Slobodan Javor said that he supports the RS Government's decision to break off relations with the US and UK embassies in B&H. The Speaker of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) Nenad Stevandic commented on the decision of RS to break off relations with the US and UK diplomats in B&H due to, as he said, anti-Dayton actions. He said that this decision showed character and the fact that they do not want anyone to act towards the RS as a colonial administrator. Stevandic said that this does not mean breaking off the relations with the US and UK as countries. He said that this is a call for those countries to arrange their relations with the RS in the future. NPS’ Darko Banjac said that by interfering in political issues of the RS, political Sarajevo reflects aspiration for the creation of unitary B&H and with the same intention proves close connection with Americans and Brits. He reminded that B&H cannot exist without the RS as it pumps out its statehood from entities.


RS opposition parties criticize RS Government’s decision to terminate contact with US and UK diplomats (BN TV)


Regarding Thursday’s decision of the Republika Srpska (RS) Government to terminate cooperation with the embassies of the US and UK in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) due to “interference in the internal affairs of B&H and anti-Dayton activities”, SDS acting leader Milan Milicevic said that this is another bluff and show for the domestic public and the electorate, from which the RS and its citizens will unfortunately suffer the most damage. “The RS Government and the ruling party behave as a split personality. It is tragic that on the day when the RS Government makes such a decision, (B&H Presidency Chairwoman Zeljka) Cvijanovic is in New York in the United States of America; so, the question arises as to why she did not get on a plane immediately and return to the RS”, Milicevic asked. Just a few days ago, she gave approval for holding NATO exercises involving B&H and the US, Milicevic reminds. “All this indicates that this is another in a series of shows for the public and deceiving the electorate with the aim of presenting SNSD as patriots who oppose the greatest power in the world, while in practice they behave the opposite and very humbly”, Milicevic concluded. SDS’ Rado Savic stated that the decision deceives the public and represents manipulation, assessing that it is wrong to terminate the cooperation with countries that have big influence on the region. Mladen Ivanic, Honorary President of PDP and former member of the B&H Presidency, is of the opinion that there is “some kind of agreement” between SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and the international community (IC). “Dodik does not harm them with his noise, and they do not make Dodik nervous with these criticisms and warnings either”, Ivanic assessed. “My opinion is that there is some kind of agreement, they let him talk and make noise, and basically everything Dodik does he does in the interest of those who let him”, Ivanic added.


HDZ B&H leader Covic comments RS Government’s decision to terminate communication with US, UK diplomats, says everyone has right to make their own decisions (Glas Srpske)


HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic commented on the decision of the Republika Srpska (RS) Government to terminate communication with US and UK diplomats and said that everyone has the right to make their own decisions. Covic said that such decisions do not diminish the capacity of B&H to cooperate with all institutions that were accredited in B&H, regardless of which part of integration process is treated as the priority. “We will move on. I personally have the right to say that I do not want to work with someone”, Covic said in Mostar.


Niksic: RS Govt. decision will not influence cooperation with UK and US (Face TV)


SDP Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Nermin Niksic, commenting on the Republika Srpska (RS) Government’s adoption of Information on termination of cooperation with US and UK diplomats in B&H due to alleged anti-Dayton activities, said that the entities do not have competences to pass such decisions in the field of diplomacy and he stressed that the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) would never pass such a decision. Niksic presented an opinion that this will not lead to a change of the policies of the US and the UK towards B&H, but rather only confirm that the sanctions on RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik were the right decision. “That is a stance of the RS, which is being turned into some sort of an isolated isle, which is not in interest of RS citizens”, noted Niksic, who concluded that B&H should not allow itself to lose friends such as the US administration. Niksic that not only they will not terminate cooperation, but they will “additionally intensify activities”. He went on to say that the B&H CoM “has shifted to fifth gear’’ and added “it is high time to rely on those who are our true friends”.


Milorad Dodik announces anti-LGBT legislation in RS (O kanal)


In an interview for K3, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated that in the upcoming months, the RS will adopt a law that will ban activists of LGBT organizations from access to education institutions, including kindergartens, schools and universities. Dodik’s statement comes only days after a group of hooligans attacked the LGBT persons and activists in Banja Luka, after authorities banned an indoor event planned by the ‘BH Pride Parade’ association.


Representatives of the Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) commented that the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) law banning discrimination bans the discrimination based on sexual orientation, adding that the RS legal framework has similar provisions. SOC’s Darko Pandurevic stated that the Criminal Code of the RS explicitly recognizes crimes motivated by prejudices that are based on hatred, sexual orientation and gender identity. According to B&H Deputy Minister for Human Rights and Refugees Duska Jurisic, the question is how to prevent any individual from accessing institutions when their appearance does not show their gender identity, which means that the RS citizens will need to have some kind of personal identity cards. She warned that the announced law is a new phase which comes after Muslim religious dignitaries, journalists, the NGOs, the RS opposition and then the US and the UK Embassies to B&H were targeted. Representatives of the Banja Luka Social Center (BASOC) said that although the law banning activities of the LGBT population does not exist for now it is being applied in the RS, adding that competent authorities in the RS strictly control this and no LGBT person have access to schools in any case. Analysts deem that the law announced by Dodik would mean direct discrimination and violation of human rights.




PM comments following two-day European Council meeting (HRT)


EU leaders were in Brussels on Friday for day two of a two-day European Council meeting. The main focus of the talks were on further military support to Ukraine, the competitiveness of the EU economy in relation to the United States and China, the internal market, energy, and illegal migration. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said earlier today that the EU's strong support for Ukraine was reiterated. "We also talked about the topics of economic management, competitiveness and the energy situation, where everything that has been happening for the past three years in the context of the corona crisis, the energy crisis, the food crisis, inflationary pressures essentially requires the greater coordination of economic policies of the member states and our flexible cooperation in terms of state aid and the measures we take at the national level," added the prime minister.


Leaders agreed that despite the immense challenges faced in 2022, the euro zone proved to be quite resilient; growing by more than three percent. In terms of the local economy, the prime minister repeated that the introduction of the euro had a minimal effect on the staggering price hikes currently being seen around the country. "By entering the euro zone, we have a lot more support from the European Central Bank and their financial institutions. This will clearly strengthen our financial stability and economic growth. I informed the bank of our latest package of measures adopted last week, worth some 1.7 billion euros. This was mainly geared towards regulating the prices of natural gas, electricity, as well as support to the most vulnerable members of society in order to maintain social cohesion," said the prime minister.


One of the topics of the meeting was the problem of illegal migration, which puts a heavy burden on certain EU member states more than others. "The Commission will set aside additional funds from the EU budget for the countries along the external border of the Union, namely the Schengen border," he added.




Associations of Montenegrins from Kosovo: Diaspora should vote for Djukanovic (CDM)


Associations of Montenegrins, Lovcen and Perper, have invited the diaspora to come to Montenegro in large numbers and vote for the presidential candidate Milo Djukanovic on 2 April. They invite all those who are from Montenegro and have the right to vote on 2 April, to vote for him. “Djukanovic is the only guarantor that he will preserve Montenegro as independent and autonomous, that the country will remain multi-ethnic and civil, and only the victory of Djukanovic guarantees the stability of the region,” they point out.


Djukanovic: I expect no less than 40,000 new votes, Milatovic’s statement unfounded and without any cover (CDM)


The goal is to win in the second round, the current president of the state and DPS presidential candidate Milo Djukanovic has said. He has announced that he expects no less than 40,000 new votes. Today, in response to questions from journalists, he has emphasized that the optimism of the presidential candidate of the Europe Now Movement, Jakov Milatovic, that part of DPS voters will vote for him, is unfounded and without any cover.


“It’s unfounded and cheap political marketing. Optimism without cover. The election will be held soon, so we will see how many votes I will have and how many Milatovic will have. I wouldn’t get involved in those propagandistic tricks, characteristic of frivolous people in the election campaign,” Djukanovic has told reporters after he and the Greek ambassador to Montenegro, Panagiotis Partsos, laid a wreath at the monument to the Greek national hero and military leader Vaso Brajovic.


He has also stressed that he fully expects victory in the second round of the presidential election. “For anyone who listens even more carefully to what I say, it was clear that I was announcing the second round. That this will be a game in which we will have two halves. We have a clear strategy to win the second round. We do not count on non-existent voters, we do not spread illusions, we are not prone to self-deception, we have never done that. What we say is very well founded. I am absolutely sure that we will have enough balance to win on 2 April. Not only for my victory in this election, but for the victory of Montenegro”, Djukanovic has stressed.


He adds that Montenegro should continue on the path it was on until 30 August 2020. “It has been stuck on that road since 30 August. We don’t say that, our European partners say that. They are considering whether or not to break off negotiations with us. And these days we got a convincing confirmation of what I said during the campaign. It is clear that the main intention, I would say the task, of my key political opponents is how to overthrow Milo Djukanovic and not how to open a better perspective in Montenegro in the next five years. I say task not plan, because I think they are carrying out someone else’s plan. In their various roles, they act in the interest of other countries, countries that want Montenegro to not exist. Is there any better confirmation of that than yesterday’s support for my opponent in the second round from the ‘confirmed democrat’ Vojislav Seselj”, Djukanovic has pointed out.


Djukanovic says that the Decree on the dissolution of the Parliament of Montenegro was adopted on the basis of the Constitution. He says he wants our Special State Prosecutor’s Office and prosecutor’s offices as a whole to work in such a way as to respect the interests of the public and to react promptly.


Montenegro supported sanctions for the commander of the Moscow police, the Taliban minister… (RTCG)


Montenegro has complied with the decisions of the Council of the European Union on restrictive measures due to serious violations of human rights and abuses. Current, restrictive measures are expanding the list of persons and companies that are on the EU blacklist. In the expanded list, as can be seen in the document of the EU Council, there are nine new names - the commander of the Moscow police station Alexander Georgievich Fedorinov, Russian Major-General Nikolai Anatolyevich Kuznetsov, Lieutenant Ramil Rakmatulovich Ibatulin, Taliban Minister of Higher Education Neda Mohamad Nadem and others … The EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security, Josep Borrell, announced that the EU Council adopted this decision on March 7. All candidate countries for EU membership in the Western Balkans, except Serbia, have aligned with the decisions. Serbia is the only candidate country for EU membership in the Western Balkans that did not comply with the previous 15 decisions of the EU Council on restrictive measures due to Ukraine, which were adopted in January and February this year and in July, September and November 2022.


North Macedonia 


DUI holds Central Presidency meeting – establishes “European front” (Telma)


DUI held on Saturday session of the Central Presidency in Mala Rechica. Ahead of the session, DUI's spokesperson Bujar Osmani confirmed that the party's officials will debate on the "European front" process, which was launched by DUI leader Ali Ahmeti. "We are at a critical point, at a crossroads where we must focus all forces and energy of the society to orient the country towards the EU. The citizens expect that from us. The citizens are looking for a better standard, work, higher wages, looking to stay here, to plan their future here. All political processes should be directed towards the perspective brought by membership in the European Union," said Osmani.


This is the third meeting of DUI's Central Presidency after its new composition was elected in October 2022. A group of DUI members, called the "Fiery Group", published an open letter in late September, accusing there not being statutory bodies for two years and that party decision making has become individualistic. The letter detailed demands of an intra-party debate to overcome the situation and the leader of the party was called to use his authority to find a solution “to preserve the party's unity”. “There is no debate, nor consultation with party bases. Staff elections turned into a privilege of Artan Grubi,” read the letter among other things. The signees, including Izet Mexhiti, Musa Xhaferi, Blerim Bezheti and others, pointed out that “the executive branch’s arrogance”, headed by the Deputy PM and Minister for Political System and Intercommunity Relations Artan Grubi caused “displeasure, revolt and passivity of the structures and voters”.


The Fiery Group then had a meeting in October with DUI’s management and they agreed to elect new management on October 15. However, despite the inclusion of the members of the Fiery Group in DUI’s top management, its members continued field activities, meeting with party members and voters across the country, to whom they present their commitments to party changes. The DUI rift intensified, especially after Ahmeti assigned Bujar Osmani as coordinator of the Chair branch, a move the Fiery Group calls “unstatutory” because Izet Mexhiti is president of the Chair branch.


They interpret this decision as a party elimination of their group and they announce similar steps to be taken towards other “disobedient coordinators”. "Next week we will talk about specific parts regarding the Front's work, as well as about the development inside DUI, and other parties. DUI is not made to break down, it is made to build. Our party was not formed for divisions, but to form new things. We talked about the European front. If necessary, we can talk about that topic again," Ali Ahmeti said after the meeting on Saturday.


The party's spokesperson Bujar Osmani said Saturday's session of the Presidency has been focused on the so-called Front for Europe due to the possibility for swift EU accession. "Considering that there is a definite momentum for swift membership in the European Union through a fast track that is foreseen for the region, given the solution for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, we believe it is urgently necessary to gather all the pro-European forces in the country in a common front in order to take the essential steps. Because if this momentum is lost, we can enter a serious situation of isolation. All the members of the presidency were unanimous that this front is important, that this is the only platform to focus the European energy of the society and ensure a European future for the citizens," said Osmani. The DUI spokesperson also commented on the situation regarding the appointment of DUI coordinators in some of their branches. He said that the Central Presidency has unanimously decided to call elections in all branches. "DUI is one of the first parties that starts elections of presidents of branches according to the principle of one member, one vote. It has already been completed in Tetovo, Gostivar and the presidency decided to start a process where it has not been started. That's the way DUI works," Osmani said.


Members of the so-called "Fiery Group" also attended the meeting and said their demands will be on the agenda for next week's debate.


Party reactions to DUI initiative for “European front” (Alsat M)


DUI does not provide any clarification on what the "European Front" initiative means, despite the interest in how they plan to implement it, Alsat M reports. On the other hand, the "Fire Group" commented on the initiative saying: “I don't believe that there is an Albanian who is against the European Union. However, there is a risk that this idea will have the fate of the ‘Green Agenda’," said Izet Maexhiti from the so-called "Fire Group" in DUI. SDSM, on the other hand, consider themselves to be the leaders of this idea. The Alliance for Albanians says that it was not the time for such proposals. "We have not received any invitation. If there is something like that, it will be discussed in the party bodies. But we think it is still too early for such proposals. They are usually discussed a few months before the parliamentary elections," said the Alliance for Albanians for Alsat M.


Alternativa party also has their own view of the initiative. According to them, the placement of such an idea in the public is done to cover up the crisis in Ahmeti's party. "An alternative to Ahmeti's new move is a new attempt to maintain the illusion that he has a monopoly on Albanian interests in North Macedonia. Ahmeti should no longer be afraid because DUI is a well-read book among Albanians and the international community. Every beginning has an end," says Alternativa. BESA repeated their previous position that DUI's calls for entry into the "European Front" is political hypocrisy. They recommended Ahmeti to unite his own party before trying to unite others. "Ali Ahmeti's public appeals to BESA are political hypocrisy that we are used to seeing often from the leader of Artan Grubi. The man who violated the political agreement that resulted from the joint Declaration of the political parties has no political credibility to invite unification. Ali Ahmeti and DUI should unite, and then deal with the others", BESA reacts. VMRO-DPMNE answered that they are oriented towards the European Union, but as they added, not towards the Europe proclaimed by Artan Grubi and DUI. The next meeting of DUI is expected to be held next Saturday and the demands of the “Fire Group” will be debated there.


Petrovska: North Macedonia to donate 12 Mi-24 Helicopters to Ukraine (Alsat TV)


Defence Minister Slavjanka Petrovska confirmed in an interview for TV show 360 Degrees at Alsat TV that the Defence Ministry of North Macedonia will donate 12 helicopters MI-24 to Ukraine. “All the equipment we have donated to the Ukrainian Army so far is upon their request for assistance, something they need in their current struggle against the Russian aggression, and equipment the usage period of which is about to expire, in accordance with our plans for modernisation. I can also confirm that these decisions will not affect the condition and the readiness of our army,” Petrovska said, adding that the Army of North Macedonia is about to conclude procedures for procurement of 8 new modern army helicopters in the period to come, and that they have received offers from five different applicants at the public call for this procurement.


Kovachevski-Chollet: North Macedonia, credible partner of EU and US, model of successful resolution of open issues (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski spoke over the phone Friday with U.S. State Department Counselor Derek Chollet, in the attendance of Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj and U.S. Ambassador Angela Aggeler. Counselor Chollet thanked North Macedonia for the demonstrated leadership and PM Kovachevski for hosting the recent high-level meeting between Serbia and Kosovo under the auspices of the European Union and the United States in Ohrid, the Government said in a press release. Chollet told Kovachevski the event's organization has reaffirmed North Macedonia's credibility as partner of the EU and the US, serving as a model for successful resolution of open issues. Discussions focused on a number of current issues, primarily on the Euro-integration process, while reaffirming U.S. continued support to North Macedonia's commitment to meeting EU membership criteria, as well as stability, prosperity and economic development. In this regard, Kovachevski thanked the U.S. for the support and encouragement for all political parties in the Parliament to work together in constructive atmosphere, building bipartisan consensus and focusing on specific steps in the negotiating process. The PM noted that North Macedonia would continue to be a factor of regional stability by practising policies of dialogue and fostering goodneighborly relations. Interlocutors agreed that the future of the Western Balkans lies in the EU, and countries must be committed to accelerating the Euro-integration process through wise and responsible decisions. In addition, Kovachevski voiced assurance over enhanced cooperation with the United States in the coming period, for the purpose of producing systemic solutions for management of corruption at all levels, including high-level one, reads the press release.


Spasovski-Meyer: North Macedonia-US cooperation to intensify in the upcoming period (MIA)


Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski during Friday’s meeting with the Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy in Skopje Eric Meyer and members of the delegation thanked for the US cooperation and support over the years, mainly in the area of strengthening and modernizing the capacities of the Interior Ministry. In regard to priorities and goals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Spasovski underlined the fight against organized crime and terrorism, adding that these goals are being successfully implemented, achieving high-level results, the Ministry of Interior said in a press release. Deputy Chief of Mission Meyer thanked Minister Spasovski for the meeting as well as for the continuous excellent North Macedonia – US cooperation in several spheres of social life, conveying the commitment of the US Government and the Embassy for support and intensive cooperation in the coming period.


Osmani meets ambassadors of EU member states (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani met Friday with the ambassadors of the member states of the European Union, accredited in the country. The Minister made an overview of latest developments with an emphasis on the country's EU agenda and the holding of the Stabilization and Association Council for the first time in North Macedonia, the meeting within the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue in Ohrid, as well as the visit by the German Foreign Minister, by which the EU has sent a message that it considers North Macedonia a credible partner, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. "The holding of the Stabilization and Association Council last week, for the first time in Skopje, as well as the holding of the meeting between Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti in Ohrid, is a recognition of North Macedonia's new role in the regional context towards preserving regional security and prosperity, promoting the culture of dialogue and the EU perspective of the Western Balkan countries," said Osmani, noting that the intensive foreign policy agenda is a confirmation of the European future of the region. Interlocutors also discussed next steps in terms of the EU accession process, with a particular emphasis on the successful realization of the screening so far, the need to adopt the constitutional amendments, current challenges within the OSCE chairmanship and the holding of the third Prespa Forum Dialogue.




President Bajram Begaj receives the President of Austria, Alexander Van der Bellen (Radio Tirana)


The President of Austria, Alexander Van der Bellen, is paying a 3-day official visit to Tirana. The latter was received in a state ceremony by President Bajram Begaj. After the meeting both presidents gave a joint press conference.


Austria and Albania have relations of special importance. This is what President Bajram Begaj declared in the joint conference he held with his Austrian counterpart Alexander Van der Bellen. As he reconfirmed Albania's determination to continue at a fast pace for the fulfilment of homework related to EU integration, Begaj declared that Austria has been supportive of our country's European journey. "This visit is proof of Austria's serious commitment to the integration processes in Albania and the Western Balkans.


As a country with many ties to this region, with attention and commitment for our region to be part of the European family. I confirmed Albania's determination to continue the commitment of obligations at a fast pace. I expressed my gratitude for Austria's support in the justice reform. Austria will continue to support this activity", said Begaj while also discussing the dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo and the Russian aggression in Ukraine. While expressing his support for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, President Begaj said that he is against a Serbian Republic in Kosovo. Begaj emphasized that it is very important to establish peace between Pristina and Belgrade and to work for the region to be integrated into the European Union. "The normalization of Serbia-Kosovo relations is essential. We wish the negotiating parties a quick conclusion to this process, which is by no means easy. For us, Kosovo is of priority importance. Dialogue is the only way. In no case would I accept that there should be a Republika Srpska in Kosovo, and as far as I know it is not even supported by the USA", said Begaj. Begaj thanked his counterpart for the support that Austria has given to the Pristina-Belgrade dialogue, while reaffirming our country's position against Russian aggression in Ukraine.


The Austrian president has emphasized the rule of law and fundamental rights. Alexander Van der Bellen has encouraged Albania to develop appropriate reforms in this sector, to accelerate Albania's integration into the European Union. For the Austrian president, "This may mean giving up any idea under discussion. If this idea would lead to undermining the credibility of the reform process as stated by the government for golden passports, Austria will be a great supporter of Albania for membership and it will remain so". Regarding the cooperation between Albania and Austria, the President announced that the ministers of justice of the two countries have signed a declaration for further cooperation. "Such great Albanian friendship. My visit is within the framework of the good and close relations between the two countries that are based on the declaration of independence. We discussed how we can increase cooperation between the two countries. The Austrian Agency for Development has been active for 30 years in Albania and it is the main supporter in the reform of justice", he said.


The President of Austria: We will enhance economic cooperation! We encourage Albania to develop reforms! (Radio Tirana)


The President of Austria, Alexander Van der Bellen, revealed details about the meeting with President Bajram Begaj, saying that the focus was on justice reform and economic cooperation. For the latter, it is stated that 20 businesses are located in Albania to present their expertise. He also expressed support for the integration process and for the normalization of Kosovo-Serbia relations.


"I am very happy to be in Albania and I thank you president for this great Albanian friendship. My visit today is in the framework of a great tradition of Albania-Austria friendship. We discussed with Begaj how we can further increase the cooperation between the two countries. The Austrian development agency has been active in Albania for 3 years and has influenced the justice reform.


The second justice ministers are signing a statement on strengthening the rule of law. We also have cooperation in the field of education. The Austrian school in Shkodra enjoys a very good reputation. It is an HTL with a strong point in informatics and communication sciences and it is not surprising that this has been accepted. Austria supports Albania here as well. It strengthens the offer with qualified employees which is a topic across Europe. In order to further intensify relations, I am honored to open the economic forum.


I am happy that 20 businesses from Austria responded to the invitation to come to Albania to present their expertise in common interest. Austria is known as a great encourager for the membership of Albania and other countries of the Western Balkans. I also congratulated Begaj for the screening process with the EU and we hope that further steps will be taken as soon as possible. According to the new expansion methodology, the focus is on essential issues such as the rule of law, independent justice and we want to encourage Albania to develop the appropriate reforms.


We are very happy that Albania will have the presidency of the Berlin Process this year. We wish the negotiating parties for a quick solution to the normalization of Kosovo-Serbia relations", said Van der Bellen.


Rama: Kurti has taken important steps in the normalization of relations with Serbia (Radio Tirana)


Albanian and Kosovo prime ministers, respectively, Edi Rama and Albin Kurti, met this Sunday, in the frame of Kurti’s visit to Tirana. After the meeting, Rama informed that part of the talks was Ohrid Agreement the further progress of the process of its implementation.


In a post on Facebook, as he considers him a special friend, Rama estimates that Kurti has taken important steps towards the normalization of relations with Serbia. "With my special friend, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, during today's lunch where we discussed in detail the Ohrid Agreement and the further progress of the process of its implementation. I expressed to Albin all my kind feeling for the courage and realism with which has taken important steps towards the normalization of relations with Serbia," writes Rama. Among other things, he encourages Kurti to take the further steps, while expressing his support. "I encouraged the prime minister to take further steps, either for the guarantee of Serbian municipalities in the framework of the association that guarantees the self-management of the Serbian community, or for the operation with the necessary guarantees of the Serbian Church in its places of worship in Kosovo, ensuring that in this difficult process he has my full support," writes Rama while announcing that the next meeting of the two governments will be held in June.


Begaj receives Prime Minister Kurti, Ohrid agreement must be fully observed (Radio Tirana)


Albanian President, Bajram Begaj received the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, in a meeting this Sunday (March 26). Begaj informs that the focus of the meeting was the latest developments in the negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia. Focusing on the achievements of the Ohrid agreement, Begaj appreciated the commitment of the parties to implement the European plan for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia and the relevant annex, as an integral part of it, which according Begaj is an extra guarantee for peace, stability and the EU future of the countries of the region. President Begaj also expressed the belief that the pledge taken by the parties in Ohrid will be fully observed, while the appropriate mechanisms will be found to turn this public agreement into a binding and applicable agreement for the parties internationally.


Kurti meets Speaker Nikolla (Radio Tirana)


In the same spirit, the meeting between Kosovo Prime Minister Kurti and Albanian Speaker of Assembly, Lindita Nikolla, took place. The support for the role played by the prime minister in the Ohrid agreement and the opportunities created by this agreement, in respect to the relations in the region were part of the talks between the two.


"We support the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia as the best and only way to mutual recognition between the two countries. We appreciate the European plan as a good starting point for the dialogue and we support the commitment of the EU and the US in the implementation of the annex of this plan. The implementation of the agreement between Kosovo and Serbia will contribute to the strengthening of stability in the Western Balkans and its Euro-Atlantic perspective," said Speaker Nikolla.


Prime Minister Kurti pointed out the determination of his Government and institutions of Kosovo to advance the dialogue with Serbia and the implementation of the European plan, while observing the Constitution of Kosovo and cooperating closely with the EU and the US. This visit of the Prime Minister of Kosovo comes a few days after the agreement reached in Ohrid for the normalization of relations with Serbia.


Head of Freedom Party receives Kurti, the dialogue with Serbia should have the support of all political factors (Radio Tirana)


The head of the Albanian Freedom Party, Ilir Meta received Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti this Sunday. In a post on social network, Meta writes that he supports the position of the Kosovo government in the dialogue process with Serbia, while emphasizing that it is important to have the widest possible support from all the political factors of Kosovo. "I had the pleasure of waiting at a fraternal meeting at the headquarters of the Freedom Party, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Mr. Albin Kurti. Meta writes that he appreciates the extraordinary progress of Kosovo in strengthening the rule of law, accountability, free and fair elections, the fight against corruption and in the economic and social development. Meta also expressed his support for the constructive positions of the Government of Kosovo in the dialogue process with Serbia regarding the normalization of relations, which leads to mutual recognition between the two neighboring countries.